potionEffects: '1': potion: INCREASE_DAMAGE level: 2 particleEffect: CLOUD:0:1 requiredItems: - 7 '2': potion: FAST_DIGGING level: 2 requiredItems: - 8 '3': potion: SPEED level: 3 requiredItems: - 58 '4': potion: ABSORPTION level: 10 requiredItems: - 71 - 72 - 73 - 74 '5': potion: SLOW_DIGGING level: 10 requiredItems: - 14 '6': potion: FAST_DIGGING level: 1 requiredItems: - 13 '7': potion: WATER_BREATHING level: 3 requiredItems: - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 '8': potion: WATER_BREATHING level: 6 requiredItems: - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 '9': potion: INCREASE_DAMAGE level: 2 particleEffect: flame:0:1 requiredItems: - 61 '10': potion: SATURATION level: 5 requiredItems: - 75 '11': potion: WITHER level: 1 attackEffect: target requiredItems: - 40 '12': potion: POISON level: 2 attackEffect: target requiredItems: - 76 '13': potion: HEAL level: 1 attackEffect: self requiredItems: - 77 '14': potion: JUMP level: 3 requiredItems: - 78 '15': potion: WITHER level: 1 attackHelpEffect: target requiredItems: - 79 '16': potion: INVISIBILITY level: 1 requiredItems: - 80 '17': potion: WEAKNESS level: 1 attackHelpEffect: target requiredItems: - 81 '18': potion: WATER_BREATHING level: 1 requiredItems: - 82 '19': potion: HEALTH_BOOST level: 1 particleEffect: heart:1:1 requiredItems: - 83 '20': potion: LEVITATION level: 1 particleEffect: cloud:0:1 requiredItems: - 87 '21': potion: LUCK level: 1 requiredItems: - 88 '22': potion: LEVITATION level: 1 attackEffect: target requiredItems: - 89 '23': potion: INCREASE_DAMAGE level: 2 requiredItems: - 90 '24': potion: SPEED level: 4 requiredItems: - 92 '25': potion: SLOW_DIGGING level: 5 requiredItems: - 93 '26': potion: FAST_DIGGING level: 3 requiredItems: - 94 '27': potion: FIRE_RESISTANCE level: 1 requiredItems: - 95 '28': potion: SLOW_FALLING level: 1 requiredItems: - 97 '29': potion: WEAKNESS level: 5 requiredItems: - 98 '30': potion: INCREASE_DAMAGE level: 4 requiredItems: - 99 '31': potion: SLOW level: 1 requiredItems: - 99 '32': potion: HERO_OF_THE_VILLAGE level: 1 requiredItems: - 100 '33': potion: FAST_DIGGING level: 2 requiredItems: - 101 '34': potion: SLOW_FALLING level: 1 requiredItems: - 102 '35': potion: GLOWING level: 1 requiredItems: - 103 '36': potion: NIGHT_VISION level: 1 requiredItems: - 104 '37': potion: GLOWING level: 1 requiredItems: - 107 '38': potion: FAST_DIGGING level: 3 requiredItems: - 108 '39': potion: CONDUIT_POWER level: 0 requiredItems: - 111 '40': potion: BAD_OMEN level: 0 requiredItems: - 112 '41': potion: HUNGER level: 0 requiredItems: - 113 '42': potion: REGENERATION level: 0 requiredItems: - 108 '43': potion: GLOWING level: 0 requiredItems: - 114 '44': potion: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE level: 3 requiredItems: - 121 '45': potion: INCREASE_DAMAGE level: 3 requiredItems: - 121 consumeEffects: '1': requiredItem: 115 message: '&eYou consumed the fruit of Odin... &cNOW SHOW YOUR WORTH!' potionEffects: - INCREASE_DAMAGE:1:60 - REGENERATION:1:60 - GLOWING:1:60 - SPEED:1:60 '2': requiredItem: 116 message: '&eYou consumed some poop off the ground.. &cWHY?' potionEffects: - BAD_OMEN:1:300 - CONFUSION:1:300 - UNLUCK:1:300 - POISON:1:60 '3': requiredItem: 117 message: "&eThe power of the god's courses through your veins!" potionEffects: - HEALTH_BOOST:1:120 - DAMAGE_RESISTANCE:2:120 - HEAL:2:5 - REGENERATION:2:120 '4': requiredItem: 65 message: '&c&lYou a mere mortal, have been cursed for your pride...' potionEffects: - WITHER:5:60 - HARM:2:5 - BLINDNESS:1:60 '5': requiredItem: 118 message: '&5&lAn ancient power rises in you...' potionEffects: - GLOWING:1:60 - INCREASE_DAMAGE:5:60 - HEAL:5:60 - REGENERATION:5:60 '6': requiredItem: 119 message: '&dLove is in the air...' potionEffects: - fertility:1:60 - INCREASE_DAMAGE:10:10 '7': requiredItem: 120 message: '&7&lThe earth trembles under your feet...' potionEffects: - FAST_DIGGING:10:300 loot: '1': item: IRON_AXE amount: 1 name: '&2Dead to Dead Axe' lore1: '&aArtifact for felling the undead.' unbreaking: 8 enchantments: '1': enchantment: smite level: 8 '2': item: BOW amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&cFlaming &6Bow' lore1: '&eArtifact capable of infinitely producing flaming arrows.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: infinity level: 1 '2': enchantment: flame level: 3 '3': item: IRON_SWORD amount: 1 unbreaking: 90 name: '&6Sword of Fortune' lore1: '&eArtifact blessed by lady luck herself.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: looting level: 5 '4': item: WOOD_SWORD amount: 1 unbreaking: 0 name: Harmless Deterence lore1: "Ancient creators must've used this discourage bullying." enchantments: '1': enchantment: knockback level: 10 '5': item: DIAMOND amount: 5 '6': item: DIAMOND_SWORD amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&8Arthropod''s Burden' lore1: '&7Artifact used to remove the existence of spiders.