newEngineCommandArgument("-i","for input directory containing the textures. Required."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-o","Path for output files. Points to non-existent file. Will create texture and definitions file with name. Required."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-9p","Can be used multiple times for defining a 9patch. This parameter requires a name, left patch, right patch, top patch, and bottom patch in the format name,a,b,c,d. Optional."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-sp","Starting power for one side of the texture. Default is 8."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-mp","Maximum power for one side of the texture. Default is 8."),
newEngineCommandArgument("-dau","Disables automatically upscaling the texture."),
help="Packs a given directory composed of png and jpg files into an atlas. Can also add 9patch properties. Runnig without arguments triggers interactive mode.";
ConsoleUtilities.WriteWrappedLine("Calculated minimum texture size: "+texturePacker.TextureLength+"x"+texturePacker.TextureLength+" with a total of "+texturePacker.TexturesFound+" textures.");
if(i+5>=arguments.Length)thrownewArgumentException("-9p is not followed by proper specifiers for a 9Patch (format: \"-9p textureName,a,b,c,d\" where a, b, c, and d are integers definining the border regions for the 9patch.)");
thrownewArgumentException("-9p argument parameters must be in the format \"-9p textureName,a,b,c,d\" where a, b, c, and d are integers definining the border regions for the 9patch.");