Harrison Deng 3ac7cf66c2
Some checks reported errors
ydeng/Reslate/rsemcm/pipeline/head Something is wrong with the build of this commit
RealYHD/rsemcm/pipeline/head Something is wrong with the build of this commit
Updated client modpack to reflect server mod changes.
2022-05-30 15:47:37 -05:00

36 lines
1.3 KiB

pipeline {
agent {
label 'linux && increased_mem'
options {
stages {
stage("run server") {
steps {
dir('server') {
sh 'echo "eula=true" > eula.txt'
sh "chmod u+x ./"
sh 'echo "stop" | ./'
logParser failBuildOnError: true, projectRulePath: 'Jenkinsparse', parsingRulesPath: 'Jenkinsparse', showGraphs: true, unstableOnWarning: true, useProjectRule: true
stage("cleanup") {
steps {
sh "git clean -dfX"
sh "rm -rf server/world"
stage("publish") {
when {
branch "**/master"
steps {
publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: false, reportDir: 'client', reportFiles: 'modlist.html', reportName: 'Mod List', reportTitles: ''])
zip archive: true, dir: 'client', exclude: '', glob: '', overwrite: true, zipFile: 'publish/'
zip archive: true, dir: 'server', exclude: '', glob: '', overwrite: true, zipFile: 'publish/'