Harrison Deng 3ac7cf66c2
Some checks reported errors
ydeng/Reslate/rsemcm/pipeline/head Something is wrong with the build of this commit
RealYHD/rsemcm/pipeline/head Something is wrong with the build of this commit
Updated client modpack to reflect server mod changes.
2022-05-30 15:47:37 -05:00

19 lines
436 B

"description": "Enable/disable integration of specific third-party mods",
"enabled_mods": {
"theoneprobe": true,
"cofh_core": true,
"immersiveengineering": true,
"computercraft": true,
"waila": true,
"jei": true,
"botania": true,
"crafttweaker": true,
"mekanism": true,
"curios": true,
"patchouli": true,
"create": true,
"gamestages": true,
"appliedenergistics2": true