config-version: 2 # Don't change this! settings: # You can customize everything in this plugin, certain configurations may break the plugin. # Say for example you disable every way to access a grave, or make it so graves never spawn. # Be mindful while editing the config, it is very powerful. I put comments on most options to help. # If something is not working as expected please report it in the discussion. # # To disable messages, sounds and effects set them to "" # To find out what a config option does, scroll down to the default options section, options are there with text explaining what each one does. ################ # Help/Support # ################ # If you are having an issue with the plugin, and need help because something is not working as expected, you can't understand # something in the config file, or you are getting unexpected results. You can join our Discord for help. # Discord: ########### # Storage # ########### # Data storage system. storage: type: SQLITE # SQLITE, More storage types will be added in the future. sqlite: # Unless you know what you're doing leave options under sqlite default. journal-mode: "WAL" # synchronous: "OFF" # ######### # Debug # ######### # Debug information, debug level 2 can be useful in finding out why a Grave does not spawn on your server. debug: 0 # 0 = Nothing, 1 = Information, 2 = Failures ############### # Integration # ############### # Enable/Disable integrations into other plugins, if you are having errors relating to another plugin try disabling it here. integration: vault: # enabled: true # Should Vault integration be enabled. worldedit: # enabled: true # Should WorldEdit integration be enabled. write: true # Should Graves write its schematics into its own folder. worldguard: # enabled: true # Should WorldGuard integration be enabled. griefdefender: # enabled: false # Should GriefDefender integration be enabled. furniturelib: # enabled: false # Should FurnitureLib integration be enabled. furnitureengine: # enabled: false # Should FurnitureEngine integration be enabled. protectionlib: # enabled: false # Should ProtectionLib integration be enabled. itemsadder: # enabled: false # Should ItemsAdder integration be enabled. write: false # Should Graves write its data into the ItemsAdder data folder. oraxen: # enabled: false # Should Oraxen integration be enabled. write: false # Should Graves write its pack into the Oraxen pack folder. placeholderapi: # enabled: false # Should PlaceholderAPI integration be enabled. chestsort: # enabled: false # Should ChestSort integration be enabled. itembridge: # enabled: false # Should ItemBridge integration be enabled. ################# # Compatibility # ################# compatibility: warning: true # Warn when a plugin to have known incompatibilities is detected. ############### # Token Setup # ############### # Here is where you define your tokens that you can use in graves. Supported only on 1.12+ token: weak: # Token name, you can define multiple tokens. material: SUNFLOWER # name: "Grave Artifact" # Grave token name. craft: true # Can players craft this grave token. lore: # Grave token lore. - "&7Keep this artifact in your" - "&7inventory and when you die" - "&7a grave will be created." recipe: # Grave token recipe, use AIR for an empty square, make sure it is unique. - "GOLD_NUGGET GOLD_NUGGET GOLD_NUGGET" - "GOLD_NUGGET BONE GOLD_NUGGET" - "GOLD_NUGGET GOLD_NUGGET GOLD_NUGGET" ####################### # Permission Override # ####################### # Override config options for players who have these permissions, "graves.permission.