New unit and associated data
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# Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course:
# R code accompanying the RPR_GEO2R unit.
# Version: 0.1
# Date: 2017 MM DD
# Author: Boris Steipe (
# Versions:
# 0.1 First code copied from 2016 material.
# == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! =======================================
# If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an
# answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's
# going on. That's not how it works ...
# Note: to submit tasks for credit for this unit, report on the sections
# that have "Task ..." section headers, and report on the lines that are
# identified with #TASK> comments.
# ==============================================================================
#TOC> ==========================================================================
#TOC> Section Title Line
#TOC> --------------------------------------------------------------------
#TOC> 1 Preparations 50
#TOC> 2 Loading a GEO Dataset 81
#TOC> 3 Column wise analysis - time points 151
#TOC> 3.1 Task - Comparison of experiments 157
#TOC> 3.2 Grouped Samples 204
#TOC> 4 Row-wise Analysis: Expression Profiles 239
#TOC> 4.1 Task - Read a table of features 274
#TOC> 4.2 Selected Expression profiles 322
#TOC> 5 Differential Expression 363
#TOC> 5.1 Final task: Gene descriptions 487
#TOC> 6 Improving on Discovery by Differential Expression 492
#TOC> ==========================================================================
# = 1 Preparations ========================================================
# To load and analyze GEO datasets we use a number of Bioconductor packages:
if (! require(Biobase, quietly=TRUE)) {
if (! exists("biocLite")) {
# Package information:
# library(help = Biobase) # basic information
# browseVignettes("Biobase") # available vignettes
# data(package = "Biobase") # available datasets
if (! require(GEOquery, quietly=TRUE)) {
if (! exists("biocLite")) {
# Package information:
# library(help = GEOquery) # basic information
# browseVignettes("GEOquery") # available vignettes
# data(package = "GEOquery") # available datasets
# = 2 Loading a GEO Dataset ===============================================
# The R code below is adapted from the GEO2R scripts produced by GEO for GSE3635
# for the experiment conducted in the BIN-EXPR-GEO unit
# Version info: R 3.2.3, Biobase 2.30.0, GEOquery 2.40.0, limma 3.26.8
# R scripts generated Wed Jan 11 17:39:46 EST 2017
# Load series and platform data from GEO. The GEO server is a bit flakey and
# I have experienced outages over several hours. If the command below does
# not work for you, skip ahead to the fallback procedure.
GSE3635 <- getGEO("GSE3635", GSEMatrix =TRUE, getGPL=FALSE)
# Note: GEO2R scripts call the expression data set
# "gset" throughout ... in this script I give
# it the name "GSE3635" for clarity.
# Subset, if the data contains multiple experiments with different platforms
# since we should not be mixing data from different platforms. (That's
# unfortunately very hard to do correctly). The "platform" is the type of chip
# that was used, and what I selected online when this script was produced, so
# GEO2R knows about the correct platform ID. Technically, subsetting to just one
# platform is not necessary here because we _know_ that GSE3635 contains only
# data produced with the GPL1914 platform. But that's the way GEO2R scripts are
# setup be default since they have to be able to handle a variety of cases.
if (length(GSE3635) > 1) {
idx <- grep("GPL1914", attr(GSE3635, "names"))
} else {
idx <- 1
GSE3635 <- GSE3635[[idx]]
# ... in case the GEO server is not working, load the "GSE3635" object from
# the data directory:
# load(file="./data/GSE3635.RData")
# Checkpoint ...
if (! exists("GSE3635")) {
stop("PANIC: GSE3635 was not loaded. Can't continue.")
# GSE3635 is an "Expression Set" - cf.
# What does this contain?
# Print it
# Access contents via methods:
featureNames(GSE3635)[1:20] # Rows. What are these features?
sampleNames(GSE3635)[1:10] # Columns. What are these columns?
# Access contents by subsetting:
( tmp <- GSE3635[12:17, 1:6] )
# Access data
exprs(tmp) # exprs() gives us the actual expression values.
#TASK> What are the data:
#TASK> ... in each cell?
#TASK> ... in each column?
#TASK> ... in each row?
# = 3 Column wise analysis - time points ==================================
# Each column represents one experiment.
#TASK> What are these experiments?
