#Tier Config. This config is synced from server to client. [tier] #Energy Cubes [tier.energy_cubes] #Maximum number of Joules Basic energy cubes can store. basicStorage = "4000000" #Output rate in Joules of Basic energy cubes. basicOutput = "4000" #Maximum number of Joules Advanced energy cubes can store. advancedStorage = "16000000" #Output rate in Joules of Advanced energy cubes. advancedOutput = "16000" #Maximum number of Joules Elite energy cubes can store. eliteStorage = "64000000" #Output rate in Joules of Elite energy cubes. eliteOutput = "64000" #Maximum number of Joules Ultimate energy cubes can store. ultimateStorage = "256000000" #Output rate in Joules of Ultimate energy cubes. ultimateOutput = "256000" #Maximum number of Joules Creative energy cubes can store. creativeStorage = "18446744073709551615.9999" #Output rate in Joules of Creative energy cubes. creativeOutput = "18446744073709551615.9999" #Fluid Tanks [tier.fluid_tanks] #Storage size of Basic fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 basicStorage = 32000 #Output rate of Basic fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 basicOutput = 1000 #Storage size of Advanced fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 advancedStorage = 64000 #Output rate of Advanced fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 advancedOutput = 4000 #Storage size of Elite fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 eliteStorage = 128000 #Output rate of Elite fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 eliteOutput = 16000 #Storage size of Ultimate fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 ultimateStorage = 256000 #Output rate of Ultimate fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 ultimateOutput = 64000 #Storage size of Creative fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 creativeStorage = 2147483647 #Output rate of Creative fluid tanks in mB. #Range: > 1 creativeOutput = 1073741823 #Chemical Tanks [tier.chemical_tanks] #Storage size of Basic chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 basicStorage = 64000 #Output rate of Basic chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 basicOutput = 1000 #Storage size of Advanced chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 advancedStorage = 256000 #Output rate of Advanced chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 advancedOutput = 16000 #Storage size of Elite chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 eliteStorage = 1024000 #Output rate of Elite chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 eliteOutput = 128000 #Storage size of Ultimate chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 ultimateStorage = 8192000 #Output rate of Ultimate chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 ultimateOutput = 512000 #Storage size of Creative chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 creativeStorage = 9223372036854775807 #Output rate of Creative chemical tanks in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 creativeOutput = 4611686018427387903 #Bins [tier.bins] #The number of items Basic bins can store. #Range: > 1 basicStorage = 4096 #The number of items Advanced bins can store. #Range: > 1 advancedStorage = 8192 #The number of items Elite bins can store. #Range: > 1 eliteStorage = 32768 #The number of items Ultimate bins can store. #Range: > 1 ultimateStorage = 262144 #The number of items Creative bins can store. #Range: > 1 creativeStorage = 2147483647 #Induction [tier.induction] #Maximum number of Joules Basic induction cells can store. basicStorage = "8000000000" #Maximum number of Joules Advanced induction cells can store. advancedStorage = "64000000000" #Maximum number of Joules Elite induction cells can store. eliteStorage = "512000000000" #Maximum number of Joules Ultimate induction cells can store. ultimateStorage = "4000000000000" #Maximum number of Joules Basic induction providers can output or accept. basicOutput = "256000" #Maximum number of Joules Advanced induction providers can output or accept. advancedOutput = "2048000" #Maximum number of Joules Elite induction providers can output or accept. eliteOutput = "16384000" #Maximum number of Joules Ultimate induction providers can output or accept. ultimateOutput = "131072000" #Transmitters [tier.transmitters] #Universal Cables [tier.transmitters.energy] #Internal buffer in Joules of each Basic universal cable. basicCapacity = "8000" #Internal buffer in Joules of each Advanced