2020-09-18 21:56:30 +10:00
# tocID <- "FND-STA-Probability_distribution.R"
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course:
# R code accompanying the FND-STA-Probability_distribution unit.
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
# Version: 1.6
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# Date: 2017-10 - 2020-11
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca)
# Versions:
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
# 1.6 Revise use of data argument to nls()/nlrob()
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# 1.5 Extensive additions on Poisson and binomial distributions
# and regression fits
2020-09-23 00:32:36 +10:00
# 1.4 2020 Maintenance
2019-01-08 17:11:25 +10:00
# 1.3 Change from require() to requireNamespace(),
# use <package>::<function>() idiom throughout,
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
# 1.2 Update set.seed() usage
2017-11-01 23:29:18 -04:00
# 1.1 Corrected empirical p-value
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# 1.0 First code live version
# Add tasks
# == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! =======================================
# If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an
# answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's
# going on. That's not how it works ...
# ==============================================================================
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2017-10-28 23:05:53 -04:00
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#TOC> ==========================================================================
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
#TOC> Section Title Line
#TOC> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
#TOC> 1 Introduction 68
#TOC> 2 Three fundamental distributions 131
#TOC> 2.1 The Poisson Distribution 134
#TOC> 2.2 The hypergeometric distribution 228
#TOC> 2.2.1 Digression: qqplot() and residuals 376
#TOC> 2.2.2 Fitting functions 436
#TOC> Fit a normal distribution (using nls() ) 506
#TOC> Fit a normal distribution (using nlrob()) ) 525
2021-10-12 12:17:53 +02:00
#TOC> Extreme Value distributions: Gumbel 552
#TOC> Extreme Value distributions: Weibull 579
#TOC> Logistic distribution 621
#TOC> Log-Logistic distribution 650
#TOC> Fitting a negative binomial distribution 679
#TOC> Fitting a binomial distribution 732
#TOC> 2.3 The uniform distribution 844
#TOC> 2.4 The Normal Distribution 864
#TOC> 3 quantile-quantile comparison 905
#TOC> 3.1 qqnorm() 915
#TOC> 3.2 qqplot() 981
#TOC> 4 Quantifying the difference 998
#TOC> 4.1 Chi2 test for discrete distributions 1032
#TOC> 4.2 Kullback-Leibler divergence 1124
#TOC> 4.2.1 An example from tossing dice 1135
#TOC> 4.2.2 An example from lognormal distributions 1257
#TOC> 4.3 Continuous distributions: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 1300
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2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
#TOC> ==========================================================================
2017-10-12 15:14:46 -04:00
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# = 1 Introduction ========================================================
# The space of possible outcomes of events is called a probability distribution
# and the properties of probability distributions are crucial to our work. Many
# distributions like the (discrete) Poisson, or the (continuous) Normal
# distribution have been characterized in great detail, their behaviour is well
# understood, and they are useful for countless applications - but we also need
# to able to work with ad hoc distributions that have never been seen before.
# Let's get a few facts about probability distributions out of the way:
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# The "support" of a probability distribution is the range of outcomes that have
# a non-zero probability. The "domain" of a probability distribution is the
# range of probabilities that the distribution can take over its support. Think
# of this as the ranges on the x- and y-axis respectively. Thus the distribution
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# can be written as p = f(x).
# The integral over a probability distribution is always 1. This means: the
# distribution reflects the situation that an event does occur, any event, but
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# there is not "no event".
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2017-10-12 15:14:46 -04:00
# R's inbuilt probability functions always come in four flavours:
# d... for "density": this is the probability density function (p.d.f.),
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# the value of f(x) at x.
# p... for "probability": this is the cumulative distribution function
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# (c.d.f.). It is 0 at the left edge of the support, and 1 at
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# the right edge.
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# q... for "quantile": The quantile function returns the x value at which p...
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# takes a requested value.
# r... for "random": produces random numbers that are distributed according
2017-10-12 15:14:46 -04:00
# to the p.d.f.
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# To illustrate with the "Normal Distribution" (Gaussian distribution):
# 1000 normally distributed values with default parameters: mean 0, sd 1.
r <- rnorm ( 1000 )
# pastel green: histogram of 1000 random samples
hist ( r ,
freq = FALSE ,
breaks = 30 ,
xlim = c ( -4 , 4 ) ,
ylim = c ( 0 , 1 ) ,
main = " Normal Distribution" ,
xlab = " x" ,
ylab = " f(x)" ,
col = " #E6FFF6" )
# 100 equally spaced point along x
x <- seq ( -4 , 4 , length.out = 100 )
# black: c. d. f. along x. Note that this asymptotically reaches 1
points ( x , pnorm ( x ) , type = " l" )
# dark red: p. d. f. along x
points ( x , dnorm ( x ) , type = " l" , lwd = 2 , col = " firebrick" )
# purple: 1% and 99% quantiles
abline ( v = qnorm ( c ( 0.01 , 0.99 ) ) , lwd = 0.5 , col = " #CCAAFF" )
# Study this plot well and familiarize yourself with the terms.
# = 2 Three fundamental distributions =====================================
# == 2.1 The Poisson Distribution ==========================================
# The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that
# characterizes how many events we expect among a given number of observations
# if the mean probability of an event is known. Assume we know that there are
# 256 transcription factors among the 6091 protein-coding genes of yeast, then
# the probability of picking a transcription factor at random from all ORFs is
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# 256/6091 ~= 4.2%. How many transcription factors do we expect in a sample of
# 250 genes - like, for example, the top 250 differentially expressed genes in
# an assay? This is a frequently encountered type of question, converging on the
# information contained in a "list of genes". Once an assay has yielded a list
# of genes, what can we learn from looking at staistical features of its
# membership. In the transcription factor model, the question is: how many
# transcription factors do we expect as members of our list - and did we
# actually observe more or less than that?
# It would seem that the the probability of encountering _one_ transcription
# factor among our genes is 256/6091 and therefore the number of transcription
# factors we expect to choose at random is (250 * 256)/6091 i.e. 10.50731 in the
# average over many trials. Let's repeat our experiment a million times and see what we get:
N <- 1000000 # One million trials
genes <- numeric ( 6091 ) # All genes are 0
genes [1 : 256 ] <- 1 # TFs are 1
hAssays <- numeric ( N ) # initialize vector
set.seed ( 112358 )
for ( i in 1 : N ) {
pBar ( i , N )
hAssays [i ] <- sum ( sample ( genes , 250 ) ) # sum of TFs in our sample in this trial
set.seed ( NULL )
# And the average is:
mean ( hAssays ) # 10.50293
# ... which is superbly close to our expectation of 10.50731
# All good - but we won't get 10.5 transcription factors in our assay. We'll
# observe five. Or thirteen. Or thirtysix. Or none at all ... and then we ask
# ourselves: is the number of observed transcription factors significantly
# different from what we would have expected if our experiment identified a
# transcription factor just as likely as it identified any other gene? To answer
# this, we need to consider the probability distribution of possible outcomes of
# our assay. Back to the Poisson distribution. In R it is implemented as dpois()
# and its parameters are: the number of observed events, and the probability of
# observing an event:
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
dpois ( 0 , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) # Probability of seeing no TFs
dpois ( 1 , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) # Probability of seing one ...
