version: 4 messages: global: prefix: '&5Smooth&dTimber &8||' list-split: '&7, &d' not-allowed: '&7You''re lacking the permission &5%permission% &7to use &5Smooth&dTimber&7!' reload: needed: '&7Detected a %type0% change, &5reloading %type1%&7...' done: '&7%type% reloaded &dsuccessfully!' startup: version: supported: '&7You''re currently using the &dsupported&7 Minecraft Version &d%minecraft% &7(&5Core %core%&7)' unsupported: '&7You''re currently using the &cunsupported&7 Minecraft Version &4%minecraft%' need-update: '&7If you want to use &5Smooth&dTimber &7you need to update your server to a supported Minecraft Version' versions: '&7Supported Versions are: &d%versions%' type: message: message messages: messages setting: main: setting addon: addon settings: main: settings addon: addons addon: '%addon% setting' addons: '%addon% settings' time: second: second seconds: seconds tools: woodchopper: woodchopper toggle: 'on': forever: '&7You enabled your &d%tool%&7!' timed: '&7You enabled your &d%tool% &7for &5%time%&7!' 'off': forever: '&7You disabled your &c%tool%&7!' timed: '&7You disabled your &c%tool% &7for &4%time%&7!' disabled: '&7Toggling is disabled!' cooldown: wait: '&7Your tool is still on &dcooldown&7 for &5%time%&7!' command: only: player: '&7Only a &5player &7can run this command!' wip: '&7This command is work in progress!' non-existent: '&7This command doesn''t exist! Use &5/sm help &7for help!' missing-permission: '&7You''re lacking the permission &5%permission% &7to execute this command!' usage: toggle: '&7/sm toggle (