New unit
This commit is contained in:
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# BIN-SEQA-Comparison.R
# Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course:
# R code accompanying the BIN-SEQA-Comparison unit
# Version: 0.1
# Date: 2017 08 25
# Author: Boris Steipe (
# V 0.1 First code copied from BCH441_A03_makeYFOlist.R
# == HOW TO WORK WITH LEARNING UNIT FILES ======================================
# If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an
# answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's
# going on. That's not how it works ...
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# PART THREE: Sequence Analysis
# ==============================================================================
if (!require(seqinr, quietly=TRUE)) {
# Package information:
# library(help = seqinr) # basic information
# browseVignettes("seqinr") # available vignettes
# data(package = "seqinr") # available datasets
# Let's try a simple function
# This takes as input a vector of upper-case AA codes
# Let's retrieve the MYSPE sequence from our datamodel
# (assuming it is the last one that was added):
db$protein[nrow(db$protein), "sequence"]
# We can use the function strsplit() to split the string
# into single characters
s <- db$protein[nrow(db$protein), "sequence"]
s <- strsplit(s, "") # splitting on the empty spring
# splits into single characters
s <- unlist(s) # strsplit() returns a list! Why?
# (But we don't need a list now...)
# Alternatively, seqinr provides
# the function s2c() to convert strings into
# character vectors (and c2s to convert them back).
s <- s2c(db$protein[nrow(db$protein), "sequence"])
computePI(s) # isoelectric point
pmw(s) # molecular weight
AAstat(s) # This also plots the distribution of
# values along the sequence
# A true Labor of Love has gone into the
# compilation of the "aaindex" data:
data(aaindex) # "attach" the dataset - i.e. make it accessible as an
# R object
# Here are all the index descriptions
for (i in 1:length(aaindex)) {
cat(paste(i, ": ", aaindex[[i]]$D, "\n", sep=""))
# Lets use one of the indices to calculate and plot amino-acid
# composition enrichment:
# === Sequence Composition Enrichment
# Let's construct an enrichment plot to compare one of the amino acid indices
# with the situation in our sequence.
refData <- aaindex[[459]]$I # reference frequencies in %
names(refData) <- a(names(refData)) # change names to single-letter
# code using seqinr's "a()" function
# tabulate our sequence of interest and normalize
obsData <- table(s) # count occurrences
obsData = 100 * (obsData / sum(obsData)) # Normalize
len <- length(refData)
logRatio <- numeric() # create an empty vector
# loop over all elements of the reference, calculate log-ratios
# and store them in the vector
for (i in 1:len) {
aa <- names(refData)[i] # get the name of that amino acid
fObs <- obsData[aa] # retrieve the frequency for that name
fRef <- refData[aa]
logRatio[aa] <- log(fObs / fRef) / log(2) # remember log Ratio from
# the lecture?
# Sort by frequency, descending
logRatio <- sort(logRatio, decreasing = TRUE)
barplot(logRatio) # If you can't see all of the amino acid letters in the
# x-axis legend, make the plot wider by dragging the
# vertical pane-separator to the left
# label the y-axis
# (see text() for details)
label <- expression(paste(log[2],"( f(obs) / f(ref) )", sep = ""))
main = paste("AA composition enrichment"),
ylab = label,
# color the bars by type.
# define colors
chargePlus <- "#404580"
chargeMinus <- "#ab3853"
hydrophilic <- "#9986bf"
hydrophobic <- "#d5eeb1"
plain <- "#f2f7f7"
# Assign the colors to the different amino acid names
barColors <- character(len)
for (i in 1:length(refData)) {
AA <- names(logRatio[i])