universal cable. advancedCapacity = "128000" #Internal buffer in Joules of each Elite universal cable. eliteCapacity = "1024000" #Internal buffer in Joules of each Ultimate universal cable. ultimateCapacity = "8192000" #Mechanical Pipes [tier.transmitters.fluid] #Capacity of Basic mechanical pipes in mB. #Range: > 1 basicCapacity = 2000 #Pump rate of Basic mechanical pipes in mB/t. #Range: > 1 basicPullAmount = 250 #Capacity of Advanced mechanical pipes in mB. #Range: > 1 advancedCapacity = 8000 #Pump rate of Advanced mechanical pipes in mB/t. #Range: > 1 advancedPullAmount = 1000 #Capacity of Elite mechanical pipes in mB. #Range: > 1 eliteCapacity = 32000 #Pump rate of Elite mechanical pipes in mB/t. #Range: > 1 elitePullAmount = 8000 #Capacity of Ultimate mechanical pipes in mB. #Range: > 1 ultimateCapacity = 128000 #Pump rate of Ultimate mechanical pipes in mB/t. #Range: > 1 ultimatePullAmount = 32000 #Pressurized Tubes [tier.transmitters.chemical] #Capacity of Basic pressurized tubes in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 basicCapacity = 4000 #Pump rate of Basic pressurized tubes in mB/t. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 basicPullAmount = 750 #Capacity of Advanced pressurized tubes in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 advancedCapacity = 16000 #Pump rate of Advanced pressurized tubes in mB/t. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 advancedPullAmount = 2000 #Capacity of Elite pressurized tubes in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 eliteCapacity = 256000 #Pump rate of Elite pressurized tubes in mB/t. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 elitePullAmount = 64000 #Capacity of Ultimate pressurized tubes in mB. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 ultimateCapacity = 1024000 #Pump rate of Ultimate pressurized tubes in mB/t. #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 ultimatePullAmount = 256000 #Logistical Transporters [tier.transmitters.items] #Item throughput rate of Basic logistical transporters in items/half second. #Range: > 1 basicPullAmount = 1 #Five times the travel speed in m/s of Basic logistical transporter. #Range: > 1 basicSpeed = 5 #Item throughput rate of Advanced logistical transporters in items/half second. #Range: > 1 advancedPullAmount = 16 #Five times the travel speed in m/s of Advanced logistical transporter. #Range: > 1 advancedSpeed = 10 #Item throughput rate of Elite logistical transporters in items/half second. #Range: > 1 elitePullAmount = 32 #Five times the travel speed in m/s of Elite logistical transporter. #Range: > 1 eliteSpeed = 20 #Item throughput rate of Ultimate logistical transporters in items/half second. #Range: > 1 ultimatePullAmount = 64 #Five times the travel speed in m/s of Ultimate logistical transporter. #Range: > 1 ultimateSpeed = 50 #Thermodynamic Conductors [tier.transmitters.heat] #Conduction value of Basic thermodynamic conductors. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 basicInverseConduction = 5.0 #Heat capacity of Basic thermodynamic conductors. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 basicHeatCapacity = 1.0 #Insulation value of Basic thermodynamic conductor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 basicInsulation = 10.0 #Conduction value of Advanced thermodynamic conductors. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 advancedInverseConduction = 5.0 #Heat capacity of Advanced thermodynamic conductors. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 advancedHeatCapacity = 1.0 #Insulation value of Advanced thermodynamic conductor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 advancedInsulation = 400.0 #Conduction value of Elite thermodynamic conductors. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 eliteInverseConduction = 5.0 #Heat capacity of Elite thermodynamic conductors. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 eliteHeatCapacity = 1.0 #Insulation value of Elite thermodynamic conductor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 eliteInsulation = 8000.0 #Conduction value of Ultimate thermodynamic conductors. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 ultimateInverseConduction = 5.0 #Heat capacity of Ultimate thermodynamic conductors. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 ultimateHeatCapacity = 1.0 #Insulation value of Ultimate thermodynamic conductor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 ultimateInsulation = 100000.0