Current configurations.
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('setup') {
steps {
sh 'git checkout delta'
sh 'git reset --hard origin/delta'
sshagent(['2e60e630-b240-4c78-87ce-cb2c33d70180']) {
sh 'git fetch --prune --prune-tags'
sh 'git pull --force origin delta'
sh 'git clean -fd'
stage('runtest') {
steps {
sh './'
logParser failBuildOnError: true, projectRulePath: 'Jenkinsparse', parsingRulesPath: 'Jenkinsparse', showGraphs: true, unstableOnWarning: true, useProjectRule: true
sh 'git reset --hard'
stage('publish') {
steps {
load './server_ver.groovy'
sh 'git checkout master'
sh 'git reset --hard origin/master'
sshagent(['2e60e630-b240-4c78-87ce-cb2c33d70180']) {
sh 'git fetch --prune --prune-tags'
sh 'git pull --force origin master'
sh 'git clean -fd'
sh 'git merge --strategy-option theirs --no-commit origin/delta'
sh 'git tag -a "L$VER_MAJOR.$VER_MINOR.$VER_PATCH" -m "Automatic publish performed by Jenkins."'
sh 'git commit -am "Automatically merged delta branch to master." || exit 0'
sshagent(['2e60e630-b240-4c78-87ce-cb2c33d70180']) {
sh 'git push origin master'
stage('resync') {
steps {
load './server_ver.groovy'
sh 'git checkout delta'
sh 'sed -i "s/env.VER_PATCH=$VER_PATCH/env.VER_PATCH=$((VER_PATCH + 1))/" ./server_ver.groovy'
sh 'git commit -am "Updated version number for next patch."'
sshagent(['2e60e630-b240-4c78-87ce-cb2c33d70180']) {
sh 'git push origin delta'
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Acceptable warnings and errors.
ok /\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d ERROR\]:.* Initializing Legacy Material Support\./
ok /\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d WARN\]: Legacy plugin/
ok /\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d ERROR\]:.* not found/
# General guide.
info /\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d INFO\]: \[[\w\d\s]*\]/
warn /\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d WARN\]/
error /\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d ERROR\]/
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# curl (REST API)
# Assuming "anonymous read access" has been enabled on your Jenkins instance.
# JENKINS_CRUMB is needed if your Jenkins controller has CRSF protection enabled as it should
JENKINS_CRUMB=`curl "$JENKINS_URL/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,\":\",//crumb)"`
curl -X POST -H $JENKINS_CRUMB -F "jenkinsfile=<Jenkinsfile" $JENKINS_URL/pipeline-model-converter/validate
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
allow-end: true
warn-on-overload: true
permissions-file: permissions.yml
update-folder: update
plugin-profiling: false
connection-throttle: 4000
query-plugins: true
deprecated-verbose: default
shutdown-message: Server closed
minimum-api: none
monsters: 70
animals: 10
water-animals: 5
water-ambient: 20
water-underground-creature: 5
ambient: 15
period-in-ticks: 600
animal-spawns: 400
monster-spawns: 1
water-spawns: 1
water-ambient-spawns: 1
water-underground-creature-spawns: 1
ambient-spawns: 1
autosave: 6000
aliases: now-in-commands.yml
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
command-block-overrides: []
ignore-vanilla-permissions: false
- version $1-
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#By changing the setting below to TRUE you are indicating your agreement to our EULA (
#You also agree that tacos are tasty, and the best food in the world.
#Sat Jan 08 12:39:59 CST 2022
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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
# This is the main configuration file for Paper.
# As you can see, there's tons to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use
# with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring.
# If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Paper,
# join us in our Discord or IRC channel.
# Discord:
# IRC: #paper @ ( )
# Website:
# Docs:
verbose: false
authentication-servers-down: ''
connection-throttle: Connection throttled! Please wait before reconnecting.
flying-player: Flying is not enabled on this server
flying-vehicle: Flying is not enabled on this server
no-permission: '&cI''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command.
Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error.'
enabled: true
verbose: true
server-name-privacy: false
- database
- settings.bungeecord-addresses
- settings.velocity-support.secret
history-interval: 300
history-length: 3600
server-name: Unknown Server
config-version: 24
max-joins-per-tick: 3
track-plugin-scoreboards: false
fix-entity-position-desync: true
use-display-name-in-quit-message: false
load-permissions-yml-before-plugins: true
region-file-cache-size: 256
enable-player-collisions: true
save-empty-scoreboard-teams: false
bungee-online-mode: true
incoming-packet-spam-threshold: 300
use-alternative-luck-formula: false
enabled: false
online-mode: false
secret: ''
console-has-all-permissions: false
player-auto-save-rate: -1
max-player-auto-save-per-tick: -1
fix-target-selector-tag-completion: true
lag-compensate-block-breaking: true
send-full-pos-for-hard-colliding-entities: true
log-player-ip-addresses: true
enable-brigadier-highlighting: true
enable-brigadier-completions: true
suggest-player-names-when-null-tab-completions: true
early-warning-every: 5000
early-warning-delay: 10000
tab-spam-increment: 1
tab-spam-limit: 500
recipe-spam-increment: 1
recipe-spam-limit: 20
page-max: 2560
total-multiplier: 0.98
deobfuscate-stacktraces: true
display-name: 8192
loc-name: 8192
lore-line: 8192
title: 8192
author: 8192
page: 16384
threads: -1
allow-permanent-block-break-exploits: false
allow-piston-duplication: false
perform-username-validation: true
allow-headless-pistons: false
allow-permanent-block-break-exploits-readme: This setting controls if players
should be able to break bedrock, end portals and other intended to be permanent
allow-piston-duplication-readme: This setting controls if player should be able
to use TNT duplication, but this also allows duplicating carpet, rails and potentially
other items
allow-headless-pistons-readme: This setting controls if players should be able
to create headless pistons.
kick-message: '&cSent too many packets'
interval: 7.0
max-packet-rate: 500.0
interval: 4.0
max-packet-rate: 5.0
action: DROP
disable-teleportation-suffocation-check: false
delay-chunk-unloads-by: 10s
flat-bedrock: false
piglins-guard-chests: true
should-remove-dragon: false
max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick: 24
baby-zombie-movement-modifier: 0.5
optimize-explosions: false
use-vanilla-world-scoreboard-name-coloring: false
scan-for-legacy-ender-dragon: true
fix-curing-zombie-villager-discount-exploit: true
disable-pillager-patrols: false
spawn-chance: 0.2
per-player: false
ticks: 12000
per-player: false
day: 5
disable-unloaded-chunk-enderpearl-exploit: true
disable-chest-cat-detection: false
nerf-pigmen-from-nether-portals: false
disable-end-credits: false
disable-player-crits: false
disable-sprint-interruption-on-attack: false
shield-blocking-delay: 5
disable-relative-projectile-velocity: false
disable-mob-spawner-spawn-egg-transformation: false
prevent-moving-into-unloaded-chunks: false
count-all-mobs-for-spawning: false
monster: -1
creature: -1
ambient: -1
axolotls: -1
underground_water_creature: -1
water_creature: -1
water_ambient: -1
ender-dragons-death-always-places-dragon-egg: false
experience-merge-max-value: -1
allow-using-signs-inside-spawn-protection: false
spawn-minute-length: 1200
spawn-day-length: 24000
spawn-chance-failure-increment: 25
spawn-chance-min: 25
spawn-chance-max: 75
cactus: 3
reeds: 3
max: 16
min: 11
MinimumTicks: 100
MaximumTicks: 600
soft: 32
hard: 128
soft: 32
hard: 128
soft: 32
hard: 128
soft: 32
hard: 128
soft: 32
hard: 128
soft: 32
hard: 128
soft: 32
hard: 64
soft: 32
hard: 128
falling-block-height-nerf: 0
tnt-entity-height-nerf: 0
enabled: true
min: 20
max: 40
auto-replenish: false
restrict-player-reloot: true
reset-seed-on-fill: true
max-refills: -1
refresh-min: 12h
refresh-max: 2d
filter-nbt-data-from-spawn-eggs-and-related: true
max-entity-collisions: 8
disable-creeper-lingering-effect: false
duplicate-uuid-resolver: saferegen
duplicate-uuid-saferegen-delete-range: 32
cooldown-when-full: true
disable-move-event: false
ignore-occluding-blocks: true
undead-immune-to-certain-effects: true
spiders-immune-to-poison-effect: true
wither: true
wither-skeleton: true
update-pathfinding-on-block-update: true
phantoms-do-not-spawn-on-creative-players: true
phantoms-only-attack-insomniacs: true
zombies: false
skeletons: false
map-item-frame-cursor-update-interval: 10
allow-player-cramming-damage: false
hide-itemmeta: false
hide-durability: false
monster-spawn-max-light-level: -1
water-over-lava-flow-speed: 5
grass-spread-tick-rate: 1
use-faster-eigencraft-redstone: false
enabled: false
engine-mode: 1
max-block-height: 64
update-radius: 2
lava-obscures: false
use-permission: false
- copper_ore
- deepslate_copper_ore
- gold_ore
- deepslate_gold_ore
- iron_ore
- deepslate_iron_ore
- coal_ore
- deepslate_coal_ore
- lapis_ore
- deepslate_lapis_ore
- mossy_cobblestone
- obsidian
- chest
- diamond_ore
- deepslate_diamond_ore
- redstone_ore
- deepslate_redstone_ore
- clay
- emerald_ore
- deepslate_emerald_ore
- ender_chest
- stone
- oak_planks
- deepslate
armor-stands-do-collision-entity-lookups: true
keep-spawn-loaded: true
disable-thunder: false
skeleton-horse-thunder-spawn-chance: 0.01
disable-ice-and-snow: false
keep-spawn-loaded-range: 10
nether-ceiling-void-damage-height: 0
only-players-collide: false
allow-vehicle-collisions: true
allow-non-player-entities-on-scoreboards: false
portal-search-radius: 128
portal-create-radius: 16
portal-search-vanilla-dimension-scaling: true
container-update-tick-rate: 1
fix-items-merging-through-walls: false
parrots-are-unaffected-by-player-movement: false
disable-explosion-knockback: false
fix-climbing-bypassing-cramming-rule: false
fixed-chunk-inhabited-time: -1
remove-corrupt-tile-entities: false
prevent-tnt-from-moving-in-water: false
show-sign-click-command-failure-msgs-to-player: false
iron-golems-can-spawn-in-air: false
max-leash-distance: 10.0
armor-stands-tick: true
non-player-arrow-despawn-rate: -1
creative-arrow-despawn-rate: -1
spawner-nerfed-mobs-should-jump: false
entities-target-with-follow-range: false
zombies-target-turtle-eggs: true
zombie-villager-infection-chance: -1.0
fix-invulnerable-end-crystal-exploit: true
all-chunks-are-slime-chunks: false
mob-spawner-tick-rate: 1
map-item-frame-cursor-limit: 128
light-queue-size: 20
auto-save-interval: -1
per-player-mob-spawns: true
enable-treasure-maps: true
treasure-maps-return-already-discovered: false
split-overstacked-loot: true
experience_orb: -1
snowball: -1
ender_pearl: -1
arrow: -1
fireball: -1
small_fireball: -1
enabled: false
secondarypoisensor: 40
validatenearbypoi: -1
generate-random-seeds-for-all: false
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
## Run a list of commands seconds before the restart executes
## This feature is made for specific type of users, most plugins will execute save functions on disable
## Main branch
## Enable or disable commands to execute before the server restarts
enabled: false
## The amount of time to give to execute commands
seconds: 5
## The list of commands to run
- 'say This is a test command'
- 'say I think it works?'
version: 2
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
## These are the formatting tags your can use in all text/messages and popups
## They are configurable to suit your needs when formatting text
## Main Branch
## Hours till server restart
hours: '%h'
## Minutes till server restart
minutes: '%m'
## Seconds till server restart
seconds: '%s'
## Max players amount. This formats the text to `max_players.amount`
maxplayers_amount: '%a'
## Max players amount. This formats the text to `max_players.delay`
maxplayers_delay: '%d'
version: 1
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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
## Broadcasts adds flexibility on what you want your players to see!
## Everyone will see these messages, except the person initiating the command.
## They will receive their own Private Message.
## You have the option to enabled/disable these functions, as well as individually enabling/disabling
## the text message or the title popup.
## Global broadcasts include the prefix in "main.prefix" config.
## Messages have multi line support!
## All messages can use the format tags specified in the format.yml config
## To understand ticks. 1 second is relevant to 20 ticks! So a second and a half (1.5s) is 30 ticks!
## timing is displayed as fadein:stay:fadeout
## Example: 20:40:20
## fadein: 20 (ticks) (1 second)
## stay: 40 (ticks) (2 second)
## fadeout: 20 (ticks) (1 second)
## Fadein, stay, fadeout are the 3 arguments. You can edit how long it takes to fadein, fadeout etc.
## You can also put the fade numbers to 0, and then the popup's will be instant!
## Get creative!
## Main Branch
##▒█▀▄▀█ ▀█▀ ▒█▄░▒█ ▒█░▒█ ▀▀█▀▀ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀▀█
##▒█▒█▒█ ▒█░ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█░▒█ ░▒█░░ ▒█▀▀▀ ░▀▀▀▄▄
##▒█░░▒█ ▄█▄ ▒█░░▀█ ░▀▄▄▀ ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█▄▄▄█
## Broadcast message for the minute reminder
enabled: true
- 'Server Will Restart In %m Minutes!'
enabled: true
text: '&cServer Restarting In'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: '&f%m &cMinutes!'
timing: '20:40:20'
##▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█▄░▒█ ▒█▀▀▄ ▒█▀▀▀█
##░▀▀▀▄▄ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█░░░ ▒█░░▒█ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█░▒█ ░▀▀▀▄▄
##▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█░░▀█ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄▄█
## Broadcast message for the second reminder
enabled: true
- 'Server is restarting in %s Seconds!'
enabled: true
text: '&cServer Restarting In'
timing: '5:20:5'
text: '&f%s &cSeconds!'
timing: '5:20:5'
##▒█▀▀▀█ ▀▀█▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ▀▀█▀▀ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▀▀▀█
##░▀▀▀▄▄ ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄█ ░▒█░░ ▒█░▒█ ░▀▀▀▄▄
##▒█▄▄▄█ ░▒█░░ ▒█░▒█ ░▒█░░ ░▀▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄▄█
## Show the broadcast when '/autore resume' or '/autore pause' is called
## Show the broadcast when typed '/autore resume'
enabled: true
- '&cAutoRestart timer has resumed!'
enabled: true
text: '&cAutoRestart has started!'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: ''
timing: '20:40:20'
## Show the broadcast when typed '/autore pause'
enabled: true
- '&cAutoRestart timer has been paused'
enabled: true
text: '&cAutoRestart has been paused!'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: ''
timing: '20:40:20'
##▒█▀▀█ ▒█░▒█ ░█▀▀█ ▒█▄░▒█ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀
##▒█░░░ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█░▄▄ ▒█▀▀▀
##▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░░▀█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄
## Show the broadcast when '/autore in' is called
enabled: true
- '&cServer now is restarting in &f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
enabled: true
text: '&cServer Restarting In'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: '&f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
timing: '20:40:20'
##▒█▀▄▀█ ░█▀▀█ ▀▄▒▄▀ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█░░░ ░█▀▀█ ▒█░░▒█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀█
##▒█▒█▒█ ▒█▄▄█ ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░░░ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▄▄▀ ░▀▀▀▄▄
##▒█░░▒█ ▒█░▒█ ▄▀▒▀▄ ▒█░░░ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ░░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄█
## Show the Maxplayers broadcast
## The message broadcasted when too many players are online on restart!
enabled: true
- '&bToo many players online for restart. Max &f%a&b amount of players allowed for a restart. Waiting for players to leave!'
enabled: true
text: '&bToo many players online for restart.'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: 'Max &f%a&b amount of players allowed for a restart.'
timing: '20:40:20'
## This message appears when the amount of players requirement is met!
enabled: true
- '&aServer now restarting in &f%d&a seconds!'
enabled: true
text: '&aServer now restarting in &f%d&a seconds!'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: ''
timing: '20:40:20'
## This message appears when the timeout has been reached
enabled: true
- '&aPlayers took too long to leave!'
enabled: true
text: '&aPlayers took too long to leave!'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: '&aServer now restarting in &f%d&a seconds!'
timing: '20:40:20'
##▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░▒█ ▀▀█▀▀ ▒█▀▀▄ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█░░▒█ ▒█▄░▒█
##░▀▀▀▄▄ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█░▒█ ░▒█░░ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░░▒█ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█▒█▒█
##▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ░▀▄▄▀ ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█▄▀▄█ ▒█░░▀█
## Global shutdown message
enabled: true
- '&cServer Restarting!'
enabled: true
text: '&cServer is now'
timing: '20:80:20'
text: '&cRestarting!'
timing: '20:80:20'
version: 2
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
## Main branch
## Sets the restart command after players have been kicked
execution: 'stop'
## This will recalculate the restart countdown when using '/autore reload'
recalculate_onreload: false
## Restart modes available 'interval', and 'timestamp'
restart_mode: 'timestamp'
## Restart mode specific settings
## Restart server in intervals
## Set the multiplication factor
## Options are 'hours' or 'days'
factor: 'hours'
## Set the value of the interval
## Decimals are allowed
value: 3.0
## Set the timestamp in 24 hour time format HH:MM
## Multiple timestamps allowed
- '3:00'
## Server wide prefix for all chat broadcasts
prefix: '&f[&7AutoRestart&f] &e'
## Client restart message in game chat
kick_message: '&cServer Restarting! We will be back up any minute!'
version: 4
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#███╗░░░███╗░█████╗░██╗░░██╗ ██████╗░██╗░░░░░░█████╗░██╗░░░██╗███████╗██████╗░░██████╗
#████╗░████║██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝ ██╔══██╗██║░░░░░██╔══██╗╚██╗░██╔╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝
#██╔████╔██║███████║░╚███╔╝░ ██████╔╝██║░░░░░███████║░╚████╔╝░█████╗░░██████╔╝╚█████╗░
#██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║░██╔██╗░ ██╔═══╝░██║░░░░░██╔══██║░░╚██╔╝░░██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗░╚═══██╗
#██║░╚═╝░██║██║░░██║██╔╝╚██╗ ██║░░░░░███████╗██║░░██║░░░██║░░░███████╗██║░░██║██████╔╝
#╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝ ╚═╝░░░░░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░
## This will stop your server from shutting down if you have more than X amount of players configured in "amount".
## This is a beta feature. If you have any ideas, or recommendations about this feature you would like to
## add. Do not hesitate to message me on SpigotMC. I would love to hear what your think I should change/add!
## I love feedback and ideas.
## Main branch
## Enable or Disable this feature
enabled: false
## The max amount of players allowed for a restart. If you set this to 10, and your server has 11 people online
## your server will not shutdown until the amount of players is less than of equal to the amount set.
amount: 10
## The delay for the server to restart once player count as been met.
## If players join the server during this delay, the server will continue to restart.
## This is in seconds
delay: 10
## The timeout is the amount of time AutoRestart will give to the players to log out.
## If the amount is never reached within X minutes, then the server
## Will force restart. This prevents the server from never restarting due to high player traffic,
## but will give players time to wrap up their tasks.
## This is in minutes.
timeout: 15
version: 4
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
## Nothing will happen if you edit this file, this is to help you setup
## the permissions for AutoRestart.
#▒█▀▀▄ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░░░ ▀▀█▀▀
#▒█░▒█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░░░ ░▒█░░
#▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░░░ ▒█░▒█ ░▀▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄█ ░▒█░░
default: true
command: '/autore'
default: true
command: '/autore help'
default: true
command: '/autore time'
#░█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▄ ▒█▀▄▀█ ▀█▀ ▒█▄░▒█
#▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█░ ▒█▒█▒█
#▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█░░▒█ ▄█▄ ▒█░░▀█
- autorestart.pause
- autorestart.resume
default: false
command: '/autore in'
default: false
command: '/autore now'
default: false
command: '/autore pause'
default: false
command: '/autore resume'
#░█▀▀█ ▒█░░░ ▒█░░░
#▒█▄▄█ ▒█░░░ ▒█░░░
#▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄█
- autorestart.time
- autorestart.resume
- autorestart.pause
- autorestart.reload
version: 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
## These are private messages sent to the player when the event is triggered. If the same task is enabled in
## "global_broadcast", this player will not see the global message, but his own.
## You have the option to enabled/disable these functions, as well as individually enabling/disabling
## the text message or the title popup.
## Global broadcasts include the prefix in "main.prefix" config.
## Messages have multi line support!
## All messages can use the format tags specified in the format.yml config
## To understand ticks. 1 second is relevant to 20 ticks! So a second and a half (1.5s) is 30 ticks!
## timing is displayed as fadein:stay:fadeout
## Example: 20:40:20
## fadein: 20 (ticks) (1 second)
## stay: 40 (ticks) (2 second)
## fadeout: 20 (ticks) (1 second)
## Fadein, stay, fadeout are the 3 arguments. You can edit how long it takes to fadein, fadeout etc.
## You can also put the fade numbers to 0, and then the popup's will be instant!
## Get creative!
## Main Branch
##▀▀█▀▀ ▀█▀ ▒█▀▄▀█ ▒█▀▀▀
##░▒█░░ ▒█░ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█▀▀▀
##░▒█░░ ▄█▄ ▒█░░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄
## Show the message when type /autore time
enabled: true
- '&cServer restarting in &f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
enabled: true
text: '&cServer Restarting In'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: '&f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
timing: '20:40:20'
##▒█▀▀▀█ ▀▀█▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ▀▀█▀▀ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▀▀▀█
##░▀▀▀▄▄ ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄█ ░▒█░░ ▒█░▒█ ░▀▀▀▄▄
##▒█▄▄▄█ ░▒█░░ ▒█░▒█ ░▒█░░ ░▀▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄▄█
## Show the message when typed '/autore resume' or '/autore pause'
## Show the message when typed '/autore resume'
enabled: true
- '&cYou have resumed AutoRestart timer!'
enabled: true
text: '&cYou started AutoRestart back up!'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: ''
timing: '20:40:20'
## Show the message when typed '/autore pause'
enabled: true
- '&cYou have paused AutoRestart timer'
enabled: true
text: '&cYou have paused AutoRestart!'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: ''
timing: '20:40:20'
##▒█▀▀█ ▒█░▒█ ░█▀▀█ ▒█▄░▒█ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀
##▒█░░░ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█░▄▄ ▒█▀▀▀
##▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░░▀█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄
## Show the broadcast when the server time has been changed!
enabled: true
- '&cServer now is restarting in &f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
enabled: true
text: '&cYou Changed Restart Time to'
timing: '20:40:20'
text: '&f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
timing: '20:40:20'
##▒█▀▀█ ░█▀▀█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▄▀█ ▀█▀ ▒█▄░▒█ ▒█▀▀▄ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀█
##▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ░▀▀▀▄▄ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█░ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▄▄▀
##▒█░░░ ▒█░▒█ ░▀▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░░▒█ ▄█▄ ▒█░░▀█ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░▒█
## This shows a reminder to 'autorestart.admin' players that the server is still paused.
## This is to prevent the staff from forgetting to leave the server paused.
enabled: true
- "&cDon't forget that the server countdown is still paused!"
enabled: true
text: "&cDon't forget that"
timing: '20:40:20'
text: '&cAutoRestart timer is still paused!'
timing: '20:40:20'
version: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
## Reminders will execute in the specified times to let players know when is the next restart
## Main Branch
## Enables or Disables restart reminder
minutes: true
seconds: true
## minutes before restart
- 15
- 10
- 5
- 1
## AutoRestart will countdown the seconds till restart start
seconds: 5
## This will remind you that the server timer is paused. This message will be sent to
## people with 'autorestart.admin' permission
## This is set in minutes
pause_reminder: 10
version: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
## This file will allow you to enable/disable sound effects in AutoRestart
## If the message AND the popup is disabled the sound will not play!
## Main Branch
## This is the sound that is played when everyone receives a message.
## For example, an automated (Server restarting in 15 minutes) is a global broadcast
## Enables or disables the sound
enabled: true
## This is the sound that is played when a player requests information from the plugin.
## For example, when typing `/autore time`, this is a player requested popup.
## Enables or disables the sound
enabled: true
## This is the dramatic restart sound that is played seconds before the server restarts.
## You can configure when the sound will start to play, "Its a little long and dramatic"
## Enables or disables the sound
enabled: true
## I recommend having it at 5 seconds, this is the perfect duration of the sound
## But if you want to make it earlier, that is up to you.
seconds: 5
version: 1
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Seconds between checks for Residence updates
period: 300
name: Regions
# Make mobs layer hidden by default
hidebydefault: false
# ordering priority in layer menu (low goes before high - default is 0)
layerprio: 0
# (optional) set minimum zoom level before layer is visible (0 = defalt, always visible)
minzoom: 0
use3dregions: false
infowindow: <div class=\"infowindow\"><span style=\"font-size:120%;">%regionname%
(%parent%) - %priority%</span><br /> Owners <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playerowners%<br/>%groupowners%</span><br/>Members
<span style="font-weight:bold;">%playermembers%<br/>%groupmembers%</span><br/>Flags<br
/><span style="font-weight:bold;">%flags%</span></div>
strokeColor: '#FF0000'
strokeOpacity: 0.8
strokeWeight: 3
fillColor: '#FF0000'
fillOpacity: 0.35
unownedStrokeColor: '#00FF00'
visibleregions: []
hiddenregions: []
strokeColor: '#00FF00'
strokecolor: '#C0C0C0'
maxdepth: 16
updates-per-tick: 20
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
config-version: 2 # Don't change this!
# You can customize everything in this plugin, certain configurations may break the plugin.
# Say for example you disable every way to access a grave, or make it so graves never spawn.
# Be mindful while editing the config, it is very powerful. I put comments on most options to help.
# If something is not working as expected please report it in the discussion.
# To disable messages, sounds and effects set them to ""
# To find out what a config option does, scroll down to the default options section, options are there with text explaining what each one does.
# Help/Support #
# If you are having an issue with the plugin, and need help because something is not working as expected, you can't understand
# something in the config file, or you are getting unexpected results. You can join our Discord for help.
# Discord:
# Storage #
# Data storage system.
type: SQLITE # SQLITE, More storage types will be added in the future.
sqlite: # Unless you know what you're doing leave options under sqlite default.
journal-mode: "WAL" #
synchronous: "OFF" #
# Debug #
# Debug information, debug level 2 can be useful in finding out why a Grave does not spawn on your server.
debug: 0 # 0 = Nothing, 1 = Information, 2 = Failures
# Integration #
# Enable/Disable integrations into other plugins, if you are having errors relating to another plugin try disabling it here.
vault: #
enabled: true # Should Vault integration be enabled.
worldedit: #
enabled: true # Should WorldEdit integration be enabled.
write: true # Should Graves write its schematics into its own folder.
worldguard: #
enabled: true # Should WorldGuard integration be enabled.
griefdefender: #
enabled: false # Should GriefDefender integration be enabled.
furniturelib: #
enabled: false # Should FurnitureLib integration be enabled.
furnitureengine: #
enabled: false # Should FurnitureEngine integration be enabled.
protectionlib: #
enabled: false # Should ProtectionLib integration be enabled.
itemsadder: #
enabled: false # Should ItemsAdder integration be enabled.
write: false # Should Graves write its data into the ItemsAdder data folder.
oraxen: #
enabled: false # Should Oraxen integration be enabled.
write: false # Should Graves write its pack into the Oraxen pack folder.
placeholderapi: #
enabled: false # Should PlaceholderAPI integration be enabled.
chestsort: #
enabled: false # Should ChestSort integration be enabled.
itembridge: #
enabled: false # Should ItemBridge integration be enabled.
# Compatibility #
warning: true # Warn when a plugin to have known incompatibilities is detected.
# Token Setup #
# Here is where you define your tokens that you can use in graves. Supported only on 1.12+
weak: # Token name, you can define multiple tokens.
material: SUNFLOWER #
name: "Grave Artifact" # Grave token name.
craft: true # Can players craft this grave token.
lore: # Grave token lore.
- "&7Keep this artifact in your"
- "&7inventory and when you die"
- "&7a grave will be created."
recipe: # Grave token recipe, use AIR for an empty square, make sure it is unique.
# Permission Override #
# Override config options for players who have these permissions, "graves.permission.{name}".
# If a player has multiple permissions, by group inheritance or manually given, options will be chosen from the top down.
# Meaning for example, since admin is at the top and if the player has this permission among others.
# The admin permission will always override permissions below it, therefore you should put your highest permission groups at the top,
# so they correctly override in a hierarchy, this prevents you having to define the same thing for each permission group.
# Remember you can copy options from the default section.
admin: # graves.permission.admin
time: -1
material: BEDROCK
# Entity Override #
# Override default config options for entities that match these types, entity type names must be uppercase.
# Here we override the options for entities, remember you can copy options from the default section.
PLAYER: # Override default options for players.
enabled: true
time: 600
type: 1
# Default Options #
# Below are the default options for graves that are not overridden above, any options not defined above will take from here.
# You can copy options below above into an entity section or a permission group, it has the same indentation.
# Grave #
enabled: false # Should graves be enabled by default, if set to true under default all living entities will create graves.
time: 300 # (Second) How long graves should stay alive for, 300 = 5 minutes, 10800 = 3 hours, -1 lasts forever.
max: 18 # The max amount of graves an entity can have.
break: true # Can graves be broken.
explode: true # Can graves be blown up.
# Placement #
can-build: false # Only create graves where the entity can build, should work with all protection plugins.
can-build-protectionlib: false # Only create graves where the entity can build, (According to ProtectionLib).
ground: true # If the entity dies in the air should the grave fall to the ground.
void: true # If the entity dies in the void, should it place a grave in the air if it can't find anywhere else.
lava-top: true # If the entity dies in lava should the grave it float to the top.
void-smart: true # If the entity dies in the void, try place the grave on the last solid block they stood on. (Only works for players)
lava-smart: true # If the entity dies in lava, try place the grave on the last solid block they stood on. (Only works for players)
x: 0 # Placement offset X, this will affect all other offsets.
y: 0 # Placement offset Y, this will affect all other offsets.
z: 0 # Placement offset Z, this will affect all other offsets.
# World #
# What worlds will a grave will spawn in.
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
#- ALL
# Drop #
# Should a grave drop it's contents when destroyed for the following reasons.
timeout: true # When a grave times out drop everything in it. If false it gets destroyed.
explode: true # When a grave explodes drop everything in it. If false it gets destroyed.
break: true # When a grave is broken drop everything in it. If false it gets destroyed.
# Block #
# Block options, this can be disabled if you only want holograms.
enabled: true # Should grave blocks be enabled.
walk-over: false # Should graves be looted if the block is walked over.
x: 0 # Block offset X.
y: 0 # Block offset Y.
z: 0 # Block offset Z.
type: 0 # 0 = Player/Entity head, (1 = Custom texture or 2 = Player username set under name).
base64: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjdjYWI1NmM4MmNiODFiZGI5OTc5YTQ2NGJjOWQzYmEzZTY3MjJiYTEyMmNmNmM1Mjg3MzAxMGEyYjU5YWVmZSJ9fX0="
name: "MHF_Chest" # If type is set to 2.
# Hologram #
# If you are running PaperMC you can set armor-stands-tick to false for improved performance without impacting any functionality.
enabled: true # Should holograms be created.
marker: true # Should the hologram be a marker, you can't interact with markers.
height-line: 0.28 # How far apart should holograms be from each-other.
x: 0 # Hologram offset X.
y: -0.28 # Hologram offset Y.
z: 0 # Hologram offset Z.
- "&7%owner_name_display%'s &rGrave"
- "&c%killer_name_display% &c☠"
# Protection #
# Protection options, protect graves from players, this does not protect from explosions, look for grave: explode: to disable this.
enabled: true # Enable the grave protection feature.
time: 600 # Seconds, 300 = 5 minutes. Set to -1 to always stay locked.
owner: true # Can the owner open the owners grave.
killer: true # Can the killer open the owners grave.
other: false # Can other entities open the owners grave.
owner: true # If a killer can't be found should the owner be allowed to open the grave.
other: false # If a killer can't be found should everyone be allowed to open the grave.
protected: "&c✘"
unprotected: "&a✔"
# Token #
token: # You have to define the token at the top of the config file.
enabled: true # Should graves require tokens for their creation.
name: "weak" # Name of the token defined in token setup.
# Storage #
# How the items are saved in graves, compact mode stacks all items and puts them into a small as possible inventory. exact mode matches the players inventory exactly.
mode: COMPACT # Storage mode: COMPACT, EXACT, CHESTSORT (Requires ChestSort).
# Experience #
# If store is false it will store what Minecraft would normally drop, if you want to fully disable it, set store to true and store-percent to 0.
store: true # Should all the entities EXP be stored in the grave. If false only the vanilla drop amount will be stored.
store-percent: 0.8 # How much of the EXP should be stored, 0.8 = 80%, 1 = 100%, 0 = 0%.
# Respawn #
compass: true # Should entities be given a compass to their last grave when they respawn. (Only works for players)
compass-time: 30 # How long should the entity be given a compass on respawn after the grave was first created.
function: "none" # Should we run a function after respawning, you can use menu and list among the other functions.
# Particle #
enabled: false # Enable the particles feature.
type: "REDSTONE" #
count: 4 # Amount of particles.
dust-size: 4 # Only applies to REDSTONE.
dust-color: "RED" # only applies to REDSTONE,
x: 0 # Particle offset X.
y: 0 # Particle offset Y.
z: 0 # Particle offset Z.
# Compass #
# Compass that points towards the closest location belonging to a grave, only supported on 1.16.2+.
function: "distance" # The function that gets run on right click.
ignore: true # Ignore the compass if an entity dies with it, drop it normally.
destroy: true # Should a previous compass be destroyed when creating a new grave.
name: "%owner_name%'s Grave"
- "%world_formatted%, %x%x, %y%y, %z%z"
# Teleport #
# Teleportation options.
enabled: true # Can the entity teleport to their grave from the Graves GUI.
cost: 5 # How much it costs to teleport to a grave, you need Vault for this.
cost-different-world: 20 # Extra cost added on top of cost if the grave is in a different world.
cost-distance-increase: true # Increase the price the further away the grave is.
unsafe: false # Should entities be allowed to always teleport to a grave even if unsafe.
top: true # If the grave is in an unsafe location, should the entity be teleported to the top.
# Zombie #
type: ZOMBIE #
name: "%owner_name%'s Zombie"
spawn-owner: false # Should a grave spawn a zombie when it is looted by its owner.
spawn-other: true # Should a grave spawn a zombie if it is looted by another player.
only-break: false # Should a zombie only spawn if the player broke the grave not open it.
explode: false # Should a grave spawn a zombie if it is blown up, this only works if the grave can be blown up.
owner-head: true # Will the zombie have the owners head on.
health: 20 # How much health the zombie has.
pickup: false # Can the zombie pickup dropped items.
drop: false # Do grave zombies drop items, this may include the head it is wearing.
# Replace #
block: # What blocks can graves replace.
not-solid: true # Replace blocks that are not solid.
# Virtual #
# Options for the virtual inventory.
distance: 15 # Minimum distance entities need to be from a grave to open it virtually. -1 for infinite distance.
# Schematic #
# Schematic options, this feature is in beta. Schematics don't get cleaned up when the grave is removed.
enabled: false # Should schematics be enabled.
name: "grave_default" # Schematic file name.
x: 0 # Schematic offset X.
y: 0 # Schematic offset Y.
z: 0 # Schematic offset Z.
# FurnitureLib #
# This option requires FurnitureLib, you must have this installed to use models.
enabled: false # Should FurnitureLib furniture be used.
name: "Grave1" # Object ID, GraveStone requires the DiceFurniture plugin.
line: # If the model contains a sign, this is the text we will apply to it.
- "%owner_name% Died"
- "By %killer_name%"
# FurnitureEngine #
# This option requires FurnitureEngine, you must have this installed to use models.
enabled: false # Should FurnitureEngine furniture be used.
name: "grave" # Furniture name.
# ItemsAdder #
# The option requires ItemsAdder, you must have this installed to use models.
# Graves automatically adds models into ItemsAdder, if you want to use it you will need to re-generate your pack and use "graves:grave" as the furniture name.
enabled: false # Should we use ItemsAdder furniture?
name: "itemsadder:mysterious_stone" # Furniture name.
enabled: false # Should we use ItemsAdder blocks?
name: "itemsadder:nice_stone" # Block name.
# Oraxen #
# The option requires Oraxen, you must have this installed to use models.
# Graves automatically adds models into Oraxen, if you want to use it you will need to re-generate your pack and use "grave" as the furniture name.
enabled: false # Should we use Oraxen furniture?
name: "grave" # Block name.
enabled: false # Should we use Oraxen blocks?
name: "caveblock" # Block name.
# GUI #
# Functions: none, list, menu, teleportation, protection
title: "%owner_name%'s Grave"
block: true # Should we use options under block for the menu item?
material: CHEST # Item if block is false or can't be found.
title: "Grave List"
function: "menu" # Open the menu by default, if you don't want to use the menu you can change this to none or any other valid function.
name: "Grave"
empty: "You don't have any graves."
- "Created &f%time_lived_formatted% &7ago"
title: "Grave Menu"
material: "PAPER"
function: "distance"
name: "Information"
- "Items: &f%item%"
- "Levels: &f%level%"
- "Death Location: &f%world_formatted%, %x%x, %y%y, %z%z"
material: "ENDER_PEARL"
function: "teleportation"
name: "Teleport"
- "Teleport to your grave"
#2: # Toggle protection on and off, you can uncomment this if you want.
# material: "TRIPWIRE_HOOK"
# function: "protection"
# name: "Toggle Protection %state_protection%"
# lore:
# - "Toggle grave protection"
# Command #
# Run commands on grave actions.
- ""
#- "say %interact_name% looted %owner_name%'s grave"
- ""
#- "say %owner_name% was killed by %killer_name% at %x%x %y%y %z%z, grave lasts for %time_alive_remaining_formatted%."
- ""
#- "say %interact_name% is looting %owner_name%'s grave."
- ""
#- "say %interact_name% broke %owner_name%'s grave."
- ""
#- "say %interact_name% exploded %owner_name%'s grave."
- ""
#- "say %interact_name% teleported to %owner_name%'s grave."
# Ignore #
item: # Items that graves will ignore from the inventory, these items will be handled normally.
- ""
name: # If an item has this exact name it will be handled normally.
- ""
#- "&4Admin Sword"
lore: # If an item has this exact line of lore it will be handled normally.
- ""
#- "Soulbound"
name-contains: # If an item contains this string in the name it will be handled normally.
- ""
#- "Super Pickaxe"
lore-contains: # If an item contains this string in the lore it will be handled normally.
- ""
#- "Ignore Lore"
block: # Blocks that graves will not spawn in.
- ""
# Death #
player: true # Create a grave if an entity dies to a player.
entity: false # Create a grave if an entity dies to an entity.
environmental: false # Create a grave if an entity dies to things such as fall damage, lava and suffocation.
reason: # Only create graves for entities that were killed for these reasons.
#- ALL
# Spawn #
spawn: # Only create graves for creature entities that have a spawn reason from the list below.
#- ALL
# Message #
prefix: "&7☠ &8» &r"
loot: ""
experience: "Looted &7%level% &rlevels from grave."
empty: "You don't have any graves."
death: "You died in &7%world_formatted% &rat &7%x%&rx, &7%y%&ry, &7%z%&rz, a grave was created that lasts for &7%time_alive_remaining_formatted%&r."
ignore: "A grave was not created because you died in &7%name%&r."
max: "A grave was not created, you have reached the maximum."
failure: "A grave was unable to be placed, item's dropped on ground."
no-money: "You don't have enough money, you need &7%teleport_cost%&r."
no-token: "A grave was not created because you didn't have a grave token."
give-token: "You were given a Grave Token."
distance: "You are &7%distance% &rblocks away."
distance-world: "Can't measure distance, wrong world."
teleport: "You teleported to your grave."
teleport-top: "Grave is in an unsafe location, you have been teleported nearby."
teleport-failure: "Teleport failed, teleport location is unsafe."
teleport-disabled: "Grave teleportation is disabled."
build-denied: "A grave was not created because you don't have permission to build where you died."
distance-virtual: "You are too far away to virtually open this grave."
permission-denied: "Permission denied."
protection: "This grave is protected for %time_protection_remaining_formatted%."
region-create-deny: "A grave was not created because grave creation is disabled in this region."
region-teleport-deny: "Grave teleportation is disabled in this region."
world: # Change the world name is %world_formatted%, if a world is not defined below it will try to format it itself.
world: "Overworld"
world_nether: "Nether"
world_the_end: "The End"
death-reason: #
PROJECTILE: "Projectile Struck"
SUFFOCATION: "Suffocated"
FALL: "Fell"
FIRE: "Burned"
FIRE_TICK: "Burned"
MELTING: "Melted"
LAVA: "Burned"
DROWNING: "Drowned"
VOID: "Voided"
SUICIDE: "Suicide"
POISON: "Poisoned"
MAGIC: "Magic Missile"
WITHER: "Withered Away"
THORNS: "Thorned"
DRAGON_BREATH: "Dragon Breath"
CUSTOM: "Dark Magic"
FLY_INTO_WALL: "Highspeed Splat"
HOT_FLOOR: "Burned Feet"
CRAMMING: "Crushed"
DRYOUT: "Suffocated"
FREEZE: "Froze"
# Time #
second: "&7%second%&fs "
minute: "&7%minute%&fm "
hour: "&7%hour%&fh "
day: "&7%day%&fd "
infinite: "&7Forever"
# Sound #
protection-change: ENTITY_DONKEY_CHEST
# Effect #
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# for details on configuration, see
# supported languages: "custom" (default, english) and "de" (german)
language: custom
# regex that create a vault if matches with a sign
vault_pattern: '[^\[]*\[(\w*) ?vault\]'
# currency name and value config
# currency name to use in messages
singular: Emerald
plural: Emeralds
# number of decimal digits supported by currency value (0 for whole numbers only)
digits: 2
# Display account balances with individual denomination names
named-denominations: false
# value of individual denominations. default: emerald: 1, emerald block: 9
- material: emerald
value: 1
# unit-name: Emeralde
# unit-name-plural: Emeraldes
# displayname: Emeralde
# damage: 10
# custom_model_data: 1
# lore:
# - line1
# - line2
- material: emerald_block
value: 9
# unit-name: Emeralde
# unit-name-plural: Emeraldes
# displayname: Emeralde
# damage: 10
# custom_model_data: 1
# lore:
# - line1
# - line2
# tax on /money pay transactions
flat: 0.0
rate: 0.0
# balance to start an account with (purely virtual)
player: 0
faction: 0
town: 0
nation: 0
# globally (dis)allow use of vault types
container: true
enderchest: true
# whether money/balance commands show vault and inventory balance separately
show-vault: true
show-inventory: true
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# Here you can change the output of all messages sent to your players via chat.
# To do so you just have to rewrite the values below. Just be sure to not put any %-variables in the message that were not there to begin with,
# it will just be displayed as %whateveryouwrote in the message sent.
# %value stands for an amount of money
# %player means either the player executing the command, the player you interact with or the player whose account you want to manipulate
# %balance stands for the amount of money a player has
# sender stands for the message the one executing the command gets, target for the other person who is affected.
# Errors and other messages are only displayed for the one executing the command
playeronly: "This command can only be run by a player."
noperm: "You do not have permission to transfer money."
balance: "Your current balance: %balance"
vault_balance: "Vault balance: %balance"
inv_balance: "Inventory balance: %balance"
invalidaccount: "Invalid account: %player"
reload: "Gringotts: Reloaded configuration!"
tax: "Transaction tax deducted from your account: %value"
sender: "Sent %value to %player. "
target: "Received %value from %player."
insufficientFunds: "Your account has insufficient balance. Current balance: %balance. Required: %value"
sender: "%player has insufficient storage space for %value"
target: "%player tried to send %value, but you don't have enough space for that amount."
error: "Your attempt to send %value to %player failed for unknown reasons."
success: "Deposited %value to your storage."
error: "Unable to deposit %value to your storage."
success: "Withdrew %value from your storage."
error: "Unable to withdraw %value from your storage."
b: "Balance of account %player: %balance"
sender: "Added %value to account %player"
target: "Added to your account: %value"
error: "Could not add %value to account %player"
sender: "Removed %value from account %player"
target: "Removed from your account: %value"
error: "Could not remove %value from account %player"
created: "Created vault successfully."
error: "Failed to create vault."
noVaultPerm: "You do not have permission to create vaults here."
noTownVaultPerm: "You do not have permission to create town vaults here."
noTownResident: "Cannot create town vault: You are not resident of a town."
noNationVaultPerm: "You do not have permission to create nation vaults here."
notInNation: "Cannot create nation vault: You do not belong to a nation."
insufficientFunds: "Insufficient funds."
insufficientSpace: "Insufficient space."
unknownError: "Unknown failure."
notImplemented: "Gringotts does not support banks"
noFactionVaultPerm: "You do not have permission to create a faction vault here."
notInFaction: "Cannot create faction vault: You are not in a faction."
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# Harbor - Sleep mechanics enhancement plugin
# An open-source project by TechToolbox (@nkomarn)
# Important note regarding Essentials:
# Please make sure you negate the permission "essentials.sleepingignored" to
# prevent issues with Harbor and server operators when running Essentials.
enabled: true # Skip the night if a percentage of the players in a world are sleeping
percentage: 50 # Percentage of players required to be sleeping to skip the night (0 - 100)
time-rate: 20 # The amount of ticks added to the current time every tick when skipping the night
daytime-ticks: 1100 # The time in ticks that Harbor considers day
instant-skip: false # Instantly skip the night when the percentage threshold is reached instead of showing the full animation
proportional-acceleration: true # Increase the night skipping speed based on the amount of sleeping players
clear-rain: true # Clear rain (if it's raining) when the night is skipped
clear-thunder: true # Clear thunder (if it's thundering) when the night is skipped
reset-phantom-statistic: true # Treats everyone online as if they have slept in the last 3 days after the night is skipped (check out /gamerule doInsomnia on 1.15+)
ignored-permission: true # Exclude players with the permission "harbor.ignored" from the sleeping count
exclude-adventure: true # Exclude players in adventure mode from the sleeping count
exclude-creative: true # Exclude players in creative mode from the sleeping count
exclude-spectator: true # Exclude players in spectator mode from the sleeping count
exclude-vanished: true # Exclude vanished players from the sleeping count
# Detect AFK players and automatically remove them from the required sleeping count
# Essentials API is used for AFK detection when available- otherwise a fallback system is used
enabled: true
timeout: 15 # Time in minutes until a player is considered AFK
# Blacklist for worlds- Harbor will ignore these worlds
- "world_nether"
- "world_the_end"
whitelist-mode: false # Will treat the above list as a whitelist instead of a blacklist
enabled: true
message-cooldown: 5 # The amount of time in seconds before a player can send another bed enter or leave message
player-sleeping: "&e[player] is now sleeping ([sleeping]/[needed], [more] more needed to skip)."
player-left-bed: "&e[player] got out of bed ([sleeping]/[needed], [more] more needed to skip)."
- "&eAccelerating the night."
- "&eRapidly approaching daytime."
- "&eThe night has been skipped."
- "&eAhhh, finally morning."
- "&eArghh, it's so bright outside."
- "&eRise and shine."
enabled: true
players-sleeping: "&e[sleeping] out of [needed] players are sleeping ([more] more needed to skip)"
night-skipping: "&eEveryone is sleeping- sweet dreams!"
enabled: true
message: "&f&l[sleeping] out of [needed] are sleeping &7&l([more] more needed)"
color: BLUE
message: "&f&lEveryone is sleeping. Sweet dreams!"
color: GREEN
chat-prefix: "&8&l(&6&lHarbor&8&l)&f "
unrecognized-command: "Unrecognized command."
# Spooky internal controls
version: 1.6.3
interval: 1
metrics: true
debug: false
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# Chance is the chance that a mob will not be infernal, the lower the number the higher the chance. (min 1)
# Enabledworlds are the worlds that infernal mobs can spawn in.
# Enabledmobs are the mobs that can become infernal.
# Loot is the items that are dropped when an infernal mob dies. (You can have up to 64)
# Item is the item, Amount is the amount, Durability is how damaged it will be (0 is undamaged).
# nameTagsLevel is the visibility level of the name tags, 0 = no tag,
# 1 = tag shown when your looking at the mob, 2 = tag always shown.
# Note, if you have name tags set to 0, on server restart all infernal mobs will turn normal.
# If you want to enable the boss bar you must have BarAPI on your server.
# nameTagsName and bossBarsName have these special tags: <mobLevel> = the amount of powers the boss has.
# <abilities> = A list of about 3-5 (whatever can fit) names of abilities the boss has.
# <mobName> = Name of the mob, so if the mob is a creeper the mobName will be "Creeper".
# Chance is the chance that a mob will not be infernal, the lower the number the higher the chance. (min 1)
# Enabledworlds are the worlds that infernal mobs can spawn in.
# Enabledmobs are the mobs that can become infernal.
# Loot is the items that are dropped when an infernal mob dies. (You can have up to 64)
# Item is the item, Amount is the amount, Durability is how damaged it will be (0 is undamaged).
# nameTagsLevel is the visibility level of the name tags, 0 = no tag,
# 1 = tag shown when your looking at the mob, 2 = tag always shown.
# Note, if you have name tags set to 0, on server restart all infernal mobs will turn normal.
# If you want to enable the boss bar you must have BarAPI on your server.
# nameTagsName and bossBarsName have these special tags: <mobLevel> = the amount of powers the boss has.
# <abilities> = A list of about 3-5 (whatever can fit) names of abilities the boss has.
# <mobName> = Name of the mob, so if the mob is a creeper the mobName will be "Creeper".
chance: 80
# mobChances:
# Ghast: 150
# levelChance:
# '3': 1
# '4': 1
# '5': 1
# '6': 1
# '7': 1
namePrefix: '&fInfernal'
# levelPrefixs:
# '3': '&fMad'
# '4': '&fRabid'
# '5': '&fGiant'
# '6': '&fKing'
# '7': '&fInfernal'
nameTagsLevel: 1
nameTagsName: '&f<prefix> <mobName>'
bossBarsName: '&fLevel <mobLevel> &f<prefix> <mobName>'
enableBossBar: true
defaultColor: PINK
defaultStyle: SOLID
# perMob:
# PigZombie:
# color: "RED"
# style: "SEGMENTED_6"
# Ghast:
# color: "RED"
# style: "SEGMENTED_12"
# WitherSkeleton:
# color: "RED"
# style: "SEGMENTED_20"
# Blaze:
# color: "RED"
# style: "SEGMENTED_10"
# Creeper:
# color: "GREEN"
# style: "SEGMENTED_6"
# perLevel:
# 5:
# color: "GREEN"
# style: "SEGMENTED_6"
enableScoreBoard: false
showHealthOnScoreBoard: true
effectAllPlayerAttacks: true
enableParticles: true
enableDeathMessages: false
- '&cplayer &chas killed an mob&c!'
- '&cAn mob &cwas slain by player&c!'
- '&cplayer &cowned an mob&c!'
- '&cAn mob &cwas beheaded by player&c''s weapon!'
- '&cplayer&c''s weapon &ckilled an mob&c!'
- '&cAn mob &cwas killed by player &cusing a weapon&c!'
enableSpawnMessages: false
spawnMessageRadius: 64
- '&cAn Infernal mob has spawned near you!'
- '&cWatch out!'
- '&cYou hear a faint scream...'
- '&cSomething is coming...'
- '&cYou hear a mob nearby...'
- <all>
- <all>
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 40
- 36
- 37
- 38
- 39
poisonous: true
armoured: true
blinding: true
withering: true
tosser: true
thief: true
quicksand: true
bullwark: true
rust: true
sapper: true
1up: true
cloaked: true
ender: true
ghastly: true
lifesteal: true
sprint: true
storm: true
webber: true
vengeance: true
weakness: true
berserk: true
explode: true
potions: true
mama: true
molten: true
archer: true
necromancer: true
firework: true
gravity: true
flying: true
mounted: true
morph: true
ghost: true
confusing: true
mamaSpawnAmount: 3
vengeanceDamage: 6
berserkDamage: 3
moltenBurnLength: 5
gravityLevitateLength: 6
horseMountsHaveSaddles: true
armouredMountsHaveArmour: true
red: 255
green: 10
blue: 10
- lavaSpark:1:10
mountFate: nothing
# The min/max amount of powers that a mob will get.
# NOTE: the amount of enabled powers must not be less than the maxpowers.
# healthMultiplier is what number the infernal mobs health will be multiplied by.
# If you have healthByPower enabled then healthMultiplier and healthByDistance will do nothing.
# dropChance is the chance a dead mob will drop loot, the lower the higher the chance (min 1)
# xpMultiplier is what the normal xp a mob drops will be multiplied by.
# healthByDistance makes mobs HP go up as you go further from the world spawn.
# Every addDistance blocks the mobs will get healthToAdd times how far they are HP.
minpowers: 3
maxpowers: 7
healthMultiplier: 5
healthByPower: false
healthByDistance: false
powerByDistance: false
healthToAdd: 5
powerToAdd: 1
xpMultiplier: 8
addDistance: 200
enableDrops: true
dropChance: 1
enableFarmingDrops: false
naturalSpawnHeight: 0
configVersion: 'git-Paper-136 (MC: 1.18.1)'
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# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | __ __ ___ __ __ | #
# | | | | / ` |__/ |__) |__ |__) |\/| /__` | #
# | |___ \__/ \__, | \ | |___ | \ | | .__/ | #
# | | #
# | | #
# | | #
# | WIKI: | #
# | DISCORD: | #
# | BUG REPORTS: | #
# | | #
# | Each option in this file is documented and explained here: | #
# | ==> | #
# | | #
# | New options are not added to this file automatically. Default values are used if an | #
# | option cannot be found. The latest config versions can be obtained at the link above. | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | | #
# | | #
# | Important settings that control how LuckPerms functions. | #
# | | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# The name of the server, used for server specific permissions.
# - When set to "global" this setting is effectively ignored.
# - In all other cases, the value here is added to all players in a "server" context.
# - See:
server: global
# If the servers own UUID cache/lookup facility should be used when there is no record for a player
# already in LuckPerms.
# - When this is set to 'false', commands using a player's username will not work unless the player
# has joined since LuckPerms was first installed.
# - To get around this, you can use a player's uuid directly in the command, or enable this option.
# - When this is set to 'true', the server facility is used. This may use a number of methods,
# including checking the servers local cache, or making a request to the Mojang API.
use-server-uuid-cache: false
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | | #
# | | #
# | Controls which storage method LuckPerms will use to store data. | #
# | | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# How the plugin should store data
# - The various options are explained in more detail on the wiki:
# - Possible options:
# | Remote databases - require connection information to be configured below
# |=> MySQL
# |=> MariaDB (preferred over MySQL)
# |=> PostgreSQL
# |=> MongoDB
# | Flatfile/local database - don't require any extra configuration
# |=> H2 (preferred over SQLite)
# |=> SQLite
# | Readable & editable text files - don't require any extra configuration
# |=> YAML (.yml files)
# |=> JSON (.json files)
# |=> HOCON (.conf files)
# |=> TOML (.toml files)
# |
# | By default, user, group and track data is separated into different files. Data can be combined
# | and all stored in the same file by switching to a combined storage variant.
# | Just add '-combined' to the end of the storage-method, e.g. 'yaml-combined'
# - A H2 database is the default option.
# - If you want to edit data manually in "traditional" storage files, we suggest using YAML.
storage-method: h2
# The following block defines the settings for remote database storage methods.
# - You don't need to touch any of the settings here if you're using a local storage method!
# - The connection detail options are shared between all remote storage types.
# Define the address and port for the database.
# - The standard DB engine port is used by default
# (MySQL: 3306, PostgreSQL: 5432, MongoDB: 27017)
# - Specify as "host:port" if differs
address: localhost
# The name of the database to store LuckPerms data in.
# - This must be created already. Don't worry about this setting if you're using MongoDB.
database: minecraft
# Credentials for the database.
username: root
password: ''
# These settings apply to the MySQL connection pool.
# - The default values will be suitable for the majority of users.
# - Do not change these settings unless you know what you're doing!
# Sets the maximum size of the MySQL connection pool.
# - Basically this value will determine the maximum number of actual
# connections to the database backend.
# - More information about determining the size of connection pools can be found here:
maximum-pool-size: 10
# Sets the minimum number of idle connections that the pool will try to maintain.
# - For maximum performance and responsiveness to spike demands, it is recommended to not set
# this value and instead allow the pool to act as a fixed size connection pool.
# (set this value to the same as 'maximum-pool-size')
minimum-idle: 10
# This setting controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool in milliseconds.
# - The value should be at least 30 seconds less than any database or infrastructure imposed
# connection time limit.
maximum-lifetime: 1800000 # 30 minutes
# This setting controls how frequently the pool will 'ping' a connection in order to prevent it
# from being timed out by the database or network infrastructure, measured in milliseconds.
# - The value should be less than maximum-lifetime and greater than 30000 (30 seconds).
# - Setting the value to zero will disable the keepalive functionality.
keepalive-time: 0
# This setting controls the maximum number of milliseconds that the plugin will wait for a
# connection from the pool, before timing out.
connection-timeout: 5000 # 5 seconds
# This setting allows you to define extra properties for connections.
# By default, the following options are set to enable utf8 encoding. (you may need to remove
# these if you are using PostgreSQL)
# useUnicode: true
# characterEncoding: utf8
# You can also use this section to disable SSL connections, by uncommenting the 'useSSL' and
# 'verifyServerCertificate' options below.
useUnicode: true
characterEncoding: utf8
#useSSL: false
#verifyServerCertificate: false
# The prefix for all LuckPerms SQL tables.
# - This only applies for remote SQL storage types (MySQL, MariaDB, etc).
# - Change this if you want to use different tables for different servers.
table-prefix: 'luckperms_'
# The prefix to use for all LuckPerms MongoDB collections.
# - This only applies for the MongoDB storage type.
# - Change this if you want to use different collections for different servers. The default is no
# prefix.
mongodb-collection-prefix: ''
# The connection string URI to use to connect to the MongoDB instance.
# - When configured, this setting will override anything defined in the address, database,
# username or password fields above.
# - If you have a connection string that starts with 'mongodb://' or 'mongodb+srv://', enter it
# below.
# - For more information, please see
mongodb-connection-uri: ''
# Define settings for a "split" storage setup.
# - This allows you to define a storage method for each type of data.
# - The connection options above still have to be correct for each type here.
# Don't touch this if you don't want to use split storage!
enabled: false
# These options don't need to be modified if split storage isn't enabled.
user: h2
group: h2
track: h2
uuid: h2
log: h2
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | | #
# | | #
# | Controls the ways in which LuckPerms will sync data & notify other servers of changes. | #
# | These options are documented on greater detail on the wiki under "Instant Updates". | #
# | | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This option controls how frequently LuckPerms will perform a sync task.
# - A sync task will refresh all data from the storage, and ensure that the most up-to-date data is
# being used by the plugin.
# - This is disabled by default, as most users will not need it. However, if you're using a remote
# storage type without a messaging service setup, you may wish to set this to something like 3.
# - Set to -1 to disable the task completely.
sync-minutes: -1
# If the file watcher should be enabled.
# - When using a file-based storage type, LuckPerms can monitor the data files for changes, and
# automatically update when changes are detected.
# - If you don't want this feature to be active, set this option to false.
watch-files: true
# Define which messaging service should be used by the plugin.
# - If enabled and configured, LuckPerms will use the messaging service to inform other connected
# servers of changes.
# - Use the command "/lp networksync" to manually push changes.
# - Data is NOT stored using this service. It is only used as a messaging platform.
# - If you decide to enable this feature, you should set "sync-minutes" to -1, as there is no need
# for LuckPerms to poll the database for changes.
# - Possible options:
# => sql Uses the SQL database to form a queue system for communication. Will only work when
# 'storage-method' is set to MySQL or MariaDB. This is chosen by default if the
# option is set to 'auto' and SQL storage is in use. Set to 'notsql' to disable this.
# => pluginmsg Uses the plugin messaging channels to communicate with the proxy.
# LuckPerms must be installed on your proxy & all connected servers backend servers.
# Won't work if you have more than one proxy.
# => lilypad Uses LilyPad pub-sub to push changes. You need to have the LilyPad-Connect plugin
# installed.
# => redis Uses Redis pub-sub to push changes. Your server connection info must be configured
# below.
# => rabbitmq Uses RabbitMQ pub-sub to push changes. Your server connection info must be
# configured below.
# => custom Uses a messaging service provided using the LuckPerms API.
# => auto Attempts to automatically setup a messaging service using redis or sql.
messaging-service: auto
# If LuckPerms should automatically push updates after a change has been made with a command.
auto-push-updates: true
# If LuckPerms should push logging entries to connected servers via the messaging service.
push-log-entries: true
# If LuckPerms should broadcast received logging entries to players on this platform.
# - If you have LuckPerms installed on your backend servers as well as a BungeeCord proxy, you
# should set this option to false on either your backends or your proxies, to avoid players being
# messaged twice about log entries.
broadcast-received-log-entries: true
# Settings for Redis.
# Port 6379 is used by default; set address to "host:port" if differs
enabled: false
address: localhost
username: ''
password: ''
# Settings for RabbitMQ.
# Port 5672 is used by default; set address to "host:port" if differs
enabled: false
address: localhost
vhost: '/'
username: 'guest'
password: 'guest'
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | | #
# | | #
# | Settings that allow admins to customize the way LuckPerms operates. | #
# | | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Controls how temporary permissions/parents/meta should be accumulated.
# - The default behaviour is "deny".
# - This behaviour can also be specified when the command is executed. See the command usage
# documentation for more info.
# - Possible options:
# => accumulate durations will be added to the existing expiry time
# => replace durations will be replaced if the new duration is later than the current
# expiration
# => deny the command will just fail if you try to add another node with the same expiry
temporary-add-behaviour: deny
# Controls how LuckPerms will determine a users "primary" group.
# - The meaning and influence of "primary groups" are explained in detail on the wiki.
# - The preferred approach is to let LuckPerms automatically determine a users primary group
# based on the relative weight of their parent groups.
# - Possible options:
# => stored use the value stored against the users record in the file/database
# => parents-by-weight just use the users most highly weighted parent
# => all-parents-by-weight same as above, but calculates based upon all parents inherited from
# both directly and indirectly
primary-group-calculation: parents-by-weight
# If the plugin should check for "extra" permissions with users run LP commands.
# - These extra permissions allow finer control over what users can do with each command, and who
# they have access to edit.
# - The nature of the checks are documented on the wiki under "Argument based command permissions".
# - Argument based permissions are *not* static, unlike the 'base' permissions, and will depend upon
# the arguments given within the command.
argument-based-command-permissions: false
# If the plugin should check whether senders are a member of a given group before they're able to
# edit the groups data or add/remove other users to/from it.
# Note: these limitations do not apply to the web editor!
require-sender-group-membership-to-modify: false
# If the plugin should send log notifications to users whenever permissions are modified.
# - Notifications are only sent to those with the appropriate permission to receive them
# - They can also be temporarily enabled/disabled on a per-user basis using
# '/lp log notify <on|off>'
log-notify: true
# Defines a list of log entries which should not be sent as notifications to users.
# - Each entry in the list is a RegEx expression which is matched against the log entry description.
# - "parent add example"
# If LuckPerms should automatically install translation bundles and periodically update them.
auto-install-translations: true
# Defines the options for prefix and suffix stacking.
# - The feature allows you to display multiple prefixes or suffixes alongside a players username in
# chat.
# - It is explained and documented in more detail on the wiki under "Prefix & Suffix Stacking".
# - The options are divided into separate sections for prefixes and suffixes.
# - The 'duplicates' setting refers to how duplicate elements are handled. Can be 'retain-all',
# 'first-only' or 'last-only'.
# - The value of 'start-spacer' is included at the start of the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - The value of 'end-spacer' is included at the end of the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - The value of 'middle-spacer' is included between each element in the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - Possible format options:
# => highest Selects the value with the highest weight, from all values
# held by or inherited by the player.
# => lowest Same as above, except takes the one with the lowest weight.
# => highest_own Selects the value with the highest weight, but will not
# accept any inherited values.
# => lowest_own Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
# => highest_inherited Selects the value with the highest weight, but will only
# accept inherited values.
# => lowest_inherited Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
# => highest_on_track_<track> Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
# value was inherited from a group on the given track.
# => lowest_on_track_<track> Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
# => highest_not_on_track_<track> Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
# value was inherited from a group not on the given track.
# => lowest_not_on_track_<track> Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
# => highest_from_group_<group> Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
# value was inherited from the given group.
# => lowest_from_group_<group> Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
# => highest_not_from_group_<group> Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
# value was not inherited from the given group.
# => lowest_not_from_group_<group> Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
- "highest"
duplicates: first-only
start-spacer: ""
middle-spacer: " "
end-spacer: ""
- "highest"
duplicates: first-only
start-spacer: ""
middle-spacer: " "
end-spacer: ""
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | | #
# | | #
# | Modify the way permission checks, meta lookups and inheritance resolutions are handled. | #
# | | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# The algorithm LuckPerms should use when traversing the "inheritance tree".
# - Possible options:
# => breadth-first See:
# => depth-first-pre-order See:
# => depth-first-post-order See:
inheritance-traversal-algorithm: depth-first-pre-order
# If a final sort according to "inheritance rules" should be performed after the traversal algorithm
# has resolved the inheritance tree.
# "Inheritance rules" refers to things such as group weightings, primary group status, and the
# natural contextual ordering of the group nodes.
# Setting this to 'true' will allow for the inheritance rules to take priority over the structure of
# the inheritance tree.
# Effectively when this setting is 'true': the tree is flattened, and rules applied afterwards,
# and when this setting is 'false':, the rules are just applied during each step of the traversal.
post-traversal-inheritance-sort: false
# Defines the mode used to determine whether a set of contexts are satisfied.
# - Possible options:
# => at-least-one-value-per-key Set A will be satisfied by another set B, if at least one of the
# key-value entries per key in A are also in B.
# => all-values-per-key Set A will be satisfied by another set B, if all key-value
# entries in A are also in B.
context-satisfy-mode: at-least-one-value-per-key
# LuckPerms has a number of built-in contexts. These can be disabled by adding the context key to
# the list below.
# - "world"
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Permission resolution settings | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# If users on this server should have their global permissions applied.
# When set to false, only server specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global: true
# If users on this server should have their global world permissions applied.
# When set to false, only world specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global-world: true
# If users on this server should have global (non-server specific) groups applied
apply-global-groups: true
# If users on this server should have global (non-world specific) groups applied
apply-global-world-groups: true
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Meta lookup settings | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Defines how meta values should be selected.
# - Possible options:
# => inheritance Selects the meta value that was inherited first
# => highest-number Selects the highest numerical meta value
# => lowest-number Selects the lowest numerical meta value
meta-value-selection-default: inheritance
# Defines how meta values should be selected per key.
# max-homes: highest-number
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Inheritance settings | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# If the plugin should apply wildcard permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect wildcard permissions, and resolve & apply all registered
# permissions matching the wildcard.
apply-wildcards: true
# If LuckPerms should resolve and apply permissions according to the Sponge style implicit wildcard
# inheritance system.
# - That being: If a user has been granted "example", then the player should have also be
# automatically granted "example.function", "example.another", "example.deeper.nesting",
# and so on.
apply-sponge-implicit-wildcards: false
# If the plugin should apply negated Bukkit default permissions before it considers wildcard
# assignments.
# - Plugin authors can define permissions which explicitly should not be given automatically to OPs.
# This is usually used for so called "anti-permissions" - permissions which, when granted, apply
# something negative.
# - If this option is set to true, LuckPerms will consider any negated declarations made by
# plugins before it considers wildcards. (similar to the way the OP system works)
# - If this option is set to false, LuckPerms will consider any wildcard assignments first.
apply-default-negated-permissions-before-wildcards: false
# If the plugin should parse regex permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect regex permissions, marked with "r=" at the start of the
# node, and resolve & apply all registered permissions matching the regex.
apply-regex: true
# If the plugin should complete and apply shorthand permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect and expand shorthand node patterns.
apply-shorthand: true
# If the plugin should apply Bukkit child permissions.
# - Plugin authors can define custom permissions structures for their plugin, which will be resolved
# and used by LuckPerms if this setting is enabled.
apply-bukkit-child-permissions: true
# If the plugin should apply Bukkit default permissions.
# - Plugin authors can define permissions which should be given to all users by default, or setup
# permissions which should/shouldn't be given to opped players.
# - If this option is set to false, LuckPerms will ignore these defaults.
apply-bukkit-default-permissions: true
# If the plugin should apply attachment permissions.
# - Other plugins on the server are able to add their own "permission attachments" to players.
# - This allows them to grant players additional permissions which last until the end of the
# session, or until they're removed.
# - If this option is set to false, LuckPerms will not include these attachment permissions when
# considering if a player should have access to a certain permission.
apply-bukkit-attachment-permissions: true
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Extra settings | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# A list of context calculators which will be skipped when calculating contexts.