if (grepl("[HKR]", AA)) {barColors[i] <- chargePlus }
else if (grepl("[DE]", AA)) {barColors[i] <- chargeMinus}
else if (grepl("[NQST]", AA)) {barColors[i] <- hydrophilic}
else if (grepl("[FAMILYVW]", AA)) {barColors[i] <- hydrophobic}
else barColors[i] <- plain
main = paste("AA composition enrichment"),
ylab = label,
col = barColors,
# draw a horizontal line at y = 0
# add a legend that indicates what the colours mean
legend (x = 1,
y = -1,
legend = c("charged (+)",
"charged (-)",
bty = "n",
fill = c(chargePlus,
# == TASK ==
# Interpret this plot. (Can you?)
# ==============================================================================
# [END]
Normal file
Normal file
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# BIN-SEQA-Composition.R
# Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course:
# R code accompanying the BIN-SEQA-Comparison unit
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 2017 11 17
# Author: Boris Steipe (
# V 1.0 First live version 2017
# V 0.1 First code copied from BCH441_A03_makeYFOlist.R
# == HOW TO WORK WITH LEARNING UNIT FILES ======================================
# If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an
# answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's
# going on. That's not how it works ...
# ==============================================================================
#TOC> ==========================================================================
#TOC> Section Title Line
#TOC> ----------------------------------------------------
#TOC> 1 Preparation 41
#TOC> 2 Aggregate properties 63
#TOC> 3 Sequence Composition Enrichment 106
#TOC> 3.1 Barplot, and side-by-side barplot 129
#TOC> 3.2 Plotting ratios 164
#TOC> 3.3 Plotting log ratios 180
#TOC> 3.4 Sort by frequency 195
#TOC> 3.5 Color by amino acid type 210
#TOC> ==========================================================================
# = 1 Preparation =========================================================
if (!require(seqinr, quietly=TRUE)) {
# Package information:
# library(help = seqinr) # basic information
# browseVignettes("seqinr") # available vignettes
# data(package = "seqinr") # available datasets
# Load a reference sequence to work with:
# If you have done the BIN-Storing_data unit:
sel <- which(myDB$protein$name == sprintf("MBP1_%s", biCode(MYSPE)))
mySeq <- myDB$protein$sequence[sel]
# If not, use the yeast Mbp1 sequence:
mySeq <- dbSanitizeSequence(fromJSON("./data/MBP1_SACCE.json")$sequence)
# = 2 Aggregate properties ================================================
# Let's try a simple function from seqinr: computing the pI of the sequence
# This takes as input a vector of upper-case AA codes
# We can use the function strsplit() to split the string
# into single characters
(s <- strsplit(mySeq, "")) # splitting on the empty spring
# splits into single characters
s <- unlist(s) # strsplit() returns a list! Why?
# (But we don't need a list now...)
# Alternatively, seqinr provides
# the function s2c() to convert strings into
# character vectors (and c2s to convert them back).
computePI(s2c(mySeq)) # isoelectric point
pmw(s2c(mySeq)) # molecular weight
AAstat(s2c(mySeq)) # This also plots the distribution of
# values along the sequence
# A true Labor of Love has gone into the
# compilation of the "aaindex" data:
data(aaindex) # "attach" the dataset - i.e. make it accessible as an
# R object
# Here are all the index descriptions
for (i in 1:length(aaindex)) {
cat(paste(i, ": ", aaindex[[i]]$D, "\n", sep=""))
# = 3 Sequence Composition Enrichment =====================================
# Lets use one of the indices to calculate and plot amino-acid
# composition enrichment:
# Let's construct an enrichment plot to compare average frequencies
# with the amino acid counts in our sequence.
(refData <- aaindex[[459]]$I) # reference frequencies in %
names(refData) <- a(names(refData)) # change names to single-letter
# code using seqinr's "a()" function
refData # ... in %
# tabulate the amino acid counts in mySeq
(obsData <- table(s2c(mySeq))) # counts
(obsData <- 100 * (obsData / sum(obsData))) # frequencies
# == 3.1 Barplot, and side-by-side barplot =================================
barplot(obsData, col = "#CCCCCC", cex.names = 0.7)
abline(h = 100/20, col="#BB0000")
barplot(refData, col = "#BB0000", cex.names = 0.7)
abline(h = 100/20, col="#555555")
# Ok: first problem - the values in obsData are in alphabetical order. But the
# values in refData are in alphabetical order of amino acid name: alanine,
# arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid ... A, R, N, D, E ... you will see this
# order a lot - one of the old biochemistry tropes in the field. So we need to
# re-order one of the vectors to match the other. That's easy though:
(refData <- refData[names(obsData)])
barplot(refData, col = "#BB0000", cex.names = 0.7)
abline(h = 100/20, col="#555555")