{name}". # If a player has multiple permissions, by group inheritance or manually given, options will be chosen from the top down. # Meaning for example, since admin is at the top and if the player has this permission among others. # The admin permission will always override permissions below it, therefore you should put your highest permission groups at the top, # so they correctly override in a hierarchy, this prevents you having to define the same thing for each permission group. # Remember you can copy options from the default section. permission: admin: # graves.permission.admin grave: time: -1 block: material: BEDROCK world: - ALL ################### # Entity Override # ################### # Override default config options for entities that match these types, entity type names must be uppercase. # entity: # Here we override the options for entities, remember you can copy options from the default section. PLAYER: # Override default options for players. grave: enabled: true time: 600 block: head: type: 1 world: - ALL death: reason: - ALL ################### # Default Options # ################### # Below are the default options for graves that are not overridden above, any options not defined above will take from here. # You can copy options below above into an entity section or a permission group, it has the same indentation. default: default: ######### # Grave # ######### grave: enabled: false # Should graves be enabled by default, if set to true under default all living entities will create graves. time: 300 # (Second) How long graves should stay alive for, 300 = 5 minutes, 10800 = 3 hours, -1 lasts forever. max: 18 # The max amount of graves an entity can have. break: true # Can graves be broken. explode: true # Can graves be blown up. ############# # Placement # ############# placement: can-build: false # Only create graves where the entity can build, should work with all protection plugins. can-build-protectionlib: false # Only create graves where the entity can build, (According to ProtectionLib). ground: true # If the entity dies in the air should the grave fall to the ground. void: true # If the entity dies in the void, should it place a grave in the air if it can't find anywhere else. lava-top: true # If the entity dies in lava should the grave it float to the top. void-smart: true # If the entity dies in the void, try place the grave on the last solid block they stood on. (Only works for players) lava-smart: true # If the entity dies in lava, try place the grave on the last solid block they stood on. (Only works for players) offset: x: 0 # Placement offset X, this will affect all other offsets. y: 0 # Placement offset Y, this will affect all other offsets. z: 0 # Placement offset Z, this will affect all other offsets. ######### # World # ######### # What worlds will a grave will spawn in. world: - world - world_nether - world_the_end #- ALL ######## # Drop # ######## # Should a grave drop it's contents when destroyed for the following reasons. drop: timeout: true # When a grave times out drop everything in it. If false it gets destroyed. explode: true # When a grave explodes drop everything in it. If false it gets destroyed. break: true # When a grave is broken drop everything in it. If false it gets destroyed. ######### # Block # ######### # Block options, this can be disabled if you only want holograms. block: enabled: true # Should grave blocks be enabled. material: PLAYER_HEAD # Material: PLAYER_HEAD, CHEST, BEACON. walk-over: false # Should graves be looted if the block is walked over. offset: x: 0 # Block offset X. y: 0 # Block offset Y. z: 0 # Block offset Z. head: type: 0 # 0 = Player/Entity head, (1 = Custom texture or 2 = Player username set under name). base64: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjdjYWI1NmM4MmNiODFiZGI5OTc5YTQ2NGJjOWQzYmEzZTY3MjJiYTEyMmNmNmM1Mjg3MzAxMGEyYjU5YWVmZSJ9fX0=" name: "MHF_Chest" # If type is set to 2. ############ # Hologram # ############ # If you are running PaperMC you can set armor-stands-tick to false for improved performance without impacting any functionality. hologram: enabled: true # Should holograms be created. marker: true # Should the hologram be a marker, you can't interact with markers. height-line: 0.28 # How far apart should holograms be from each-other. offset: x: 0 # Hologram offset X. y: -0.28 # Hologram offset Y. z: 0 # Hologram offset Z. line: - "&7%owner_name_display%'s &rGrave" - "&c%killer_name_display% &c☠" ############## # Protection # ############## # Protection options, protect graves from players, this does not protect from explosions, look for grave: explode: to disable this. protection: enabled: true # Enable the grave protection feature. time: 600 # Seconds, 300 = 5 minutes. Set