# == 3.1 Task - Comparison of experiments ==================================
# Get an overview of the distribution of data values in individual columns
summary(exprs(GSE3635)[ , 1])
summary(exprs(GSE3635)[ , 4])
summary(exprs(GSE3635)[ , 7])
# as a boxplot
cyclicPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("#00AAFF",
tCols <- cyclicPalette(13)
boxplot(exprs(GSE3635), col = tCols)
#TASK> Study this boxplot. What's going on? Are these expression values?
#TASK> What do the numbers that exprs() returns from the dataset mean?
# Lets plot the distributions of values in a more fine-grained manner:
hT0 <- hist(exprs(GSE3635)[ , 1], breaks = 100)
hT3 <- hist(exprs(GSE3635)[ , 4], breaks = 100)
hT6 <- hist(exprs(GSE3635)[ , 7], breaks = 100)
hT9 <- hist(exprs(GSE3635)[ , 10], breaks = 100)
hT12 <- hist(exprs(GSE3635)[ , 13], breaks = 100)
plot( hT0$mids, hT0$counts, type = "l", col = tCols[1], xlim = c(-0.5, 0.5))
points(hT3$mids, hT3$counts, type = "l", col = tCols[4])
points(hT6$mids, hT6$counts, type = "l", col = tCols[7])
points(hT9$mids, hT9$counts, type = "l", col = tCols[10])
points(hT12$mids, hT12$counts, type = "l", col = tCols[13])
legend = c("hT0", "hT3", "hT6", "hT9", "hT12"),
col = tCols[c(1, 4, 7, 10, 13)],
lwd = 1)
#TASK> Study this plot. What does it tell you? Is there systematic, global
#TASK> change in the values over time? Within a cycle? Over the course of the
#TASK> experiment?
# == 3.2 Grouped Samples ===================================================
# This is the GEO2R code that produces the histogram you saw on the NCBI
# Website if you went through the BIN-EXPR-GEO unit.
# Group names for all samples in a series
gsms <- "0123450123450" # Each digit identifies one of the 13 columns
sml <- c()
for (i in 1:nchar(gsms)) {
sml[i] <- substr(gsms,i,i)
sml <- paste("G", sml, sep="") # set group names
# order samples by group
ex <- exprs(GSE3635)[ , order(sml)]
sml <- sml[order(sml)]
fl <- as.factor(sml)
labels <- c("t0","t10","t20","t30","t40","t50") # these are the labels we
# assigned in the BIN-EXPR-GEO
# unit
# Set parameters and draw the plot. I changed this from the original GEO2R
# code which overwrote the global palette(). That's evil! Utility code
# should _never_ mess with global parameters!
GEOcols <- c("#dfeaf4", "#f4dfdf", "#f2cb98", "#dcdaa5",
"#dff4e4", "#f4dff4", "#AABBCC")
|||| = 4 + dim(GSE3635)[[2]] / 5, height = 6) # plot into a new window
par(mar = c(2 + round(max(nchar(sampleNames(GSE3635))) / 2), 4, 2, 1))
title <- paste ("GSE3635", '/', annotation(GSE3635),
" grouped samples", sep ='')
boxplot(ex, boxwex = 0.6, notch = TRUE, main = title, outline=FALSE,
las = 2, col = GEOcols[fl])
legend("topleft", labels, fill = GEOcols, bty = "n")
# = 4 Row-wise Analysis: Expression Profiles ==============================
# What we did above was column-wise analysis and it gave us an idea about how
# our experiments relate to each other. To analyze individual genes, we need to
# do row-wise analyis.
#TASK> Try to answer the following questions:
#TASK> Are all rows genes?
#TASK> What identifiers are being used?
# (cf.
#TASK> Are all rows/genes unique?
#TASK> Are all yeast genes accounted for?
