pipeline { agent { label 'increased_mem' } options { disableConcurrentBuilds() } stages { stage("install") { steps { discordSend description: 'Hi everyone, this is just a friendly notice that RS Jenkins has begun building the latest (master branch) version of the server. This means the live Minecraft server **will shutdown** once the build has reached the deployment stage. Please be ready for this! For information on **what has changed**, **estimates of when reboot will occur** and **current progress**, checkout the build link.', footer: '', image: '', link: '${env.BUILD_URL}', result: '', scmWebUrl: '', thumbnail: '', title: 'RS Jenkins - ${env.JOB_NAME}', webhookURL: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/977367178884046919/LCJ_ngdNG1zo6Ak4CmzzUZbYD92LPUNn_mQO8IhwxoAVmswJo8p950qLFoQUck7LmIkf' } } stage("run server") { when { not { triggeredBy "BuildUpstreamCause" } } steps { fileOperations([fileCreateOperation(fileContent: 'eula=true', fileName: 'eula.txt')]) fileOperations([fileDownloadOperation(password: '', proxyHost: '', proxyPort: '', targetFileName: 'DynmapBlockScan.jar', targetLocation: 'mods/', url: 'https://github.com/webbukkit/DynmapBlockScan/releases/download/v3.4-beta-1/DynmapBlockScan-3.4-beta-1-forge-1.18.jar', userName: '')]) pwsh returnStatus: true, script: 'echo "stop" | java -Xmx4G @libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.18.2-40.1.19/unix_args.txt' logParser failBuildOnError: true, projectRulePath: 'Jenkinsparse', parsingRulesPath: 'Jenkinsparse', showGraphs: true, unstableOnWarning: true, useProjectRule: true fileOperations([fileDeleteOperation(excludes: '', includes: 'mods/DynmapBlockScan.jar')]) } } stage("deploy") { when { branch '**/master' } steps { sshagent(['ce4c701d-098c-4706-8f32-c0af996a7769']) { discordSend description: 'The RSEMCS server will now be rebooting! Checkout the build link for shutdown progress (startup occurs after shutdown and usually takes 1-2 minutes).', footer: '', image: '', link: '${env.BUILD_URL}', result: '', scmWebUrl: '', thumbnail: '', title: 'RS Jenkins - ${env.JOB_NAME}: Server is rebooting!', webhookURL: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/977367178884046919/LCJ_ngdNG1zo6Ak4CmzzUZbYD92LPUNn_mQO8IhwxoAVmswJo8p950qLFoQUck7LmIkf' pwsh "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no gamehost@entertainment 'systemctl --user stop rsemcs'" pwsh "rsync -a --update --filter=':- .gitignore' --exclude=./mods/ --exclude='./config/' --exclude='./world' . gamehost@entertainment:/home/gamehost/mcserver/" pwsh "rsync -a --update --filter=':- .gitignore' --delete ./mods/ gamehost@entertainment:/home/gamehost/mcserver/mods" pwsh "rsync -a --update --filter=':- .gitignore' --delete ./config gamehost@entertainment:/home/gamehost/mcserver/config" pwsh "ssh gamehost@entertainment 'systemctl --user start rsemcs'" } } } stage("cleanup") { when { not { triggeredBy "BuildUpstreamCause" } } steps { pwsh "git clean -dfX" } } } }