to -1 to always stay locked. open: owner: true # Can the owner open the owners grave. killer: true # Can the killer open the owners grave. other: false # Can other entities open the owners grave. missing: owner: true # If a killer can't be found should the owner be allowed to open the grave. other: false # If a killer can't be found should everyone be allowed to open the grave. state: protected: "&c✘" unprotected: "&a✔" ######### # Token # ######### token: # You have to define the token at the top of the config file. enabled: true # Should graves require tokens for their creation. name: "weak" # Name of the token defined in token setup. ########### # Storage # ########### # How the items are saved in graves, compact mode stacks all items and puts them into a small as possible inventory. exact mode matches the players inventory exactly. storage: mode: COMPACT # Storage mode: COMPACT, EXACT, CHESTSORT (Requires ChestSort). ############## # Experience # ############## # If store is false it will store what Minecraft would normally drop, if you want to fully disable it, set store to true and store-percent to 0. experience: store: true # Should all the entities EXP be stored in the grave. If false only the vanilla drop amount will be stored. store-percent: 0.8 # How much of the EXP should be stored, 0.8 = 80%, 1 = 100%, 0 = 0%. ########### # Respawn # ########### respawn: compass: true # Should entities be given a compass to their last grave when they respawn. (Only works for players) compass-time: 30 # How long should the entity be given a compass on respawn after the grave was first created. function: "none" # Should we run a function after respawning, you can use menu and list among the other functions. ############ # Particle # ############ particle: enabled: false # Enable the particles feature. type: "REDSTONE" # count: 4 # Amount of particles. dust-size: 4 # Only applies to REDSTONE. dust-color: "RED" # only applies to REDSTONE, offset: x: 0 # Particle offset X. y: 0 # Particle offset Y. z: 0 # Particle offset Z. ########### # Compass # ########### # Compass that points towards the closest location belonging to a grave, only supported on 1.16.2+. compass: function: "distance" # The function that gets run on right click. ignore: true # Ignore the compass if an entity dies with it, drop it normally. destroy: true # Should a previous compass be destroyed when creating a new grave. name: "%owner_name%'s Grave" lore: - "%world_formatted%, %x%x, %y%y, %z%z" ############ # Teleport # ############ # Teleportation options. teleport: enabled: true # Can the entity teleport to their grave from the Graves GUI. cost: 5 # How much it costs to teleport to a grave, you need Vault for this. cost-different-world: 20 # Extra cost added on top of cost if the grave is in a different world. cost-distance-increase: true # Increase the price the further away the grave is. unsafe: false # Should entities be allowed to always teleport to a grave even if unsafe. top: true # If the grave is in an unsafe location, should the entity be teleported to the top. ########## # Zombie # ########## zombie: type: ZOMBIE # name: "%owner_name%'s Zombie" spawn-owner: false # Should a grave spawn a zombie when it is looted by its owner. spawn-other: true # Should a grave spawn a zombie if it is looted by another player. only-break: false # Should a zombie only spawn if the player broke the grave not open it. explode: false # Should a grave spawn a zombie if it is blown up, this only works if the grave can be blown up. owner-head: true # Will the zombie have the owners head on. health: 20 # How much health the zombie has. pickup: false # Can the zombie pickup dropped items. drop: false # Do grave zombies drop items, this may include the head it is wearing. ########### # Replace # ########### replace: block: # What blocks can graves replace. not-solid: true # Replace blocks that are not solid. ########### # Virtual # ########### # Options for the virtual inventory. virtual: distance: 15 # Minimum distance entities need to be from a grave to open it virtually. -1 for infinite distance. ############# # Schematic # ############# # Schematic