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: bane_of_arthropods level: 8 '7': item: DIAMOND_SWORD amount: 1 unbreaking: 2 name: '&fThe Excalibur' lore1: '&7King Author''s sword.' lore2: '&7Artifact of a late hero, or so it would seem....' enchantments: '1': enchantment: sharpness level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '3': enchantment: knockback level: 3 '8': item: DIAMOND_SHOVEL amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&7Backhoe' lore1: '&8Digs too fast!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: efficiency level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '9': item: DIAMOND_PICKAXE amount: 1 unbreaking: 15 name: '&fSilky' lore1: '&7Silkier than milk!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: silk_touch level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '10': item: DIAMOND_AXE amount: 1 unbreaking: 250 name: '&cCanadian Axe' lore1: '&fChops way to fast!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: smite level: 3 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 6 '3': enchantment: knockback level: 1 '11': item: GOLDEN_SWORD amount: 1 unbreaking: 1 name: '&6Butter Knife' lore1: '&eCan only cut butter...' enchantments: '1': enchantment: sharpness level: 2 '2': enchantment: knockback level: 6 '12': item: GOLDEN_SHOVEL amount: 1 unbreaking: 5 name: '&6GOLDEN Spoon' lore1: '&eUse with caution.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: fortune level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 3 '13': item: GOLDEN_PICKAXE amount: 1 name: '&7Glass Drill' lore1: '&8Use in case of emergency!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: efficiency level: 10 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 3 '14': item: GOLDEN_AXE amount: 1 unbreaking: 8 name: '&cAmerican &fAxe' lore1: '&1Worse than the Canadian axe...' enchantments: '1': enchantment: efficiency level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '15': item: IRON_HOE amount: 1 unbreaking: 5 name: '&fQuarts Hoe' lore1: '&yBetter than iron!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '16': item: DIAMOND_HOE amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: Magic Hoe lore1: Forged by God. lore2: "Well, by God's Gardener" enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '17': item: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 50 name: '&4Old Shirt' lore1: '&4Still good!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: fire_protection level: 9 '2': enchantment: protection level: 8 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 7 '18': item: CHAINMAIL_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 30 name: '&9Water Helmet' lore1: '&1Go in the sea!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: respiration level: 10 '2': enchantment: aqua_affinity level: 6 '19': item: CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 30 name: '&2Creeper Gear' lore1: '&aPart 2' enchantments: '1': enchantment: blast_protection level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 3 '20': item: CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS amount: 1 unbreaking: 50 name: Thorny Pants lore1: Very Sharp... enchantments: '1': enchantment: fire_protection level: 4 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 8 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 3 '21': item: CHAINMAIL_BOOTS amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&7Travellers Boots' lore1: '&8Go on a journey!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '2': enchantment: protection level: 5 '22': item: IRON_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 90 name: '&7Rusty Iron Helm' lore1: '&8Rusted but still good.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '23': item: IRON_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 50 name: '&cArchers Vest' lore1: '&4Take an arrow to the knee!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: projectile_protection level: 10 '24': item: IRON_LEGGINGS amount: 1 unbreaking: 20 name: Firemen Pants lore1: Take 'em to a fire! enchantments: '1': enchantment: fire_protection level: 7 '2': enchantment: blast_protection level: 3 '25': item: IRON_BOOTS amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: Fall Far Boots lore1: Mark 1 enchantments: '1': enchantment: feather_falling level: 8 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 2 '26': item: GOLDEN_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 12 name: '&9Fish Hat' lore1: '&1Be the fish.