dpois ( 2 , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) # Probability of seing two ...
dpois ( 3 : 10 , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) # Probability of seing from three to ten ...
sum ( dpois ( 0 : 4 , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) ) # Probability of seeing four or less ...
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
sum ( dpois ( 0 : 250 , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) ) # The sum over all possibilities is (for
# any probability distribution) exactly one.
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2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# Lets plot these probabilities ...
nMax <- 28
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
x <- dpois ( 0 : nMax , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 )
barMids <- barplot ( x ,
col = " #FCF3CF" ,
names.arg = as.character ( 0 : nMax ) ,
cex.names = 0.5 ,
axes = TRUE ,
ylim = c ( 0 , 0.15 ) ,
xlab = " # of TF in set" ,
ylab = " p" )
# ... and add our simulated assays:
( th <- table ( factor ( hAssays , levels = 0 : nMax ) ) / N )
points ( barMids - 0.55 , th , type = " s" , col = " firebrick" )
abline ( v = ( ( ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) * ( barMids [2 ] - barMids [1 ] ) ) + barMids [1 ] ,
col = " #5588FF" ) # scale to the correct position in the barplot
legend ( " topright" ,
legend = c ( " Poisson" , " simulated" , " expectation" ) ,
pch = c ( 22 , NA , NA ) , # one box, two lines only
pt.cex = 1.4 , # larger, to match bar-width better
pt.bg = c ( " #FCF3CF" , NA , NA ) , # bg color only for the box
lty = c ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) , # no line for the box
col = c ( " #000000" , " firebrick" , " #5588FF" ) ,
bty = " n" ) # no frame around the legend
# NOTE: The simulation shows us that our expectations about the number of
# transcription factors in a sample are almost, but not exactly Poisson
# distributed. Can you figure out where we went wrong? Maybe the
# Poisson distribution is not quite the correct distribution to
# model our expectations?
# == 2.2 The hypergeometric distribution ===================================
# With that suspicion in mind, we reconsider what we were trying to achieve at
# each point of the Poisson distribution. Assume we have observed seven
# transcription factors in our set of 250 genes. So we asked: what is the
# probability of observing seven? And concluded:
dpois ( 7 , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) # Probability of seeing seven ...
# ... which is the probability of seven events in 250 choices if the underlying
# probability is equal to fraction of transcription factors among genes. But
# wait: we weren't careful in our simulation. Assume that our first observed
# gene was a transcription factor. Is the probability of the next sample the
# same? Not quite: one transcription factor has been observed, 249 more samples
# need to be considered, and there are now 6090 genes to choose from. I.e. the
# mean probability changes with every observation:
( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 # First sample, a TF: p = 10.50731
( 249 * ( 256 - 1 ) ) / ( 6091 - 1 ) # Second sample: p = 10.42611 (-0.992 %)
# This is actually noticeable: the mean probability for transcription factors
# drops by about one percent after a transcription factor is observed. But what
# if we would have observed the first transcription factor as the tenth gene?
( 239 * ( 256 - 1 ) ) / ( 6091 - 10 ) # Eleventh sample: p = 10.0222 (-0.954 %)
# This is getting complicated and we need a different way to think about this if
# we don't want to enumerate all possibilities by hand. (There are far too
# many!) Generally, the probability of observing a certain number of events in a
# series is the number of ways to realize the desired outcome, divided by the
# number of possible outcomes. So, if we code transcription factors by "1" and
# other genes by "0", seven transcription factors could be
# 01010100100100100100000000000000000000000 ..., or
# 01110111100000000000000000000000000000000 ..., or
# 11101001000010000000100000000000000000000 ..., or any other combination.
# But crucially, our number of trials is limited and every "success" changes the
# probability of future successes. This is sampling without replacement! And
# sampling without replacement is modeled by the so-called "hypergeometric
# distribution". This is the big difference: when we are sampling WITH
# replacement, we can model the process with a Poisson distribution. When we are
# sampling WITHOUT replacement, we use a hypergeometric distribution instead.
# Let's first re-run our simulated assays. We put the previous run into the
# vector "hAssays" which I prefixed "h" as in "hypergeometric" because I knew
# what was coming, and that I had sampled WITHOUT replacement because that is
# the default for the sample() function. Accordingly, we call the new samples
# "pAssays", where "p" stands for Poisson:
N <- 1000000 # One million trials
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
genes <- numeric ( 6091 ) # All genes are 0
genes [1 : 256 ] <- 1 # TFs are 1
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
pAssays <- numeric ( N ) # initialize vector
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
set.seed ( 112358 )
for ( i in 1 : N ) {
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
pBar ( i , N )
pAssays [i ] <- sum ( sample ( genes , 250 , replace = TRUE ) )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( NULL )
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2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# Now the average is:
mean ( pAssays ) # 10.50312 which is essentially the same as 10.50293
# And the plot ...
nMax <- 28
barMids <- barplot ( dpois ( 0 : nMax , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) ,
names.arg = as.character ( 0 : nMax ) ,
cex.names = 0.5 ,
axes = TRUE ,
ylim = c ( 0 , 0.15 ) ,
xlab = " # of TF in set" ,
ylab = " p" ,
col = " #FCF3CF" )
abline ( v = ( ( ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) * ( barMids [2 ] - barMids [1 ] ) ) + barMids [1 ] ,
col = " #5588FF" ) # scale to the correct position in the barplot
th <- table ( factor ( hAssays , levels = 0 : nMax ) ) / N
points ( barMids - 0.55 , th , type = " s" , col = " firebrick" )
# Here are the new assays:
tp <- table ( factor ( pAssays , levels = 0 : nMax ) ) / N
points ( barMids - 0.55 , tp , type = " s" , col = " seagreen" )
legend ( " topright" ,
legend = c ( " Poisson" ,
" no replacement" ,
" with replacement" ,
" expectation" ) ,
pch = c ( 22 , NA , NA , NA ) ,
pt.cex = 1.4 ,
pt.bg = c ( " #FCF3CF" , NA , NA , NA ) ,
lty = c ( 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ,
col = c ( " #000000" , " firebrick" , " seagreen" , " #5588FF" ) ,
bty = " n" )
# Clearly .. the "correct" simulation, the simulation that is actually
# appropriate for the Poisson distribution, matches the theoretical values
# better. Now let's see how well the hypergeometric distribution matches our
# original simulated assays.
# The function dhyper(x, m, n, k) expects the following parameters:
# x: the number of observed positive events for which to
# compute the probability
# m: the number of positive events in the population
# n: the number of negative eventsw in the population
# k: the number of observations (or trials)
dhyper ( 0 , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 ) # Probability of seeing no TFs
dhyper ( 1 , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 ) # Probability of seing one ...