# - You can disable context calculators by either:
# => specifying the Java class name used by the calculator (e.g. com.example.ExampleCalculator)
# => specifying a sub-section of the Java package used by the calculator (e.g. com.example)
disabled-context-calculators: []
# Allows you to set "aliases" for the worlds sent forward for context calculation.
# - These aliases are provided in addition to the real world name. Applied recursively.
# - Remove the comment characters for the default aliases to apply.
# world_nether: world
# world_the_end: world
# Define special group weights for this server.
# - Group weights can also be applied directly to group data, using the setweight command.
# - This section allows weights to be set on a per-server basis.
# admin: 10
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | | #
# | | #
# | A number of more niche settings for tweaking and changing behaviour. The section also | #
# | contains toggles for some more specialised features. It is only necessary to make changes to | #
# | these options if you want to fine-tune LuckPerms behaviour. | #
# | | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Server Operator (OP) settings | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Controls whether server operators should exist at all.
# - When set to 'false', all players will be de-opped, and the /op and /deop commands will be
# disabled. Note that vanilla features like the spawn-protection require an operator on the
# server to work.
enable-ops: true
# Enables or disables a special permission based system in LuckPerms for controlling OP status.
# - If set to true, any user with the permission "luckperms.autoop" will automatically be granted
# server operator status. This permission can be inherited, or set on specific servers/worlds,
# temporarily, etc.
# - Additionally, setting this to true will force the "enable-ops" option above to false. All users
# will be de-opped unless they have the permission node, and the op/deop commands will be
# disabled.
# - It is recommended that you use this option instead of assigning a single '*' permission.
auto-op: false
# Defines if "opped" players should be able to use all LuckPerms commands by default.
# - Set to false to only allow users who have the permissions access to the commands
commands-allow-op: true
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Vault integration settings | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# If Vault lookups for offline players on the main server thread should be enabled.
# LuckPerms has a "catch" for plugins attempting to perform unsafe offline player data lookups
# from the main server thread. This catch raises an exception (causes an error to occur) when unsafe
# lookups are made, instead of allowing the lookup to happen, which would likely cause the server
# to lag.
# However, if you're willing to accept the consequences, the catch can be disabled by setting this
# option to 'true.
vault-unsafe-lookups: false
# If LuckPerms should use the 'display name' of a group when returning groups in Vault API calls.
# - When this option is set to true, the display name of the group is returned.
# - When this option is set to false, the standard name/id of the group is returned.
vault-group-use-displaynames: true
# Controls which group LuckPerms should use for NPC players when handling Vault requests.
# - As NPCs aren't actually real players, LuckPerms does not load any user data for them. This
# becomes an issue when plugins want to check for their permissions using Vault.
# - As a solution, Vault checks for NPCs fallback to a group, which is defined below.
vault-npc-group: default
# Controls how LuckPerms should consider the OP status of NPC players when handing Vault requests.
# - If you want NPCs to have the same permissions as "normal" players, set this option to false.
# - If you want NPCs to have OP status, set this option to true.
vault-npc-op-status: false
# If the vault-server option below should be used.
# - When this option is set to false, the server value defined above under "server" is used.
use-vault-server: false
# The name of the server used within Vault operations.
# - If you don't want Vault operations to be server specific, set this to "global".
# - Will only take effect if use-vault-server is set to true above.
vault-server: global
# If global permissions should be considered when retrieving meta or player groups
vault-include-global: true
# If Vault operations should ignore any world arguments if supplied.
vault-ignore-world: false
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Miscellaneous (and rarely used) settings | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# If LuckPerms should produce extra logging output when it handles logins.
# - Useful if you're having issues with UUID forwarding or data not being loaded.
debug-logins: false
# If LuckPerms should allow usernames with non alphanumeric characters.
# - Note that due to the design of the storage implementation, usernames must still be 16 characters
# or less.
allow-invalid-usernames: false
# If LuckPerms should not require users to confirm bulkupdate operations.
# - When set to true, operations will be executed immediately.
# - This is not recommended, as bulkupdate has the potential to irreversibly delete large amounts of
# data, and is not designed to be executed automatically.
# - If automation is needed, users should prefer using the LuckPerms API.
skip-bulkupdate-confirmation: false
# If LuckPerms should prevent bulkupdate operations.
# - When set to true, bulkupdate operations (the /lp bulkupdate command) will not work.
# - When set to false, bulkupdate operations will be allowed via the console.
disable-bulkupdate: false
# If LuckPerms should allow a users primary group to be removed with the 'parent remove' command.
# - When this happens, the plugin will set their primary group back to default.
prevent-primary-group-removal: false
# If LuckPerms should update the list of commands sent to the client when permissions are changed.
update-client-command-list: true
# If LuckPerms should attempt to register "Brigadier" command list data for its commands.
register-command-list-data: true
# If LuckPerms should attempt to resolve Vanilla command target selectors for LP commands.
# See here for more info:
resolve-command-selectors: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"static-contexts": {},
"default-contexts": {}
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
opt-out: false
guid: 0ac75a2c-1e0d-4426-9569-11d494e3d4f2
debug: false
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"
type = "PLAYER_HEAD:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZjJlYjQ5OGU1YzZhMDQ0ODRmMGM5Zjc4NWI0NDg0NzlhYjIxM2RmOTVlYzkxMTc2YTMwOGExMmFkZDcwIn19fQ=="
# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "active-ps"
# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "Active (64 block radius) protection zone."
# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = true
# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = [
# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true
# Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
# You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
# Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
distance_between_claims = -1
# Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
# Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels.
# y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
x_radius = 64
y_radius = -1
z_radius = 64
# Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the
# chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk).
# Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping
# regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries).
# Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable.
# Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored!
chunk_radius = -1
# How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
home_x_offset = 0.0
home_y_offset = 1.0
home_z_offset = 0.0
# Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
# Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
# Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
flags = [
"pvp deny",
"tnt deny",
"greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"creeper-explosion deny",
"ghast-fireball deny",
# List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
# If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
# "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
allowed_flags = [
"-g all pvp",
# Which flags to hide from /ps info
hidden_flags_from_info = [
# Default priority type for this block type protection stone
priority = 0
# Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
# This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false
# Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
# "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
# "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
# "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
# "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
# allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"
# Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
# allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
allow_merging = true
# Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
# Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
# Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
allowed_merging_into_types = [
# Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as '' for no name
display_name = "&cActive Protection Artifact"
# Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as [] for no lore
lore = [
"&6Strong artifact that protects you and your land.",
"&6Able to provide protection from large destruction.",
"&6Requires small periodic sacrifices to remain active.",
"&6Relatively short concentration period to teleport.",
# Add price when using /ps get
# Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
price = 24.0
# Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
# Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = true
# Specify the custom crafting recipe below
# You must fill the item spots with names from here:
# You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
# Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
# If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
custom_recipe = [
# Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
recipe_amount = 1
# Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
# The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
tax_amount = 1.0
# The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
tax_period = 604800
# Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
tax_payment_time = 86400
# Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
start_with_tax_autopay = true
# What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
tenant_rent_role = "member"
# Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
landlord_still_owner = true
# Hide protection stone right away when placed?
auto_hide = false
# Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
auto_merge = false
# Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
no_drop = false
# Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
prevent_piston_push = true
# Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
# Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
prevent_explode = true
# Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
# prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
destroy_region_when_explode = false
# Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
# This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
# Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true
prevent_silk_touch = false
# Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
cost_to_place = 0.0
# Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
allow_smelt_item = false
# Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
# You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
allow_use_in_crafting = true
# Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
# Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
allow_shift_right_break = false
# Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
# Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
# Bypass with
prevent_teleport_in = false
# Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
# Option to teleport only if player stands still.
# Can override with permission
no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
tp_waiting_seconds = 10
# Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
# Ignored with protectionstones.admin
prevent_ps_get = false
# Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
# Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
prevent_ps_home = false
# Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
# Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
# '' for no extra permission
permission = ''
# Events section
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
# The following are accepted types:
# player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
# console_command - Execute command by console
# message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
# global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
# console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Whether or not to enable event tracking (API events will still be enabled)
enable = false
# Execute commands when a region is created (ex. player place protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_create = [
'global_message: &l%player% created the region %region%!',
# Execute commands when a region is destroyed (ex. when player destroy protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_destroy = [
'console_command: say %player% has destroyed region %region%!',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"
type = "PLAYER_HEAD:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTYzYmNhZjZkMjY3OWQ4ZDdkOWJmNmE0NzRhNDhhNzdhOGU5MTc0N2ExMDg0YzA5MjU2ZWJjODZjYjc0ODExIn19fQ=="
# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "charged-ps"
# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "Charged (128 block radius) protection zone."
# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = true
# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = [
# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true
# Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
# You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
# Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
distance_between_claims = -1
# Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
# Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels.
# y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
x_radius = 128
y_radius = -1
z_radius = 128
# Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the
# chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk).
# Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping
# regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries).
# Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable.
# Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored!
chunk_radius = -1
# How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
home_x_offset = 0.0
home_y_offset = 1.0
home_z_offset = 0.0
# Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
# Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
# Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
flags = [
"pvp deny",
"tnt deny",
"greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"creeper-explosion deny",
"wither-damage deny",
"ghast-fireball deny",
"other-explosion deny",
"enderman-grief deny",
# List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
# If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
# "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
allowed_flags = [
"-g all pvp",
# Which flags to hide from /ps info
hidden_flags_from_info = [
# Default priority type for this block type protection stone
priority = 0
# Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
# This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false
# Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
# "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
# "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
# "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
# "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
# allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"
# Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
# allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
allow_merging = true
# Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
# Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
# Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
allowed_merging_into_types = [
# Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as '' for no name
display_name = "&5Active Protection Artifact"
# Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as [] for no lore
lore = [
"&6Powerful artifact that protects you and your land.",
"&6Able to provide protection against strong sources.",
"&6Able to manipulate and bind player movement.",
"&6Able to inhibit corporeal manifestation of spirits.",
"&6Needs larger frequent sacrifices to remain active.",
"&6Very short concentration period for teleport.",
# Add price when using /ps get
# Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
price = 64.0
# Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
# Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = true
# Specify the custom crafting recipe below
# You must fill the item spots with names from here:
# You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
# Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
# If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
custom_recipe = [
# Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
recipe_amount = 1
# Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
# The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
tax_amount = 4.0
# The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
tax_period = 172800
# Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
tax_payment_time = 86400
# Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
start_with_tax_autopay = true
# What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
tenant_rent_role = "member"
# Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
landlord_still_owner = true
# Hide protection stone right away when placed?
auto_hide = false
# Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
auto_merge = false
# Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
no_drop = false
# Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
prevent_piston_push = true
# Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
# Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
prevent_explode = true
# Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
# prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
destroy_region_when_explode = false
# Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
# This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
# Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true
prevent_silk_touch = false
# Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
cost_to_place = 0.0
# Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
allow_smelt_item = false
# Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
# You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
allow_use_in_crafting = true
# Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
# Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
allow_shift_right_break = false
# Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
# Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
# Bypass with
prevent_teleport_in = false
# Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
# Option to teleport only if player stands still.
# Can override with permission
no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
tp_waiting_seconds = 5
# Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
# Ignored with protectionstones.admin
prevent_ps_get = false
# Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
# Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
prevent_ps_home = false
# Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
# Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
# '' for no extra permission
permission = ''
# Events section
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
# The following are accepted types:
# player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
# console_command - Execute command by console
# message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
# global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
# console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Whether or not to enable event tracking (API events will still be enabled)
enable = false
# Execute commands when a region is created (ex. player place protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_create = [
'global_message: &l%player% created the region %region%!',
# Execute commands when a region is destroyed (ex. when player destroy protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_destroy = [
'console_command: say %player% has destroyed region %region%!',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"
type = "PLAYER_HEAD:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJmYThmMzhjN2IyMjA5NjYxOWMzYTZkNjQ5OGI0MDU1MzBlNDhkNWQ0ZjkxZTJhYWNlYTU3ODg0NGQ1YzY3In19fQ=="
# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "moderate-ps"
# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "Moderate (32 block radius) protection zone."
# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = true
# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = [
# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true
# Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
# You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
# Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
distance_between_claims = -1
# Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
# Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels.
# y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
x_radius = 32
y_radius = -1
z_radius = 32
# Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the
# chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk).
# Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping
# regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries).
# Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable.
# Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored!
chunk_radius = -1
# How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
home_x_offset = 0.0
home_y_offset = 1.0
home_z_offset = 0.0
# Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
# Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
# Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
flags = [
"pvp deny",
"tnt deny",
"greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"creeper-explosion deny",
# List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
# If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
# "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
allowed_flags = [
"-g all pvp",
# Which flags to hide from /ps info
hidden_flags_from_info = [
# Default priority type for this block type protection stone
priority = 0
# Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
# This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false
# Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
# "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
# "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
# "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
# "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
# allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"
# Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
# allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
allow_merging = true
# Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
# Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
# Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
allowed_merging_into_types = [
# Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as '' for no name
display_name = "&bModerate Protection Artifact"
# Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as [] for no lore
lore = [
"&6Moderate artifact that protects you and your land.",
"&6Able to provide protection against some hostiles.",
"&6No periodic sacrifices needed.",
"&6Shorter period of concentration to teleport.",
# Add price when using /ps get
# Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
price = 8.0
# Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
# Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = true
# Specify the custom crafting recipe below
# You must fill the item spots with names from here:
# You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
# Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
# If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
custom_recipe = [
# Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
recipe_amount = 1
# Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
# The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
tax_amount = 0.0
# The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
tax_period = -1
# Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
tax_payment_time = 86400
# Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
start_with_tax_autopay = true
# What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
tenant_rent_role = "member"
# Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
landlord_still_owner = true
# Hide protection stone right away when placed?
auto_hide = false
# Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
auto_merge = false
# Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
no_drop = false
# Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
prevent_piston_push = true
# Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
# Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
prevent_explode = true
# Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
# prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
destroy_region_when_explode = false
# Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
# This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
# Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true
prevent_silk_touch = false
# Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
cost_to_place = 0.0
# Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
allow_smelt_item = false
# Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
# You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
allow_use_in_crafting = true
# Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
# Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
allow_shift_right_break = false
# Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
# Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
# Bypass with
prevent_teleport_in = false
# Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
# Option to teleport only if player stands still.
# Can override with permission
no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
tp_waiting_seconds = 30
# Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
# Ignored with protectionstones.admin
prevent_ps_get = false
# Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
# Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
prevent_ps_home = false
# Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
# Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
# '' for no extra permission
permission = ''
# Events section
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
# The following are accepted types:
# player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
# console_command - Execute command by console
# message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
# global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
# console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Whether or not to enable event tracking (API events will still be enabled)
enable = false
# Execute commands when a region is created (ex. player place protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_create = [
'global_message: &l%player% created the region %region%!',
# Execute commands when a region is destroyed (ex. when player destroy protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_destroy = [
'console_command: say %player% has destroyed region %region%!',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"
type = "PLAYER_HEAD:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2JmYjQxZjg2NmU3ZThlNTkzNjU5OTg2YzlkNmU4OGNkMzc2NzdiM2Y3YmQ0NDI1M2U1ODcxZTY2ZDFkNDI0In19fQ=="
# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "weak-ps"
# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "Weak (8 block radius) protection zone."
# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = true
# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = [
# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true
# Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
# You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
# Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
distance_between_claims = -1
# Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
# Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels.
# y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
x_radius = 8
y_radius = -1
z_radius = 8
# Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the
# chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk).
# Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping
# regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries).
# Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable.
# Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored!
chunk_radius = -1
# How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
home_x_offset = 0.0
home_y_offset = 1.0
home_z_offset = 0.0
# Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
# Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
# Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
flags = [
"tnt deny",
"greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
# List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
# If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
# "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
allowed_flags = [
# Which flags to hide from /ps info
hidden_flags_from_info = [
# Default priority type for this block type protection stone
priority = 0
# Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
# This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false
# Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
# "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
# "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
# "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
# "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
# allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"
# Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
# allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
allow_merging = true
# Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
# Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
# Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
allowed_merging_into_types = [
# Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as '' for no name
display_name = "Weak Protection Artifact"
# Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as [] for no lore
lore = [
"&6Weak artifact that protects your land.",
"&6Able to provide the bare minimum protection.",
"&6No periodic sacrifices needed.",
"&6Prolonged period of concentration to teleport.",
# Add price when using /ps get
# Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
price = 1.0
# Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
# Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = true
# Specify the custom crafting recipe below
# You must fill the item spots with names from here:
# You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
# Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
# If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
custom_recipe = [
# Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
recipe_amount = 2
# Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
# The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
tax_amount = 0.0
# The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
tax_period = -1
# Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
tax_payment_time = 86400
# Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
start_with_tax_autopay = true
# What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
tenant_rent_role = "member"
# Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
landlord_still_owner = true
# Hide protection stone right away when placed?
auto_hide = false
# Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
auto_merge = false
# Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
no_drop = false
# Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
prevent_piston_push = true
# Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
# Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
prevent_explode = true
# Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
# prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
destroy_region_when_explode = false
# Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
# This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
# Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true
prevent_silk_touch = false
# Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
cost_to_place = 0.0
# Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
allow_smelt_item = false
# Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
# You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
allow_use_in_crafting = true
# Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
# Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
allow_shift_right_break = false
# Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
# Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
# Bypass with
prevent_teleport_in = false
# Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
# Option to teleport only if player stands still.
# Can override with permission
no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
tp_waiting_seconds = 60
# Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
# Ignored with protectionstones.admin
prevent_ps_get = false
# Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
# Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
prevent_ps_home = false
# Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
# Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
# '' for no extra permission
permission = ''
# Events section
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
# The following are accepted types:
# player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
# console_command - Execute command by console
# message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
# global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
# console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Whether or not to enable event tracking (API events will still be enabled)
enable = false
# Execute commands when a region is created (ex. player place protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_create = [
'global_message: &l%player% created the region %region%!',
# Execute commands when a region is destroyed (ex. when player destroy protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_destroy = [
'console_command: say %player% has destroyed region %region%!',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Please do not change the config version unless you know what you are doing!
config_version = 16
uuidupdated = true
region_negative_min_max_updated = true
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protection Stones Config
# Block configs have been moved to the blocks folder.
# To make new blocks, copy the default "block1.toml" and make another file (ex. "block2.toml")
# Does your config look messy? It's probably because of gradual config updates. Consider using the default configs.
# If you need the default configs again, you can get it from here:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cooldown between placing protection blocks (in seconds). -1 to disable.
placing_cooldown = -1
# Set to true to not block server startup for loading the UUID cache.
# /ps add and /ps remove will not work for offline players until the cache is finished loading.
async_load_uuid_cache = false
# Whether or not to allow regions to have identical names (from /ps name).
# If this is set to true, players will have to use numbers after the name if they encounter duplicates.
allow_duplicate_region_names = false
# Time in seconds between /ps view attempts.
# Can prevent lag from spamming the command.
ps_view_cooldown = 3
# Base command for protection stones (change if conflicting with other commands)
base_command = "ps"
# Aliases for the command
aliases = [
# Whether or not to drop items on the ground if the inventory is full (ex. during /ps unclaim)
# If set to false, the event will be prevented from happening, and say that inventory is full
drop_item_when_inventory_full = true
# Whether or not regions placed have to be either next to or overlapping existing regions the player already owns.
# This can make the world cleaner and have less scattered regions.
# Set the number of regions of non-adjacent regions with the permission protectionstones.adjacent.x (default is 1, -1 to bypass)
# Also can bypass with protectionstones.admin
regions_must_be_adjacent = false
# Whether or not to give players the option to merge new regions with ones they already own (overlapping)
# to create a new large region. Can merge any regions with protectionstones.admin
# Requires the permission protectionstones.merge to use (with /ps merge)
# NOTE: Due to the limitations of WorldGuard, merged regions will ignore y_radius and go from bedrock to sky
# since polygon regions can only be 2D, not 3D
allow_merging_regions = true
# Whether or not to allow merged regions to have holes in them (merging a bunch of regions in a circle with the inside not protected).
# This is only checked during the merge process, it will not unmerge regions with holes already.
allow_merging_holes = true
# Whether when players join, by default they have protection block placement toggled off (equivalent to running /ps toggle)
default_protection_block_placement_off = false
# If you do not have LuckPerms, ProtectionStones is unable to determine the limits of offline players (since it depends
# on permissions), and so it requires players to be online. Set this to true if your server does not need limits (and so
# the check is unnecessary).
allow_addowner_for_offline_players_without_lp = false
# Whether or not members of a region can /ps home to the region.
allow_home_teleport_for_members = true
# Whether /ps admin cleanup remove should delete regions that have members, but don't have owners (after inactive
# owners are removed).
# Regions that have no owners or members will be deleted regardless.
cleanup_delete_regions_with_members_but_no_owners = true
# Set limits on the price for renting. Set to -1.0 to disable.
max_rent_price = -1.0
min_rent_price = 0.0
# Set limits on the period between rent payments, in seconds (86400 seconds = 1 day). Set to -1 to disable.
max_rent_period = -1
min_rent_period = 1
# Set taxes on regions.
# Taxes are configured in each individual block config.
# Whether or not to enable the tax command.
# If you already have regions, you may want to set each one to have an autopayer (player that automatically pays taxes).
# This can be done with /ps admin settaxautopayers, which updates every region on the server with an autopayer from their owners list.
tax_enabled = true
# Notify players of outstanding tax payments for the regions they own.
tax_message_on_join = true
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@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
cooldown: '§6Warning: §7Please wait for %time% seconds before placing again!'
no_such_command: §cNo such command. please type /ps help for more info
no_access: §cYou are not allowed to do that here.
no_room_in_inventory: §cYou don't have enough room in your inventory.
no_room_dropping_on_floor: §cYou don't have enough room in your inventory. Dropping
item on floor.
invalid_block: §cInvalid protection block.
not_enough_money: §cYou don't have enough money! The price is %price%.
paid_money: §bYou've paid $%price%.
invalid_world: §cInvalid world.
must_be_player: §cYou must be a player to execute this command.
go_back_page: Go back a page.
go_next_page: Go to next page.
help: |-
§8§m=====§r PS Help §8§m=====
§b> §7/ps help
help_next: §7Do /ps help %page% to go to the next page!
command_requires_player_name: §cThis command requires a player name.
no_permission_toggle: §cYou don't have permission to use the toggle command.
no_permission_create: §cYou don't have permission to place a protection block.
no_permission_create_specific: §cYou don't have permission to place this protection
block type.
no_permission_destroy: §cYou don't have permission to destroy a protection block.
no_permission_members: '&cYou don''t have permission to use member commands.'
no_permission_owners: '&cYou don''t have permission to use owner commands.'
no_permission_admin: §cYou do not have permission to use that command.
no_permission_count: §cYou do not have permission to use that command.
no_permission_count_others: §cYou do not have permission to use that command.
no_permission_flags: '&cYou do not have permission to use flag commands.'
no_permission_per_flag: §cYou do not have permission to use that flag.
no_permission_rent: §cYou do not have permission for renting.
no_permission_tax: §cYou do not have permission to use the tax command.
no_permission_buysell: §cYou do not have permission to buy and sell regions.
no_permission_unhide: §cYou do not have permission to unhide protection blocks.
no_permission_hide: §cYou do not have permission to hide protection blocks.
no_permission_info: §cYou do not have permission to use the region info command.
no_permission_priority: §cYou do not have permission to use the priority command.
no_permission_region: §cYou do not have permission to use region commands.
no_permission_tp: §cYou do not have permission to teleport to other players' protection
no_permission_home: §cYou do not have permission to teleport to your protection blocks.
no_permission_unclaim: §cYou do not have permission to use the unclaim command.
no_permission_view: §cYou do not have permission to use the view command.
no_permission_give: §cYou do not have permission to use the give command.
no_permission_get: §cYou do not have permission to use the get command.
no_permission_sethome: §cYou do not have permission to use the sethome command.
no_permission_list: §cYou do not have permission to use the list command.
no_permission_list_others: §cYou do not have permission to use the list command for
no_permission_name: §cYou do not have permission to use the name command.
no_permission_setparent: §cYou do not have permission to use the setparent command.
no_permission_setparent_others: §cYou do not have permission to inherit from regions
you don't own.
no_permission_merge: §cYou do not have permission to use /ps merge.
added_to_region: §b%player%§7 has been added to this region.
added_to_region_specific: §b%player%§7 has been added to region %region%.
removed_from_region: §b%player%§7 has been removed from region.
removed_from_region_specific: §b%player%§7 has been removed from region %region%.
not_in_region: §cYou are not in a protection stones region!
player_not_found: §cPlayer not found.
not_ps_region: §cNot a protection stones region.
region_does_not_exist: §cRegion does not exist.
no_regions_owned: §cYou don't own any protected regions in this world!
no_region_permission: §cYou do not have permission to do this in this region.
protected: §bThis area is now protected.
no_longer_protected: §eThis area is no longer protected.
cant_protect_that: §cYou can't protect that area.
reached_region_limit: §cYou can not have any more protected regions (%limit%).
reached_per_block_region_limit: §cYou can not have any more regions of this type
world_denied_create: §cYou can not create protections in this world.
region_overlap: §cYou can not place a protection block here as it overlaps another
region_too_close: §cYour protection block must be a minimum of %num% blocks from
the edge of other regions!
cant_teleport: §cYour teleportation was blocked by a protection region!
specify_id_instead_of_alias: |-
§7There were multiple regions found with this name! Please use an ID instead.
Regions with this name: §b%regions%
region_not_adjacent: §cYou've passed the limit of non-adjacent regions! Try putting
your protection block closer to other regions you already own.
not_overlapping: §cThese regions don't overlap each other!
multi_region_does_not_exist: One of these regions don't exist!
no_region_holes: §cUnprotected area detected inside region! This is not allowed!
delete_region_prevented: §7The region could not be removed, possibly because it
creates a hole in the existing region.
not_owner: §cYou are not an owner of this region!
cannot_merge_rented_region: §cCannot merge regions because region %region% is in
the process of being rented out!
no_permission_region_type: §cYou do not have permission to have this region type.
hidden: §7The protection block is now hidden.
must_be_placed_in_existing_region: §cThis must be placed inside of an existing region!
already_in_location_is_hidden: §cA region already exists in this location (is the
protection block hidden?)
cannot_remove_yourself_last_owner: §cYou cannot remove yourself as you are the last
cannot_remove_yourself_all_regions: §cYou cannot remove yourself from all of your
regions at once, for safety reasons.
help: §b> §7/ps toggle|on|off
help_desc: Use this command to turn on or off placement of protection blocks.
toggle_on: §bProtection block placement turned on.
toggle_off: §bProtection block placement turned off.
count_help: §b> §7/ps count [player (optional)]
count_help_desc: Count the number of regions you own or another player.
personal_region_count: '§7Your region count in this world: §b%num%'
personal_region_count_merged: '§7- Including each merged region: §b%num%'
other_region_count: '§7%player%''s region count in this world: §b%num%'
other_region_count_merged: '§7- Including each merged region: §b%num%'
help: §b> §7/ps flag [flagname] [value|null|default]
help_desc: Use this command to set a flag in your protected region.
flag_set: §b%flag%§7 flag has been set.
flag_not_set: §b%flag%§7 flag has §cnot§7 been set. Check your values again.
flag_prevent_exploit: §cThis has been disabled to prevent exploits.
flag_prevent_exploit_hover: §cDisabled for security reasons.
gui_header: §8§m=====§r Flags (click to change) §8§m=====
gui_hover_set: §bClick to set.
gui_hover_set_text: |-
§bClick to change.§f
Current value:
hover_change_group: Click to set this flag to apply to only %group%.
hover_change_group_null: §cYou must set this flag to a value before changing the
help: §b> §7/ps rent
help_desc: Use this command to manage rents (buying and selling).
help_header: §8§m=====§r Rent Help §8§m=====
already_renting: §cThe region is already being rented out! You must stop leasing
the region first.
not_rented: §cThis region is not being rented.
lease_success: |-
§bRegion leasing terms set:
§bPrice: §7%price%
§bPayment Term: §7%period%
stopped: §bLeasing stopped.
evicted: §7Evicted tenant %tenant%.
not_renting: §cThis region is not being rented out to tenants.
paid_landlord: §b%tenant%§7 has paid §b$%price%§7 for renting out §b%region%§7.
paid_tenant: §7Paid §b$%price%§7 to §b%landlord%§7 for region §b%region%§7.
renting_landlord: §b%player%§7 is now renting out region §b%region%§7.
renting_tenant: §7You are now renting out region §b%region%§7 for §b%price%§7 per
not_tenant: §cYou are not the tenant of this region!
tenant_stopped_landlord: §b%player%§7 has stopped renting out region §b%region%§7.
It is now available for others to rent.
tenant_stopped_tenant: §bYou have stopped renting out region %region%.
being_sold: §cThe region is being sold! Do /ps sell stop first.
evict_no_money_tenant: §7You have been §cevicted§7 from region §b%region%§7 because
you do not have enough money (%price%) to pay for rent.
evict_no_money_landlord: §b%tenant%§7 has been §cevicted§7 from region §b%region%§7
because they are unable to afford rent.
cannot_rent_own_region: §cYou cannot rent your own region!
reached_limit: §cYou've reached the limit of regions you are allowed to rent!
price_too_low: §cThe rent price is too low (must be larger than %price%).
price_too_high: §cThe rent price is too high (must be lower than %price%).
period_too_short: §cThe rent period is too short (must be longer than %period% seconds).
period_too_long: §cThe rent period is too long (must be shorter than %period% seconds).
period_invalid: '§cInvalid period format! Example: 24h for once a day.'
cannot_break_while_renting: §cYou cannot break the region when it is being rented
help: §b> §7/ps tax
help_desc: Use this command to manage and pay taxes.
help_header: §8§m=====§r Taxes Help §8§m=====
disabled_region: §cTaxes are disabled for this region.
set_as_autopayer: §7Taxes for region §b%region%§7 will now be automatically paid
by you.
set_no_autopayer: §7Taxes for region §b%region%§7 now have to be manually paid for.
paid: §7Paid §b$%amount%§7 in taxes for region §b%region%§7.
info_header: §8§m=====§r Tax Info (click for more info) §8§m=====
join_msg_pending_payments: |-
§7You have §b$%money%§7 in tax payments due on your regions!
View them with /ps tax info.
player_region_info: §7> §b%region%§7 - §3$%money% due
player_region_info_autopayer: §7> §b%region%§7 - §3$%money% due§7 (you autopay)
click_to_show_more_info: Click to show more information.
region_info_header: §8§m=====§r %region% Tax Info §8§m=====
region_info: |-
§9Tax Rate: §7$%taxrate% (sum of all merged regions)
§9Time between tax cycles: §7%taxperiod%
§9Time to pay taxes after cycle: §7%taxpaymentperiod%
§9Tax Autopayer: §7%taxautopayer%
§9Taxes Owed: §7$%taxowed%
next_page: §7Do /ps tax info -p %page% to go to the next page!
help: §b> §7/ps buy
help_desc: Buy the region you are currently in.
not_for_sale: §cThis region is not for sale.
stop_sell: §7The region is now not for sale.
sold_buyer: §7Bought region §b%region%§7 for §b$%price%§7 from §b%player%§7.
sold_seller: §7Sold region §b%region%§7 for §b$%price%§7 to §b%player%§7.
help: §b> §7/ps sell [price|stop]
help_desc: Sell the region you are currently in.
rented_out: §cThe region is being rented out! You must stop renting it out to sell.
for_sale: §7The region is now for sale for §b$%price%§7.
hide_help: §b> §7/ps hide
hide_help_desc: Use this command to hide or unhide your protection block.
unhide_help: §b> §7/ps unhide
unhide_help_desc: Use this command to hide or unhide your protection block.
already_not_hidden: §7The protection stone doesn't appear hidden...
already_hidden: §7The protection stone appears to already be hidden...
help: §b> §7/ps info members|owners|flags
help_desc: Use this command inside a ps region to see more information about it.
header: §8§m=====§r PS Info §8§m=====
type2: '&9Type: &7%type%'
may_be_merged: (may be merged with other types)
merged2: '§9Merged regions: §7%merged%'
members2: '&9Members: &7%members%'
no_members: §c(no members)
owners2: '&9Owners: &7%owners%'
no_owners: §c(no owners)
flags2: '&9Flags: &7%flags%'
no_flags: (none)
region2: '&9Region: &b%region%'
priority2: '&9Priority: &b%priority%'
parent2: '&9Parent: &b%parentregion%'
bounds_xyz: '&9Bounds: &b(%minx%,%miny%,%minz%) -> (%maxx%,%maxy%,%maxz%)'
bounds_xz: '&9Bounds: &b(%minx%, %minz%) -> (%maxx%, %maxz%)'
seller2: '&9Seller: &7%seller%'
price2: '&9Price: &7%price%'
tenant2: '&9Tenant: &7%tenant%'
landlord2: '&9Landlord: &7%landlord%'
rent2: '&9Rent: &7%rent%'
available_for_sale: §bRegion available for sale!
available_for_rent: §bRegion available for rent!
help: §b> §7/ps priority [number|null]
help_desc: Use this command to set your region's priority.
info: '§7Priority: %priority%'
set: §ePriority has been set.
error: §cError parsing input, check it again?
help: §b> §7/ps region [list|remove|disown] [playername]
help_desc: Use this command to find information or edit other players' (or your
own) protected regions.
not_found_for_player: §7No regions found for %player% in this world.
list: '§7%player%''s regions in this world: §b%regions%'
remove: §e%player%'s regions have been removed in this world, and removed from regions
%player% partially owned.
error_search: §cError while searching for %player%'s regions. Please make sure you
have entered the correct name.
help: §b> §7/ps tp [id/player] [num (optional)]
help_desc: Teleports you to one of a given player's regions.
number_above_zero: §cPlease enter a number above 0.
valid_number: §cPlease enter a valid number.
only_has_regions: §c%player% only has %num% protected regions in this world!
tping: §aTeleporting...
error_name: §cError in teleporting to protected region! (parsing WG region name
error_tp: §cError in finding the region to teleport to!
in_seconds: §7Teleporting in §b%seconds%§7 seconds.
cancelled_moved: §cTeleport cancelled. You moved!
help: §b> §7/ps home [name/id]
help_desc: Teleports you to one of your protected regions.
header: §8§m=====§r Homes (click to teleport) §8§m=====
click_to_tp: Click to teleport!
next_page: §7Do /ps home -p %page% to go to the next page!
help: §b> §7/ps unclaim
help_desc: Use this command to pickup a placed protection stone and remove the region.
help: §b> §7/ps view
help_desc: Use this command to view the borders of a protected region.
cooldown: §cPlease wait a while before using /ps view again.
generating: §7Generating border...
generate_done: §aDone! The border will disappear after 30 seconds!
removing: |-
§bRemoving border...
§aIf you still see ghost blocks, relog!
help: §b> §7/ps admin
help_desc: Do /ps admin help for more information.
cleanup_header: |-
§eCleanup %arg% %days% days
cleanup_footer: |-
Completed %arg% cleanup.
hide_toggled: §eAll protection stones have been %message% in this world.
last_logon: §e%player% last played %days% days ago.
is_banned: §e%player% is banned.
error_parsing: §cError parsing days, are you sure it is a number?
console_world: §cPlease specify the world as the last parameter.
lastlogons_header: |-
§e%days% Days Plus:
lastlogons_line: §e%player% %time% days
lastlogons_footer: |-
%count% Total Players Shown
%checked% Total Players Checked
help: §b> §7/ps reload
help_desc: Reload settings from the config.
start: §bReloading config...
complete: §bCompleted config reload!
help: §b> §7/ps add|remove [playername]
help_desc: Use this command to add or remove a member of your protected region.
owner_help: §b> §7/ps addowner|removeowner [playername]
owner_help_desc: Use this command to add or remove an owner of your protected region.
player_reached_limit: §cThis player has reached their region limit.
player_needs_to_be_online: §cThe player needs to be online to add them.
help: §b> §7/ps get [block]
help_desc: Use this command to get or purchase a protection block.
gotten: §bAdded protection block to inventory!
no_permission_block: §cYou don't have permission to get this block.
header: §8§m=====§r Protect Blocks (click to get) §8§m=====
gui_block: §7> §b%alias% §7- %description% (§f$%price%§7)
gui_hover: Click to buy a %alias%!
help: §b> §7/ps give [block] [player] [amount (optional)]
help_desc: Use this command to give a player a protection block.
given: §7Gave §b%block%§7 to §b%player%§7.
no_inventory_room: §cThe player does not have enough inventory room.
help: §b> §7/ps sethome
help_desc: Use this command to set the home of a region to where you are right now.
set: §7The home for §b%psid%§7 has been set to your location.
help: §b> §7/ps list [player (optional)]
help_desc: Use this command to list the regions you, or another player owns.
header: §8§m=====§r %player%'s Regions §8§m=====
owner: '§7Owner of:'
member: '§7Member of:'
no_regions: §7You currently do not own and are not a member of any regions.
no_regions_player: §b%player% §7does not own and is not a member of any regions.
help: §b> §7/ps name [name|none]
help_desc: Use this command to give a nickname to your region, to make identifying
your region easier.
removed: §7Removed the name for %id%.
set_name: §7Set the name of %id% to §b%name%§7.
taken: §7The region name §b%name%§7 has already been taken! Try another one.
help: §b> §7/ps setparent [region|none]
help_desc: Use this command to allow this region to inherit properties from another
region (owners, members, flags, etc.).
success: §7Successfully set the parent of §b%id%§7 to §b%parent%§7.
success_remove: §7Successfully removed the parent of §b%id%§7.
circular_inheritance: §cDetected circular inheritance (the parent already inherits
from this region?). Parent not set.
help: §b> §7/ps merge
help_desc: Use this command to merge the region you are in with other overlapping
disabled: Merging regions is disabled in the config!
merged: §bRegions were successfully merged!
header: §8§m=====§r Merge %region% (click to merge) §8§m=====
warning: '§7Note: This will delete all of the settings for the current region!'
not_allowed: §cYou are not allowed to merge this protection region type.
into: §bThis region overlaps other regions you can merge into!
no_region: §7There are no overlapping regions to merge into.
click_to_merge: Click to merge with %region%!
auto_merged: §7Region automatically merged with §b%region%§7.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# BackupTimer = At what time should a Backup be created? The format is: 'hh-mm' e.g. '12-30'.
# DeleteOldBackups = Deletes old backups automatically after a specific time (in days, standard = 7 days)
# DeleteOldBackups - Type '0' at DeleteOldBackups to disable the deletion of old backups.
# BackupLimiter = Deletes old backups automatically if number of total backups is greater than this number (e.g. if you enter '5' - the oldest backup will be deleted if there are more than 5 backups, so you will always keep the latest 5 backups)
# BackupLimiter - Type '0' to disable this feature. If you don't type '0' the feature 'DeleteOldBackups' will be disabled and this feature ('BackupLimiter') will be enabled.
# KeepUniqueBackups - Type 'true' to disable the deletion of unique backups. The plugin will keep the newest backup of all backed up worlds or folders, no matter how old it is.
AutomaticBackups: true
- 00-00
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
DeleteOldBackups: 7
BackupLimiter: 0
KeepUniqueBackups: false
SendLogMessages: false
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
no permission command: '&cYou do not have permission to execute this command.'
no permission tutorial: '&cYou do not have enough permissions to play this tutorial.'
enable first join tutorial: true
first join tutorial id: intro
language: English
# Whether the NPC should be removed if it is not found when starting the plugin.
# Best to disable this when using Citizens plugin.
remove-invalid: true
# The time between the first attempt to scan for NPCs and the second time. (seconds)
retry-time: 5
- w
- msg
- help
- list
- me
- kittycannon
# Should we use MySql to store data?
# If not: FlatFile option enabled.
enabled: false
username: root
password: root
host: localhost
database: minecraft
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
invalid-args: '&cInvalid args! Use /st help for help.'
no-permissions: '&cYou don''t have permission for that!'
player-only-command: '&cThis is player only command!'
'yes': '&a&lYES'
'no': '&c&lNO'
add: '&a&lAdd'
clear: clear
completed: completed
uncompleted: uncompleted
times-played: Times played
amount-of-points: Amount of points
permission: Permission
id: ID
invisible: Invisible
time: Time
seconds: seconds(s)
chat-messages: Chat messages
reward-commands: Reward Commands
npc-type: NPC type
servertutorial-id: Server tutorial ID
blocks-commands: Blocks commands
white-listed-commands: Whitelisted commands
chat-blocked: Chat Blocked
none: None
action-cancelled: '&eAction has been cancelled'
nothhing-to-cancel: '&cThere is nothing to cancel!'
player-lookup: '&a&lPlayer Lookup'
lookup-set-unfinished: '&c[Set unfinished]'
lookup-set-finished: '&e[Set finished]'
lookup-set-unfinished-message: '&cClick to set the tutorial to &cunfinished'
lookup-set-finished-message: '&cClick to set the tutorial to &afinished'
tutorial-created: '&aSuccessfully created the server tutorial with ID:&e %id%'
tutorial-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the server tutorial with ID:&e %id%'
tutorial-id-not-found: '&cCould not find an server tutorial with that ID.'
command-apddpoint-commandhint: '&7[&eNotice&7] The user needs to execute the command
&e/st next &7to proceed this point.'
command-hastobe-number: '&cThe index has to be an number'
command-invalid-index: '&cThat''s not a valid index.'
command-succesfully-left: '&aSuccessfully left the tutorial.'
command-quit-notin: '&4You are not in a tutorial.'
command-setblock-fail: '&cFailed to create the block. Don''t stand too far away from
the block you want to set!'
command-setblock-succes: '&aSuccessfully created a new tutorial block. Block Type:
&e%type%&a Server tutorial: &e%id%'
command-setting-set: '&aSuccessfully set the setting &e%setting%&a for tutorial:&e
command-setting-rewards-clear: '&aSuccessfully cleared all reward commands.'
command-setting-rewards-added: '&aSuccessfully added the command.'
command-setting-rewards-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the reward command.'
command-setting-commands-clear: '&aSuccessfully cleared all whitelisted commands.'
command-setting-commands-added: '&aSuccessfully added the command to the whitelist.'
command-setting-commands-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the whitelisted command.'
command-switch-successful: Successfully switched the points %1% and %2%
command-move-successful: Successfully moved the point %1% in front off %2%
command-argument-available: '&aAvailable arguments: &7%args%'
command-editall-canbe: '&eArguments that can be mass edited: &7%args%'
command-editall-succes: '&aSuccessfully edited all points'
command-lookup-define-player: '&ePlease define a player to check. &7/st player <name>'
command-lookup-uuid-error: '&cUnable to get the UUID of the targed player. Are you
sure he/she has played on this server before?'
command-lookup-never-played: '&cThat player has never joined the server.'
command-lookup-set: '&aSuccessfully set the tutorial to completed.'
command-lookup-unset: '&cSuccessfully set the tutorial to incompleted.'
command-lookup-set-error: '&cPlayer has already completed this tutorial.'
command-lookup-unset-error: '&cPlayer has not yet completed this tutorial.'
event-block-remove: '&cYou do not have permission to remove this tutorial block.'
event-block-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the tutorial block!'
reload-stoptutorial: '&cYour tutorial has been cancelled because the plugin has been
reload-succes: '&aSuccessfully reloaded the plugin.'
potion-effect-time: '&ePotion time: &7%ticks%&e ticks - &7%seconds%&e seconds (20
ticks = 1 second)'
potion-effect-notime: '&eNo time was giving. Using the point time instead.'
potion-effect-amplifier: 'Potion amplifier: %amp%'
potion-effect-wrong-usage-1: '&cWrong usage. Hold a potion in your hand and use this
command: &7/st edit <id> <point> add potion <time> <level>'
potion-effect-wrong-usage-2: '&cOr use this command: &7/st edit <id> <point> add potion
<potioneffect> <time (s)> <level>'
firework-remove-info: '&eThis commands removes the nearest firework. No need for more
firework-remove-failed: '&cCould not find a firework in a range of 1000 blocks.'
firework-add-wrongusage: '&cWrong usage. Hold a firework in your hand.'
current-time: 'Current time: %time%'
title-notitle-set: '&cThis point does not have a title yet. Please set one before
setting timings.'
title-current: '&eThe current &a%type%&e time is: &a%ticks%&e ticks.'
setting-edited: '&aSuccessfully edited the setting: &e%setting%'
save-succes: '&aSuccessfully saved all the tutorials and blocks.'
point-removed: '&aSuccessfully removed the point&e %id%'
point-invalid-type: '&cInvalid point type!'
point-example-command-click: '&eClick to show the &a%type%&e point command'
point-example-message: '&eClick one of the following options to show the correct command: '
point-added: '&aSuccessfully added the new point.'
info-none-existing: '&eThere do not exist any server tutorials at the moment.'
info-more-info: '&7&iUse /st info <id> to get more info.'
npc-id-exists: '&cThere already exists an NPC with that ID!'
npc-tested-mobs: '&eTested mobs: &7'
npc-wrong-type: '&cInvalid entity type. ''&e%type%&c'' (Does not exist)'
npc-living-type: '&cEntity has to be a living type!'
npc-creation-success: 'Successfully created a NPC with NPC ID: &e%id%&a that plays
server tutorial: &e%tutorial%'
npc-selection-cancelled: '&cSelecting an NPC has been cancelled.'
npc-selection-message: '&eRight click an NPC to select it. &7(or use the command again
to exit selection mode'
npc-id-not-existing: '&cThere does not exist a NPC with ID: &e%id%'
npc-removed-succes: '&aSuccessfully removed the NCP!'
npc-text-change: '&aSuccessfully changed the text!'
npc-height-change: '&aSuccessfully changed the height!'
npc-player-selected: '&cTo prevent errors, you cannot select a player as NPC!'
npc-invalid-entity: '&cThe entity you tried to bind is not supported.'
npc-info-none: '&eNo NPCs have been made yet!'
npc-info-more-info: '&7&iUse /st npc info <id> to get more info.'
help-help: Shows this helpful help.
help-create: Create a new server tutorial.
help-remove: Remove a server tutorial.
help-addpoint: Add a point to a server tutorial.
help-removepoint: Remove a point from a server tutorial
help-edit: Edit settings of a servertutorial.
help-editpoint: Edit a servertutorial point.
help-editall: Edit all servertutorial point of a tutorial.
help-info: Show info about a server tutorial.
help-player: Shows info about the player
help-gui: Opens a helpful GUI.
help-play: Play a server tutorial.
help-quit: Quit a server tutorial.
help-playpoint: Play only 1 point of a server tutorial.
help-setblock: Set a block that can be right clicked to start.
help-npc: Spawn an NPC that can be right clicked to start.
help-reload: Save current data to the configs.
error-wait-to-end: '&cPlease wait for the current point to end!'
error-player-offline: '&cThat player is currently not online!'
error-person-in-tutorial: '&cThat person is already in a tutorial!'
error-wait-to-end-tutorial: '&cPlease wait for the current tutorial to end before
starting a new one.'
error-atleast-one-word: '&cYou need to enter a minimal of one word to add.'
error-no-index: '&cPlease define a valid index.'
error-notexisting-index: '&cThat index does not exist.'
error-invalid-point: '&cPlease define a valid tutorial point.'
error-editall: '&cFailed to set setting. Stopped editing the points.'
error-invalid-number: '&cInvalid number.'
error-failed-finding-tutorial: Failed to find server tutorial...
error-failed-finding-tutorial-admin: '&cCould not find a server tutorial with the
id &e%id%&c. Please contact the server administrator.'
error-invalid-effect: '&cInvalid potion effect.'
error-invalid-time: '&cThat is not a valid time. (Time is in seconds)'
error-invalid-amplifier: That is not a valid amplifier.
error-command-blocked: '&cThat command has been blocked during the tutorial.'
tip-editpoint: '&7[&aTIP&7] If you want to edit an point, use /st editpoint'
wrong-command-format: '&cWrong arguments, please use the command like this: &7'
unkown-argument: '&cUnknown arg. Possible args: &7'
player-not-found: '&cUnable to find that player on this server.'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
plays: 24
invisible: false
permission: false
block-chat: false
blocks-commands: false
rewards: []
command-whitelist: []
location: world -71.46958093753142 173.0 -249.54917965215213 0.40734863 -1.3500156
time: 2.0
locplayer: false
locview: false
- This server has a few "&6lifestyle improvement&f" changes.
- Namely, &6graves, protection stones, tree felling and rare hostiles&f have
been added.
- Some of these changes introduce &6new crafting recipes&f!
- Go ahead and &awalk downstairs to the blue circle&f to collect some useful
resources and learn more.
- rg removemember -w "world" spawngatea {player_name}
- rg removemember -w "world" spawngateb {player_name}
title: '&bWelcome {player_name}!'
subtitle: to Reslate Entertainment Minecraft Server!
fade-in: 20
stay: 40
fade-out: 20
animation: CIRCLE
colour: 244 153 0
distance: 1.0
repeatActionbar: true
drawguide: false
guidecolour: 244 244 244
location: world -66.02339295638282 173.0 -251.12955773506133 -98.74217 5.700019
time: 2.0
locplayer: false
locview: false
- You'll want to &6grab a completed recipe book from the bookshelf&f.
actionbar: '&aright click&f on the &6highlighted bookshelf&f!'
commands: []
blocklocation: world -63.0 174.0 -252.0 0.0 0.0
particles: true
colour: 125 255 0
teleport: false
location: world -67.02593065614552 173.0 -253.36556869704876 91.00787 9.600019
time: 2.0
locplayer: false
locview: false
- And like that, you've got &6all the recipes unlocked&f!
- Remember to &ause a crafting table&f to see all the larger recipes!
- Now, go open the &6highlighted chest&f!
actionbar: '&aright click&f on the &6highlighted chest&f!'
- recipe give {player_name} *
blocklocation: world -72.0 173.0 -254.0 0.0 0.0
particles: true
colour: 125 255 0
teleport: false
location: world -66.53817412071187 173.0 -251.47260306607436 -179.88847 4.500104
time: 2.0
locplayer: false
locview: false
- '&6Emeralds&f are the designated &6currency&f. You now have &61&f of them!
You can always check your balance via &a/money&f. Also, &6create vaults&f
by &aplacing a sign with &9[vault]&a on containers&f!'
- Previously, I mentioned &6protection stones&f. You can use &a/ps&f to check
out the commands for these.
- Graves only work if you have a &6grave token&f. Feel free to look up the
recipe in your (now complete) recipe book.
- Trees can be felled by sneaking and &ausing any axe&f. Checkout &a/sm&f
for commands.
- Lastly, you may come across &6infernal hostiles&f. These hostiles are much
stronger, but also drop much better items.
- give {player_name} minecraft:emerald 1
animation: CIRCLE
colour: 244 153 0
distance: 1.5
repeatActionbar: true
drawguide: false
guidecolour: 244 244 244
location: world -66.99725178455203 173.0 -254.3114881993384 -179.88847 4.500104
time: 2.0
locplayer: false
locview: false
- You are ready to start you're adventure!
- Remember to checkout & in a browser!
- '&aJump down&f into the &6water&f whenever you''re ready.'
- rg addmember -w "world" spawngatea {player_name}
- rg addmember -w "world" spawngateb {player_name}
animation: CIRCLE
colour: 244 153 0
distance: 1.5
repeatActionbar: true
drawguide: false
guidecolour: 244 244 244
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
CoreProtect: true
Lands: true
Towny: true
Jobs: true
mcMMO: true
Residence: true
BlockyLog: true
GriefPrevention: true
LogBlock: true
PlaceholderAPI: true
WorldGuard: true
version: 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
version: 8
debug: false
sync-time: 50
radius: 2
depth: 3
sneak: 'on'
toggleable: 'off'
sync-detection: false
wood-type: false
cutter-type: false
enabled: true
default: 1000
enabled: false
time: 20000
enabled: true
enabled: false
multiplier: 1.0
enabled: false
list: []
enabled: false
blacklist: false
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
version: 4
prefix: '&5Smooth&dTimber &8||'
list-split: '&7, &d'
not-allowed: '&7You''re lacking the permission &5%permission% &7to use &5Smooth&dTimber&7!'
needed: '&7Detected a %type0% change, &5reloading %type1%&7...'
done: '&7%type% reloaded &dsuccessfully!'
supported: '&7You''re currently using the &dsupported&7 Minecraft Version &d%minecraft%
&7(&5Core %core%&7)'
unsupported: '&7You''re currently using the &cunsupported&7 Minecraft Version
need-update: '&7If you want to use &5Smooth&dTimber &7you need to update your
server to a supported Minecraft Version'
versions: '&7Supported Versions are: &d%versions%'
message: message
messages: messages
main: setting
addon: addon
main: settings
addon: addons
addon: '%addon% setting'
addons: '%addon% settings'
second: second
seconds: seconds
woodchopper: woodchopper
forever: '&7You enabled your &d%tool%&7!'
timed: '&7You enabled your &d%tool% &7for &5%time%&7!'
forever: '&7You disabled your &c%tool%&7!'
timed: '&7You disabled your &c%tool% &7for &4%time%&7!'
disabled: '&7Toggling is disabled!'
wait: '&7Your tool is still on &dcooldown&7 for &5%time%&7!'
player: '&7Only a &5player &7can run this command!'
wip: '&7This command is work in progress!'
non-existent: '&7This command doesn''t exist! Use &5/sm help &7for help!'
missing-permission: '&7You''re lacking the permission &5%permission% &7to execute
this command!'
toggle: '&7/sm toggle (<time>) &8- &7Enable the tree chopper permanently or
a specific time in seconds.'
help: '&7/sm help &8- &7List all smoothtimber commands with their description
and usage'
message: '&7You can''t cut this tree because &c%reason%&7!'
unknown: another plugin cancelled the process
griefprevention: it is protected by a GriefPrevetion Claim
worldguard: it is protected by a WorldGuard Region
residence: it is protected by a Residence Region
lands: it is protected by a Lands Region
towny: it is protected by a Towny town
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# SyntaxPhoenixStats collects some data for SyntaxPhoenix to give you an better experience.
# This software has nearly no effect on the server performance!
# For more Infos check out
enabled: true
ServerUUID: 93edac2c-9a20-453d-aebe-65e503ea6430
Logging: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
update-check: true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
# WorldEdit's Configuration File
# About editing this file:
# - DO NOT USE TABS. You MUST use spaces or Bukkit will complain and post
# errors. If you use an editor, like Notepad++ (recommended for Windows
# users), you must configure it to "replace tabs with spaces."
# This can be changed in Settings > Preferences > Language Menu.
# - Don't get rid of indentations. They are indented so some entries that are
# in categories, like "max-blocks-changed", are placed in the "limits"
# category.
# - If you want to check the format of this file before putting it
# into WorldEdit, paste it into
# and see if it gives you "ERROR:".
# - Lines starting with # are comments, so they are ignored.
# - If you want to allow blocks, make sure to change "disallowed-blocks" to []
default: -1
maximum: -1
default: 256
default: -1
maximum: 20
max-radius: -1
max-super-pickaxe-size: 5
max-brush-radius: 5
default: -1
maximum: -1
- "minecraft:oak_sapling"
- "minecraft:jungle_sapling"
- "minecraft:dark_oak_sapling"
- "minecraft:spruce_sapling"
- "minecraft:birch_sapling"
- "minecraft:acacia_sapling"
- "minecraft:black_bed"
- "minecraft:blue_bed"
- "minecraft:brown_bed"
- "minecraft:cyan_bed"
- "minecraft:gray_bed"
- "minecraft:green_bed"
- "minecraft:light_blue_bed"
- "minecraft:light_gray_bed"
- "minecraft:lime_bed"
- "minecraft:magenta_bed"
- "minecraft:orange_bed"
- "minecraft:pink_bed"
- "minecraft:purple_bed"
- "minecraft:red_bed"
- "minecraft:white_bed"
- "minecraft:yellow_bed"
- "minecraft:powered_rail"
- "minecraft:detector_rail"
- "minecraft:grass"
- "minecraft:dead_bush"
- "minecraft:moving_piston"
- "minecraft:piston_head"
- "minecraft:sunflower"
- "minecraft:rose_bush"
- "minecraft:dandelion"
- "minecraft:poppy"
- "minecraft:brown_mushroom"
- "minecraft:red_mushroom"
- "minecraft:tnt"
- "minecraft:torch"
- "minecraft:fire"
- "minecraft:redstone_wire"
- "minecraft:wheat"
- "minecraft:potatoes"
- "minecraft:carrots"
- "minecraft:melon_stem"
- "minecraft:pumpkin_stem"
- "minecraft:beetroots"
- "minecraft:rail"
- "minecraft:lever"
- "minecraft:redstone_torch"
- "minecraft:redstone_wall_torch"
- "minecraft:repeater"
- "minecraft:comparator"
- "minecraft:stone_button"
- "minecraft:birch_button"
- "minecraft:acacia_button"
- "minecraft:dark_oak_button"
- "minecraft:jungle_button"
- "minecraft:oak_button"
- "minecraft:spruce_button"
- "minecraft:cactus"
- "minecraft:sugar_cane"
- "minecraft:bedrock"
enable: false
allow-override: true
creative-mode-overrides: false
log-commands: false
file: worldedit.log
# The format of custom log message. This is java general format string (java.util.Formatter). Arguments are:
# 1$ : date - a Date object representing event time of the log record.
# 2$ : source - a string representing the caller, if available; otherwise, the logger's name.
# 3$ : logger - the logger's name.
# 4$ : level - the log level.
# 5$ : message - the formatted log message returned from the Formatter.formatMessage(LogRecord) method. It uses java.text formatting and does not use the java.util.Formatter format argument.
# 6$ : thrown - a string representing the throwable associated with the log record and its backtrace beginning with a newline character, if any; otherwise, an empty string.
# For details see:
format: "[%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS %4$s]: %5$s%6$s%n"
drop-items: true
many-drop-items: false
item: minecraft:compass
max-distance: 100
timeout: 3000
dir: craftscripts
dir: schematics
allow-symbolic-links: false
size: 15
expiration: 10
timeout: 100
trace-unflushed-sessions: false
wand-item: minecraft:wooden_axe
no-op-permissions: false
debug: false
show-help-on-first-use: true
server-side-cui: true
command-block-support: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
spawn -
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
perform-on-next-start: false
keep-names-that-lack-uuids: true
use-creature-spawn-event: true
disable-bypass-by-default: false
announce-bypass-status: false
use: false
dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost/worldguard
username: worldguard
password: worldguard
table-prefix: ''
use-paper-entity-origin: true
enable: true
invincibility-removes-mobs: false
cancel-chat-without-recipients: true
nether-portal-protection: true
fake-player-build-override: true
explosion-flags-block-entity-damage: true
high-frequency-flags: true
protect-against-liquid-flow: false
wand: minecraft:leather
max-claim-volume: 30000
claim-only-inside-existing-regions: false
location-flags-only-inside-regions: false
default: 7
auto-invincible: false
auto-invincible-group: false
auto-no-drowning-group: false
use-player-move-event: true
use-player-teleports: true
use-particle-effects: true
disable-permission-cache: false
deop-everyone-on-join: false
block-in-game-op-command: false
host-keys-allow-forge-clients: false
host-keys: {}
summary-on-start: true
op-permissions: true
enable: false
deny-message: '&eSorry, but you are not permitted to do that here.'
block-entity-spawns-with-untraceable-cause: false
interaction-whitelist: []
emit-block-use-at-feet: []
ignore-hopper-item-move-events: false
break-hoppers-on-denied-move: true
item-durability: true
remove-infinite-stacks: false
disable-xp-orb-drops: false
disable-obsidian-generators: false
use-max-priority-association: false
block-potions: []
block-potions-overly-reliably: false
disable-conduit-effects: false
enable: false
radius: 3
redstone: false
pumpkin-scuba: false
disable-health-regain: false
no-physics-gravel: false
no-physics-sand: false
vine-like-rope-ladders: false
allow-portal-anywhere: false
disable-water-damage-blocks: []
block-tnt: false
block-tnt-block-damage: false
block-lighter: false
disable-lava-fire-spread: false
disable-all-fire-spread: false
disable-fire-spread-blocks: []
lava-spread-blocks: []
block-creeper-explosions: false
block-creeper-block-damage: false
block-wither-explosions: false
block-wither-block-damage: false
block-wither-skull-explosions: false
block-wither-skull-block-damage: false
block-enderdragon-block-damage: false
block-enderdragon-portal-creation: false
block-fireball-explosions: false
block-fireball-block-damage: false
anti-wolf-dumbness: false
allow-tamed-spawns: true
disable-enderman-griefing: false
disable-snowman-trails: false
block-painting-destroy: false
block-item-frame-destroy: false
block-armor-stand-destroy: false
block-plugin-spawning: true
block-above-ground-slimes: false
block-other-explosions: false
block-zombie-door-destruction: false
block-vehicle-entry: false
block-creature-spawn: []
disable-fall-damage: false
disable-lava-damage: false
disable-fire-damage: false
disable-lightning-damage: false
disable-drowning-damage: false
disable-suffocation-damage: false
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enable: true
enable: false
dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
user: root
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table: blacklist_events
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path: worldguard/logs/%Y-%m-%d.log
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# bStats collects some data for plugin authors like how many servers are using their plugins.