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: aqua_affinity level: 10 '2': enchantment: protection level: 4 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 3 '27': item: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 80 name: '&9Fish Body' lore1: '&1Be the fish.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 10 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 8 '28': item: GOLDEN_LEGGINGS amount: 1 unbreaking: 60 name: '&9Fish Legs' lore1: '&1Be the fish.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: fire_protection level: 6 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 6 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 2 '29': item: GOLDEN_BOOTS amount: 1 unbreaking: 40 name: '&9Fish Feet' lore1: '&1Be the fish.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 6 '2': enchantment: feather_falling level: 8 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 3 '30': item: DIAMOND_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 22 name: '&3Drowned Helm' lore1: '&3From the Drowned Gods watery halls.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: blast_protection level: 4 '2': enchantment: respiration level: 8 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 2 '31': item: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&3Drowned Plate' lore1: '&3From the Drowned Gods watery halls.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: blast_protection level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 4 '32': item: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS amount: 1 unbreaking: 3 name: '&3Drowned Leggings' lore1: '&3From the Drowned Gods watery halls.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 3 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '33': item: DIAMOND_BOOTS amount: 1 unbreaking: 9 name: '&3Drowned Boots' lore1: '&3From the Drowned Gods watery halls.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '2': enchantment: protection level: 3 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 2 '4': enchantment: depth_strider level: 2 '34': item: GOLDEN_APPLE amount: 2 unbreaking: 0 name: "&eThor's Apple" lore1: '&eStolen from Thors own table.' '35': item: GOLDEN_CARROT amount: 3 unbreaking: 0 name: Easter Bunny's Carrot lore1: He will kill to get it back! '36': item: DIAMOND_SWORD amount: 1 unbreaking: 11 name: Spider Whacker lore1: Whack spiders. enchantments: '1': enchantment: knockback level: 7 '37': item: DIAMOND_SHOVEL amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&aGardener''s SHOVEL' lore1: '&aDig in the garden.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: silk_touch level: 1 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 6 '38': item: DIAMOND_PICKAXE amount: 1 unbreaking: 19 name: Dwarf's Pick lore1: Diggy diggy hole. enchantments: '1': enchantment: fortune level: 4 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '39': item: DIAMOND_AXE amount: 1 unbreaking: 30 name: '&7Battle Axe' lore1: '&8Saxon war axe.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: smite level: 5 '2': enchantment: sharpness level: 4 '40': item: GOLDEN_SWORD amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&4Demon Sword' lore1: '&cFiery hot!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: sharpness level: 10 '2': enchantment: fire_aspect level: 3 '41': item: GOLDEN_SHOVEL amount: 1 unbreaking: 1 name: '&6Disposable Quick SHOVEL' lore1: '&eQuick but disposable.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: efficiency level: 10 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 3 '42': item: GOLDEN_PICKAXE amount: 1 unbreaking: 50 name: '&6Butter Pick' lore1: '&ePractically made from butter.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: fortune level: 5 '2': enchantment: efficiency level: 5 '43': item: GOLDEN_AXE amount: 1 unbreaking: 40 name: Slim Axe lore1: Small but deadly enchantments: '1': enchantment: sharpness level: 10 '2': enchantment: knockback level: 5 '44': item: IRON_HOE amount: 1 unbreaking: 50 name: '&7Old Hoe' lore1: '&8Not much use.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 6 '45': item: DIAMOND_HOE amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&aGardener''s Hoe' lore1: '&aBe a Gardener' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '46': item: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 50 name: '&4Boiled Leather Shirt' lore1: '&4Better than nothing.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 5 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 10 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '47': item: CHAINMAIL_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 30 name: '&7Sharp Hat' lore1: '&8So sharp...' