Playground was updated to reflect this.
A Simple Game Toolkit
A personal game toolkit built on top of SFML with the primary overarching goals of the framework being to implement a game state manager, a comprehensive decent scene graph system, and a solid audio system with reasonable access to the datastream. This toolkit also provides a utility portion that assists in the creation of some file data structures such as texture maps, and 9patches.
The toolkit is split into 2 portions:
- Utility
- Framework
The Utility portion is a lightweight program that aids in producing some of the more commonly used file data structures by the framework. The framework itself is the part that provides the libraries and SFML implementation to allow for a smoother game development experience.
Design Objectives
Leave access to low level function calls, but have abstraction layers that makes common game development tasks simple. Ideally, this means that if a client decides to use this Toolkit to make a game that doesn't require low level access, they should be able to do so without ever really needing to touch the lower level libraries. Ultimately, this means that SDL2 and other lower level functions that are implemented can be accessed.