dhyper ( 2 , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 ) # Probability of seing two ...
dhyper ( 3 : 10 , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 ) # Probability of three to ten ...
sum ( dhyper ( 0 : 4 , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 ) ) # Probability of seeing four or less ...
sum ( dhyper ( 0 : 250 , 256 , 6091 -256 , 250 ) ) # The sum over all possibilities is (for
# any probability distribution)
# exactly one.
# Lets plot these probabilities like we did above ...
nMax <- 28
x <- dhyper ( 0 : nMax , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 )
barMids <- barplot ( x , col = " #E6FFF6" ,
names.arg = as.character ( 0 : nMax ) ,
cex.names = 0.5 ,
axes = TRUE ,
ylim = c ( 0 , 0.15 ) ,
xlab = " # of TF in set" ,
ylab = " p" )
abline ( v = ( mean ( hAssays ) * ( barMids [2 ] - barMids [1 ] ) ) + barMids [1 ] ,
col = " #5588FF" ) # scale to the correct position in the barplot
points ( barMids - 0.55 , th , type = " s" , col = " firebrick" )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
legend ( " topright" ,
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
legend = c ( " Hypergeometric" ,
" no replacement" ,
" expectation" ) ,
pch = c ( 22 , NA , NA ) ,
pt.cex = 1.4 ,
pt.bg = c ( " #E6FFF6" , NA , NA ) ,
lty = c ( 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ,
col = c ( " #000000" , " firebrick" , " #5588FF" ) ,
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
bty = " n" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# This!
# This is what a correctly simulated distribution looks like.
# === 2.2.1 Digression: qqplot() and residuals
# The indication that something was wrong with our simulation versus the
# theoretical expectation came from the observation that the differences between
# the barplot and theory were not quite random: the values near the mode were
# systematically too high, the values in the tails were systematically too low.
# This is a general principle: when you see a SYSTEMATIC deviation between
# simulation and theory, something is wrong with your understanding. Either
# there is a subtle error in how you set up the simulation, or a subtle
# misunderstanding about the requirements for the particular theory to apply. R
# has a general way to examine such differences: qqplot() plots the deviations
# between theory and observation ordered as ranks, i.e. not affected by absolute
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
# scale. (See here for an accessible introduction to qqplot() and the
# "quantiles" that it uses:
# https://data.library.virginia.edu/understanding-q-q-plots/)
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
oPar <- par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ) )
qqplot ( dpois ( 0 : nMax , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) ,
th ,
xlab = " Poisson distribution" ,
ylab = " sampling with replacement" ,
pch = 22 , bg = " #FCF3CF" )
abline ( lm ( th ~ dpois ( 0 : nMax , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) ) , col = " seagreen" )
qqplot ( dhyper ( 0 : nMax , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 ) ,
th ,
xlab = " hypergeometric distribution" ,
ylab = " sampling with replacement" ,
pch = 22 , bg = " #E6FFF6" )
abline ( lm ( th ~ dhyper ( 0 : nMax , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 ) ) , col = " seagreen" )
par ( oPar )
# Similar information can be obtained from a residual plot, plotting differences
# between prediction and observation:
oPar <- par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ) )
plot ( dpois ( 0 : nMax , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) - as.numeric ( th ) ,
type = " b" ,
ylim = c ( -0.006 , 0.006 ) ,
xlab = " # observations" ,
ylab = " Poisson density - obs." ,
pch = 22 ,
bg = " #FCF3CF" ,
col = " #000000" )
abline ( h = 0 , col = " seagreen" )
plot ( dhyper ( 0 : nMax , 256 , 6091 - 256 , 250 ) - as.numeric ( th ) ,
type = " b" ,
ylim = c ( -0.006 , 0.006 ) ,
xlab = " # observations" ,
ylab = " Hypergeometric density - obs." ,
pch = 22 ,
bg = " #E6FFF6" ,
col = " #000000" )
abline ( h = 0 , col = " seagreen" )
par ( oPar )
# === 2.2.2 Fitting functions
# Note that there is a further subtle catch: We did not actually ask about seven
# transcription factors! We asked about the probability of seven _different_
# transcription factors - because, implicit in the assumptions I made about the
# assay (and reasonable for most gene lists), we count duplicates only once!
# Does this actually make a difference? We can model the situation by giving
# each transcription factor a name (or a number), sampling at random, and
# counting how many unique() factors we found in our sample:
N <- 1000000 # One million trials
genes <- numeric ( 6091 ) # All genes are initially 0
genes [1 : 256 ] <- 1 : 256 # TFs get a unique "name"
# example sample:
set.seed ( 11235 )
x <- sample ( genes , 250 , replace = TRUE ) # Pick 250 random genes.
x [x != 0 ] # Note that 189 appears twice.
length ( x [x != 0 ] ) # We picked 8 transcription factors ...
unique ( x ) # but only 7 are unique (plus zero).
length ( unique ( x ) ) - 1 # Ignore the zero.