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 10 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 6 '48': item: CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 30 name: '&7Sharp Chest' lore1: '&8So sharp...' enchantments: '1': enchantment: fire_protection level: 10 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '49': item: CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS amount: 1 unbreaking: 50 name: '&4Traveller''s Pants' lore1: '&4Worn but still good.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 10 '50': item: CHAINMAIL_BOOTS amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: Strong Boots lore1: So strong! enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '51': item: IRON_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 30 name: Cast Iron Helm lore1: Its Iron but cast. enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 1 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '52': item: IRON_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 15 name: '&7Spiked Chestplate' lore1: '&8Nothing can survive this.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 10 '53': item: IRON_LEGGINGS amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&cArchers Pants' lore1: '&4Stops ''em arrows.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: projectile_protection level: 3 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '54': item: IRON_BOOTS amount: 1 unbreaking: 5 name: Stiletto Heels lore1: Don't walk one me! enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 6 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 4 '55': item: GOLDEN_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 2 name: '&0Death Mask' lore1: '&8Breath death itself!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '2': enchantment: respiration level: 1 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 4 '56': item: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 8 name: '&6Kings Breastplate' lore1: '&eOnly for kings,' lore2: '&eThose of noble birth,' lore3: '&eNot you...' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 3 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 2 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 4 '4': enchantment: fire_protection level: 5 '57': item: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS amount: 1 unbreaking: 16 name: '&cArchers Pants MK 2' lore1: '&4Even better than MK 1!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: projectile_protection level: 5 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 4 '58': item: DIAMOND_BOOTS amount: 1 unbreaking: 40 name: '&27 League Boots' lore1: '&2Just say the magic word.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: feather_falling level: 3 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '59': item: DIAMOND_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 22 name: '&bMermen Helm' lore1: '&bDon''t drown!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 4 '2': enchantment: respiration level: 5 '3': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '60': item: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 16 name: '&cArchers Vest MK2' lore1: '&4Also has spikes!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: projectile_protection level: 3 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 7 '61': item: BOW amount: 1 unbreaking: 30 name: '&2Robinhood''s Bow' lore1: '&4The Legend Lives!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '2': enchantment: power level: 3 '3': enchantment: flame level: 1 '4': enchantment: infinity level: 1 '5': enchantment: punch level: 2 '62': item: BOW amount: 1 unbreaking: 20 name: '&eBrave Flame Bow' lore1: '&cBurnt may a village.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 3 '2': enchantment: power level: 5 '3': enchantment: flame level: 3 '63': item: BOW amount: 1 unbreaking: 100 name: '&6Squaw Flame Bow' lore1: '&4Cooked many a pig!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: flame level: 1 '2': enchantment: infinity level: 1 '64': item: BOW amount: 1 unbreaking: 0 name: '&cArchers Bow' lore1: '&4Time to shoot!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 6 '2': enchantment: power level: 5 '3': enchantment: infinity level: 1 '65': item: GOLDEN_APPLE amount: 1 unbreaking: 1 name: '&6God Apple' lore1: '&6Not eaten my mortals!' lore2: '&6And never can be!' '66': item: ZOMBIE_HEAD amount: 1 name: '&2Zombie Gear' lore1: '&2Part 1' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 10 '67': item: NETHER_STAR amount: 1 name: '&4Nether Star' lore1: '&0From the depths of the Nether!' '68': item: POTION amount: 8 potion: POISON name: '&aPoison Potion' lore1: '&2Very deadly.' '69': item: POTION amount: 6 potion: INVISIBILITY name: '&fInvisibility Potion' lore1: '&7From nowhere?' '70': item: POTION amount: 5 potion: HEAL name: '&dLife Potion' lore1: '&5Not many left on earth.' '71': item: IRON_HELMET amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&3Eliminator''s Helmet' lore1: '&eOnly for the best!