using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using RecrownedAthenaeum.Camera; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace RecrownedAthenaeum.UI.Book { /// /// Contains the pages. /// public class Book { Camera2D camera; Page targetPage; Rectangle dimensions; Dictionary pages = new Dictionary(); /// /// Should be called whenever a valid camera and dimensions for the book exist. /// Initializes book with given parameters. /// /// Camera game is currently using. /// Dimensions of the book and the dimensions the pages will use. public void Initiate(Camera2D camera, Rectangle dimensions) { = camera; this.dimensions = dimensions; } /// /// Draws the pages. /// /// Batch used to draw. public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) { for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pages.Count; pageIndex++) { Page page = pages.ElementAt(pageIndex).Value; page.Draw(batch); } } /// /// Updates the book. /// /// Snapshot of information of the game time. public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (targetPage != null) { Vector2 position; Rectangle targetBounds = targetPage.bounds; position.X = targetBounds.X + (targetBounds.Width * 0.5f); position.Y = targetBounds.Y + (targetBounds.Height * 0.5f); camera.LinearInterpolationToPosition(0.4f, position, (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds); if (camera.Position == position) { targetPage = null; } } for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pages.Count; pageIndex++) { Page page = pages.ElementAt(pageIndex).Value; if (page.NeedsSizeUpdate) page.ApplySize(dimensions.Width, dimensions.Height); page.Update(gameTime); } } /// /// Adds the page(s). /// /// The page(s) to add. public void AddPages(params Page[] pages) { foreach (Page page in pages) { this.pages.Add(page.Name, page); } } /// /// Removes the page. /// /// Page to remove. public void RemovePage(Page page) { RemovePage(page.Name); } /// /// Removes the page. /// /// Name of page to remove. public void RemovePage(string name) { pages.Remove(name); } /// /// Perform a step of linear interpolation to the given page. /// /// The page to lerp to. public void LerpToPage(Page page) { targetPage = page; } /// /// Goes to page instantly. /// /// Page to go to. public void GoToPage(Page page) { Rectangle targetBounds = page.bounds; camera.Position.X = targetBounds.X + (targetBounds.Width * 0.5f); camera.Position.Y = targetBounds.Y + (targetBounds.Height * 0.5f); } } }