# These are crucially important questions but you can't answer the last
# question because you have no information other than the gene identifiers.
# However, any biological interpretation relies absolutely on understanding
# the semantics of the data. Merely manipulating abstract identifiers and
# numbers, that would surely be Cargo Cult bioinformatics.
# To answer these questions about the data semantics, I have provided the
# file "" in the data directory of this project. I have
# downloaded it from SGD
# (, for a description of
# its contents see here:
# Note: the file as downloaded from SGD actually crashed RStudio due to an
# unbalanced quotation mark which caused R to try and read the whole
# of the subsequent file into a single string. This was caused by an
# alias gene name (B"). I have removed this abomination,
# by editing the file. The version in the ./data directory can be
# read without issues.
# Leets peek into the file:
readLines("./data/", n = 5)
# == 4.1 Task - Read a table of features ===================================
# This data file is rather typical of datasets that you will encounter "in the
# wild". To proceed, you need to write code to read it into an R-object. Develop
# the code in your script file according to the following specification:
# - read "./data/" into a data frame
# called "SGD_features"
# - remove unneeded columns - keep the following information:
# - Primary SGDID
# - Feature type
# - Feature qualifier
# - Feature name - (the systematic name !)
# - Standard gene name
# - Description
# - give the data frame meaningful column names:
# colnames(SGD_features) <- c("SGDID",
# "type",
# "qual",
# "sysName",
# "name",
# "description")
# - remove all rows that don't have a systematic name. (You'll have to check
# what's in cells that don't have a systematic name)
# - check that the systematic names are unique (Hint: use the duplicated()
# function.)
# - assign the systematic names as row names
# - confirm: are all rows of the expression data set represented in
# the feature table? Hint: use setdiff() to print all that
# are not.
# Example: A <- c("duck", "crow", "gull", "tern")
# B <- c("gull", "rook", "tern", "kite", "myna")
# setdiff(A, B)
# setdiff(B, A)
# If some of the features in the expression set are not listed in the
# systematic names, you have to be aware of that, when you try to get
# more information on them. I presume they are missing because revisions
# of the yeast genome after these experiments were done showed that these
# genes did not actually exist.
# - confirm: how many / which genes in the feature table do not
# have expression data?
# How should we handle rows/columns that are missing or not unique?
# == 4.2 Selected Expression profiles ======================================
# Here is an expression profile for Mbp1.
gName <- "MBP1"
(iFeature <- which(SGD_features$name == gName))
(iExprs <- which(featureNames(GSE3635) == SGD_features$sysName[iFeature]))
plot(seq(0, 120, by = 10),
exprs(GSE3635)[iExprs, ],
main = paste("Expression profile for", gName),
xlab = "time (min)",
ylab = "expression",
type = "b",
col= "maroon")
abline(h = 0, col = "#00000055")
abline(v = 60, col = "#00000055")
# Print the description
# Here is a list of gene names that may be involved in the cell cycle switch,
# and some genes that are controls (cf. BIN-SYS-Concepts):
# Turning it on
# Cdc14, Mbp1, Swi6, Swi4, Whi5, Cdc28, Cln1, Cln2, Cln3
# Turning it off
# Rad53, Cdc28, Clb1, Clb2, Clb6, Nrm1
# Housekeeping genes
# Act1, and Alg9
#TASK> Plot expression profiles for these genes and study them. What do you
#TASK> expect the profiles to look like, given the role of these genes? What
#TASK> do you find? (Hint: you will make your life much easier if you define
#TASK> a function that plots and prints descriptions with a gene name as input.
#TASK> Also: are the gene names in the feature table upper case, or lower case?
#TASK> Also: note that the absolute values of change are quite different.
#TASK> Also: note that some values may be outliers i.e. failed experiments.)