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 7 '2': enchantment: respiration level: 5 '3': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '4': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '72': item: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&3Eliminator''s Chestplate' lore1: '&eYou have to be awesome!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 7 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '73': item: IRON_LEGGINGS amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&3Eliminator''s Pants' lore1: '&eThe most epic!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 7 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '74': item: IRON_BOOTS amount: 1 unbreaking: 10 name: '&3Eliminator''s Boots' lore1: '&eThat much more cool!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 7 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 5 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 '4': enchantment: feather_falling level: 10 '75': item: GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE amount: 1 name: '&6Hunger Charm' lore1: '&7Hunger no more' '76': item: IRON_SWORD amount: 1 name: '&aPoisoned Blade' lore1: '&2Poison all ye strike!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 2 '2': enchantment: sharpness level: 2 '77': item: STICK amount: 1 name: '&4Vampire Stake' lore1: '&cHeals you when used' enchantments: '1': enchantment: sharpness level: 5 '78': item: RABBIT_FOOT amount: 1 name: '&7Bunny Charm' lore1: '&8Jump Higher' '79': item: WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL amount: 1 unbreaking: 1 name: '&7Wither Charm' lore1: '&8Wither all ye fight!' '80': item: FIREWORK_ROCKET amount: 1 name: '&7Cloak Charm' lore1: '&8They will see you not' '81': item: BONE amount: 1 name: '&cWeakness Charm' lore1: '&4Weaken your foes' '82': item: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS amount: 1 name: '&bAqua Charm' lore1: '&3Become the fish...' '83': item: PRISMARINE_SHARD amount: 1 name: '&bGuardian Tooth' lore1: '&3It can only make' lore2: '&3you stronger!' '84': item: SPONGE amount: 1 unbreaking: 1 name: '&eSoggy Sponge' '85': item: ELYTRA amount: 1 name: '&4Beetle Wings' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 1-3 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1-5 '86': item: DIAMOND_SWORD amount: 1 name: - '&c&lNether Sword' - '&c&lWither Sword' - '&c&lGhast Sword' - '&c&lMagma Sword' enchantments: '1': enchantment: sharpness level: 1-5 chance: 15 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1-5 chance: 25 '3': enchantment: knockback level: 1-8 chance: 25 '4': enchantment: bane_of_arthropods level: 1-8 chance: 15 '5': enchantment: smite level: 1-8 chance: 15 '6': enchantment: fire_aspect level: 1-5 chance: 15 '7': enchantment: looting level: 1-5 chance: 15 '8': enchantment: mending level: 1-5 chance: 15 '87': item: DRAGON_BREATH amount: 1 name: '&e&lAngel Soul' lore1: '&6Bottled for your convenience' '88': item: BEETROOT_SEEDS amount: 1 name: '&6GOLDEN Coins' lore1: '&7They bring you luck' '89': item: IRON_SWORD amount: 1 name: '&f&lSky Sword' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1-5 chance: 33 '2': enchantment: knockback level: 3-10 '3': enchantment: mending level: 1-5 chance: 25 '90': item: SHIELD amount: 1 unbreaking: 0 name: '&7&lShield of Power' colour: YELLOW patterns: - ==: Pattern color: LIGHT_BLUE pattern: dls - ==: Pattern color: BLUE pattern: sku '91': item: DIAMOND_SWORD amount: 1 unbreaking: 90 name: '&c&lDemon Blade' lore1: '&4Forged in the depths of the nether!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: fire_aspect level: 10 '2': enchantment: sharpness level: 1-3 '92': item: SUGAR amount: 1 name: '&fSugar of Ianite' lore1: '&8Gives you the speed of Ianite.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '93': item: TOTEM_OF_UNDYING amount: 1 name: '&4Totem of Death' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 1 '94': item: TOTEM_OF_UNDYING amount: 1 name: '&eTotem of Life' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '95': item: RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA amount: 1 name: '&cFire Crystal' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '96': item: TRIDENT amount: 1 unbreaking: 90 name: '&b&lTrident of Poseidon' lore1: '&3Wielded by Poseidon during the great war.