# To honor their work, you should not disable it.
# This has nearly no effect on the server performance!
# Check out to learn more :)
enabled: false
serverUuid: 205c084c-9de0-4722-8179-328d11f6b894
logFailedRequests: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
1 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
2 69 110 51 255 55 88 40 255 34 55 25 255 27 44 20 255
3 134 96 67 255 107 76 53 255 67 48 33 255 53 38 26 255
3:2 90 63 28 255 72 50 22 255 45 31 14 255 36 25 11 255
4 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
5 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
5:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
5:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
5:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
5:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
5:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
6 71 102 37 107 56 81 29 107 35 51 18 107 28 40 14 107
6:1 51 58 33 83 40 46 26 83 25 29 16 83 20 23 13 83
6:2 118 150 84 107 94 120 67 107 59 75 42 107 47 60 33 107
6:3 48 86 18 85 38 68 14 85 24 43 9 85 19 34 7 85
6:4 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:5 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
6:9 51 58 33 83 40 46 26 83 25 29 16 83 20 23 13 83
6:10 118 150 84 107 94 120 67 107 59 75 42 107 47 60 33 107
6:11 48 86 18 85 38 68 14 85 24 43 9 85 19 34 7 85
6:12 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:13 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
7 83 83 83 255 66 66 66 255 41 41 41 255 33 33 33 255
8 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9 47 67 244 179 37 53 195 179 23 33 122 179 18 26 97 179
9:1 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:2 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:3 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:4 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:5 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:6 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:7 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
10 207 91 20 255 165 72 16 255 103 45 10 255 82 36 8 255
11 216 104 26 255 172 83 20 255 108 52 13 255 86 41 10 255
12 219 211 160 255 175 168 128 255 109 105 80 255 87 84 64 255
12:1 169 88 33 255 135 70 26 255 84 44 16 255 67 35 13 255
13 126 124 122 255 100 99 97 255 63 62 61 255 50 49 48 255
14 143 139 124 255 114 111 99 255 71 69 62 255 57 55 49 255
15 135 130 126 255 108 104 100 255 67 65 63 255 54 52 50 255
16 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
17 154 125 77 255 123 100 61 255 77 62 38 255 61 50 30 255
17:1 104 81 48 255 83 64 38 255 52 40 24 255 41 32 19 255
17:2 184 166 121 255 147 132 96 255 92 83 60 255 73 66 48 255
17:3 153 118 73 255 122 94 58 255 76 59 36 255 61 47 29 255
17:4 102 81 49 255 81 64 39 255 51 40 24 255 40 32 19 255
17:5 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
17:6 206 206 201 255 164 164 160 255 103 103 100 255 82 82 80 255
17:7 87 67 26 255 69 53 20 255 43 33 13 255 34 26 10 255
17:8 102 81 49 255 81 64 39 255 51 40 24 255 40 32 19 255
17:9 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
17:10 206 206 201 255 164 164 160 255 103 103 100 255 82 82 80 255
17:11 87 67 26 255 69 53 20 255 43 33 13 255 34 26 10 255
17:12 102 81 49 255 81 64 39 255 51 40 24 255 40 32 19 255
17:13 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
17:14 206 206 201 255 164 164 160 255 103 103 100 255 82 82 80 255
17:15 87 67 26 255 69 53 20 255 43 33 13 255 34 26 10 255
18 47 92 25 154 37 73 20 154 23 46 12 154 18 36 10 154
18:1 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:2 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:3 50 96 25 201 40 76 20 201 25 48 12 201 20 38 10 201
18:5 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:6 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:7 50 96 25 201 40 76 20 201 25 48 12 201 20 38 10 201
18:9 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:10 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:11 50 96 25 201 40 76 20 201 25 48 12 201 20 38 10 201
18:13 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:14 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:15 50 96 25 201 40 76 20 201 25 48 12 201 20 38 10 201
19 182 182 57 255 145 145 45 255 91 91 28 255 72 72 22 255
20 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
21 102 112 134 255 81 89 107 255 51 56 67 255 40 44 53 255
22 38 67 137 255 30 53 109 255 19 33 68 255 15 26 54 255
23 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
23:1 86 86 86 255 68 68 68 255 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255
23:9 86 86 86 255 68 68 68 255 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255
24 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
25 100 67 50 255 80 53 40 255 50 33 25 255 40 26 20 255
26 142 22 22 255 113 17 17 255 71 11 11 255 56 8 8 255
26:8 175 116 116 255 140 92 92 255 87 58 58 255 70 46 46 255
26:9 175 116 116 255 140 92 92 255 87 58 58 255 70 46 46 255
26:10 175 116 116 255 140 92 92 255 87 58 58 255 70 46 46 255
26:11 175 116 116 255 140 92 92 255 87 58 58 255 70 46 46 255
27 132 108 72 171 105 86 57 171 66 54 36 171 52 43 28 171
27:8 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:9 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:10 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:11 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:12 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:13 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
28 120 101 89 155 96 80 71 155 60 50 44 155 48 40 35 155
29 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
29:1 141 146 99 255 112 116 79 255 70 73 49 255 56 58 39 255
29:2 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
29:3 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
29:4 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
29:5 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
29:10 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
29:11 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
29:12 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
29:13 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
30 220 220 220 104 176 176 176 104 110 110 110 104 88 88 88 104
31 123 79 25 81 98 63 20 81 61 39 12 81 49 31 10 81
31:1 55 87 40 162 44 69 32 162 27 43 20 162 22 34 16 162
31:2 56 90 42 78 44 72 33 78 28 45 21 78 22 36 16 78
32 123 79 25 81 98 63 20 81 61 39 12 81 49 31 10 81
33 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
33:1 153 129 89 255 122 103 71 255 76 64 44 255 61 51 35 255
33:2 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
33:3 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
33:4 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
33:5 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
33:10 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
33:11 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
33:12 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
33:13 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
34 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
34:1 153 129 89 255 122 103 71 255 76 64 44 255 61 51 35 255
34:2 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:3 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:4 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:5 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:9 141 146 99 255 112 116 79 255 70 73 49 255 56 58 39 255
34:10 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:11 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:12 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:13 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
35 221 221 221 255 176 176 176 255 110 110 110 255 88 88 88 255
35:1 219 125 62 255 175 100 49 255 109 62 31 255 87 50 24 255
35:2 179 80 188 255 143 64 150 255 89 40 94 255 71 32 75 255
35:3 106 138 201 255 84 110 160 255 53 69 100 255 42 55 80 255
35:4 177 166 39 255 141 132 31 255 88 83 19 255 70 66 15 255
35:5 65 174 56 255 52 139 44 255 32 87 28 255 26 69 22 255
35:6 208 132 153 255 166 105 122 255 104 66 76 255 83 52 61 255
35:7 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
35:8 154 161 161 255 123 128 128 255 77 80 80 255 61 64 64 255
35:9 46 110 137 255 36 88 109 255 23 55 68 255 18 44 54 255
35:10 126 61 181 255 100 48 144 255 63 30 90 255 50 24 72 255
35:11 46 56 141 255 36 44 112 255 23 28 70 255 18 22 56 255
35:12 79 50 31 255 63 40 24 255 39 25 15 255 31 20 12 255
35:13 53 70 27 255 42 56 21 255 26 35 13 255 21 28 10 255
35:14 150 52 48 255 120 41 38 255 75 26 24 255 60 20 19 255
35:15 25 22 22 255 20 17 17 255 12 11 11 255 10 8 8 255
37 108 162 0 30 86 129 0 30 54 81 0 30 43 64 0 30
38 100 57 4 34 80 45 3 34 50 28 2 34 40 22 1 34
38:1 37 152 138 45 29 121 110 45 18 76 69 45 14 60 55 45
38:2 177 141 211 38 141 112 168 38 88 70 105 38 70 56 84 38
38:3 162 191 138 42 129 152 110 42 81 95 69 42 64 76 55 42
38:4 103 135 38 48 82 108 30 48 51 67 19 48 41 54 15 48
38:5 95 134 32 49 76 107 25 49 47 67 16 49 38 53 12 49
38:6 94 153 65 48 75 122 52 48 47 76 32 48 37 61 26 48
38:7 101 150 73 47 80 120 58 47 50 75 36 47 40 60 29 47
38:8 176 197 139 43 140 157 111 43 88 98 69 43 70 78 55 43
39 138 105 83 25 110 84 66 25 69 52 41 25 55 42 33 25
40 195 53 56 33 156 42 44 33 97 26 28 33 78 21 22 33
41 249 236 78 255 199 188 62 255 124 118 39 255 99 94 31 255
42 219 219 219 255 175 175 175 255 109 109 109 255 87 87 87 255
43 159 159 159 255 127 127 127 255 79 79 79 255 63 63 63 255
43:1 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
43:2 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
43:3 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
43:4 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
43:5 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
43:6 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
43:7 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
43:9 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
43:10 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
43:11 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
43:12 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
43:13 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
43:14 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
43:15 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
44 159 159 159 255 127 127 127 255 79 79 79 255 63 63 63 255
44:1 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
44:2 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
44:3 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
44:4 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
44:5 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
44:6 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
44:7 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
44:9 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
44:10 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
44:11 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
44:12 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
44:13 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
44:14 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
44:15 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
45 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
46 130 65 47 255 104 52 37 255 65 32 23 255 52 26 18 255
47 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
48 103 121 103 255 82 96 82 255 51 60 51 255 41 48 41 255
49 20 18 29 255 16 14 23 255 10 9 14 255 8 7 11 255
50 130 106 58 19 104 84 46 19 65 53 29 19 52 42 23 19
51 216 151 54 156 172 120 43 156 108 75 27 156 86 60 21 156
52 26 39 49 155 20 31 39 155 13 19 24 155 10 15 19 155
53 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
54 127 92 38 197 101 73 30 197 63 46 19 197 50 36 15 197
54:4 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
54:5 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
54:6 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
54:7 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
54:8 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
54:9 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
54:10 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
54:11 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
55 233 233 233 19 186 186 186 19 116 116 116 19 93 93 93 19
56 129 140 143 255 103 112 114 255 64 70 71 255 51 56 57 255
57 97 219 213 255 77 175 170 255 48 109 106 255 38 87 85 255
58 107 71 42 255 85 56 33 255 53 35 21 255 42 28 16 255
59 0 179 18 5 0 143 14 5 0 89 9 5 0 71 7 5
59:1 18 172 15 19 14 137 12 19 9 86 7 19 7 68 6 19
59:2 28 137 11 43 22 109 8 43 14 68 5 43 11 54 4 43
59:3 37 139 8 77 29 111 6 77 18 69 4 77 14 55 3 77
59:4 46 128 7 103 36 102 5 103 23 64 3 103 18 51 2 103
59:5 66 123 7 128 52 98 5 128 33 61 3 128 26 49 2 128
59:6 80 118 7 142 64 94 5 142 40 59 3 142 32 47 2 142
59:7 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:8 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:9 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:10 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:11 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:12 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:13 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:14 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:15 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
60 115 75 45 255 92 60 36 255 57 37 22 255 46 30 18 255
60:1 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:2 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:3 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:4 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:5 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:6 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:7 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:8 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:9 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:10 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:11 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:12 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:13 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:14 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:15 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
61:2 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
61:3 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
61:4 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
61:5 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
62:2 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
62:3 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
62:4 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
62:5 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
63 160 130 80 10 128 104 64 10 80 65 40 10 64 52 32 10
64 134 101 50 255 107 80 40 255 67 50 25 255 53 40 20 255
64:8 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
64:9 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
64:10 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
64:11 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
64:12 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
64:13 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
64:14 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
64:15 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
65 121 95 52 143 96 76 41 143 60 47 26 143 48 38 20 143
66 121 108 88 143 96 86 70 143 60 54 44 143 48 43 35 143
66:6 120 107 86 107 96 85 68 107 60 53 43 107 48 42 34 107
66:7 120 107 86 107 96 85 68 107 60 53 43 107 48 42 34 107
66:8 120 107 86 107 96 85 68 107 60 53 43 107 48 42 34 107
66:9 120 107 86 107 96 85 68 107 60 53 43 107 48 42 34 107
67 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
68 160 130 80 10 128 104 64 10 80 65 40 10 64 52 32 10
69 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
70 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
71 163 163 163 255 130 130 130 255 81 81 81 255 65 65 65 255
71:8 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
71:9 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
71:10 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
71:11 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
71:12 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
71:13 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
71:14 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
71:15 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
72 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
73 132 107 107 255 105 85 85 255 66 53 53 255 52 42 42 255
74 132 107 107 255 105 85 85 255 66 53 53 255 52 42 42 255
75:1 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
75:2 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
75:3 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
75:4 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
75:5 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
76:1 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
76:2 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
76:3 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
76:4 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
76:5 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
77 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
78 239 251 251 255 191 200 200 255 119 125 125 255 95 100 100 255
79 125 173 255 159 100 138 204 159 62 86 127 159 50 69 102 159
80 239 251 251 255 191 200 200 255 119 125 125 255 95 100 100 255
81 13 99 24 195 10 79 19 195 6 49 12 195 5 39 9 195
82 158 164 176 255 126 131 140 255 79 82 88 255 63 65 70 255
83 148 192 101 140 118 153 80 140 74 96 50 140 59 76 40 140
84 107 73 55 255 85 58 44 255 53 36 27 255 42 29 22 255
85 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
86 192 118 21 255 153 94 16 255 96 59 10 255 76 47 8 255
87 111 54 52 255 88 43 41 255 55 27 26 255 44 21 20 255
88 84 64 51 255 67 51 40 255 42 32 25 255 33 25 20 255
89 143 118 69 255 114 94 55 255 71 59 34 255 57 47 27 255
90 91 13 193 192 72 10 154 192 45 6 96 192 36 5 77 192
91 192 118 21 255 153 94 16 255 96 59 10 255 76 47 8 255
92 228 205 206 195 182 164 164 195 114 102 103 195 91 82 82 195
93 151 147 147 255 120 117 117 255 75 73 73 255 60 58 58 255
94 160 147 147 255 128 117 117 255 80 73 73 255 64 58 58 255
95 255 255 255 123 204 204 204 123 127 127 127 123 102 102 102 123
95:1 216 127 51 123 172 101 40 123 108 63 25 123 86 50 20 123
95:2 178 76 216 123 142 60 172 123 89 38 108 123 71 30 86 123
95:3 102 153 216 123 81 122 172 123 51 76 108 123 40 61 86 123
95:4 229 229 51 123 183 183 40 123 114 114 25 123 91 91 20 123
95:5 127 204 25 123 101 163 20 123 63 102 12 123 50 81 10 123
95:6 242 127 165 123 193 101 132 123 121 63 82 123 96 50 66 123
95:7 76 76 76 123 60 60 60 123 38 38 38 123 30 30 30 123
95:8 153 153 153 123 122 122 122 123 76 76 76 123 61 61 61 123
95:9 76 127 153 123 60 101 122 123 38 63 76 123 30 50 61 123
95:10 127 63 178 123 101 50 142 123 63 31 89 123 50 25 71 123
95:11 51 76 178 123 40 60 142 123 25 38 89 123 20 30 71 123
95:12 102 76 51 123 81 60 40 123 51 38 25 123 40 30 20 123
95:13 102 127 51 123 81 101 40 123 51 63 25 123 40 50 20 123
95:14 153 51 51 123 122 40 40 123 76 25 25 123 61 20 20 123
95:15 25 25 25 123 20 20 20 123 12 12 12 123 10 10 10 123
96 126 93 45 219 100 74 36 219 63 46 22 219 50 37 18 219
97 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
97:1 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
97:2 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
98 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
98:1 114 119 106 255 91 95 84 255 57 59 53 255 45 47 42 255
98:2 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255 59 59 59 255 47 47 47 255
98:3 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255 59 59 59 255 47 47 47 255
99 202 171 120 255 161 136 96 255 101 85 60 255 80 68 48 255
99:1 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:2 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:3 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:4 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:5 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:6 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:7 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:8 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:9 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:14 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:15 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
100 202 171 120 255 161 136 96 255 101 85 60 255 80 68 48 255
100:1 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:2 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:3 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:4 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:5 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:6 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:7 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:8 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:9 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:14 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:15 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
101 109 108 106 115 87 86 84 115 54 54 53 115 43 43 42 115
102 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
103 151 153 36 255 120 122 28 255 75 76 18 255 60 61 14 255
104 72 115 54 34 57 92 43 34 36 57 27 34 28 46 21 34
105 72 115 54 34 57 92 43 34 36 57 27 34 28 46 21 34
106 38 75 20 138 30 60 16 138 19 37 10 138 15 30 8 138
107 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
108 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
109 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
110 111 99 105 255 88 79 84 255 55 49 52 255 44 39 42 255
111 14 59 22 0 11 47 17 0 7 29 11 0 5 23 8 0
112 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
113 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
114 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
115 106 14 30 42 84 11 24 42 53 7 15 42 42 5 12 42
115:1 108 15 22 120 86 12 17 120 54 7 11 120 43 6 8 120
115:2 108 15 22 120 86 12 17 120 54 7 11 120 43 6 8 120
115:3 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:4 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:5 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:6 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:7 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
116 103 64 59 255 82 51 47 255 51 32 29 255 41 25 23 255
117 124 103 81 118 99 82 64 118 62 51 40 118 49 41 32 118
118 69 69 69 111 55 55 55 111 34 34 34 111 27 27 27 111
119 20 18 29 255 16 14 23 255 10 9 14 255 8 7 11 255
120 89 117 96 255 71 93 76 255 44 58 48 255 35 46 38 255
120:4 40 72 67 95 32 57 53 95 20 36 33 95 16 28 26 95
120:5 40 72 67 95 32 57 53 95 20 36 33 95 16 28 26 95
120:6 40 72 67 95 32 57 53 95 20 36 33 95 16 28 26 95
120:7 40 72 67 95 32 57 53 95 20 36 33 95 16 28 26 95
121 221 223 165 255 176 178 132 255 110 111 82 255 88 89 66 255
122 12 9 15 255 9 7 12 255 6 4 7 255 4 3 6 255
123 70 43 26 255 56 34 20 255 35 21 13 255 28 17 10 255
124 119 89 55 255 95 71 44 255 59 44 27 255 47 35 22 255
125 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
125:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
125:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
125:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
125:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
125:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
125:9 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
125:10 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
125:11 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
125:12 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
125:13 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
126 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
126:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
126:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
126:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
126:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
126:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
126:9 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
126:10 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
126:11 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
126:12 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
126:13 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
127 145 80 30 131 116 64 24 131 72 40 15 131 58 32 12 131
128 216 209 157 255 172 167 125 255 108 104 78 255 86 83 62 255
129 109 128 116 255 87 102 92 255 54 64 58 255 43 51 46 255
130:2 43 60 61 197 34 48 48 197 21 30 30 197 17 24 24 197
130:3 43 60 61 197 34 48 48 197 21 30 30 197 17 24 24 197
130:4 43 60 61 197 34 48 48 197 21 30 30 197 17 24 24 197
130:5 43 60 61 197 34 48 48 197 21 30 30 197 17 24 24 197
131 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
133 81 217 117 255 64 173 93 255 40 108 58 255 32 86 46 255
134 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
135 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
136 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
137 178 137 111 255 142 109 88 255 89 68 55 255 71 54 44 255
138 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
139 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
139:1 103 121 103 255 82 96 82 255 51 60 51 255 41 48 41 255
140 118 65 51 49 94 52 40 49 59 32 25 49 47 26 20 49
141 1 171 16 9 0 136 12 9 0 85 8 9 0 68 6 9
141:2 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
141:3 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
141:4 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:5 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:6 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:7 21 128 2 111 16 102 1 111 10 64 1 111 8 51 0 111
142 1 171 16 9 0 136 12 9 0 85 8 9 0 68 6 9
142:2 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
142:3 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
142:4 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:5 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:6 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:7 34 170 36 105 27 136 28 105 17 85 18 105 13 68 14 105
143 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
145 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
146 127 92 38 197 101 73 30 197 63 46 19 197 50 36 15 197
146:4 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
146:5 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
146:6 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
146:7 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
146:8 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
146:9 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
146:10 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
146:11 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
147 249 236 78 255 199 188 62 255 124 118 39 255 99 94 31 255
148 219 219 219 255 175 175 175 255 109 109 109 255 87 87 87 255
149 156 150 149 255 124 120 119 255 78 75 74 255 62 60 59 255
150 165 149 148 255 132 119 118 255 82 74 74 255 66 59 59 255
151 130 116 94 255 104 92 75 255 65 58 47 255 52 46 37 255
152 171 27 9 255 136 21 7 255 85 13 4 255 68 10 3 255
153 125 84 79 255 100 67 63 255 62 42 39 255 50 33 31 255
154 55 55 55 255 44 44 44 255 27 27 27 255 22 22 22 255
155 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
155:1 231 228 219 255 184 182 175 255 115 114 109 255 92 91 87 255
155:2 232 229 221 255 185 183 176 255 116 114 110 255 92 91 88 255
155:3 231 227 219 255 184 181 175 255 115 113 109 255 92 90 87 255
155:4 231 227 219 255 184 181 175 255 115 113 109 255 92 90 87 255
156 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
157 104 83 71 155 83 66 56 155 52 41 35 155 41 33 28 155
157:8 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:9 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:10 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:11 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:12 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:13 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
158 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
158:1 86 86 86 255 68 68 68 255 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255
159 209 178 161 255 167 142 128 255 104 89 80 255 83 71 64 255
159:1 161 83 37 255 128 66 29 255 80 41 18 255 64 33 14 255
159:2 149 88 108 255 119 70 86 255 74 44 54 255 59 35 43 255
159:3 113 108 137 255 90 86 109 255 56 54 68 255 45 43 54 255
159:4 186 133 35 255 148 106 28 255 93 66 17 255 74 53 14 255
159:5 103 117 52 255 82 93 41 255 51 58 26 255 41 46 20 255
159:6 161 78 78 255 128 62 62 255 80 39 39 255 64 31 31 255
159:7 57 42 35 255 45 33 28 255 28 21 17 255 22 16 14 255
159:8 135 106 97 255 108 84 77 255 67 53 48 255 54 42 38 255
159:9 86 91 91 255 68 72 72 255 43 45 45 255 34 36 36 255
159:10 118 70 86 255 94 56 68 255 59 35 43 255 47 28 34 255
159:11 74 59 91 255 59 47 72 255 37 29 45 255 29 23 36 255
159:12 77 51 35 255 61 40 28 255 38 25 17 255 30 20 14 255
159:13 76 83 42 255 60 66 33 255 38 41 21 255 30 33 16 255
159:14 143 61 46 255 114 48 36 255 71 30 23 255 57 24 18 255
159:15 37 22 16 255 29 17 12 255 18 11 8 255 14 8 6 255
160 255 255 255 123 204 204 204 123 127 127 127 123 102 102 102 123
160:1 216 127 51 123 172 101 40 123 108 63 25 123 86 50 20 123
160:2 178 76 216 123 142 60 172 123 89 38 108 123 71 30 86 123
160:3 102 153 216 123 81 122 172 123 51 76 108 123 40 61 86 123
160:4 229 229 51 123 183 183 40 123 114 114 25 123 91 91 20 123
160:5 127 204 25 123 101 163 20 123 63 102 12 123 50 81 10 123
160:6 242 127 165 123 193 101 132 123 121 63 82 123 96 50 66 123
160:7 76 76 76 123 60 60 60 123 38 38 38 123 30 30 30 123
160:8 153 153 153 123 122 122 122 123 76 76 76 123 61 61 61 123
160:9 76 127 153 123 60 101 122 123 38 63 76 123 30 50 61 123
160:10 127 63 178 123 101 50 142 123 63 31 89 123 50 25 71 123
160:11 51 76 178 123 40 60 142 123 25 38 89 123 20 30 71 123
160:12 102 76 51 123 81 60 40 123 51 38 25 123 40 30 20 123
160:13 102 127 51 123 81 101 40 123 51 63 25 123 40 50 20 123
160:14 153 51 51 123 122 40 40 123 76 25 25 123 61 20 20 123
160:15 25 25 25 123 20 20 20 123 12 12 12 123 10 10 10 123
161 47 92 25 154 37 73 20 154 23 46 12 154 18 36 10 154
162 154 91 64 255 123 72 51 255 77 45 32 255 61 36 25 255
162:1 104 81 48 255 83 64 38 255 52 40 24 255 41 32 19 255
162:4 105 99 89 255 84 79 71 255 52 49 44 255 42 39 35 255
162:5 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
162:8 105 99 89 255 84 79 71 255 52 49 44 255 42 39 35 255
162:9 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
162:12 105 99 89 255 84 79 71 255 52 49 44 255 42 39 35 255
162:13 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
163 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
164 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
170 168 139 16 255 134 111 12 255 84 69 8 255 67 55 6 255
171 221 221 221 255 176 176 176 255 110 110 110 255 88 88 88 255
171:1 219 125 62 255 175 100 49 255 109 62 31 255 87 50 24 255
171:2 179 80 188 255 143 64 150 255 89 40 94 255 71 32 75 255
171:3 106 138 201 255 84 110 160 255 53 69 100 255 42 55 80 255
171:4 177 166 39 255 141 132 31 255 88 83 19 255 70 66 15 255
171:5 65 174 56 255 52 139 44 255 32 87 28 255 26 69 22 255
171:6 208 132 153 255 166 105 122 255 104 66 76 255 83 52 61 255
171:7 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
171:8 154 161 161 255 123 128 128 255 77 80 80 255 61 64 64 255
171:9 46 110 137 255 36 88 109 255 23 55 68 255 18 44 54 255
171:10 126 61 181 255 100 48 144 255 63 30 90 255 50 24 72 255
171:11 46 56 141 255 36 44 112 255 23 28 70 255 18 22 56 255
171:12 79 50 31 255 63 40 24 255 39 25 15 255 31 20 12 255
171:13 53 70 27 255 42 56 21 255 26 35 13 255 21 28 10 255
171:14 150 52 48 255 120 41 38 255 75 26 24 255 60 20 19 255
171:15 25 22 22 255 20 17 17 255 12 11 11 255 10 8 8 255
172 150 92 66 255 120 73 52 255 75 46 33 255 60 36 26 255
173 18 18 18 255 14 14 14 255 9 9 9 255 7 7 7 255
174 165 194 245 255 132 155 196 255 82 97 122 255 66 77 98 255
175 65 109 43 51 52 87 34 51 32 54 21 51 26 43 17 51
175:1 142 148 132 86 113 118 105 86 71 74 66 86 56 59 52 86
175:2 57 91 43 138 45 72 34 138 28 45 21 138 22 36 17 138
175:3 58 92 43 158 46 73 34 158 29 46 21 158 23 36 17 158
175:4 69 64 3 185 55 51 2 185 34 32 1 185 27 25 1 185
175:5 54 88 59 147 43 70 47 147 27 44 29 147 21 35 23 147
175:8 67 111 45 26 53 88 36 26 33 55 22 26 26 44 18 26
175:9 148 148 140 83 118 118 112 83 74 74 70 83 59 59 56 83
175:10 61 97 45 92 48 77 36 92 30 48 22 92 24 38 18 92
175:11 59 94 44 122 47 75 35 122 29 47 22 122 23 37 17 122
175:12 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:13 132 133 141 129 105 106 112 129 66 66 70 129 52 53 56 129
178 106 109 112 255 84 87 89 255 53 54 56 255 42 43 44 255
179 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
180 165 84 29 255 132 67 23 255 82 42 14 255 66 33 11 255
181 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
182 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
183 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
184 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
185 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
186 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
187 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
188 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
189 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
190 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
191 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
192 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
193 96 74 49 255 76 59 39 255 48 37 24 255 38 29 19 255
194 217 210 179 255 173 168 143 255 108 105 89 255 86 84 71 255
195 151 113 85 207 120 90 68 207 75 56 42 207 60 45 34 207
196 161 93 58 183 128 74 46 183 80 46 29 183 64 37 23 183
197 69 47 25 255 55 37 20 255 34 23 12 255 27 18 10 255
Biome Mapping
[OCEAN] 0 0 112 255 0 0 112 255 0 0 112 255 0 0 112 255
[PLAINS] 141 179 96 255 141 179 96 255 141 179 96 255 141 179 96 255
[DESERT] 250 148 24 255 250 148 24 255 250 148 24 255 250 148 24 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 96 96 96 255 96 96 96 255 96 96 96 255 96 96 96 255
[FOREST] 5 102 33 255 5 102 33 255 5 102 33 255 5 102 33 255
[TAIGA] 11 102 89 255 11 102 89 255 11 102 89 255 11 102 89 255
[SWAMPLAND] 7 249 178 255 7 249 178 255 7 249 178 255 7 249 178 255
[RIVER] 0 0 255 255 0 0 255 255 0 0 255 255 0 0 255 255
[HELL] 191 59 59 255 191 59 59 255 191 59 59 255 191 59 59 255
[SKY] 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 112 112 214 255 112 112 214 255 112 112 214 255 112 112 214 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 160 160 255 255 160 160 255 255 160 160 255 255 160 160 255 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 160 160 160 255 160 160 160 255 160 160 160 255 160 160 160 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 0 255 255 255 0 255 255 255 0 255 255 255 0 255 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 160 0 255 255 160 0 255 255 160 0 255 255 160 0 255 255
[BEACH] 250 222 85 255 250 222 85 255 250 222 85 255 250 222 85 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 210 95 18 255 210 95 18 255 210 95 18 255 210 95 18 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 34 85 28 255 34 85 28 255 34 85 28 255 34 85 28 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 22 57 51 255 22 57 51 255 22 57 51 255 22 57 51 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 114 120 154 255 114 120 154 255 114 120 154 255 114 120 154 255
[JUNGLE] 83 123 9 255 83 123 9 255 83 123 9 255 83 123 9 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 44 66 5 255 44 66 5 255 44 66 5 255 44 66 5 255
[JUNGLE_EDGE] 98 139 23 255 98 139 23 255 98 139 23 255 98 139 23 255
[DEEP_OCEAN] 0 0 48 255 0 0 48 255 0 0 48 255 0 0 48 255
[STONE_BEACH] 162 162 132 255 162 162 132 255 162 162 132 255 162 162 132 255
[COLD_BEACH] 250 240 192 255 250 240 192 255 250 240 192 255 250 240 192 255
[BIRCH_FOREST] 48 116 68 255 48 116 68 255 48 116 68 255 48 116 68 255
[BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS] 31 95 50 255 31 95 50 255 31 95 50 255 31 95 50 255
[ROOFED_FOREST] 64 81 26 255 64 81 26 255 64 81 26 255 64 81 26 255
[COLD_TAIGA] 49 85 74 255 49 85 74 255 49 85 74 255 49 85 74 255
[COLD_TAIGA_HILLS] 36 63 54 255 36 63 54 255 36 63 54 255 36 63 54 255
[MEGA_TAIGA] 89 102 81 255 89 102 81 255 89 102 81 255 89 102 81 255
[MEGA_TAIGA_HILLS] 69 79 62 255 69 79 62 255 69 79 62 255 69 79 62 255
[EXTREME_HILLS_PLUS] 80 112 80 255 80 112 80 255 80 112 80 255 80 112 80 255
[SAVANNA] 189 178 95 255 189 178 95 255 189 178 95 255 189 178 95 255
[SAVANNA_PLATEAU] 167 157 100 255 167 157 100 255 167 157 100 255 167 157 100 255
[MESA] 217 69 21 255 217 69 21 255 217 69 21 255 217 69 21 255
[MESA_PLATEAU_FOREST] 176 151 101 255 176 151 101 255 176 151 101 255 176 151 101 255
[MESA_PLATEAU] 202 140 101 255 202 140 101 255 202 140 101 255 202 140 101 255
[SMALL_END_ISLANDS] 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255
[END_MIDLANDS] 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255
[END_HIGHLANDS] 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255
[END_BARRENS] 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255 128 128 255 255
[WARM_OCEAN] 0 0 172 255 0 0 172 255 0 0 172 255 0 0 172 255
[LUKEWARM_OCEAN] 0 0 144 255 0 0 144 255 0 0 144 255 0 0 144 255
[COLD_OCEAN] 32 32 112 255 32 32 112 255 32 32 112 255 32 32 112 255
[DEEP_WARM_OCEAN] 0 0 80 255 0 0 80 255 0 0 80 255 0 0 80 255
[DEEP_LUKEWARM_OCEAN] 0 0 64 255 0 0 64 255 0 0 64 255 0 0 64 255
[DEEP_COLD_OCEAN] 32 32 56 255 32 32 56 255 32 32 56 255 32 32 56 255
[DEEP_FROZEN_OCEAN] 64 64 144 255 64 64 144 255 64 64 144 255 64 64 144 255
[THE_VOID] 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 255
[SUNFLOWER_PLAINS] 181 219 136 255 181 219 136 255 181 219 136 255 181 219 136 255
[DESERT_MOUNTAINS] 255 188 64 255 255 188 64 255 255 188 64 255 255 188 64 255
[EXTREME_HILLS_MOUNTAINS] 136 136 136 255 136 136 136 255 136 136 136 255 136 136 136 255
[FLOWER_FOREST] 45 142 73 255 45 142 73 255 45 142 73 255 45 142 73 255
[TAIGA_MOUNTAINS] 51 142 129 255 51 142 129 255 51 142 129 255 51 142 129 255
[SWAMPLAND_MOUNTAINS] 47 255 218 255 47 255 218 255 47 255 218 255 47 255 218 255
[ICE_PLAINS_SPIKES] 180 220 220 255 180 220 220 255 180 220 220 255 180 220 220 255
[JUNGLE_MOUNTAINS] 123 163 49 255 123 163 49 255 123 163 49 255 123 163 49 255
[JUNGLE_EDGE_MOUNTAINS] 138 179 63 255 138 179 63 255 138 179 63 255 138 179 63 255
[BIRCH_FOREST_MOUNTAINS] 88 156 108 255 88 156 108 255 88 156 108 255 88 156 108 255
[BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS_MOUNTAINS] 71 135 90 255 71 135 90 255 71 135 90 255 71 135 90 255
[ROOFED_FOREST_MOUNTAINS] 104 121 66 255 104 121 66 255 104 121 66 255 104 121 66 255
[COLD_TAIGA_MOUNTAINS] 89 125 114 255 89 125 114 255 89 125 114 255 89 125 114 255
[MEGA_SPRUCE_TAIGA] 129 142 121 255 129 142 121 255 129 142 121 255 129 142 121 255
[MEGA_SPRUCE_TAIGA_HILLS] 109 119 102 255 109 119 102 255 109 119 102 255 109 119 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS_PLUS_MOUNTAINS] 120 152 120 255 120 152 120 255 120 152 120 255 120 152 120 255
[SAVANNA_MOUNTAINS] 229 218 135 255 229 218 135 255 229 218 135 255 229 218 135 255
[SAVANNA_PLATEAU_MOUNTAINS] 207 197 140 255 207 197 140 255 207 197 140 255 207 197 140 255
[MESA_BRYCE] 255 109 61 255 255 109 61 255 255 109 61 255 255 109 61 255
[MESA_PLATEAU_FOREST_MOUNTAINS] 216 191 141 255 216 191 141 255 216 191 141 255 216 191 141 255
[MESA_PLATEAU_MOUNTAINS] 242 180 141 255 242 180 141 255 242 180 141 255 242 180 141 255
[BEACH_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 125 255 255 255 125 255 255 255 125 255 255 255 125 255
[COLD_BEACH_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 232 255 255 255 232 255 255 255 232 255 255 255 232 255
[COLD_TAIGA_HILLS_MOUNTAINS] 76 103 94 255 76 103 94 255 76 103 94 255 76 103 94 255
[DEEP_OCEAN_MOUNTAINS] 40 40 88 255 40 40 88 255 40 40 88 255 40 40 88 255
[DESERT_HILLS_MOUNTAINS] 250 135 58 255 250 135 58 255 250 135 58 255 250 135 58 255
[EXTREME_HILLS_EDGE_MOUNTAINS] 154 160 194 255 154 160 194 255 154 160 194 255 154 160 194 255
[FOREST_HILLS_MOUNTAINS] 74 125 68 255 74 125 68 255 74 125 68 255 74 125 68 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN_MOUNTAINS] 184 184 200 255 184 184 200 255 184 184 200 255 184 184 200 255
[FROZEN_RIVER_MOUNTAINS] 200 200 255 255 200 200 255 255 200 200 255 255 200 200 255 255
[HELL_MOUNTAINS] 255 40 40 255 255 40 40 255 255 40 40 255 255 40 40 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS_MOUNTAINS] 200 200 200 255 200 200 200 255 200 200 200 255 200 200 200 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS_MOUNTAINS] 84 106 45 255 84 106 45 255 84 106 45 255 84 106 45 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND_MOUNTAINS] 255 40 255 255 255 40 255 255 255 40 255 255 255 40 255 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE_MOUNTAINS] 200 40 255 255 200 40 255 255 200 40 255 255 200 40 255 255
[OCEAN_MOUNTAINS] 40 40 152 255 40 40 152 255 40 40 152 255 40 40 152 255
[RIVER_MOUNTAINS] 40 40 255 255 40 40 255 255 40 40 255 255 40 40 255 255
[SKY_MOUNTAINS] 168 168 255 255 168 168 255 255 168 168 255 255 168 168 255 255
[STONE_BEACH_MOUNTAINS] 202 202 172 255 202 202 172 255 202 202 172 255 202 202 172 255
[TAIGA_HILLS_MOUNTAINS] 62 97 91 255 62 97 91 255 62 97 91 255 62 97 91 255
[BAMBOO_JUNGLE] 118 142 20 255 118 142 20 255 118 142 20 255 118 142 20 255
[BAMBOO_JUNGLE_HILLS] 59 71 10 255 59 71 10 255 59 71 10 255 59 71 10 255
[SOUL_SAND_VALLEY] 82 41 33 255 82 41 33 255 82 41 33 255 82 41 33 255
[CRIMSON_FOREST] 221 8 8 255 221 8 8 255 221 8 8 255 221 8 8 255
[WARPED_FOREST] 73 144 123 255 73 144 123 255 73 144 123 255 73 144 123 255
[BASALT_DELTAS] 64 54 54 255 64 54 54 255 64 54 54 255 64 54 54 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
1 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
1:1 153 113 98 255 122 90 78 255 76 56 49 255 61 45 39 255
1:2 159 114 98 255 127 91 78 255 79 57 49 255 63 45 39 255
1:3 179 179 182 255 143 143 145 255 89 89 91 255 71 71 72 255
1:4 183 183 185 255 146 146 148 255 91 91 92 255 73 73 74 255
1:5 130 131 131 255 104 104 104 255 65 65 65 255 52 52 52 255
1:6 133 133 134 255 106 106 107 255 66 66 67 255 53 53 53 255
2 69 110 51 255 55 88 40 255 34 55 25 255 27 44 20 255
3 134 96 67 255 107 76 53 255 67 48 33 255 53 38 26 255
3:2 90 63 28 255 72 50 22 255 45 31 14 255 36 25 11 255
4 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
5 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
5:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
5:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
5:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
5:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
5:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
6 71 102 37 107 56 81 29 107 35 51 18 107 28 40 14 107
6:1 51 58 33 83 40 46 26 83 25 29 16 83 20 23 13 83
6:2 118 150 84 107 94 120 67 107 59 75 42 107 47 60 33 107
6:3 48 86 18 85 38 68 14 85 24 43 9 85 19 34 7 85
6:4 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:5 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
6:9 51 58 33 83 40 46 26 83 25 29 16 83 20 23 13 83
6:10 118 150 84 107 94 120 67 107 59 75 42 107 47 60 33 107
6:11 48 86 18 85 38 68 14 85 24 43 9 85 19 34 7 85
6:12 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:13 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
7 83 83 83 255 66 66 66 255 41 41 41 255 33 33 33 255
8 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9 47 67 244 179 37 53 195 179 23 33 122 179 18 26 97 179
9:1 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:2 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:3 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:4 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:5 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:6 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
9:7 49 72 244 175 39 57 195 175 24 36 122 175 19 28 97 175
10 207 91 20 255 165 72 16 255 103 45 10 255 82 36 8 255
11 216 104 26 255 172 83 20 255 108 52 13 255 86 41 10 255
12 219 211 160 255 175 168 128 255 109 105 80 255 87 84 64 255
12:1 169 88 33 255 135 70 26 255 84 44 16 255 67 35 13 255
13 126 124 122 255 100 99 97 255 63 62 61 255 50 49 48 255
14 143 139 124 255 114 111 99 255 71 69 62 255 57 55 49 255
15 135 130 126 255 108 104 100 255 67 65 63 255 54 52 50 255
16 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
17 154 125 77 255 123 100 61 255 77 62 38 255 61 50 30 255
17:1 104 81 48 255 83 64 38 255 52 40 24 255 41 32 19 255
17:2 184 166 121 255 147 132 96 255 92 83 60 255 73 66 48 255
17:3 153 118 73 255 122 94 58 255 76 59 36 255 61 47 29 255
17:4 102 81 49 255 81 64 39 255 51 40 24 255 40 32 19 255
17:5 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
17:6 206 206 201 255 164 164 160 255 103 103 100 255 82 82 80 255
17:7 87 67 26 255 69 53 20 255 43 33 13 255 34 26 10 255
17:8 102 81 49 255 81 64 39 255 51 40 24 255 40 32 19 255
17:9 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
17:10 206 206 201 255 164 164 160 255 103 103 100 255 82 82 80 255
17:11 87 67 26 255 69 53 20 255 43 33 13 255 34 26 10 255
17:12 102 81 49 255 81 64 39 255 51 40 24 255 40 32 19 255
17:13 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
17:14 206 206 201 255 164 164 160 255 103 103 100 255 82 82 80 255
17:15 87 67 26 255 69 53 20 255 43 33 13 255 34 26 10 255
18 47 92 25 154 37 73 20 154 23 46 12 154 18 36 10 154
18:1 44 69 44 165 35 55 35 165 22 34 22 165 17 27 17 165
18:2 67 88 45 154 53 70 36 154 33 44 22 154 26 35 18 154
18:3 50 96 25 201 40 76 20 201 25 48 12 201 20 38 10 201
18:5 44 69 44 165 35 55 35 165 22 34 22 165 17 27 17 165
18:6 67 88 45 154 53 70 36 154 33 44 22 154 26 35 18 154
18:7 50 96 25 201 40 76 20 201 25 48 12 201 20 38 10 201
18:9 44 69 44 165 35 55 35 165 22 34 22 165 17 27 17 165
18:10 67 88 45 154 53 70 36 154 33 44 22 154 26 35 18 154
18:11 50 96 25 201 40 76 20 201 25 48 12 201 20 38 10 201
18:13 44 69 44 165 35 55 35 165 22 34 22 165 17 27 17 165
18:14 67 88 45 154 53 70 36 154 33 44 22 154 26 35 18 154
18:15 50 96 25 201 40 76 20 201 25 48 12 201 20 38 10 201
19 194 195 84 255 155 156 67 255 97 97 42 255 77 78 33 255
19:1 160 158 63 255 128 126 50 255 80 79 31 255 64 63 25 255
20 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
21 102 112 134 255 81 89 107 255 51 56 67 255 40 44 53 255
22 38 67 137 255 30 53 109 255 19 33 68 255 15 26 54 255
23 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
23:1 86 86 86 255 68 68 68 255 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255
23:9 86 86 86 255 68 68 68 255 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255
24 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
25 100 67 50 255 80 53 40 255 50 33 25 255 40 26 20 255
26 142 22 22 255 113 17 17 255 71 11 11 255 56 8 8 255
26:8 175 116 116 255 140 92 92 255 87 58 58 255 70 46 46 255
26:9 175 116 116 255 140 92 92 255 87 58 58 255 70 46 46 255
26:10 175 116 116 255 140 92 92 255 87 58 58 255 70 46 46 255
26:11 175 116 116 255 140 92 92 255 87 58 58 255 70 46 46 255
27 132 108 72 171 105 86 57 171 66 54 36 171 52 43 28 171
27:8 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:9 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:10 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:11 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:12 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
27:13 154 104 70 171 123 83 56 171 77 52 35 171 61 41 28 171
28 120 101 89 155 96 80 71 155 60 50 44 155 48 40 35 155
29 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
29:1 141 146 99 255 112 116 79 255 70 73 49 255 56 58 39 255
29:2 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
29:3 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
29:4 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
29:5 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
29:10 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
29:11 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
29:12 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
29:13 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
30 220 220 220 104 176 176 176 104 110 110 110 104 88 88 88 104
31 123 79 25 81 98 63 20 81 61 39 12 81 49 31 10 81
31:1 64 101 47 162 51 80 37 162 32 50 23 162 25 40 18 162
31:2 56 90 42 78 44 72 33 78 28 45 21 78 22 36 16 78
32 123 79 25 81 98 63 20 81 61 39 12 81 49 31 10 81
33 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
33:1 153 129 89 255 122 103 71 255 76 64 44 255 61 51 35 255
33:2 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
33:3 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
33:4 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
33:5 106 102 95 255 84 81 76 255 53 51 47 255 42 40 38 255
33:10 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
33:11 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
33:12 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
33:13 97 96 94 207 77 76 75 207 48 48 47 207 38 38 37 207
34 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
34:1 153 129 89 255 122 103 71 255 76 64 44 255 61 51 35 255
34:2 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:3 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:4 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:5 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:9 141 146 99 255 112 116 79 255 70 73 49 255 56 58 39 255
34:10 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:11 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:12 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
34:13 147 129 101 111 117 103 80 111 73 64 50 111 58 51 40 111
35 221 221 221 255 176 176 176 255 110 110 110 255 88 88 88 255
35:1 219 125 62 255 175 100 49 255 109 62 31 255 87 50 24 255
35:2 179 80 188 255 143 64 150 255 89 40 94 255 71 32 75 255
35:3 106 138 201 255 84 110 160 255 53 69 100 255 42 55 80 255
35:4 177 166 39 255 141 132 31 255 88 83 19 255 70 66 15 255
35:5 65 174 56 255 52 139 44 255 32 87 28 255 26 69 22 255
35:6 208 132 153 255 166 105 122 255 104 66 76 255 83 52 61 255
35:7 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
35:8 154 161 161 255 123 128 128 255 77 80 80 255 61 64 64 255
35:9 46 110 137 255 36 88 109 255 23 55 68 255 18 44 54 255
35:10 126 61 181 255 100 48 144 255 63 30 90 255 50 24 72 255
35:11 46 56 141 255 36 44 112 255 23 28 70 255 18 22 56 255
35:12 79 50 31 255 63 40 24 255 39 25 15 255 31 20 12 255
35:13 53 70 27 255 42 56 21 255 26 35 13 255 21 28 10 255
35:14 150 52 48 255 120 41 38 255 75 26 24 255 60 20 19 255
35:15 25 22 22 255 20 17 17 255 12 11 11 255 10 8 8 255
37 108 162 0 30 86 129 0 30 54 81 0 30 43 64 0 30
38 100 57 4 34 80 45 3 34 50 28 2 34 40 22 1 34
38:1 37 152 138 45 29 121 110 45 18 76 69 45 14 60 55 45
38:2 177 141 211 38 141 112 168 38 88 70 105 38 70 56 84 38
38:3 162 191 138 42 129 152 110 42 81 95 69 42 64 76 55 42
38:4 103 135 38 48 82 108 30 48 51 67 19 48 41 54 15 48
38:5 95 134 32 49 76 107 25 49 47 67 16 49 38 53 12 49
38:6 94 153 65 48 75 122 52 48 47 76 32 48 37 61 26 48
38:7 101 150 73 47 80 120 58 47 50 75 36 47 40 60 29 47
38:8 176 197 139 43 140 157 111 43 88 98 69 43 70 78 55 43
39 138 105 83 25 110 84 66 25 69 52 41 25 55 42 33 25
40 195 53 56 33 156 42 44 33 97 26 28 33 78 21 22 33
41 249 236 78 255 199 188 62 255 124 118 39 255 99 94 31 255
42 219 219 219 255 175 175 175 255 109 109 109 255 87 87 87 255
43 159 159 159 255 127 127 127 255 79 79 79 255 63 63 63 255
43:1 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
43:2 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
43:3 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
43:4 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
43:5 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
43:6 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
43:7 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
43:9 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
43:10 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
43:11 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
43:12 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
43:13 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
43:14 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
43:15 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
44 159 159 159 255 127 127 127 255 79 79 79 255 63 63 63 255
44:1 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
44:2 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
44:3 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
44:4 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
44:5 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
44:6 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
44:7 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
44:9 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
44:10 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
44:11 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
44:12 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
44:13 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
44:14 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
44:15 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
45 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
46 130 65 47 255 104 52 37 255 65 32 23 255 52 26 18 255
47 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
48 103 121 103 255 82 96 82 255 51 60 51 255 41 48 41 255
49 20 18 29 255 16 14 23 255 10 9 14 255 8 7 11 255
50 130 106 58 19 104 84 46 19 65 53 29 19 52 42 23 19
51 216 151 54 156 172 120 43 156 108 75 27 156 86 60 21 156
52 26 39 49 155 20 31 39 155 13 19 24 155 10 15 19 155
53 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
54 127 92 38 197 101 73 30 197 63 46 19 197 50 36 15 197
54:4 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
54:5 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
54:6 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
54:7 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
54:8 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
54:9 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
54:10 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
54:11 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
55 233 233 233 19 186 186 186 19 116 116 116 19 93 93 93 19
56 129 140 143 255 103 112 114 255 64 70 71 255 51 56 57 255
57 97 219 213 255 77 175 170 255 48 109 106 255 38 87 85 255
58 107 71 42 255 85 56 33 255 53 35 21 255 42 28 16 255
59 0 179 18 5 0 143 14 5 0 89 9 5 0 71 7 5
59:1 18 172 15 19 14 137 12 19 9 86 7 19 7 68 6 19
59:2 28 137 11 43 22 109 8 43 14 68 5 43 11 54 4 43
59:3 37 139 8 77 29 111 6 77 18 69 4 77 14 55 3 77
59:4 46 128 7 103 36 102 5 103 23 64 3 103 18 51 2 103
59:5 66 123 7 128 52 98 5 128 33 61 3 128 26 49 2 128
59:6 80 118 7 142 64 94 5 142 40 59 3 142 32 47 2 142
59:7 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:8 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:9 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:10 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:11 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:12 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:13 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:14 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
59:15 86 102 7 166 68 81 5 166 43 51 3 166 34 40 2 166
60 115 75 45 255 92 60 36 255 57 37 22 255 46 30 18 255
60:1 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:2 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:3 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:4 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:5 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:6 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:7 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:8 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:9 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:10 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:11 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:12 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:13 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:14 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
60:15 75 40 13 255 60 32 10 255 37 20 6 255 30 16 5 255
61:2 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
61:3 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
61:4 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
61:5 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
62:2 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
62:3 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
62:4 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
62:5 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
63 160 130 80 10 128 104 64 10 80 65 40 10 64 52 32 10
64 134 103 51 207 107 82 40 207 67 51 25 207 53 41 20 207
65 121 95 52 143 96 76 41 143 60 47 26 143 48 38 20 143
66 121 108 88 143 96 86 70 143 60 54 44 143 48 43 35 143
66:6 120 107 86 107 96 85 68 107 60 53 43 107 48 42 34 107
66:7 120 107 86 107 96 85 68 107 60 53 43 107 48 42 34 107
66:8 120 107 86 107 96 85 68 107 60 53 43 107 48 42 34 107
66:9 120 107 86 107 96 85 68 107 60 53 43 107 48 42 34 107
67 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
68 160 130 80 10 128 104 64 10 80 65 40 10 64 52 32 10
69 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
70 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
71 186 186 186 207 148 148 148 207 93 93 93 207 74 74 74 207
72 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
73 132 107 107 255 105 85 85 255 66 53 53 255 52 42 42 255
74 132 107 107 255 105 85 85 255 66 53 53 255 52 42 42 255
75:1 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
75:2 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
75:3 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
75:4 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
75:5 93 62 38 19 74 49 30 19 46 31 19 19 37 24 15 19
76:1 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
76:2 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
76:3 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
76:4 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
76:5 167 75 41 25 133 60 32 25 83 37 20 25 66 30 16 25
77 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
78 239 251 251 255 191 200 200 255 119 125 125 255 95 100 100 255
79 125 173 255 159 100 138 204 159 62 86 127 159 50 69 102 159
80 239 251 251 255 191 200 200 255 119 125 125 255 95 100 100 255
81 13 99 24 195 10 79 19 195 6 49 12 195 5 39 9 195
82 158 164 176 255 126 131 140 255 79 82 88 255 63 65 70 255
83 148 192 101 140 118 153 80 140 74 96 50 140 59 76 40 140
84 107 73 55 255 85 58 44 255 53 36 27 255 42 29 22 255
85 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
86 192 118 21 255 153 94 16 255 96 59 10 255 76 47 8 255
87 111 54 52 255 88 43 41 255 55 27 26 255 44 21 20 255
88 84 64 51 255 67 51 40 255 42 32 25 255 33 25 20 255
89 143 118 69 255 114 94 55 255 71 59 34 255 57 47 27 255
90 91 13 193 192 72 10 154 192 45 6 96 192 36 5 77 192
91 192 118 21 255 153 94 16 255 96 59 10 255 76 47 8 255
92 228 205 206 195 182 164 164 195 114 102 103 195 91 82 82 195
93 151 147 147 255 120 117 117 255 75 73 73 255 60 58 58 255
94 160 147 147 255 128 117 117 255 80 73 73 255 64 58 58 255
95 255 255 255 123 204 204 204 123 127 127 127 123 102 102 102 123
95:1 216 127 51 123 172 101 40 123 108 63 25 123 86 50 20 123
95:2 178 76 216 123 142 60 172 123 89 38 108 123 71 30 86 123
95:3 102 153 216 123 81 122 172 123 51 76 108 123 40 61 86 123
95:4 229 229 51 123 183 183 40 123 114 114 25 123 91 91 20 123
95:5 127 204 25 123 101 163 20 123 63 102 12 123 50 81 10 123
95:6 242 127 165 123 193 101 132 123 121 63 82 123 96 50 66 123
95:7 76 76 76 123 60 60 60 123 38 38 38 123 30 30 30 123
95:8 153 153 153 123 122 122 122 123 76 76 76 123 61 61 61 123
95:9 76 127 153 123 60 101 122 123 38 63 76 123 30 50 61 123
95:10 127 63 178 123 101 50 142 123 63 31 89 123 50 25 71 123
95:11 51 76 178 123 40 60 142 123 25 38 89 123 20 30 71 123
95:12 102 76 51 123 81 60 40 123 51 38 25 123 40 30 20 123
95:13 102 127 51 123 81 101 40 123 51 63 25 123 40 50 20 123
95:14 153 51 51 123 122 40 40 123 76 25 25 123 61 20 20 123
95:15 25 25 25 123 20 20 20 123 12 12 12 123 10 10 10 123
96 126 93 45 219 100 74 36 219 63 46 22 219 50 37 18 219
97 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
97:1 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
97:2 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
98 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
98:1 114 119 106 255 91 95 84 255 57 59 53 255 45 47 42 255
98:2 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255 59 59 59 255 47 47 47 255
98:3 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255 59 59 59 255 47 47 47 255
99 202 171 120 255 161 136 96 255 101 85 60 255 80 68 48 255
99:1 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:2 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:3 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:4 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:5 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:6 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:7 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:8 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:9 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:14 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:15 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
100 202 171 120 255 161 136 96 255 101 85 60 255 80 68 48 255
100:1 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:2 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:3 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:4 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:5 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:6 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:7 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:8 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:9 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:14 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:15 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
101 109 108 106 115 87 86 84 115 54 54 53 115 43 43 42 115
102 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
103 151 153 36 255 120 122 28 255 75 76 18 255 60 61 14 255
104 72 115 54 34 57 92 43 34 36 57 27 34 28 46 21 34
105 72 115 54 34 57 92 43 34 36 57 27 34 28 46 21 34
106 38 75 20 138 30 60 16 138 19 37 10 138 15 30 8 138
107 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
108 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
109 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
110 111 99 105 255 88 79 84 255 55 49 52 255 44 39 42 255
111 14 59 22 147 11 47 17 147 7 29 11 147 5 23 8 147
112 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
113 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
114 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
115 106 14 30 42 84 11 24 42 53 7 15 42 42 5 12 42
115:1 108 15 22 120 86 12 17 120 54 7 11 120 43 6 8 120
115:2 108 15 22 120 86 12 17 120 54 7 11 120 43 6 8 120