# Do this a million times
uAssays <- numeric ( N ) # initialize vector
set.seed ( 112358 )
for ( i in 1 : N ) {
pBar ( i , N )
uAssays [i ] <- length ( unique ( sample ( genes , 250 , replace = TRUE ) ) ) - 1
set.seed ( NULL )
# plot the poisson distribution (with replacement) as our baseline
nMax <- 28
barMids <- barplot ( dpois ( 0 : nMax , ( 250 * 256 ) / 6091 ) ,
col = " #FCF3CF" ,
names.arg = as.character ( 0 : nMax ) ,
cex.names = 0.5 ,
axes = TRUE ,
ylim = c ( 0 , 0.15 ) ,
xlab = " # of TF in set" ,
ylab = " p" )
tu <- table ( factor ( uAssays , levels = 0 : nMax ) ) / N
points ( barMids - 0.55 , tu , type = " s" , col = " #EE22FF" )
legend ( " topright" ,
legend = c ( " Poisson" ,
" unique genes" ) ,
pch = c ( 22 , NA ) ,
pt.cex = 1.4 ,
pt.bg = c ( " #FCF3CF" , NA ) ,
lty = c ( 0 , 1 ) ,
col = c ( " #000000" , " #EE22FF" ) ,
bty = " n" )
# Clearly, the distribution does not match our model exactly.
# So what is the "correct" distribution that we could apply in this case? There
# may or may not be one readily available. What we can do instead is to use a
# more general model and fit parameters. This takes us to the domain of
# regression analysis and curve fitting. The general approach is as follows:
# - Decide on a statistical model;
# - Express it in parametrized form;
# - Fit the parameters;
# - Analyze the coefficients;
# Insight into the underlying process that generated our data can be obtained
# by analyzing the fitted parameters, or simply plotting the results. Let's
# look at examples of fits to the sampled distribution above:
# ==== Fit a normal distribution (using nls() )
x <- 0 : 28
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
plot ( x , tu , type = " s" )
fit <- nls ( tu ~ ( a / ( sig * sqrt ( 2 * pi ) ) ) * exp ( ( -1 / 2 ) * ( ( x - mu ) / sig ) ^2 ) ,
data = data.frame ( x = 0 : 28 , tu = tu ) ,
start = c ( a = 1 , mu = 10 , sig = 3 ) ) # starting values
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
points ( x , predict ( fit ) , col = " #CC00CC55" , lwd = 2 ,
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
type = " s" )
coef ( fit )
# a mu sig
# 0.9990932 10.0717835 3.0588930
sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
# [1] 0.0001613488
# ==== Fit a normal distribution (using nlrob()) )
# There's a bit of an art to chosing starting parameters correctly and if the
# nls() fit does not converge, more robust methods are called for.
2021-10-12 12:17:53 +02:00
if ( ! requireNamespace ( " robustbase" , quietly = TRUE ) ) {
install.packages ( " robustbase" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
x <- 0 : 28
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
plot ( x , tu , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
fit <- robustbase :: nlrob ( tu ~ ( a / ( sig * sqrt ( 6.2831853072 ) ) ) *
exp ( ( -1 / 2 ) * ( ( x - mu ) / sig ) ^2 ) ,
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
data = data.frame ( x = 0 : 28 ,
tu = tu ) ,
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
start = c ( a = 1 , mu = 10 , sig = 3 ) ) # starting values
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
points ( x , predict ( fit ) , col = " #CC00CC55" , lwd = 2 , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
coef ( fit )
# a mu sig
# 1.002162 10.059189 3.071217
sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
# [1] 0.0001630868
# ==== Extreme Value distributions: Gumbel
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
# Many processes that involve "best-of" choices are better modelled with
# so-called extreme-value distributions: here is the Gumbel distribution
# from the evd package.
2021-10-12 12:17:53 +02:00
if ( ! requireNamespace ( " evd" , quietly = TRUE ) ) {
install.packages ( " evd" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
x <- 0 : 28
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
plot ( x , tu , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
fit <- robustbase :: nlrob ( tu ~ evd :: dgumbel ( x , loc = L , scale = S ) ,
data = data.frame ( tu = tu , x = 0 : 28 ) ,
start = c ( L = 7.3 , S = 2.82 ) )
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
points ( x , predict ( fit ) , type = " s" , col = " #55DD88" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
coef ( fit )
# L S
# 9.322110 2.818266
sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
# [1] 0.001027447
# ==== Extreme Value distributions: Weibull
# Weibull distributions are common in reliabilty analysis. I found the
# distribution particularly hard to fit as it is quite sensitive to inital
# parameter estimates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weibull_distribution
# NOTE: the parameter TH is > X
idx <- 4 : 28
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
myX <- idx
myY <- as.numeric ( tu ) [idx ]
plot ( myX , myY , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
dWei <- function ( x , th , l , k ) {
a <- k / l
b <- ( ( x - th ) / l ) ^ ( k -1 )
c <- exp ( - ( ( x - th ) / l ) ^k )
y <- a * b * c
return ( y )
set.seed ( 112358 )
fit <- robustbase :: nlrob ( y ~ dWei ( x , th = TH , l = L , k = K ) ,
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
data = data.frame ( y = myY ,
x = myX ) ,
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
lower = c ( TH = 3.5 ,
L = 8 ,
K = 2.5 ) ,
upper = c ( TH = 3.7 ,
L = 9 ,
K = 3 ) ,
method = " mtl" )
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
points ( x , predict ( fit ) , col = " #CC00CC55" , lwd = 2 , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
coef ( fit )
# TH L K
#3.630807 8.573898 2.795116
sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
# [1] 7.807073e-05
# ==== Logistic distribution
# Similar to normal distribution, but with heavier tails
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_distribution
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
myX <- 0 : 28
myY <- as.numeric ( tu )
plot ( myX , myY , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
dLogi <- function ( x , mu , s ) {
y <- ( exp ( - ( x - mu ) / s ) ) / ( s * ( 1 + exp ( - ( x - mu ) / s ) ) ^2 )
return ( y )
fit <- robustbase :: nlrob ( y ~ dLogi ( x , mu = M , s = S ) ,
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
data = data.frame ( y = myY ,
x = myX ) ,
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
start = c ( M = 10 , S = 3 ) )
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
points ( x , predict ( fit ) , col = " #CC00CC55" , lwd = 2 , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
coef ( fit )
# M S
# 10.088968 1.891654
sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
# [1] 0.0004030595
# ==== Log-Logistic distribution
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
# Special case of logistic, often used in survival analysis
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-logistic_distribution
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
myX <- 0 : 28
myY <- as.numeric ( tu )
plot ( myX , myY , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
dLogLogi <- function ( x , a , b ) {
y <- ( ( b / a ) * ( x / a ) ^ ( b -1 ) ) / ( 1 + ( ( x / a ) ^b ) ) ^2
return ( y )
fit <- robustbase :: nlrob ( y ~ dLogLogi ( x , a = A , b = B ) ,
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
data = data.frame ( y = myY ,
x = myX ) ,
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
start = c ( A = 9.5 , B = 4.8 ) )
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
points ( x , predict ( fit ) , col = " #CC00CC55" , lwd = 2 , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
coef ( fit )