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: loyalty level: 3 '2': enchantment: sharpness level: 3-5 '3': enchantment: impaling level: 4 '4': enchantment: channeling level: 1 '97': item: FEATHER amount: 1 name: '&eAngel Feather' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '98': item: SEA_PICKLE amount: 1 name: '&2Pickel of Power' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '99': item: HONEYCOMB amount: 1 name: '&fHoney of the Eater' lore1: "Out of the eater, something to eat;" lore2: "Out of the strong, something sweet." enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '100': item: BELL amount: 1 name: '&fHeroic Village Bell' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '101': item: NETHERITE_PICKAXE amount: 1 name: '&eDwarven Pickaxe' lore1: '&8Use only for gold!' enchantments: '1': enchantment: efficiency level: 10 '102': item: DIAMOND_BOOTS amount: 1 name: "&e&lWinged Boots" lore1: "&8Crafted with Zepher wings" enchantments: '1': enchantment: feather_falling level: 10 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '3': enchantment: protection level: 10 '103': item: GOLDEN_HELMET amount: 1 name: '&e&lHalo' lore1: '&8Torn from a fallen angel' lore2: "&8By Archangel Michel himself" enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 7-10 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 7-10 '3': enchantment: mending level: 1 '104': item: DIAMOND_HELMET amount: 1 name: '&fCat Spirit Helm' lore1: '&8Embued with the spirit' lore2: "&8of a great and ancient beast" enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 5-15 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 5-15 '3': enchantment: mending level: 1 '105': item: CROSSBOW amount: 1 name: "&7Shotbow" enchantments: 0: enchantment: mending level: 1 1: enchantment: unbreaking level: 5 2: enchantment: multishot level: 1 3: enchantment: piercing level: 1 4: enchantment: quick_charge level: 3 '106': item: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS amount: 1 name: "&7&lKing Uthers Greaves" lore1: '&8Lost long ago by a legend' enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 4-10 '2': enchantment: thorns '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 4-10 '4': enchantment: mending level: 1 '107': item: WRITTEN_BOOK amount: 1 name: '&f&lThe Holy Bible' enchantments: '1': enchantment: smite level: 77 '108': item: MILK_BUCKET amount: 1 name: "&f&lMother's Milk" enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '109': item: NETHERITE_INGOT amount: 1 '110': item: NETHERITE_SCRAP amount: 2-6 '111': item: NAUTILUS_SHELL amount: 1 name: "&b&lShell of 7 Seas" lore1: "&8He who holds the shell" lore2: "&8controlls the sea." enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '112': item: NETHERITE_SWORD amount: 1 name: '&c&lWrathbringer' lore1: "&4A righteous wrath this is not" chancePercentage: 0.001 enchantments: '1': enchantment: sharpness level: 3-10 '2': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1-5 chance: 25 '4': enchantment: bane_of_arthropods level: 1-8 chance: 15 '5': enchantment: smite level: 1-8 chance: 15 '6': enchantment: fire_aspect level: 1-5 chance: 30 '7': enchantment: looting level: 1-10 chance: 35 '8': enchantment: mending level: 1 chance: 15 '113': item: NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 name: "&6&lPlate of Greed" lore1: '&6Take and eat, fill thy belly' chancePercentage: 0.001 enchantments: '1': enchantment: protection level: 3-10 chance: 30 '2': enchantment: thorns level: 1-10 chance: 25 '3': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1-10 chance: 24 '4': enchantment: fire_protection level: 1-10 chance: 15 '5': enchantment: mending level: 1 '114': item: KELP amount: 1 name: '&e&lGlow Leaf' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '115': item: GLOW_BERRIES amount: 1 name: '&e&lFruit of Odin' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '116': item: DRIED_KELP amount: 1 name: '&4&lStinky Animal Poo' enchantments: '1': enchantment: thorns level: 10 '117': item: HONEY_BOTTLE amount: 1 name: '&e&lNectar of the Gods' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '118': item: GOLDEN_APPLE amount: 1 name: '&6&lNotch Apple' lore1: '&6Gone but never forgotten...' '119': item: SWEET_BERRIES amount: 1 name: '&2&lMistletoe' lore1: '&4Great for fertility,' lore2: '&4Or can be used to fell a god' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '120': item: HONEY_BOTTLE amount: 1 name: "&6&lSampson's Honey" lore1: 'Grants a great and terrible power,' lore2: 'A power to move the very earth.' enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 10 '121': item: AMETHYST_SHARD amount: 1 name: "&d&lPower Shard" lore1: "&5All the power is yours," lore2: "&5None shall stand against you" enchantments: '1': enchantment: unbreaking level: 1 '122': item: AMETHYST_CLUSTER amount: 1