115:3 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:4 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:5 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:6 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:7 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
116 103 64 59 255 82 51 47 255 51 32 29 255 41 25 23 255
117 124 103 81 118 99 82 64 118 62 51 40 118 49 41 32 118
118 71 71 71 155 56 56 56 155 35 35 35 155 28 28 28 155
119 20 18 29 255 16 14 23 255 10 9 14 255 8 7 11 255
120 89 117 96 255 71 93 76 255 44 58 48 255 35 46 38 255
120:4 40 72 67 95 32 57 53 95 20 36 33 95 16 28 26 95
120:5 40 72 67 95 32 57 53 95 20 36 33 95 16 28 26 95
120:6 40 72 67 95 32 57 53 95 20 36 33 95 16 28 26 95
120:7 40 72 67 95 32 57 53 95 20 36 33 95 16 28 26 95
121 221 223 165 255 176 178 132 255 110 111 82 255 88 89 66 255
122 12 9 15 255 9 7 12 255 6 4 7 255 4 3 6 255
123 70 43 26 255 56 34 20 255 35 21 13 255 28 17 10 255
124 119 89 55 255 95 71 44 255 59 44 27 255 47 35 22 255
125 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
125:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
125:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
125:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
125:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
125:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
125:9 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
125:10 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
125:11 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
125:12 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
125:13 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
126 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
126:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
126:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
126:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
126:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
126:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
126:9 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
126:10 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
126:11 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
126:12 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
126:13 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
127 145 80 30 131 116 64 24 131 72 40 15 131 58 32 12 131
128 216 209 157 255 172 167 125 255 108 104 78 255 86 83 62 255
129 109 128 116 255 87 102 92 255 54 64 58 255 43 51 46 255
130:2 43 60 61 197 34 48 48 197 21 30 30 197 17 24 24 197
130:3 43 60 61 197 34 48 48 197 21 30 30 197 17 24 24 197
130:4 43 60 61 197 34 48 48 197 21 30 30 197 17 24 24 197
130:5 43 60 61 197 34 48 48 197 21 30 30 197 17 24 24 197
131 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
133 81 217 117 255 64 173 93 255 40 108 58 255 32 86 46 255
134 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
135 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
136 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
137 178 137 111 255 142 109 88 255 89 68 55 255 71 54 44 255
138 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
139 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
139:1 103 121 103 255 82 96 82 255 51 60 51 255 41 48 41 255
140 118 65 51 49 94 52 40 49 59 32 25 49 47 26 20 49
141 1 171 16 9 0 136 12 9 0 85 8 9 0 68 6 9
141:2 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
141:3 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
141:4 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:5 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:6 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:7 21 128 2 111 16 102 1 111 10 64 1 111 8 51 0 111
142 1 171 16 9 0 136 12 9 0 85 8 9 0 68 6 9
142:2 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
142:3 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
142:4 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:5 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:6 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:7 34 170 36 105 27 136 28 105 17 85 18 105 13 68 14 105
143 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
145 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
146 127 92 38 197 101 73 30 197 63 46 19 197 50 36 15 197
146:4 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
146:5 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
146:6 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
146:7 135 97 37 210 108 77 29 210 67 48 18 210 54 38 14 210
146:8 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
146:9 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
146:10 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
146:11 134 96 36 210 107 76 28 210 67 48 18 210 53 38 14 210
147 249 236 78 255 199 188 62 255 124 118 39 255 99 94 31 255
148 219 219 219 255 175 175 175 255 109 109 109 255 87 87 87 255
149 156 150 149 255 124 120 119 255 78 75 74 255 62 60 59 255
150 165 149 148 255 132 119 118 255 82 74 74 255 66 59 59 255
151 130 116 94 255 104 92 75 255 65 58 47 255 52 46 37 255
152 171 27 9 255 136 21 7 255 85 13 4 255 68 10 3 255
153 125 84 79 255 100 67 63 255 62 42 39 255 50 33 31 255
154 55 55 55 255 44 44 44 255 27 27 27 255 22 22 22 255
155 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
155:1 231 228 219 255 184 182 175 255 115 114 109 255 92 91 87 255
155:2 232 229 221 255 185 183 176 255 116 114 110 255 92 91 88 255
155:3 231 227 219 255 184 181 175 255 115 113 109 255 92 90 87 255
155:4 231 227 219 255 184 181 175 255 115 113 109 255 92 90 87 255
156 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
157 104 83 71 155 83 66 56 155 52 41 35 155 41 33 28 155
157:8 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:9 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:10 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:11 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:12 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:13 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
158 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
158:1 86 86 86 255 68 68 68 255 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255
159 209 178 161 255 167 142 128 255 104 89 80 255 83 71 64 255
159:1 161 83 37 255 128 66 29 255 80 41 18 255 64 33 14 255
159:2 149 88 108 255 119 70 86 255 74 44 54 255 59 35 43 255
159:3 113 108 137 255 90 86 109 255 56 54 68 255 45 43 54 255
159:4 186 133 35 255 148 106 28 255 93 66 17 255 74 53 14 255
159:5 103 117 52 255 82 93 41 255 51 58 26 255 41 46 20 255
159:6 161 78 78 255 128 62 62 255 80 39 39 255 64 31 31 255
159:7 57 42 35 255 45 33 28 255 28 21 17 255 22 16 14 255
159:8 135 106 97 255 108 84 77 255 67 53 48 255 54 42 38 255
159:9 86 91 91 255 68 72 72 255 43 45 45 255 34 36 36 255
159:10 118 70 86 255 94 56 68 255 59 35 43 255 47 28 34 255
159:11 74 59 91 255 59 47 72 255 37 29 45 255 29 23 36 255
159:12 77 51 35 255 61 40 28 255 38 25 17 255 30 20 14 255
159:13 76 83 42 255 60 66 33 255 38 41 21 255 30 33 16 255
159:14 143 61 46 255 114 48 36 255 71 30 23 255 57 24 18 255
159:15 37 22 16 255 29 17 12 255 18 11 8 255 14 8 6 255
160 255 255 255 123 204 204 204 123 127 127 127 123 102 102 102 123
160:1 216 127 51 123 172 101 40 123 108 63 25 123 86 50 20 123
160:2 178 76 216 123 142 60 172 123 89 38 108 123 71 30 86 123
160:3 102 153 216 123 81 122 172 123 51 76 108 123 40 61 86 123
160:4 229 229 51 123 183 183 40 123 114 114 25 123 91 91 20 123
160:5 127 204 25 123 101 163 20 123 63 102 12 123 50 81 10 123
160:6 242 127 165 123 193 101 132 123 121 63 82 123 96 50 66 123
160:7 76 76 76 123 60 60 60 123 38 38 38 123 30 30 30 123
160:8 153 153 153 123 122 122 122 123 76 76 76 123 61 61 61 123
160:9 76 127 153 123 60 101 122 123 38 63 76 123 30 50 61 123
160:10 127 63 178 123 101 50 142 123 63 31 89 123 50 25 71 123
160:11 51 76 178 123 40 60 142 123 25 38 89 123 20 30 71 123
160:12 102 76 51 123 81 60 40 123 51 38 25 123 40 30 20 123
160:13 102 127 51 123 81 101 40 123 51 63 25 123 40 50 20 123
160:14 153 51 51 123 122 40 40 123 76 25 25 123 61 20 20 123
160:15 25 25 25 123 20 20 20 123 12 12 12 123 10 10 10 123
161 47 92 25 154 37 73 20 154 23 46 12 154 18 36 10 154
162 154 91 64 255 123 72 51 255 77 45 32 255 61 36 25 255
162:1 104 81 48 255 83 64 38 255 52 40 24 255 41 32 19 255
162:4 105 99 89 255 84 79 71 255 52 49 44 255 42 39 35 255
162:5 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
162:8 105 99 89 255 84 79 71 255 52 49 44 255 42 39 35 255
162:9 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
162:12 105 99 89 255 84 79 71 255 52 49 44 255 42 39 35 255
162:13 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
163 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
164 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
165 120 200 101 188 96 160 80 188 60 100 50 188 48 80 40 188
167 199 199 199 219 159 159 159 219 99 99 99 219 79 79 79 219
168 106 170 150 255 84 136 120 255 53 85 75 255 42 68 60 255
168:1 99 160 143 255 79 128 114 255 49 80 71 255 39 64 57 255
168:2 59 87 75 255 47 69 60 255 29 43 37 255 23 34 30 255
169 172 200 190 255 137 160 152 255 86 100 95 255 68 80 76 255
170 168 139 16 255 134 111 12 255 84 69 8 255 67 55 6 255
171 221 221 221 255 176 176 176 255 110 110 110 255 88 88 88 255
171:1 219 125 62 255 175 100 49 255 109 62 31 255 87 50 24 255
171:2 179 80 188 255 143 64 150 255 89 40 94 255 71 32 75 255
171:3 106 138 201 255 84 110 160 255 53 69 100 255 42 55 80 255
171:4 177 166 39 255 141 132 31 255 88 83 19 255 70 66 15 255
171:5 65 174 56 255 52 139 44 255 32 87 28 255 26 69 22 255
171:6 208 132 153 255 166 105 122 255 104 66 76 255 83 52 61 255
171:7 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
171:8 154 161 161 255 123 128 128 255 77 80 80 255 61 64 64 255
171:9 46 110 137 255 36 88 109 255 23 55 68 255 18 44 54 255
171:10 126 61 181 255 100 48 144 255 63 30 90 255 50 24 72 255
171:11 46 56 141 255 36 44 112 255 23 28 70 255 18 22 56 255
171:12 79 50 31 255 63 40 24 255 39 25 15 255 31 20 12 255
171:13 53 70 27 255 42 56 21 255 26 35 13 255 21 28 10 255
171:14 150 52 48 255 120 41 38 255 75 26 24 255 60 20 19 255
171:15 25 22 22 255 20 17 17 255 12 11 11 255 10 8 8 255
172 150 92 66 255 120 73 52 255 75 46 33 255 60 36 26 255
173 18 18 18 255 14 14 14 255 9 9 9 255 7 7 7 255
174 165 194 245 255 132 155 196 255 82 97 122 255 66 77 98 255
175 69 64 3 185 55 51 2 185 34 32 1 185 27 25 1 185
175:8 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:9 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:10 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:11 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:12 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:13 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:14 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:15 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
178 106 109 112 255 84 87 89 255 53 54 56 255 42 43 44 255
179 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
180 165 84 29 255 132 67 23 255 82 42 14 255 66 33 11 255
181 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
182 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
183 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
184 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
185 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
186 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
187 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
188 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
189 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
190 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
191 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
192 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
193 96 74 49 255 76 59 39 255 48 37 24 255 38 29 19 255
194 217 210 179 255 173 168 143 255 108 105 89 255 86 84 71 255
195 151 113 85 207 120 90 68 207 75 56 42 207 60 45 34 207
196 161 93 58 183 128 74 46 183 80 46 29 183 64 37 23 183
197 69 47 25 255 55 37 20 255 34 23 12 255 27 18 10 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
1 94 100 92 255 75 80 73 255 47 50 46 255 37 40 36 255
1:1 74 58 51 255 59 46 40 255 37 29 25 255 29 23 20 255
1:2 74 57 47 255 59 45 37 255 37 28 23 255 29 22 18 255
1:3 159 154 134 255 127 123 107 255 79 77 67 255 63 61 53 255
1:4 169 164 146 255 135 131 116 255 84 82 73 255 67 65 58 255
1:5 68 70 60 255 54 56 48 255 34 35 30 255 27 28 24 255
1:6 65 68 57 255 52 54 45 255 32 34 28 255 26 27 22 255
2 63 90 45 255 50 72 36 255 31 45 22 255 25 36 18 255
3 65 53 44 255 52 42 35 255 32 26 22 255 26 21 17 255
3:2 83 63 37 255 66 50 29 255 41 31 18 255 33 25 14 255
4 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
5 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
5:1 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
5:2 115 108 87 255 92 86 69 255 57 54 43 255 46 43 34 255
5:3 49 48 33 255 39 38 26 255 24 24 16 255 19 19 13 255
5:4 67 42 37 255 53 33 29 255 33 21 18 255 26 16 14 255
5:5 42 39 32 255 33 31 25 255 21 19 16 255 16 15 12 255
6 44 49 33 114 35 39 26 114 22 24 16 114 17 19 13 114
6:1 36 44 27 63 28 35 21 63 18 22 13 63 14 17 10 63
6:2 79 86 51 91 63 68 40 91 39 43 25 91 31 34 20 91
6:3 34 61 13 81 27 48 10 81 17 30 6 81 13 24 5 81
6:4 71 71 52 82 56 56 41 82 35 35 26 82 28 28 20 82
6:5 38 41 30 121 30 32 24 121 19 20 15 121 15 16 12 121
6:9 36 44 27 63 28 35 21 63 18 22 13 63 14 17 10 63
6:10 79 86 51 91 63 68 40 91 39 43 25 91 31 34 20 91
6:11 34 61 13 81 27 48 10 81 17 30 6 81 13 24 5 81
6:12 71 71 52 82 56 56 41 82 35 35 26 82 28 28 20 82
6:13 38 41 30 121 30 32 24 121 19 20 15 121 15 16 12 121
7 38 37 36 255 30 29 28 255 19 18 18 255 15 14 14 255
8 66 119 101 141 52 95 80 141 33 59 50 141 26 47 40 141
9 64 119 103 144 51 95 82 144 32 59 51 144 25 47 41 144
9:1 66 119 101 141 52 95 80 141 33 59 50 141 26 47 40 141
9:2 66 119 101 141 52 95 80 141 33 59 50 141 26 47 40 141
9:3 66 119 101 141 52 95 80 141 33 59 50 141 26 47 40 141
9:4 66 119 101 141 52 95 80 141 33 59 50 141 26 47 40 141
9:5 66 119 101 141 52 95 80 141 33 59 50 141 26 47 40 141
9:6 66 119 101 141 52 95 80 141 33 59 50 141 26 47 40 141
9:7 66 119 101 141 52 95 80 141 33 59 50 141 26 47 40 141
10 127 24 10 255 101 19 8 255 63 12 5 255 50 9 4 255
11 125 24 10 255 100 19 8 255 62 12 5 255 50 9 4 255
12 124 116 91 255 99 92 72 255 62 58 45 255 49 46 36 255
12:1 121 88 68 255 96 70 54 255 60 44 34 255 48 35 27 255
13 55 53 44 255 44 42 35 255 27 26 22 255 22 21 17 255
14 108 103 83 255 86 82 66 255 54 51 41 255 43 41 33 255
15 95 93 84 255 76 74 67 255 47 46 42 255 38 37 33 255
16 71 75 70 255 56 60 56 255 35 37 35 255 28 30 28 255
17 118 113 94 255 94 90 75 255 59 56 47 255 47 45 37 255
17:4 52 53 45 255 41 42 36 255 26 26 22 255 20 21 18 255
17:5 41 38 35 255 32 30 28 255 20 19 17 255 16 15 14 255
17:6 152 148 143 255 121 118 114 255 76 74 71 255 60 59 57 255
17:7 36 33 18 255 28 26 14 255 18 16 9 255 14 13 7 255
17:8 52 53 45 255 41 42 36 255 26 26 22 255 20 21 18 255
17:9 41 38 35 255 32 30 28 255 20 19 17 255 16 15 14 255
17:10 152 148 143 255 121 118 114 255 76 74 71 255 60 59 57 255
17:11 36 33 18 255 28 26 14 255 18 16 9 255 14 13 7 255
17:12 52 53 45 255 41 42 36 255 26 26 22 255 20 21 18 255
17:13 41 38 35 255 32 30 28 255 20 19 17 255 16 15 14 255
17:14 152 148 143 255 121 118 114 255 76 74 71 255 60 59 57 255
17:15 36 33 18 255 28 26 14 255 18 16 9 255 14 13 7 255
18 24 40 14 214 19 32 11 214 12 20 7 214 9 16 5 214
18:1 40 53 29 229 32 42 23 229 20 26 14 229 16 21 11 229
18:2 53 70 35 214 42 56 28 214 26 35 17 214 21 28 14 214
18:3 22 37 13 167 17 29 10 167 11 18 6 167 8 14 5 167
18:5 40 53 29 229 32 42 23 229 20 26 14 229 16 21 11 229
18:6 53 70 35 214 42 56 28 214 26 35 17 214 21 28 14 214
18:7 22 37 13 167 17 29 10 167 11 18 6 167 8 14 5 167
18:9 40 53 29 229 32 42 23 229 20 26 14 229 16 21 11 229
18:10 53 70 35 214 42 56 28 214 26 35 17 214 21 28 14 214
18:11 22 37 13 167 17 29 10 167 11 18 6 167 8 14 5 167
18:13 40 53 29 229 32 42 23 229 20 26 14 229 16 21 11 229
18:14 53 70 35 214 42 56 28 214 26 35 17 214 21 28 14 214
18:15 22 37 13 167 17 29 10 167 11 18 6 167 8 14 5 167
19 183 155 93 255 146 124 74 255 91 77 46 255 73 62 37 255
19:1 158 130 82 255 126 104 65 255 79 65 41 255 63 52 32 255
20 52 55 46 96 41 44 36 96 26 27 23 96 20 22 18 96
21 79 91 102 255 63 72 81 255 39 45 51 255 31 36 40 255
22 47 59 89 255 37 47 71 255 23 29 44 255 18 23 35 255
23 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
23:1 88 95 83 255 70 76 66 255 44 47 41 255 35 38 33 255
23:9 88 95 83 255 70 76 66 255 44 47 41 255 35 38 33 255
24 108 100 78 255 86 80 62 255 54 50 39 255 43 40 31 255
25 62 66 57 255 49 52 45 255 31 33 28 255 24 26 22 255
26 50 53 43 255 40 42 34 255 25 26 21 255 20 21 17 255
26:8 128 123 112 255 102 98 89 255 64 61 56 255 51 49 44 255
26:9 128 123 112 255 102 98 89 255 64 61 56 255 51 49 44 255
26:10 128 123 112 255 102 98 89 255 64 61 56 255 51 49 44 255
26:11 128 123 112 255 102 98 89 255 64 61 56 255 51 49 44 255
27 75 67 46 211 60 53 36 211 37 33 23 211 30 26 18 211
27:8 79 67 47 211 63 53 37 211 39 33 23 211 31 26 18 211
27:9 79 67 47 211 63 53 37 211 39 33 23 211 31 26 18 211
27:10 79 67 47 211 63 53 37 211 39 33 23 211 31 26 18 211
27:11 79 67 47 211 63 53 37 211 39 33 23 211 31 26 18 211
27:12 79 67 47 211 63 53 37 211 39 33 23 211 31 26 18 211
27:13 79 67 47 211 63 53 37 211 39 33 23 211 31 26 18 211
28 77 77 62 232 61 61 49 232 38 38 31 232 30 30 24 232
29 85 92 82 255 68 73 65 255 42 46 41 255 34 36 32 255
29:1 61 65 38 255 48 52 30 255 30 32 19 255 24 26 15 255
29:2 81 87 76 255 64 69 60 255 40 43 38 255 32 34 30 255
29:3 81 87 76 255 64 69 60 255 40 43 38 255 32 34 30 255
29:4 81 87 76 255 64 69 60 255 40 43 38 255 32 34 30 255
29:5 81 87 76 255 64 69 60 255 40 43 38 255 32 34 30 255
29:9 79 86 76 255 63 68 60 255 39 43 38 255 31 34 30 255
29:10 86 93 82 207 68 74 65 207 43 46 41 207 34 37 32 207
29:11 86 93 82 207 68 74 65 207 43 46 41 207 34 37 32 207
29:12 86 93 82 207 68 74 65 207 43 46 41 207 34 37 32 207
29:13 86 93 82 207 68 74 65 207 43 46 41 207 34 37 32 207
30 191 193 197 76 152 154 157 76 95 96 98 76 76 77 78 76
31 65 62 43 122 52 49 34 122 32 31 21 122 26 24 17 122
31:1 64 91 46 72 51 72 36 72 32 45 23 72 25 36 18 72
31:2 42 60 30 23 33 48 24 23 21 30 15 23 16 24 12 23
32 65 62 43 122 52 49 34 122 32 31 21 122 26 24 17 122
33 85 92 82 255 68 73 65 255 42 46 41 255 34 36 32 255
33:1 61 61 48 255 48 48 38 255 30 30 24 255 24 24 19 255
33:2 81 87 76 255 64 69 60 255 40 43 38 255 32 34 30 255
33:3 81 87 76 255 64 69 60 255 40 43 38 255 32 34 30 255
33:4 81 87 76 255 64 69 60 255 40 43 38 255 32 34 30 255
33:5 81 87 76 255 64 69 60 255 40 43 38 255 32 34 30 255
33:9 79 86 76 255 63 68 60 255 39 43 38 255 31 34 30 255
33:10 86 93 82 207 68 74 65 207 43 46 41 207 34 37 32 207
33:11 86 93 82 207 68 74 65 207 43 46 41 207 34 37 32 207
33:12 86 93 82 207 68 74 65 207 43 46 41 207 34 37 32 207
33:13 86 93 82 207 68 74 65 207 43 46 41 207 34 37 32 207
34 79 86 76 255 63 68 60 255 39 43 38 255 31 34 30 255
34:1 61 61 48 255 48 48 38 255 30 30 24 255 24 24 19 255
34:2 64 64 50 111 51 51 40 111 32 32 25 111 25 25 20 111
34:3 64 64 50 111 51 51 40 111 32 32 25 111 25 25 20 111
34:4 64 64 50 111 51 51 40 111 32 32 25 111 25 25 20 111
34:5 64 64 50 111 51 51 40 111 32 32 25 111 25 25 20 111
34:9 61 65 38 255 48 52 30 255 30 32 19 255 24 26 15 255
34:10 64 64 50 111 51 51 40 111 32 32 25 111 25 25 20 111
34:11 64 64 50 111 51 51 40 111 32 32 25 111 25 25 20 111
34:12 64 64 50 111 51 51 40 111 32 32 25 111 25 25 20 111
34:13 64 64 50 111 51 51 40 111 32 32 25 111 25 25 20 111
35 187 181 172 255 149 144 137 255 93 90 86 255 74 72 68 255
35:1 184 98 81 255 147 78 64 255 92 49 40 255 73 39 32 255
35:2 129 78 131 255 103 62 104 255 64 39 65 255 51 31 52 255
35:3 104 113 141 255 83 90 112 255 52 56 70 255 41 45 56 255
35:4 173 136 77 255 138 108 61 255 86 68 38 255 69 54 30 255
35:5 82 135 65 255 65 108 52 255 41 67 32 255 32 54 26 255
35:6 174 134 133 255 139 107 106 255 87 67 66 255 69 53 53 255
35:7 38 36 34 255 30 28 27 255 19 18 17 255 15 14 13 255
35:8 84 84 76 255 67 67 60 255 42 42 38 255 33 33 30 255
35:9 38 61 61 255 30 48 48 255 19 30 30 255 15 24 24 255
35:10 66 47 84 255 52 37 67 255 33 23 42 255 26 18 33 255
35:11 42 49 75 255 33 39 60 255 21 24 37 255 16 19 30 255
35:12 52 36 30 255 41 28 24 255 26 18 15 255 20 14 12 255
35:13 41 60 29 255 32 48 23 255 20 30 14 255 16 24 11 255
35:14 90 43 42 255 72 34 33 255 45 21 21 255 36 17 16 255
35:15 21 19 18 255 16 15 14 255 10 9 9 255 8 7 7 255
37 92 87 49 19 73 69 39 19 46 43 24 19 36 34 19 19
38 70 43 39 22 56 34 31 22 35 21 19 22 28 17 15 22
38:1 61 79 88 63 48 63 70 63 30 39 44 63 24 31 35 63
38:2 97 88 97 72 77 70 77 72 48 44 48 72 38 35 38 72
38:3 64 69 56 69 51 55 44 69 32 34 28 69 25 27 22 69
38:4 68 49 37 84 54 39 29 84 34 24 18 84 27 19 14 84
38:5 81 67 40 84 64 53 32 84 40 33 20 84 32 26 16 84
38:6 108 110 87 84 86 88 69 84 54 55 43 84 43 44 34 84
38:7 99 85 72 84 79 68 57 84 49 42 36 84 39 34 28 84
38:8 165 165 150 56 132 132 120 56 82 82 75 56 66 66 60 56
39 74 67 55 43 59 53 44 43 37 33 27 43 29 26 22 43
40 70 70 72 35 56 56 57 35 35 35 36 35 28 28 28 35
41 155 135 95 255 124 108 76 255 77 67 47 255 62 54 38 255
42 81 86 73 255 64 68 58 255 40 43 36 255 32 34 29 255
43 115 127 111 255 92 101 88 255 57 63 55 255 46 50 44 255
43:1 108 100 78 255 86 80 62 255 54 50 39 255 43 40 31 255
43:2 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
43:3 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
43:4 95 82 69 255 76 65 55 255 47 41 34 255 38 32 27 255
43:5 79 88 77 255 63 70 61 255 39 44 38 255 31 35 30 255
43:6 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
43:7 190 185 172 255 152 148 137 255 95 92 86 255 76 74 68 255
43:9 108 100 78 255 86 80 62 255 54 50 39 255 43 40 31 255
43:10 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
43:11 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
43:12 95 82 69 255 76 65 55 255 47 41 34 255 38 32 27 255
43:13 79 88 77 255 63 70 61 255 39 44 38 255 31 35 30 255
43:14 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
43:15 190 185 172 255 152 148 137 255 95 92 86 255 76 74 68 255
44 115 127 111 255 92 101 88 255 57 63 55 255 46 50 44 255
44:1 108 100 78 255 86 80 62 255 54 50 39 255 43 40 31 255
44:2 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
44:3 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
44:4 95 82 69 255 76 65 55 255 47 41 34 255 38 32 27 255
44:5 79 88 77 255 63 70 61 255 39 44 38 255 31 35 30 255
44:6 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
44:7 190 185 172 255 152 148 137 255 95 92 86 255 76 74 68 255
44:9 108 100 78 255 86 80 62 255 54 50 39 255 43 40 31 255
44:10 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
44:11 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
44:12 95 82 69 255 76 65 55 255 47 41 34 255 38 32 27 255
44:13 79 88 77 255 63 70 61 255 39 44 38 255 31 35 30 255
44:14 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
44:15 190 185 172 255 152 148 137 255 95 92 86 255 76 74 68 255
45 95 82 69 255 76 65 55 255 47 41 34 255 38 32 27 255
46 68 46 43 255 54 36 34 255 34 23 21 255 27 18 17 255
47 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
48 77 85 68 255 61 68 54 255 38 42 34 255 30 34 27 255
49 39 37 40 255 31 29 32 255 19 18 20 255 15 14 16 255
50 111 95 61 48 88 76 48 48 55 47 30 48 44 38 24 48
51 239 149 41 168 191 119 32 168 119 74 20 168 95 59 16 168
52 48 48 42 204 38 38 33 204 24 24 21 204 19 19 16 204
53 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
54 58 67 52 197 46 53 41 197 29 33 26 197 23 26 20 197
54:4 56 67 51 210 44 53 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
54:5 56 67 51 210 44 53 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
54:6 56 67 51 210 44 53 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
54:7 56 67 51 210 44 53 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
54:8 56 66 50 210 44 52 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
54:9 56 66 50 210 44 52 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
54:10 56 66 50 210 44 52 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
54:11 56 66 50 210 44 52 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
55 194 197 201 50 155 157 160 50 97 98 100 50 77 78 80 50
56 93 114 111 255 74 91 88 255 46 57 55 255 37 45 44 255
57 109 130 132 255 87 104 105 255 54 65 66 255 43 52 52 255
58 130 128 114 255 104 102 91 255 65 64 57 255 52 51 45 255
59 46 60 31 29 36 48 24 29 23 30 15 29 18 24 12 29
59:1 45 59 30 39 36 47 24 39 22 29 15 39 18 23 12 39
59:2 45 59 30 50 36 47 24 50 22 29 15 50 18 23 12 50
59:3 44 58 30 60 35 46 24 60 22 29 15 60 17 23 12 60
59:4 60 71 38 82 48 56 30 82 30 35 19 82 24 28 15 82
59:5 75 82 45 109 60 65 36 109 37 41 22 109 30 32 18 109
59:6 90 89 52 123 72 71 41 123 45 44 26 123 36 35 20 123
59:7 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
59:8 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
59:9 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
59:10 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
59:11 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
59:12 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
59:13 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
59:14 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
59:15 112 101 75 134 89 80 60 134 56 50 37 134 44 40 30 134
60 75 69 49 255 60 55 39 255 37 34 24 255 30 27 19 255
60:1 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:2 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:3 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:4 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:5 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:6 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:7 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:8 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:9 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:10 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:11 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:12 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:13 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:14 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
60:15 59 55 39 255 47 44 31 255 29 27 19 255 23 22 15 255
61:2 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
61:3 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
61:4 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
61:5 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
62:2 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
62:3 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
62:4 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
62:5 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
63 71 65 50 10 56 52 40 10 35 32 25 10 28 26 20 10
64 68 71 59 226 54 56 47 226 34 35 29 226 27 28 23 226
65 38 40 34 111 30 32 27 111 19 20 17 111 15 16 13 111
66 62 63 51 208 49 50 40 208 31 31 25 208 24 25 20 208
66:6 65 67 55 99 52 53 44 99 32 33 27 99 26 26 22 99
66:7 65 67 55 99 52 53 44 99 32 33 27 99 26 26 22 99
66:8 65 67 55 99 52 53 44 99 32 33 27 99 26 26 22 99
66:9 65 67 55 99 52 53 44 99 32 33 27 99 26 26 22 99
67 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
68 71 65 50 10 56 52 40 10 35 32 25 10 28 26 20 10
69 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
70 94 100 92 255 75 80 73 255 47 50 46 255 37 40 36 255
71 79 85 72 238 63 68 57 238 39 42 36 238 31 34 28 238
72 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
73 99 73 69 255 79 58 55 255 49 36 34 255 39 29 27 255
74 99 73 69 255 79 58 55 255 49 36 34 255 39 29 27 255
75:1 77 71 62 35 61 56 49 35 38 35 31 35 30 28 24 35
75:2 77 71 62 35 61 56 49 35 38 35 31 35 30 28 24 35
75:3 77 71 62 35 61 56 49 35 38 35 31 35 30 28 24 35
75:4 77 71 62 35 61 56 49 35 38 35 31 35 30 28 24 35
75:5 77 71 62 35 61 56 49 35 38 35 31 35 30 28 24 35
76:1 86 73 64 35 68 58 51 35 43 36 32 35 34 29 25 35
76:2 86 73 64 35 68 58 51 35 43 36 32 35 34 29 25 35
76:3 86 73 64 35 68 58 51 35 43 36 32 35 34 29 25 35
76:4 86 73 64 35 68 58 51 35 43 36 32 35 34 29 25 35
76:5 86 73 64 35 68 58 51 35 43 36 32 35 34 29 25 35
77 94 100 92 255 75 80 73 255 47 50 46 255 37 40 36 255
78 211 218 216 255 168 174 172 255 105 109 108 255 84 87 86 255
79 161 185 191 179 128 148 152 179 80 92 95 179 64 74 76 179
80 211 218 216 255 168 174 172 255 105 109 108 255 84 87 86 255
81 80 84 50 195 64 67 40 195 40 42 25 195 32 33 20 195
82 108 107 104 255 86 85 83 255 54 53 52 255 43 42 41 255
83 91 84 62 175 72 67 49 175 45 42 31 175 36 33 24 175
84 63 63 59 255 50 50 47 255 31 31 29 255 25 25 23 255
85 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
86 136 88 62 255 108 70 49 255 68 44 31 255 54 35 24 255
87 119 71 65 255 95 56 52 255 59 35 32 255 47 28 26 255
88 75 65 55 255 60 52 44 255 37 32 27 255 30 26 22 255
89 127 156 88 255 101 124 70 255 63 78 44 255 50 62 35 255
90 91 0 160 167 72 0 128 167 45 0 80 167 36 0 64 167
91 136 88 62 255 108 70 49 255 68 44 31 255 54 35 24 255
92 186 180 181 195 148 144 144 195 93 90 90 195 74 72 72 195
93 105 111 98 255 84 88 78 255 52 55 49 255 42 44 39 255
94 110 112 99 255 88 89 79 255 55 56 49 255 44 44 39 255
95 134 132 125 212 107 105 100 212 67 66 62 212 53 52 50 212
95:1 140 89 73 212 112 71 58 212 70 44 36 212 56 35 29 212
95:2 109 77 113 212 87 61 90 212 54 38 56 212 43 30 45 212
95:3 92 99 113 212 73 79 90 212 46 49 56 212 36 39 45 212
95:4 129 110 67 212 103 88 53 212 64 55 33 212 51 44 26 212
95:5 75 108 60 212 60 86 48 212 37 54 30 212 30 43 24 212
95:6 135 113 109 212 108 90 87 212 67 56 54 212 54 45 43 212
95:7 48 48 42 212 38 38 33 212 24 24 21 212 19 19 16 212
95:8 80 81 73 212 64 64 58 212 40 40 36 212 32 32 29 212
95:9 49 67 65 212 39 53 52 212 24 33 32 212 19 26 26 212
95:10 68 56 81 212 54 44 64 212 34 28 40 212 27 22 32 212
95:11 52 58 73 212 41 46 58 212 26 29 36 212 20 23 29 212
95:12 57 47 40 212 45 37 32 212 28 23 20 212 22 18 16 212
95:13 51 63 39 212 40 50 31 212 25 31 19 212 20 25 15 212
95:14 85 53 48 212 68 42 38 212 42 26 24 212 34 21 19 212
95:15 37 37 32 212 29 29 25 212 18 18 16 212 14 14 12 212
96 69 72 61 237 55 57 48 237 34 36 30 237 27 28 24 237
97 94 100 92 255 75 80 73 255 47 50 46 255 37 40 36 255
97:1 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
97:2 79 88 77 255 63 70 61 255 39 44 38 255 31 35 30 255
98 79 88 77 255 63 70 61 255 39 44 38 255 31 35 30 255
98:1 76 86 74 255 60 68 59 255 38 43 37 255 30 34 29 255
98:2 73 81 72 255 58 64 57 255 36 40 36 255 29 32 28 255
98:3 74 80 70 255 59 64 56 255 37 40 35 255 29 32 28 255
99 187 176 162 255 149 140 129 255 93 88 81 255 74 70 64 255
99:1 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:2 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:3 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:4 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:5 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:6 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:7 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:8 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:9 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:14 123 109 90 255 98 87 72 255 61 54 45 255 49 43 36 255
99:15 202 193 179 255 161 154 143 255 101 96 89 255 80 77 71 255
100 187 176 162 255 149 140 129 255 93 88 81 255 74 70 64 255
100:1 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:2 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:3 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:4 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:5 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:6 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:7 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:8 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:9 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:14 61 65 88 255 48 52 70 255 30 32 44 255 24 26 35 255
100:15 202 193 179 255 161 154 143 255 101 96 89 255 80 77 71 255
101 41 40 37 94 32 32 29 94 20 20 18 94 16 16 14 94
102 52 55 46 96 41 44 36 96 26 27 23 96 20 22 18 96
103 74 105 61 255 59 84 48 255 37 52 30 255 29 42 24 255
104 39 56 28 30 31 44 22 30 19 28 14 30 15 22 11 30
105 39 56 28 30 31 44 22 30 19 28 14 30 15 22 11 30
106 23 37 13 170 18 29 10 170 11 18 6 170 9 14 5 170
107 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
108 95 82 69 255 76 65 55 255 47 41 34 255 38 32 27 255
109 79 88 77 255 63 70 61 255 39 44 38 255 31 35 30 255
110 80 62 73 255 64 49 58 255 40 31 36 255 32 24 29 255
111 17 71 26 157 13 56 20 157 8 35 13 157 6 28 10 157
112 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
113 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
114 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
115 87 25 34 38 69 20 27 38 43 12 17 38 34 10 13 38
115:1 82 23 30 73 65 18 24 73 41 11 15 73 32 9 12 73
115:2 82 23 30 73 65 18 24 73 41 11 15 73 32 9 12 73
115:3 83 25 32 160 66 20 25 160 41 12 16 160 33 10 12 160
115:4 83 25 32 160 66 20 25 160 41 12 16 160 33 10 12 160
115:5 83 25 32 160 66 20 25 160 41 12 16 160 33 10 12 160
115:6 83 25 32 160 66 20 25 160 41 12 16 160 33 10 12 160
115:7 83 25 32 160 66 20 25 160 41 12 16 160 33 10 12 160
116 54 56 47 255 43 44 37 255 27 28 23 255 21 22 18 255
117 80 84 63 121 64 67 50 121 40 42 31 121 32 33 25 121
118 79 83 74 111 63 66 59 111 39 41 37 111 31 33 29 111
119 39 37 40 255 31 29 32 255 19 18 20 255 15 14 16 255
120 52 57 46 255 41 45 36 255 26 28 23 255 20 22 18 255
120:4 68 76 62 95 54 60 49 95 34 38 31 95 27 30 24 95
120:5 68 76 62 95 54 60 49 95 34 38 31 95 27 30 24 95
120:6 68 76 62 95 54 60 49 95 34 38 31 95 27 30 24 95
120:7 68 76 62 95 54 60 49 95 34 38 31 95 27 30 24 95
121 169 167 150 255 135 133 120 255 84 83 75 255 67 66 60 255
122 37 37 41 255 29 29 32 255 18 18 20 255 14 14 16 255
123 42 47 40 255 33 37 32 255 21 23 20 255 16 18 16 255
124 92 119 78 255 73 95 62 255 46 59 39 255 36 47 31 255
125 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
125:1 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
125:2 115 108 87 255 92 86 69 255 57 54 43 255 46 43 34 255
125:3 49 48 33 255 39 38 26 255 24 24 16 255 19 19 13 255
125:4 67 42 37 255 53 33 29 255 33 21 18 255 26 16 14 255
125:5 42 39 32 255 33 31 25 255 21 19 16 255 16 15 12 255
125:9 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
125:10 115 108 87 255 92 86 69 255 57 54 43 255 46 43 34 255
125:11 49 48 33 255 39 38 26 255 24 24 16 255 19 19 13 255
125:12 67 42 37 255 53 33 29 255 33 21 18 255 26 16 14 255
125:13 42 39 32 255 33 31 25 255 21 19 16 255 16 15 12 255
126 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
126:1 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
126:2 115 108 87 255 92 86 69 255 57 54 43 255 46 43 34 255
126:3 49 48 33 255 39 38 26 255 24 24 16 255 19 19 13 255
126:4 67 42 37 255 53 33 29 255 33 21 18 255 26 16 14 255
126:5 42 39 32 255 33 31 25 255 21 19 16 255 16 15 12 255
126:9 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
126:10 115 108 87 255 92 86 69 255 57 54 43 255 46 43 34 255
126:11 49 48 33 255 39 38 26 255 24 24 16 255 19 19 13 255
126:12 67 42 37 255 53 33 29 255 33 21 18 255 26 16 14 255
126:13 42 39 32 255 33 31 25 255 21 19 16 255 16 15 12 255
127 126 103 19 131 100 82 15 131 63 51 9 131 50 41 7 131
128 100 94 74 255 80 75 59 255 50 47 37 255 40 37 29 255
129 86 108 89 255 68 86 71 255 43 54 44 255 34 43 35 255
130:2 30 35 31 197 24 28 24 197 15 17 15 197 12 14 12 197
130:3 30 35 31 197 24 28 24 197 15 17 15 197 12 14 12 197
130:4 30 35 31 197 24 28 24 197 15 17 15 197 12 14 12 197
130:5 30 35 31 197 24 28 24 197 15 17 15 197 12 14 12 197
131 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
133 65 123 81 255 52 98 64 255 32 61 40 255 26 49 32 255
134 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
135 115 108 87 255 92 86 69 255 57 54 43 255 46 43 34 255
136 49 48 33 255 39 38 26 255 24 24 16 255 19 19 13 255
137 69 68 51 255 55 54 40 255 34 34 25 255 27 27 20 255
138 52 55 46 96 41 44 36 96 26 27 23 96 20 22 18 96
139 84 92 79 255 67 73 63 255 42 46 39 255 33 36 31 255
139:1 77 85 68 255 61 68 54 255 38 42 34 255 30 34 27 255
140 143 91 60 49 114 72 48 49 71 45 30 49 57 36 24 49
141 53 73 37 12 42 58 29 12 26 36 18 12 21 29 14 12
141:2 56 77 39 35 44 61 31 35 28 38 19 35 22 30 15 35
141:3 56 77 39 35 44 61 31 35 28 38 19 35 22 30 15 35
141:4 51 71 37 53 40 56 29 53 25 35 18 53 20 28 14 53
141:5 51 71 37 53 40 56 29 53 25 35 18 53 20 28 14 53
141:6 51 71 37 53 40 56 29 53 25 35 18 53 20 28 14 53
141:7 53 72 37 104 42 57 29 104 26 36 18 104 21 28 14 104
142 53 73 37 12 42 58 29 12 26 36 18 12 21 29 14 12
142:2 56 77 39 35 44 61 31 35 28 38 19 35 22 30 15 35
142:3 56 77 39 35 44 61 31 35 28 38 19 35 22 30 15 35
142:4 51 71 37 53 40 56 29 53 25 35 18 53 20 28 14 53
142:5 51 71 37 53 40 56 29 53 25 35 18 53 20 28 14 53
142:6 51 71 37 53 40 56 29 53 25 35 18 53 20 28 14 53
142:7 45 66 33 114 36 52 26 114 22 33 16 114 18 26 13 114
143 53 51 38 255 42 40 30 255 26 25 19 255 21 20 15 255
145 23 23 23 255 18 18 18 255 11 11 11 255 9 9 9 255
146 58 67 52 197 46 53 41 197 29 33 26 197 23 26 20 197
146:4 56 67 51 210 44 53 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
146:5 56 67 51 210 44 53 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
146:6 56 67 51 210 44 53 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
146:7 56 67 51 210 44 53 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
146:8 56 66 50 210 44 52 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
146:9 56 66 50 210 44 52 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
146:10 56 66 50 210 44 52 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
146:11 56 66 50 210 44 52 40 210 28 33 25 210 22 26 20 210
147 155 135 95 255 124 108 76 255 77 67 47 255 62 54 38 255
148 81 86 73 255 64 68 58 255 40 43 36 255 32 34 29 255
149 107 111 98 255 85 88 78 255 53 55 49 255 42 44 39 255
150 111 111 98 255 88 88 78 255 55 55 49 255 44 44 39 255
151 69 93 78 255 55 74 62 255 34 46 39 255 27 37 31 255
152 84 75 67 255 67 60 53 255 42 37 33 255 33 30 26 255
153 138 98 86 255 110 78 68 255 69 49 43 255 55 39 34 255
154 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255 21 21 21 255 17 17 17 255
155 190 185 172 255 152 148 137 255 95 92 86 255 76 74 68 255
155:1 180 173 159 255 144 138 127 255 90 86 79 255 72 69 63 255
155:2 186 183 169 255 148 146 135 255 93 91 84 255 74 73 67 255
155:3 175 167 149 255 140 133 119 255 87 83 74 255 70 66 59 255
155:4 175 167 149 255 140 133 119 255 87 83 74 255 70 66 59 255
156 190 185 172 255 152 148 137 255 95 92 86 255 76 74 68 255
157 65 64 53 211 52 51 42 211 32 32 26 211 26 25 21 211
157:8 69 65 53 211 55 52 42 211 34 32 26 211 27 26 21 211
157:9 69 65 53 211 55 52 42 211 34 32 26 211 27 26 21 211
157:10 69 65 53 211 55 52 42 211 34 32 26 211 27 26 21 211
157:11 69 65 53 211 55 52 42 211 34 32 26 211 27 26 21 211
157:12 69 65 53 211 55 52 42 211 34 32 26 211 27 26 21 211
157:13 69 65 53 211 55 52 42 211 34 32 26 211 27 26 21 211
158 88 94 81 255 70 75 64 255 44 47 40 255 35 37 32 255
158:1 88 95 83 255 70 76 66 255 44 47 41 255 35 38 33 255
159 158 139 131 255 126 111 104 255 79 69 65 255 63 55 52 255
159:1 108 58 34 255 86 46 27 255 54 29 17 255 43 23 13 255
159:2 102 59 81 255 81 47 64 255 51 29 40 255 40 23 32 255
159:3 78 78 96 255 62 62 76 255 39 39 48 255 31 31 38 255
159:4 114 85 32 255 91 68 25 255 57 42 16 255 45 34 12 255
159:5 68 78 46 255 54 62 36 255 34 39 23 255 27 31 18 255
159:6 114 72 73 255 91 57 58 255 57 36 36 255 45 28 29 255
159:7 44 34 31 255 35 27 24 255 22 17 15 255 17 13 12 255
159:8 83 64 60 255 66 51 48 255 41 32 30 255 33 25 24 255
159:9 46 69 69 255 36 55 55 255 23 34 34 255 18 27 27 255
159:10 68 53 82 255 54 42 65 255 34 26 41 255 27 21 32 255
159:11 49 50 72 255 39 40 57 255 24 25 36 255 19 20 28 255
159:12 46 37 30 255 36 29 24 255 23 18 15 255 18 14 12 255
159:13 44 58 33 255 35 46 26 255 22 29 16 255 17 23 13 255
159:14 96 45 37 255 76 36 29 255 48 22 18 255 38 18 14 255
159:15 35 28 24 255 28 22 19 255 17 14 12 255 14 11 9 255
160 134 132 125 212 107 105 100 212 67 66 62 212 53 52 50 212
160:1 140 89 73 212 112 71 58 212 70 44 36 212 56 35 29 212
160:2 109 77 113 212 87 61 90 212 54 38 56 212 43 30 45 212
160:3 92 99 113 212 73 79 90 212 46 49 56 212 36 39 45 212
160:4 129 110 67 212 103 88 53 212 64 55 33 212 51 44 26 212
160:5 75 108 60 212 60 86 48 212 37 54 30 212 30 43 24 212
160:6 135 113 109 212 108 90 87 212 67 56 54 212 54 45 43 212
160:7 48 48 42 212 38 38 33 212 24 24 21 212 19 19 16 212
160:8 80 81 73 212 64 64 58 212 40 40 36 212 32 32 29 212
160:9 49 67 65 212 39 53 52 212 24 33 32 212 19 26 26 212
160:10 68 56 81 212 54 44 64 212 34 28 40 212 27 22 32 212
160:11 52 58 73 212 41 46 58 212 26 29 36 212 20 23 29 212
160:12 57 47 40 212 45 37 32 212 28 23 20 212 22 18 16 212
160:13 51 63 39 212 40 50 31 212 25 31 19 212 20 25 15 212
160:14 85 53 48 212 68 42 38 212 42 26 24 212 34 21 19 212
160:15 37 37 32 212 29 29 25 212 18 18 16 212 14 14 12 212
161 39 64 22 228 31 51 17 228 19 32 11 228 15 25 8 228
161:1 24 40 14 214 19 32 11 214 12 20 7 214 9 16 5 214
161:5 24 40 14 214 19 32 11 214 12 20 7 214 9 16 5 214
161:9 24 40 14 214 19 32 11 214 12 20 7 214 9 16 5 214
161:13 24 40 14 214 19 32 11 214 12 20 7 214 9 16 5 214
162 89 59 51 255 71 47 40 255 44 29 25 255 35 23 20 255
162:1 118 113 94 255 94 90 75 255 59 56 47 255 47 45 37 255
162:4 78 71 60 255 62 56 48 255 39 35 30 255 31 28 24 255
162:5 41 38 35 255 32 30 28 255 20 19 17 255 16 15 14 255
162:8 78 71 60 255 62 56 48 255 39 35 30 255 31 28 24 255
162:9 41 38 35 255 32 30 28 255 20 19 17 255 16 15 14 255
162:12 78 71 60 255 62 56 48 255 39 35 30 255 31 28 24 255
162:13 41 38 35 255 32 30 28 255 20 19 17 255 16 15 14 255
163 67 42 37 255 53 33 29 255 33 21 18 255 26 16 14 255
164 42 39 32 255 33 31 25 255 21 19 16 255 16 15 12 255
165 211 225 129 150 168 180 103 150 105 112 64 150 84 90 51 150
167 78 83 71 228 62 66 56 228 39 41 35 228 31 33 28 228
168 51 59 47 255 40 47 37 255 25 29 23 255 20 23 18 255
168:1 76 80 71 255 60 64 56 255 38 40 35 255 30 32 28 255
168:2 79 83 73 255 63 66 58 255 39 41 36 255 31 33 29 255
169 87 86 71 255 69 68 56 255 43 43 35 255 34 34 28 255
170 197 166 113 255 157 132 90 255 98 83 56 255 78 66 45 255
171 187 181 172 255 149 144 137 255 93 90 86 255 74 72 68 255
171:1 184 98 81 255 147 78 64 255 92 49 40 255 73 39 32 255
171:2 129 78 131 255 103 62 104 255 64 39 65 255 51 31 52 255
171:3 104 113 141 255 83 90 112 255 52 56 70 255 41 45 56 255
171:4 173 136 77 255 138 108 61 255 86 68 38 255 69 54 30 255
171:5 82 135 65 255 65 108 52 255 41 67 32 255 32 54 26 255
171:6 174 134 133 255 139 107 106 255 87 67 66 255 69 53 53 255
171:7 38 36 34 255 30 28 27 255 19 18 17 255 15 14 13 255
171:8 84 84 76 255 67 67 60 255 42 42 38 255 33 33 30 255
171:9 38 61 61 255 30 48 48 255 19 30 30 255 15 24 24 255
171:10 66 47 84 255 52 37 67 255 33 23 42 255 26 18 33 255
171:11 42 49 75 255 33 39 60 255 21 24 37 255 16 19 30 255
171:12 52 36 30 255 41 28 24 255 26 18 15 255 20 14 12 255
171:13 41 60 29 255 32 48 23 255 20 30 14 255 16 24 11 255
171:14 90 43 42 255 72 34 33 255 45 21 21 255 36 17 16 255
171:15 21 19 18 255 16 15 14 255 10 9 9 255 8 7 7 255
172 93 68 53 255 74 54 42 255 46 34 26 255 37 27 21 255
173 41 45 43 255 32 36 34 255 20 22 21 255 16 18 17 255
174 150 171 170 255 120 136 136 255 75 85 85 255 60 68 68 255
175 54 45 33 183 43 36 26 183 27 22 16 183 21 18 13 183
175:8 65 47 38 85 52 37 30 85 32 23 19 85 26 18 15 85
175:9 65 47 38 85 52 37 30 85 32 23 19 85 26 18 15 85
175:10 65 47 38 85 52 37 30 85 32 23 19 85 26 18 15 85
175:11 65 47 38 85 52 37 30 85 32 23 19 85 26 18 15 85
175:12 65 47 38 85 52 37 30 85 32 23 19 85 26 18 15 85
175:13 65 47 38 85 52 37 30 85 32 23 19 85 26 18 15 85
175:14 65 47 38 85 52 37 30 85 32 23 19 85 26 18 15 85
175:15 65 47 38 85 52 37 30 85 32 23 19 85 26 18 15 85
178 68 71 62 255 54 56 49 255 34 35 31 255 27 28 24 255
179 91 66 58 255 72 52 46 255 45 33 29 255 36 26 23 255
180 85 61 54 255 68 48 43 255 42 30 27 255 34 24 21 255
181 91 66 58 255 72 52 46 255 45 33 29 255 36 26 23 255
182 91 66 58 255 72 52 46 255 45 33 29 255 36 26 23 255
183 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
184 115 108 87 255 92 86 69 255 57 54 43 255 46 43 34 255
185 49 48 33 255 39 38 26 255 24 24 16 255 19 19 13 255
186 42 39 32 255 33 31 25 255 21 19 16 255 16 15 12 255
187 67 42 37 255 53 33 29 255 33 21 18 255 26 16 14 255
188 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
189 115 108 87 255 92 86 69 255 57 54 43 255 46 43 34 255
190 49 48 33 255 39 38 26 255 24 24 16 255 19 19 13 255
191 42 39 32 255 33 31 25 255 21 19 16 255 16 15 12 255
192 67 42 37 255 53 33 29 255 33 21 18 255 26 16 14 255
193 62 59 53 255 49 47 42 255 31 29 26 255 24 23 21 255
194 112 112 99 255 89 89 79 255 56 56 49 255 44 44 39 255
195 52 51 38 236 41 40 30 236 26 25 19 236 20 20 15 236
196 58 39 35 184 46 31 28 184 29 19 17 184 23 15 14 184
197 50 49 42 255 40 39 33 255 25 24 21 255 20 19 16 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
1 141 154 152 255 112 123 121 255 70 77 76 255 56 61 60 255
1:1 138 67 64 255 110 53 51 255 69 33 32 255 55 26 25 255
1:2 151 73 68 255 120 58 54 255 75 36 34 255 60 29 27 255
1:3 182 189 172 255 145 151 137 255 91 94 86 255 72 75 68 255
1:4 188 195 183 255 150 156 146 255 94 97 91 255 75 78 73 255
1:5 84 92 88 255 67 73 70 255 42 46 44 255 33 36 35 255
1:6 117 129 122 255 93 103 97 255 58 64 61 255 46 51 48 255
2 20 58 31 255 16 46 24 255 10 29 15 255 8 23 12 255
3 80 66 56 255 64 52 44 255 40 33 28 255 32 26 22 255
3:2 78 66 53 255 62 52 42 255 39 33 26 255 31 26 21 255
4 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
5 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
5:1 53 40 39 255 42 32 31 255 26 20 19 255 21 16 15 255
5:2 132 117 100 255 105 93 80 255 66 58 50 255 52 46 40 255
5:3 61 65 49 255 48 52 39 255 30 32 24 255 24 26 19 255
5:4 105 48 43 255 84 38 34 255 52 24 21 255 42 19 17 255
5:5 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
6 30 55 34 114 24 44 27 114 15 27 17 114 12 22 13 114
6:1 22 47 26 63 17 37 20 63 11 23 13 63 8 18 10 63
6:2 65 92 44 91 52 73 35 91 32 46 22 91 26 36 17 91
6:3 30 69 9 81 24 55 7 81 15 34 4 81 12 27 3 81
6:4 75 76 26 81 60 60 20 81 37 38 13 81 30 30 10 81
6:5 38 41 30 121 30 32 24 121 19 20 15 121 15 16 12 121
6:9 22 47 26 63 17 37 20 63 11 23 13 63 8 18 10 63
6:10 65 92 44 91 52 73 35 91 32 46 22 91 26 36 17 91
6:11 30 69 9 81 24 55 7 81 15 34 4 81 12 27 3 81
6:12 75 76 26 81 60 60 20 81 37 38 13 81 30 30 10 81
6:13 38 41 30 121 30 32 24 121 19 20 15 121 15 16 12 121
7 38 39 42 255 30 31 33 255 19 19 21 255 15 15 16 255
8 80 220 238 142 64 176 190 142 40 110 119 142 32 88 95 142
9 76 215 233 144 60 172 186 144 38 107 116 144 30 86 93 144
9:1 80 220 238 142 64 176 190 142 40 110 119 142 32 88 95 142
9:2 80 220 238 142 64 176 190 142 40 110 119 142 32 88 95 142
9:3 80 220 238 142 64 176 190 142 40 110 119 142 32 88 95 142
9:4 80 220 238 142 64 176 190 142 40 110 119 142 32 88 95 142
9:5 80 220 238 142 64 176 190 142 40 110 119 142 32 88 95 142
9:6 80 220 238 142 64 176 190 142 40 110 119 142 32 88 95 142
9:7 80 220 238 142 64 176 190 142 40 110 119 142 32 88 95 142
10 127 24 10 255 101 19 8 255 63 12 5 255 50 9 4 255
11 125 24 10 255 100 19 8 255 62 12 5 255 50 9 4 255
12 225 221 197 255 180 176 157 255 112 110 98 255 90 88 78 255
12:1 168 86 71 255 134 68 56 255 84 43 35 255 67 34 28 255
13 90 87 71 255 72 69 56 255 45 43 35 255 36 34 28 255
14 144 145 122 255 115 116 97 255 72 72 61 255 57 58 48 255
15 135 135 129 255 108 108 103 255 67 67 64 255 54 54 51 255
16 105 113 112 255 84 90 89 255 52 56 56 255 42 45 44 255
17 133 117 95 255 106 93 76 255 66 58 47 255 53 46 38 255
17:1 124 103 95 255 99 82 76 255 62 51 47 255 49 41 38 255
17:3 117 103 65 255 93 82 52 255 58 51 32 255 46 41 26 255
17:4 68 56 45 255 54 44 36 255 34 28 22 255 27 22 18 255
17:5 46 38 30 255 36 30 24 255 23 19 15 255 18 15 12 255
17:6 188 186 181 255 150 148 144 255 94 93 90 255 75 74 72 255
17:7 43 39 15 255 34 31 12 255 21 19 7 255 17 15 6 255
17:8 68 56 45 255 54 44 36 255 34 28 22 255 27 22 18 255
17:9 46 38 30 255 36 30 24 255 23 19 15 255 18 15 12 255
17:10 188 186 181 255 150 148 144 255 94 93 90 255 75 74 72 255
17:11 43 39 15 255 34 31 12 255 21 19 7 255 17 15 6 255
17:12 68 56 45 255 54 44 36 255 34 28 22 255 27 22 18 255
17:13 46 38 30 255 36 30 24 255 23 19 15 255 18 15 12 255
17:14 188 186 181 255 150 148 144 255 94 93 90 255 75 74 72 255
17:15 43 39 15 255 34 31 12 255 21 19 7 255 17 15 6 255
18 14 64 26 214 11 51 20 214 7 32 13 214 5 25 10 214
18:1 26 64 35 229 20 51 28 229 13 32 17 229 10 25 14 229
18:2 87 113 58 167 69 90 46 167 43 56 29 167 34 45 23 167
18:3 14 63 26 232 11 50 20 232 7 31 13 232 5 25 10 232
18:5 26 64 35 229 20 51 28 229 13 32 17 229 10 25 14 229
18:6 87 113 58 167 69 90 46 167 43 56 29 167 34 45 23 167
18:7 14 63 26 232 11 50 20 232 7 31 13 232 5 25 10 232
18:9 26 64 35 229 20 51 28 229 13 32 17 229 10 25 14 229
18:10 87 113 58 167 69 90 46 167 43 56 29 167 34 45 23 167
18:11 14 63 26 232 11 50 20 232 7 31 13 232 5 25 10 232
18:13 26 64 35 229 20 51 28 229 13 32 17 229 10 25 14 229
18:14 87 113 58 167 69 90 46 167 43 56 29 167 34 45 23 167
18:15 14 63 26 232 11 50 20 232 7 31 13 232 5 25 10 232
19 187 168 87 255 149 134 69 255 93 84 43 255 74 67 34 255
19:1 163 146 72 255 130 116 57 255 81 73 36 255 65 58 28 255
20 79 70 47 96 63 56 37 96 39 35 23 96 31 28 18 96
21 109 130 150 255 87 104 120 255 54 65 75 255 43 52 60 255
22 41 82 147 255 32 65 117 255 20 41 73 255 16 32 58 255
23 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
23:1 137 140 129 255 109 112 103 255 68 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
23:9 137 140 129 255 109 112 103 255 68 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
24 204 199 174 255 163 159 139 255 102 99 87 255 81 79 69 255
25 99 85 56 255 79 68 44 255 49 42 28 255 39 34 22 255
26 35 67 115 255 28 53 92 255 17 33 57 255 14 26 46 255
26:8 173 173 158 255 138 138 126 255 86 86 79 255 69 69 63 255
26:9 173 173 158 255 138 138 126 255 86 86 79 255 69 69 63 255
26:10 173 173 158 255 138 138 126 255 86 86 79 255 69 69 63 255
26:11 173 173 158 255 138 138 126 255 86 86 79 255 69 69 63 255
27 90 75 49 211 72 60 39 211 45 37 24 211 36 30 19 211
27:8 95 74 49 211 76 59 39 211 47 37 24 211 38 29 19 211
27:9 95 74 49 211 76 59 39 211 47 37 24 211 38 29 19 211
27:10 95 74 49 211 76 59 39 211 47 37 24 211 38 29 19 211
27:11 95 74 49 211 76 59 39 211 47 37 24 211 38 29 19 211
27:12 95 74 49 211 76 59 39 211 47 37 24 211 38 29 19 211
27:13 95 74 49 211 76 59 39 211 47 37 24 211 38 29 19 211
28 107 98 83 232 85 78 66 232 53 49 41 232 42 39 33 232
29 152 163 152 255 121 130 121 255 76 81 76 255 60 65 60 255
29:1 55 63 60 255 44 50 48 255 27 31 30 255 22 25 24 255
29:2 135 140 128 255 108 112 102 255 67 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
29:3 135 140 128 255 108 112 102 255 67 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
29:4 135 140 128 255 108 112 102 255 67 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
29:5 135 140 128 255 108 112 102 255 67 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
29:9 140 150 140 255 112 120 112 255 70 75 70 255 56 60 56 255
29:10 150 158 146 207 120 126 116 207 75 79 73 207 60 63 58 207
29:11 150 158 146 207 120 126 116 207 75 79 73 207 60 63 58 207
29:12 150 158 146 207 120 126 116 207 75 79 73 207 60 63 58 207
29:13 150 158 146 207 120 126 116 207 75 79 73 207 60 63 58 207
30 194 201 209 75 155 160 167 75 97 100 104 75 77 80 83 75
31 83 101 88 124 66 80 70 124 41 50 44 124 33 40 35 124
31:1 32 91 49 56 25 72 39 56 16 45 24 56 12 36 19 56
31:2 25 72 39 111 20 57 31 111 12 36 19 111 10 28 15 111
32 83 101 88 124 66 80 70 124 41 50 44 124 33 40 35 124
33 152 163 152 255 121 130 121 255 76 81 76 255 60 65 60 255
33:1 75 64 45 255 60 51 36 255 37 32 22 255 30 25 18 255
33:2 135 140 128 255 108 112 102 255 67 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
33:3 135 140 128 255 108 112 102 255 67 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
33:4 135 140 128 255 108 112 102 255 67 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
33:5 135 140 128 255 108 112 102 255 67 70 64 255 54 56 51 255
33:9 140 150 140 255 112 120 112 255 70 75 70 255 56 60 56 255
33:10 150 158 146 207 120 126 116 207 75 79 73 207 60 63 58 207
33:11 150 158 146 207 120 126 116 207 75 79 73 207 60 63 58 207
33:12 150 158 146 207 120 126 116 207 75 79 73 207 60 63 58 207
33:13 150 158 146 207 120 126 116 207 75 79 73 207 60 63 58 207
34 140 150 140 255 112 120 112 255 70 75 70 255 56 60 56 255
34:1 75 64 45 255 60 51 36 255 37 32 22 255 30 25 18 255
34:2 75 64 48 111 60 51 38 111 37 32 24 111 30 25 19 111
34:3 75 64 48 111 60 51 38 111 37 32 24 111 30 25 19 111
34:4 75 64 48 111 60 51 38 111 37 32 24 111 30 25 19 111
34:5 75 64 48 111 60 51 38 111 37 32 24 111 30 25 19 111
34:9 55 63 60 255 44 50 48 255 27 31 30 255 22 25 24 255
34:10 75 64 48 111 60 51 38 111 37 32 24 111 30 25 19 111
34:11 75 64 48 111 60 51 38 111 37 32 24 111 30 25 19 111
34:12 75 64 48 111 60 51 38 111 37 32 24 111 30 25 19 111
34:13 75 64 48 111 60 51 38 111 37 32 24 111 30 25 19 111
35 222 224 221 255 177 179 176 255 111 112 110 255 88 89 88 255
35:1 226 120 69 255 180 96 55 255 113 60 34 255 90 48 27 255
35:2 178 101 206 255 142 80 164 255 89 50 103 255 71 40 82 255
35:3 122 171 214 255 97 136 171 255 61 85 107 255 48 68 85 255
35:4 218 191 70 255 174 152 56 255 109 95 35 255 87 76 28 255
35:5 89 200 80 255 71 160 64 255 44 100 40 255 35 80 32 255
35:6 223 172 183 255 178 137 146 255 111 86 91 255 89 68 73 255
35:7 45 48 48 255 36 38 38 255 22 24 24 255 18 19 19 255
35:8 130 140 140 255 104 112 112 255 65 70 70 255 52 56 56 255
35:9 26 114 132 255 20 91 105 255 13 57 66 255 10 45 52 255
35:10 82 57 163 255 65 45 130 255 41 28 81 255 32 22 65 255
35:11 28 73 151 255 22 58 120 255 14 36 75 255 11 29 60 255
35:12 64 50 34 255 51 40 27 255 32 25 17 255 25 20 13 255
35:13 36 108 35 255 28 86 28 255 18 54 17 255 14 43 14 255
35:14 126 39 45 255 100 31 36 255 63 19 22 255 50 15 18 255
35:15 15 18 19 255 12 14 15 255 7 9 9 255 6 7 7 255
37 119 113 33 19 95 90 26 19 59 56 16 19 47 45 13 19
38 93 33 29 22 74 26 23 22 46 16 14 22 37 13 11 22
38:1 56 99 133 63 44 79 106 63 28 49 66 63 22 39 53 63
38:2 116 105 128 68 92 84 102 68 58 52 64 68 46 42 51 68
38:3 54 69 68 69 43 55 54 69 27 34 34 69 21 27 27 69
38:4 91 69 55 104 72 55 44 104 45 34 27 104 36 27 22 104
38:5 93 93 50 104 74 74 40 104 46 46 25 104 37 37 20 104
38:6 112 136 114 104 89 108 91 104 56 68 57 104 44 54 45 104
38:7 108 101 85 104 86 80 68 104 54 50 42 104 43 40 34 104
38:8 180 183 163 52 144 146 130 52 90 91 81 52 72 73 65 52
39 78 103 124 43 62 82 99 43 39 51 62 43 31 41 49 43
40 151 88 76 35 120 70 60 35 75 44 38 35 60 35 30 35
41 162 139 82 255 129 111 65 255 81 69 41 255 64 55 32 255
42 158 154 123 255 126 123 98 255 79 77 61 255 63 61 49 255
43 186 193 189 255 148 154 151 255 93 96 94 255 74 77 75 255
43:1 204 199 174 255 163 159 139 255 102 99 87 255 81 79 69 255
43:2 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
43:3 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
43:4 143 99 84 255 114 79 67 255 71 49 42 255 57 39 33 255
43:5 119 130 126 255 95 104 100 255 59 65 63 255 47 52 50 255
43:6 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
43:7 226 230 223 255 180 184 178 255 113 115 111 255 90 92 89 255
43:9 204 199 174 255 163 159 139 255 102 99 87 255 81 79 69 255
43:10 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
43:11 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
43:12 143 99 84 255 114 79 67 255 71 49 42 255 57 39 33 255
43:13 119 130 126 255 95 104 100 255 59 65 63 255 47 52 50 255
43:14 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
43:15 226 230 223 255 180 184 178 255 113 115 111 255 90 92 89 255
44 186 193 189 255 148 154 151 255 93 96 94 255 74 77 75 255
44:1 204 199 174 255 163 159 139 255 102 99 87 255 81 79 69 255
44:2 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
44:3 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
44:4 143 99 84 255 114 79 67 255 71 49 42 255 57 39 33 255
44:5 119 130 126 255 95 104 100 255 59 65 63 255 47 52 50 255
44:6 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
44:7 226 230 223 255 180 184 178 255 113 115 111 255 90 92 89 255
44:9 204 199 174 255 163 159 139 255 102 99 87 255 81 79 69 255
44:10 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
44:11 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
44:12 143 99 84 255 114 79 67 255 71 49 42 255 57 39 33 255
44:13 119 130 126 255 95 104 100 255 59 65 63 255 47 52 50 255
44:14 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
44:15 226 230 223 255 180 184 178 255 113 115 111 255 90 92 89 255
45 143 99 84 255 114 79 67 255 71 49 42 255 57 39 33 255
46 84 36 29 255 67 28 23 255 42 18 14 255 33 14 11 255
47 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
48 142 160 145 255 113 128 116 255 71 80 72 255 56 64 58 255
49 38 44 56 255 30 35 44 255 19 22 28 255 15 17 22 255
50 129 104 56 48 103 83 44 48 64 52 28 48 51 41 22 48
51 239 149 41 168 191 119 32 168 119 74 20 168 95 59 16 168
52 54 54 48 204 43 43 38 204 27 27 24 204 21 21 19 204
53 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
54 72 80 89 197 57 64 71 197 36 40 44 197 28 32 35 197
54:4 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
54:5 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
54:6 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
54:7 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
54:8 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
54:9 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
54:10 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
54:11 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
55 194 197 201 50 155 157 160 50 97 98 100 50 77 78 80 50
56 123 154 155 255 98 123 124 255 61 77 77 255 49 61 62 255
57 130 144 134 255 104 115 107 255 65 72 67 255 52 57 53 255
58 174 175 170 255 139 140 136 255 87 87 85 255 69 70 68 255
59 34 69 45 29 27 55 36 29 17 34 22 29 13 27 18 29
59:1 33 68 44 39 26 54 35 39 16 34 22 39 13 27 17 39
59:2 33 67 43 50 26 53 34 50 16 33 21 50 13 26 17 50
59:3 33 66 43 60 26 52 34 60 16 33 21 60 13 26 17 60
59:4 43 81 44 82 34 64 35 82 21 40 22 82 17 32 17 82
59:5 55 93 50 109 44 74 40 109 27 46 25 109 22 37 20 109
59:6 83 106 57 123 66 84 45 123 41 53 28 123 33 42 22 123
59:7 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
59:8 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
59:9 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
59:10 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
59:11 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
59:12 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
59:13 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
59:14 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
59:15 146 135 92 134 116 108 73 134 73 67 46 134 58 54 36 134
60 54 74 54 255 43 59 43 255 27 37 27 255 21 29 21 255
60:1 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:2 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:3 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:4 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:5 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:6 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:7 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:8 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:9 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:10 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:11 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:12 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:13 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:14 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
60:15 46 67 50 255 36 53 40 255 23 33 25 255 18 26 20 255
61:2 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
61:3 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
61:4 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
61:5 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
62:2 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
62:3 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
62:4 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
62:5 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
63 71 65 50 10 56 52 40 10 35 32 25 10 28 26 20 10
64 96 93 76 226 76 74 60 226 48 46 38 226 38 37 30 226
65 56 50 34 109 44 40 27 109 28 25 17 109 22 20 13 109
66 96 92 75 208 76 73 60 208 48 46 37 208 38 36 30 208
66:6 92 91 81 99 73 72 64 99 46 45 40 99 36 36 32 99
66:7 92 91 81 99 73 72 64 99 46 45 40 99 36 36 32 99
66:8 92 91 81 99 73 72 64 99 46 45 40 99 36 36 32 99
66:9 92 91 81 99 73 72 64 99 46 45 40 99 36 36 32 99
67 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
68 71 65 50 10 56 52 40 10 35 32 25 10 28 26 20 10
69 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
70 141 154 152 255 112 123 121 255 70 77 76 255 56 61 60 255
71 146 137 99 238 116 109 79 238 73 68 49 238 58 54 39 238
72 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
73 136 100 99 255 108 80 79 255 68 50 49 255 54 40 39 255
74 136 100 99 255 108 80 79 255 68 50 49 255 54 40 39 255
75:1 102 82 56 35 81 65 44 35 51 41 28 35 40 32 22 35
75:2 102 82 56 35 81 65 44 35 51 41 28 35 40 32 22 35
75:3 102 82 56 35 81 65 44 35 51 41 28 35 40 32 22 35
75:4 102 82 56 35 81 65 44 35 51 41 28 35 40 32 22 35
75:5 102 82 56 35 81 65 44 35 51 41 28 35 40 32 22 35
76:1 115 84 57 35 92 67 45 35 57 42 28 35 46 33 22 35
76:2 115 84 57 35 92 67 45 35 57 42 28 35 46 33 22 35
76:3 115 84 57 35 92 67 45 35 57 42 28 35 46 33 22 35
76:4 115 84 57 35 92 67 45 35 57 42 28 35 46 33 22 35
76:5 115 84 57 35 92 67 45 35 57 42 28 35 46 33 22 35
77 141 154 152 255 112 123 121 255 70 77 76 255 56 61 60 255
78 225 231 237 255 180 184 189 255 112 115 118 255 90 92 94 255
79 163 228 236 179 130 182 188 179 81 114 118 179 65 91 94 179
80 225 231 237 255 180 184 189 255 112 115 118 255 90 92 94 255
81 55 98 78 195 44 78 62 195 27 49 39 195 22 39 31 195
82 155 172 168 255 124 137 134 255 77 86 84 255 62 68 67 255
83 105 114 67 175 84 91 53 175 52 57 33 175 42 45 26 175
84 80 78 72 255 64 62 57 255 40 39 36 255 32 31 28 255
85 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
86 169 105 36 255 135 84 28 255 84 52 18 255 67 42 14 255
87 140 65 69 255 112 52 55 255 70 32 34 255 56 26 27 255
88 63 62 58 255 50 49 46 255 31 31 29 255 25 24 23 255
89 114 171 192 255 91 136 153 255 57 85 96 255 45 68 76 255
90 91 0 160 167 72 0 128 167 45 0 80 167 36 0 64 167
91 169 105 36 255 135 84 28 255 84 52 18 255 67 42 14 255
92 196 189 189 195 156 151 151 195 98 94 94 195 78 75 75 195
93 175 175 170 255 140 140 136 255 87 87 85 255 70 70 68 255
94 181 175 170 255 144 140 136 255 90 87 85 255 72 70 68 255
95 158 153 141 176 126 122 112 176 79 76 70 176 63 61 56 176
95:1 158 85 25 176 126 68 20 176 79 42 12 176 63 34 10 176
95:2 158 38 75 176 126 30 60 176 79 19 37 176 63 15 30 176
95:3 43 104 141 176 34 83 112 176 21 52 70 176 17 41 56 176
95:4 158 135 25 176 126 108 20 176 79 67 12 176 63 54 10 176
95:5 77 153 25 176 61 122 20 176 38 76 12 176 30 61 10 176
95:6 158 95 132 176 126 76 105 176 79 47 66 176 63 38 52 176
95:7 71 66 54 176 56 52 43 176 35 33 27 176 28 26 21 176
95:8 100 95 83 176 80 76 66 176 50 47 41 176 40 38 33 176
95:9 43 95 83 176 34 76 66 176 21 47 41 176 17 38 33 176
95:10 118 38 91 176 94 30 72 176 59 19 45 176 47 15 36 176