# A B
# 10.310181 5.288385
sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
# [1] 0.0006343927
# ==== Fitting a negative binomial distribution
# The negative binomial distribution is related to the Poisson distribution.
# Assume you are observing events and and counting how many successes of a
# Bernoulli process (essentially a coin-flip) we encounter before we encounter a
# failure. Unlike the Poisson, it models mean and variance separately and is therefore especially useful for overdispersed functions. (cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_binomial_distribution)
x <- 0 : 28
plot ( x , tu , type = " s" )
# Negative binomial
dNB <- function ( x , r , p ) {
# Note: r is an integer!
y <- choose ( ( x + r - 1 ) , ( r - 1 ) ) * ( 1 - p ) ^x * p ^r
return ( y )
set.seed ( 112358 )
RR <- 104
fit <- robustbase :: nlrob ( tu ~ dNB ( x , r = RR , p = P ) ,
data = data.frame ( x = x , RR = RR ) ,
lower = c ( P = 0.01 ) ,
upper = c ( P = 0.99 ) ,
method = " mtl" )
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
points ( x , predict ( fit ) , col = " #CC00CC55" , lwd = 2 , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
coef ( fit )
# P
# 0.9100729
sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
# [1] 0.0005669086
# Nb. the parameter R is not continuous: to optimize it as an integer, we try
# reasonable choices and record the best fit.
N <- 150
R <- numeric ( N )
for ( thisR in 1 : N ) {
set.seed ( 112358 )
fit <- robustbase :: nlrob ( y ~ dNB ( x , r = thisR , p = P ) ,
data = data.frame ( x = x ,
thisR = thisR ) ,
lower = c ( P = 0.01 ) ,
upper = c ( P = 0.99 ) ,
method = " mtl" )
R [thisR ] <- sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
plot ( R )
which ( R == min ( R ) )
# ==== Fitting a binomial distribution
# The workhorse distribution for Bernoulli proceeses
# cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
myX <- 0 : 28
myY <- as.numeric ( tu )
plot ( myX , myY , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
dBinom <- function ( x , s , p ) {
y <- choose ( s , x ) * ( p ^x ) * ( ( 1 - p ) ^ ( s - x ) )
return ( y )
fit <- robustbase :: nlrob ( y ~ dBinom ( x , s = S , p = P ) ,
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
data = data.frame ( y = myY ,
x = myX ) ,
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
start = c ( S = 240 , P = 256 / 6091 ) )
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
points ( x , predict ( fit ) , col = " #CC00CC55" , lwd = 2 , type = " s" )
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
coef ( fit )
# S P
# 122.77746436 0.08376922
sum ( resid ( fit ) ^2 )
# [1] 1.114272e-06
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
# Here we go: near perfect fit. But note the parameters! Can you identify the
# relationship of S and P to our model of choosing unique transcription factors
# in a random sampling process?
# Remember what we started out with:
points ( x , dBinom ( x , 240 , 256 / 6091 ) ,
col = " #00AAFF55" , lwd = 2 , type = " s" )
# The model has improved a lot from our starting-value guess. But how does an
# effective sample size of 122.78 relate to the actual value of 250 samples? And
# how does a probability for choosing a transcription factor of 0.0838 relate to
# having 256 transcription factors among 6091 genes (a fraction of 0.0420)? Well
# - if you stare at the numbers for a bit you might notice that the fitted
# sample size is about half of what we had, while the fitted probability is
# about twice that. Let's correct for the factor of two, and look at the fit ...
points ( x , dBinom ( x , coef ( fit ) [ " S" ] * 2 , coef ( fit ) [ " P" ] / 2 ) ,
col = " #00FF8899" , lwd = 2 , type = " s" )
# interesting ... that's not so bad ... Essentially what this tells us is: our
# model is very similar to one in which our effective sample size would have
# been about 246 genes, not 250, and the number of our genes would have been
# close to 0.04188461 * 6091 ~= 255 transcription factors, not 256. Close, to -
# but not almost perfect.
# Incidentally: would you have thought that we can
# detect the number of transcription factors in our sample +- 1 if we just
# sample frequently enough?
# Let's examine the effect that applying various factors to size and probability
# have on our distribution:
z <- c ( 1 / 8 : 2 , 1 , 2 : 8 , 10 , 20 , 50 )
myCols <- colorRampPalette ( c ( " #00000022" ,
" #00000088" ,
" #DD0000DD" ,
" #0088FF88" ,
" #0088FF55" ,
" #0088FF22" ) ,
alpha = TRUE ) ( length ( z ) )
myLwd <- rep ( 1.25 , length ( z ) )
myLwd [z == 1 ] <- 2.5 # make the actual fitted value stand out
plot ( x , y , type = " s" , ylim = c ( 0 , 0.22 ) , lwd = 5 , col = " #FF990077" )
for ( i in seq_along ( z ) ) {
points ( x , dBinom ( x , coef ( fit ) [ " S" ] * z [i ] , coef ( fit ) [ " P" ] / z [i ] ) ,
col = myCols [i ] , type = " s" )
legend ( " topright" ,
legend = sprintf ( " %3.2f" , z ) ,
cex = 0.5 ,
col = myCols ,
lwd = myLwd ,
bty = " n" )
# We see how factors less than 1 applied to our actual sample size and fraction
# of transcription factors increasingly narrow the distribution; factors larger
# than one increasingly broaden the distribution but in a much slower manner. A
# factor of one (i.e. half size, double probability) hits the sweet spot and
# recaptures the essence of our observation. Clearly, this is a case of
# fortuitously cancelling errors.
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# What is the take-home message here?
# - The standard Poisson and hypergeometric distributions apply to
# very specific models of choice processes (with/without replacement);
# - It is not trivial to choose the right statistical model for any particular
# real-world specification of a sampling process. Our model of unique
# choices is neither Poisson nor hypergeometric distributed. Once we have
# identified the parameters of a binomial distribution that models the
# process perfectly, we nevertheless note that we don't seem to be
# able to interpret the parameters easily.
# - Stochastic modeling allows us to validate whether the model is correct,
# but in case there are discrepancies it is not obvious what might be
# a more appropriate model and how to parametrize it.
# - If building an explicit stochastic model is not possible, we'll have to
# to do the best we can, in this case that would mean: choose a more
# general distribution and parametrize it.
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# == 2.3 The uniform distribution ==========================================
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# The uniform distribution has the same probability over its entire support. R's
# runif() function takes the desired number, the min and the max as arguments.
# Let's plot a histogram of a million values between -1 and 1 to demonstrate.
hist ( runif ( 1e6 , -1 , 1 ) , breaks = 20 , col = " #FFE6F6" )
abline ( h = 1e6 / 20 , col = " firebrick" )
# One of the important uses of the uniform distribution is to write conditional
# expressions that are TRUE with a given probability. For example, to get TRUE
# values with a probability of 1/3, we pick a random number between 0 and 1, and
# ask whether the number is smaller than 1/3. Example:
runif ( 10 ) < 1 / 3
#confirm with a million trials
sum ( runif ( 1e6 ) < 1 / 3 ) / 1e6 # should be close to 0.33333...
