[client] #TODO disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI = true showFacadesInJEI = true #TODO enableEffects = true #TODO useTerminalUseLargeFont = false #TODO useColoredCraftingStatus = true #Power unit shown in AE UIs #Allowed Values: AE, RF PowerUnit = "AE" #Show debugging GUI overlays showDebugGuiOverlays = false #Show a preview of part and facade placement showPlacementPreview = true [client.terminals] #Should tooltips be searched. Performance impact #Allowed Values: YES, NO, UNDECIDED searchTooltips = "YES" #Allowed Values: TALL, FULL, SMALL terminalStyle = "TALL" #Allowed Values: DEFAULT, REMEMBER_SEARCH, AUTO_FOCUS, AUTO_FOCUS_AND_REMEMBER_SEARCH, JEI, REI terminalSearchMode = "REMEMBER_SEARCH"