95:11 43 55 141 176 34 44 112 176 21 27 70 176 17 22 56 176
95:12 100 61 25 176 80 48 20 176 50 30 12 176 40 24 10 176
95:13 43 95 31 176 34 76 24 176 21 47 15 176 17 38 12 176
95:14 158 38 25 176 126 30 20 176 79 19 12 176 63 15 10 176
95:15 43 38 25 176 34 30 20 176 21 19 12 176 17 15 10 176
96 98 95 75 237 78 76 60 237 49 47 37 237 39 38 30 237
97 141 154 152 255 112 123 121 255 70 77 76 255 56 61 60 255
97:1 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
97:2 119 130 126 255 95 104 100 255 59 65 63 255 47 52 50 255
98 119 130 126 255 95 104 100 255 59 65 63 255 47 52 50 255
98:1 115 127 118 255 92 101 94 255 57 63 59 255 46 50 47 255
98:2 112 123 119 255 89 98 95 255 56 61 59 255 44 49 47 255
98:3 110 119 117 255 88 95 93 255 55 59 58 255 44 47 46 255
99 192 192 192 255 153 153 153 255 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255
99:1 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:2 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:3 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:4 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:5 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:6 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:7 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:8 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:9 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:14 100 177 254 254 80 141 203 254 50 88 127 254 40 70 101 254
99:15 215 205 186 255 172 164 148 255 107 102 93 255 86 82 74 255
100 192 192 192 255 153 153 153 255 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255
100:1 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:2 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:3 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:4 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:5 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:6 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:7 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:8 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:9 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:14 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:15 215 205 186 255 172 164 148 255 107 102 93 255 86 82 74 255
101 90 92 89 115 72 73 71 115 45 46 44 115 36 36 35 115
102 79 70 47 96 63 56 37 96 39 35 23 96 31 28 18 96
103 94 151 70 255 75 120 56 255 47 75 35 255 37 60 28 255
104 20 58 31 30 16 46 24 30 10 29 15 30 8 23 12 30
105 20 58 31 30 16 46 24 30 10 29 15 30 8 23 12 30
106 9 43 17 162 7 34 13 162 4 21 8 162 3 17 6 162
107 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
108 143 99 84 255 114 79 67 255 71 49 42 255 57 39 33 255
109 119 130 126 255 95 104 100 255 59 65 63 255 47 52 50 255
110 88 83 100 255 70 66 80 255 44 41 50 255 35 33 40 255
111 17 71 26 157 13 56 20 157 8 35 13 157 6 28 10 157
112 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
113 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
114 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
115 102 23 21 38 81 18 16 38 51 11 10 38 40 9 8 38
115:1 96 22 19 73 76 17 15 73 48 11 9 73 38 8 7 73
115:2 96 22 19 73 76 17 15 73 48 11 9 73 38 8 7 73
115:3 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
115:4 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
115:5 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
115:6 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
115:7 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
116 35 42 44 255 28 33 35 255 17 21 22 255 14 16 17 255
117 88 86 78 117 70 68 62 117 44 43 39 117 35 34 31 117
118 95 94 73 111 76 75 58 111 47 47 36 111 38 37 29 111
119 38 44 56 255 30 35 44 255 19 22 28 255 15 17 22 255
120 93 93 75 255 74 74 60 255 46 46 37 255 37 37 30 255
120:4 113 117 89 96 90 93 71 96 56 58 44 96 45 46 35 96
120:5 113 117 89 96 90 93 71 96 56 58 44 96 45 46 35 96
120:6 113 117 89 96 90 93 71 96 56 58 44 96 45 46 35 96
120:7 113 117 89 96 90 93 71 96 56 58 44 96 45 46 35 96
121 179 179 156 255 143 143 124 255 89 89 78 255 71 71 62 255
122 37 37 41 255 29 29 32 255 18 18 20 255 14 14 16 255
123 80 75 58 255 64 60 46 255 40 37 29 255 32 30 23 255
124 117 134 125 255 93 107 100 255 58 67 62 255 46 53 50 255
125 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
125:1 53 40 39 255 42 32 31 255 26 20 19 255 21 16 15 255
125:2 132 117 100 255 105 93 80 255 66 58 50 255 52 46 40 255
125:3 61 65 49 255 48 52 39 255 30 32 24 255 24 26 19 255
125:4 105 48 43 255 84 38 34 255 52 24 21 255 42 19 17 255
125:5 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
125:9 53 40 39 255 42 32 31 255 26 20 19 255 21 16 15 255
125:10 132 117 100 255 105 93 80 255 66 58 50 255 52 46 40 255
125:11 61 65 49 255 48 52 39 255 30 32 24 255 24 26 19 255
125:12 105 48 43 255 84 38 34 255 52 24 21 255 42 19 17 255
125:13 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
126 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
126:1 53 40 39 255 42 32 31 255 26 20 19 255 21 16 15 255
126:2 132 117 100 255 105 93 80 255 66 58 50 255 52 46 40 255
126:3 61 65 49 255 48 52 39 255 30 32 24 255 24 26 19 255
126:4 105 48 43 255 84 38 34 255 52 24 21 255 42 19 17 255
126:5 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
126:9 53 40 39 255 42 32 31 255 26 20 19 255 21 16 15 255
126:10 132 117 100 255 105 93 80 255 66 58 50 255 52 46 40 255
126:11 61 65 49 255 48 52 39 255 30 32 24 255 24 26 19 255
126:12 105 48 43 255 84 38 34 255 52 24 21 255 42 19 17 255
126:13 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
127 164 130 7 131 131 104 5 131 82 65 3 131 65 52 2 131
128 194 188 163 255 155 150 130 255 97 94 81 255 77 75 65 255
129 99 153 134 255 79 122 107 255 49 76 67 255 39 61 53 255
130:2 39 54 54 197 31 43 43 197 19 27 27 197 15 21 21 197
130:3 39 54 54 197 31 43 43 197 19 27 27 197 15 21 21 197
130:4 39 54 54 197 31 43 43 197 19 27 27 197 15 21 21 197
130:5 39 54 54 197 31 43 43 197 19 27 27 197 15 21 21 197
131 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
133 56 163 125 255 44 130 100 255 28 81 62 255 22 65 50 255
134 53 40 39 255 42 32 31 255 26 20 19 255 21 16 15 255
135 132 117 100 255 105 93 80 255 66 58 50 255 52 46 40 255
136 61 65 49 255 48 52 39 255 30 32 24 255 24 26 19 255
137 94 103 90 255 75 82 72 255 47 51 45 255 37 41 36 255
138 79 70 47 96 63 56 37 96 39 35 23 96 31 28 18 96
139 132 142 134 255 105 113 107 255 66 71 67 255 52 56 53 255
139:1 142 160 145 255 113 128 116 255 71 80 72 255 56 64 58 255
140 143 91 60 49 114 72 48 49 71 45 30 49 57 36 24 49
141 31 91 47 12 24 72 37 12 15 45 23 12 12 36 18 12
141:2 32 95 50 35 25 76 40 35 16 47 25 35 12 38 20 35
141:3 32 95 50 35 25 76 40 35 16 47 25 35 12 38 20 35
141:4 30 88 48 53 24 70 38 53 15 44 24 53 12 35 19 53
141:5 30 88 48 53 24 70 38 53 15 44 24 53 12 35 19 53
141:6 30 88 48 53 24 70 38 53 15 44 24 53 12 35 19 53
141:7 32 90 48 104 25 72 38 104 16 45 24 104 12 36 19 104
142 31 91 47 12 24 72 37 12 15 45 23 12 12 36 18 12
142:2 32 95 50 35 25 76 40 35 16 47 25 35 12 38 20 35
142:3 32 95 50 35 25 76 40 35 16 47 25 35 12 38 20 35
142:4 30 88 48 53 24 70 38 53 15 44 24 53 12 35 19 53
142:5 30 88 48 53 24 70 38 53 15 44 24 53 12 35 19 53
142:6 30 88 48 53 24 70 38 53 15 44 24 53 12 35 19 53
142:7 26 83 46 114 20 66 36 114 13 41 23 114 10 33 18 114
143 65 55 46 255 52 44 36 255 32 27 23 255 26 22 18 255
145 171 171 151 255 136 136 120 255 85 85 75 255 68 68 60 255
146 72 80 89 197 57 64 71 197 36 40 44 197 28 32 35 197
146:4 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
146:5 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
146:6 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
146:7 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
146:8 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
146:9 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
146:10 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
146:11 61 78 102 210 48 62 81 210 30 39 51 210 24 31 40 210
147 162 139 82 255 129 111 65 255 81 69 41 255 64 55 32 255
148 158 154 123 255 126 123 98 255 79 77 61 255 63 61 49 255
149 176 176 171 255 140 140 136 255 88 88 85 255 70 70 68 255
150 182 176 171 255 145 140 136 255 91 88 85 255 72 70 68 255
151 83 91 84 255 66 72 67 255 41 45 42 255 33 36 33 255
152 144 81 54 255 115 64 43 255 72 40 27 255 57 32 21 255
153 154 97 87 255 123 77 69 255 77 48 43 255 61 38 34 255
154 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255 21 21 21 255 17 17 17 255
155 226 230 223 255 180 184 178 255 113 115 111 255 90 92 89 255
155:1 213 218 210 255 170 174 168 255 106 109 105 255 85 87 84 255
155:2 221 226 220 255 176 180 176 255 110 113 110 255 88 90 88 255
155:3 205 212 202 255 164 169 161 255 102 106 101 255 82 84 80 255
155:4 205 212 202 255 164 169 161 255 102 106 101 255 82 84 80 255
156 226 230 223 255 180 184 178 255 113 115 111 255 90 92 89 255
157 101 90 70 211 80 72 56 211 50 45 35 211 40 36 28 211
157:8 106 89 70 211 84 71 56 211 53 44 35 211 42 35 28 211
157:9 106 89 70 211 84 71 56 211 53 44 35 211 42 35 28 211
157:10 106 89 70 211 84 71 56 211 53 44 35 211 42 35 28 211
157:11 106 89 70 211 84 71 56 211 53 44 35 211 42 35 28 211
157:12 106 89 70 211 84 71 56 211 53 44 35 211 42 35 28 211
157:13 106 89 70 211 84 71 56 211 53 44 35 211 42 35 28 211
158 132 133 122 255 105 106 97 255 66 66 61 255 52 53 48 255
158:1 138 141 130 255 110 112 104 255 69 70 65 255 55 56 52 255
159 237 221 214 255 189 176 171 255 118 110 107 255 94 88 85 255
159:1 223 117 65 255 178 93 52 255 111 58 32 255 89 46 26 255
159:2 195 116 195 255 156 92 156 255 97 58 97 255 78 46 78 255
159:3 141 170 195 255 112 136 156 255 70 85 97 255 56 68 78 255
159:4 212 172 65 255 169 137 52 255 106 86 32 255 84 68 26 255
159:5 116 179 77 255 92 143 61 255 58 89 38 255 46 71 30 255
159:6 226 176 179 255 180 140 143 255 113 88 89 255 90 70 71 255
159:7 72 70 67 255 57 56 53 255 36 35 33 255 28 28 26 255
159:8 150 148 142 255 120 118 113 255 75 74 71 255 60 59 56 255
159:9 56 133 146 255 44 106 116 255 28 66 73 255 22 53 58 255
159:10 112 65 146 255 89 52 116 255 56 32 73 255 44 26 58 255
159:11 57 90 153 255 45 72 122 255 28 45 76 255 22 36 61 255
159:12 100 64 47 255 80 51 37 255 50 32 23 255 40 25 18 255
159:13 62 120 53 255 49 96 42 255 31 60 26 255 24 48 21 255
159:14 153 55 55 255 122 44 44 255 76 27 27 255 61 22 22 255
159:15 43 36 35 255 34 28 28 255 21 18 17 255 17 14 14 255
160 158 153 141 176 126 122 112 176 79 76 70 176 63 61 56 176
160:1 158 85 25 176 126 68 20 176 79 42 12 176 63 34 10 176
160:2 158 38 75 176 126 30 60 176 79 19 37 176 63 15 30 176
160:3 43 104 141 176 34 83 112 176 21 52 70 176 17 41 56 176
160:4 158 135 25 176 126 108 20 176 79 67 12 176 63 54 10 176
160:5 77 153 25 176 61 122 20 176 38 76 12 176 30 61 10 176
160:6 158 95 132 176 126 76 105 176 79 47 66 176 63 38 52 176
160:7 71 66 54 176 56 52 43 176 35 33 27 176 28 26 21 176
160:8 100 95 83 176 80 76 66 176 50 47 41 176 40 38 33 176
160:9 43 95 83 176 34 76 66 176 21 47 41 176 17 38 33 176
160:10 118 38 91 176 94 30 72 176 59 19 45 176 47 15 36 176
160:11 43 55 141 176 34 44 112 176 21 27 70 176 17 22 56 176
160:12 100 61 25 176 80 48 20 176 50 30 12 176 40 24 10 176
160:13 43 95 31 176 34 76 24 176 21 47 15 176 17 38 12 176
160:14 158 38 25 176 126 30 20 176 79 19 12 176 63 15 10 176
160:15 43 38 25 176 34 30 20 176 21 19 12 176 17 15 10 176
161 14 63 26 232 11 50 20 232 7 31 13 232 5 25 10 232
161:1 12 53 22 154 9 42 17 154 6 26 11 154 4 21 8 154
161:5 12 53 22 154 9 42 17 154 6 26 11 154 4 21 8 154
161:9 12 53 22 154 9 42 17 154 6 26 11 154 4 21 8 154
161:13 12 53 22 154 9 42 17 154 6 26 11 154 4 21 8 154
162 93 52 47 255 74 41 37 255 46 26 23 255 37 20 18 255
162:1 124 103 95 255 99 82 76 255 62 51 47 255 49 41 38 255
162:4 80 66 56 255 64 52 44 255 40 33 28 255 32 26 22 255
162:5 46 38 30 255 36 30 24 255 23 19 15 255 18 15 12 255
162:8 80 66 56 255 64 52 44 255 40 33 28 255 32 26 22 255
162:9 46 38 30 255 36 30 24 255 23 19 15 255 18 15 12 255
162:12 80 66 56 255 64 52 44 255 40 33 28 255 32 26 22 255
162:13 46 38 30 255 36 30 24 255 23 19 15 255 18 15 12 255
163 105 48 43 255 84 38 34 255 52 24 21 255 42 19 17 255
164 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
165 132 195 210 150 105 156 168 150 66 97 105 150 52 78 84 150
167 132 122 85 230 105 97 68 230 66 61 42 230 52 48 34 230
168 64 81 75 255 51 64 60 255 32 40 37 255 25 32 30 255
168:1 92 105 99 255 73 84 79 255 46 52 49 255 36 42 39 255
168:2 94 108 102 255 75 86 81 255 47 54 51 255 37 43 40 255
169 93 113 108 255 74 90 86 255 46 56 54 255 37 45 43 255
170 222 194 89 255 177 155 71 255 111 97 44 255 88 77 35 255
171 222 224 221 255 177 179 176 255 111 112 110 255 88 89 88 255
171:1 226 120 69 255 180 96 55 255 113 60 34 255 90 48 27 255
171:2 178 101 206 255 142 80 164 255 89 50 103 255 71 40 82 255
171:3 122 171 214 255 97 136 171 255 61 85 107 255 48 68 85 255
171:4 218 191 70 255 174 152 56 255 109 95 35 255 87 76 28 255
171:5 89 200 80 255 71 160 64 255 44 100 40 255 35 80 32 255
171:6 223 172 183 255 178 137 146 255 111 86 91 255 89 68 73 255
171:7 45 48 48 255 36 38 38 255 22 24 24 255 18 19 19 255
171:8 130 140 140 255 104 112 112 255 65 70 70 255 52 56 56 255
171:9 26 114 132 255 20 91 105 255 13 57 66 255 10 45 52 255
171:10 82 57 163 255 65 45 130 255 41 28 81 255 32 22 65 255
171:11 28 73 151 255 22 58 120 255 14 36 75 255 11 29 60 255
171:12 64 50 34 255 51 40 27 255 32 25 17 255 25 20 13 255
171:13 36 108 35 255 28 86 28 255 18 54 17 255 14 43 14 255
171:14 126 39 45 255 100 31 36 255 63 19 22 255 50 15 18 255
171:15 15 18 19 255 12 14 15 255 7 9 9 255 6 7 7 255
172 176 115 86 255 140 92 68 255 88 57 43 255 70 46 34 255
173 42 47 55 255 33 37 44 255 21 23 27 255 16 18 22 255
174 160 217 232 255 128 173 185 255 80 108 116 255 64 86 92 255
175 54 62 47 192 43 49 37 192 27 31 23 192 21 24 18 192
175:8 70 57 45 109 56 45 36 109 35 28 22 109 28 22 18 109
175:9 70 57 45 109 56 45 36 109 35 28 22 109 28 22 18 109
175:10 70 57 45 109 56 45 36 109 35 28 22 109 28 22 18 109
175:11 70 57 45 109 56 45 36 109 35 28 22 109 28 22 18 109
175:12 70 57 45 109 56 45 36 109 35 28 22 109 28 22 18 109
175:13 70 57 45 109 56 45 36 109 35 28 22 109 28 22 18 109
175:14 70 57 45 109 56 45 36 109 35 28 22 109 28 22 18 109
175:15 70 57 45 109 56 45 36 109 35 28 22 109 28 22 18 109
178 82 77 61 255 65 61 48 255 41 38 30 255 32 30 24 255
179 154 79 65 255 123 63 52 255 77 39 32 255 61 31 26 255
180 145 74 62 255 116 59 49 255 72 37 31 255 58 29 24 255
181 154 79 65 255 123 63 52 255 77 39 32 255 61 31 26 255
182 154 79 65 255 123 63 52 255 77 39 32 255 61 31 26 255
183 53 40 39 255 42 32 31 255 26 20 19 255 21 16 15 255
184 132 117 100 255 105 93 80 255 66 58 50 255 52 46 40 255
185 61 65 49 255 48 52 39 255 30 32 24 255 24 26 19 255
186 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
187 105 48 43 255 84 38 34 255 52 24 21 255 42 19 17 255
188 53 40 39 255 42 32 31 255 26 20 19 255 21 16 15 255
189 132 117 100 255 105 93 80 255 66 58 50 255 52 46 40 255
190 61 65 49 255 48 52 39 255 30 32 24 255 24 26 19 255
191 48 41 36 255 38 32 28 255 24 20 18 255 19 16 14 255
192 105 48 43 255 84 38 34 255 52 24 21 255 42 19 17 255
193 78 66 50 255 62 52 40 255 39 33 25 255 31 26 20 255
194 217 210 179 255 173 168 143 255 108 105 89 255 86 84 71 255
195 72 69 52 236 57 55 41 236 36 34 26 236 28 27 20 236
196 161 93 58 183 128 74 46 183 80 46 29 183 64 37 23 183
197 59 51 40 255 47 40 32 255 29 25 20 255 23 20 16 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
1 122 135 128 255 97 108 102 255 61 67 64 255 48 54 51 255
1:1 156 85 51 255 124 68 40 255 78 42 25 255 62 34 20 255
1:2 169 93 57 255 135 74 45 255 84 46 28 255 67 37 22 255
1:3 187 182 174 255 149 145 139 255 93 91 87 255 74 72 69 255
1:4 192 190 182 255 153 152 145 255 96 95 91 255 76 76 72 255
1:5 83 89 82 255 66 71 65 255 41 44 41 255 33 35 32 255
1:6 82 87 82 255 65 69 65 255 41 43 41 255 32 34 32 255
2 53 93 38 255 42 74 30 255 26 46 19 255 21 37 15 255
3 97 70 53 255 77 56 42 255 48 35 26 255 38 28 21 255
3:2 123 84 34 255 98 67 27 255 61 42 17 255 49 33 13 255
4 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
5 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
5:1 63 43 38 255 50 34 30 255 31 21 19 255 25 17 15 255
5:2 114 100 75 255 91 80 60 255 57 50 37 255 45 40 30 255
5:3 65 61 32 255 52 48 25 255 32 30 16 255 26 24 12 255
5:4 77 41 22 255 61 32 17 255 38 20 11 255 30 16 8 255
5:5 57 49 38 255 45 39 30 255 28 24 19 255 22 19 15 255
6 37 59 29 114 29 47 23 114 18 29 14 114 14 23 11 114
6:1 34 54 26 63 27 43 20 63 17 27 13 63 13 21 10 63
6:2 75 97 48 91 60 77 38 91 37 48 24 91 30 38 19 91
6:3 30 69 9 81 24 55 7 81 15 34 4 81 12 27 3 81
6:4 75 76 26 81 60 60 20 81 37 38 13 81 30 30 10 81
6:5 38 41 30 121 30 32 24 121 19 20 15 121 15 16 12 121
6:9 34 54 26 63 27 43 20 63 17 27 13 63 13 21 10 63
6:10 75 97 48 91 60 77 38 91 37 48 24 91 30 38 19 91
6:11 30 69 9 81 24 55 7 81 15 34 4 81 12 27 3 81
6:12 75 76 26 81 60 60 20 81 37 38 13 81 30 30 10 81
6:13 38 41 30 121 30 32 24 121 19 20 15 121 15 16 12 121
7 42 43 46 255 33 34 36 255 21 21 23 255 16 17 18 255
8 65 143 205 141 52 114 164 141 32 71 102 141 26 57 82 141
9 61 136 198 143 48 108 158 143 30 68 99 143 24 54 79 143
9:1 65 143 205 141 52 114 164 141 32 71 102 141 26 57 82 141
9:2 65 143 205 141 52 114 164 141 32 71 102 141 26 57 82 141
9:3 65 143 205 141 52 114 164 141 32 71 102 141 26 57 82 141
9:4 65 143 205 141 52 114 164 141 32 71 102 141 26 57 82 141
9:5 65 143 205 141 52 114 164 141 32 71 102 141 26 57 82 141
9:6 65 143 205 141 52 114 164 141 32 71 102 141 26 57 82 141
9:7 65 143 205 141 52 114 164 141 32 71 102 141 26 57 82 141
10 129 31 15 255 103 24 12 255 64 15 7 255 51 12 6 255
11 128 34 18 255 102 27 14 255 64 17 9 255 51 13 7 255
12 230 217 160 255 184 173 128 255 115 108 80 255 92 86 64 255
12:1 156 96 58 255 124 76 46 255 78 48 29 255 62 38 23 255
13 78 73 62 255 62 58 49 255 39 36 31 255 31 29 24 255
14 130 130 101 255 104 104 80 255 65 65 50 255 52 52 40 255
15 120 120 109 255 96 96 87 255 60 60 54 255 48 48 43 255
16 91 100 95 255 72 80 76 255 45 50 47 255 36 40 38 255
17 140 124 88 255 112 99 70 255 70 62 44 255 56 49 35 255
17:1 124 103 95 255 99 82 76 255 62 51 47 255 49 41 38 255
17:2 141 130 98 255 112 104 78 255 70 65 49 255 56 52 39 255
17:3 117 103 65 255 93 82 52 255 58 51 32 255 46 41 26 255
17:4 73 60 41 255 58 48 32 255 36 30 20 255 29 24 16 255
17:5 51 39 35 255 40 31 28 255 25 19 17 255 20 15 14 255
17:6 182 181 175 255 145 144 140 255 91 90 87 255 72 72 70 255
17:7 43 39 15 255 34 31 12 255 21 19 7 255 17 15 6 255
17:8 73 60 41 255 58 48 32 255 36 30 20 255 29 24 16 255
17:9 51 39 35 255 40 31 28 255 25 19 17 255 20 15 14 255
17:10 182 181 175 255 145 144 140 255 91 90 87 255 72 72 70 255
17:11 43 39 15 255 34 31 12 255 21 19 7 255 17 15 6 255
17:12 73 60 41 255 58 48 32 255 36 30 20 255 29 24 16 255
17:13 51 39 35 255 40 31 28 255 25 19 17 255 20 15 14 255
17:14 182 181 175 255 145 144 140 255 91 90 87 255 72 72 70 255
17:15 43 39 15 255 34 31 12 255 21 19 7 255 17 15 6 255
18 44 78 32 214 35 62 25 214 22 39 16 214 17 31 12 214
18:1 37 65 31 229 29 52 24 229 18 32 15 229 14 26 12 229
18:2 87 113 58 167 69 90 46 167 43 56 29 167 34 45 23 167
18:3 43 77 32 232 34 61 25 232 21 38 16 232 17 30 12 232
18:5 37 65 31 229 29 52 24 229 18 32 15 229 14 26 12 229
18:6 87 113 58 167 69 90 46 167 43 56 29 167 34 45 23 167
18:7 43 77 32 232 34 61 25 232 21 38 16 232 17 30 12 232
18:9 37 65 31 229 29 52 24 229 18 32 15 229 14 26 12 229
18:10 87 113 58 167 69 90 46 167 43 56 29 167 34 45 23 167
18:11 43 77 32 232 34 61 25 232 21 38 16 232 17 30 12 232
18:13 37 65 31 229 29 52 24 229 18 32 15 229 14 26 12 229
18:14 87 113 58 167 69 90 46 167 43 56 29 167 34 45 23 167
18:15 43 77 32 232 34 61 25 232 21 38 16 232 17 30 12 232
19 187 168 87 255 149 134 69 255 93 84 43 255 74 67 34 255
19:1 159 143 77 255 127 114 61 255 79 71 38 255 63 57 30 255
20 67 66 61 96 53 52 48 96 33 33 30 96 26 26 24 96
21 92 115 131 255 73 92 104 255 46 57 65 255 36 46 52 255
22 44 87 152 255 35 69 121 255 22 43 76 255 17 34 60 255
23 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
23:1 112 117 107 255 89 93 85 255 56 58 53 255 44 46 42 255
23:9 112 117 107 255 89 93 85 255 56 58 53 255 44 46 42 255
24 214 200 152 255 171 160 121 255 107 100 76 255 85 80 60 255
25 83 80 70 255 66 64 56 255 41 40 35 255 33 32 28 255
26 125 38 34 255 100 30 27 255 62 19 17 255 50 15 13 255
26:8 170 153 137 255 136 122 109 255 85 76 68 255 68 61 54 255
26:9 170 153 137 255 136 122 109 255 85 76 68 255 68 61 54 255
26:10 170 153 137 255 136 122 109 255 85 76 68 255 68 61 54 255
26:11 170 153 137 255 136 122 109 255 85 76 68 255 68 61 54 255
27 91 77 53 211 72 61 42 211 45 38 26 211 36 30 21 211
27:8 98 76 53 211 78 60 42 211 49 38 26 211 39 30 21 211
27:9 98 76 53 211 78 60 42 211 49 38 26 211 39 30 21 211
27:10 98 76 53 211 78 60 42 211 49 38 26 211 39 30 21 211
27:11 98 76 53 211 78 60 42 211 49 38 26 211 39 30 21 211
27:12 98 76 53 211 78 60 42 211 49 38 26 211 39 30 21 211
27:13 98 76 53 211 78 60 42 211 49 38 26 211 39 30 21 211
28 89 81 73 232 71 64 58 232 44 40 36 232 35 32 29 232
29 119 134 126 255 95 107 100 255 59 67 63 255 47 53 50 255
29:1 63 72 39 255 50 57 31 255 31 36 19 255 25 28 15 255
29:2 112 120 110 255 89 96 88 255 56 60 55 255 44 48 44 255
29:3 112 120 110 255 89 96 88 255 56 60 55 255 44 48 44 255
29:4 112 120 110 255 89 96 88 255 56 60 55 255 44 48 44 255
29:5 112 120 110 255 89 96 88 255 56 60 55 255 44 48 44 255
29:9 110 124 117 255 88 99 93 255 55 62 58 255 44 49 46 255
29:10 119 132 124 207 95 105 99 207 59 66 62 207 47 52 49 207
29:11 119 132 124 207 95 105 99 207 59 66 62 207 47 52 49 207
29:12 119 132 124 207 95 105 99 207 59 66 62 207 47 52 49 207
29:13 119 132 124 207 95 105 99 207 59 66 62 207 47 52 49 207
30 191 193 197 76 152 154 157 76 95 96 98 76 76 77 78 76
31 103 96 56 122 82 76 44 122 51 48 28 122 41 38 22 122
31:1 51 90 37 56 40 72 29 56 25 45 18 56 20 36 14 56
31:2 40 71 29 111 32 56 23 111 20 35 14 111 16 28 11 111
32 103 96 56 122 82 76 44 122 51 48 28 122 41 38 22 122
33 119 134 126 255 95 107 100 255 59 67 63 255 47 53 50 255
33:1 76 66 52 255 60 52 41 255 38 33 26 255 30 26 20 255
33:2 112 120 110 255 89 96 88 255 56 60 55 255 44 48 44 255
33:3 112 120 110 255 89 96 88 255 56 60 55 255 44 48 44 255
33:4 112 120 110 255 89 96 88 255 56 60 55 255 44 48 44 255
33:5 112 120 110 255 89 96 88 255 56 60 55 255 44 48 44 255
33:9 110 124 117 255 88 99 93 255 55 62 58 255 44 49 46 255
33:10 119 132 124 207 95 105 99 207 59 66 62 207 47 52 49 207
33:11 119 132 124 207 95 105 99 207 59 66 62 207 47 52 49 207
33:12 119 132 124 207 95 105 99 207 59 66 62 207 47 52 49 207
33:13 119 132 124 207 95 105 99 207 59 66 62 207 47 52 49 207
34 110 124 117 255 88 99 93 255 55 62 58 255 44 49 46 255
34:1 76 66 52 255 60 52 41 255 38 33 26 255 30 26 20 255
34:2 83 69 52 111 66 55 41 111 41 34 26 111 33 27 20 111
34:3 83 69 52 111 66 55 41 111 41 34 26 111 33 27 20 111
34:4 83 69 52 111 66 55 41 111 41 34 26 111 33 27 20 111
34:5 83 69 52 111 66 55 41 111 41 34 26 111 33 27 20 111
34:9 63 72 39 255 50 57 31 255 31 36 19 255 25 28 15 255
34:10 83 69 52 111 66 55 41 111 41 34 26 111 33 27 20 111
34:11 83 69 52 111 66 55 41 111 41 34 26 111 33 27 20 111
34:12 83 69 52 111 66 55 41 111 41 34 26 111 33 27 20 111
34:13 83 69 52 111 66 55 41 111 41 34 26 111 33 27 20 111
35 220 218 214 255 176 174 171 255 110 109 107 255 88 87 85 255
35:1 217 100 46 255 173 80 36 255 108 50 23 255 86 40 18 255
35:2 169 82 188 255 135 65 150 255 84 41 94 255 67 32 75 255
35:3 118 149 198 255 94 119 158 255 59 74 99 255 47 59 79 255
35:4 209 172 48 255 167 137 38 255 104 86 24 255 83 68 19 255
35:5 94 183 60 255 75 146 48 255 47 91 30 255 37 73 24 255
35:6 215 147 157 255 172 117 125 255 107 73 78 255 86 58 62 255
35:7 54 52 50 255 43 41 40 255 27 26 25 255 21 20 20 255
35:8 125 134 129 255 100 107 103 255 62 67 64 255 50 53 51 255
35:9 41 102 113 255 32 81 90 255 20 51 56 255 16 40 45 255
35:10 92 47 143 255 73 37 114 255 46 23 71 255 36 18 57 255
35:11 41 65 130 255 32 52 104 255 20 32 65 255 16 26 52 255
35:12 84 50 29 255 67 40 23 255 42 25 14 255 33 20 11 255
35:13 54 99 26 255 43 79 20 255 27 49 13 255 21 39 10 255
35:14 131 33 35 255 104 26 28 255 65 16 17 255 52 13 14 255
35:15 25 23 21 255 20 18 16 255 12 11 10 255 10 9 8 255
37 122 113 26 19 97 90 20 19 61 56 13 19 48 45 10 19
38 94 33 25 22 75 26 20 22 47 16 12 22 37 13 10 22
38:1 59 101 122 63 47 80 97 63 29 50 61 63 23 40 48 63
38:2 117 106 120 68 93 84 96 68 58 53 60 68 46 42 48 68
38:3 64 69 56 69 51 55 44 69 32 34 28 69 25 27 22 69
38:4 96 69 39 104 76 55 31 104 48 34 19 104 38 27 15 104
38:5 98 93 35 104 78 74 28 104 49 46 17 104 39 37 14 104
38:6 117 136 98 104 93 108 78 104 58 68 49 104 46 54 39 104
38:7 113 101 69 104 90 80 55 104 56 50 34 104 45 40 27 104
38:8 180 183 163 52 144 146 130 52 90 91 81 52 72 73 65 52
39 142 109 85 43 113 87 68 43 71 54 42 43 56 43 34 43
40 157 90 78 35 125 72 62 35 78 45 39 35 62 36 31 35
41 190 161 90 255 152 128 72 255 95 80 45 255 76 64 36 255
42 104 108 101 255 83 86 80 255 52 54 50 255 41 43 40 255
43 153 169 161 255 122 135 128 255 76 84 80 255 61 67 64 255
43:1 214 200 152 255 171 160 121 255 107 100 76 255 85 80 60 255
43:2 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
43:3 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
43:4 142 93 66 255 113 74 52 255 71 46 33 255 56 37 26 255
43:5 110 125 118 255 88 100 94 255 55 62 59 255 44 50 47 255
43:6 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
43:7 207 204 195 255 165 163 156 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 78 255
43:9 214 200 152 255 171 160 121 255 107 100 76 255 85 80 60 255
43:10 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
43:11 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
43:12 142 93 66 255 113 74 52 255 71 46 33 255 56 37 26 255
43:13 110 125 118 255 88 100 94 255 55 62 59 255 44 50 47 255
43:14 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
43:15 207 204 195 255 165 163 156 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 78 255
44 153 169 161 255 122 135 128 255 76 84 80 255 61 67 64 255
44:1 214 200 152 255 171 160 121 255 107 100 76 255 85 80 60 255
44:2 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
44:3 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
44:4 142 93 66 255 113 74 52 255 71 46 33 255 56 37 26 255
44:5 110 125 118 255 88 100 94 255 55 62 59 255 44 50 47 255
44:6 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
44:7 207 204 195 255 165 163 156 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 78 255
44:9 214 200 152 255 171 160 121 255 107 100 76 255 85 80 60 255
44:10 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
44:11 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
44:12 142 93 66 255 113 74 52 255 71 46 33 255 56 37 26 255
44:13 110 125 118 255 88 100 94 255 55 62 59 255 44 50 47 255
44:14 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
44:15 207 204 195 255 165 163 156 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 78 255
45 142 93 66 255 113 74 52 255 71 46 33 255 56 37 26 255
46 89 37 30 255 71 29 24 255 44 18 15 255 35 14 12 255
47 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
48 104 117 92 255 83 93 73 255 52 58 46 255 41 46 36 255
49 47 44 58 255 37 35 46 255 23 22 29 255 18 17 23 255
50 105 88 59 48 84 70 47 48 52 44 29 48 42 35 23 48
51 239 149 41 168 191 119 32 168 119 74 20 168 95 59 16 168
52 62 58 54 204 49 46 43 204 31 29 27 204 24 23 21 204
53 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
54 99 59 51 197 79 47 40 197 49 29 25 197 39 23 20 197
54:4 106 52 42 210 84 41 33 210 53 26 21 210 42 20 16 210
54:5 106 52 42 210 84 41 33 210 53 26 21 210 42 20 16 210
54:6 106 52 42 210 84 41 33 210 53 26 21 210 42 20 16 210
54:7 106 52 42 210 84 41 33 210 53 26 21 210 42 20 16 210
54:8 106 51 42 210 84 40 33 210 53 25 21 210 42 20 16 210
54:9 106 51 42 210 84 40 33 210 53 25 21 210 42 20 16 210
54:10 106 51 42 210 84 40 33 210 53 25 21 210 42 20 16 210
54:11 106 51 42 210 84 40 33 210 53 25 21 210 42 20 16 210
55 194 197 201 50 155 157 160 50 97 98 100 50 77 78 80 50
56 107 140 139 255 85 112 111 255 53 70 69 255 42 56 55 255
57 109 148 147 255 87 118 117 255 54 74 73 255 43 59 58 255
58 189 182 162 255 151 145 129 255 94 91 81 255 75 72 64 255
59 41 81 31 29 32 64 24 29 20 40 15 29 16 32 12 29
59:1 40 80 31 39 32 64 24 39 20 40 15 39 16 32 12 39
59:2 40 79 31 50 32 63 24 50 20 39 15 50 16 31 12 50
59:3 39 78 30 60 31 62 24 60 19 39 15 60 15 31 12 60
59:4 65 94 39 82 52 75 31 82 32 47 19 82 26 37 15 82
59:5 85 107 47 109 68 85 37 109 42 53 23 109 34 42 18 109
59:6 115 121 52 123 92 96 41 123 57 60 26 123 46 48 20 123
59:7 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
59:8 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
59:9 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
59:10 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
59:11 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
59:12 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
59:13 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
59:14 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
59:15 162 140 87 134 129 112 69 134 81 70 43 134 64 56 34 134
60 73 74 45 255 58 59 36 255 36 37 22 255 29 29 18 255
60:1 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:2 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:3 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:4 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:5 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:6 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:7 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:8 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:9 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:10 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:11 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:12 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:13 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:14 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
60:15 54 60 36 255 43 48 28 255 27 30 18 255 21 24 14 255
61:2 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
61:3 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
61:4 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
61:5 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
62:2 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
62:3 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
62:4 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
62:5 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
63 71 65 50 10 56 52 40 10 35 32 25 10 28 26 20 10
64 90 87 78 226 72 69 62 226 45 43 39 226 36 34 31 226
65 42 41 35 116 33 32 28 116 21 20 17 116 16 16 14 116
66 73 66 56 208 58 52 44 208 36 33 28 208 29 26 22 208
66:6 75 71 63 99 60 56 50 99 37 35 31 99 30 28 25 99
66:7 75 71 63 99 60 56 50 99 37 35 31 99 30 28 25 99
66:8 75 71 63 99 60 56 50 99 37 35 31 99 30 28 25 99
66:9 75 71 63 99 60 56 50 99 37 35 31 99 30 28 25 99
67 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
68 71 65 50 10 56 52 40 10 35 32 25 10 28 26 20 10
69 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
70 122 135 128 255 97 108 102 255 61 67 64 255 48 54 51 255
71 103 106 100 239 82 84 80 239 51 53 50 239 41 42 40 239
72 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
73 122 84 80 255 97 67 64 255 61 42 40 255 48 33 32 255
74 122 84 80 255 97 67 64 255 61 42 40 255 48 33 32 255
75:1 71 61 58 35 56 48 46 35 35 30 29 35 28 24 23 35
75:2 71 61 58 35 56 48 46 35 35 30 29 35 28 24 23 35
75:3 71 61 58 35 56 48 46 35 35 30 29 35 28 24 23 35
75:4 71 61 58 35 56 48 46 35 35 30 29 35 28 24 23 35
75:5 71 61 58 35 56 48 46 35 35 30 29 35 28 24 23 35
76:1 78 62 58 35 62 49 46 35 39 31 29 35 31 24 23 35
76:2 78 62 58 35 62 49 46 35 39 31 29 35 31 24 23 35
76:3 78 62 58 35 62 49 46 35 39 31 29 35 31 24 23 35
76:4 78 62 58 35 62 49 46 35 39 31 29 35 31 24 23 35
76:5 78 62 58 35 62 49 46 35 39 31 29 35 31 24 23 35
77 122 135 128 255 97 108 102 255 61 67 64 255 48 54 51 255
78 219 226 232 255 175 180 185 255 109 113 116 255 87 90 92 255
79 159 208 241 179 127 166 192 179 79 104 120 179 63 83 96 179
80 219 226 232 255 175 180 185 255 109 113 116 255 87 90 92 255
81 74 110 55 195 59 88 44 195 37 55 27 195 29 44 22 195
82 143 159 164 255 114 127 131 255 71 79 82 255 57 63 65 255
83 123 114 58 175 98 91 46 175 61 57 29 175 49 45 23 175
84 82 79 73 255 65 63 58 255 41 39 36 255 32 31 29 255
85 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
86 183 99 31 255 146 79 24 255 91 49 15 255 73 39 12 255
87 118 61 65 255 94 48 52 255 59 30 32 255 47 24 26 255
88 91 66 62 255 72 52 49 255 45 33 31 255 36 26 24 255
89 197 144 71 255 157 115 56 255 98 72 35 255 78 57 28 255
90 91 0 160 167 72 0 128 167 45 0 80 167 36 0 64 167
91 183 99 31 255 146 79 24 255 91 49 15 255 73 39 12 255
92 196 189 189 195 156 151 151 195 98 94 94 195 78 75 75 195
93 128 136 130 255 102 108 104 255 64 68 65 255 51 54 52 255
94 131 136 129 255 104 108 103 255 65 68 64 255 52 54 51 255
95 152 151 148 176 121 120 118 176 76 75 74 176 60 60 59 176
95:1 152 84 33 176 121 67 26 176 76 42 16 176 60 33 13 176
95:2 152 36 82 176 121 28 65 176 76 18 41 176 60 14 32 176
95:3 37 102 148 176 29 81 118 176 18 51 74 176 14 40 59 176
95:4 152 133 33 176 121 106 26 176 76 66 16 176 60 53 13 176
95:5 70 151 33 176 56 120 26 176 35 75 16 176 28 60 13 176
95:6 152 93 140 176 121 74 112 176 76 46 70 176 60 37 56 176
95:7 65 65 61 176 52 52 48 176 32 32 30 176 26 26 24 176
95:8 94 93 90 176 75 74 72 176 47 46 45 176 37 37 36 176
95:9 37 93 90 176 29 74 72 176 18 46 45 176 14 37 36 176
95:10 112 36 98 176 89 28 78 176 56 18 49 176 44 14 39 176
95:11 37 53 148 176 29 42 118 176 18 26 74 176 14 21 59 176
95:12 94 59 33 176 75 47 26 176 47 29 16 176 37 23 13 176
95:13 37 93 39 176 29 74 31 176 18 46 19 176 14 37 15 176
95:14 152 36 33 176 121 28 26 176 76 18 16 176 60 14 13 176
95:15 37 36 33 176 29 28 26 176 18 18 16 176 14 14 13 176
96 91 88 79 237 72 70 63 237 45 44 39 237 36 35 31 237
97 122 135 128 255 97 108 102 255 61 67 64 255 48 54 51 255
97:1 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
97:2 110 125 118 255 88 100 94 255 55 62 59 255 44 50 47 255
98 110 125 118 255 88 100 94 255 55 62 59 255 44 50 47 255
98:1 107 123 111 255 85 98 88 255 53 61 55 255 42 49 44 255
98:2 102 116 109 255 81 92 87 255 51 58 54 255 40 46 43 255
98:3 88 99 94 255 70 79 75 255 44 49 47 255 35 39 37 255
99 198 188 168 255 158 150 134 255 99 94 84 255 79 75 67 255
99:1 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:2 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:3 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:4 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:5 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:6 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:7 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:8 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:9 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:14 132 118 92 255 105 94 73 255 66 59 46 255 52 47 36 255
99:15 215 205 186 255 172 164 148 255 107 102 93 255 86 82 74 255
100 198 188 168 255 158 150 134 255 99 94 84 255 79 75 67 255
100:1 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:2 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:3 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:4 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:5 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:6 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:7 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:8 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:9 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:14 162 39 33 255 129 31 26 255 81 19 16 255 64 15 13 255
100:15 215 205 186 255 172 164 148 255 107 102 93 255 86 82 74 255
101 60 60 56 123 48 48 44 123 30 30 28 123 24 24 22 123
102 67 66 61 96 53 52 48 96 33 33 30 96 26 26 24 96
103 94 159 67 255 75 127 53 255 47 79 33 255 37 63 26 255
104 32 57 24 30 25 45 19 30 16 28 12 30 12 22 9 30
105 32 57 24 30 25 45 19 30 16 28 12 30 12 22 9 30
106 31 55 23 170 24 44 18 170 15 27 11 170 12 22 9 170
107 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
108 142 93 66 255 113 74 52 255 71 46 33 255 56 37 26 255
109 110 125 118 255 88 100 94 255 55 62 59 255 44 50 47 255
110 95 78 97 255 76 62 77 255 47 39 48 255 38 31 38 255
111 17 71 26 157 13 56 20 157 8 35 13 157 6 28 10 157
112 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
113 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
114 51 27 33 255 40 21 26 255 25 13 16 255 20 10 13 255
115 102 23 21 38 81 18 16 38 51 11 10 38 40 9 8 38
115:1 96 22 19 73 76 17 15 73 48 11 9 73 38 8 7 73
115:2 96 22 19 73 76 17 15 73 48 11 9 73 38 8 7 73
115:3 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
115:4 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
115:5 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
115:6 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
115:7 98 25 21 160 78 20 16 160 49 12 10 160 39 10 8 160
116 45 33 35 255 36 26 28 255 22 16 17 255 18 13 14 255
117 79 72 66 112 63 57 52 112 39 36 33 112 31 28 26 112
118 62 62 62 111 49 49 49 111 31 31 31 111 24 24 24 111
119 47 44 58 255 37 35 46 255 23 22 29 255 18 17 23 255
120 135 137 126 255 108 109 100 255 67 68 63 255 54 54 50 255
120:4 140 150 130 95 112 120 104 95 70 75 65 95 56 60 52 95
120:5 140 150 130 95 112 120 104 95 70 75 65 95 56 60 52 95
120:6 140 150 130 95 112 120 104 95 70 75 65 95 56 60 52 95
120:7 140 150 130 95 112 120 104 95 70 75 65 95 56 60 52 95
121 179 179 156 255 143 143 124 255 89 89 78 255 71 71 62 255
122 37 37 41 255 29 29 32 255 18 18 20 255 14 14 16 255
123 60 53 44 255 48 42 35 255 30 26 22 255 24 21 17 255
124 137 111 65 255 109 88 52 255 68 55 32 255 54 44 26 255
125 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
125:1 63 43 38 255 50 34 30 255 31 21 19 255 25 17 15 255
125:2 114 100 75 255 91 80 60 255 57 50 37 255 45 40 30 255
125:3 65 61 32 255 52 48 25 255 32 30 16 255 26 24 12 255
125:4 77 41 22 255 61 32 17 255 38 20 11 255 30 16 8 255
125:5 57 49 38 255 45 39 30 255 28 24 19 255 22 19 15 255
125:9 63 43 38 255 50 34 30 255 31 21 19 255 25 17 15 255
125:10 114 100 75 255 91 80 60 255 57 50 37 255 45 40 30 255
125:11 65 61 32 255 52 48 25 255 32 30 16 255 26 24 12 255
125:12 77 41 22 255 61 32 17 255 38 20 11 255 30 16 8 255
125:13 57 49 38 255 45 39 30 255 28 24 19 255 22 19 15 255
126 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
126:1 63 43 38 255 50 34 30 255 31 21 19 255 25 17 15 255
126:2 114 100 75 255 91 80 60 255 57 50 37 255 45 40 30 255
126:3 65 61 32 255 52 48 25 255 32 30 16 255 26 24 12 255
126:4 77 41 22 255 61 32 17 255 38 20 11 255 30 16 8 255
126:5 57 49 38 255 45 39 30 255 28 24 19 255 22 19 15 255
126:9 63 43 38 255 50 34 30 255 31 21 19 255 25 17 15 255
126:10 114 100 75 255 91 80 60 255 57 50 37 255 45 40 30 255
126:11 65 61 32 255 52 48 25 255 32 30 16 255 26 24 12 255
126:12 77 41 22 255 61 32 17 255 38 20 11 255 30 16 8 255
126:13 57 49 38 255 45 39 30 255 28 24 19 255 22 19 15 255
127 164 130 7 131 131 104 5 131 82 65 3 131 65 52 2 131
128 205 189 142 255 164 151 113 255 102 94 71 255 82 75 56 255
129 91 133 108 255 72 106 86 255 45 66 54 255 36 53 43 255
130:2 44 41 53 197 35 32 42 197 22 20 26 197 17 16 21 197
130:3 44 41 53 197 35 32 42 197 22 20 26 197 17 16 21 197
130:4 44 41 53 197 35 32 42 197 22 20 26 197 17 16 21 197
130:5 44 41 53 197 35 32 42 197 22 20 26 197 17 16 21 197
131 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
133 40 138 79 255 32 110 63 255 20 69 39 255 16 55 31 255
134 63 43 38 255 50 34 30 255 31 21 19 255 25 17 15 255
135 114 100 75 255 91 80 60 255 57 50 37 255 45 40 30 255
136 65 61 32 255 52 48 25 255 32 30 16 255 26 24 12 255
137 88 76 71 255 70 60 56 255 44 38 35 255 35 30 28 255
138 67 66 61 96 53 52 48 96 33 33 30 96 26 26 24 96
139 99 109 98 255 79 87 78 255 49 54 49 255 39 43 39 255
139:1 104 117 92 255 83 93 73 255 52 58 46 255 41 46 36 255
140 143 91 60 49 114 72 48 49 71 45 30 49 57 36 24 49
141 41 80 41 12 32 64 32 12 20 40 20 12 16 32 16 12
141:2 44 83 44 35 35 66 35 35 22 41 22 35 17 33 17 35
141:3 44 83 44 35 35 66 35 35 22 41 22 35 17 33 17 35
141:4 39 77 41 53 31 61 32 53 19 38 20 53 15 30 16 53
141:5 39 77 41 53 31 61 32 53 19 38 20 53 15 30 16 53
141:6 39 77 41 53 31 61 32 53 19 38 20 53 15 30 16 53
141:7 41 79 42 104 32 63 33 104 20 39 21 104 16 31 16 104
142 41 80 41 12 32 64 32 12 20 40 20 12 16 32 16 12
142:2 44 83 44 35 35 66 35 35 22 41 22 35 17 33 17 35
142:3 44 83 44 35 35 66 35 35 22 41 22 35 17 33 17 35
142:4 39 77 41 53 31 61 32 53 19 38 20 53 15 30 16 53
142:5 39 77 41 53 31 61 32 53 19 38 20 53 15 30 16 53
142:6 39 77 41 53 31 61 32 53 19 38 20 53 15 30 16 53
142:7 32 73 38 114 25 58 30 114 16 36 19 114 12 29 15 114
143 86 70 50 255 68 56 40 255 43 35 25 255 34 28 20 255
145 38 38 38 255 30 30 30 255 19 19 19 255 15 15 15 255
146 99 59 51 197 79 47 40 197 49 29 25 197 39 23 20 197
146:4 106 52 42 210 84 41 33 210 53 26 21 210 42 20 16 210
146:5 106 52 42 210 84 41 33 210 53 26 21 210 42 20 16 210
146:6 106 52 42 210 84 41 33 210 53 26 21 210 42 20 16 210
146:7 106 52 42 210 84 41 33 210 53 26 21 210 42 20 16 210
146:8 106 51 42 210 84 40 33 210 53 25 21 210 42 20 16 210
146:9 106 51 42 210 84 40 33 210 53 25 21 210 42 20 16 210
146:10 106 51 42 210 84 40 33 210 53 25 21 210 42 20 16 210
146:11 106 51 42 210 84 40 33 210 53 25 21 210 42 20 16 210
147 190 161 90 255 152 128 72 255 95 80 45 255 76 64 36 255
148 104 108 101 255 83 86 80 255 52 54 50 255 41 43 40 255
149 130 137 131 255 104 109 104 255 65 68 65 255 52 54 52 255
150 133 137 131 255 106 109 104 255 66 68 65 255 53 54 52 255
151 83 95 91 255 66 76 72 255 41 47 45 255 33 38 36 255
152 95 56 52 255 76 44 41 255 47 28 26 255 38 22 20 255
153 139 87 79 255 111 69 63 255 69 43 39 255 55 34 31 255
154 43 43 43 255 34 34 34 255 21 21 21 255 17 17 17 255
155 207 204 195 255 165 163 156 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 78 255
155:1 195 191 181 255 156 152 144 255 97 95 90 255 78 76 72 255
155:2 203 201 191 255 162 160 152 255 101 100 95 255 81 80 76 255
155:3 189 184 172 255 151 147 137 255 94 92 86 255 75 73 68 255
155:4 189 184 172 255 151 147 137 255 94 92 86 255 75 73 68 255
156 207 204 195 255 165 163 156 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 78 255
157 77 69 62 211 61 55 49 211 38 34 31 211 30 27 24 211
157:8 84 69 61 211 67 55 48 211 42 34 30 211 33 27 24 211
157:9 84 69 61 211 67 55 48 211 42 34 30 211 33 27 24 211
157:10 84 69 61 211 67 55 48 211 42 34 30 211 33 27 24 211
157:11 84 69 61 211 67 55 48 211 42 34 30 211 33 27 24 211
157:12 84 69 61 211 67 55 48 211 42 34 30 211 33 27 24 211
157:13 84 69 61 211 67 55 48 211 42 34 30 211 33 27 24 211
158 116 118 105 255 92 94 84 255 58 59 52 255 46 47 42 255
158:1 111 117 107 255 88 93 85 255 55 58 53 255 44 46 42 255
159 164 133 108 255 131 106 86 255 82 66 54 255 65 53 43 255
159:1 162 89 52 255 129 71 41 255 81 44 26 255 64 35 20 255
159:2 164 110 94 255 131 88 75 255 82 55 47 255 65 44 37 255
159:3 78 110 114 255 62 88 91 255 39 55 57 255 31 44 45 255
159:4 146 102 47 255 116 81 37 255 73 51 23 255 58 40 18 255
159:5 109 113 52 255 87 90 41 255 54 56 26 255 43 45 20 255
159:6 143 80 97 255 114 64 77 255 71 40 48 255 57 32 38 255
159:7 52 37 28 255 41 29 22 255 26 18 14 255 20 14 11 255
159:8 121 96 74 255 96 76 59 255 60 48 37 255 48 38 29 255
159:9 51 53 81 255 40 42 64 255 25 26 40 255 20 21 32 255
159:10 100 76 107 255 80 60 85 255 50 38 53 255 40 30 42 255
159:11 72 91 121 255 57 72 96 255 36 45 60 255 28 36 48 255
159:12 102 60 38 255 81 48 30 255 51 30 19 255 40 24 15 255
159:13 55 70 20 255 44 56 16 255 27 35 10 255 22 28 8 255
159:14 124 57 42 255 99 45 33 255 62 28 21 255 49 22 16 255
159:15 27 19 14 255 21 15 11 255 13 9 7 255 10 7 5 255
160 152 151 148 176 121 120 118 176 76 75 74 176 60 60 59 176
160:1 152 84 33 176 121 67 26 176 76 42 16 176 60 33 13 176
160:2 152 36 82 176 121 28 65 176 76 18 41 176 60 14 32 176
160:3 37 102 148 176 29 81 118 176 18 51 74 176 14 40 59 176
160:4 152 133 33 176 121 106 26 176 76 66 16 176 60 53 13 176
160:5 70 151 33 176 56 120 26 176 35 75 16 176 28 60 13 176
160:6 152 93 140 176 121 74 112 176 76 46 70 176 60 37 56 176
160:7 65 65 61 176 52 52 48 176 32 32 30 176 26 26 24 176
160:8 94 93 90 176 75 74 72 176 47 46 45 176 37 37 36 176
160:9 37 93 90 176 29 74 72 176 18 46 45 176 14 37 36 176
160:10 112 36 98 176 89 28 78 176 56 18 49 176 44 14 39 176
160:11 37 53 148 176 29 42 118 176 18 26 74 176 14 21 59 176
160:12 94 59 33 176 75 47 26 176 47 29 16 176 37 23 13 176
160:13 37 93 39 176 29 74 31 176 18 46 19 176 14 37 15 176
160:14 152 36 33 176 121 28 26 176 76 18 16 176 60 14 13 176
160:15 37 36 33 176 29 28 26 176 18 18 16 176 14 14 13 176
161 43 77 32 232 34 61 25 232 21 38 16 232 17 30 12 232
161:1 44 78 32 214 35 62 25 214 22 39 16 214 17 31 12 214
161:5 44 78 32 214 35 62 25 214 22 39 16 214 17 31 12 214
161:9 44 78 32 214 35 62 25 214 22 39 16 214 17 31 12 214
161:13 44 78 32 214 35 62 25 214 22 39 16 214 17 31 12 214
162 102 55 41 255 81 44 32 255 51 27 20 255 40 22 16 255
162:1 124 103 95 255 99 82 76 255 62 51 47 255 49 41 38 255
162:4 84 69 52 255 67 55 41 255 42 34 26 255 33 27 20 255
162:5 51 39 35 255 40 31 28 255 25 19 17 255 20 15 14 255
162:8 84 69 52 255 67 55 41 255 42 34 26 255 33 27 20 255
162:9 51 39 35 255 40 31 28 255 25 19 17 255 20 15 14 255
162:12 84 69 52 255 67 55 41 255 42 34 26 255 33 27 20 255
162:13 51 39 35 255 40 31 28 255 25 19 17 255 20 15 14 255
163 77 41 22 255 61 32 17 255 38 20 11 255 30 16 8 255
164 57 49 38 255 45 39 30 255 28 24 19 255 22 19 15 255
165 163 217 118 150 130 173 94 150 81 108 59 150 65 86 47 150
167 111 114 109 239 88 91 87 239 55 57 54 239 44 45 43 239
168 118 123 96 255 94 98 76 255 59 61 48 255 47 49 38 255
168:1 85 96 84 255 68 76 67 255 42 48 42 255 34 38 33 255
168:2 86 99 86 255 68 79 68 255 43 49 43 255 34 39 34 255
169 89 106 92 255 71 84 73 255 44 53 46 255 35 42 36 255
170 222 194 89 255 177 155 71 255 111 97 44 255 88 77 35 255
171 220 218 214 255 176 174 171 255 110 109 107 255 88 87 85 255
171:1 217 100 46 255 173 80 36 255 108 50 23 255 86 40 18 255
171:2 169 82 188 255 135 65 150 255 84 41 94 255 67 32 75 255
171:3 118 149 198 255 94 119 158 255 59 74 99 255 47 59 79 255
171:4 209 172 48 255 167 137 38 255 104 86 24 255 83 68 19 255
171:5 94 183 60 255 75 146 48 255 47 91 30 255 37 73 24 255
171:6 215 147 157 255 172 117 125 255 107 73 78 255 86 58 62 255
171:7 54 52 50 255 43 41 40 255 27 26 25 255 21 20 20 255
171:8 125 134 129 255 100 107 103 255 62 67 64 255 50 53 51 255
171:9 41 102 113 255 32 81 90 255 20 51 56 255 16 40 45 255
171:10 92 47 143 255 73 37 114 255 46 23 71 255 36 18 57 255
171:11 41 65 130 255 32 52 104 255 20 32 65 255 16 26 52 255
171:12 84 50 29 255 67 40 23 255 42 25 14 255 33 20 11 255
171:13 54 99 26 255 43 79 20 255 27 49 13 255 21 39 10 255
171:14 131 33 35 255 104 26 28 255 65 16 17 255 52 13 14 255
171:15 25 23 21 255 20 18 16 255 12 11 10 255 10 9 8 255
172 141 100 74 255 112 80 59 255 70 50 37 255 56 40 29 255
173 45 49 52 255 36 39 41 255 22 24 26 255 18 19 20 255
174 155 194 231 255 124 155 184 255 77 97 115 255 62 77 92 255
175 59 62 31 192 47 49 24 192 29 31 15 192 23 24 12 192
175:8 74 57 31 109 59 45 24 109 37 28 15 109 29 22 12 109
175:9 74 57 31 109 59 45 24 109 37 28 15 109 29 22 12 109
175:10 74 57 31 109 59 45 24 109 37 28 15 109 29 22 12 109
175:11 74 57 31 109 59 45 24 109 37 28 15 109 29 22 12 109
175:12 74 57 31 109 59 45 24 109 37 28 15 109 29 22 12 109
175:13 74 57 31 109 59 45 24 109 37 28 15 109 29 22 12 109
175:14 74 57 31 109 59 45 24 109 37 28 15 109 29 22 12 109
175:15 74 57 31 109 59 45 24 109 37 28 15 109 29 22 12 109
178 73 77 73 255 58 61 58 255 36 38 36 255 29 30 29 255
179 143 88 53 255 114 70 42 255 71 44 26 255 57 35 21 255
180 135 83 50 255 108 66 40 255 67 41 25 255 54 33 20 255
181 143 88 53 255 114 70 42 255 71 44 26 255 57 35 21 255
182 143 88 53 255 114 70 42 255 71 44 26 255 57 35 21 255
183 63 43 38 255 50 34 30 255 31 21 19 255 25 17 15 255
184 114 100 75 255 91 80 60 255 57 50 37 255 45 40 30 255
185 65 61 32 255 52 48 25 255 32 30 16 255 26 24 12 255
186 57 49 38 255 45 39 30 255 28 24 19 255 22 19 15 255
187 77 41 22 255 61 32 17 255 38 20 11 255 30 16 8 255
188 63 43 38 255 50 34 30 255 31 21 19 255 25 17 15 255
189 114 100 75 255 91 80 60 255 57 50 37 255 45 40 30 255
190 65 61 32 255 52 48 25 255 32 30 16 255 26 24 12 255
191 57 49 38 255 45 39 30 255 28 24 19 255 22 19 15 255
192 77 41 22 255 61 32 17 255 38 20 11 255 30 16 8 255
193 71 60 56 255 56 48 44 255 35 30 28 255 28 24 22 255
194 144 145 139 255 115 116 111 255 72 72 69 255 57 58 55 255
195 71 65 40 236 56 52 32 236 35 32 20 236 28 26 16 236
196 77 45 28 184 61 36 22 184 38 22 14 184 30 18 11 184
197 63 58 49 255 50 46 39 255 31 29 24 255 25 23 19 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
1 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
2 60 113 17 255 50 94 14 255 42 79 12 255 50 94 14 255
3 134 96 67 255 107 76 53 255 67 48 33 255 53 38 26 255
3:2 122 87 57 255 97 69 45 255 61 43 28 255 48 34 22 255
4 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
Wooden Plank
5 157 128 79 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 62 51 31 255
5:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
5:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
5:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
5:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
5:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
6 120 120 120 0 96 96 96 0 60 60 60 0 48 48 48 0
6:1 51 58 33 83 40 46 26 83 25 29 16 83 20 23 13 83
6:2 118 150 84 107 94 120 67 107 59 75 42 107 47 60 33 107
6:3 48 86 18 85 38 68 14 85 24 43 9 85 19 34 7 85
6:4 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:5 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
6:9 51 58 33 83 40 46 26 83 25 29 16 83 20 23 13 83
6:10 118 150 84 107 94 120 67 107 59 75 42 107 47 60 33 107
6:11 48 86 18 85 38 68 14 85 24 43 9 85 19 34 7 85
6:12 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:13 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
7 84 84 84 255 67 67 67 255 42 42 42 255 33 33 33 255
8 38 92 255 51 30 73 204 51 19 46 127 51 15 36 102 51
Stationary Water
9 38 92 255 51 30 73 204 51 19 46 127 51 15 36 102 51
10 255 90 0 255 204 72 0 255 127 45 0 255 102 36 0 255
Stationary Lava
11 255 90 0 255 204 72 0 255 127 45 0 255 102 36 0 255
12 218 210 158 255 174 168 126 255 109 105 79 255 87 84 63 255
13 136 126 126 255 108 100 100 255 68 63 63 255 54 50 50 255
Gold Ore
14 143 140 125 255 114 112 100 255 71 70 62 255 57 56 50 255
Iron Ore
15 136 130 127 255 108 104 101 255 68 65 63 255 54 52 50 255
Coal Ore
16 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
Wood - Normal
17 102 81 51 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 40 32 20 255
17:0 102 81 51 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 40 32 20 255
Wood - Spruce (Red/dark wood)
17:1 75 44 24 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 30 18 10 255
Wood - Birch (light wood)
17:2 191 191 191 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 76 76 76 255
Wood - Jungle
17:3 75 44 24 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 30 18 10 255
18 27 69 37 180 22 57 31 180 19 48 25 180 22 57 31 180
18:1 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:2 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:3 18 71 25 0 14 56 20 0 9 35 12 0 7 28 10 0
18:5 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:6 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:7 18 71 25 0 14 56 20 0 9 35 12 0 7 28 10 0
18:9 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:10 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:11 18 71 25 0 14 56 20 0 9 35 12 0 7 28 10 0
18:13 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:14 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:15 18 71 25 0 14 56 20 0 9 35 12 0 7 28 10 0
19 193 193 65 255 174 174 47 255 97 97 5 255 76 76 20 255
20 255 255 255 64 204 204 204 64 127 127 127 64 102 102 102 64
Lapis Lazuli Ore
21 23 68 196 255 18 56 158 255 14 43 122 255 14 43 78 255
Lapis Lazuli Block
22 23 68 196 255 18 56 158 255 14 43 122 255 14 43 78 255
23 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
24 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
Note Block
25 125 91 38 255 100 72 30 255 62 45 19 255 50 36 15 255
26 200 20 20 255 160 16 16 255 100 10 10 255 80 8 8 255
Powered Rail
27 150 134 102 180 120 107 81 180 75 67 51 180 60 53 40 180
Detector Rail
28 150 134 102 180 120 107 81 180 75 67 51 180 60 53 40 180
Sticky Piston
29 157 128 79 255 96 96 96 255 78 64 39 255 48 48 48 255
30 138 145 145 255 110 115 115 255 69 72 72 255 55 57 57 255
Tall Grass
31 97 156 53 255 73 120 38 255 38 68 16 255 26 50 9 255
31:1 14 58 21 0 11 46 16 0 7 29 10 0 5 23 8 0
31:2 15 60 22 0 12 48 17 0 7 30 11 0 6 24 8 0
Dead Shrubs
32 75 44 24 255 60 35 19 255 37 22 12 255 30 18 10 255
33 157 128 79 255 96 96 96 255 78 64 39 255 48 48 48 255
Piston Head
34 157 128 79 255 96 96 96 255 78 64 39 255 48 48 48 255
35 247 255 239 255 244 251 236 255 204 210 197 255 244 251 236 255
35:0 247 255 239 255 244 251 236 255 204 210 197 255 244 251 236 255
Wool - Orange
35:1 227 128 52 255 224 126 51 255 187 105 42 255 224 126 51 255
Wool - Magenta
35:2 185 76 188 255 183 75 186 255 153 63 155 255 183 75 186 255
Wool - Light Blue
35:3 102 139 199 255 100 137 196 255 84 114 164 255 100 137 196 255
Wool - Yellow
35:4 189 181 26 255 187 178 26 255 156 149 22 255 187 178 26 255
Wool - Light Green
35:5 57 189 45 255 56 186 44 255 47 156 37 255 56 186 44 255
Wool - Pink
35:6 211 132 145 255 209 130 143 255 174 109 120 255 209 130 143 255
Wool - Gray
35:7 65 67 63 255 64 66 62 255 54 55 52 255 64 66 62 255
Wool - Light Gray
35:8 154 166 156 255 152 163 154 255 127 137 128 255 152 163 154 255
Wool - Cyan
35:9 38 117 141 255 37 115 139 255 31 96 116 255 37 115 139 255
Wool - Purple
35:10 126 54 184 255 124 53 181 255 104 44 151 255 124 53 181 255
Wool - Blue
35:11 38 51 144 255 37 50 143 255 31 42 119 255 37 50 143 255
Wool - Brown
35:12 83 51 26 255 82 50 26 255 69 42 22 255 82 50 26 255
Wool - Dark Green
35:13 54 77 22 255 54 76 22 255 45 63 19 255 54 76 22 255
Wool - Red
35:14 159 45 38 255 157 44 38 255 131 37 32 255 157 44 38 255
Wool - Black
35:15 26 23 22 255 26 23 21 255 22 19 18 255 26 23 21 255
Yellow Flower
37 255 255 0 255 204 204 0 255 127 127 0 255 102 102 0 255
Red Rose
38 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 127 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
38:1 37 152 138 45 29 121 110 45 18 76 69 45 14 60 55 45
38:2 177 141 211 38 141 112 168 38 88 70 105 38 70 56 84 38
38:3 162 191 138 42 129 152 110 42 81 95 69 42 64 76 55 42
38:4 103 135 38 48 82 108 30 48 51 67 19 48 41 54 15 48
38:5 95 134 32 49 76 107 25 49 47 67 16 49 38 53 12 49
38:6 94 153 65 48 75 122 52 48 47 76 32 48 37 61 26 48
38:7 101 150 73 47 80 120 58 47 50 75 36 47 40 60 29 47
38:8 176 197 139 43 140 157 111 43 88 98 69 43 70 78 55 43
Brown Mushroom
39 204 153 120 32 145 109 85 32 114 86 67 32 73 64 58 32
Red Mushroom
40 255 43 43 32 196 29 38 32 186 105 109 32 124 64 64 32
Gold Block
41 232 245 46 255 185 196 36 255 116 122 23 255 92 98 18 255
Iron Block
42 191 191 191 255 152 152 152 255 95 95 95 255 76 76 76 255
Double Stone Slab
43 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
43:0 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
43:6 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
Double Stone Slab - Sandstone
43:1 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
Double Stone Slab - Wood
43:2 157 128 79 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 62 51 31 255
Double Stone Slab - Cobblestone
43:3 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
Double Stone Slab - Brick
43:4 170 86 62 255 136 68 49 255 85 43 31 255 68 34 24 255
Double Stone Slab - Stone Brick
43:5 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
Stone Slab
44 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
44:0 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
44:6 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
44:8 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
44:14 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
Stone Slab - Sandstone
44:1 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
44:9 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
Stone Slab - Wood
44:2 157 128 79 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 62 51 31 255
44:10 157 128 79 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 62 51 31 255
Stone Slab - Cobblestone
44:3 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
44:11 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
Stone Slab - Brick
44:4 170 86 62 255 136 68 49 255 85 43 31 255 68 34 24 255
44:12 170 86 62 255 136 68 49 255 85 43 31 255 68 34 24 255
Stone Slab - Stone Brick
44:5 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
44:13 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
45 170 86 62 255 136 68 49 255 85 43 31 255 68 34 24 255
46 160 83 65 255 128 66 52 255 80 41 32 255 64 33 26 255
47 125 91 38 192 100 72 30 192 62 45 19 192 50 36 15 192
Moss Stone
48 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
49 26 11 43 255 20 8 34 255 13 5 21 255 10 4 17 255
50 159 127 80 255 98 88 20 0 245 220 50 255 196 176 40 0
51 255 170 30 200 204 136 24 200 127 85 15 200 102 68 12 200
Monster Spawner
52 0 150 110 196 0 150 130 196 0 150 110 196 0 150 130 196
Wooden Stair
53 157 128 79 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 62 51 31 255
54 125 91 38 255 100 72 30 255 62 45 19 255 50 36 15 255
Redstone Wire
55 240 30 30 64 160 20 20 64 120 15 15 64 100 12 12 64
Diamond Ore
56 129 140 143 255 103 112 114 255 64 70 71 255 51 56 57 255
Diamond Block
57 45 166 152 255 36 132 121 255 22 83 76 255 18 66 60 255
58 114 88 56 255 91 70 44 255 57 44 28 255 45 35 22 255
59 146 192 0 255 116 153 0 255 73 96 0 255 58 76 0 255
60 95 58 30 255 76 46 24 255 47 29 15 255 38 23 12 255
61 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
Burning Furnace
62 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
Sign Post
63 111 91 54 255 88 72 43 255 55 45 27 255 44 36 21 255
Wooden Door
64 136 109 67 255 108 87 53 255 68 54 33 255 54 43 26 255
65 181 140 64 32 144 112 51 32 90 70 32 32 72 56 25 32
Minecart Tracks
66 150 134 102 180 120 107 81 180 75 67 51 180 60 53 40 180
Cobblestone Stairs
67 115 115 115 255 92 92 92 255 57 57 57 255 46 46 46 255
Wall Sign
68 111 91 54 255 88 72 43 255 55 45 27 255 44 36 21 255
69 111 91 54 255 88 72 43 255 55 45 27 255 44 36 21 255
Stone Pressure Plate
70 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
Iron Door
71 191 191 191 255 152 152 152 255 95 95 95 255 76 76 76 255
Wooden Pressure Plate
72 111 91 54 255 88 72 43 255 55 45 27 255 44 36 21 255
Redstone Ore
73 131 107 107 255 104 85 85 255 65 53 53 255 52 42 42 255
Glowing Redstone Ore
74 131 107 107 255 104 85 85 255 65 53 53 255 52 42 42 255
Redstone Torch off
75 159 127 80 255 72 56 25 0 181 140 64 255 144 112 51 0
Redstone Torch on
76 159 127 80 255 102 0 0 0 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 0
Stone Button
77 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
78 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 127 127 127 255 102 102 102 255
79 83 113 163 51 66 90 130 51 41 56 81 51 33 45 65 51
Snow Block
80 250 250 250 255 200 200 200 255 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255
81 25 120 25 255 20 96 20 255 12 60 12 255 10 48 10 255
82 151 157 169 255 120 125 135 255 75 78 84 255 60 62 67 255
Sugar Cane
83 193 234 150 255 154 187 120 255 96 117 75 255 77 93 60 255
84 125 91 38 255 100 72 30 255 62 45 19 255 50 36 15 255
85 127 98 49 96 95 72 33 96 48 34 9 96 32 21 21 96
86 255 115 0 200 204 92 0 200 126 57 0 200 102 46 0 200
87 166 89 89 255 141 80 62 255 135 15 15 255 96 6 6 255
88 133 109 94 255 121 97 82 255 90 70 57 255 79 59 46 255
89 249 212 156 255 255 188 94 255 192 143 70 255 122 91 44 255
90 140 0 196 128 120 0 196 128 140 0 196 128 120 0 196 128
91 255 115 0 255 204 92 0 255 126 57 0 255 102 46 0 255
Cake Block
92 234 234 234 255 210 210 210 255 203 203 203 255 190 190 190 255
Below: same as default
93 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
94 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
95 255 255 255 123 204 204 204 123 127 127 127 123 102 102 102 123
95:1 216 127 51 123 172 101 40 123 108 63 25 123 86 50 20 123
95:2 178 76 216 123 142 60 172 123 89 38 108 123 71 30 86 123
95:3 102 153 216 123 81 122 172 123 51 76 108 123 40 61 86 123
95:4 229 229 51 123 183 183 40 123 114 114 25 123 91 91 20 123
95:5 127 204 25 123 101 163 20 123 63 102 12 123 50 81 10 123
95:6 242 127 165 123 193 101 132 123 121 63 82 123 96 50 66 123
95:7 76 76 76 123 60 60 60 123 38 38 38 123 30 30 30 123
95:8 153 153 153 123 122 122 122 123 76 76 76 123 61 61 61 123
95:9 76 127 153 123 60 101 122 123 38 63 76 123 30 50 61 123
95:10 127 63 178 123 101 50 142 123 63 31 89 123 50 25 71 123
95:11 51 76 178 123 40 60 142 123 25 38 89 123 20 30 71 123
95:12 102 76 51 123 81 60 40 123 51 38 25 123 40 30 20 123
95:13 102 127 51 123 81 101 40 123 51 63 25 123 40 50 20 123
95:14 153 51 51 123 122 40 40 123 76 25 25 123 61 20 20 123
95:15 25 25 25 123 20 20 20 123 12 12 12 123 10 10 10 123
96 126 93 45 219 100 74 36 219 63 46 22 219 50 37 18 219
97 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
97:1 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
97:2 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
98 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
98:1 114 119 106 255 91 95 84 255 57 59 53 255 45 47 42 255
98:2 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255 59 59 59 255 47 47 47 255
98:3 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255 59 59 59 255 47 47 47 255
99 202 171 120 255 161 136 96 255 101 85 60 255 80 68 48 255
99:1 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:4 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:7 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:10 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
99:14 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:15 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
100 202 171 120 255 161 136 96 255 101 85 60 255 80 68 48 255
100:1 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:4 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:7 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:10 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
100:14 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:15 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
101 109 108 106 115 87 86 84 115 54 54 53 115 43 43 42 115
102 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
103 141 145 36 255 112 116 28 255 70 72 18 255 56 58 14 255
104 90 112 56 34 72 89 44 34 45 56 28 34 36 44 22 34
105 90 112 56 34 72 89 44 34 45 56 28 34 36 44 22 34
106 54 73 23 138 43 58 18 138 27 36 11 138 21 29 9 138
107 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
108 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
109 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
110 113 88 73 255 90 70 58 255 56 44 36 255 45 35 29 255
111 14 59 22 0 11 47 17 0 7 29 11 0 5 23 8 0