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# == 2.4 The Normal Distribution ===========================================
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# The king of probability distributions. Why? That's because of the Central
# Limit Theorem (CLT) that essentially says that a process that is subject to
# small fluctuations will tend to normally distributed outcomes ... and in
# biology literally everything is subject to small fluctuations.
# Lets simulate: Lets create a vector of 12345 numbers, choose samples of size
# 77 from that vector and calculate the mean. We do that 9999 times. I am just
# using odd numbers so it is clear in the code which number represents what.
x <- runif ( 12345 )
v <- numeric ( 9999 )
for ( i in 1 : length ( v ) ) {
v [i ] <- mean ( sample ( x , 77 ) )
hist ( v , breaks = 20 , col = " #F8DDFF" )
# Let's try this again, this time sampling from an exponential distribution ...
x <- rexp ( 12345 )
v <- numeric ( 9999 )
for ( i in 1 : length ( v ) ) {
v [i ] <- mean ( sample ( x , 77 ) )
hist ( v , breaks = 20 , col = " #F8DDFF" )
# ... or from a t-distribution ...
x <- rt ( 12345 , df = 3 )
v <- numeric ( 9999 )
for ( i in 1 : length ( v ) ) {
v [i ] <- mean ( sample ( x , 77 ) )
2020-09-23 00:32:36 +10:00
hist ( v , breaks = 20 , col = " #F8DDFF" , freq = FALSE )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# The outcomes all give normal distributions, regardless what the details of our
# original distribution were!
# = 3 quantile-quantile comparison ========================================
# Once we have observed a distribution of outcomes, the next task is often to
# quantify whether the values correspond to a known distribution. This can be
# done with quantile-quantile plots that plot the quantile values of one
# distribution against those of the other. Identically distributed quantiles lie
# on a straight line.
# == 3.1 qqnorm() ==========================================================
# The functions qqnorm() and qqline() perform this
# comparison with the normal distribution.
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( 112358 )
x <- rnorm ( 100 , mean = 0 , sd = 1 ) # 100 normally distributed values
set.seed ( NULL )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
qqnorm ( x )
qqline ( x , col = " seagreen" )
# Our variables in x appear normally distribute - which is not surprising since
# we produced them with rnorm(). What about the kind of sampling we did above?
# Let's test whether samples from an exponential distribution are normally
# distributed (previously we just visually inspected the histogram.)
# Create a vector of sample means from the exponential distribution; use
# only a few samples for the mean
x <- rexp ( 12345 )
v <- numeric ( 999 )
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( 112358 )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
for ( i in 1 : length ( v ) ) {
v [i ] <- mean ( sample ( x , 12 ) )
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( NULL )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
qqnorm ( v )
qqline ( v , col = " turquoise" ) # normal
#try with more samples
for ( i in 1 : length ( v ) ) {
v [i ] <- mean ( sample ( x , 77 ) )
qqnorm ( v )
qqline ( v , col = " steelblue" ) # normal
#try with many samples
for ( i in 1 : length ( v ) ) {
v [i ] <- mean ( sample ( x , 374 ) )
qqnorm ( v )
qqline ( v , col = " plum" ) # normal
# Exactly as the CLT predicts, the more often we sample - we tried
# 12, 77, and 374 samples - the more "normal" the distribution looks.
# What does a distribution look like that is NOT normal?
# Let's try simulating an "Extreme value distribution". This type of
# distribution appears if we choose the max() of a sample
set.seed ( 112358 )
rEVD <- numeric ( 9999 )
for ( i in seq_along ( rEVD ) ) {
rEVD [i ] <- max ( rnorm ( 100 ) )
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( NULL )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
hist ( rEVD , breaks = 20 , col = " orchid" )
# Note the long tail on the right!
qqnorm ( rEVD )
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
qqline ( rEVD , col = " orchid" ) # Definitely not "normal"!
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# == 3.2 qqplot() ==========================================================
# qqplot() works like qqnorm(), except that we compare two arbitrary
# distribtutions, rather than one distribution against the normal distribution
# as we did before. Sample against sample.
x <- seq ( 0 , 4 , length.out = 100 )
dl <- dlnorm ( x ) # log-normal distribution
dg <- dgamma ( x , shape = 1.5 ) # gamma distribution
plot ( dl , type = " l" )
points ( dg , type = " l" , col = " maroon" )
qqplot ( dl , dg ) # clearly not equal
# = 4 Quantifying the difference ==========================================
# Quantile-quantile plots give us a visual estimate, but how do we quantify the
# difference between distributions? Let's compare two types of extreme-value
# distributions, a lognormal distribution with the same distribution that is
# slightly shifted, and three gamma distributions with three different shape
# parameters. Let's define and visualize the distributions first, to see what
# we are comparing.
x <- seq ( 0 , 4 , length.out = 100 )
set.seed ( 112358 )
dl1 <- dlnorm ( x ) # log-normal distribution
dl2 <- dlnorm ( x - 0.25 ) # log-normal distribution, shifted right (a bit)
dg1.2 <- dgamma ( x , shape = 1.2 ) # three gamma distributions with...
dg1.5 <- dgamma ( x , shape = 1.5 ) # ...wider, and wider...