# To compare the values, we want to see them in a barplot, side-by-side ...
barplot(rbind(obsData, refData),
ylim = c(0, 12),
beside = TRUE,
col = c("#CCCCCC", "#BB0000"),
cex.names = 0.7)
abline(h = 100/20, col="#00000044")
# ... and add a legend
legend (x = 1, y = 12,
legend = c("mySeq", "Average composition"),
fill = c("#CCCCCC", "#BB0000"),
cex = 0.7,
bty = "n")
# == 3.2 Plotting ratios ===================================================
# To better compare the values, we'll calculate ratios between
# obsData and refData
barplot(obsData / refData,
col = "#CCCCCC",
ylab = "Sequence / Average",
cex.names = 0.7)
abline(h = 1, col="#BB0000")
abline(h = c(1/3, 3), lty = 2, col="#BB000055")
# ... but ratios are not very good here, since the difference in height on the
# plot now depends on the order we compare in: ratios of 1/3 and 3 (dotted
# lines) are exactly the same fold-difference !
# == 3.3 Plotting log ratios ===============================================
# A better way to display this
# is to plot log(ratios).
barplot(log(obsData / refData),
col = "#CCCCCC",
ylab = "log(Sequence / Average)",
cex.names = 0.7)
abline(h = log(1), col="#BB0000")
abline(h = log(c(1/3, 3)), lty = 2, col="#BB000055")
# Note how the three-fold difference lines are now the same distance from the
# line of equal ratio.
# == 3.4 Sort by frequency =================================================
barplot(sort(log(obsData / refData), decreasing = TRUE),
ylim = c(-3.5,2),
col = "#CCCCCC",
ylab = "log(Sequence / Average)",
cex.names = 0.7)
abline(h = log(1), col="#BB0000")
abline(h = log(c(1/3, 3)), lty = 2, col="#BB000055")
arrows(4, 1.8, 0, 1.8, length = 0.07)
text(5.5, 1.8, "Enriched", cex = 0.7)
arrows(20, 1.8, 24, 1.8, length = 0.07)
text(19.5, 1.8, "Depleted", pos = 2, cex = 0.7)
# == 3.5 Color by amino acid type ==========================================
# color the bars by type.
# define colors
AAcol <- character()
AAcol["A"] <- "#AABBAA"
AAcol["C"] <- "#FFEE77"
AAcol["D"] <- "#DD6600"
AAcol["E"] <- "#DD3300"
AAcol["F"] <- "#767D38"
AAcol["G"] <- "#BBBBCC"
AAcol["H"] <- "#A2A1FD"
AAcol["I"] <- "#70B6C6"
AAcol["K"] <- "#4563BB"
AAcol["L"] <- "#80C6B6"
AAcol["M"] <- "#AFCC34"
AAcol["N"] <- "#BB88CC"
AAcol["P"] <- "#7292B7"
AAcol["Q"] <- "#8866BB"
AAcol["R"] <- "#74A0FF"
AAcol["S"] <- "#9999CC"
AAcol["T"] <- "#99AADD"
AAcol["V"] <- "#9DB500"
AAcol["W"] <- "#76AD48"
AAcol["Y"] <- "#44CA97"
barplot(rep(1, 20), names.arg = names(AAcol), col = AAcol, cex.names = 0.5)
lR <- sort(log(obsData / refData), decreasing = TRUE)
ylim = c(-3.5,2),
col = AAcol[names(lR)],
ylab = "log(Sequence / Average)",
cex.names = 0.7)
abline(h = log(1), col="#00000055")
abline(h = log(c(1/3, 3)), lty = 2, col="#00000033")
arrows(4, 1.8, 0, 1.8, length = 0.07)
text(5.5, 1.8, "Enriched", cex = 0.7)
arrows(20, 1.8, 24, 1.8, length = 0.07)
text(19.5, 1.8, "Depleted", pos = 2, cex = 0.7)
# Task:
# Interpret this plot. (Can you?) Which types of amino acids are enriched?
# Depleted?
# [END]
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