112 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
113 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
114 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
115 106 14 30 42 84 11 24 42 53 7 15 42 42 5 12 42
115:1 108 15 22 120 86 12 17 120 54 7 11 120 43 6 8 120
115:2 108 15 22 120 86 12 17 120 54 7 11 120 43 6 8 120
115:3 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:4 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:5 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:6 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:7 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
116 41 43 46 191 32 34 36 191 20 21 23 191 16 17 18 191
117 106 106 106 255 84 84 84 255 53 53 53 255 42 42 42 255
118 62 62 62 231 49 49 49 231 31 31 31 231 24 24 24 231
119 20 18 29 255 16 14 23 255 10 9 14 255 8 7 11 255
120 147 160 123 207 117 128 98 207 73 80 61 207 58 64 49 207
121 221 223 165 255 176 178 132 255 110 111 82 255 88 89 66 255
122 12 9 15 255 9 7 12 255 6 4 7 255 4 3 6 255
123 70 43 26 255 56 34 20 255 35 21 13 255 28 17 10 255
124 119 89 55 255 95 71 44 255 59 44 27 255 47 35 22 255
125 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
125:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
125:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
125:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
125:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
125:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
125:9 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
125:10 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
125:11 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
125:12 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
125:13 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
126 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
126:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
126:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
126:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
126:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
126:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
126:9 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
126:10 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
126:11 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
126:12 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
126:13 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
127 145 80 30 131 116 64 24 131 72 40 15 131 58 32 12 131
128 216 209 157 255 172 167 125 255 108 104 78 255 86 83 62 255
129 109 128 116 255 87 102 92 255 54 64 58 255 43 51 46 255
130:2 20 31 32 199 16 24 25 199 10 15 16 199 8 12 12 199
130:3 20 31 32 199 16 24 25 199 10 15 16 199 8 12 12 199
130:4 34 49 44 195 27 39 35 195 17 24 22 195 13 19 17 195
130:5 16 28 32 195 12 22 25 195 8 14 16 195 6 11 12 195
131 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
133 81 217 117 255 64 173 93 255 40 108 58 255 32 86 46 255
134 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
135 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
136 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
137 178 137 111 255 142 109 88 255 89 68 55 255 71 54 44 255
138 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
139 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
139:1 103 121 103 255 82 96 82 255 51 60 51 255 41 48 41 255
140 118 65 51 49 94 52 40 49 59 32 25 49 47 26 20 49
141 1 171 16 9 0 136 12 9 0 85 8 9 0 68 6 9
141:2 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
141:3 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
141:4 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:5 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:6 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:7 21 128 2 111 16 102 1 111 10 64 1 111 8 51 0 111
142 1 171 16 9 0 136 12 9 0 85 8 9 0 68 6 9
142:2 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
142:3 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
142:4 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:5 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:6 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:7 34 170 36 105 27 136 28 105 17 85 18 105 13 68 14 105
143 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
145 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
146 118 87 39 199 94 69 31 199 59 43 19 199 47 34 15 199
146:1 118 87 38 195 94 69 30 195 59 43 19 195 47 34 15 195
146:2 119 87 39 199 95 69 31 199 59 43 19 199 47 34 15 199
146:3 119 88 42 195 95 70 33 195 59 44 21 195 47 35 16 195
146:5 123 89 37 209 98 71 29 209 61 44 18 209 49 35 14 209
146:6 119 87 39 199 95 69 31 199 59 43 19 199 47 34 15 199
146:7 126 92 41 209 100 73 32 209 63 46 20 209 50 36 16 209
146:9 125 91 38 209 100 72 30 209 62 45 19 209 50 36 15 209
146:10 119 87 39 199 95 69 31 199 59 43 19 199 47 34 15 199
146:11 122 89 38 209 97 71 30 209 61 44 19 209 48 35 15 209
147 249 236 78 255 199 188 62 255 124 118 39 255 99 94 31 255
148 219 219 219 255 175 175 175 255 109 109 109 255 87 87 87 255
149 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
150 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
151 66 55 35 255 52 44 28 255 33 27 17 255 26 22 14 255
152 171 27 9 255 136 21 7 255 85 13 4 255 68 10 3 255
153 125 84 79 255 100 67 63 255 62 42 39 255 50 33 31 255
154 62 62 62 255 49 49 49 255 31 31 31 255 24 24 24 255
155 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
155:1 231 228 220 255 184 182 176 255 115 114 110 255 92 91 88 255
155:2 231 227 219 255 184 181 175 255 115 113 109 255 92 90 87 255
155:3 232 229 221 255 185 183 176 255 116 114 110 255 92 91 88 255
155:4 231 227 219 255 184 181 175 255 115 113 109 255 92 90 87 255
156 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
157 104 83 71 155 83 66 56 155 52 41 35 155 41 33 28 155
157:8 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:9 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:10 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:11 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:12 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:13 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
158 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
158:2 113 113 113 255 90 90 90 255 56 56 56 255 45 45 45 255
158:3 113 113 113 255 90 90 90 255 56 56 56 255 45 45 45 255
158:4 116 116 116 255 92 92 92 255 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255
158:5 113 113 113 255 90 90 90 255 56 56 56 255 45 45 45 255
159 209 178 161 255 167 142 128 255 104 89 80 255 83 71 64 255
159:1 161 83 37 255 128 66 29 255 80 41 18 255 64 33 14 255
159:2 149 88 108 255 119 70 86 255 74 44 54 255 59 35 43 255
159:3 113 108 137 255 90 86 109 255 56 54 68 255 45 43 54 255
159:4 186 133 35 255 148 106 28 255 93 66 17 255 74 53 14 255
159:5 103 117 52 255 82 93 41 255 51 58 26 255 41 46 20 255
159:6 161 78 78 255 128 62 62 255 80 39 39 255 64 31 31 255
159:7 57 42 35 255 45 33 28 255 28 21 17 255 22 16 14 255
159:8 135 106 97 255 108 84 77 255 67 53 48 255 54 42 38 255
159:9 86 91 91 255 68 72 72 255 43 45 45 255 34 36 36 255
159:10 118 70 86 255 94 56 68 255 59 35 43 255 47 28 34 255
159:11 74 59 91 255 59 47 72 255 37 29 45 255 29 23 36 255
159:12 77 51 35 255 61 40 28 255 38 25 17 255 30 20 14 255
159:13 76 83 42 255 60 66 33 255 38 41 21 255 30 33 16 255
159:14 143 61 46 255 114 48 36 255 71 30 23 255 57 24 18 255
159:15 37 22 16 255 29 17 12 255 18 11 8 255 14 8 6 255
160 255 255 255 123 204 204 204 123 127 127 127 123 102 102 102 123
160:1 216 127 51 123 172 101 40 123 108 63 25 123 86 50 20 123
160:2 178 76 216 123 142 60 172 123 89 38 108 123 71 30 86 123
160:3 102 153 216 123 81 122 172 123 51 76 108 123 40 61 86 123
160:4 229 229 51 123 183 183 40 123 114 114 25 123 91 91 20 123
160:5 127 204 25 123 101 163 20 123 63 102 12 123 50 81 10 123
160:6 242 127 165 123 193 101 132 123 121 63 82 123 96 50 66 123
160:7 76 76 76 123 60 60 60 123 38 38 38 123 30 30 30 123
160:8 153 153 153 123 122 122 122 123 76 76 76 123 61 61 61 123
160:9 76 127 153 123 60 101 122 123 38 63 76 123 30 50 61 123
160:10 127 63 178 123 101 50 142 123 63 31 89 123 50 25 71 123
160:11 51 76 178 123 40 60 142 123 25 38 89 123 20 30 71 123
160:12 102 76 51 123 81 60 40 123 51 38 25 123 40 30 20 123
160:13 102 127 51 123 81 101 40 123 51 63 25 123 40 50 20 123
160:14 153 51 51 123 122 40 40 123 76 25 25 123 61 20 20 123
160:15 25 25 25 123 20 20 20 123 12 12 12 123 10 10 10 123
161 66 88 28 154 52 70 22 154 33 44 14 154 26 35 11 154
162 105 99 89 255 84 79 71 255 52 49 44 255 42 39 35 255
162:1 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
162:4 154 91 64 255 123 72 51 255 77 45 32 255 61 36 25 255
162:5 104 81 48 255 83 64 38 255 52 40 24 255 41 32 19 255
162:9 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
162:13 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
163 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
164 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
170 157 116 18 255 125 92 14 255 78 58 9 255 62 46 7 255
171 221 221 221 255 176 176 176 255 110 110 110 255 88 88 88 255
171:1 219 125 62 255 175 100 49 255 109 62 31 255 87 50 24 255
171:2 179 80 188 255 143 64 150 255 89 40 94 255 71 32 75 255
171:3 106 138 201 255 84 110 160 255 53 69 100 255 42 55 80 255
171:4 177 166 39 255 141 132 31 255 88 83 19 255 70 66 15 255
171:5 65 174 56 255 52 139 44 255 32 87 28 255 26 69 22 255
171:6 208 132 153 255 166 105 122 255 104 66 76 255 83 52 61 255
171:7 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
171:8 154 161 161 255 123 128 128 255 77 80 80 255 61 64 64 255
171:9 46 110 137 255 36 88 109 255 23 55 68 255 18 44 54 255
171:10 126 61 181 255 100 48 144 255 63 30 90 255 50 24 72 255
171:11 46 56 141 255 36 44 112 255 23 28 70 255 18 22 56 255
171:12 79 50 31 255 63 40 24 255 39 25 15 255 31 20 12 255
171:13 53 70 27 255 42 56 21 255 26 35 13 255 21 28 10 255
171:14 150 52 48 255 120 41 38 255 75 26 24 255 60 20 19 255
171:15 25 22 22 255 20 17 17 255 12 11 11 255 10 8 8 255
172 150 92 66 255 120 73 52 255 75 46 33 255 60 36 26 255
173 18 18 18 255 14 14 14 255 9 9 9 255 7 7 7 255
174 165 194 245 255 132 155 196 255 82 97 122 255 66 77 98 255
175 65 109 43 51 52 87 34 51 32 54 21 51 26 43 17 51
175:1 142 148 132 86 113 118 105 86 71 74 66 86 56 59 52 86
175:2 72 89 44 138 57 71 35 138 36 44 22 138 28 35 17 138
175:3 72 90 45 158 57 72 36 158 36 45 22 158 28 36 18 158
175:4 69 64 3 185 55 51 2 185 34 32 1 185 27 25 1 185
175:5 54 88 59 147 43 70 47 147 27 44 29 147 21 35 23 147
175:8 67 111 45 26 53 88 36 26 33 55 22 26 26 44 18 26
175:9 148 148 140 83 118 118 112 83 74 74 70 83 59 59 56 83
175:10 76 94 47 92 60 75 37 92 38 47 23 92 30 37 18 92
175:11 74 91 46 122 59 72 36 122 37 45 23 122 29 36 18 122
175:12 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:13 132 133 141 129 105 106 112 129 66 66 70 129 52 53 56 129
178 106 109 112 255 84 87 89 255 53 54 56 255 42 43 44 255
179 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
180 165 84 29 255 132 67 23 255 82 42 14 255 66 33 11 255
181 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
182 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
183 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
184 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
185 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
186 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
187 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
188 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
189 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
190 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
191 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
192 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
193 96 74 49 255 76 59 39 255 48 37 24 255 38 29 19 255
194 217 210 179 255 173 168 143 255 108 105 89 255 86 84 71 255
195 151 113 85 207 120 90 68 207 75 56 42 207 60 45 34 207
196 161 93 58 183 128 74 46 183 80 46 29 183 64 37 23 183
197 69 47 25 255 55 37 20 255 34 23 12 255 27 18 10 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
1 97 95 86 255 77 76 68 255 48 47 43 255 38 38 34 255
1:1 199 161 132 255 159 128 105 255 99 80 66 255 79 64 52 255
1:2 197 159 137 255 157 127 109 255 98 79 68 255 78 63 54 255
1:3 106 104 90 255 84 83 72 255 53 52 45 255 42 41 36 255
1:4 107 104 95 255 85 83 76 255 53 52 47 255 42 41 38 255
1:5 84 85 83 255 67 68 66 255 42 42 41 255 33 34 33 255
1:6 85 86 88 255 68 68 70 255 42 43 44 255 34 34 35 255
1:7 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
1:8 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
1:9 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
1:10 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
1:11 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
1:12 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
1:13 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
1:14 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
1:15 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
2 53 72 31 255 42 57 24 255 26 36 15 255 21 28 12 255
3 69 54 40 255 55 43 32 255 34 27 20 255 27 21 16 255
3:2 66 45 20 255 52 36 16 255 33 22 10 255 26 18 8 255
4 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
5 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
5:1 65 51 40 255 52 40 32 255 32 25 20 255 26 20 16 255
5:2 151 140 113 255 120 112 90 255 75 70 56 255 60 56 45 255
5:3 111 74 59 255 88 59 47 255 55 37 29 255 44 29 23 255
5:4 96 42 17 255 76 33 13 255 48 21 8 255 38 16 6 255
5:5 48 29 22 255 38 23 17 255 24 14 11 255 19 11 8 255
6 71 82 60 73 56 65 48 73 35 41 30 73 28 32 24 73
6:1 61 82 68 91 48 65 54 91 30 41 34 91 24 32 27 91
6:2 92 90 48 98 73 72 38 98 46 45 24 98 36 36 19 98
6:3 65 84 49 106 52 67 39 106 32 42 24 106 26 33 19 106
6:4 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:5 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
6:9 61 82 68 91 48 65 54 91 30 41 34 91 24 32 27 91
6:10 92 90 48 98 73 72 38 98 46 45 24 98 36 36 19 98
6:11 65 84 49 106 52 67 39 106 32 42 24 106 26 33 19 106
6:12 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:13 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
7 65 60 57 255 52 48 45 255 32 30 28 255 26 24 22 255
8 22 74 84 218 17 59 67 218 11 37 42 218 8 29 33 218
9 22 73 83 218 17 58 66 218 11 36 41 218 8 29 33 218
9:1 22 74 84 218 17 59 67 218 11 37 42 218 8 29 33 218
9:2 22 74 84 218 17 59 67 218 11 37 42 218 8 29 33 218
9:3 22 74 84 218 17 59 67 218 11 37 42 218 8 29 33 218
9:4 22 74 84 218 17 59 67 218 11 37 42 218 8 29 33 218
9:5 22 74 84 218 17 59 67 218 11 37 42 218 8 29 33 218
9:6 22 74 84 218 17 59 67 218 11 37 42 218 8 29 33 218
9:7 22 74 84 218 17 59 67 218 11 37 42 218 8 29 33 218
10 227 79 35 255 181 63 28 255 113 39 17 255 90 31 14 255
11 201 64 39 255 160 51 31 255 100 32 19 255 80 25 15 255
12 173 146 99 255 138 116 79 255 86 73 49 255 69 58 39 255
12:1 128 44 9 255 102 35 7 255 64 22 4 255 51 17 3 255
13 116 104 88 255 92 83 70 255 58 52 44 255 46 41 35 255
14 99 98 79 255 79 78 63 255 49 49 39 255 39 39 31 255
15 106 86 74 255 84 68 59 255 53 43 37 255 42 34 29 255
16 71 73 68 255 56 58 54 255 35 36 34 255 28 29 27 255
17 132 104 65 255 105 83 52 255 66 52 32 255 52 41 26 255
17:1 75 60 49 255 60 48 39 255 37 30 24 255 30 24 19 255
17:2 151 137 108 255 120 109 86 255 75 68 54 255 60 54 43 255
17:3 91 60 44 255 72 48 35 255 45 30 22 255 36 24 17 255
17:4 70 52 34 255 56 41 27 255 35 26 17 255 28 20 13 255
17:5 60 50 41 255 48 40 32 255 30 25 20 255 24 20 16 255
17:6 123 119 103 255 98 95 82 255 61 59 51 255 49 47 41 255
17:7 60 52 35 255 48 41 28 255 30 26 17 255 24 20 14 255
17:8 70 52 34 255 56 41 27 255 35 26 17 255 28 20 13 255
17:9 60 50 41 255 48 40 32 255 30 25 20 255 24 20 16 255
17:10 123 119 103 255 98 95 82 255 61 59 51 255 49 47 41 255
17:11 60 52 35 255 48 41 28 255 30 26 17 255 24 20 14 255
17:12 70 52 34 255 56 41 27 255 35 26 17 255 28 20 13 255
17:13 60 50 41 255 48 40 32 255 30 25 20 255 24 20 16 255
17:14 123 119 103 255 98 95 82 255 61 59 51 255 49 47 41 255
17:15 60 52 35 255 48 41 28 255 30 26 17 255 24 20 14 255
18 50 76 30 187 40 60 24 187 25 38 15 187 20 30 12 187
18:1 39 59 35 198 31 47 28 198 19 29 17 198 15 23 14 198
18:2 78 93 41 187 62 74 32 187 39 46 20 187 31 37 16 187
18:3 42 70 32 223 33 56 25 223 21 35 16 223 16 28 12 223
18:5 39 59 35 198 31 47 28 198 19 29 17 198 15 23 14 198
18:6 78 93 41 187 62 74 32 187 39 46 20 187 31 37 16 187
18:7 42 70 32 223 33 56 25 223 21 35 16 223 16 28 12 223
18:9 39 59 35 198 31 47 28 198 19 29 17 198 15 23 14 198
18:10 78 93 41 187 62 74 32 187 39 46 20 187 31 37 16 187
18:11 42 70 32 223 33 56 25 223 21 35 16 223 16 28 12 223
18:13 39 59 35 198 31 47 28 198 19 29 17 198 15 23 14 198
18:14 78 93 41 187 62 74 32 187 39 46 20 187 31 37 16 187
18:15 42 70 32 223 33 56 25 223 21 35 16 223 16 28 12 223
19 190 149 74 255 152 119 59 255 95 74 37 255 76 59 29 255
19:1 127 99 49 255 101 79 39 255 63 49 24 255 50 39 19 255
20 58 59 60 59 46 47 48 59 29 29 30 59 23 23 24 59
21 80 87 94 255 64 69 75 255 40 43 47 255 32 34 37 255
22 62 82 139 255 49 65 111 255 31 41 69 255 24 32 55 255
23 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
23:1 85 82 79 255 68 65 63 255 42 41 39 255 34 32 31 255
23:9 85 82 79 255 68 65 63 255 42 41 39 255 34 32 31 255
24 177 146 98 255 141 116 78 255 88 73 49 255 70 58 39 255
25 100 67 50 255 80 53 40 255 50 33 25 255 40 26 20 255
26 79 78 39 255 63 62 31 255 39 39 19 255 31 31 15 255
26:8 135 130 84 255 108 104 67 255 67 65 42 255 54 52 33 255
26:9 135 130 84 255 108 104 67 255 67 65 42 255 54 52 33 255
26:10 135 130 84 255 108 104 67 255 67 65 42 255 54 52 33 255
26:11 135 130 84 255 108 104 67 255 67 65 42 255 54 52 33 255
27 101 83 50 196 80 66 40 196 50 41 25 196 40 33 20 196
27:8 112 81 49 196 89 64 39 196 56 40 24 196 44 32 19 196
27:9 112 81 49 196 89 64 39 196 56 40 24 196 44 32 19 196
27:10 112 81 49 196 89 64 39 196 56 40 24 196 44 32 19 196
27:11 112 81 49 196 89 64 39 196 56 40 24 196 44 32 19 196
27:12 112 81 49 196 89 64 39 196 56 40 24 196 44 32 19 196
27:13 112 81 49 196 89 64 39 196 56 40 24 196 44 32 19 196
28 82 76 69 193 65 60 55 193 41 38 34 193 32 30 27 193
29 78 67 64 255 62 53 51 255 39 33 32 255 31 26 25 255
29:1 134 146 80 255 107 116 64 255 67 73 40 255 53 58 32 255
29:2 94 86 84 255 75 68 67 255 47 43 42 255 37 34 33 255
29:3 94 86 84 255 75 68 67 255 47 43 42 255 37 34 33 255
29:4 94 86 84 255 75 68 67 255 47 43 42 255 37 34 33 255
29:5 94 86 84 255 75 68 67 255 47 43 42 255 37 34 33 255
29:9 92 90 87 255 73 72 69 255 46 45 43 255 36 36 34 255
29:10 81 72 69 207 64 57 55 207 40 36 34 207 32 28 27 207
29:11 81 72 69 207 64 57 55 207 40 36 34 207 32 28 27 207
29:12 81 72 69 207 64 57 55 207 40 36 34 207 32 28 27 207
29:13 81 72 69 207 64 57 55 207 40 36 34 207 32 28 27 207
30 165 157 165 71 132 125 132 71 82 78 82 71 66 62 66 71
31 79 88 77 91 63 70 61 91 39 44 38 91 31 35 30 91
31:1 52 71 32 117 41 56 25 117 26 35 16 117 20 28 12 117
31:2 48 67 32 88 38 53 25 88 24 33 16 88 19 26 12 88
32 79 88 77 91 63 70 61 91 39 44 38 91 31 35 30 91
33 78 67 64 255 62 53 51 255 39 33 32 255 31 26 25 255
33:1 123 105 78 255 98 84 62 255 61 52 39 255 49 42 31 255
33:2 94 86 84 255 75 68 67 255 47 43 42 255 37 34 33 255
33:3 94 86 84 255 75 68 67 255 47 43 42 255 37 34 33 255
33:4 94 86 84 255 75 68 67 255 47 43 42 255 37 34 33 255
33:5 94 86 84 255 75 68 67 255 47 43 42 255 37 34 33 255
33:9 92 90 87 255 73 72 69 255 46 45 43 255 36 36 34 255
33:10 81 72 69 207 64 57 55 207 40 36 34 207 32 28 27 207
33:11 81 72 69 207 64 57 55 207 40 36 34 207 32 28 27 207
33:12 81 72 69 207 64 57 55 207 40 36 34 207 32 28 27 207
33:13 81 72 69 207 64 57 55 207 40 36 34 207 32 28 27 207
34 92 90 87 255 73 72 69 255 46 45 43 255 36 36 34 255
34:1 123 105 78 255 98 84 62 255 61 52 39 255 49 42 31 255
34:2 151 149 147 111 120 119 117 111 75 74 73 111 60 59 58 111
34:3 151 149 147 111 120 119 117 111 75 74 73 111 60 59 58 111
34:4 151 149 147 111 120 119 117 111 75 74 73 111 60 59 58 111
34:5 151 149 147 111 120 119 117 111 75 74 73 111 60 59 58 111
34:9 134 146 80 255 107 116 64 255 67 73 40 255 53 58 32 255
34:10 151 149 147 111 120 119 117 111 75 74 73 111 60 59 58 111
34:11 151 149 147 111 120 119 117 111 75 74 73 111 60 59 58 111
34:12 151 149 147 111 120 119 117 111 75 74 73 111 60 59 58 111
34:13 151 149 147 111 120 119 117 111 75 74 73 111 60 59 58 111
35 215 212 209 255 172 169 167 255 107 106 104 255 86 84 83 255
35:1 175 105 52 255 140 84 41 255 87 52 26 255 70 42 20 255
35:2 156 88 129 255 124 70 103 255 78 44 64 255 62 35 51 255
35:3 99 117 156 255 79 93 124 255 49 58 78 255 39 46 62 255
35:4 197 174 76 255 157 139 60 255 98 87 38 255 78 69 30 255
35:5 138 148 76 255 110 118 60 255 69 74 38 255 55 59 30 255
35:6 236 154 156 255 188 123 124 255 118 77 78 255 94 61 62 255
35:7 91 92 93 255 72 73 74 255 45 46 46 255 36 36 37 255
35:8 167 168 169 255 133 134 135 255 83 84 84 255 66 67 67 255
35:9 85 119 114 255 68 95 91 255 42 59 57 255 34 47 45 255
35:10 105 47 110 255 84 37 88 255 52 23 55 255 42 18 44 255
35:11 42 58 114 255 33 46 91 255 21 29 57 255 16 23 45 255
35:12 114 73 37 255 91 58 29 255 57 36 18 255 45 29 14 255
35:13 75 82 39 255 60 65 31 255 37 41 19 255 30 32 15 255
35:14 174 50 37 255 139 40 29 255 87 25 18 255 69 20 14 255
35:15 43 44 44 255 34 35 35 255 21 22 22 255 17 17 17 255
37 116 113 49 44 92 90 39 44 58 56 24 44 46 45 19 44
38 138 66 50 27 110 52 40 27 69 33 25 27 55 26 20 27
38:1 37 152 138 45 29 121 110 45 18 76 69 45 14 60 55 45
38:2 177 141 211 38 141 112 168 38 88 70 105 38 70 56 84 38
38:3 162 191 138 42 129 152 110 42 81 95 69 42 64 76 55 42
38:4 126 74 50 57 100 59 40 57 63 37 25 57 50 29 20 57
38:5 158 121 64 53 126 96 51 53 79 60 32 53 63 48 25 53
38:6 126 142 118 57 100 113 94 57 63 71 59 57 50 56 47 57
38:7 166 115 83 57 132 92 66 57 83 57 41 57 66 46 33 57
38:8 179 179 142 49 143 143 113 49 89 89 71 49 71 71 56 49
39 149 117 95 49 119 93 76 49 74 58 47 49 59 46 38 49
40 202 118 111 36 161 94 88 36 101 59 55 36 80 47 44 36
41 193 166 91 255 154 132 72 255 96 83 45 255 77 66 36 255
42 148 146 146 255 118 116 116 255 74 73 73 255 59 58 58 255
43 102 99 95 255 81 79 76 255 51 49 47 255 40 39 38 255
43:1 177 146 98 255 141 116 78 255 88 73 49 255 70 58 39 255
43:2 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
43:3 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
43:4 142 100 75 255 113 80 60 255 71 50 37 255 56 40 30 255
43:5 84 81 77 255 67 64 61 255 42 40 38 255 33 32 30 255
43:6 66 30 32 255 52 24 25 255 33 15 16 255 26 12 12 255
43:7 222 210 211 255 177 168 168 255 111 105 105 255 88 84 84 255
43:9 177 146 98 255 141 116 78 255 88 73 49 255 70 58 39 255
43:10 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
43:11 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
43:12 142 100 75 255 113 80 60 255 71 50 37 255 56 40 30 255
43:13 84 81 77 255 67 64 61 255 42 40 38 255 33 32 30 255
43:14 66 30 32 255 52 24 25 255 33 15 16 255 26 12 12 255
43:15 222 210 211 255 177 168 168 255 111 105 105 255 88 84 84 255
44 102 99 95 255 81 79 76 255 51 49 47 255 40 39 38 255
44:1 177 146 98 255 141 116 78 255 88 73 49 255 70 58 39 255
44:2 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
44:3 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
44:4 142 100 75 255 113 80 60 255 71 50 37 255 56 40 30 255
44:5 84 81 77 255 67 64 61 255 42 40 38 255 33 32 30 255
44:6 66 30 32 255 52 24 25 255 33 15 16 255 26 12 12 255
44:7 222 210 211 255 177 168 168 255 111 105 105 255 88 84 84 255
44:9 177 146 98 255 141 116 78 255 88 73 49 255 70 58 39 255
44:10 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
44:11 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
44:12 142 100 75 255 113 80 60 255 71 50 37 255 56 40 30 255
44:13 84 81 77 255 67 64 61 255 42 40 38 255 33 32 30 255
44:14 66 30 32 255 52 24 25 255 33 15 16 255 26 12 12 255
44:15 222 210 211 255 177 168 168 255 111 105 105 255 88 84 84 255
45 142 100 75 255 113 80 60 255 71 50 37 255 56 40 30 255
46 35 23 18 255 28 18 14 255 17 11 9 255 14 9 7 255
47 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
48 62 69 56 255 49 55 44 255 31 34 28 255 24 27 22 255
49 22 16 20 255 17 12 16 255 11 8 10 255 8 6 8 255
50 70 49 23 24 56 39 18 24 35 24 11 24 28 19 9 24
51 225 131 19 81 180 104 15 81 112 65 9 81 90 52 7 81
52 64 74 103 191 51 59 82 191 32 37 51 191 25 29 41 191
53 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
54 137 110 60 197 109 88 48 197 68 55 30 197 54 44 24 197
54:4 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
54:5 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
54:6 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
54:7 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
54:8 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
54:9 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
54:10 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
54:11 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
55 179 179 179 23 143 143 143 23 89 89 89 23 71 71 71 23
56 95 96 88 255 76 76 70 255 47 48 44 255 38 38 35 255
57 108 128 146 255 86 102 116 255 54 64 73 255 43 51 58 255
58 165 133 104 255 132 106 83 255 82 66 52 255 66 53 41 255
59 37 48 32 9 29 38 25 9 18 24 16 9 14 19 12 9
59:1 35 45 30 18 28 36 24 18 17 22 15 18 14 18 12 18
59:2 38 48 30 27 30 38 24 27 19 24 15 27 15 19 12 27
59:3 42 52 31 39 33 41 24 39 21 26 15 39 16 20 12 39
59:4 46 56 32 62 36 44 25 62 23 28 16 62 18 22 12 62
59:5 50 59 33 77 40 47 26 77 25 29 16 77 20 23 13 77
59:6 64 67 40 92 51 53 32 92 32 33 20 92 25 26 16 92
59:7 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
59:8 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
59:9 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
59:10 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
59:11 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
59:12 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
59:13 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
59:14 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
59:15 90 83 53 108 72 66 42 108 45 41 26 108 36 33 21 108
60 68 53 39 255 54 42 31 255 34 26 19 255 27 21 15 255
60:1 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:2 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:3 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:4 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:5 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:6 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:7 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:8 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:9 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:10 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:11 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:12 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:13 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:14 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
60:15 51 35 18 255 40 28 14 255 25 17 9 255 20 14 7 255
61:2 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
61:3 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
61:4 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
61:5 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
62:2 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
62:3 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
62:4 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
62:5 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
63 125 95 54 10 100 76 43 10 62 47 27 10 50 38 21 10
64 122 94 56 207 97 75 44 207 61 47 28 207 48 37 22 207
65 108 84 49 149 86 67 39 149 54 42 24 149 43 33 19 149
66 103 86 64 143 82 68 51 143 51 43 32 143 41 34 25 143
66:6 101 85 63 119 80 68 50 119 50 42 31 119 40 34 25 119
66:7 101 85 63 119 80 68 50 119 50 42 31 119 40 34 25 119
66:8 101 85 63 119 80 68 50 119 50 42 31 119 40 34 25 119
66:9 101 85 63 119 80 68 50 119 50 42 31 119 40 34 25 119
67 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
68 125 95 54 10 100 76 43 10 62 47 27 10 50 38 21 10
69 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
70 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
71 153 150 150 228 122 120 120 228 76 75 75 228 61 60 60 228
72 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
73 108 74 70 255 86 59 56 255 54 37 35 255 43 29 28 255
74 108 74 70 255 86 59 56 255 54 37 35 255 43 29 28 255
75:1 52 22 13 24 41 17 10 24 26 11 6 24 20 8 5 24
75:2 52 22 13 24 41 17 10 24 26 11 6 24 20 8 5 24
75:3 52 22 13 24 41 17 10 24 26 11 6 24 20 8 5 24
75:4 52 22 13 24 41 17 10 24 26 11 6 24 20 8 5 24
75:5 52 22 13 24 41 17 10 24 26 11 6 24 20 8 5 24
76:1 111 22 13 24 88 17 10 24 55 11 6 24 44 8 5 24
76:2 111 22 13 24 88 17 10 24 55 11 6 24 44 8 5 24
76:3 111 22 13 24 88 17 10 24 55 11 6 24 44 8 5 24
76:4 111 22 13 24 88 17 10 24 55 11 6 24 44 8 5 24
76:5 111 22 13 24 88 17 10 24 55 11 6 24 44 8 5 24
77 99 96 92 255 79 76 73 255 49 48 46 255 39 38 36 255
78 225 234 239 255 180 187 191 255 112 117 119 255 90 93 95 255
79 123 170 195 181 98 136 156 181 61 85 97 181 49 68 78 181
80 225 234 239 255 180 187 191 255 112 117 119 255 90 93 95 255
81 120 127 77 209 96 101 61 209 60 63 38 209 48 50 30 209
82 137 85 61 255 109 68 48 255 68 42 30 255 54 34 24 255
83 69 76 44 143 55 60 35 143 34 38 22 143 27 30 17 143
84 121 94 56 255 96 75 44 255 60 47 28 255 48 37 22 255
85 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
86 192 122 54 255 153 97 43 255 96 61 27 255 76 48 21 255
87 103 54 56 255 82 43 44 255 51 27 28 255 41 21 22 255
88 80 65 51 255 64 52 40 255 40 32 25 255 32 26 20 255
89 203 176 102 255 162 140 81 255 101 88 51 255 81 70 40 255
90 114 75 163 141 91 60 130 141 57 37 81 141 45 30 65 141
91 192 122 54 255 153 97 43 255 96 61 27 255 76 48 21 255
92 224 211 168 195 179 168 134 195 112 105 84 195 89 84 67 195
93 63 52 50 255 50 41 40 255 31 26 25 255 25 20 20 255
94 94 53 50 255 75 42 40 255 47 26 25 255 37 21 20 255
95 109 118 117 186 87 94 93 186 54 59 58 186 43 47 46 186
95:1 94 79 62 186 75 63 49 186 47 39 31 186 37 31 24 186
95:2 85 73 83 186 68 58 66 186 42 36 41 186 34 29 33 186
95:3 70 81 90 186 56 64 72 186 35 40 45 186 28 32 36 186
95:4 95 96 69 186 76 76 55 186 47 48 34 186 38 38 27 186
95:5 80 89 69 186 64 71 55 186 40 44 34 186 32 35 27 186
95:6 105 91 90 186 84 72 72 186 52 45 45 186 42 36 36 186
95:7 68 74 73 186 54 59 58 186 34 37 36 186 27 29 29 186
95:8 88 95 94 186 70 76 75 186 44 47 47 186 35 38 37 186
95:9 67 81 79 186 53 64 63 186 33 40 39 186 26 32 31 186
95:10 72 62 78 186 57 49 62 186 36 31 39 186 28 24 31 186
95:11 56 65 79 186 44 52 63 186 28 32 39 186 22 26 31 186
95:12 79 71 58 186 63 56 46 186 39 35 29 186 31 28 23 186
95:13 64 77 58 186 51 61 46 186 32 38 29 186 25 30 23 186
95:14 89 62 58 186 71 49 46 186 44 31 29 186 35 24 23 186
95:15 57 61 60 186 45 48 48 186 28 30 30 186 22 24 24 186
96 124 95 56 206 99 76 44 206 62 47 28 206 49 38 22 206
97 97 95 86 255 77 76 68 255 48 47 43 255 38 38 34 255
97:1 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
97:2 84 81 77 255 67 64 61 255 42 40 38 255 33 32 30 255
98 84 81 77 255 67 64 61 255 42 40 38 255 33 32 30 255
98:1 75 78 60 255 60 62 48 255 37 39 30 255 30 31 24 255
98:2 80 76 73 255 64 60 58 255 40 38 36 255 32 30 29 255
98:3 87 83 79 255 69 66 63 255 43 41 39 255 34 33 31 255
99 174 155 122 255 139 124 97 255 87 77 61 255 69 62 48 255
99:1 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:2 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:3 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:4 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:5 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:6 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:7 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:8 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:9 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:14 148 111 82 255 118 88 65 255 74 55 41 255 59 44 32 255
99:15 183 166 140 255 146 132 112 255 91 83 70 255 73 66 56 255
100 174 155 122 255 139 124 97 255 87 77 61 255 69 62 48 255
100:1 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:2 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:3 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:4 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:5 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:6 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:7 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:8 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:9 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:14 188 68 65 255 150 54 52 255 94 34 32 255 75 27 26 255
100:15 183 166 140 255 146 132 112 255 91 83 70 255 73 66 56 255
101 83 81 77 143 66 64 61 143 41 40 38 143 33 32 30 143
102 58 59 60 59 46 47 48 59 29 29 30 59 23 23 24 59
103 114 136 72 255 91 108 57 255 57 68 36 255 45 54 28 255
104 52 70 33 49 41 56 26 49 26 35 16 49 20 28 13 49
105 52 70 33 49 41 56 26 49 26 35 16 49 20 28 13 49
106 41 62 23 130 32 49 18 130 20 31 11 130 16 24 9 130
107 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
108 142 100 75 255 113 80 60 255 71 50 37 255 56 40 30 255
109 84 81 77 255 67 64 61 255 42 40 38 255 33 32 30 255
110 105 128 127 255 84 102 101 255 52 64 63 255 42 51 50 255
111 14 56 21 148 11 44 16 148 7 28 10 148 5 22 8 148
112 66 30 32 255 52 24 25 255 33 15 16 255 26 12 12 255
113 66 30 32 255 52 24 25 255 33 15 16 255 26 12 12 255
114 66 30 32 255 52 24 25 255 33 15 16 255 26 12 12 255
115 93 50 46 79 74 40 36 79 46 25 23 79 37 20 18 79
115:1 96 53 48 117 76 42 38 117 48 26 24 117 38 21 19 117
115:2 96 53 48 117 76 42 38 117 48 26 24 117 38 21 19 117
115:3 92 51 46 134 73 40 36 134 46 25 23 134 36 20 18 134
115:4 92 51 46 134 73 40 36 134 46 25 23 134 36 20 18 134
115:5 92 51 46 134 73 40 36 134 46 25 23 134 36 20 18 134
115:6 92 51 46 134 73 40 36 134 46 25 23 134 36 20 18 134
115:7 92 51 46 134 73 40 36 134 46 25 23 134 36 20 18 134
116 190 100 56 255 152 80 44 255 95 50 28 255 76 40 22 255
117 98 95 83 83 78 76 66 83 49 47 41 83 39 38 33 83
118 39 36 36 111 31 28 28 111 19 18 18 111 15 14 14 111
119 22 16 20 255 17 12 16 255 11 8 10 255 8 6 8 255
120 45 47 51 255 36 37 40 255 22 23 25 255 18 18 20 255
120:4 102 121 110 95 81 96 88 95 51 60 55 95 40 48 44 95
120:5 102 121 110 95 81 96 88 95 51 60 55 95 40 48 44 95
120:6 102 121 110 95 81 96 88 95 51 60 55 95 40 48 44 95
120:7 102 121 110 95 81 96 88 95 51 60 55 95 40 48 44 95
121 163 158 142 255 130 126 113 255 81 79 71 255 65 63 56 255
122 70 61 68 255 56 48 54 255 35 30 34 255 28 24 27 255
123 67 56 38 255 53 44 30 255 33 28 19 255 26 22 15 255
124 124 108 72 255 99 86 57 255 62 54 36 255 49 43 28 255
125 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
125:1 65 51 40 255 52 40 32 255 32 25 20 255 26 20 16 255
125:2 151 140 113 255 120 112 90 255 75 70 56 255 60 56 45 255
125:3 111 74 59 255 88 59 47 255 55 37 29 255 44 29 23 255
125:4 96 42 17 255 76 33 13 255 48 21 8 255 38 16 6 255
125:5 48 29 22 255 38 23 17 255 24 14 11 255 19 11 8 255
125:9 65 51 40 255 52 40 32 255 32 25 20 255 26 20 16 255
125:10 151 140 113 255 120 112 90 255 75 70 56 255 60 56 45 255
125:11 111 74 59 255 88 59 47 255 55 37 29 255 44 29 23 255
125:12 96 42 17 255 76 33 13 255 48 21 8 255 38 16 6 255
125:13 48 29 22 255 38 23 17 255 24 14 11 255 19 11 8 255
126 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
126:1 65 51 40 255 52 40 32 255 32 25 20 255 26 20 16 255
126:2 151 140 113 255 120 112 90 255 75 70 56 255 60 56 45 255
126:3 111 74 59 255 88 59 47 255 55 37 29 255 44 29 23 255
126:4 96 42 17 255 76 33 13 255 48 21 8 255 38 16 6 255
126:5 48 29 22 255 38 23 17 255 24 14 11 255 19 11 8 255
126:9 65 51 40 255 52 40 32 255 32 25 20 255 26 20 16 255
126:10 151 140 113 255 120 112 90 255 75 70 56 255 60 56 45 255
126:11 111 74 59 255 88 59 47 255 55 37 29 255 44 29 23 255
126:12 96 42 17 255 76 33 13 255 48 21 8 255 38 16 6 255
126:13 48 29 22 255 38 23 17 255 24 14 11 255 19 11 8 255
127 61 31 15 132 48 24 12 132 30 15 7 132 24 12 6 132
128 162 134 87 255 129 107 69 255 81 67 43 255 64 53 34 255
129 93 100 73 255 74 80 58 255 46 50 36 255 37 40 29 255
130:2 44 47 50 197 35 37 40 197 22 23 25 197 17 18 20 197
130:3 44 47 50 197 35 37 40 197 22 23 25 197 17 18 20 197
130:4 44 47 50 197 35 37 40 197 22 23 25 197 17 18 20 197
130:5 44 47 50 197 35 37 40 197 22 23 25 197 17 18 20 197
131 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
133 68 104 36 255 54 83 28 255 34 52 18 255 27 41 14 255
134 65 51 40 255 52 40 32 255 32 25 20 255 26 20 16 255
135 151 140 113 255 120 112 90 255 75 70 56 255 60 56 45 255
136 111 74 59 255 88 59 47 255 55 37 29 255 44 29 23 255
137 61 53 45 255 48 42 36 255 30 26 22 255 24 21 18 255
138 58 59 60 59 46 47 48 59 29 29 30 59 23 23 24 59
139 72 69 66 255 57 55 52 255 36 34 33 255 28 27 26 255
139:1 62 69 56 255 49 55 44 255 31 34 28 255 24 27 22 255
140 150 94 67 49 120 75 53 49 75 47 33 49 60 37 26 49
141 81 93 57 9 64 74 45 9 40 46 28 9 32 37 22 9
141:2 81 94 56 24 64 75 44 24 40 47 28 24 32 37 22 24
141:3 81 94 56 24 64 75 44 24 40 47 28 24 32 37 22 24
141:4 83 97 57 44 66 77 45 44 41 48 28 44 33 38 22 44
141:5 83 97 57 44 66 77 45 44 41 48 28 44 33 38 22 44
141:6 83 97 57 44 66 77 45 44 41 48 28 44 33 38 22 44
141:7 89 105 56 96 71 84 44 96 44 52 28 96 35 42 22 96
142 80 90 60 9 64 72 48 9 40 45 30 9 32 36 24 9
142:2 80 91 60 24 64 72 48 24 40 45 30 24 32 36 24 24
142:3 80 91 60 24 64 72 48 24 40 45 30 24 32 36 24 24
142:4 82 93 61 44 65 74 48 44 41 46 30 44 32 37 24 44
142:5 82 93 61 44 65 74 48 44 41 46 30 44 32 37 24 44
142:6 82 93 61 44 65 74 48 44 41 46 30 44 32 37 24 44
142:7 78 88 58 100 62 70 46 100 39 44 29 100 31 35 23 100
143 122 93 53 255 97 74 42 255 61 46 26 255 48 37 21 255
145 74 69 69 255 59 55 55 255 37 34 34 255 29 27 27 255
146 137 110 60 197 109 88 48 197 68 55 30 197 54 44 24 197
146:4 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
146:5 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
146:6 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
146:7 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
146:8 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
146:9 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
146:10 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
146:11 137 110 60 210 109 88 48 210 68 55 30 210 54 44 24 210
147 193 166 91 255 154 132 72 255 96 83 45 255 77 66 36 255
148 148 146 146 255 118 116 116 255 74 73 73 255 59 58 58 255
149 85 75 73 255 68 60 58 255 42 37 36 255 34 30 29 255
150 102 95 93 255 81 76 74 255 51 47 46 255 40 38 37 255
151 135 108 93 255 108 86 74 255 67 54 46 255 54 43 37 255
152 116 18 7 255 92 14 5 255 58 9 3 255 46 7 2 255
153 121 75 77 255 96 60 61 255 60 37 38 255 48 30 30 255
154 114 111 111 255 91 88 88 255 57 55 55 255 45 44 44 255
155 222 210 211 255 177 168 168 255 111 105 105 255 88 84 84 255
155:1 212 200 201 255 169 160 160 255 106 100 100 255 84 80 80 255
155:2 220 203 204 255 176 162 163 255 110 101 102 255 88 81 81 255
155:3 208 195 196 255 166 156 156 255 104 97 98 255 83 78 78 255
155:4 208 195 196 255 166 156 156 255 104 97 98 255 83 78 78 255
156 221 209 210 255 176 167 168 255 110 104 105 255 88 83 84 255
157 85 70 58 167 68 56 46 167 42 35 29 167 34 28 23 167
157:8 97 70 58 167 77 56 46 167 48 35 29 167 38 28 23 167
157:9 97 70 58 167 77 56 46 167 48 35 29 167 38 28 23 167
157:10 97 70 58 167 77 56 46 167 48 35 29 167 38 28 23 167
157:11 97 70 58 167 77 56 46 167 48 35 29 167 38 28 23 167
157:12 97 70 58 167 77 56 46 167 48 35 29 167 38 28 23 167
157:13 97 70 58 167 77 56 46 167 48 35 29 167 38 28 23 167
158 97 94 90 255 77 75 72 255 48 47 45 255 38 37 36 255
158:1 76 74 71 255 60 59 56 255 38 37 35 255 30 29 28 255
159 207 189 178 255 165 151 142 255 103 94 89 255 82 75 71 255
159:1 167 95 60 255 133 76 48 255 83 47 30 255 66 38 24 255
159:2 156 89 98 255 124 71 78 255 78 44 49 255 62 35 39 255
159:3 118 100 114 255 94 80 91 255 59 50 57 255 47 40 45 255
159:4 181 145 74 255 144 116 59 255 90 72 37 255 72 58 29 255
159:5 141 119 67 255 112 95 53 255 70 59 33 255 56 47 26 255
159:6 212 139 126 255 169 111 100 255 106 69 63 255 84 55 50 255
159:7 106 81 70 255 84 64 56 255 53 40 35 255 42 32 28 255
159:8 170 146 134 255 136 116 107 255 85 73 67 255 68 58 53 255
159:9 105 98 82 255 84 78 65 255 52 49 41 255 42 39 32 255
159:10 117 58 79 255 93 46 63 255 58 29 39 255 46 23 31 255
159:11 67 58 75 255 53 46 60 255 33 29 37 255 26 23 30 255
159:12 121 70 44 255 96 56 35 255 60 35 22 255 48 28 17 255
159:13 90 71 41 255 72 56 32 255 45 35 20 255 36 28 16 255
159:14 162 63 51 255 129 50 40 255 81 31 25 255 64 25 20 255
159:15 64 47 40 255 51 37 32 255 32 23 20 255 25 18 16 255
160 109 118 117 186 87 94 93 186 54 59 58 186 43 47 46 186
160:1 94 79 62 186 75 63 49 186 47 39 31 186 37 31 24 186
160:2 85 73 83 186 68 58 66 186 42 36 41 186 34 29 33 186
160:3 70 81 90 186 56 64 72 186 35 40 45 186 28 32 36 186
160:4 95 96 69 186 76 76 55 186 47 48 34 186 38 38 27 186
160:5 80 89 69 186 64 71 55 186 40 44 34 186 32 35 27 186
160:6 105 91 90 186 84 72 72 186 52 45 45 186 42 36 36 186
160:7 68 74 73 186 54 59 58 186 34 37 36 186 27 29 29 186
160:8 88 95 94 186 70 76 75 186 44 47 47 186 35 38 37 186
160:9 67 81 79 186 53 64 63 186 33 40 39 186 26 32 31 186
160:10 72 62 78 186 57 49 62 186 36 31 39 186 28 24 31 186
160:11 56 65 79 186 44 52 63 186 28 32 39 186 22 26 31 186
160:12 79 71 58 186 63 56 46 186 39 35 29 186 31 28 23 186
160:13 64 77 58 186 51 61 46 186 32 38 29 186 25 30 23 186
160:14 89 62 58 186 71 49 46 186 44 31 29 186 35 24 23 186
160:15 57 61 60 186 45 48 48 186 28 30 30 186 22 24 24 186
161 41 71 31 222 32 56 24 222 20 35 15 222 16 28 12 222
161:1 36 61 28 222 28 48 22 222 18 30 14 222 14 24 11 222
161:5 36 61 28 222 28 48 22 222 18 30 14 222 14 24 11 222
161:9 36 61 28 222 28 48 22 222 18 30 14 222 14 24 11 222
161:13 36 61 28 222 28 48 22 222 18 30 14 222 14 24 11 222
162 120 58 30 255 96 46 24 255 60 29 15 255 48 23 12 255
162:1 75 60 49 255 60 48 39 255 37 30 24 255 30 24 19 255
162:4 130 124 116 255 104 99 92 255 65 62 58 255 52 49 46 255
162:5 60 50 41 255 48 40 32 255 30 25 20 255 24 20 16 255
162:8 130 124 116 255 104 99 92 255 65 62 58 255 52 49 46 255
162:9 60 50 41 255 48 40 32 255 30 25 20 255 24 20 16 255
162:12 130 124 116 255 104 99 92 255 65 62 58 255 52 49 46 255
162:13 60 50 41 255 48 40 32 255 30 25 20 255 24 20 16 255
163 96 42 17 255 76 33 13 255 48 21 8 255 38 16 6 255
164 48 29 22 255 38 23 17 255 24 14 11 255 19 11 8 255
165 90 107 15 178 72 85 12 178 45 53 7 178 36 42 6 178
167 147 145 145 228 117 116 116 228 73 72 72 228 58 58 58 228
168 49 83 89 255 39 66 71 255 24 41 44 255 19 33 35 255
168:1 57 94 100 255 45 75 80 255 28 47 50 255 22 37 40 255
168:2 19 36 39 255 15 28 31 255 9 18 19 255 7 14 15 255
169 94 107 80 255 75 85 64 255 47 53 40 255 37 42 32 255
170 146 125 74 255 116 100 59 255 73 62 37 255 58 50 29 255
171 215 212 209 255 172 169 167 255 107 106 104 255 86 84 83 255
171:1 175 105 52 255 140 84 41 255 87 52 26 255 70 42 20 255
171:2 156 88 129 255 124 70 103 255 78 44 64 255 62 35 51 255
171:3 99 117 156 255 79 93 124 255 49 58 78 255 39 46 62 255
171:4 197 174 76 255 157 139 60 255 98 87 38 255 78 69 30 255
171:5 138 148 76 255 110 118 60 255 69 74 38 255 55 59 30 255
171:6 236 154 156 255 188 123 124 255 118 77 78 255 94 61 62 255
171:7 91 92 93 255 72 73 74 255 45 46 46 255 36 36 37 255
171:8 167 168 169 255 133 134 135 255 83 84 84 255 66 67 67 255
171:9 85 119 114 255 68 95 91 255 42 59 57 255 34 47 45 255
171:10 105 47 110 255 84 37 88 255 52 23 55 255 42 18 44 255
171:11 42 58 114 255 33 46 91 255 21 29 57 255 16 23 45 255
171:12 114 73 37 255 91 58 29 255 57 36 18 255 45 29 14 255
171:13 75 82 39 255 60 65 31 255 37 41 19 255 30 32 15 255
171:14 174 50 37 255 139 40 29 255 87 25 18 255 69 20 14 255
171:15 43 44 44 255 34 35 35 255 21 22 22 255 17 17 17 255
172 160 113 89 255 128 90 71 255 80 56 44 255 64 45 35 255
173 14 18 22 255 11 14 17 255 7 9 11 255 5 7 8 255
174 78 149 188 255 62 119 150 255 39 74 94 255 31 59 75 255
175 69 64 3 185 55 51 2 185 34 32 1 185 27 25 1 185
175:8 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:9 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:10 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:11 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:12 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:13 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:14 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:15 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
178 106 109 112 255 84 87 89 255 53 54 56 255 42 43 44 255
179 153 50 0 255 122 40 0 255 76 25 0 255 61 20 0 255
180 143 47 0 255 114 37 0 255 71 23 0 255 57 18 0 255
181 153 50 0 255 122 40 0 255 76 25 0 255 61 20 0 255
182 153 50 0 255 122 40 0 255 76 25 0 255 61 20 0 255
183 65 51 40 255 52 40 32 255 32 25 20 255 26 20 16 255
184 151 140 113 255 120 112 90 255 75 70 56 255 60 56 45 255
185 111 74 59 255 88 59 47 255 55 37 29 255 44 29 23 255
186 48 29 22 255 38 23 17 255 24 14 11 255 19 11 8 255
187 96 42 17 255 76 33 13 255 48 21 8 255 38 16 6 255
188 65 51 40 255 52 40 32 255 32 25 20 255 26 20 16 255
189 151 140 113 255 120 112 90 255 75 70 56 255 60 56 45 255
190 111 74 59 255 88 59 47 255 55 37 29 255 44 29 23 255
191 48 29 22 255 38 23 17 255 24 14 11 255 19 11 8 255
192 96 42 17 255 76 33 13 255 48 21 8 255 38 16 6 255
193 60 47 38 255 48 37 30 255 30 23 19 255 24 18 15 255
194 158 146 122 255 126 116 97 255 79 73 61 255 63 58 48 255
195 109 73 58 214 87 58 46 214 54 36 29 214 43 29 23 214
196 103 49 20 183 82 39 16 183 51 24 10 183 41 19 8 183
197 40 22 14 255 32 17 11 255 20 11 7 255 16 8 5 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
1 112 110 107 255 89 88 85 255 56 55 53 255 44 44 42 255
2 47 99 42 251 37 79 33 251 23 49 21 251 18 39 16 251
3 138 104 73 255 110 83 58 255 69 52 36 255 55 41 29 255
3:2 90 63 28 255 72 50 22 255 45 31 14 255 36 25 11 255
4 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
5 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
5:1 62 44 29 255 49 35 23 255 31 22 14 255 24 17 11 255
5:2 154 127 89 255 123 101 71 255 77 63 44 255 61 50 35 255
5:3 132 90 63 255 105 72 50 255 66 45 31 255 52 36 25 255
5:4 157 113 75 255 125 90 60 255 78 56 37 255 62 45 30 255
5:5 63 49 35 255 50 39 28 255 31 24 17 255 25 19 14 255
6 41 83 30 123 32 66 24 123 20 41 15 123 16 33 12 123
6:1 16 58 30 69 12 46 24 69 8 29 15 69 6 23 12 69
6:2 68 111 62 73 54 88 49 73 34 55 31 73 27 44 24 73
6:3 41 68 21 75 32 54 16 75 20 34 10 75 16 27 8 75
6:4 66 83 38 74 52 66 30 74 33 41 19 74 26 33 15 74
6:5 42 83 30 145 33 66 24 145 21 41 15 145 16 33 12 145
6:9 16 58 30 69 12 46 24 69 8 29 15 69 6 23 12 69
6:10 68 111 62 73 54 88 49 73 34 55 31 73 27 44 24 73
6:11 41 68 21 75 32 54 16 75 20 34 10 75 16 27 8 75
6:12 66 83 38 74 52 66 30 74 33 41 19 74 26 33 15 74
6:13 42 83 30 145 33 66 24 145 21 41 15 145 16 33 12 145
7 61 58 58 255 48 46 46 255 30 29 29 255 24 23 23 255
8 52 97 140 157 41 77 112 157 26 48 70 157 20 38 56 157
9 56 95 144 159 44 76 115 159 28 47 72 159 22 38 57 159
9:1 52 97 140 157 41 77 112 157 26 48 70 157 20 38 56 157
9:2 52 97 140 157 41 77 112 157 26 48 70 157 20 38 56 157
9:3 52 97 140 157 41 77 112 157 26 48 70 157 20 38 56 157
9:4 52 97 140 157 41 77 112 157 26 48 70 157 20 38 56 157
9:5 52 97 140 157 41 77 112 157 26 48 70 157 20 38 56 157
9:6 52 97 140 157 41 77 112 157 26 48 70 157 20 38 56 157
9:7 52 97 140 157 41 77 112 157 26 48 70 157 20 38 56 157
10 211 92 15 255 168 73 12 255 105 46 7 255 84 36 6 255
11 206 86 14 255 164 68 11 255 103 43 7 255 82 34 5 255
12 240 221 162 255 192 176 129 255 120 110 81 255 96 88 64 255
12:1 169 88 33 255 135 70 26 255 84 44 16 255 67 35 13 255
13 114 101 95 255 91 80 76 255 57 50 47 255 45 40 38 255
14 109 104 89 255 87 83 71 255 54 52 44 255 43 41 35 255
15 102 100 97 255 81 80 77 255 51 50 48 255 40 40 38 255
16 78 77 75 255 62 61 60 255 39 38 37 255 31 30 30 255
17 151 129 94 255 120 103 75 255 75 64 47 255 60 51 37 255
17:4 84 67 50 255 67 53 40 255 42 33 25 255 33 26 20 255
17:5 56 46 34 255 44 36 27 255 28 23 17 255 22 18 13 255
17:6 193 192 186 255 154 153 148 255 96 96 93 255 77 76 74 255
17:7 84 65 40 255 67 52 32 255 42 32 20 255 33 26 16 255
17:8 84 67 50 255 67 53 40 255 42 33 25 255 33 26 20 255
17:9 56 46 34 255 44 36 27 255 28 23 17 255 22 18 13 255
17:10 193 192 186 255 154 153 148 255 96 96 93 255 77 76 74 255
17:11 84 65 40 255 67 52 32 255 42 32 20 255 33 26 16 255
17:12 84 67 50 255 67 53 40 255 42 33 25 255 33 26 20 255
17:13 56 46 34 255 44 36 27 255 28 23 17 255 22 18 13 255
17:14 193 192 186 255 154 153 148 255 96 96 93 255 77 76 74 255
17:15 84 65 40 255 67 52 32 255 42 32 20 255 33 26 16 255
18 54 95 45 206 43 76 36 206 27 47 22 206 21 38 18 206
18:1 48 76 48 0 38 60 38 0 24 38 24 0 19 30 19 0
18:2 85 111 57 0 68 88 45 0 42 55 28 0 34 44 22 0
18:3 50 88 42 161 40 70 33 161 25 44 21 161 20 35 16 161
18:5 48 76 48 0 38 60 38 0 24 38 24 0 19 30 19 0
18:6 85 111 57 0 68 88 45 0 42 55 28 0 34 44 22 0
18:7 50 88 42 161 40 70 33 161 25 44 21 161 20 35 16 161
18:9 48 76 48 0 38 60 38 0 24 38 24 0 19 30 19 0
18:10 85 111 57 0 68 88 45 0 42 55 28 0 34 44 22 0
18:11 50 88 42 161 40 70 33 161 25 44 21 161 20 35 16 161
18:13 48 76 48 0 38 60 38 0 24 38 24 0 19 30 19 0
18:14 85 111 57 0 68 88 45 0 42 55 28 0 34 44 22 0
18:15 50 88 42 161 40 70 33 161 25 44 21 161 20 35 16 161
19 192 168 95 255 153 134 76 255 96 84 47 255 76 67 38 255
20 88 72 57 58 70 57 45 58 44 36 28 58 35 28 22 58
21 83 93 117 255 66 74 93 255 41 46 58 255 33 37 46 255
22 49 80 151 255 39 64 120 255 24 40 75 255 19 32 60 255
23 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
23:1 138 131 121 255 110 104 96 255 69 65 60 255 55 52 48 255
23:9 138 131 121 255 110 104 96 255 69 65 60 255 55 52 48 255
24 224 206 157 255 179 164 125 255 112 103 78 255 89 82 62 255
25 106 84 68 255 84 67 54 255 53 42 34 255 42 33 27 255
26 71 102 50 255 56 81 40 255 35 51 25 255 28 40 20 255
26:8 103 98 68 255 82 78 54 255 51 49 34 255 41 39 27 255
26:9 103 98 68 255 82 78 54 255 51 49 34 255 41 39 27 255
26:10 103 98 68 255 82 78 54 255 51 49 34 255 41 39 27 255
26:11 103 98 68 255 82 78 54 255 51 49 34 255 41 39 27 255
27 141 121 69 165 112 96 55 165 70 60 34 165 56 48 27 165
27:8 150 123 71 165 120 98 56 165 75 61 35 165 60 49 28 165
27:9 150 123 71 165 120 98 56 165 75 61 35 165 60 49 28 165
27:10 150 123 71 165 120 98 56 165 75 61 35 165 60 49 28 165
27:11 150 123 71 165 120 98 56 165 75 61 35 165 60 49 28 165
27:12 150 123 71 165 120 98 56 165 75 61 35 165 60 49 28 165
27:13 150 123 71 165 120 98 56 165 75 61 35 165 60 49 28 165
28 89 79 72 160 71 63 57 160 44 39 36 160 35 31 28 160
29 145 137 127 255 116 109 101 255 72 68 63 255 58 54 50 255
29:1 97 81 56 255 77 64 44 255 48 40 28 255 38 32 22 255
29:2 133 121 109 255 106 96 87 255 66 60 54 255 53 48 43 255
29:3 133 121 109 255 106 96 87 255 66 60 54 255 53 48 43 255
29:4 133 121 109 255 106 96 87 255 66 60 54 255 53 48 43 255
29:5 133 121 109 255 106 96 87 255 66 60 54 255 53 48 43 255
29:9 134 127 118 255 107 101 94 255 67 63 59 255 53 50 47 255
29:10 141 132 122 207 112 105 97 207 70 66 61 207 56 52 48 207
29:11 141 132 122 207 112 105 97 207 70 66 61 207 56 52 48 207
29:12 141 132 122 207 112 105 97 207 70 66 61 207 56 52 48 207
29:13 141 132 122 207 112 105 97 207 70 66 61 207 56 52 48 207
30 110 107 103 63 88 85 82 63 55 53 51 63 44 42 41 63
31 121 91 64 24 96 72 51 24 60 45 32 24 48 36 25 24
31:1 49 102 43 109 39 81 34 109 24 51 21 109 19 40 17 109
31:2 48 101 43 71 38 80 34 71 24 50 21 71 19 40 17 71
32 121 91 64 24 96 72 51 24 60 45 32 24 48 36 25 24
33 145 137 127 255 116 109 101 255 72 68 63 255 58 54 50 255
33:1 96 72 54 255 76 57 43 255 48 36 27 255 38 28 21 255
33:2 133 121 109 255 106 96 87 255 66 60 54 255 53 48 43 255
33:3 133 121 109 255 106 96 87 255 66 60 54 255 53 48 43 255
33:4 133 121 109 255 106 96 87 255 66 60 54 255 53 48 43 255
33:5 133 121 109 255 106 96 87 255 66 60 54 255 53 48 43 255
33:9 134 127 118 255 107 101 94 255 67 63 59 255 53 50 47 255
33:10 141 132 122 207 112 105 97 207 70 66 61 207 56 52 48 207
33:11 141 132 122 207 112 105 97 207 70 66 61 207 56 52 48 207
33:12 141 132 122 207 112 105 97 207 70 66 61 207 56 52 48 207
33:13 141 132 122 207 112 105 97 207 70 66 61 207 56 52 48 207
34 134 127 118 255 107 101 94 255 67 63 59 255 53 50 47 255
34:1 96 72 54 255 76 57 43 255 48 36 27 255 38 28 21 255
34:2 96 73 54 111 76 58 43 111 48 36 27 111 38 29 21 111
34:3 96 73 54 111 76 58 43 111 48 36 27 111 38 29 21 111
34:4 96 73 54 111 76 58 43 111 48 36 27 111 38 29 21 111
34:5 96 73 54 111 76 58 43 111 48 36 27 111 38 29 21 111
34:9 97 81 56 255 77 64 44 255 48 40 28 255 38 32 22 255
34:10 96 73 54 111 76 58 43 111 48 36 27 111 38 29 21 111
34:11 96 73 54 111 76 58 43 111 48 36 27 111 38 29 21 111
34:12 96 73 54 111 76 58 43 111 48 36 27 111 38 29 21 111
34:13 96 73 54 111 76 58 43 111 48 36 27 111 38 29 21 111
35 229 228 220 255 183 182 176 255 114 114 110 255 91 91 88 255
35:1 225 120 49 255 180 96 39 255 112 60 24 255 90 48 19 255
35:2 184 76 172 255 147 60 137 255 92 38 86 255 73 30 68 255
35:3 112 160 204 255 89 128 163 255 56 80 102 255 44 64 81 255
35:4 223 197 54 255 178 157 43 255 111 98 27 255 89 78 21 255
35:5 111 184 67 255 88 147 53 255 55 92 33 255 44 73 26 255
35:6 228 177 195 255 182 141 156 255 114 88 97 255 91 70 78 255
35:7 85 83 78 255 68 66 62 255 42 41 39 255 34 33 31 255
35:8 169 167 165 255 135 133 132 255 84 83 82 255 67 66 66 255
35:9 55 133 147 255 44 106 117 255 27 66 73 255 22 53 58 255
35:10 101 54 143 255 80 43 114 255 50 27 71 255 40 21 57 255
35:11 59 75 156 255 47 60 124 255 29 37 78 255 23 30 62 255
35:12 76 58 39 255 60 46 31 255 38 29 19 255 30 23 15 255
35:13 54 91 39 255 43 72 31 255 27 45 19 255 21 36 15 255
35:14 128 42 35 255 102 33 28 255 64 21 17 255 51 16 14 255
35:15 37 35 32 255 29 28 25 255 18 17 16 255 14 14 12 255
37 127 138 38 27 101 110 30 27 63 69 19 27 50 55 15 27
38 107 56 27 18 85 44 21 18 53 28 13 18 42 22 10 18
38:1 40 99 66 71 32 79 52 71 20 49 33 71 16 39 26 71
38:2 177 141 211 38 141 112 168 38 88 70 105 38 70 56 84 38
38:3 162 191 138 42 129 152 110 42 81 95 69 42 64 76 55 42
38:4 103 135 38 48 82 108 30 48 51 67 19 48 41 54 15 48
38:5 95 134 32 49 76 107 25 49 47 67 16 49 38 53 12 49
38:6 94 153 65 48 75 122 52 48 47 76 32 48 37 61 26 48
38:7 101 150 73 47 80 120 58 47 50 75 36 47 40 60 29 47
38:8 176 197 139 43 140 157 111 43 88 98 69 43 70 78 55 43
39 91 70 45 22 72 56 36 22 45 35 22 22 36 28 18 22
40 170 73 65 19 136 58 52 19 85 36 32 19 68 29 26 19
41 236 220 84 255 188 176 67 255 118 110 42 255 94 88 33 255
42 181 179 175 255 144 143 140 255 90 89 87 255 72 71 70 255
43 194 187 174 255 155 149 139 255 97 93 87 255 77 74 69 255
43:1 224 206 157 255 179 164 125 255 112 103 78 255 89 82 62 255
43:2 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
43:3 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
43:4 139 99 90 255 111 79 72 255 69 49 45 255 55 39 36 255
43:5 156 150 140 255 124 120 112 255 78 75 70 255 62 60 56 255
43:6 53 26 31 255 42 20 24 255 26 13 15 255 21 10 12 255
43:7 228 223 212 253 182 178 169 253 114 111 106 253 91 89 84 253
43:9 224 206 157 255 179 164 125 255 112 103 78 255 89 82 62 255
43:10 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
43:11 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
43:12 139 99 90 255 111 79 72 255 69 49 45 255 55 39 36 255
43:13 156 150 140 255 124 120 112 255 78 75 70 255 62 60 56 255
43:14 53 26 31 255 42 20 24 255 26 13 15 255 21 10 12 255
43:15 228 223 212 253 182 178 169 253 114 111 106 253 91 89 84 253
44 194 187 174 255 155 149 139 255 97 93 87 255 77 74 69 255
44:1 224 206 157 255 179 164 125 255 112 103 78 255 89 82 62 255
44:2 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
44:3 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
44:4 139 99 90 255 111 79 72 255 69 49 45 255 55 39 36 255
44:5 156 150 140 255 124 120 112 255 78 75 70 255 62 60 56 255
44:6 53 26 31 255 42 20 24 255 26 13 15 255 21 10 12 255
44:7 228 223 212 253 182 178 169 253 114 111 106 253 91 89 84 253
44:9 224 206 157 255 179 164 125 255 112 103 78 255 89 82 62 255
44:10 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
44:11 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
44:12 139 99 90 255 111 79 72 255 69 49 45 255 55 39 36 255
44:13 156 150 140 255 124 120 112 255 78 75 70 255 62 60 56 255
44:14 53 26 31 255 42 20 24 255 26 13 15 255 21 10 12 255
44:15 228 223 212 253 182 178 169 253 114 111 106 253 91 89 84 253
45 139 99 90 255 111 79 72 255 69 49 45 255 55 39 36 255
46 92 69 54 255 73 55 43 255 46 34 27 255 36 27 21 255
47 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
48 122 122 99 255 97 97 79 255 61 61 49 255 48 48 39 255
49 41 29 56 255 32 23 44 255 20 14 28 255 16 11 22 255
50 67 61 49 27 53 48 39 27 33 30 24 27 26 24 19 27
51 216 151 54 156 172 120 43 156 108 75 27 156 86 60 21 156
52 109 106 90 198 87 84 72 198 54 53 45 198 43 42 36 198
53 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
54 140 122 103 195 112 97 82 195 70 61 51 195 56 48 41 195
54:4 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
54:5 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
54:6 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
54:7 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
54:8 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
54:9 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
54:10 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
54:11 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
55 227 227 227 26 181 181 181 26 113 113 113 26 90 90 90 26
56 109 112 108 255 87 89 86 255 54 56 54 255 43 44 43 255
57 60 195 211 255 48 156 168 255 30 97 105 255 24 78 84 255
58 176 145 103 255 140 116 82 255 88 72 51 255 70 58 41 255
59 67 119 28 9 53 95 22 9 33 59 14 9 26 47 11 9
59:1 73 123 31 16 58 98 24 16 36 61 15 16 29 49 12 16
59:2 84 129 29 21 67 103 23 21 42 64 14 21 33 51 11 21
59:3 91 128 30 33 72 102 24 33 45 64 15 33 36 51 12 33
59:4 98 132 33 47 78 105 26 47 49 66 16 47 39 52 13 47
59:5 101 127 41 60 80 101 32 60 50 63 20 60 40 50 16 60
59:6 107 131 49 72 85 104 39 72 53 65 24 72 42 52 19 72
59:7 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
59:8 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
59:9 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
59:10 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
59:11 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
59:12 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
59:13 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
59:14 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
59:15 171 155 74 80 136 124 59 80 85 77 37 80 68 62 29 80
60 105 80 59 255 84 64 47 255 52 40 29 255 42 32 23 255
60:1 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:2 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:3 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:4 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:5 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:6 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:7 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:8 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:9 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:10 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:11 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:12 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:13 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:14 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
60:15 65 50 36 255 52 40 28 255 32 25 18 255 26 20 14 255
61:2 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
61:3 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
61:4 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
61:5 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
62:2 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
62:3 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
62:4 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
62:5 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
63 85 69 51 10 68 55 40 10 42 34 25 10 34 27 20 10
64 93 77 59 255 74 61 47 255 46 38 29 255 37 30 23 255
64:8 94 78 60 237 75 62 48 237 47 39 30 237 37 31 24 237
64:9 94 78 60 237 75 62 48 237 47 39 30 237 37 31 24 237
64:10 94 78 60 237 75 62 48 237 47 39 30 237 37 31 24 237
64:11 94 78 60 237 75 62 48 237 47 39 30 237 37 31 24 237
64:12 94 78 60 237 75 62 48 237 47 39 30 237 37 31 24 237
64:13 94 78 60 237 75 62 48 237 47 39 30 237 37 31 24 237
64:14 94 78 60 237 75 62 48 237 47 39 30 237 37 31 24 237
64:15 94 78 60 237 75 62 48 237 47 39 30 237 37 31 24 237
65 103 85 66 72 82 68 52 72 51 42 33 72 41 34 26 72
66 90 81 73 134 72 64 58 134 45 40 36 134 36 32 29 134
66:6 91 83 75 118 72 66 60 118 45 41 37 118 36 33 30 118
66:7 91 83 75 118 72 66 60 118 45 41 37 118 36 33 30 118
66:8 91 83 75 118 72 66 60 118 45 41 37 118 36 33 30 118
66:9 91 83 75 118 72 66 60 118 45 41 37 118 36 33 30 118
67 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
68 85 69 51 10 68 55 40 10 42 34 25 10 34 27 20 10
69 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
70 112 110 107 255 89 88 85 255 56 55 53 255 44 44 42 255
71 78 76 71 255 62 60 56 255 39 38 35 255 31 30 28 255
71:8 77 76 71 221 61 60 56 221 38 38 35 221 30 30 28 221
71:9 77 76 71 221 61 60 56 221 38 38 35 221 30 30 28 221
71:10 77 76 71 221 61 60 56 221 38 38 35 221 30 30 28 221
71:11 77 76 71 221 61 60 56 221 38 38 35 221 30 30 28 221
71:12 77 76 71 221 61 60 56 221 38 38 35 221 30 30 28 221
71:13 77 76 71 221 61 60 56 221 38 38 35 221 30 30 28 221
71:14 77 76 71 221 61 60 56 221 38 38 35 221 30 30 28 221
71:15 77 76 71 221 61 60 56 221 38 38 35 221 30 30 28 221
72 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
73 129 94 87 255 103 75 69 255 64 47 43 255 51 37 34 255
74 129 94 87 255 103 75 69 255 64 47 43 255 51 37 34 255
75:1 74 37 31 21 59 29 24 21 37 18 15 21 29 14 12 21
75:2 74 37 31 21 59 29 24 21 37 18 15 21 29 14 12 21
75:3 74 37 31 21 59 29 24 21 37 18 15 21 29 14 12 21
75:4 74 37 31 21 59 29 24 21 37 18 15 21 29 14 12 21
75:5 74 37 31 21 59 29 24 21 37 18 15 21 29 14 12 21
76:1 88 26 18 31 70 20 14 31 44 13 9 31 35 10 7 31
76:2 88 26 18 31 70 20 14 31 44 13 9 31 35 10 7 31
76:3 88 26 18 31 70 20 14 31 44 13 9 31 35 10 7 31
76:4 88 26 18 31 70 20 14 31 44 13 9 31 35 10 7 31
76:5 88 26 18 31 70 20 14 31 44 13 9 31 35 10 7 31
77 112 110 107 255 89 88 85 255 56 55 53 255 44 44 42 255
78 236 238 242 255 188 190 193 255 118 119 121 255 94 95 96 255
79 180 221 246 159 144 176 196 159 90 110 123 159 72 88 98 159
80 236 238 242 255 188 190 193 255 118 119 121 255 94 95 96 255
81 87 121 67 195 69 96 53 195 43 60 33 195 34 48 26 195
82 154 154 150 255 123 123 120 255 77 77 75 255 61 61 60 255
83 121 158 67 90 96 126 53 90 60 79 33 90 48 63 26 90
84 95 86 78 255 76 68 62 255 47 43 39 255 38 34 31 255
85 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
86 161 98 19 255 128 78 15 255 80 49 9 255 64 39 7 255
87 139 66 70 255 111 52 56 255 69 33 35 255 55 26 28 255
88 97 68 59 255 77 54 47 255 48 34 29 255 38 27 23 255
89 224 192 118 255 179 153 94 255 112 96 59 255 89 76 47 255
90 69 0 105 163 55 0 84 163 34 0 52 163 27 0 42 163
91 161 98 19 255 128 78 15 255 80 49 9 255 64 39 7 255
92 239 220 218 195 191 176 174 195 119 110 109 195 95 88 87 195