options, this feature is in beta. Schematics don't get cleaned up when the grave is removed. schematic: enabled: false # Should schematics be enabled. name: "grave_default" # Schematic file name. offset: x: 0 # Schematic offset X. y: 0 # Schematic offset Y. z: 0 # Schematic offset Z. ################ # FurnitureLib # ################ # This option requires FurnitureLib, you must have this installed to use models. furniturelib: enabled: false # Should FurnitureLib furniture be used. name: "Grave1" # Object ID, GraveStone requires the DiceFurniture plugin. line: # If the model contains a sign, this is the text we will apply to it. - "%owner_name% Died" - "By %killer_name%" ################### # FurnitureEngine # ################### # This option requires FurnitureEngine, you must have this installed to use models. furnitureengine: enabled: false # Should FurnitureEngine furniture be used. name: "grave" # Furniture name. ############## # ItemsAdder # ############## # The option requires ItemsAdder, you must have this installed to use models. # Graves automatically adds models into ItemsAdder, if you want to use it you will need to re-generate your pack and use "graves:grave" as the furniture name. itemsadder: furniture: enabled: false # Should we use ItemsAdder furniture? name: "itemsadder:mysterious_stone" # Furniture name. block: enabled: false # Should we use ItemsAdder blocks? name: "itemsadder:nice_stone" # Block name. ########## # Oraxen # ########## # The option requires Oraxen, you must have this installed to use models. # Graves automatically adds models into Oraxen, if you want to use it you will need to re-generate your pack and use "grave" as the furniture name. oraxen: furniture: enabled: false # Should we use Oraxen furniture? name: "grave" # Block name. block: enabled: false # Should we use Oraxen blocks? name: "caveblock" # Block name. ####### # GUI # ####### # Functions: none, list, menu, teleportation, protection gui: grave: title: "%owner_name%'s Grave" menu: list: item: block: true # Should we use options under block for the menu item? material: CHEST # Item if block is false or can't be found. title: "Grave List" function: "menu" # Open the menu by default, if you don't want to use the menu you can change this to none or any other valid function. name: "Grave" empty: "You don't have any graves." lore: - "Created &f%time_lived_formatted% &7ago" grave: title: "Grave Menu" slot: 0: material: "PAPER" function: "distance" name: "Information" lore: - "Items: &f%item%" - "Levels: &f%level%" - "Death Location: &f%world_formatted%, %x%x, %y%y, %z%z" 1: material: "ENDER_PEARL" function: "teleportation" name: "Teleport" lore: - "Teleport to your grave" #2: # Toggle protection on and off, you can uncomment this if you want. # material: "TRIPWIRE_HOOK" # function: "protection" # name: "Toggle Protection %state_protection%" # lore: # - "Toggle grave protection" ########### # Command # ########### # Run commands on grave actions. command: loot: - "" #- "say %interact_name% looted %owner_name%'s grave" create: - "" #- "say %owner_name% was killed by %killer_name% at %x%x %y%y %z%z, grave lasts for %time_alive_remaining_formatted%." open: - "" #- "say %interact_name% is looting %owner_name%'s grave." break: - "" #- "say %interact_name% broke %owner_name%'s grave." explode: - "" #- "say %interact_name% exploded %owner_name%'s grave." teleport: - "" #- "say %interact_name% teleported to %owner_name%'s grave." ########## # Ignore # ########## ignore: item: # Items that graves will ignore from the inventory, these items will be handled normally. material: - "" #- BEDROCK # name: # If an item has this exact name it will be handled normally. - "" #- "&4Admin Sword" lore: # If an item has this exact line of lore it will be handled normally. - "" #- "Soulbound" name-contains: # If an item contains this string in the name it will be handled normally. - "" #- "Super Pickaxe" lore-contains: # If an item contains this string in the lore it will be handled normally. - "" #- "Ignore Lore" block: # Blocks that graves will not spawn in. material: - "" #- LAVA ######### # Death # ######### # death: player: true # Create