using RecrownedAthenaeum.UI.Skin.Definitions; namespace RecrownedAthenaeum.Serializable { /// /// Data transfer object for game skins. /// public class SkinData { /// /// The name of the atlas with solution of ".tatlas". /// public string nameOfTextureAtlas; /// /// The color data containing the name of the color, and red, green, and blue values for the color. /// public ColorData[] colors; /// /// The font data containing the name of the font and name of the file for the font. /// public FontData[] fonts; /// /// The skin definitions containing a name for the definition, and the definition itself. /// public DefinitionData[] definitions; /// /// Color data for data transfer. /// public class ColorData { /// /// Name of color to be referenced by. /// public string name; /// /// RGB data of this color. /// public int r, g, b; } /// /// Font data for data transfer. /// public class FontData { /// /// Name of font to be referenced by. /// public string name; /// /// Name of the file that contains the font. Shouldn't have extension. /// public string font; } /// /// Definition data for data transfer. /// public class DefinitionData { /// /// Name of definition to be referenced by. /// public string name; /// /// The skin definition data. /// public ISkinDefinitionData skin; } } }