dg1.9 <- dgamma ( x , shape = 1.9 ) # ...peak
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( NULL )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
myCols <- c ( " black" , " grey" , " maroon" , " turquoise" , " steelblue" )
plot ( dl1 , type = " l" , lwd = 2 ) # visualize the distributions
points ( dl2 , type = " l" , col = myCols [2 ] )
points ( dg1.2 , type = " l" , col = myCols [3 ] )
points ( dg1.5 , type = " l" , col = myCols [4 ] )
points ( dg1.9 , type = " l" , col = myCols [5 ] )
legend ( " topright" ,
legend = c ( " dl1" , " dl2" , " dg1.2" , " dg1.5" , " dg1.9" ) ,
lty = 1 ,
lwd = c ( 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ,
col = myCols ,
bty = " n" )
# == 4.1 Chi2 test for discrete distributions ==============================
# The chi2 test can be used to compare discrete distributions - even though
# it is not ideal for this purpose.
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
# (https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/113692)
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# Let's draw 100 random variables according to our target distributions
N <- 100
set.seed ( 112358 )
rL1 <- rlnorm ( N ) # log-normal distribution
rL2 <- rlnorm ( N , meanlog = 0.25 ) # log-normal distribution, shifted right
rG1.2 <- rgamma ( N , shape = 1.2 ) # three gamma distributions with...
rG1.5 <- rgamma ( N , shape = 1.5 ) # ...wider, and wider...
rG1.9 <- rgamma ( N , shape = 1.9 ) # ...peak
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( NULL )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
maxX <- max ( c ( rL1 , rL2 , rG1.2 , rG1.5 , rG1.9 ) )
myBreaks <- seq ( 0 , 5 , length.out = 10 ) # 9 intervals from 0 to 5...
myBreaks <- c ( myBreaks , maxX ) # ... and one that contains the outliers
# It's easy to plot a histogram of one set of random deviates...
hist ( rG1.5 , breaks = myBreaks , col = myCols [4 ] )
# ... but basic R has no inbuilt function to stack histogram bars side-by-side.
2017-10-28 23:05:53 -04:00
# We use the multhist() function in the plotrix package: check out the
# package information - plotrix has _many_ useful utilities to enhance
# plots or produce informative visualizations.
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
2021-10-12 12:17:53 +02:00
if ( ! requireNamespace ( " plotrix" , quietly = TRUE ) ) {
install.packages ( " plotrix" )
2020-11-05 20:34:21 +10:00
2017-10-28 23:05:53 -04:00
# Package information:
# library(help = plotrix) # basic information
# browseVignettes("plotrix") # available vignettes
# data(package = "plotrix") # available datasets
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
2019-01-08 17:11:25 +10:00
h <- plotrix :: multhist ( list ( rL1 , rL2 , rG1.2 , rG1.5 , rG1.9 ) ,
breaks = myBreaks ,
col = myCols )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
legend ( " topright" ,
legend = c ( " rL1" , " rL2" , " rG1.2" , " rG1.5" , " rG1.9" ) ,
pch = 15 ,
col = myCols ,
bty = " n" )
# We have assigned the output of multihist to the variable h, which now
# contains the densities, midpoints, breaks etc. of the histogram ...
# as well as the matrix of counts:
h [ [2 ] ]
# But using hist() or multhist() for binning is a bit of a hack - even though
# it works, of course. The "real" R function to bin data is cut(). cut()
# sorts the values of a vector into bins, and returns the bin-labels as
# integers.
x <- cut ( rL1 , breaks = myBreaks , labels = FALSE )
table ( x )
countsL1 <- table ( cut ( rL1 , breaks = myBreaks , labels = FALSE ) )
countsL2 <- table ( cut ( rL2 , breaks = myBreaks , labels = FALSE ) )
countsG1.2 <- table ( cut ( rG1.2 , breaks = myBreaks , labels = FALSE ) )
countsG1.5 <- table ( cut ( rG1.5 , breaks = myBreaks , labels = FALSE ) )
countsG1.9 <- table ( cut ( rG1.9 , breaks = myBreaks , labels = FALSE ) )
chisq.test ( countsL1 , countsL2 )
# Note that this use of the chi2 test does not have very much power, since it
# does not assume the values for the bins are ordered, but takes them to
# be independent. Also, chisq.test() complains about the Chi-squared
# approximation to be possibly incorrect because some of the counts are small.
# In this case, rather than rely on the in-built chi-square table, we can do
# an explicit simulation to estimate the p-value for the null hypothesis.
chisq.test ( countsL1 , countsL2 , simulate.p.value = TRUE , B = 10000 )
# Note that the probability that the samples came from the same distribution is
# quite high. We don't seem to be able to distinguish l1 and l2 with the chi2
# test.
# Let's calculate this for the other distribution too:
chisq.test ( countsL1 , countsG1.2 , simulate.p.value = TRUE , B = 10000 )
chisq.test ( countsL1 , countsG1.5 , simulate.p.value = TRUE , B = 10000 )
chisq.test ( countsL1 , countsG1.9 , simulate.p.value = TRUE , B = 10000 )
# As a result, we would conclude that none of these distributions are
# significantly different.
# == 4.2 Kullback-Leibler divergence =======================================
# For discrete probability distributions, there is a much better statistic, the
# Kullback-Leibler divergence (or relative entropy). It is based in information
2017-10-28 23:05:53 -04:00
# theory, and evaluates how different the matched pairs of outcome categories
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# are. Its inputs are the probability mass functions (p.m.f.) of the two
# functions to be compared. A probability mass function is the probability of
# every outcome the process can have. Kullback-Leibler divergence therefore can
# be applied to discrete distributions. But we need to talk a bit about
# converting counts to p.m.f.'s.
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# === 4.2.1 An example from tossing dice
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# The p.m.f of an honest die is (1:1/6, 2:1/6, 3:1/6, 4:1/6, 5:1/6, 6:1/6). But
# there is an issue when we convert sampled counts to frequencies, and estimate
# probabilities with these frequencies. The problem is: by chance we might not
# have observed a particular outcome! Consider this example:
set.seed ( 47 )
N <- 20
( counts <- table ( sample ( 1 : 6 , N , replace = TRUE ) ) )
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( NULL )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# We have not observed a "2"!
