publicTexturePackerCommand():base("Packs a given directory composed of png and jpg files into an atlas. Can also add 9patch properties. Images with the associated \".9p\" files will automatically be defined in the resulting .tatlas file, but can be overwritten by use of the \"-9p\" argument.","texturepacker")
newEngineCommandArgument("-interactive","runs in interactive mode. Ninepatches must still be defined with arguments or previously defined with associated \".9p\" files. Other arguments will be ignored."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-i","for input directory containing the textures.",true),
newEngineCommandArgument("-o","Path for output files. Points to non-existent file. Will create texture and definitions file with name.",true),
newEngineCommandArgument("-9p","Can be used multiple times for defining a 9patch. This parameter requires a name, left patch, right patch, top patch, and bottom patch in the format \"name,a,b,c,d\"."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-sp","Starting power for one side of the texture. Default is "+DSP+"."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-mp","Maximum power for one side of the texture. Default is "+DMP+"."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-dau","Disables automatically upscaling the texture."),
userOutput.WriteLine("Calculated minimum texture size: "+texturePacker.TextureLength+"x"+texturePacker.TextureLength+" with a total of "+texturePacker.TexturesFound+" textures.");
userOutput.WriteLine("-9p is not followed by proper specifiers for a 9Patch (format: \"-9p textureName,a,b,c,d\" where a, b, c, and d are integers definining the border regions for the 9patch.)");
userOutput.WriteLine("-9p argument parameters must be in the format \"-9p textureName,a,b,c,d\" where a, b, c, and d are integers definining the border regions for the 9patch.");