93 152 143 135 255 121 114 108 255 76 71 67 255 60 57 54 255
94 156 144 135 255 124 115 108 255 78 72 67 255 62 57 54 255
95 193 187 182 156 154 149 145 156 96 93 91 156 77 74 72 156
95:1 189 119 39 156 151 95 31 156 94 59 19 156 75 47 15 156
95:2 182 26 109 156 145 20 87 156 91 13 54 156 72 10 43 156
95:3 75 114 149 156 60 91 119 156 37 57 74 156 30 45 59 156
95:4 193 179 21 156 154 143 16 156 96 89 10 156 77 71 8 156
95:5 121 152 61 156 96 121 48 156 60 76 30 156 48 60 24 156
95:6 185 25 111 166 148 20 88 166 92 12 55 166 74 10 44 166
95:7 119 113 107 156 95 90 85 156 59 56 53 156 47 45 42 156
95:8 126 120 115 156 100 96 92 156 63 60 57 156 50 48 46 156
95:9 32 187 182 156 25 149 145 156 16 93 91 156 12 74 72 156
95:10 64 26 68 156 51 20 54 156 32 13 34 156 25 10 27 156
95:11 41 26 69 156 32 20 55 156 20 13 34 156 16 10 27 156
95:12 111 72 21 156 88 57 16 156 55 36 10 156 44 28 8 156
95:13 32 131 72 156 25 104 57 156 16 65 36 156 12 52 28 156
95:14 193 26 21 156 154 20 16 156 96 13 10 156 77 10 8 156
95:15 32 26 21 156 25 20 16 156 16 13 10 156 12 10 8 156
96 125 113 101 242 100 90 80 242 62 56 50 242 50 45 40 242
97 112 110 107 255 89 88 85 255 56 55 53 255 44 44 42 255
97:1 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
97:2 156 150 140 255 124 120 112 255 78 75 70 255 62 60 56 255
98 156 150 140 255 124 120 112 255 78 75 70 255 62 60 56 255
98:1 146 145 128 255 116 116 102 255 73 72 64 255 58 58 51 255
98:2 147 140 131 255 117 112 104 255 73 70 65 255 58 56 52 255
98:3 142 136 127 255 113 108 101 255 71 68 63 255 56 54 50 255
99 227 196 126 255 181 156 100 255 113 98 63 255 90 78 50 255
99:1 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:2 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:3 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:4 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:5 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:6 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:7 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:8 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:9 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:14 153 112 69 255 122 89 55 255 76 56 34 255 61 44 27 255
99:15 236 224 201 255 188 179 160 255 118 112 100 255 94 89 80 255
100 227 196 126 255 181 156 100 255 113 98 63 255 90 78 50 255
100:1 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:2 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:3 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:4 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:5 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:6 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:7 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:8 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:9 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:14 129 78 70 255 103 62 56 255 64 39 35 255 51 31 28 255
100:15 236 224 201 255 188 179 160 255 118 112 100 255 94 89 80 255
101 65 64 61 110 52 51 48 110 32 32 30 110 26 25 24 110
102 88 72 57 58 70 57 45 58 44 36 28 58 35 28 22 58
103 52 82 33 255 41 65 26 255 26 41 16 255 20 32 13 255
104 25 81 31 35 20 64 24 35 12 40 15 35 10 32 12 35
105 25 81 31 35 20 64 24 35 12 40 15 35 10 32 12 35
106 49 86 41 104 39 68 32 104 24 43 20 104 19 34 16 104
107 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
108 139 99 90 255 111 79 72 255 69 49 45 255 55 39 36 255
109 156 150 140 255 124 120 112 255 78 75 70 255 62 60 56 255
110 98 88 99 255 78 70 79 255 49 44 49 255 39 35 39 255
111 16 64 24 0 12 51 19 0 8 32 12 0 6 25 9 0
112 53 26 31 255 42 20 24 255 26 13 15 255 21 10 12 255
113 53 26 31 255 42 20 24 255 26 13 15 255 21 10 12 255
114 53 26 31 255 42 20 24 255 26 13 15 255 21 10 12 255
115 64 30 31 52 51 24 24 52 32 15 15 52 25 12 12 52
115:1 68 35 35 92 54 28 28 92 34 17 17 92 27 14 14 92
115:2 68 35 35 92 54 28 28 92 34 17 17 92 27 14 14 92
115:3 75 45 43 113 60 36 34 113 37 22 21 113 30 18 17 113
115:4 75 45 43 113 60 36 34 113 37 22 21 113 30 18 17 113
115:5 75 45 43 113 60 36 34 113 37 22 21 113 30 18 17 113
115:6 75 45 43 113 60 36 34 113 37 22 21 113 30 18 17 113
115:7 75 45 43 113 60 36 34 113 37 22 21 113 30 18 17 113
116 92 35 30 255 73 28 24 255 46 17 15 255 36 14 12 255
117 67 72 72 77 53 57 57 77 33 36 36 77 26 28 28 77
118 64 64 64 111 51 51 51 111 32 32 32 111 25 25 25 111
119 41 29 56 255 32 23 44 255 20 14 28 255 16 11 22 255
120 84 131 102 255 67 104 81 255 42 65 51 255 33 52 40 255
120:4 67 101 71 95 53 80 56 95 33 50 35 95 26 40 28 95
120:5 67 101 71 95 53 80 56 95 33 50 35 95 26 40 28 95
120:6 67 101 71 95 53 80 56 95 33 50 35 95 26 40 28 95
120:7 67 101 71 95 53 80 56 95 33 50 35 95 26 40 28 95
121 238 236 193 255 190 188 154 255 119 118 96 255 95 94 77 255
122 12 0 24 255 9 0 19 255 6 0 12 255 4 0 9 255
123 87 71 56 255 69 56 44 255 43 35 28 255 34 28 22 255
124 125 110 78 255 100 88 62 255 62 55 39 255 50 44 31 255
125 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
125:1 62 44 29 255 49 35 23 255 31 22 14 255 24 17 11 255
125:2 154 127 89 255 123 101 71 255 77 63 44 255 61 50 35 255
125:3 132 90 63 255 105 72 50 255 66 45 31 255 52 36 25 255
125:4 157 113 75 255 125 90 60 255 78 56 37 255 62 45 30 255
125:5 63 49 35 255 50 39 28 255 31 24 17 255 25 19 14 255
125:9 62 44 29 255 49 35 23 255 31 22 14 255 24 17 11 255
125:10 154 127 89 255 123 101 71 255 77 63 44 255 61 50 35 255
125:11 132 90 63 255 105 72 50 255 66 45 31 255 52 36 25 255
125:12 157 113 75 255 125 90 60 255 78 56 37 255 62 45 30 255
125:13 63 49 35 255 50 39 28 255 31 24 17 255 25 19 14 255
126 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
126:1 62 44 29 255 49 35 23 255 31 22 14 255 24 17 11 255
126:2 154 127 89 255 123 101 71 255 77 63 44 255 61 50 35 255
126:3 132 90 63 255 105 72 50 255 66 45 31 255 52 36 25 255
126:4 157 113 75 255 125 90 60 255 78 56 37 255 62 45 30 255
126:5 63 49 35 255 50 39 28 255 31 24 17 255 25 19 14 255
126:9 62 44 29 255 49 35 23 255 31 22 14 255 24 17 11 255
126:10 154 127 89 255 123 101 71 255 77 63 44 255 61 50 35 255
126:11 132 90 63 255 105 72 50 255 66 45 31 255 52 36 25 255
126:12 157 113 75 255 125 90 60 255 78 56 37 255 62 45 30 255
126:13 63 49 35 255 50 39 28 255 31 24 17 255 25 19 14 255
127 151 66 46 129 120 52 36 129 75 33 23 129 60 26 18 129
128 212 189 139 255 169 151 111 255 106 94 69 255 84 75 55 255
129 92 105 89 255 73 84 71 255 46 52 44 255 36 42 35 255
130:2 75 75 75 195 60 60 60 195 37 37 37 195 30 30 30 195
130:3 75 75 75 195 60 60 60 195 37 37 37 195 30 30 30 195
130:4 75 75 75 195 60 60 60 195 37 37 37 195 30 30 30 195
130:5 75 75 75 195 60 60 60 195 37 37 37 195 30 30 30 195
131 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
133 38 161 73 255 30 128 58 255 19 80 36 255 15 64 29 255
134 62 44 29 255 49 35 23 255 31 22 14 255 24 17 11 255
135 154 127 89 255 123 101 71 255 77 63 44 255 61 50 35 255
136 132 90 63 255 105 72 50 255 66 45 31 255 52 36 25 255
137 98 94 89 255 78 75 71 255 49 47 44 255 39 37 35 255
138 88 72 57 58 70 57 45 58 44 36 28 58 35 28 22 58
139 136 129 119 255 108 103 95 255 68 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
139:1 122 122 99 255 97 97 79 255 61 61 49 255 48 48 39 255
140 135 77 66 49 108 61 52 49 67 38 33 49 54 30 26 49
141 87 132 66 6 69 105 52 6 43 66 33 6 34 52 26 6
141:2 94 140 70 16 75 112 56 16 47 70 35 16 37 56 28 16
141:3 94 140 70 16 75 112 56 16 47 70 35 16 37 56 28 16
141:4 92 138 68 23 73 110 54 23 46 69 34 23 36 55 27 23
141:5 92 138 68 23 73 110 54 23 46 69 34 23 36 55 27 23
141:6 92 138 68 23 73 110 54 23 46 69 34 23 36 55 27 23
141:7 126 146 13 60 100 116 10 60 63 73 6 60 50 58 5 60
142 87 132 66 6 69 105 52 6 43 66 33 6 34 52 26 6
142:2 94 140 70 16 75 112 56 16 47 70 35 16 37 56 28 16
142:3 94 140 70 16 75 112 56 16 47 70 35 16 37 56 28 16
142:4 92 138 68 23 73 110 54 23 46 69 34 23 36 55 27 23
142:5 92 138 68 23 73 110 54 23 46 69 34 23 36 55 27 23
142:6 92 138 68 23 73 110 54 23 46 69 34 23 36 55 27 23
142:7 84 132 69 67 67 105 55 67 42 66 34 67 33 52 27 67
143 98 80 60 255 78 64 48 255 49 40 30 255 39 32 24 255
145 39 39 39 255 31 31 31 255 19 19 19 255 15 15 15 255
146 140 122 103 195 112 97 82 195 70 61 51 195 56 48 41 195
146:4 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
146:5 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
146:6 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
146:7 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
146:8 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
146:9 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
146:10 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
146:11 140 122 102 209 112 97 81 209 70 61 51 209 56 48 40 209
147 236 220 84 255 188 176 67 255 118 110 42 255 94 88 33 255
148 181 179 175 255 144 143 140 255 90 89 87 255 72 71 70 255
149 141 132 124 255 112 105 99 255 70 66 62 255 56 52 49 255
150 145 134 125 255 116 107 100 255 72 67 62 255 58 53 50 255
151 163 152 139 255 130 121 111 255 81 76 69 255 65 60 55 255
152 163 4 21 255 130 3 16 255 81 2 10 255 65 1 8 255
153 143 86 86 255 114 68 68 255 71 43 43 255 57 34 34 255
154 31 31 31 255 24 24 24 255 15 15 15 255 12 12 12 255
155 228 223 212 253 182 178 169 253 114 111 106 253 91 89 84 253
155:1 225 221 207 254 180 176 165 254 112 110 103 254 90 88 82 254
155:2 221 216 201 254 176 172 160 254 110 108 100 254 88 86 80 254
155:3 224 218 205 255 179 174 164 255 112 109 102 255 89 87 82 255
155:4 224 218 205 255 179 174 164 255 112 109 102 255 89 87 82 255
156 228 223 212 253 182 178 169 253 114 111 106 253 91 89 84 253
157 101 88 84 161 80 70 67 161 50 44 42 161 40 35 33 161
157:8 93 82 78 161 74 65 62 161 46 41 39 161 37 32 31 161
157:9 93 82 78 161 74 65 62 161 46 41 39 161 37 32 31 161
157:10 93 82 78 161 74 65 62 161 46 41 39 161 37 32 31 161
157:11 93 82 78 161 74 65 62 161 46 41 39 161 37 32 31 161
157:12 93 82 78 161 74 65 62 161 46 41 39 161 37 32 31 161
157:13 93 82 78 161 74 65 62 161 46 41 39 161 37 32 31 161
158 125 118 111 255 100 94 88 255 62 59 55 255 50 47 44 255
158:1 135 128 118 255 108 102 94 255 67 64 59 255 54 51 47 255
159 207 182 167 255 165 145 133 255 103 91 83 255 82 72 66 255
159:1 155 80 36 255 124 64 28 255 77 40 18 255 62 32 14 255
159:2 153 82 107 255 122 65 85 255 76 41 53 255 61 32 42 255
159:3 113 107 152 255 90 85 121 255 56 53 76 255 45 42 60 255
159:4 189 132 64 255 151 105 51 255 94 66 32 255 75 52 25 255
159:5 100 119 58 255 80 95 46 255 50 59 29 255 40 47 23 255
159:6 153 82 81 255 122 65 64 255 76 41 40 255 61 32 32 255
159:7 61 38 35 255 48 30 28 255 30 19 17 255 24 15 14 255
159:8 136 103 99 255 108 82 79 255 68 51 49 255 54 41 39 255
159:9 79 89 95 255 63 71 76 255 39 44 47 255 31 35 38 255
159:10 118 64 87 255 94 51 69 255 59 32 43 255 47 25 34 255
159:11 73 58 88 255 58 46 70 255 36 29 44 255 29 23 35 255
159:12 77 48 43 255 61 38 34 255 38 24 21 255 30 19 17 255
159:13 72 79 50 255 57 63 40 255 36 39 25 255 28 31 20 255
159:14 141 53 55 255 112 42 44 255 70 26 27 255 56 21 22 255
159:15 40 20 18 255 32 16 14 255 20 10 9 255 16 8 7 255
160 193 187 182 156 154 149 145 156 96 93 91 156 77 74 72 156
160:1 189 119 39 156 151 95 31 156 94 59 19 156 75 47 15 156
160:2 182 26 109 156 145 20 87 156 91 13 54 156 72 10 43 156
160:3 75 114 149 156 60 91 119 156 37 57 74 156 30 45 59 156
160:4 193 179 21 156 154 143 16 156 96 89 10 156 77 71 8 156
160:5 121 152 61 156 96 121 48 156 60 76 30 156 48 60 24 156
160:6 185 25 111 166 148 20 88 166 92 12 55 166 74 10 44 166
160:7 119 113 107 156 95 90 85 156 59 56 53 156 47 45 42 156
160:8 126 120 115 156 100 96 92 156 63 60 57 156 50 48 46 156
160:9 32 187 182 156 25 149 145 156 16 93 91 156 12 74 72 156
160:10 64 26 68 156 51 20 54 156 32 13 34 156 25 10 27 156
160:11 41 26 69 156 32 20 55 156 20 13 34 156 16 10 27 156
160:12 111 72 21 156 88 57 16 156 55 36 10 156 44 28 8 156
160:13 32 131 72 156 25 104 57 156 16 65 36 156 12 52 28 156
160:14 193 26 21 156 154 20 16 156 96 13 10 156 77 10 8 156
160:15 32 26 21 156 25 20 16 156 16 13 10 156 12 10 8 156
161 42 75 36 154 33 60 28 154 21 37 18 154 16 30 14 154
162 168 125 101 255 134 100 80 255 84 62 50 255 67 50 40 255
162:1 151 129 94 255 120 103 75 255 75 64 47 255 60 51 37 255
162:4 92 86 75 255 73 68 60 255 46 43 37 255 36 34 30 255
162:5 56 46 34 255 44 36 27 255 28 23 17 255 22 18 13 255
162:8 92 86 75 255 73 68 60 255 46 43 37 255 36 34 30 255
162:9 56 46 34 255 44 36 27 255 28 23 17 255 22 18 13 255
162:12 92 86 75 255 73 68 60 255 46 43 37 255 36 34 30 255
162:13 56 46 34 255 44 36 27 255 28 23 17 255 22 18 13 255
163 157 113 75 255 125 90 60 255 78 56 37 255 62 45 30 255
164 63 49 35 255 50 39 28 255 31 24 17 255 25 19 14 255
170 242 216 132 255 193 172 105 255 121 108 66 255 96 86 52 255
171 229 228 220 255 183 182 176 255 114 114 110 255 91 91 88 255
171:1 225 120 49 255 180 96 39 255 112 60 24 255 90 48 19 255
171:2 184 76 172 255 147 60 137 255 92 38 86 255 73 30 68 255
171:3 112 160 204 255 89 128 163 255 56 80 102 255 44 64 81 255
171:4 223 197 54 255 178 157 43 255 111 98 27 255 89 78 21 255
171:5 111 184 67 255 88 147 53 255 55 92 33 255 44 73 26 255
171:6 228 177 195 255 182 141 156 255 114 88 97 255 91 70 78 255
171:7 85 83 78 255 68 66 62 255 42 41 39 255 34 33 31 255
171:8 169 167 165 255 135 133 132 255 84 83 82 255 67 66 66 255
171:9 55 133 147 255 44 106 117 255 27 66 73 255 22 53 58 255
171:10 101 54 143 255 80 43 114 255 50 27 71 255 40 21 57 255
171:11 59 75 156 255 47 60 124 255 29 37 78 255 23 30 62 255
171:12 76 58 39 255 60 46 31 255 38 29 19 255 30 23 15 255
171:13 54 91 39 255 43 72 31 255 27 45 19 255 21 36 15 255
171:14 128 42 35 255 102 33 28 255 64 21 17 255 51 16 14 255
171:15 37 35 32 255 29 28 25 255 18 17 16 255 14 14 12 255
172 146 78 70 255 116 62 56 255 73 39 35 255 58 31 28 255
173 20 21 22 255 16 16 17 255 10 10 11 255 8 8 8 255
174 190 225 247 255 152 180 197 255 95 112 123 255 76 90 98 255
175 65 109 43 51 52 87 34 51 32 54 21 51 26 43 17 51
175:1 142 148 132 86 113 118 105 86 71 74 66 86 56 59 52 86
175:2 45 93 40 211 36 74 32 211 22 46 20 211 18 37 16 211
175:3 51 107 46 143 40 85 36 143 25 53 23 143 20 42 18 143
175:4 42 52 23 203 33 41 18 203 21 26 11 203 16 20 9 203
175:5 54 88 59 147 43 70 47 147 27 44 29 147 21 35 23 147
175:8 67 111 45 26 53 88 36 26 33 55 22 26 26 44 18 26
175:9 148 148 140 83 118 118 112 83 74 74 70 83 59 59 56 83
175:10 51 107 45 134 40 85 36 134 25 53 22 134 20 42 18 134
175:11 56 118 50 44 44 94 40 44 28 59 25 44 22 47 20 44
175:12 85 49 28 167 68 39 22 167 42 24 14 167 34 19 11 167
175:13 132 133 141 129 105 106 112 129 66 66 70 129 52 53 56 129
178 106 109 112 255 84 87 89 255 53 54 56 255 42 43 44 255
179 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
180 165 84 29 255 132 67 23 255 82 42 14 255 66 33 11 255
181 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
182 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
183 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
184 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
185 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
186 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
187 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
188 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
189 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
190 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
191 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
192 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
193 96 74 49 255 76 59 39 255 48 37 24 255 38 29 19 255
194 217 210 179 255 173 168 143 255 108 105 89 255 86 84 71 255
195 151 113 85 207 120 90 68 207 75 56 42 207 60 45 34 207
196 161 93 58 183 128 74 46 183 80 46 29 183 64 37 23 183
197 69 47 25 255 55 37 20 255 34 23 12 255 27 18 10 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
1 133 129 118 255 111 108 98 255 93 90 82 255 111 108 98 255
2 60 113 17 255 50 94 14 255 42 79 12 255 50 94 14 255
3 103 83 51 255 86 69 43 255 72 58 36 255 86 69 43 255
3:2 122 87 57 255 97 69 45 255 61 43 28 255 48 34 22 255
4 118 112 96 255 98 93 80 255 82 78 67 255 98 93 80 255
5 109 80 60 255 91 67 50 255 76 56 41 255 91 67 50 255
5:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
5:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
5:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
5:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
5:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
6 120 120 120 0 96 96 96 0 60 60 60 0 48 48 48 0
6:1 51 58 33 83 40 46 26 83 25 29 16 83 20 23 13 83
6:2 118 150 84 107 94 120 67 107 59 75 42 107 47 60 33 107
6:3 48 86 18 85 38 68 14 85 24 43 9 85 19 34 7 85
6:4 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:5 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
6:9 51 58 33 83 40 46 26 83 25 29 16 83 20 23 13 83
6:10 118 150 84 107 94 120 67 107 59 75 42 107 47 60 33 107
6:11 48 86 18 85 38 68 14 85 24 43 9 85 19 34 7 85
6:12 114 115 20 75 91 92 16 75 57 57 10 75 45 46 8 75
6:13 56 86 28 100 44 68 22 100 28 43 14 100 22 34 11 100
7 79 79 82 255 66 66 68 255 55 55 57 255 66 66 68 255
8 94 170 255 51 82 148 223 51 69 124 186 51 82 148 223 51
9 94 170 255 51 82 148 223 51 69 124 186 51 82 148 223 51
10 255 164 41 255 255 164 41 255 212 137 34 255 255 164 41 255
11 255 164 41 255 255 164 41 255 212 137 34 255 255 164 41 255
12 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
13 120 105 79 255 100 87 66 255 84 73 55 255 100 87 66 255
14 255 181 38 255 255 181 38 255 212 151 31 255 255 181 38 255
15 231 174 113 255 193 145 94 255 161 121 79 255 193 145 94 255
16 56 60 70 255 46 50 58 255 39 42 49 255 46 50 58 255
17 119 97 74 255 99 81 62 255 83 68 52 255 99 81 62 255
17:0 119 97 74 255 99 81 62 255 83 68 52 255 99 81 62 255
17:1 75 44 24 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 30 18 10 255
17:2 191 191 191 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 76 76 76 255
17:3 75 44 24 255 125 102 63 255 78 64 39 255 30 18 10 255
18 27 69 37 180 22 57 31 180 19 48 25 180 22 57 31 180
18:1 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:2 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:3 18 71 25 0 14 56 20 0 9 35 12 0 7 28 10 0
18:5 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:6 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:7 18 71 25 0 14 56 20 0 9 35 12 0 7 28 10 0
18:9 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:10 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:11 18 71 25 0 14 56 20 0 9 35 12 0 7 28 10 0
18:13 44 69 44 0 35 55 35 0 22 34 22 0 17 27 17 0
18:14 67 88 45 0 53 70 36 0 33 44 22 0 26 35 18 0
18:15 18 71 25 0 14 56 20 0 9 35 12 0 7 28 10 0
19 193 193 65 255 174 174 47 255 97 97 5 255 76 76 20 255
20 178 217 223 90 148 181 186 90 124 151 155 90 148 181 186 90
21 23 68 196 255 18 56 158 255 14 43 122 255 14 43 78 255
22 23 68 196 255 18 56 158 255 14 43 122 255 14 43 78 255
23 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
24 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
25 125 91 38 255 100 72 30 255 62 45 19 255 50 36 15 255
26 200 20 20 255 160 16 16 255 100 10 10 255 80 8 8 255
27 150 134 102 180 120 107 81 180 75 67 51 180 60 53 40 180
28 150 134 102 180 120 107 81 180 75 67 51 180 60 53 40 180
29 109 80 60 255 111 108 98 255 76 56 41 255 111 108 98 255
30 138 145 145 255 110 115 115 255 69 72 72 255 55 57 57 255
31 97 156 53 255 73 120 38 255 38 68 16 255 26 50 9 255
31:1 14 58 21 0 11 46 16 0 7 29 10 0 5 23 8 0
31:2 15 60 22 0 12 48 17 0 7 30 11 0 6 24 8 0
32 75 44 24 255 60 35 19 255 37 22 12 255 30 18 10 255
33 109 80 60 255 111 108 98 255 76 56 41 255 111 108 98 255
34 109 80 60 255 111 108 98 255 76 56 41 255 111 108 98 255
35 247 255 239 255 244 251 236 255 204 210 197 255 244 251 236 255
35:0 247 255 239 255 244 251 236 255 204 210 197 255 244 251 236 255
35:1 227 128 52 255 224 126 51 255 187 105 42 255 224 126 51 255
35:2 185 76 188 255 183 75 186 255 153 63 155 255 183 75 186 255
35:3 102 139 199 255 100 137 196 255 84 114 164 255 100 137 196 255
35:4 189 181 26 255 187 178 26 255 156 149 22 255 187 178 26 255
35:5 57 189 45 255 56 186 44 255 47 156 37 255 56 186 44 255
35:6 211 132 145 255 209 130 143 255 174 109 120 255 209 130 143 255
35:7 65 67 63 255 64 66 62 255 54 55 52 255 64 66 62 255
35:8 154 166 156 255 152 163 154 255 127 137 128 255 152 163 154 255
35:9 38 117 141 255 37 115 139 255 31 96 116 255 37 115 139 255
35:10 126 54 184 255 124 53 181 255 104 44 151 255 124 53 181 255
35:11 38 51 144 255 37 50 143 255 31 42 119 255 37 50 143 255
35:12 83 51 26 255 82 50 26 255 69 42 22 255 82 50 26 255
35:13 54 77 22 255 54 76 22 255 45 63 19 255 54 76 22 255
35:14 159 45 38 255 157 44 38 255 131 37 32 255 157 44 38 255
35:15 26 23 22 255 26 23 21 255 22 19 18 255 26 23 21 255
37 73 108 60 254 61 90 50 254 51 75 42 254 61 90 50 254
38 84 139 187 254 70 116 155 254 59 97 130 254 70 116 155 254
38:1 37 152 138 45 29 121 110 45 18 76 69 45 14 60 55 45
38:2 177 141 211 38 141 112 168 38 88 70 105 38 70 56 84 38
38:3 162 191 138 42 129 152 110 42 81 95 69 42 64 76 55 42
38:4 103 135 38 48 82 108 30 48 51 67 19 48 41 54 15 48
38:5 95 134 32 49 76 107 25 49 47 67 16 49 38 53 12 49
38:6 94 153 65 48 75 122 52 48 47 76 32 48 37 61 26 48
38:7 101 150 73 47 80 120 58 47 50 75 36 47 40 60 29 47
38:8 176 197 139 43 140 157 111 43 88 98 69 43 70 78 55 43
39 184 144 0 254 153 119 0 254 128 100 0 254 153 119 0 254
40 201 17 17 254 168 14 14 254 140 12 12 254 168 14 14 254
41 247 255 239 255 244 251 236 255 204 210 197 255 244 251 236 255
42 249 249 249 255 207 207 207 255 173 173 173 255 207 207 207 255
43 122 112 99 255 101 93 82 255 85 78 69 255 101 93 82 255
43:0 122 112 99 255 101 93 82 255 85 78 69 255 101 93 82 255
43:1 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
43:2 109 80 60 255 91 67 50 255 76 56 41 255 91 67 50 255
43:3 118 112 96 255 98 93 80 255 82 78 67 255 98 93 80 255
43:4 170 86 62 255 136 68 49 255 85 43 31 255 68 34 24 255
43:5 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
43:6 122 112 99 255 101 93 82 255 85 78 69 255 101 93 82 255
44 122 112 99 254 101 93 82 254 85 78 69 254 101 93 82 254
44:0 122 112 99 254 101 93 82 254 85 78 69 254 101 93 82 254
44:1 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
44:2 109 80 60 255 91 67 50 255 76 56 41 255 91 67 50 255
44:3 118 112 96 255 98 93 80 255 82 78 67 255 98 93 80 255
44:4 170 86 62 255 136 68 49 255 85 43 31 255 68 34 24 255
44:5 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
44:6 122 112 99 254 101 93 82 254 85 78 69 254 101 93 82 254
44:8 122 112 99 254 101 93 82 254 85 78 69 254 101 93 82 254
44:9 192 178 110 255 160 148 92 255 134 124 77 255 160 148 92 255
44:10 109 80 60 255 91 67 50 255 76 56 41 255 91 67 50 255
44:11 118 112 96 255 98 93 80 255 82 78 67 255 98 93 80 255
44:12 170 86 62 255 136 68 49 255 85 43 31 255 68 34 24 255
44:13 200 200 200 255 160 160 160 255 100 100 100 255 80 80 80 255
44:14 122 112 99 254 101 93 82 254 85 78 69 254 101 93 82 254
45 230 103 73 255 192 86 61 255 160 71 50 255 192 86 61 255
46 255 79 30 255 231 72 27 255 193 60 22 255 231 72 27 255
47 125 91 38 192 100 72 30 192 62 45 19 192 50 36 15 192
48 96 108 70 255 80 90 58 255 67 75 49 255 80 90 58 255
49 83 67 83 255 69 56 69 255 58 47 58 255 69 56 69 255
50 255 203 58 200 255 203 58 200 212 169 48 200 255 203 58 200
51 255 170 30 200 255 170 30 200 212 141 25 200 255 170 30 200
52 255 228 52 255 255 228 52 255 212 190 43 255 255 228 52 255
53 145 109 80 255 121 91 67 255 101 76 56 255 121 91 67 255
53:4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 165 132 100 255 138 110 84 255 115 92 70 255 138 110 84 255
55 116 21 21 255 97 18 18 255 81 15 15 255 97 18 18 255
56 115 230 255 255 105 210 232 255 88 175 194 255 105 210 232 255
57 164 217 237 255 136 181 198 255 114 151 165 255 136 181 198 255
58 171 138 99 255 142 115 82 255 118 96 68 255 142 115 82 255
59 136 152 21 255 114 127 17 255 95 106 14 255 114 127 17 255
60 123 82 51 255 103 68 43 255 86 57 36 255 103 68 43 255
61 158 128 73 255 132 106 61 255 110 89 51 255 132 106 61 255
62 158 128 73 255 132 106 61 255 110 89 51 255 132 106 61 255
63 60 112 17 255 50 93 14 255 42 78 12 255 50 93 14 255
64 129 97 69 255 108 81 57 255 90 68 47 255 108 81 57 255
65 144 128 99 32 120 106 82 32 100 89 69 32 120 106 82 32
66 113 109 102 180 94 91 85 180 79 76 71 180 94 91 85 180
67 115 107 93 255 96 89 78 255 80 75 65 255 96 89 78 255
68 111 91 54 255 88 72 43 255 55 45 27 255 44 36 21 255
69 111 91 54 255 88 72 43 255 55 45 27 255 44 36 21 255
70 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
71 255 255 255 255 229 229 229 255 191 191 191 255 229 229 229 255
72 111 91 54 255 88 72 43 255 55 45 27 255 44 36 21 255
73 174 107 107 255 145 89 89 255 121 75 75 255 145 89 89 255
74 174 107 107 255 145 89 89 255 121 75 75 255 145 89 89 255
75 255 140 61 254 217 119 52 254 181 99 43 254 217 119 52 254
76 255 0 0 254 255 0 0 254 212 0 0 254 255 0 0 254
77 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
78 237 248 255 254 237 248 255 254 198 207 212 254 237 248 255 254
79 166 222 255 55 166 222 255 55 139 185 212 55 166 222 255 55
80 237 248 255 255 237 248 255 255 198 207 212 255 237 248 255 255
81 116 167 80 255 97 139 67 255 81 116 56 255 97 139 67 255
82 234 240 255 255 216 221 235 255 180 185 196 255 216 221 235 255
83 136 167 74 255 114 139 62 255 95 116 52 255 114 139 62 255
84 116 97 80 255 97 81 67 255 81 68 55 255 97 81 67 255
85 115 99 63 255 96 82 52 255 80 69 44 255 96 82 52 255
86 255 115 0 200 204 92 0 200 126 57 0 200 102 46 0 200
87 166 89 89 255 141 80 62 255 135 15 15 255 96 6 6 255
88 133 109 94 255 121 97 82 255 90 70 57 255 79 59 46 255
89 249 212 156 255 255 188 94 255 192 143 70 255 122 91 44 255
90 140 0 196 128 120 0 196 128 140 0 196 128 120 0 196 128
91 255 115 0 255 204 92 0 255 126 57 0 255 102 46 0 255
92 234 234 234 255 210 210 210 255 203 203 203 255 190 190 190 255
93 159 127 80 255 72 56 25 0 181 140 64 255 144 112 51 0
Below - same as standard
94 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
95 255 255 255 123 204 204 204 123 127 127 127 123 102 102 102 123
95:1 216 127 51 123 172 101 40 123 108 63 25 123 86 50 20 123
95:2 178 76 216 123 142 60 172 123 89 38 108 123 71 30 86 123
95:3 102 153 216 123 81 122 172 123 51 76 108 123 40 61 86 123
95:4 229 229 51 123 183 183 40 123 114 114 25 123 91 91 20 123
95:5 127 204 25 123 101 163 20 123 63 102 12 123 50 81 10 123
95:6 242 127 165 123 193 101 132 123 121 63 82 123 96 50 66 123
95:7 76 76 76 123 60 60 60 123 38 38 38 123 30 30 30 123
95:8 153 153 153 123 122 122 122 123 76 76 76 123 61 61 61 123
95:9 76 127 153 123 60 101 122 123 38 63 76 123 30 50 61 123
95:10 127 63 178 123 101 50 142 123 63 31 89 123 50 25 71 123
95:11 51 76 178 123 40 60 142 123 25 38 89 123 20 30 71 123
95:12 102 76 51 123 81 60 40 123 51 38 25 123 40 30 20 123
95:13 102 127 51 123 81 101 40 123 51 63 25 123 40 50 20 123
95:14 153 51 51 123 122 40 40 123 76 25 25 123 61 20 20 123
95:15 25 25 25 123 20 20 20 123 12 12 12 123 10 10 10 123
96 126 93 45 219 100 74 36 219 63 46 22 219 50 37 18 219
97 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
97:1 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
97:2 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
98 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
98:1 114 119 106 255 91 95 84 255 57 59 53 255 45 47 42 255
98:2 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255 59 59 59 255 47 47 47 255
98:3 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255 59 59 59 255 47 47 47 255
99 202 171 120 255 161 136 96 255 101 85 60 255 80 68 48 255
99:1 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:4 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:7 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:10 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
99:14 141 106 83 255 112 84 66 255 70 53 41 255 56 42 33 255
99:15 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
100 202 171 120 255 161 136 96 255 101 85 60 255 80 68 48 255
100:1 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:4 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:7 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:10 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
100:14 182 37 36 255 145 29 28 255 91 18 18 255 72 14 14 255
100:15 207 204 194 255 165 163 155 255 103 102 97 255 82 81 77 255
101 109 108 106 115 87 86 84 115 54 54 53 115 43 43 42 115
102 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
103 141 145 36 255 112 116 28 255 70 72 18 255 56 58 14 255
104 90 112 56 34 72 89 44 34 45 56 28 34 36 44 22 34
105 90 112 56 34 72 89 44 34 45 56 28 34 36 44 22 34
106 54 73 23 138 43 58 18 138 27 36 11 138 21 29 9 138
107 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
108 146 99 86 255 116 79 68 255 73 49 43 255 58 39 34 255
109 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
110 113 88 73 255 90 70 58 255 56 44 36 255 45 35 29 255
111 14 59 22 0 11 47 17 0 7 29 11 0 5 23 8 0
112 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
113 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
114 44 22 26 255 35 17 20 255 22 11 13 255 17 8 10 255
115 106 14 30 42 84 11 24 42 53 7 15 42 42 5 12 42
115:1 108 15 22 120 86 12 17 120 54 7 11 120 43 6 8 120
115:2 108 15 22 120 86 12 17 120 54 7 11 120 43 6 8 120
115:3 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:4 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:5 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:6 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
115:7 111 18 17 204 88 14 13 204 55 9 8 204 44 7 6 204
116 41 43 46 191 32 34 36 191 20 21 23 191 16 17 18 191
117 106 106 106 255 84 84 84 255 53 53 53 255 42 42 42 255
118 62 62 62 231 49 49 49 231 31 31 31 231 24 24 24 231
119 20 18 29 255 16 14 23 255 10 9 14 255 8 7 11 255
120 147 160 123 207 117 128 98 207 73 80 61 207 58 64 49 207
121 221 223 165 255 176 178 132 255 110 111 82 255 88 89 66 255
122 12 9 15 255 9 7 12 255 6 4 7 255 4 3 6 255
123 70 43 26 255 56 34 20 255 35 21 13 255 28 17 10 255
124 119 89 55 255 95 71 44 255 59 44 27 255 47 35 22 255
125 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
125:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
125:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
125:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
125:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
125:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
125:9 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
125:10 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
125:11 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
125:12 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
125:13 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
126 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
126:1 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
126:2 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
126:3 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
126:4 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
126:5 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
126:9 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
126:10 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
126:11 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
126:12 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
126:13 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
127 145 80 30 131 116 64 24 131 72 40 15 131 58 32 12 131
128 216 209 157 255 172 167 125 255 108 104 78 255 86 83 62 255
129 109 128 116 255 87 102 92 255 54 64 58 255 43 51 46 255
130:2 20 31 32 199 16 24 25 199 10 15 16 199 8 12 12 199
130:3 20 31 32 199 16 24 25 199 10 15 16 199 8 12 12 199
130:4 34 49 44 195 27 39 35 195 17 24 22 195 13 19 17 195
130:5 16 28 32 195 12 22 25 195 8 14 16 195 6 11 12 195
131 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
133 81 217 117 255 64 173 93 255 40 108 58 255 32 86 46 255
134 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
135 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
136 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
137 178 137 111 255 142 109 88 255 89 68 55 255 71 54 44 255
138 218 240 244 70 174 192 195 70 109 120 122 70 87 96 97 70
139 122 122 122 255 97 97 97 255 61 61 61 255 48 48 48 255
139:1 103 121 103 255 82 96 82 255 51 60 51 255 41 48 41 255
140 118 65 51 49 94 52 40 49 59 32 25 49 47 26 20 49
141 1 171 16 9 0 136 12 9 0 85 8 9 0 68 6 9
141:2 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
141:3 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
141:4 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:5 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:6 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
141:7 21 128 2 111 16 102 1 111 10 64 1 111 8 51 0 111
142 1 171 16 9 0 136 12 9 0 85 8 9 0 68 6 9
142:2 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
142:3 1 187 15 23 0 149 12 23 0 93 7 23 0 74 6 23
142:4 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:5 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:6 0 190 16 54 0 152 12 54 0 95 8 54 0 76 6 54
142:7 34 170 36 105 27 136 28 105 17 85 18 105 13 68 14 105
143 156 127 78 255 124 101 62 255 78 63 39 255 62 50 31 255
145 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
146 118 87 39 199 94 69 31 199 59 43 19 199 47 34 15 199
146:1 118 87 38 195 94 69 30 195 59 43 19 195 47 34 15 195
146:2 119 87 39 199 95 69 31 199 59 43 19 199 47 34 15 199
146:3 119 88 42 195 95 70 33 195 59 44 21 195 47 35 16 195
146:5 123 89 37 209 98 71 29 209 61 44 18 209 49 35 14 209
146:6 119 87 39 199 95 69 31 199 59 43 19 199 47 34 15 199
146:7 126 92 41 209 100 73 32 209 63 46 20 209 50 36 16 209
146:9 125 91 38 209 100 72 30 209 62 45 19 209 50 36 15 209
146:10 119 87 39 199 95 69 31 199 59 43 19 199 47 34 15 199
146:11 122 89 38 209 97 71 30 209 61 44 19 209 48 35 15 209
147 249 236 78 255 199 188 62 255 124 118 39 255 99 94 31 255
148 219 219 219 255 175 175 175 255 109 109 109 255 87 87 87 255
149 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
150 125 125 125 255 100 100 100 255 62 62 62 255 50 50 50 255
151 66 55 35 255 52 44 28 255 33 27 17 255 26 22 14 255
152 171 27 9 255 136 21 7 255 85 13 4 255 68 10 3 255
153 125 84 79 255 100 67 63 255 62 42 39 255 50 33 31 255
154 62 62 62 255 49 49 49 255 31 31 31 255 24 24 24 255
155 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
155:1 231 228 220 255 184 182 176 255 115 114 110 255 92 91 88 255
155:2 231 227 219 255 184 181 175 255 115 113 109 255 92 90 87 255
155:3 232 229 221 255 185 183 176 255 116 114 110 255 92 91 88 255
155:4 231 227 219 255 184 181 175 255 115 113 109 255 92 90 87 255
156 236 233 226 255 188 186 180 255 118 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
157 104 83 71 155 83 66 56 155 52 41 35 155 41 33 28 155
157:8 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:9 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:10 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:11 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:12 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
157:13 141 81 70 155 112 64 56 155 70 40 35 155 56 32 28 155
158 96 96 96 255 76 76 76 255 48 48 48 255 38 38 38 255
158:2 113 113 113 255 90 90 90 255 56 56 56 255 45 45 45 255
158:3 113 113 113 255 90 90 90 255 56 56 56 255 45 45 45 255
158:4 116 116 116 255 92 92 92 255 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255
158:5 113 113 113 255 90 90 90 255 56 56 56 255 45 45 45 255
159 209 178 161 255 167 142 128 255 104 89 80 255 83 71 64 255
159:1 161 83 37 255 128 66 29 255 80 41 18 255 64 33 14 255
159:2 149 88 108 255 119 70 86 255 74 44 54 255 59 35 43 255
159:3 113 108 137 255 90 86 109 255 56 54 68 255 45 43 54 255
159:4 186 133 35 255 148 106 28 255 93 66 17 255 74 53 14 255
159:5 103 117 52 255 82 93 41 255 51 58 26 255 41 46 20 255
159:6 161 78 78 255 128 62 62 255 80 39 39 255 64 31 31 255
159:7 57 42 35 255 45 33 28 255 28 21 17 255 22 16 14 255
159:8 135 106 97 255 108 84 77 255 67 53 48 255 54 42 38 255
159:9 86 91 91 255 68 72 72 255 43 45 45 255 34 36 36 255
159:10 118 70 86 255 94 56 68 255 59 35 43 255 47 28 34 255
159:11 74 59 91 255 59 47 72 255 37 29 45 255 29 23 36 255
159:12 77 51 35 255 61 40 28 255 38 25 17 255 30 20 14 255
159:13 76 83 42 255 60 66 33 255 38 41 21 255 30 33 16 255
159:14 143 61 46 255 114 48 36 255 71 30 23 255 57 24 18 255
159:15 37 22 16 255 29 17 12 255 18 11 8 255 14 8 6 255
160 255 255 255 123 204 204 204 123 127 127 127 123 102 102 102 123
160:1 216 127 51 123 172 101 40 123 108 63 25 123 86 50 20 123
160:2 178 76 216 123 142 60 172 123 89 38 108 123 71 30 86 123
160:3 102 153 216 123 81 122 172 123 51 76 108 123 40 61 86 123
160:4 229 229 51 123 183 183 40 123 114 114 25 123 91 91 20 123
160:5 127 204 25 123 101 163 20 123 63 102 12 123 50 81 10 123
160:6 242 127 165 123 193 101 132 123 121 63 82 123 96 50 66 123
160:7 76 76 76 123 60 60 60 123 38 38 38 123 30 30 30 123
160:8 153 153 153 123 122 122 122 123 76 76 76 123 61 61 61 123
160:9 76 127 153 123 60 101 122 123 38 63 76 123 30 50 61 123
160:10 127 63 178 123 101 50 142 123 63 31 89 123 50 25 71 123
160:11 51 76 178 123 40 60 142 123 25 38 89 123 20 30 71 123
160:12 102 76 51 123 81 60 40 123 51 38 25 123 40 30 20 123
160:13 102 127 51 123 81 101 40 123 51 63 25 123 40 50 20 123
160:14 153 51 51 123 122 40 40 123 76 25 25 123 61 20 20 123
160:15 25 25 25 123 20 20 20 123 12 12 12 123 10 10 10 123
161 66 88 28 154 52 70 22 154 33 44 14 154 26 35 11 154
162 105 99 89 255 84 79 71 255 52 49 44 255 42 39 35 255
162:1 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
162:4 154 91 64 255 123 72 51 255 77 45 32 255 61 36 25 255
162:5 104 81 48 255 83 64 38 255 52 40 24 255 41 32 19 255
162:9 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
162:13 45 28 12 255 36 22 9 255 22 14 6 255 18 11 4 255
163 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
164 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
170 157 116 18 255 125 92 14 255 78 58 9 255 62 46 7 255
171 221 221 221 255 176 176 176 255 110 110 110 255 88 88 88 255
171:1 219 125 62 255 175 100 49 255 109 62 31 255 87 50 24 255
171:2 179 80 188 255 143 64 150 255 89 40 94 255 71 32 75 255
171:3 106 138 201 255 84 110 160 255 53 69 100 255 42 55 80 255
171:4 177 166 39 255 141 132 31 255 88 83 19 255 70 66 15 255
171:5 65 174 56 255 52 139 44 255 32 87 28 255 26 69 22 255
171:6 208 132 153 255 166 105 122 255 104 66 76 255 83 52 61 255
171:7 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
171:8 154 161 161 255 123 128 128 255 77 80 80 255 61 64 64 255
171:9 46 110 137 255 36 88 109 255 23 55 68 255 18 44 54 255
171:10 126 61 181 255 100 48 144 255 63 30 90 255 50 24 72 255
171:11 46 56 141 255 36 44 112 255 23 28 70 255 18 22 56 255
171:12 79 50 31 255 63 40 24 255 39 25 15 255 31 20 12 255
171:13 53 70 27 255 42 56 21 255 26 35 13 255 21 28 10 255
171:14 150 52 48 255 120 41 38 255 75 26 24 255 60 20 19 255
171:15 25 22 22 255 20 17 17 255 12 11 11 255 10 8 8 255
172 150 92 66 255 120 73 52 255 75 46 33 255 60 36 26 255
173 18 18 18 255 14 14 14 255 9 9 9 255 7 7 7 255
174 165 194 245 255 132 155 196 255 82 97 122 255 66 77 98 255
175 65 109 43 51 52 87 34 51 32 54 21 51 26 43 17 51
175:1 142 148 132 86 113 118 105 86 71 74 66 86 56 59 52 86
175:2 72 89 44 138 57 71 35 138 36 44 22 138 28 35 17 138
175:3 72 90 45 158 57 72 36 158 36 45 22 158 28 36 18 158
175:4 69 64 3 185 55 51 2 185 34 32 1 185 27 25 1 185
175:5 54 88 59 147 43 70 47 147 27 44 29 147 21 35 23 147
175:8 67 111 45 26 53 88 36 26 33 55 22 26 26 44 18 26
175:9 148 148 140 83 118 118 112 83 74 74 70 83 59 59 56 83
175:10 76 94 47 92 60 75 37 92 38 47 23 92 30 37 18 92
175:11 74 91 46 122 59 72 36 122 37 45 23 122 29 36 18 122
175:12 115 61 7 107 92 48 5 107 57 30 3 107 46 24 2 107
175:13 132 133 141 129 105 106 112 129 66 66 70 129 52 53 56 129
178 106 109 112 255 84 87 89 255 53 54 56 255 42 43 44 255
179 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
180 165 84 29 255 132 67 23 255 82 42 14 255 66 33 11 255
181 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
182 166 85 29 255 132 68 23 255 83 42 14 255 66 34 11 255
183 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
184 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
185 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
186 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
187 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
188 103 77 46 255 82 61 36 255 51 38 23 255 41 30 18 255
189 195 179 123 255 156 143 98 255 97 89 61 255 78 71 49 255
190 154 110 77 255 123 88 61 255 77 55 38 255 61 44 30 255
191 61 39 18 255 48 31 14 255 30 19 9 255 24 15 7 255
192 169 91 51 255 135 72 40 255 84 45 25 255 67 36 20 255
193 96 74 49 255 76 59 39 255 48 37 24 255 38 29 19 255
194 217 210 179 255 173 168 143 255 108 105 89 255 86 84 71 255
195 151 113 85 207 120 90 68 207 75 56 42 207 60 45 34 207
196 161 93 58 183 128 74 46 183 80 46 29 183 64 37 23 183
197 69 47 25 255 55 37 20 255 34 23 12 255 27 18 10 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
1 118 115 107 255 94 92 85 255 59 57 53 255 47 46 42 255
1:1 142 96 76 255 113 76 60 255 71 48 38 255 56 38 30 255
1:2 152 104 82 255 121 83 65 255 76 52 41 255 60 41 32 255
1:3 181 184 181 255 144 147 144 255 90 92 90 255 72 73 72 255
1:4 186 189 186 255 148 151 148 255 93 94 93 255 74 75 74 255
1:5 121 117 104 255 96 93 83 255 60 58 52 255 48 46 41 255
1:6 119 115 103 255 95 92 82 255 59 57 51 255 47 46 41 255
2 42 80 22 255 33 64 17 255 21 40 11 255 16 32 8 255
3 86 60 40 255 68 48 32 255 43 30 20 255 34 24 16 255
3:2 49 41 27 255 39 32 21 255 24 20 13 255 19 16 10 255
4 98 94 87 255 78 75 69 255 49 47 43 255 39 37 34 255
5 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
5:1 79 53 25 255 63 42 20 255 39 26 12 255 31 21 10 255
5:2 183 142 82 255 146 113 65 255 91 71 41 255 73 56 32 255
5:3 107 64 33 255 85 51 26 255 53 32 16 255 42 25 13 255
5:4 132 80 52 255 105 64 41 255 66 40 26 255 52 32 20 255
5:5 46 33 18 255 36 26 14 255 23 16 9 255 18 13 7 255
6 50 74 19 97 40 59 15 97 25 37 9 97 20 29 7 97
6:1 11 40 27 75 8 32 21 75 5 20 13 75 4 16 10 75
6:2 110 123 66 51 88 98 52 51 55 61 33 51 44 49 26 51
6:3 67 81 22 87 53 64 17 87 33 40 11 87 26 32 8 87
6:4 70 79 16 91 56 63 12 91 35 39 8 91 28 31 6 91
6:5 47 70 19 102 37 56 15 102 23 35 9 102 18 28 7 102
6:9 11 40 27 75 8 32 21 75 5 20 13 75 4 16 10 75
6:10 110 123 66 51 88 98 52 51 55 61 33 51 44 49 26 51
6:11 67 81 22 87 53 64 17 87 33 40 11 87 26 32 8 87
6:12 70 79 16 91 56 63 12 91 35 39 8 91 28 31 6 91
6:13 47 70 19 102 37 56 15 102 23 35 9 102 18 28 7 102
7 23 23 24 255 18 18 19 255 11 11 12 255 9 9 9 255
8 107 212 243 179 85 169 194 179 53 106 121 179 42 84 97 179
9 98 204 243 179 78 163 194 179 49 102 121 179 39 81 97 179
9:1 107 212 243 179 85 169 194 179 53 106 121 179 42 84 97 179
9:2 107 212 243 179 85 169 194 179 53 106 121 179 42 84 97 179
9:3 107 212 243 179 85 169 194 179 53 106 121 179 42 84 97 179
9:4 107 212 243 179 85 169 194 179 53 106 121 179 42 84 97 179
9:5 107 212 243 179 85 169 194 179 53 106 121 179 42 84 97 179
9:6 107 212 243 179 85 169 194 179 53 106 121 179 42 84 97 179
9:7 107 212 243 179 85 169 194 179 53 106 121 179 42 84 97 179
10 179 102 3 255 143 81 2 255 89 51 1 255 71 40 1 255
11 164 87 4 255 131 69 3 255 82 43 2 255 65 34 1 255
12 206 184 112 255 164 147 89 255 103 92 56 255 82 73 44 255
12:1 165 100 44 255 132 80 35 255 82 50 22 255 66 40 17 255
13 138 127 123 255 110 101 98 255 69 63 61 255 55 50 49 255
14 132 126 95 255 105 100 76 255 66 63 47 255 52 50 38 255
15 133 127 114 255 106 101 91 255 66 63 57 255 53 50 45 255
16 101 98 92 255 80 78 73 255 50 49 46 255 40 39 36 255
17 161 128 80 255 128 102 64 255 80 64 40 255 64 51 32 255
17:1 94 71 40 255 75 56 32 255 47 35 20 255 37 28 16 255
17:2 163 136 85 255 130 108 68 255 81 68 42 255 65 54 34 255
17:3 145 110 68 255 116 88 54 255 72 55 34 255 58 44 27 255
17:4 91 72 43 255 72 57 34 255 45 36 21 255 36 28 17 255
17:5 41 26 8 255 32 20 6 255 20 13 4 255 16 10 3 255
17:6 207 209 200 255 165 167 160 255 103 104 100 255 82 83 80 255
17:7 84 67 26 255 67 53 20 255 42 33 13 255 33 26 10 255
17:8 91 72 43 255 72 57 34 255 45 36 21 255 36 28 17 255
17:9 41 26 8 255 32 20 6 255 20 13 4 255 16 10 3 255
17:10 207 209 200 255 165 167 160 255 103 104 100 255 82 83 80 255
17:11 84 67 26 255 67 53 20 255 42 33 13 255 33 26 10 255
17:12 91 72 43 255 72 57 34 255 45 36 21 255 36 28 17 255
17:13 41 26 8 255 32 20 6 255 20 13 4 255 16 10 3 255
17:14 207 209 200 255 165 167 160 255 103 104 100 255 82 83 80 255
17:15 84 67 26 255 67 53 20 255 42 33 13 255 33 26 10 255
18 32 67 20 232 25 53 16 232 16 33 10 232 12 26 8 232
18:1 39 68 33 208 31 54 26 208 19 34 16 208 15 27 13 208
18:2 67 88 45 220 53 70 36 220 33 44 22 220 26 35 18 220
18:3 29 59 16 240 23 47 12 240 14 29 8 240 11 23 6 240
18:5 39 68 33 208 31 54 26 208 19 34 16 208 15 27 13 208
18:6 67 88 45 220 53 70 36 220 33 44 22 220 26 35 18 220
18:7 29 59 16 240 23 47 12 240 14 29 8 240 11 23 6 240
18:9 39 68 33 208 31 54 26 208 19 34 16 208 15 27 13 208
18:10 67 88 45 220 53 70 36 220 33 44 22 220 26 35 18 220
18:11 29 59 16 240 23 47 12 240 14 29 8 240 11 23 6 240
18:13 39 68 33 208 31 54 26 208 19 34 16 208 15 27 13 208
18:14 67 88 45 220 53 70 36 220 33 44 22 220 26 35 18 220
18:15 29 59 16 240 23 47 12 240 14 29 8 240 11 23 6 240
19 210 210 76 255 168 168 60 255 105 105 38 255 84 84 30 255
19:1 171 174 68 255 136 139 54 255 85 87 34 255 68 69 27 255
20 113 95 70 87 90 76 56 87 56 47 35 87 45 38 28 87
21 103 102 113 255 82 81 90 255 51 51 56 255 41 40 45 255
22 34 53 135 255 27 42 108 255 17 26 67 255 13 21 54 255
23 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
23:1 96 90 79 255 76 72 63 255 48 45 39 255 38 36 31 255
23:9 96 90 79 255 76 72 63 255 48 45 39 255 38 36 31 255
24 236 228 167 255 188 182 133 255 118 114 83 255 94 91 66 255
25 79 50 27 255 63 40 21 255 39 25 13 255 31 20 10 255
26 66 86 109 255 52 68 87 255 33 43 54 255 26 34 43 255
26:8 177 185 185 255 141 148 148 255 88 92 92 255 70 74 74 255
26:9 177 185 185 255 141 148 148 255 88 92 92 255 70 74 74 255
26:10 177 185 185 255 141 148 148 255 88 92 92 255 70 74 74 255
26:11 177 185 185 255 141 148 148 255 88 92 92 255 70 74 74 255
27 113 97 61 198 90 77 48 198 56 48 30 198 45 38 24 198
27:8 120 97 62 200 96 77 49 200 60 48 31 200 48 38 24 200
27:9 120 97 62 200 96 77 49 200 60 48 31 200 48 38 24 200
27:10 120 97 62 200 96 77 49 200 60 48 31 200 48 38 24 200
27:11 120 97 62 200 96 77 49 200 60 48 31 200 48 38 24 200
27:12 120 97 62 200 96 77 49 200 60 48 31 200 48 38 24 200
27:13 120 97 62 200 96 77 49 200 60 48 31 200 48 38 24 200
28 96 92 89 203 76 73 71 203 48 46 44 203 38 36 35 203
29 99 95 85 255 79 76 68 255 49 47 42 255 39 38 34 255
29:1 81 73 35 255 64 58 28 255 40 36 17 255 32 29 14 255
29:2 96 87 69 255 76 69 55 255 48 43 34 255 38 34 27 255
29:3 96 87 69 255 76 69 55 255 48 43 34 255 38 34 27 255
29:4 96 87 69 255 76 69 55 255 48 43 34 255 38 34 27 255
29:5 96 87 69 255 76 69 55 255 48 43 34 255 38 34 27 255
29:9 93 82 65 255 74 65 52 255 46 41 32 255 37 32 26 255
29:10 97 91 76 207 77 72 60 207 48 45 38 207 38 36 30 207
29:11 97 91 76 207 77 72 60 207 48 45 38 207 38 36 30 207
29:12 97 91 76 207 77 72 60 207 48 45 38 207 38 36 30 207
29:13 97 91 76 207 77 72 60 207 48 45 38 207 38 36 30 207
30 255 255 255 78 204 204 204 78 127 127 127 78 102 102 102 78
31 106 67 26 50 84 53 20 50 53 33 13 50 42 26 10 50
31:1 32 61 17 98 25 48 13 98 16 30 8 98 12 24 6 98
31:2 32 60 17 81 25 48 13 81 16 30 8 81 12 24 6 81
32 106 67 26 50 84 53 20 50 53 33 13 50 42 26 10 50
33 99 95 85 255 79 76 68 255 49 47 42 255 39 38 34 255
33:1 79 59 30 255 63 47 24 255 39 29 15 255 31 23 12 255
33:2 96 87 69 255 76 69 55 255 48 43 34 255 38 34 27 255
33:3 96 87 69 255 76 69 55 255 48 43 34 255 38 34 27 255
33:4 96 87 69 255 76 69 55 255 48 43 34 255 38 34 27 255
33:5 96 87 69 255 76 69 55 255 48 43 34 255 38 34 27 255
33:9 93 82 65 255 74 65 52 255 46 41 32 255 37 32 26 255
33:10 97 91 76 207 77 72 60 207 48 45 38 207 38 36 30 207
33:11 97 91 76 207 77 72 60 207 48 45 38 207 38 36 30 207
33:12 97 91 76 207 77 72 60 207 48 45 38 207 38 36 30 207
33:13 97 91 76 207 77 72 60 207 48 45 38 207 38 36 30 207
34 96 83 68 255 76 66 54 255 48 41 34 255 38 33 27 255
34:1 81 60 32 255 64 48 25 255 40 30 16 255 32 24 12 255
34:2 96 76 46 111 76 60 36 111 48 38 23 111 38 30 18 111
34:3 96 76 46 111 76 60 36 111 48 38 23 111 38 30 18 111
34:4 96 76 46 111 76 60 36 111 48 38 23 111 38 30 18 111
34:5 96 76 46 111 76 60 36 111 48 38 23 111 38 30 18 111
34:9 83 74 37 255 66 59 29 255 41 37 18 255 33 29 14 255
34:10 96 76 46 111 76 60 36 111 48 38 23 111 38 30 18 111
34:11 96 76 46 111 76 60 36 111 48 38 23 111 38 30 18 111
34:12 96 76 46 111 76 60 36 111 48 38 23 111 38 30 18 111
34:13 96 76 46 111 76 60 36 111 48 38 23 111 38 30 18 111
35 236 236 236 255 188 188 188 255 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255
35:1 232 120 43 255 185 96 34 255 116 60 21 255 92 48 17 255
35:2 185 57 196 255 148 45 156 255 92 28 98 255 74 22 78 255
35:3 82 121 205 255 65 96 164 255 41 60 102 255 32 48 82 255
35:4 209 194 29 255 167 155 23 255 104 97 14 255 83 77 11 255
35:5 53 177 42 255 42 141 33 255 26 88 21 255 21 70 16 255
35:6 215 127 151 255 172 101 120 255 107 63 75 255 86 50 60 255
35:7 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
35:8 136 146 146 255 108 116 116 255 68 73 73 255 54 58 58 255
35:9 41 124 159 255 32 99 127 255 20 62 79 255 16 49 63 255
35:10 124 47 192 255 99 37 153 255 62 23 96 255 49 18 76 255
35:11 36 48 147 255 28 38 117 255 18 24 73 255 14 19 58 255
35:12 80 47 25 255 64 37 20 255 40 23 12 255 32 18 10 255
35:13 52 72 22 255 41 57 17 255 26 36 11 255 20 28 8 255
35:14 154 41 37 255 123 32 29 255 77 20 18 255 61 16 14 255
35:15 11 11 11 255 8 8 8 255 5 5 5 255 4 4 4 255
37 144 148 34 56 115 118 27 56 72 74 17 56 57 59 13 56
38 105 30 18 53 84 24 14 53 52 15 9 53 42 12 7 53
38:1 28 113 155 76 22 90 124 76 14 56 77 76 11 45 62 76
38:2 149 107 186 59 119 85 148 59 74 53 93 59 59 42 74 59
38:3 150 153 167 73 120 122 133 73 75 76 83 73 60 61 66 73
38:4 76 57 17 66 60 45 13 66 38 28 8 66 30 22 6 66
38:5 85 73 22 66 68 58 17 66 42 36 11 66 34 29 8 66
38:6 88 111 76 67 70 88 60 67 44 55 38 67 35 44 30 67
38:7 92 99 80 66 73 79 64 66 46 49 40 66 36 39 32 66
38:8 159 166 146 59 127 132 116 59 79 83 73 59 63 66 58 59
39 152 117 89 44 121 93 71 44 76 58 44 44 60 46 35 44
40 170 101 83 35 136 80 66 35 85 50 41 35 68 40 33 35
41 208 182 36 255 166 145 28 255 104 91 18 255 83 72 14 255
42 137 140 130 255 109 112 104 255 68 70 65 255 54 56 52 255
43 155 152 144 255 124 121 115 255 77 76 72 255 62 60 57 255
43:1 236 228 167 255 188 182 133 255 118 114 83 255 94 91 66 255
43:2 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
43:3 98 94 87 255 78 75 69 255 49 47 43 255 39 37 34 255
43:4 124 63 47 255 99 50 37 255 62 31 23 255 49 25 18 255
43:5 118 118 114 255 94 94 91 255 59 59 57 255 47 47 45 255
43:6 44 21 25 255 35 16 20 255 22 10 12 255 17 8 10 255
43:7 235 233 227 255 188 186 181 255 117 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
43:8 159 154 150 255 127 123 120 255 79 77 75 255 63 61 60 255
43:9 242 230 174 255 193 184 139 255 121 115 87 255 96 92 69 255
43:10 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
43:11 101 95 91 255 80 76 72 255 50 47 45 255 40 38 36 255
43:12 124 63 47 255 99 50 37 255 62 31 23 255 49 25 18 255
43:13 121 119 119 255 96 95 95 255 60 59 59 255 48 47 47 255
43:14 44 21 25 255 35 16 20 255 22 10 12 255 17 8 10 255
43:15 235 233 227 255 188 186 181 255 117 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
44 155 152 144 255 124 121 115 255 77 76 72 255 62 60 57 255
44:1 236 228 167 255 188 182 133 255 118 114 83 255 94 91 66 255
44:2 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
44:3 98 94 87 255 78 75 69 255 49 47 43 255 39 37 34 255
44:4 124 63 47 255 99 50 37 255 62 31 23 255 49 25 18 255
44:5 118 118 114 255 94 94 91 255 59 59 57 255 47 47 45 255
44:6 44 21 25 255 35 16 20 255 22 10 12 255 17 8 10 255
44:7 235 233 227 255 188 186 181 255 117 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
44:9 236 228 167 255 188 182 133 255 118 114 83 255 94 91 66 255
44:10 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
44:11 98 94 87 255 78 75 69 255 49 47 43 255 39 37 34 255
44:12 121 62 45 255 96 49 36 255 60 31 22 255 48 24 18 255
44:13 118 118 114 255 94 94 91 255 59 59 57 255 47 47 45 255
44:14 44 21 25 255 35 16 20 255 22 10 12 255 17 8 10 255
44:15 235 233 227 255 188 186 181 255 117 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
45 124 63 47 255 99 50 37 255 62 31 23 255 49 25 18 255
46 133 74 49 255 106 59 39 255 66 37 24 255 53 29 19 255
47 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
48 88 90 76 255 70 72 60 255 44 45 38 255 35 36 30 255
49 36 30 48 255 28 24 38 255 18 15 24 255 14 12 19 255
50 72 60 45 25 57 48 36 25 36 30 22 25 28 24 18 25
51 222 153 33 77 177 122 26 77 111 76 16 77 88 61 13 77
52 105 103 78 186 84 82 62 186 52 51 39 186 42 41 31 186
53 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
54 94 51 30 197 75 40 24 197 47 25 15 197 37 20 12 197
54:4 97 45 25 210 77 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
54:5 97 45 25 210 77 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
54:6 97 45 25 210 77 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
54:7 97 45 25 210 77 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
54:8 96 45 25 210 76 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
54:9 96 45 25 210 76 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
54:10 96 45 25 210 76 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
54:11 96 45 25 210 76 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
55 160 160 160 15 128 128 128 15 80 80 80 15 64 64 64 15
56 127 134 126 255 101 107 100 255 63 67 63 255 50 53 50 255
57 122 147 131 255 97 117 104 255 61 73 65 255 48 58 52 255
58 205 196 172 255 164 156 137 255 102 98 86 255 82 78 68 255
59 69 124 1 13 55 99 0 13 34 62 0 13 27 49 0 13
59:1 85 127 35 35 68 101 28 35 42 63 17 35 34 50 14 35
59:2 82 115 40 74 65 92 32 74 41 57 20 74 32 46 16 74
59:3 86 131 48 110 68 104 38 110 43 65 24 110 34 52 19 110
59:4 121 148 54 130 96 118 43 130 60 74 27 130 48 59 21 130
59:5 149 153 61 149 119 122 48 149 74 76 30 149 59 61 24 149
59:6 173 157 67 168 138 125 53 168 86 78 33 168 69 62 26 168
59:7 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
59:8 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
59:9 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
59:10 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
59:11 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
59:12 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
59:13 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
59:14 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
59:15 187 153 64 185 149 122 51 185 93 76 32 185 74 61 25 185
60 93 59 33 255 74 47 26 255 46 29 16 255 37 23 13 255
60:1 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:2 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:3 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:4 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:5 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:6 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:7 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:8 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:9 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:10 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:11 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:12 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:13 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:14 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
60:15 61 32 9 255 48 25 7 255 30 16 4 255 24 12 3 255
61:2 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
61:3 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
61:4 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
61:5 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
62:2 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
62:3 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
62:4 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
62:5 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
63 120 92 53 10 96 73 42 10 60 46 26 10 48 36 21 10
64 88 70 43 239 70 56 34 239 44 35 21 239 35 28 17 239
65 75 61 40 225 60 48 32 225 37 30 20 225 30 24 16 225
66 84 78 72 177 67 62 57 177 42 39 36 177 33 31 28 177
66:6 85 79 73 137 68 63 58 137 42 39 36 137 34 31 29 137
66:7 85 79 73 137 68 63 58 137 42 39 36 137 34 31 29 137
66:8 85 79 73 137 68 63 58 137 42 39 36 137 34 31 29 137
66:9 85 79 73 137 68 63 58 137 42 39 36 137 34 31 29 137
67 98 94 87 255 78 75 69 255 49 47 43 255 39 37 34 255
68 120 92 53 10 96 73 42 10 60 46 26 10 48 36 21 10
69 101 95 91 255 80 76 72 255 50 47 45 255 40 38 36 255
70 118 115 107 255 94 92 85 255 59 57 53 255 47 46 42 255
71 94 91 77 195 75 72 61 195 47 45 38 195 37 36 30 195
72 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
73 128 104 97 255 102 83 77 255 64 52 48 255 51 41 38 255
74 128 104 97 255 102 83 77 255 64 52 48 255 51 41 38 255
75:1 65 44 31 79 52 35 24 79 32 22 15 79 26 17 12 79
75:2 65 44 31 79 52 35 24 79 32 22 15 79 26 17 12 79
75:3 65 44 31 79 52 35 24 79 32 22 15 79 26 17 12 79
75:4 65 44 31 79 52 35 24 79 32 22 15 79 26 17 12 79
75:5 65 44 31 79 52 35 24 79 32 22 15 79 26 17 12 79
76:1 110 44 31 79 88 35 24 79 55 22 15 79 44 17 12 79
76:2 110 44 31 79 88 35 24 79 55 22 15 79 44 17 12 79
76:3 110 44 31 79 88 35 24 79 55 22 15 79 44 17 12 79
76:4 110 44 31 79 88 35 24 79 55 22 15 79 44 17 12 79
76:5 110 44 31 79 88 35 24 79 55 22 15 79 44 17 12 79
77 121 116 112 255 96 92 89 255 60 58 56 255 48 46 44 255
78 231 250 255 255 184 200 204 255 115 125 127 255 92 100 102 255
79 176 229 253 149 140 183 202 149 88 114 126 149 70 91 101 149
80 231 250 255 255 184 200 204 255 115 125 127 255 92 100 102 255
81 94 134 70 195 75 107 56 195 47 67 35 195 37 53 28 195
82 124 129 139 255 99 103 111 255 62 64 69 255 49 51 55 255
83 121 125 24 194 96 100 19 194 60 62 12 194 48 50 9 194
84 61 41 24 255 48 32 19 255 30 20 12 255 24 16 9 255
85 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
86 202 92 24 255 161 73 19 255 101 46 12 255 80 36 9 255
87 88 19 19 255 70 15 15 255 44 9 9 255 35 7 7 255
88 50 37 30 255 40 29 24 255 25 18 15 255 20 14 12 255
89 161 101 0 255 128 80 0 255 80 50 0 255 64 40 0 255
90 130 52 186 179 104 41 148 179 65 26 93 179 52 20 74 179
91 202 92 24 255 161 73 19 255 101 46 12 255 80 36 9 255
92 208 190 201 224 166 152 160 224 104 95 100 224 83 76 80 224
93 142 132 124 255 113 105 99 255 71 66 62 255 56 52 49 255
94 155 133 125 255 124 106 100 255 77 66 62 255 62 53 50 255
95 245 245 245 91 196 196 196 91 122 122 122 91 98 98 98 91
95:1 199 123 57 131 159 98 45 131 99 61 28 131 79 49 22 131
95:2 168 84 200 81 134 67 160 81 84 42 100 81 67 33 80 81
95:3 101 144 199 131 80 115 159 131 50 72 99 131 40 57 79 131
95:4 211 211 60 106 168 168 48 106 105 105 30 106 84 84 24 106
95:5 127 190 42 81 101 152 33 81 63 95 21 81 50 76 16 81
95:6 222 127 158 81 177 101 126 81 111 63 79 81 88 50 63 81
95:7 78 78 78 131 62 62 62 131 39 39 39 131 31 31 31 131
95:8 144 144 144 131 115 115 115 131 72 72 72 131 57 57 57 131
95:9 84 127 148 81 67 101 118 81 42 63 74 81 33 50 59 81
95:10 127 73 168 81 101 58 134 81 63 36 84 81 50 29 67 81
95:11 64 84 168 81 51 67 134 81 32 42 84 81 25 33 67 81
95:12 101 78 57 131 80 62 45 131 50 39 28 131 40 31 22 131
95:13 103 124 60 106 82 99 48 106 51 62 30 106 41 49 24 106
95:14 148 64 64 81 118 51 51 81 74 32 32 81 59 25 25 81
95:15 12 12 12 130 9 9 9 130 6 6 6 130 4 4 4 130
96 71 59 38 255 56 47 30 255 35 29 19 255 28 23 15 255
97 118 115 107 255 94 92 85 255 59 57 53 255 47 46 42 255
97:1 98 94 87 255 78 75 69 255 49 47 43 255 39 37 34 255
97:2 118 118 114 255 94 94 91 255 59 59 57 255 47 47 45 255
98 118 118 114 255 94 94 91 255 59 59 57 255 47 47 45 255
98:1 109 114 103 255 87 91 82 255 54 57 51 255 43 45 41 255
98:2 111 111 106 255 88 88 84 255 55 55 53 255 44 44 42 255
98:3 113 112 107 255 90 89 85 255 56 56 53 255 45 44 42 255
99 202 164 106 255 161 131 84 255 101 82 53 255 80 65 42 255
99:1 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:2 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:3 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:4 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:5 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:6 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:7 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:8 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:9 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:14 143 108 84 255 114 86 67 255 71 54 42 255 57 43 33 255
99:15 204 199 185 255 163 159 148 255 102 99 92 255 81 79 74 255
100 202 164 106 255 161 131 84 255 101 82 53 255 80 65 42 255
100:1 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:2 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:3 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:4 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:5 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:6 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:7 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:8 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:9 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:14 186 52 46 255 148 41 36 255 93 26 23 255 74 20 18 255
100:15 204 199 185 255 163 159 148 255 102 99 92 255 81 79 74 255
101 109 106 80 115 87 84 64 115 54 53 40 115 43 42 32 115
102 113 95 70 87 90 76 56 87 56 47 35 87 45 38 28 87
103 1 101 31 255 0 80 24 255 0 50 15 255 0 40 12 255
104 44 84 23 41 35 67 18 41 22 42 11 41 17 33 9 41
105 44 84 23 41 35 67 18 41 22 42 11 41 17 33 9 41
106 32 65 18 116 25 52 14 116 16 32 9 116 12 26 7 116
107 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
108 124 63 47 255 99 50 37 255 62 31 23 255 49 25 18 255
109 118 118 114 255 94 94 91 255 59 59 57 255 47 47 45 255
110 141 114 129 255 112 91 103 255 70 57 64 255 56 45 51 255
111 15 61 23 152 12 48 18 152 7 30 11 152 6 24 9 152
112 44 21 25 255 35 16 20 255 22 10 12 255 17 8 10 255
113 44 21 25 255 35 16 20 255 22 10 12 255 17 8 10 255
114 44 21 25 255 35 16 20 255 22 10 12 255 17 8 10 255
115 84 13 23 45 67 10 18 45 42 6 11 45 33 5 9 45
115:1 82 17 23 110 65 13 18 110 41 8 11 110 32 6 9 110
115:2 82 17 23 110 65 13 18 110 41 8 11 110 32 6 9 110
115:3 89 17 24 183 71 13 19 183 44 8 12 183 35 6 9 183
115:4 89 17 24 183 71 13 19 183 44 8 12 183 35 6 9 183
115:5 89 17 24 183 71 13 19 183 44 8 12 183 35 6 9 183
115:6 89 17 24 183 71 13 19 183 44 8 12 183 35 6 9 183
115:7 89 17 24 183 71 13 19 183 44 8 12 183 35 6 9 183
116 148 80 65 255 118 64 52 255 74 40 32 255 59 32 26 255
117 135 96 56 97 108 76 44 97 67 48 28 97 54 38 22 97
118 38 38 38 111 30 30 30 111 19 19 19 111 15 15 15 111
119 36 30 48 255 28 24 38 255 18 15 24 255 14 12 19 255
120 88 116 97 255 70 92 77 255 44 58 48 255 35 46 38 255
120:4 68 115 89 95 54 92 71 95 34 57 44 95 27 46 35 95
120:5 68 115 89 95 54 92 71 95 34 57 44 95 27 46 35 95
120:6 68 115 89 95 54 92 71 95 34 57 44 95 27 46 35 95
120:7 68 115 89 95 54 92 71 95 34 57 44 95 27 46 35 95
121 217 218 162 255 173 174 129 255 108 109 81 255 86 87 64 255
122 19 8 23 255 15 6 18 255 9 4 11 255 7 3 9 255