# = 5 Differential Expression =============================================
# GEO2R discovers the top differentially expressed expressed genes by
# using functions in the Bioconductor limma package.
if (! require(limma, quietly=TRUE)) {
if (! exists("biocLite")) {
# Package information:
# library(help = limma) # basic information
# browseVignettes("limma") # available vignettes
# data(package = "limma") # available datasets
# The GEO2R limma code is virtually uncommented, and has not been written for
# clarity, but for being easily produced by a code-generator that is triggered
# by the parameters on the GEO Web-site. Most of it is actually dispensable for
# our purposes.
# In principle, the code goes through three steps:
# 1. Prepare the data
# 2. Define groups that are to be contrasted to define "Differential"
# 3. Find genes whose expression levels are significantly different across
# the groups
# 4. Format results.
# We are recapitulating the experiment in which we assigned the 0, 10, 60 and
# 70 minute samples to one group, the 30, 40, 90 and 100 minute samples to
# another group, and calculated differential expression values between these
# two groups.
setA <- c(1, 2, 7, 8) # columns for set A
setB <- c(4, 5, 10, 11) # columns for set B
# We remove columns we don't need, and for simplicity put the experiments for
# group A in the first four columns, and the group B in the next four.
mySet <- GSE3635[ , c(setA, setB)]
# limma needs the column descriptions as factors
mySet$description <- as.factor(c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 4)))
# Next we build the "design Matrix" for the statistical test:
myDesign <- model.matrix(~ description + 0, mySet)
colnames(myDesign) <- levels(mySet$description)
# Now we can calculate the fit of all rows to a linear model that depends
# on the two groups as specified in the design:
myFit <- lmFit(mySet, myDesign)
# Next we calculate the contrasts, given the fit ...
myCont.matrix <- makeContrasts(A - B, levels = myDesign)
myFit2 <-, myCont.matrix)
# ... compute appropriate probabilites from a modified t-test
# (empirical Bayes) ...
myFit2 <- eBayes(myFit2, 0.01)
# ... add the gene names to the fit - object ...
myFit2$genes <- featureNames(mySet)
# ... and pick the top N differentially expressed genes while controlling
# for multiple testing with a False Discovery Rate (fdr) correction. GEO2R
# gave us only the top 250 genes, but we might as well do 1000, just so we
# can be reasonable sure that our gens of interest are included.
N <- 1000
myTable <- topTable(myFit2, adjust.method = "fdr", = "B", number = N)
# The gene names are now in the $ID column
# These are the top 10
write.table(myTable[1:10 , c("ID","P.Value","B")],
file = stdout(),
row.names = FALSE,
# Let's see what we got: let's plot the full expression profiles (all 13
# columns) for the top ten genes from exprs(GSE3635).
plot(seq(0, 120, by = 10),
rep(0, 13),
type = "n",
ylim = c(-1, 1),
xlab = "time",
ylab = "log-ratio expression")
rect( 0, -2, 15, 2, col = "#dfeaf4", border = NA) # setA
rect( 55, -2, 75, 2, col = "#dfeaf4", border = NA) # setA
rect( 25, -2, 45, 2, col = "#f4dfdf", border = NA) # setB
rect( 85, -2, 105, 2, col = "#f4dfdf", border = NA) # setB
abline(h = 0, col = "#00000055")
for (i in 1:10) {
thisID <- myTable$ID[i]
points(seq(0, 120, by = 10), exprs(GSE3635)[thisID, ], type = "b")
# Our guess that we might discover interesting genes be selecting groups A and B
# like we did was not bad. But limma knows nothing about the biology and though
# the expression profiles look good, there is no guarantee that these are the
# most biologically relevant genes. Significantly different in expression
# according to the groups we define is not necessarily the same as a cyclically
# varying gene, nor does it necessarily find the genes whose expression levels
# are _most_ different, i.e. if the variance of a highly, differentially
# expressed gene within a group is large, it may not be very significant. Also,
# we are not exploiting the fact that these values are time series.
# Nevertheless, we find genes for which we see a change in expression levels
# along two cell-cycles.
# Let's superimpose some "real" cell-cycle genes:
myControls <- c("Cdc14", "Mbp1", "Swi6", "Swi4", "Whi5", "Cln1", "Cln2", "Cln3")
for (name in toupper(myControls)) {
thisID <- SGD_features$sysName[which(SGD_features$name == name)]
points(seq(0, 120, by=10), exprs(GSE3635)[thisID, ], type="b", col="#AA0000")
