invalid-args: '&cInvalid args! Use /st help for help.' no-permissions: '&cYou don''t have permission for that!' player-only-command: '&cThis is player only command!' 'yes': '&a&lYES' 'no': '&c&lNO' add: '&a&lAdd' clear: clear completed: completed uncompleted: uncompleted times-played: Times played amount-of-points: Amount of points permission: Permission id: ID invisible: Invisible time: Time seconds: seconds(s) chat-messages: Chat messages reward-commands: Reward Commands npc-type: NPC type servertutorial-id: Server tutorial ID blocks-commands: Blocks commands white-listed-commands: Whitelisted commands chat-blocked: Chat Blocked none: None action-cancelled: '&eAction has been cancelled' nothhing-to-cancel: '&cThere is nothing to cancel!' player-lookup: '&a&lPlayer Lookup' lookup-set-unfinished: '&c[Set unfinished]' lookup-set-finished: '&e[Set finished]' lookup-set-unfinished-message: '&cClick to set the tutorial to &cunfinished' lookup-set-finished-message: '&cClick to set the tutorial to &afinished' tutorial-created: '&aSuccessfully created the server tutorial with ID:&e %id%' tutorial-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the server tutorial with ID:&e %id%' tutorial-id-not-found: '&cCould not find an server tutorial with that ID.' command-apddpoint-commandhint: '&7[&eNotice&7] The user needs to execute the command &e/st next &7to proceed this point.' command-hastobe-number: '&cThe index has to be an number' command-invalid-index: '&cThat''s not a valid index.' command-succesfully-left: '&aSuccessfully left the tutorial.' command-quit-notin: '&4You are not in a tutorial.' command-setblock-fail: '&cFailed to create the block. Don''t stand too far away from the block you want to set!' command-setblock-succes: '&aSuccessfully created a new tutorial block. Block Type: &e%type%&a Server tutorial: &e%id%' command-setting-set: '&aSuccessfully set the setting &e%setting%&a for tutorial:&e %id%' command-setting-rewards-clear: '&aSuccessfully cleared all reward commands.' command-setting-rewards-added: '&aSuccessfully added the command.' command-setting-rewards-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the reward command.' command-setting-commands-clear: '&aSuccessfully cleared all whitelisted commands.' command-setting-commands-added: '&aSuccessfully added the command to the whitelist.' command-setting-commands-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the whitelisted command.' command-switch-successful: Successfully switched the points %1% and %2% command-move-successful: Successfully moved the point %1% in front off %2% command-argument-available: '&aAvailable arguments: &7%args%' command-editall-canbe: '&eArguments that can be mass edited: &7%args%' command-editall-succes: '&aSuccessfully edited all points' command-lookup-define-player: '&ePlease define a player to check. &7/st player ' command-lookup-uuid-error: '&cUnable to get the UUID of the targed player. Are you sure he/she has played on this server before?' command-lookup-never-played: '&cThat player has never joined the server.' command-lookup-set: '&aSuccessfully set the tutorial to completed.' command-lookup-unset: '&cSuccessfully set the tutorial to incompleted.' command-lookup-set-error: '&cPlayer has already completed this tutorial.' command-lookup-unset-error: '&cPlayer has not yet completed this tutorial.' event-block-remove: '&cYou do not have permission to remove this tutorial block.' event-block-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the tutorial block!' reload-stoptutorial: '&cYour tutorial has been cancelled because the plugin has been reloaded.' reload-succes: '&aSuccessfully reloaded the plugin.' potion-effect-time: '&ePotion time: &7%ticks%&e ticks - &7%seconds%&e seconds (20 ticks = 1 second)' potion-effect-notime: '&eNo time was giving. Using the point time instead.' potion-effect-amplifier: 'Potion amplifier: %amp%' potion-effect-wrong-usage-1: '&cWrong usage. Hold a potion in your hand and use this command: &7/st edit add potion