123 55 50 40 255 44 40 32 255 27 25 20 255 22 20 16 255
124 184 171 92 255 147 136 73 255 92 85 46 255 73 68 36 255
125 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
125:1 79 53 25 255 63 42 20 255 39 26 12 255 31 21 10 255
125:2 183 142 82 255 146 113 65 255 91 71 41 255 73 56 32 255
125:3 107 64 33 255 85 51 26 255 53 32 16 255 42 25 13 255
125:4 132 80 52 255 105 64 41 255 66 40 26 255 52 32 20 255
125:5 46 33 18 255 36 26 14 255 23 16 9 255 18 13 7 255
125:9 79 53 25 255 63 42 20 255 39 26 12 255 31 21 10 255
125:10 183 142 82 255 146 113 65 255 91 71 41 255 73 56 32 255
125:11 107 64 33 255 85 51 26 255 53 32 16 255 42 25 13 255
125:12 132 80 52 255 105 64 41 255 66 40 26 255 52 32 20 255
125:13 46 33 18 255 36 26 14 255 23 16 9 255 18 13 7 255
126 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
126:1 79 53 25 255 63 42 20 255 39 26 12 255 31 21 10 255
126:2 183 142 82 255 146 113 65 255 91 71 41 255 73 56 32 255
126:3 107 64 33 255 85 51 26 255 53 32 16 255 42 25 13 255
126:4 132 80 52 255 105 64 41 255 66 40 26 255 52 32 20 255
126:5 46 33 18 255 36 26 14 255 23 16 9 255 18 13 7 255
126:9 79 53 25 255 63 42 20 255 39 26 12 255 31 21 10 255
126:10 183 142 82 255 146 113 65 255 91 71 41 255 73 56 32 255
126:11 107 64 33 255 85 51 26 255 53 32 16 255 42 25 13 255
126:12 132 80 52 255 105 64 41 255 66 40 26 255 52 32 20 255
126:13 46 33 18 255 36 26 14 255 23 16 9 255 18 13 7 255
127 103 47 13 130 82 37 10 130 51 23 6 130 41 18 5 130
128 234 225 164 255 187 180 131 255 117 112 82 255 93 90 65 255
129 106 134 109 255 84 107 87 255 53 67 54 255 42 53 43 255
130:2 42 46 47 197 33 36 37 197 21 23 23 197 16 18 18 197
130:3 42 46 47 197 33 36 37 197 21 23 23 197 16 18 18 197
130:4 42 46 47 197 33 36 37 197 21 23 23 197 16 18 18 197
130:5 42 46 47 197 33 36 37 197 21 23 23 197 16 18 18 197
131 101 95 91 255 80 76 72 255 50 47 45 255 40 38 36 255
133 98 147 104 255 78 117 83 255 49 73 52 255 39 58 41 255
134 79 53 25 255 63 42 20 255 39 26 12 255 31 21 10 255
135 183 142 82 255 146 113 65 255 91 71 41 255 73 56 32 255
136 107 64 33 255 85 51 26 255 53 32 16 255 42 25 13 255
137 74 72 54 255 59 57 43 255 37 36 27 255 29 28 21 255
138 113 95 70 87 90 76 56 87 56 47 35 87 45 38 28 87
139 98 94 87 255 78 75 69 255 49 47 43 255 39 37 34 255
139:1 88 90 76 255 70 72 60 255 44 45 38 255 35 36 30 255
140 131 76 54 49 104 60 43 49 65 38 27 49 52 30 21 49
141 32 134 12 33 25 107 9 33 16 67 6 33 12 53 4 33
141:2 25 125 15 57 20 100 12 57 12 62 7 57 10 50 6 57
141:3 25 125 15 57 20 100 12 57 12 62 7 57 10 50 6 57
141:4 30 120 20 82 24 96 16 82 15 60 10 82 12 48 8 82
141:5 30 120 20 82 24 96 16 82 15 60 10 82 12 48 8 82
141:6 30 120 20 82 24 96 16 82 15 60 10 82 12 48 8 82
141:7 77 115 17 111 61 92 13 111 38 57 8 111 30 46 6 111
142 60 105 41 33 48 84 32 33 30 52 20 33 24 42 16 33
142:2 62 109 43 57 49 87 34 57 31 54 21 57 24 43 17 57
142:3 62 109 43 57 49 87 34 57 31 54 21 57 24 43 17 57
142:4 69 112 43 82 55 89 34 82 34 56 21 82 27 44 17 82
142:5 69 112 43 82 55 89 34 82 34 56 21 82 27 44 17 82
142:6 69 112 43 82 55 89 34 82 34 56 21 82 27 44 17 82
142:7 108 122 49 92 86 97 39 92 54 61 24 92 43 48 19 92
143 106 84 51 255 84 67 40 255 53 42 25 255 42 33 20 255
145 65 65 65 255 52 52 52 255 32 32 32 255 26 26 26 255
146 94 51 30 197 75 40 24 197 47 25 15 197 37 20 12 197
146:4 97 45 25 210 77 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
146:5 97 45 25 210 77 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
146:6 97 45 25 210 77 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
146:7 97 45 25 210 77 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
146:8 96 45 25 210 76 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
146:9 96 45 25 210 76 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
146:10 96 45 25 210 76 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
146:11 96 45 25 210 76 36 20 210 48 22 12 210 38 18 10 210
147 208 182 36 255 166 145 28 255 104 91 18 255 83 72 14 255
148 137 140 130 255 109 112 104 255 68 70 65 255 54 56 52 255
149 140 128 125 255 112 102 100 255 70 64 62 255 56 51 50 255
150 153 131 127 255 122 104 101 255 76 65 63 255 61 52 50 255
151 129 122 108 255 103 97 86 255 64 61 54 255 51 48 43 255
152 167 15 15 255 133 12 12 255 83 7 7 255 66 6 6 255
153 101 36 35 255 80 28 28 255 50 18 17 255 40 14 14 255
154 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255 16 16 16 255 12 12 12 255
155 235 233 227 255 188 186 181 255 117 116 113 255 94 93 90 255
155:1 234 231 224 255 187 184 179 255 117 115 112 255 93 92 89 255
155:2 233 230 223 255 186 184 178 255 116 115 111 255 93 92 89 255
155:3 226 223 216 255 180 178 172 255 113 111 108 255 90 89 86 255
155:4 226 223 216 255 180 178 172 255 113 111 108 255 90 89 86 255
156 237 235 229 255 189 188 183 255 118 117 114 255 94 94 91 255
157 84 78 74 192 67 62 59 192 42 39 37 192 33 31 29 192
157:8 89 78 74 192 71 62 59 192 44 39 37 192 35 31 29 192
157:9 89 78 74 192 71 62 59 192 44 39 37 192 35 31 29 192
157:10 89 78 74 192 71 62 59 192 44 39 37 192 35 31 29 192
157:11 89 78 74 192 71 62 59 192 44 39 37 192 35 31 29 192
157:12 89 78 74 192 71 62 59 192 44 39 37 192 35 31 29 192
157:13 89 78 74 192 71 62 59 192 44 39 37 192 35 31 29 192
158 92 83 71 255 73 66 56 255 46 41 35 255 36 33 28 255
158:1 94 88 78 255 75 70 62 255 47 44 39 255 37 35 31 255
159 210 178 161 255 168 142 128 255 105 89 80 255 84 71 64 255
159:1 162 84 38 255 129 67 30 255 81 42 19 255 64 33 15 255
159:2 151 88 109 255 120 70 87 255 75 44 54 255 60 35 43 255
159:3 114 109 139 255 91 87 111 255 57 54 69 255 45 43 55 255
159:4 186 134 35 255 148 107 28 255 93 67 17 255 74 53 14 255
159:5 105 119 53 255 84 95 42 255 52 59 26 255 42 47 21 255
159:6 162 78 79 255 129 62 63 255 81 39 39 255 64 31 31 255
159:7 58 42 36 255 46 33 28 255 29 21 18 255 23 16 14 255
159:8 136 108 98 255 108 86 78 255 68 54 49 255 54 43 39 255
159:9 87 91 91 255 69 72 72 255 43 45 45 255 34 36 36 255
159:10 119 70 86 255 95 56 68 255 59 35 43 255 47 28 34 255
159:11 74 60 91 255 59 48 72 255 37 30 45 255 29 24 36 255
159:12 77 51 36 255 61 40 28 255 38 25 18 255 30 20 14 255
159:13 76 83 42 255 60 66 33 255 38 41 21 255 30 33 16 255
159:14 144 61 47 255 115 48 37 255 72 30 23 255 57 24 18 255
159:15 26 19 15 255 20 15 12 255 13 9 7 255 10 7 6 255
160 245 245 245 91 196 196 196 91 122 122 122 91 98 98 98 91
160:1 199 123 57 131 159 98 45 131 99 61 28 131 79 49 22 131
160:2 168 84 200 81 134 67 160 81 84 42 100 81 67 33 80 81
160:3 101 144 199 131 80 115 159 131 50 72 99 131 40 57 79 131
160:4 211 211 60 106 168 168 48 106 105 105 30 106 84 84 24 106
160:5 127 190 42 81 101 152 33 81 63 95 21 81 50 76 16 81
160:6 222 127 158 81 177 101 126 81 111 63 79 81 88 50 63 81
160:7 78 78 78 131 62 62 62 131 39 39 39 131 31 31 31 131
160:8 144 144 144 131 115 115 115 131 72 72 72 131 57 57 57 131
160:9 84 127 148 81 67 101 118 81 42 63 74 81 33 50 59 81
160:10 127 73 168 81 101 58 134 81 63 36 84 81 50 29 67 81
160:11 64 84 168 81 51 67 134 81 32 42 84 81 25 33 67 81
160:12 101 78 57 131 80 62 45 131 50 39 28 131 40 31 22 131
160:13 103 124 60 106 82 99 48 106 51 62 30 106 41 49 24 106
160:14 148 64 64 81 118 51 51 81 74 32 32 81 59 25 25 81
160:15 12 12 12 130 9 9 9 130 6 6 6 130 4 4 4 130
161 33 69 20 209 26 55 16 209 16 34 10 209 13 27 8 209
161:1 32 67 20 232 25 53 16 232 16 33 10 232 12 26 8 232
161:5 32 67 20 232 25 53 16 232 16 33 10 232 12 26 8 232
161:9 32 67 20 232 25 53 16 232 16 33 10 232 12 26 8 232
161:13 32 67 20 232 25 53 16 232 16 33 10 232 12 26 8 232
162 145 90 65 255 116 72 52 255 72 45 32 255 58 36 26 255
162:1 94 71 40 255 75 56 32 255 47 35 20 255 37 28 16 255
162:4 92 85 75 255 73 68 60 255 46 42 37 255 36 34 30 255
162:5 41 26 8 255 32 20 6 255 20 13 4 255 16 10 3 255
162:8 92 85 75 255 73 68 60 255 46 42 37 255 36 34 30 255
162:9 41 26 8 255 32 20 6 255 20 13 4 255 16 10 3 255
162:12 92 85 75 255 73 68 60 255 46 42 37 255 36 34 30 255
162:13 41 26 8 255 32 20 6 255 20 13 4 255 16 10 3 255
163 132 80 52 255 105 64 41 255 66 40 26 255 52 32 20 255
164 46 33 18 255 36 26 14 255 23 16 9 255 18 13 7 255
165 107 183 87 204 85 146 69 204 53 91 43 204 42 73 34 204
167 82 80 61 193 65 64 48 193 41 40 30 193 32 32 24 193
168 88 158 145 255 70 126 116 255 44 79 72 255 35 63 58 255
168:1 78 144 125 255 62 115 100 255 39 72 62 255 31 57 50 255
168:2 42 69 56 255 33 55 44 255 21 34 28 255 16 27 22 255
169 165 192 178 255 132 153 142 255 82 96 89 255 66 76 71 255
170 197 159 43 255 157 127 34 255 98 79 21 255 78 63 17 255
171 236 236 236 255 188 188 188 255 118 118 118 255 94 94 94 255
171:1 232 120 43 255 185 96 34 255 116 60 21 255 92 48 17 255
171:2 185 57 196 255 148 45 156 255 92 28 98 255 74 22 78 255
171:3 82 121 205 255 65 96 164 255 41 60 102 255 32 48 82 255
171:4 209 194 29 255 167 155 23 255 104 97 14 255 83 77 11 255
171:5 53 177 42 255 42 141 33 255 26 88 21 255 21 70 16 255
171:6 215 127 151 255 172 101 120 255 107 63 75 255 86 50 60 255
171:7 64 64 64 255 51 51 51 255 32 32 32 255 25 25 25 255
171:8 136 146 146 255 108 116 116 255 68 73 73 255 54 58 58 255
171:9 41 124 159 255 32 99 127 255 20 62 79 255 16 49 63 255
171:10 124 47 192 255 99 37 153 255 62 23 96 255 49 18 76 255
171:11 36 48 147 255 28 38 117 255 18 24 73 255 14 19 58 255
171:12 80 47 25 255 64 37 20 255 40 23 12 255 32 18 10 255
171:13 52 72 22 255 41 57 17 255 26 36 11 255 20 28 8 255
171:14 154 41 37 255 123 32 29 255 77 20 18 255 61 16 14 255
171:15 11 11 11 255 8 8 8 255 5 5 5 255 4 4 4 255
172 152 93 67 255 121 74 53 255 76 46 33 255 60 37 26 255
173 8 8 8 255 6 6 6 255 4 4 4 255 3 3 3 255
174 166 208 240 255 132 166 192 255 83 104 120 255 66 83 96 255
175 44 37 11 200 35 29 8 200 22 18 5 200 17 14 4 200
175:8 56 35 11 159 44 28 8 159 28 17 5 159 22 14 4 159
175:9 56 35 11 159 44 28 8 159 28 17 5 159 22 14 4 159
175:10 56 35 11 159 44 28 8 159 28 17 5 159 22 14 4 159
175:11 56 35 11 159 44 28 8 159 28 17 5 159 22 14 4 159
175:12 56 35 11 159 44 28 8 159 28 17 5 159 22 14 4 159
175:13 56 35 11 159 44 28 8 159 28 17 5 159 22 14 4 159
175:14 56 35 11 159 44 28 8 159 28 17 5 159 22 14 4 159
175:15 56 35 11 159 44 28 8 159 28 17 5 159 22 14 4 159
178 99 98 96 255 79 78 76 255 49 49 48 255 39 39 38 255
179 195 128 72 255 156 102 57 255 97 64 36 255 78 51 28 255
180 191 123 69 255 152 98 55 255 95 61 34 255 76 49 27 255
181 195 128 72 255 156 102 57 255 97 64 36 255 78 51 28 255
182 195 128 72 255 156 102 57 255 97 64 36 255 78 51 28 255
183 79 53 25 255 63 42 20 255 39 26 12 255 31 21 10 255
184 183 142 82 255 146 113 65 255 91 71 41 255 73 56 32 255
185 107 64 33 255 85 51 26 255 53 32 16 255 42 25 13 255
186 46 33 18 255 36 26 14 255 23 16 9 255 18 13 7 255
187 132 80 52 255 105 64 41 255 66 40 26 255 52 32 20 255
188 79 53 25 255 63 42 20 255 39 26 12 255 31 21 10 255
189 183 142 82 255 146 113 65 255 91 71 41 255 73 56 32 255
190 107 64 33 255 85 51 26 255 53 32 16 255 42 25 13 255
191 46 33 18 255 36 26 14 255 23 16 9 255 18 13 7 255
192 132 80 52 255 105 64 41 255 66 40 26 255 52 32 20 255
193 58 41 21 255 46 32 16 255 29 20 10 255 23 16 8 255
194 187 166 145 255 149 132 116 255 93 83 72 255 74 66 58 255
195 90 60 36 230 72 48 28 230 45 30 18 230 36 24 14 230
196 130 83 56 183 104 66 44 183 65 41 28 183 52 33 22 183
197 42 31 18 255 33 24 14 255 21 15 9 255 16 12 7 255
Biome Mapping
[RAINFOREST] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[SWAMPLAND] 64 128 0 255 51 102 0 255 32 64 0 255 26 51 0 255
[SEASONAL_FOREST] 51 165 42 255 41 132 34 255 26 83 21 255 20 66 17 255
[FOREST] 0 128 64 255 0 102 51 255 0 64 32 255 0 51 26 255
[SAVANNA] 58 58 58 255 46 46 46 255 29 29 29 255 23 23 23 255
[SHRUBLAND] 170 158 24 255 136 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 68 63 10 255
[TAIGA] 204 255 102 255 163 204 82 255 102 128 51 255 82 102 41 255
[DESERT] 255 255 102 255 204 204 82 255 128 128 51 255 102 102 41 255
[PLAINS] 255 204 102 255 204 163 82 255 128 102 51 255 102 82 41 255
[ICE_DESERT] 26 33 103 255 21 26 82 255 13 17 52 255 10 13 41 255
[TUNDRA] 222 222 222 255 178 178 178 255 111 111 111 255 89 89 89 255
[HELL] 255 0 0 255 204 0 0 255 128 0 0 255 102 0 0 255
[SKY] 102 204 255 255 82 163 204 255 51 102 128 255 41 82 102 255
[OCEAN] 0 0 255 255 0 0 204 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 102 255
[RIVER] 0 128 255 255 0 102 204 255 0 64 128 255 0 51 102 255
[EXTREME_HILLS] 128 64 0 255 102 51 0 255 64 32 0 255 51 26 0 255
[FROZEN_OCEAN] 102 255 204 255 82 204 163 255 51 128 102 255 41 102 82 255
[FROZEN_RIVER] 102 102 255 255 82 82 204 255 51 51 128 255 41 41 102 255
[ICE_PLAINS] 102 255 255 255 82 204 204 255 51 128 128 255 41 102 102 255
[ICE_MOUNTAINS] 255 255 255 255 204 204 204 255 128 128 128 255 102 102 102 255
[MUSHROOM_ISLAND] 255 111 207 255 204 89 166 255 128 56 104 255 102 44 83 255
[MUSHROOM_SHORE] 255 0 128 255 204 0 102 255 128 0 64 255 102 0 51 255
[BEACH] 255 206 75 255 230 185 68 255 255 206 75 255 179 144 53 255
[DESERT_HILLS] 255 146 51 255 230 131 46 255 255 146 51 255 179 102 36 255
[FOREST_HILLS] 0 162 100 255 0 146 90 255 0 162 100 255 0 113 70 255
[TAIGA_HILLS] 178 212 117 255 160 191 105 255 178 212 117 255 125 148 82 255
[SMALL_MOUNTAINS] 184 103 33 255 166 93 30 255 184 103 33 255 129 72 23 255
[JUNGLE] 49 67 21 255 39 54 17 255 25 34 11 255 20 27 8 255
[JUNGLE_HILLS] 33 44 14 255 26 36 12 255 16 22 7 255 13 18 6 255
Rainfall/Temperature Mapping
[RAINFALL-0.0] 120 120 120 255 96 96 96 255 60 60 60 255 48 48 48 255
[RAINFALL-1.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.0] 38 92 255 255 30 73 204 255 19 46 127 255 15 36 102 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.5] 91 121 185 255 73 96 147 255 46 61 92 255 36 48 73 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.8] 51 165 42 255 41 131 33 255 26 82 21 255 20 65 17 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.9] 170 158 24 255 135 126 19 255 85 79 12 255 67 62 10 255
[TEMPERATURE-0.95] 204 111 48 255 162 89 38 255 102 56 24 255 81 44 19 255
[TEMPERATURE-1.0] 143 39 36 255 114 31 28 255 71 20 18 255 57 16 14 255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
# All paths in this configuration file are relative to Dynmap's data-folder: minecraft_server/plugins/dynmap/
# All map templates are defined in the templates directory
# To use the HDMap very-low-res (2 ppb) map templates as world defaults, set value to vlowres
# The definitions of these templates are in normal-vlowres.txt, nether-vlowres.txt, and the_end-vlowres.txt
# To use the HDMap low-res (4 ppb) map templates as world defaults, set value to lowres
# The definitions of these templates are in normal-lowres.txt, nether-lowres.txt, and the_end-lowres.txt
# To use the HDMap hi-res (16 ppb) map templates (these can take a VERY long time for initial fullrender), set value to hires
# The definitions of these templates are in normal-hires.txt, nether-hires.txt, and the_end-hires.txt
# To use the HDMap low-res (4 ppb) map templates, with support for boosting resolution selectively to hi-res (16 ppb), set value to low_boost_hi
# The definitions of these templates are in normal-low_boost_hi.txt, nether-low_boost_hi.txt, and the_end-low_boost_hi.txt
# To use the HDMap hi-res (16 ppb) map templates, with support for boosting resolution selectively to vhi-res (32 ppb), set value to hi_boost_vhi
# The definitions of these templates are in normal-hi_boost_vhi.txt, nether-hi_boost_vhi.txt, and the_end-hi_boost_vhi.txt
# To use the HDMap hi-res (16 ppb) map templates, with support for boosting resolution selectively to xhi-res (64 ppb), set value to hi_boost_xhi
# The definitions of these templates are in normal-hi_boost_xhi.txt, nether-hi_boost_xhi.txt, and the_end-hi_boost_xhi.txt
deftemplatesuffix: hires
# Map storage scheme: only uncomment one 'type' value
# filetree: classic and default scheme: tree of files, with all map data under the directory indicated by 'tilespath' setting
# sqlite: single SQLite database file (this can get VERY BIG), located at 'dbfile' setting (default is file dynmap.db in data directory)
# mysql: MySQL database, at hostname:port in database, accessed via userid with password
# mariadb: MariaDB database, at hostname:port in database, accessed via userid with password
# postgres: PostgreSQL database, at hostname:port in database, accessed via userid with password
# Filetree storage (standard tree of image files for maps)
type: filetree
# SQLite db for map storage (uses dbfile as storage location)
#type: sqlite
#dbfile: dynmap.db
# MySQL DB for map storage (at 'hostname':'port' with flags "flags" in database 'database' using user 'userid' password 'password' and table prefix 'prefix')
#type: mysql
#hostname: localhost
#port: 3306
#database: dynmap
#userid: dynmap
#password: dynmap
#prefix: ""
#flags: "?allowReconnect=true"
- class: org.dynmap.ClientConfigurationComponent
- class: org.dynmap.InternalClientUpdateComponent
sendhealth: true
sendposition: true
allowwebchat: true
webchat-interval: 5
hidewebchatip: false
trustclientname: false
includehiddenplayers: false
# (optional) if true, color codes in player display names are used
use-name-colors: false
# (optional) if true, player login IDs will be used for web chat when their IPs match
use-player-login-ip: true
# (optional) if use-player-login-ip is true, setting this to true will cause chat messages not matching a known player IP to be ignored
require-player-login-ip: false
# (optional) block player login IDs that are banned from chatting
block-banned-player-chat: true
# Require login for web-to-server chat (requires login-enabled: true)
webchat-requires-login: false
# If set to true, users must have dynmap.webchat permission in order to chat
webchat-permissions: false
# Limit length of single chat messages
chatlengthlimit: 256
# # Optional - make players hidden when they are inside/underground/in shadows (#=light level: 0=full shadow,15=sky)
# hideifshadow: 4
# # Optional - make player hidden when they are under cover (#=sky light level,0=underground,15=open to sky)
# hideifundercover: 14
# # (Optional) if true, players that are crouching/sneaking will be hidden
hideifsneaking: true
# If true, player positions/status is protected (login with ID with dynmap.playermarkers.seeall permission required for info other than self)
protected-player-info: false
# If true, hide players with invisibility potion effects active
hide-if-invisiblity-potion: true
# If true, player names are not shown on map, chat, list
hidenames: false
#- class: org.dynmap.JsonFileClientUpdateComponent
# writeinterval: 1
# sendhealth: true
# sendposition: true
# allowwebchat: true
# webchat-interval: 5
# hidewebchatip: false
# includehiddenplayers: false
# use-name-colors: false
# use-player-login-ip: false
# require-player-login-ip: false
# block-banned-player-chat: true
# hideifshadow: 0
# hideifundercover: 0
# hideifsneaking: false
# # Require login for web-to-server chat (requires login-enabled: true)
# webchat-requires-login: false
# # If set to true, users must have dynmap.webchat permission in order to chat
# webchat-permissions: false
# # Limit length of single chat messages
# chatlengthlimit: 256
# hide-if-invisiblity-potion: true
# hidenames: false
- class: org.dynmap.SimpleWebChatComponent
allowchat: true
# If true, web UI users can supply name for chat using 'playername' URL parameter. 'trustclientname' must also be set true.
allowurlname: false
# Note: this component is needed for the dmarker commands, and for the Marker API to be available to other plugins
- class: org.dynmap.MarkersComponent
type: markers
showlabel: false
enablesigns: false
# Default marker set for sign markers
default-sign-set: markers
# (optional) add spawn point markers to standard marker layer
showspawn: true
spawnicon: world
spawnlabel: "Spawn"
# (optional) layer for showing offline player's positions (for 'maxofflinetime' minutes after logoff)
showofflineplayers: false
offlinelabel: "Offline"
offlineicon: offlineuser
offlinehidebydefault: true
offlineminzoom: 0
maxofflinetime: 30
# (optional) layer for showing player's spawn beds
showspawnbeds: false
spawnbedlabel: "Spawn Beds"
spawnbedicon: bed
spawnbedhidebydefault: true
spawnbedminzoom: 0
spawnbedformat: "%name%'s bed"
# (optional) show world border (vanilla 1.8+)
showworldborder: true
worldborderlabel: "Border"
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: chat
allowurlname: false
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: chatballoon
focuschatballoons: false
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: chatbox
showplayerfaces: true
messagettl: 5
# Optional: set number of lines in scrollable message history: if set, messagettl is not used to age out messages
#scrollback: 100
# Optional: set maximum number of lines visible for chatbox
#visiblelines: 10
# Optional: send push button
sendbutton: false
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: playermarkers
showplayerfaces: true
showplayerhealth: true
# If true, show player body too (only valid if showplayerfaces=true)
showplayerbody: false
# Option to make player faces small - don't use with showplayerhealth or largeplayerfaces
smallplayerfaces: false
# Option to make player faces larger - don't use with showplayerhealth or smallplayerfaces
largeplayerfaces: false
# Optional - make player faces layer hidden by default
hidebydefault: false
# Optional - ordering priority in layer menu (low goes before high - default is 0)
layerprio: 0
# Optional - label for player marker layer (default is 'Players')
label: "Players"
#- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
# type: digitalclock
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: link
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: timeofdayclock
showdigitalclock: true
showweather: true
# Mouse pointer world coordinate display
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: coord
label: "Location"
hidey: false
show-mcr: false
show-chunk: false
# Note: more than one logo component can be defined
#- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
# type: logo
# text: "Dynmap"
# #logourl: "images/block_surface.png"
# linkurl: ""
# # Valid positions: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
# position: bottom-right
#- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
# type: inactive
# timeout: 1800 # in seconds (1800 seconds = 30 minutes)
# redirecturl: inactive.html
# #showmessage: 'You were inactive for too long.'
#- class: org.dynmap.TestComponent
# stuff: "This is some configuration-value"
# Treat hiddenplayers.txt as a whitelist for players to be shown on the map? (Default false)
display-whitelist: false
# How often a tile gets rendered (in seconds).
renderinterval: 1
# How many tiles on update queue before accelerate render interval
renderacceleratethreshold: 60
# How often to render tiles when backlog is above renderacceleratethreshold
renderaccelerateinterval: 0.2
# How many update tiles to work on at once (if not defined, default is 1/2 the number of cores)
tiles-rendered-at-once: 2
# If true, use normal priority threads for rendering (versus low priority) - this can keep rendering
# from starving on busy Windows boxes (Linux JVMs pretty much ignore thread priority), but may result
# in more competition for CPU resources with other processes
usenormalthreadpriority: true
# Save and restore pending tile renders - prevents their loss on server shutdown or /reload
saverestorepending: true
# Save period for pending jobs (in seconds): periodic saving for crash recovery of jobs
save-pending-period: 900
# Zoom-out tile update period - how often to scan for and process tile updates into zoom-out tiles (in seconds)
zoomoutperiod: 30
# Control whether zoom out tiles are validated on startup (can be needed if zoomout processing is interrupted, but can be expensive on large maps)
initial-zoomout-validate: true
# Default delay on processing of updated tiles, in seconds. This can reduce potentially expensive re-rendering
# of frequently updated tiles (such as due to machines, pistons, quarries or other automation). Values can
# also be set on individual worlds and individual maps.
tileupdatedelay: 30
# Tile hashing is used to minimize tile file updates when no changes have occurred - set to false to disable
enabletilehash: true
# Optional - hide ores: render as normal stone (so that they aren't revealed by maps)
#hideores: true
# Optional - enabled BetterGrass style rendering of grass and snow block sides
#better-grass: true
# Optional - enable smooth lighting by default on all maps supporting it (can be set per map as lighting option)
smooth-lighting: true
# Optional - use world provider lighting table (good for custom worlds with custom lighting curves, like nether)
# false=classic Dynmap lighting curve
use-brightness-table: true
# Optional - render specific block names using the textures and models of another block name: can be used to hide/disguise specific
# blocks (e.g. make ores look like stone, hide chests) or to provide simple support for rendering unsupported custom blocks
# "minecraft:quartz_ore": "stone"
# "diamond_ore": "coal_ore"
# Default image format for HDMaps (png, jpg, jpg-q75, jpg-q80, jpg-q85, jpg-q90, jpg-q95, jpg-q100, webp, webp-q75, webp-q80, webp-q85, webp-q90, webp-q95, webp-q100, webp-l),
# Note: any webp format requires the presence of the 'webp command line tools' (cwebp, dwebp) (
# Has no effect on maps with explicit format settings
image-format: jpg-q90
# If cwebp or dwebp are not on the PATH, use these settings to provide their full path. Do not use these settings if the tools are on the PATH
# For Windows, include .exe
#cwebpPath: /usr/bin/cwebp
#dwebpPath: /usr/bin/dwebp
# use-generated-textures: if true, use generated textures (same as client); false is static water/lava textures
# correct-water-lighting: if true, use corrected water lighting (same as client); false is legacy water (darker)
# transparent-leaves: if true, leaves are transparent (lighting-wise): false is needed for some Spout versions that break lighting on leaf blocks
use-generated-textures: true
correct-water-lighting: true
transparent-leaves: true
# ctm-support: if true, Connected Texture Mod (CTM) in texture packs is enabled (default)
ctm-support: true
# custom-colors-support: if true, Custom Colors in texture packs is enabled (default)
custom-colors-support: true
# Control loading of player faces (if set to false, skins are never fetched)
#fetchskins: false
# Control updating of player faces, once loaded (if faces are being managed by other apps or manually)
#refreshskins: false
# Customize URL used for fetching player skins (%player% is macro for name)
skin-url: ""
# Enable skins via SkinsRestorer plugin instead of internal legacy implementation (disabled by default)
#skinsrestorer-integration: true
#- playermove
#- playerjoin
- blockplaced
- blockbreak
- leavesdecay
- blockburn
- chunkgenerated
- blockformed
- blockfaded
- blockspread
- pistonmoved
- explosion
#- blockfromto
#- blockphysics
- structuregrow
- blockgrow
#- blockredstone
# Title for the web page - if not specified, defaults to the server's name (unless it is the default of 'Unknown Server')
#webpage-title: "My Awesome Server Map"
# The path where the tile-files are placed.
tilespath: web/tiles
# The path where the web-files are located.
webpath: web
# The path were the /dynmapexp command exports OBJ ZIP files
exportpath: export
# The network-interface the webserver will bind to ( for all interfaces, for only local access).
# If not set, uses same setting as server in (or if not specified)
# The TCP-port the webserver will listen on.
webserver-port: 10080
# Maximum concurrent session on internal web server - limits resources used in Bukkit server
max-sessions: 30
# Disables Webserver portion of Dynmap (Advanced users only)
disable-webserver: false
# Enable/disable having the web server allow symbolic links (true=compatible with existing code, false=more secure (default))
allow-symlinks: true
# Enable login support
login-enabled: false
# Require login to access website (requires login-enabled: true)
login-required: false
# Period between tile renders for fullrender, in seconds (non-zero to pace fullrenders, lessen CPU load)
timesliceinterval: 0.0
# Maximum chunk loads per server tick (1/20th of a second) - reducing this below 90 will impact render performance, but also will reduce server thread load
maxchunkspertick: 200
# Progress report interval for fullrender/radiusrender, in tiles. Must be 100 or greater
progressloginterval: 100
# Parallel fullrender: if defined, number of concurrent threads used for fullrender or radiusrender
# Note: setting this will result in much more intensive CPU use, some additional memory use. Caution should be used when
# setting this to equal or exceed the number of physical cores on the system.
#parallelrendercnt: 4
# Interval the browser should poll for updates.
updaterate: 2000
# If nonzero, server will pause fullrender/radiusrender processing when 'fullrenderplayerlimit' or more users are logged in
fullrenderplayerlimit: 0
# If nonzero, server will pause update render processing when 'updateplayerlimit' or more users are logged in
updateplayerlimit: 0
# Target limit on server thread use - msec per tick
per-tick-time-limit: 50
# If TPS of server is below this setting, update renders processing is paused
update-min-tps: 18.0
# If TPS of server is below this setting, full/radius renders processing is paused
fullrender-min-tps: 18.0
# If TPS of server is below this setting, zoom out processing is paused
zoomout-min-tps: 18.0
showplayerfacesinmenu: true
# Control whether players that are hidden or not on current map are grayed out (true=yes)
grayplayerswhenhidden: true
# Use player permissions to order player list: first to last, players are ordered by first permission listed that they have
# That is, anyone with first listed permission goes before anyone with second, etc, with users with none of the nodes going last
- bukkit.command.op
# Set sidebaropened: 'true' to pin menu sidebar opened permanently, 'pinned' to default the sidebar to pinned, but allow it to unpin
#sidebaropened: true
# Customized HTTP response headers - add 'id: value' pairs to all HTTP response headers (internal web server only)
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ""
# X-Custom-Header-Of-Mine: "MyHeaderValue"
# Trusted proxies for web server - which proxy addresses are trusted to supply valid X-Forwarded-For fields
- ""
- ""
- "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1"
# Join/quit message format for web chat: set to "" to disable notice on web UI
joinmessage: "%playername% joined"
quitmessage: "%playername% quit"
spammessage: "You may only chat once every %interval% seconds."
# format for messages from web: %playername% substitutes sender ID (typically IP), %message% includes text
webmsgformat: "&color;2[WEB] %playername%: &color;f%message%"
# Control whether layer control is presented on the UI (default is true)
showlayercontrol: true
# Enable checking for banned IPs via banned-ips.txt (internal web server only)
check-banned-ips: true
# Default selection when map page is loaded
defaultzoom: 0
defaultworld: world
defaultmap: flat
# (optional) Zoom level and map to switch to when following a player, if possible
#followzoom: 3
#followmap: surface
# If true, make persistent record of IP addresses used by player logins, to support web IP to player matching
persist-ids-by-ip: true
# If true, map text to cyrillic
cyrillic-support: false
# If true, coordinates will be rounded
round-coordinates: true
# Messages to customize
maptypes: "Map Types"
players: "Players"
chatrequireslogin: "Chat Requires Login"
chatnotallowed: "You are not permitted to send chat messages"
hiddennamejoin: "Player joined"
hiddennamequit: "Player quit"
# URL for client configuration (only need to be tailored for proxies or other non-standard configurations)
# configuration URL
#configuration: "up/configuration"
# update URL
#update: "up/world/{world}/{timestamp}"
# sendmessage URL
#sendmessage: "up/sendmessage"
# login URL
#login: "up/login"
# register URL
#register: "up/register"
# tiles base URL
#tiles: "tiles/"
# markers base URL
#markers: "tiles/"
# Customization commands - allows scripts to be run before/after certain events
# Command run just before any image file is written or updated: run with single parameter with fully qualified file name
preupdatecommand: ""
# Command run just after any image file is written or updated: run with single parameter with fully qualified file name
postupdatecommand: ""
# Snapshot cache size, in chunks
snapshotcachesize: 500
# Snapshot cache uses soft references (true), else weak references (false)
soft-ref-cache: true
# Player enter/exit title messages for map markers
# Processing period - how often to check player positions vs markers - default is 1000ms (1 second)
#enterexitperiod: 1000
# Title message fade in time, in ticks (0.05 second intervals) - default is 10 (1/2 second)
#titleFadeIn: 10
# Title message stay time, in ticks (0.05 second intervals) - default is 70 (3.5 seconds)
#titleStay: 70
# Title message fade out time, in ticks (0.05 seocnd intervals) - default is 20 (1 second)
#titleFadeOut: 20
# Enter/exit messages use on screen titles (true - default), if false chat messages are sent instead
#enterexitUseTitle: true
# Set true if new enter messages should supercede pending exit messages (vs being queued in order), default false
#enterReplacesExits: true
# Set to true to enable verbose startup messages - can help with debugging map configuration problems
# Set to false for a much quieter startup log
verbose: false
# Enables debugging.
# - class: org.dynmap.debug.LogDebugger
# Debug: dump blocks missing render data
dump-missing-blocks: false
# Have dynmap migrate old chunks to the new format for the current MC version (specifically, for migrating pre-1.13 chunks to 1.13 or 1.14). This is needed
# in order to render chunks on an upgraded server (due to various bugs/limitations in CB/spigot 1.13+). This setting is NOT suggested to be enabled full time,
# but only long enough to do a fullrender of a migrated world - it should be turned back off once worlds are migrated). It is EXPERIMENTAL, so be sure to backup
# your worlds before running with this setting enabled (set to true)
#migrate-chunks: true
# Log4J defense: string substituted for attempts to use macros in web chat
hackAttemptBlurb: "(IaM5uchA1337Haxr-Ban Me!)"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# The user is free to add new and custom lightings here, including replacements for standard ones
# Dynmap's install will not overwrite it
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# The user is free to add new and custom perspectives here, including replacements for standard ones
# Dynmap's install will not overwrite it
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# The user is free to add new and custom shaders here, including replacements for standard ones
# Dynmap's install will not overwrite it
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
%YAML 1.1
- MrArsnic
- Reslate
- LowMiner50
- Garvage
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
version: 3.3-beta-4
# This file contains default standard lighting profiles. The contents of this file CAN need to be replaced and updated
# during upgrades, so new or updated lighting definitions should be done in the custom-lightings.txt file
# Default lighting - no effects, shadows, day/night
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDLighting
name: default
# Shadows enabled day mode
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: shadows
shadowstrength: 1.0
# Night view (default moonight level is 4)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: night
shadowstrength: 1.0
ambientlight: 4
# A 'bright' night view (easier to see unlit landscape dimly)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: brightnight
shadowstrength: 1.0
ambientlight: 8
# Night and day view
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: nightandday
shadowstrength: 1.0
ambientlight: 4
night-and-day: true
# 'Bright' Night and day view
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: brightnightandday
shadowstrength: 1.0
ambientlight: 8
night-and-day: true
# Shadows enabled nether
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: nethershadows
shadowstrength: 0.5
ambientlight: 4
# Shadows enabled day mode (smooth lighting)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: shadows-smooth
shadowstrength: 1.0
smooth-lighting: true
# Night view (default moonight level is 4) (smooth lighting)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: night-smooth
shadowstrength: 1.0
ambientlight: 4
smooth-lighting: true
# A 'bright' night view (easier to see unlit landscape dimly) (smooth lighting)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: brightnight-smooth
shadowstrength: 1.0
ambientlight: 8
smooth-lighting: true
# Night and day view (smooth lighting)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: nightandday-smooth
shadowstrength: 1.0
ambientlight: 4
night-and-day: true
smooth-lighting: true
# 'Bright' Night and day view (smooth lighting)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: brightnightandday-smooth
shadowstrength: 1.0
ambientlight: 8
night-and-day: true
smooth-lighting: true
# Shadows enabled day mode (always classic lighting map)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: shadows-classic
shadowstrength: 1.0
use-brightness-table: false
# Shadows enabled nether (always classic lighting map)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: nethershadows-classic
shadowstrength: 0.5
ambientlight: 4
use-brightness-table: false
# Shadows enabled day mode - grayscale
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: grayscale
shadowstrength: 1.0
grayscale: true
smooth-lighting: true
# Shadows enabled day mode - grayscale parchment
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: parchment
shadowstrength: 1.0
grayscale: true
graytone: '#C09A53'
smooth-lighting: true
# Default day mode - grayscale parchment
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDLighting
name: parchment-noshadow
grayscale: true
graytone: '#C09A53'
# Spawn at night warning map
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.LightLevelHDLighting
name: nightspawn
color0: '#FF0000'
color1: '#FF6600'
color2: '#FF9900'
color3: '#FFCC00'
color4: '#FFCC33'
color5: '#FFCC66'
color6: '#FFCC99'
color7: '#FFFF00'
night: true
# Spawn day-night warning map
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.LightLevelHDLighting
name: daynightspawn
color0: '#FF0000'
color1: '#FF6600'
color2: '#FF9900'
color3: '#FFCC00'
color4: '#FFCC33'
color5: '#FFCC66'
color6: '#FFCC99'
color7: '#FFFF00'
night-and-day: true
# Shadows enabled day mode - grayscale parchment, brown ink
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: parchmentbrownink
shadowstrength: 1.0
grayscale: true
graytone: '#C09A53'
graytonedark: '#400000'
smooth-lighting: true
# Shadows enabled - black and white parchment, brown ink
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ShadowHDLighting
name: parchmentbrowninkbw
shadowstrength: 1.0
blackandwhite: true
blackthreshold: 64
graytone: '#C09A53'
graytonedark: '#400000'
smooth-lighting: true
# Shadows disabled - black and white parchment, brown ink
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDLighting
name: parchmentbw
blackandwhite: true
blackthreshold: 80
graytone: '#C09A53'
graytonedark: '#400000'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
%YAML 1.1
icons: {
hide: false
circles: {
deficon: default
areas: {
label: Markers
markers: {
lines: {
layerprio: 0
playersets: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
version: 3.3-beta-4
# This file contains default standard perspective definitions. The contents of this file CAN need to be replaced and updated
# during upgrades, so new or updated perspective definitions should be done in the custom-perspectives.txt file
# Default - used if bad or no perspective name supplied
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: default
azimuth: 135
inclination: 60
scale: 4
# iso_classic is very close to KzedMap view
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: classic
azimuth: 135
inclination: 60
scale: 1.4
# High angle (60 degree) views
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_60_vlowres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 60
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_60_lowres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 60
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_60_medres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 60
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_60_hires
azimuth: 180
inclination: 60
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SE_60_vlowres
azimuth: 135
inclination: 60
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SE_60_lowres
azimuth: 135
inclination: 60
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SE_60_medres
azimuth: 135
inclination: 60
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SE_60_hires
azimuth: 135
inclination: 60
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_60_vlowres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 60
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_60_lowres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 60
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_60_medres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 60
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_60_hires
azimuth: 90
inclination: 60
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NE_60_vlowres
azimuth: 45
inclination: 60
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NE_60_lowres
azimuth: 45
inclination: 60
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NE_60_medres
azimuth: 45
inclination: 60
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NE_60_hires
azimuth: 45
inclination: 60
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_60_vlowres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 60
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_60_lowres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 60
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_60_medres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 60
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_60_hires
azimuth: 0
inclination: 60
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NW_60_vlowres
azimuth: 315
inclination: 60
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NW_60_lowres
azimuth: 315
inclination: 60
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NW_60_medres
azimuth: 315
inclination: 60
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NW_60_hires
azimuth: 315
inclination: 60
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_60_vlowres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 60
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_60_lowres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 60
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_60_medres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 60
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_60_hires
azimuth: 270
inclination: 60
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SW_60_vlowres
azimuth: 225
inclination: 60
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SW_60_lowres
azimuth: 225
inclination: 60
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SW_60_medres
azimuth: 225
inclination: 60
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SW_60_hires
azimuth: 225
inclination: 60
scale: 16
# Low angle perspectives (30 degrees)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_30_vlowres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 30
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_30_lowres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 30
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_30_medres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 30
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_30_hires
azimuth: 180
inclination: 30
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SE_30_vlowres
azimuth: 135
inclination: 30
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SE_30_lowres
azimuth: 135
inclination: 30
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SE_30_medres
azimuth: 135
inclination: 30
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SE_30_hires
azimuth: 135
inclination: 30
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_30_vlowres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 30
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_30_lowres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 30
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_30_medres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 30
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_30_hires
azimuth: 90
inclination: 30
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NE_30_vlowres
azimuth: 45
inclination: 30
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NE_30_lowres
azimuth: 45
inclination: 30
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NE_30_medres
azimuth: 45
inclination: 30
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NE_30_hires
azimuth: 45
inclination: 30
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_30_vlowres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 30
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_30_lowres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 30
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_30_medres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 30
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_30_hires
azimuth: 0
inclination: 30
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NW_30_vlowres
azimuth: 315
inclination: 30
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NW_30_lowres
azimuth: 315
inclination: 30
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NW_30_medres
azimuth: 315
inclination: 30
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_NW_30_hires
azimuth: 315
inclination: 30
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_30_vlowres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 30
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_30_lowres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 30
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_30_medres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 30
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_30_hires
azimuth: 270
inclination: 30
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SW_30_vlowres
azimuth: 225
inclination: 30
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SW_30_lowres
azimuth: 225
inclination: 30
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SW_30_medres
azimuth: 225
inclination: 30
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_SW_30_hires
azimuth: 225
inclination: 30
scale: 16
# Vertical perspectives (90 deg)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_90_vlowres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 90
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_90_lowres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 90
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_90_medres
azimuth: 0
inclination: 90
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_N_90_hires
azimuth: 0
inclination: 90
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_90_vlowres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 90
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_90_lowres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 90
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_90_medres
azimuth: 180
inclination: 90
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_S_90_hires
azimuth: 180
inclination: 90
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_90_vlowres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 90
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_90_lowres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 90
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_90_medres
azimuth: 90
inclination: 90
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_E_90_hires
azimuth: 90
inclination: 90
scale: 16
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_90_vlowres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 90
scale: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_90_lowres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 90
scale: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_90_medres
azimuth: 270
inclination: 90
scale: 8
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: iso_W_90_hires
azimuth: 270
inclination: 90
scale: 16
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Most renderdata files are now internal - custom files can still be placed in the dynmap/renderdata directory.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
version: 3.3-beta-4
# This file contains default standard shader definitions. The contents of this file are replaced and updated
# during upgrades, so new or updated shader definitions should be done in the custom-shaders.txt file
# Default shader - used if shader not specified or invalid
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePackHDShader
name: default
texturepack: standard
# Color scheme based shaders
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: defaultscheme
colorscheme: default
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: ovocean
colorscheme: ovocean
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: flames
colorscheme: flames
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: sk89q
colorscheme: sk89q
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: amidst
biomecolored: biome
colorscheme: amidst
# Biome based shaders
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: biome
biomecolored: biome
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: temperature
biomecolored: temperature
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: rainfall
biomecolored: rainfall
# No transparency default color scheme shader
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.DefaultHDShader
name: no_transparency
colorscheme: default
transparency: false
# Cave view shader
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.CaveHDShader
name: cave
# Cave view shader - only lit caves
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.CaveHDShader
name: lit-cave
onlyiflit: true
# Cave view shader - hide various soft blocks
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.CaveHDShader
name: cave-noplants
hiddenids: [ 6, 17, 18, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 55, 78, 81, 83, 86, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 111, 115 ]
# Texture pack based shader for standard Minecraft textures
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePackHDShader
name: stdtexture
texturepack: standard
# Standard texture cave view shader
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePackHDCaveShader
name: stdtexture-cave
texturepack: standard
max-sky-light: 0
min-emitted-light: 1
# Standard texture underwater view shader
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePackHDUnderwaterShader
name: stdtexture-underwater
texturepack: standard
# Standard texture underwater view shader (with land not hidden)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePackHDUnderwaterShader
name: stdtexture-underwater-keep-land
texturepack: standard
hide-land: false
# Texture pack based shader for standard Minecraft textures, without biome-tinted grass/leaves
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePackHDShader
name: stdtexture-nobiome
texturepack: standard
biomeshaded: false
# Texture pack based shader for standard Minecraft textures, with grid for region file borders (512x512)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePackHDShader
name: stdtexture-mcr-grid
texturepack: standard
grid-scale: 512
# Topological map shader
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TopoHDShader
name: topo
color127: "#FFFFFF"
color111: "#8B4513"
color95: "#D2B48C"
color79: "#FFFF00"
color63: "#008000"
color47: "#228B22"
color31: "#104010"
color15: "#6B8E23"
color0: "#696969"
linecolor: "#000000"
watercolor: "#0000FF"
wateralpha: 1.0
# Topological map shader (spread over 256 height)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TopoHDShader
name: topo256
color255: "#FFFFFF"
color222: "#8B4513"
color190: "#D2B48C"
color158: "#FFFF00"
color126: "#008000"
color94: "#228B22"
color62: "#104010"
color30: "#6B8E23"
color0: "#696969"
linecolor: "#000000"
watercolor: "#0000FF"
wateralpha: 1.0
# Topological map shader (hide plants and other soft features)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TopoHDShader
name: topo-noplants
color127: "#FFFFFF"
color111: "#8B4513"
color95: "#D2B48C"
color79: "#FFFF00"
color63: "#008000"
color47: "#228B22"
color31: "#104010"
color15: "#6B8E23"
color0: "#696969"
linecolor: "#000000"
watercolor: "#0000FF"
wateralpha: 1.0
hiddenids: [ 6, 17, 18, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 55, 78, 81, 83, 86, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 111, 115 ]
# Topological map shader (hide plants and other soft features)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TopoHDShader
name: topo256-noplants
color255: "#FFFFFF"
color222: "#8B4513"
color190: "#D2B48C"
color158: "#FFFF00"
color126: "#008000"
color94: "#228B22"
color62: "#104010"
color30: "#6B8E23"
color0: "#696969"
linecolor: "#000000"
watercolor: "#0000FF"
wateralpha: 1.0
hiddenids: [ 6, 17, 18, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 55, 78, 81, 83, 86, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 111, 115 ]
# Alternate topological map shader (thanks to TerraNetworkOrg!)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.TopoHDShader
name: TerraNetworkOrgTopo
color127: "#4F2101"
color120: "#8B4513"
color108: "#D2B48C"
color96: "#C99653"
color84: "#CB9C0B"
color72: "#B1B62E"
color60: "#0F8D0F"
color48: "#14703B"
color36: "#106343"
color24: "#0E5347"
color12: "#939393"
color0: "#696969"
linecolor: "#000000"
watercolor: "#1F1FEA"
wateralpha: 1.0
# Inhabited time map shader
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.InhabitedHDShader
name: inhabited
color10: "#0000FF"
color30: "#00FFFF"
color100: "#008000"
color300: "#FFFF00"
color1000: "#FF8000"
color3000: "#FF0000"
# Chunk version shader (shades by version of data format)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ChunkVersionHDShader
name: chunkversion
# Chunk status shader (shades by chunk state)
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.ChunkStatusHDShader
name: chunkstatus
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
version: 0.20
# Default template for "Nether" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="hi_boost_vhi")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge), with resolution boosted
# tiles rendered at 'vhires' resolution (32 pixels perblock edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-nether-hi_boost_vhi.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Nether world template (HDMap hires with vhires boost)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
mapzoomin: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: nether
title: "Surface"
prefix: nt
perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
mapzoomin: 2
boostzoom: 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
version: 0.20
# Default template for "Nether" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="hi_boost_xhi")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge), with resolution boosted
# tiles rendered at 'xhires' resolution (64 pixels perblock edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-nether-hi_boost_xhi.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Nether world template (HDMap hires with xhires boost)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
mapzoomin: 5
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: nether
title: "Surface"
prefix: nt
perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
mapzoomin: 3
boostzoom: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
version: 0.20
# Default template for "Nether" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="hires")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-nether-hires.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Nether world template (HDMap hires)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
# x: 0
# y: 64
# z: 0
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
mapzoomin: 1
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: nether
title: "Surface"
prefix: nt
perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
mapzoomin: 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
version: 0.20
# Default template for "Nether" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="low_boost_hi")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "lowres" resolution (4 pixels per block edge), with boosted tiles
# rendered at "hires" (16 pixels per block edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-nether-low_boost_hi.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Nether world template (HDMap lowres, with hires boost)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
# Adjust extra zoom in levels - default is 2
mapzoomin: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: nether
title: "Surface"
prefix: nt
perspective: iso_SE_30_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
# Adjust extra zoom in levels - default is 2
mapzoomin: 4
boostzoom: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
version: 0.20
# Default template for "Nether" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="lowres")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "lowres" resolution (4 pixels per block edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-nether-lowres.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Nether world template (HDMap lowres)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
# x: 0
# y: 64
# z: 0
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
# Adjust extra zoom in levels - default is 2
mapzoomin: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: nether
title: "Surface"
prefix: nt
perspective: iso_SE_60_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
# Adjust extra zoom in levels - default is 2
mapzoomin: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
version: 0.24
# Default template for "Nether" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="vlowres")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "vlowres" resolution (2 pixels per block edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-nether-vlowres.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Nether world template (HDMap vlowres)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
# x: 0
# y: 64
# z: 0
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_vlowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
# Adjust extra zoom in levels - default is 2
mapzoomin: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: nether
title: "Surface"
prefix: nt
perspective: iso_SE_60_vlowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: nethershadows
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
# Adjust extra zoom in levels - default is 2
mapzoomin: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
version: 1.9
# Default template for "Nether" environment worlds
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-nether.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Nether world template
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
# x: 0
# y: 64
# z: 0
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_vlowres
shader: defaultscheme
lighting: default
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
# Adjust extra zoom in levels - default is 2
mapzoomin: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: nether
title: "Surface"
prefix: nt
perspective: iso_SE_60_vlowres
shader: defaultscheme
lighting: default
# Map background color (day or night)
background: "#300806"
# Adjust extra zoom in levels - default is 2
mapzoomin: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
version: 0.20
# Default template for "Normal" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="hi_boost_vhi")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge), with resolution boosted
# tiles rendered at 'vhires' resolution (32 pixels perblock edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-normal-hi_boost_vhi.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Template for normal world (HDMap hires with vhires boost)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: shadows
mapzoomin: 4
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: surface
title: "Surface"
prefix: t
perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
shader: stdtexture
lighting: shadows
mapzoomin: 2
boostzoom: 1
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: cave
title: "Cave"
prefix: ct
perspective: iso_SE_60_lowres
shader: cave
lighting: default
mapzoomin: 4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
version: 0.20
# Default template for "Normal" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="hi_boost_xhi")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge), with resolution boosted
# tiles rendered at 'xhires' resolution (64 pixels perblock edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-normal-hi_boost_xhi.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Template for normal world (HDMap hires with vhires boost)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: shadows
mapzoomin: 5
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: surface
title: "Surface"
prefix: t
perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
shader: stdtexture
lighting: shadows
mapzoomin: 3
boostzoom: 2
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: cave
title: "Cave"
prefix: ct
perspective: iso_SE_60_lowres
shader: cave
lighting: default
mapzoomin: 5
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
version: 0.20
# Default template for "Normal" environment worlds (deftemplatesuffix="lhires")
# Uses the HDMap renderer with view from the SE with the "hires" resolution (16 pixels per block edge)
# This file MAY need to be replaced during an upgrade - rename file to 'custom-normal-hires.txt' if you wish to customize it
# Template for normal world (HDMap hires)
enabled: true
# Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
extrazoomout: 2
# x: 0
# y: 64
# z: 0
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: flat
title: "Flat"
prefix: flat
perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
shader: stdtexture
lighting: shadows
mapzoomin: 1
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: surface
title: "Surface"
prefix: t
perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
shader: stdtexture
lighting: shadows
mapzoomin: 1
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
name: cave
title: "Cave"
prefix: ct
perspective: iso_SE_60_lowres
shader: cave
lighting: default
mapzoomin: 3
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