# Indeed, the discovered gene profiles look much "cleaner" than the real cycle
# genes and this just means that differential expression in the way that we
# have performed it is an approximation to the biology.
# == 5.1 Final task: Gene descriptions =====================================
# Print the descriptions of the top ten differentially expressed genes.
# = 6 Improving on Discovery by Differential Expression ===================
# There are many ways to improve on purely statistical methods, if we have
# better ideas about the biology. I would just like to demonstrate one
# possibility here: calculate correlation values to a sample gene - such as Cln2
# for which we know that it is involved in the cell cycle. Let's plot it first:
gName <- "CLN2"
(iFeature <- which(SGD_features$name == gName))
(iExprs <- which(featureNames(GSE3635) == SGD_features$sysName[iFeature]))
Cln2Profile <- exprs(GSE3635)[iExprs, ]
plot(seq(0, 120, by = 10),
ylim = c(-1, 1),
main = paste("Expression profile for", gName),
xlab = "time (min)",
ylab = "expression",
type = "b",
col= "maroon")
abline(h = 0, col = "#00000055")
abline(v = 60, col = "#00000055")
# Set up a vector of correlation values
myCorrelations <- numeric(nrow(exprs(GSE3635)))
names(myCorrelations) <- featureNames(GSE3635)
for (i in 1:length(myCorrelations)) {
myCorrelations[i] <- cor(Cln2Profile, exprs(GSE3635)[i, ])
myTopC <- order(myCorrelations, decreasing = TRUE)[1:10] # top ten
# Number 1
(ID <- featureNames(GSE3635)[myTopC[1]])
# Get information
SGD_features[which(SGD_features$sysName == ID), ]
# Of course: the highest correlation is Cln1 itself. This is our positive
# control for the experiment.
# Let's plot the rest
for (i in 2:length(myTopC)) {
ID <- featureNames(GSE3635)[myTopC[i]]
points(seq(0, 120, by = 10),
exprs(GSE3635)[ID, ],
type = "b",
col= "chartreuse")
print(SGD_features[which(SGD_features$sysName == ID), c("name", "description")])
# Note that all of these genes are highly correlated with a known cell cycle
# gene, but because the absolute values of expression differences are not very
# large for some of them, they might not be picked up by any algorithm that is
# focussed on large differential expression changes. Do small relative changes
# mean small biological effects? Certainly not!
# And we haven't even looked at the anticorrelated genes yet...
myBottomC <- order(myCorrelations, decreasing = FALSE)[1:10] # bottom ten
for (i in 1:length(myBottomC)) {
ID <- featureNames(GSE3635)[myBottomC[i]]
points(seq(0, 120, by = 10),
exprs(GSE3635)[ID, ],
type = "b",
col= "coral")
print(SGD_features[which(SGD_features$sysName == ID), c("name", "description")])
# ... which are very interesting in their own right.
# What I hope you appreciate from this example is:
# - convenient general purpose methods exist that analyze expression data
# with sophisticated statistical methods;
# - the results of these methods depend on whether the statistics model
# the biology well;
# - you will draw Cargo Cult conclusions if you can't cast your biology
# of interest in terms of a model, "canned" solutions are unlikely
# to give you all the answers you need;
# - being able to write your own code gives you the freedom to experiment
# and explore. There is a learning curve - but the payoffs are
# significant.
# [END]
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
The latest version of the file is based on Genome Version R64-2-1.
The file is updated weekly (Saturday).
NOTE: On 4 September 2004, the file replaced the previously
used file.
File contents:
1. Information on current chromosomal features in SGD, including Dubious ORFs.
Also contains coordinates of intron, exons, and other subfeatures that are located
within a chromosomal feature.
2. The relationship between subfeatures and the feature in which they
are located is identified by the feature name in column #7 (parent
feature). For example, the parent feature of the intron found in
ACT1/YFL039C will be YFL039C. The parent feature of YFL039C is
chromosome 6.
3. The coordinates of all features are in chromosomal coordinates.
Columns within
1. Primary SGDID (mandatory)
2. Feature type (mandatory)
3. Feature qualifier (optional)
4. Feature name (optional)
5. Standard gene name (optional)
6. Alias (optional, multiples separated by |)
7. Parent feature name (optional)
8. Secondary SGDID (optional, multiples separated by |)
9. Chromosome (optional)
10. Start_coordinate (optional)
11. Stop_coordinate (optional)
12. Strand (optional)
13. Genetic position (optional)
14. Coordinate version (optional)
15. Sequence version (optional)
16. Description (optional)
Note that "chromosome 17" is the mitochondrial chromosome.
The file is complemented by GFF3 file saccharomyces_cerevisiae.gff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user