a grave if an entity dies to a player. entity: false # Create a grave if an entity dies to an entity. environmental: false # Create a grave if an entity dies to things such as fall damage, lava and suffocation. reason: # Only create graves for entities that were killed for these reasons. #- CONTACT - ENTITY_ATTACK - ENTITY_SWEEP_ATTACK #- PROJECTILE #- SUFFOCATION #- FALL #- FIRE #- FIRE_TICK #- MELTING #- LAVA #- DROWNING #- BLOCK_EXPLOSION #- ENTITY_EXPLOSION #- VOID #- LIGHTNING #- SUICIDE #- STARVATION #- POISON #- MAGIC #- WITHER #- FALLING_BLOCK #- THORNS #- DRAGON_BREATH #- CUSTOM #- FLY_INTO_WALL #- HOT_FLOOR #- CRAMMING #- DRYOUT #- FREEZE #- ALL ######### # Spawn # ######### # spawn: # Only create graves for creature entities that have a spawn reason from the list below. reason: - NATURAL - DEFAULT - JOCKEY - CHUNK_GEN - EGG - SPAWNER_EGG - LIGHTNING - BUILD_SNOWMAN - BUILD_IRONGOLEM - BUILD_WITHER - VILLAGE_DEFENSE - VILLAGE_INVASION - BREEDING - SLIME_SPLIT - REINFORCEMENTS - NETHER_PORTAL - DISPENSE_EGG - INFECTION - CURED - OCELOT_BABY - SILVERFISH_BLOCK - MOUNT - TRAP - ENDER_PEARL - SHOULDER_ENTITY - DROWNED - SHEARED - EXPLOSION - RAID - PATROL - BEEHIVE - PIGLIN_ZOMBIFIED - COMMAND - CUSTOM #- SPAWNER #- ALL ########### # Message # ########### message: prefix: "&7☠ &8» &r" loot: "" experience: "Looted &7%level% &rlevels from grave." empty: "You don't have any graves." death: "You died in &7%world_formatted% &rat &7%x%&rx, &7%y%&ry, &7%z%&rz, a grave was created that lasts for &7%time_alive_remaining_formatted%&r." ignore: "A grave was not created because you died in &7%name%&r." max: "A grave was not created, you have reached the maximum." failure: "A grave was unable to be placed, item's dropped on ground." no-money: "You don't have enough money, you need &7%teleport_cost%&r." no-token: "A grave was not created because you didn't have a grave token." give-token: "You were given a Grave Token." distance: "You are &7%distance% &rblocks away." distance-world: "Can't measure distance, wrong world." teleport: "You teleported to your grave." teleport-top: "Grave is in an unsafe location, you have been teleported nearby." teleport-failure: "Teleport failed, teleport location is unsafe." teleport-disabled: "Grave teleportation is disabled." build-denied: "A grave was not created because you don't have permission to build where you died." distance-virtual: "You are too far away to virtually open this grave." permission-denied: "Permission denied." protection: "This grave is protected for %time_protection_remaining_formatted%." region-create-deny: "A grave was not created because grave creation is disabled in this region." region-teleport-deny: "Grave teleportation is disabled in this region." world: # Change the world name is %world_formatted%, if a world is not defined below it will try to format it itself. world: "Overworld" world_nether: "Nether" world_the_end: "The End" death-reason: # ENTITY_ATTACK: "Attacked" ENTITY_SWEEP_ATTACK: "Sweep Attacked" PROJECTILE: "Projectile Struck" SUFFOCATION: "Suffocated" FALL: "Fell" FIRE: "Burned" FIRE_TICK: "Burned" MELTING: "Melted" LAVA: "Burned" DROWNING: "Drowned" BLOCK_EXPLOSION: "Exploded" ENTITY_EXPLOSION: "Exploded" VOID: "Voided" LIGHTNING: "Zeus" SUICIDE: "Suicide" STARVATION: "Starved" POISON: "Poisoned" MAGIC: "Magic Missile" WITHER: "Withered Away" FALLING_BLOCK: "Crushed" THORNS: "Thorned" DRAGON_BREATH: "Dragon Breath" CUSTOM: "Dark Magic" FLY_INTO_WALL: "Highspeed Splat" HOT_FLOOR: "Burned Feet" CRAMMING: "Crushed" DRYOUT: "Suffocated" FREEZE: "Froze" ######## # Time # ######## time: second: "&7%second%&fs " minute: "&7%minute%&fm " hour: "&7%hour%&fh " day: "&7%day%&fd " infinite: "&7Forever" ######### # Sound # ######### sound: open: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN close: BLOCK_CHEST_CLOSE loot: ENTITY_DONKEY_CHEST teleport: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT menu-open: ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG protection: BLOCK_CHEST_LOCKED protection-change: ENTITY_DONKEY_CHEST ########## # Effect # ########## effect: loot: MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES