# Define your protection block below # Use block type from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch") # To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On minecraft-heads.com, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:". # To use UUIDs for player heads, go to https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/PUT-UUID-HERE and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes. # When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value" type = "PLAYER_HEAD:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJmYThmMzhjN2IyMjA5NjYxOWMzYTZkNjQ5OGI0MDU1MzBlNDhkNWQ0ZjkxZTJhYWNlYTU3ODg0NGQ1YzY3In19fQ==" # Another way to refer to the protection stone # Can be used for /ps give and /ps get # Must be one word (no spaces) alias = "moderate-ps" # Description of the protection block type # Shows up in /ps get menu description = "Moderate (32 block radius) protection zone." # Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes. # Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone. # Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command. # Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally restrict_obtaining = true # Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds # "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds" # "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds" # Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)! world_list_type = "blacklist" worlds = [ "exampleworld1", "exampleworld2" ] # Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist) # The block will place normally, without PS behaviour. prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true # Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild. # If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions. allow_placing_in_wild = true [region] # Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region # You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different # Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions distance_between_claims = -1 # Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region) # Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels. # y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option) x_radius = 32 y_radius = -1 z_radius = 32 # Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the # chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk). # Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping # regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries). # Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable. # Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored! chunk_radius = -1 # How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block home_x_offset = 0.0 home_y_offset = 1.0 home_z_offset = 0.0 # Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created. # Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny). # Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell). flags = [ "pvp deny", "tnt deny", "greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area", "farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area", "greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area", "farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area", "creeper-explosion deny", ] # List all the flags that can be set by region owners. # If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group) # "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks. allowed_flags = [ "-g all pvp", "greeting", "greeting-title", "greeting-action", "farewell", "farewell-title", "farewell-action", "mob-spawning", "creeper-explosion", ] # Which flags to hide from /ps info hidden_flags_from_info = [ "ps-name", "ps-merged-regions", "ps-merged-regions-types", "ps-block-material", "ps-price", "ps-landlord", "ps-tenant", "ps-rent-period", "ps-rent-last-paid", "ps-for-sale", "ps-rent-settings", "ps-tax-payments-due", "ps-tax-last-payment-added", "ps-tax-autopayer" ] # Default priority type for this block type protection stone priority = 0 # Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own # This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true. allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false # Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region. # "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default) # "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots) # "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type. # "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it # allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work. allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner" # Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions # allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml allow_merging = true # Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias) # Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"] # Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region allowed_merging_into_types = [ "all" ] [block_data] # Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get # Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe) # Leave as '' for no name display_name = "&bModerate Protection Artifact" # Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get # Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe) # Leave as [] for no lore lore = [ "&6Moderate artifact that protects you and your land.", "&6Able to provide protection against some hostiles.", "&6No periodic sacrifices needed.", "&6Shorter period of concentration to teleport.", ] # Add price when using /ps get # Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials) # Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0) price = 8.0 # Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe # Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = true # Specify the custom crafting recipe below # You must fill the item spots with names from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias # Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting # If you want air, you can just leave the spot as "" custom_recipe = [ ["EMERALD", "PROTECTION_STONES:weak-ps", "EMERALD"], ["EMERALD", "AMETHYST_SHARD", "EMERALD"], ["GOLD_INGOT", "DIAMOND", "GOLD_INGOT"] ] # Amount of the protection item to give when crafted recipe_amount = 1 [economy] # Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled) # The amount to tax the region per tax cycle. # Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0) tax_amount = 0.0 # The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes. tax_period = -1 # Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment. tax_payment_time = 86400 # Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer. start_with_tax_autopay = true # What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member". tenant_rent_role = "member" # Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out? landlord_still_owner = true [behaviour] # Hide protection stone right away when placed? auto_hide = false # Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true auto_merge = false # Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed? no_drop = false # Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true. prevent_piston_push = true # Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded. # Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed) prevent_explode = true # Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers. # prevent_explode must be false for this to work. destroy_region_when_explode = false # Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops # This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone. # Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true prevent_silk_touch = false # Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost) cost_to_place = 0.0 # Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces allow_smelt_item = false # Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes # You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements allow_use_in_crafting = true [player] # Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click # Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc. allow_shift_right_break = false # Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit) # Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry. # Bypass with protectionstones.tp.bypassprevent prevent_teleport_in = false # Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0. # Option to teleport only if player stands still. # Can override with permission protectionstones.tp.bypasswait no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true tp_waiting_seconds = 30 # Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get. # Ignored with protectionstones.admin prevent_ps_get = false # Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport. # Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type prevent_ps_home = false # Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create) # Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get) # '' for no extra permission permission = '' [event] # Events section # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action' # The following are accepted types: # player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable) # console_command - Execute command by console # message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &) # global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &) # console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Whether or not to enable event tracking (API events will still be enabled) enable = false # Execute commands when a region is created (ex. player place protection block) # Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z% on_region_create = [ 'global_message: &l%player% created the region %region%!', ] # Execute commands when a region is destroyed (ex. when player destroy protection block) # Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z% on_region_destroy = [ 'console_command: say %player% has destroyed region %region%!', ]