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#How often a hive should attempt special events like spawning undead bees. Default 500.
#Range: > 20
hiveTickRate = 1500
#How long time a bee should stay in the hive when having delivered honey. Default 4800.
#Range: > 20
timeInHive = 4800
#How many ticks it takes for process a recipe in the centrifuge. Default 300.
#Range: > 20
centrifugeProcessingTime = 300
#How many ticks it takes for process a recipe in the powered centrifuge. Default 100.
#Range: > 20
centrifugePoweredProcessingTime = 100
#How much FE to use per tick for a powered centrifuge when processing an item. Default 10.
#Range: > 1
centrifugePowerUse = 10
#How many ticks it takes for process a recipe in the incubator. Default 3600.
#Range: > 20
incubatorProcessingTime = 3600
#How much FE to use per tick for an incubator when processing an item. Default 10.
#Range: > 1
incubatorPowerUse = 10
#How many treats to use when incubating a bee. Default 20.
#Range: 1 ~ 64
incubatorTreatUse = 20
#How much FE to generate per tick. Default 60.
#Range: > 1
generatorPowerGen = 60
#How much honey to consume per tick. Default 5.
#Range: > 1
generatorHoneyUse = 2
#A priority list of Mod IDs that results of comb output should stem from, aka which mod you want the copper to come from.
preferredTagSource = ["minecraft", "productivebees", "thermal", "tconstruct", "create", "immersiveengineering", "mekanism", "silents_mechanisms"]
#How many bees can fit in a bee bomb. Default is 10
#Range: 1 ~ 50
numberOfBeesPerBomb = 10
#The distance a nest locator can search for nests.
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
nestLocatorDistance = 100
#Initial tick cooldown when repopulating a nest.
#Range: > 0
nestSpawnCooldown = 24000
#Centrifuges will pick up items thrown on it
centrifugeHopperMode = true
#Spawn skeletal and zombie bees as night?
spawnUndeadBees = true
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
spawnUndeadBeesChance = 0.05
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
sugarbagBeeChance = 0.02
#How many animals a CuBee can breed per pollination
#Range: > 0
cupidBeeAnimalsPerPollination = 5
#How densely populated should an areas need to be for the CuBee to stop breeding. The value approximates how many animals can be in a 10x10 area around the bee.
#Range: > 0
cupidBeeAnimalDensity = 20
#How many cuckoo bees can spawn from a nest before it shuts off
#Range: > 0
cuckooSpawnCount = 2
#Chance of catching a bee when fishing
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
fishingBeeChance = 0.05
#Chance to spawn a KamikazBee when hit while wearing bee nest armor
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
kamikazBeeChance = 0.3
#Disable the wander goal in bees to increase performance
disableWanderGoal = false
["Bee attributes"]
#Number of ticks between effects on nearby entities
#Range: > 20
ticks = 2337
#Chance that a bee will take damage while leashed in a hostile environment
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
damageChance = 0.1
#Chance to increase tolerance (rain or thunder tolerance trait) while leashed in a hostile environment.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
toleranceChance = 0.1
#Chance to increase behavior (nocturnal trait) while leashed in a hostile environment.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
behaviorChance = 0.1
#Chance to extract genes from a bottle of bee material.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
geneExtractChance = 1.0
#Average purity of type genes (does not apply to attribute genes)
#Range: 1 ~ 100
typeGenePurity = 33
#Which nests should generate in the level. Nest will still be craftable and attract bees when placed in the world.
"enable_productivebees:oak_wood_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:spruce_wood_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:dark_oak_wood_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:birch_wood_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:jungle_wood_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:acacia_wood_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:stone_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:coarse_dirt_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:sand_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:snow_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:gravel_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:sugar_cane_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:slimy_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:glowstone_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:soul_sand_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:nether_quartz_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:nether_gold_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:nether_brick_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:end_stone_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:obsidian_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:bumble_bee_nest" = true
"enable_productivebees:sugarbag_nest" = true
["Hive Upgrades"]
#Time bonus gained from time upgrade. 0.2 means 20% reduction of a bee's time inside the hive or centrifuge processing time.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
timeBonus = 0.2
#Multiplier per productivity upgrade installed in the hive.
#Range: 1.0 ~ 2.147483647E9
productivityMultiplier = 1.4
#Chance for a bee to produce an offspring after a hive visit.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
breedingChance = 0.05
#How many bees can be around a hive before a babee upgrade stops working.
#Range: > 0
breedingMaxNearbyEntities = 10
#Chance for a gene sample to be taken from a bee after a hive visit.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
samplerChance = 0.05