# Now, if we convert the counts to frequencies, and assume these to be
# probabilities, we get an observed p.m.f:
pmf <- numeric ( 6 )
for ( i in seq_along ( counts ) ) {
outcome <- as.integer ( names ( counts ) [i ] )
pmf [outcome ] <- counts [i ] / N
names ( pmf ) <- 1 : 6
# This means we assign a probability of 0 to the outcome "2" - because we
# haven't observed it. But how do we compare it then? What does it mean when we
# should have 1/6 of "2"s but we have none whatsoever? Taken at face value it
# means we are comparing apples to oranges - essentially a five-faced die with a
# six-faced die - and therefore divergence is infinitely large. Obviously, that
# was just a problem caused by our limited sampling, but the question remains:
# how do we account for missing data? There are several solutions, for example,
# for ordered data one could substitute the average values of the two bracketing
# outcomes. But a simple and quite robust solution is to add "pseudocounts".
# This is called adding a Laplace prior, or a Jeffreys prior: in our case,
2017-11-20 19:00:23 -05:00
# simply add 0.5 to every category.
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# pmf of an honest die
pmfHD <- rep ( 1 / 6 , 6 )
names ( pmfHD ) <- 1 : 6
# pmf, estimated from our sampled counts with and without pseudocounts
pmfPC <- numeric ( 6 ) + 0.5
for ( i in seq_along ( counts ) ) {
outcome <- as.integer ( names ( counts ) [i ] )
pmfPC [outcome ] <- counts [i ] + pmfPC [outcome ]
pmfPC <- pmfPC / sum ( pmfPC )
names ( pmfPC ) <- 1 : 6
pmf # before
pmfPC # after
# The definition of a function that takes samples and returns a pmf
# with pseudocounts is straightforward, but requires a bit of juggling
# the observed values into the right slots. Here's what this can look like:
pmfPC <- function ( cts , nam ) {
# Convert counts to a p.m.f, adding a pseudocount of 0.5 to all categories
# of outcomes (Jeffreys prior).
# Parameters:
# cts num raw counts
# nam names of the categories, converted to char
# Value a probability mass function
nam <- as.character ( nam )
if ( ! all ( names ( cts ) %in% nam ) ) {
stop ( " PANIC: names in \"cts\" do not match \"nam\"!" )
pmf <- numeric ( length ( nam ) )
names ( pmf ) <- nam
pmf [names ( cts ) ] <- cts [names ( cts ) ]
pmf <- pmf + 0.5 # add pseudocounts
return ( pmf / sum ( pmf ) )
# The definition of the Kullback-Leibler divergence itself is quite simple
# actually: for two distributions, p and q it is sum(p * log( p / q))
KLdiv <- function ( p , q ) {
# p and q are two pmfs of discrete probability distributions
# with the same outcomes, which are nowhere 0.
# Value: Kullback-Leibler divergence sum(p * log( p / q))).
if ( length ( p ) != length ( q ) ) {
stop ( " PANIC: input vector lengths differ!" )
if ( any ( c ( ( p == 0 ) , ( q == 0 ) ) ) ) {
stop ( " PANIC: 0's found in input vectors!" )
return ( sum ( p * log ( p / q ) ) )
# Now we can calculate KL-divergences for our six-faced die example:
KLdiv ( rep ( 1 / 6 , 6 ) , pmfPC ( counts , 1 : 6 ) ) # p.m.f. of an honest die vs. our
# actual counts
# Is that a lot? Let's look at the distribution of KL-divergences in our
# six-sided die scenario: p.m.f. of 20 samples each versus the theoretical
# p.m.f.
N <- 1000
nSample <- 20
divs <- numeric ( N )
for ( i in 1 : N ) {
x <- table ( sample ( 1 : 6 , nSample , replace = TRUE ) )
divs [i ] <- KLdiv ( rep ( 1 / 6 , 6 ) , pmfPC ( x , 1 : 6 ) )
hist ( divs ,
col = " whitesmoke" ,
xlab = " Kullback-Leibler divergence" ,
main = sprintf ( " %d samples of honest die" , nSample ) )
abline ( v = KLdiv ( rep ( 1 / 6 , 6 ) , pmfPC ( counts , 1 : 6 ) ) , col = " firebrick" )
# We see that our example sample (KL-divergence marked with the red line) is
# somewhat but not drastically atypical.
2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# === 4.2.2 An example from lognormal distributions
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# We had compared a set of lognormal and gamma distributions above, now we
# can use KL-divergence to quantify their similarity:
pmfL1 <- pmfPC ( countsL1 , nam = 1 : 10 )
pmfL2 <- pmfPC ( countsL2 , nam = 1 : 10 )
KLdiv ( pmfL1 , pmfL2 ) # 0.1087
# To evaluate what this number means, we can run a simple simulation: we create
# random samples according to the rL1 distribution, calculate the Kullback
# Leibler divergence with countsL1, and compare the distribution we get with the
# value we observed as the difference with discL2. Essentially, this tells us
2018-10-30 21:27:42 -04:00
# the probability that countsL2 is actually a sample from the L1 function.
# Here we go:
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
N <- 1000
divs <- numeric ( N )
set.seed ( 31416 )
for ( i in 1 : N ) {
x <- rlnorm ( 100 ) # get random samples from our reference distributions
y <- table ( cut ( x , breaks = myBreaks , labels = FALSE ) ) # tabulate counts
q <- pmfPC ( y , nam = 1 : 10 ) # convert to p.m.f. with pseudocounts
divs [i ] <- KLdiv ( pmfL1 , q ) # calculate Kullback-Leibler divergence
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
set.seed ( NULL )
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
hist ( divs ,
col = " thistle" ,
xlab = " Kullback-Leibler divergence" ,
main = sprintf ( " Samples from shifted lnorm()" ) )
abline ( v = KLdiv ( pmfL1 , pmfL2 ) , col = " firebrick" )
# How many KL-divergences were less than the difference we observed?
2019-01-07 16:17:23 +10:00
sum ( divs < KLdiv ( pmfL1 , pmfL2 ) ) # 933
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2017-11-01 23:29:18 -04:00
# Therefore the empirical p-value that the samples came from the same
# distribution is only 100 * ((N - 933) + 1) / (N + 1) (%) ... 6.8%. You see
# that this gives a much more powerful statistical approach than the chi2 test
# we used above.
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2020-11-03 21:24:56 +10:00
# == 4.3 Continuous distributions: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test =================
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test is meant for continuous distributions, i.e.
# the probability it calculates assumes that the function values are all
# different. In the case of random samples, that is a reasonable assumption. KS
# is a two-sample goodness of fit test, i.e. it has a null-hypothesis that the
# samples were taken from the same (unknown) distribution, and then asks whether
# this is likely, given the actual values. It is sensitive both to differences
# in location (position of the mean), and differences in shape. R has the
# ks.test() function to calculate it.
ks.test ( dl1 , dl2 ) # vs. shifted log-normal.
ks.test ( dl1 , dg1.2 ) # vs. the three gamma distributions
ks.test ( dl1 , dg1.5 )
ks.test ( dl1 , dg1.9 )
ks.test ( dg1.5 , dg1.9 ) # the two last gammas against each other
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# (The warnings about the presence of ties comes from the 0's in our function
2017-10-12 15:11:38 -04:00
# values). The p-value that these distributions are samples of the same
# probability distribution gets progressively smaller.
# [END]