
260 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MultiShop.ShopFramework;
using SimpleLogger;
namespace AliExpressShop
public class Shop : IShop
private const string ALIEXPRESS_BASE_URL = "";
private const string ALIEXPRESS_QUERY_FORMAT = "/wholesale?trafficChannel=main&d=y&CatId=0&SearchText={0}&ltype=wholesale&SortType=default&page={1}";
private const char SPACE_CHAR = '+';
private const int DELAY = 500;
private Regex dataLineRegex = new Regex("^ +window.runParams = .+\"items\":.+;$");
private Regex pageCountRegex = new Regex("\"maxPage\":(\\d+)");
private Regex itemRatingRegex = new Regex("\"starRating\":\"(\\d*.\\d*)\"");
private Regex itemsSoldRegex = new Regex("\"tradeDesc\":\"(\\d+) sold\"");
private const string SHIPPING_REGEX_FORMAT = "Shipping: {0} ?\\$ (\\d*.\\d*)";
private Regex shippingPriceRegex;
private readonly string freeShippingStr = "\"logisticsDesc\":\"Free Shipping\"";
private const string PRICE_REGEX_FORMAT = "\"price\":\"{0} ?\\$ ?(\\d*.\\d*)( - (\\d+.\\d+))?\",";
private Regex itemPriceRegex;
private const string ITEM_LIST_SEQ = "\"items\":";
private const string TITLE_SEQ = "\"title\":";
private const string IMAGE_URL_SEQ = "\"imageUrl\":";
private const string PRODUCT_URL_SEQ = "\"productDetailUrl\":";
private HttpClientHandler handler;
private HttpClient client;
private bool disposedValue;
public string ShopName => "AliExpress";
public string ShopDescription => "A China based online store.";
public string ShopModuleAuthor => null;
public void Initiate(Currency currency)
if (disposedValue) throw new ObjectDisposedException("Shop");
if (client != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Already initiated.");
Logger.AddLogListener(new ConsoleLogReceiver());
itemPriceRegex = new Regex(string.Format(PRICE_REGEX_FORMAT, CurrencyToDisplayStr(currency)));
shippingPriceRegex = new Regex(string.Format(SHIPPING_REGEX_FORMAT, CurrencyToDisplayStr(currency)));
Uri baseAddress = new Uri(ALIEXPRESS_BASE_URL);
CookieContainer container = new CookieContainer();
handler = new HttpClientHandler();
handler.CookieContainer = container;
client = new HttpClient(handler);
client.BaseAddress = baseAddress;
client.Send(new HttpRequestMessage());
container.Add(baseAddress, new Cookie("aep_usuc_f", string.Format("site=glo&c_tp={0}&region=CA&b_locale=en_US", currency)));
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProductListing>> Search(string query, int maxPage = -1)
if (disposedValue) throw new ObjectDisposedException("Shop");
if (client == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("HTTP client is not initiated.");
List<ProductListing> listings = new List<ProductListing>();
string modifiedQuery = query.Replace(' ', SPACE_CHAR);
Logger.Log($"Searching {ShopName} with query \"{query}\".", LogLevel.INFO);
int? length = null;
for (int i = 1; i <= (length != null ? length : 1); i++)
if (maxPage != -1 && i > maxPage) break;
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, string.Format(ALIEXPRESS_QUERY_FORMAT, modifiedQuery, i));
Logger.Log($"Sending GET request with uri: {request.RequestUri}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);
string data = null;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()))
string line = null;
while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null && (data == null || length == null))
if (dataLineRegex.IsMatch(line)) {
data = line.Trim();
Logger.Log($"Found line with listing data.", LogLevel.DEBUG);
} else if (length == null && pageCountRegex.IsMatch(line)) {
Match match = pageCountRegex.Match(line);
length = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value);
Logger.Log($"Found {length} pages.", LogLevel.DEBUG);
if (data == null) return listings;
string itemsString = GetBracketSet(data, data.IndexOf(ITEM_LIST_SEQ) + ITEM_LIST_SEQ.Length, '[', ']');
IEnumerable<string> listingsStrs = GetItemsFromString(itemsString);
foreach (string listingStr in listingsStrs)
Logger.Log($"Delaying next page by {DELAY}ms.", LogLevel.DEBUG);
await Task.Delay(DELAY);
return listings;
private ProductListing GenerateListingFromString(string str) {
ProductListing listing = new ProductListing();
string name = GetQuoteSet(str, str.IndexOf(TITLE_SEQ) + TITLE_SEQ.Length);
if (name != null) {
Logger.Log($"Found name: {name}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
listing.Name = name;
} else {
Logger.Log($"Unable to get listing name from: \n {str}", LogLevel.WARNING);
Match ratingMatch = itemRatingRegex.Match(str);
if (ratingMatch.Success) {
Logger.Log($"Found rating: {ratingMatch.Groups[1].Value}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
listing.Rating = float.Parse(ratingMatch.Groups[1].Value);
Match numberSoldMatch = itemsSoldRegex.Match(str);
if (numberSoldMatch.Success) {
Logger.Log($"Found quantity sold: {numberSoldMatch.Groups[1].Value}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
listing.PurchaseCount = int.Parse(numberSoldMatch.Groups[1].Value);
Match priceMatch = itemPriceRegex.Match(str);
if (priceMatch.Success) {
Logger.Log($"Found price: {priceMatch.Groups[1].Value}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
listing.LowerPrice = float.Parse(priceMatch.Groups[1].Value);
if (priceMatch.Groups[3].Success) {
Logger.Log($"Found a price range: {priceMatch.Groups[3].Value}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
listing.UpperPrice = float.Parse(priceMatch.Groups[3].Value);
} else {
listing.UpperPrice = listing.LowerPrice.Value;
} else {
Logger.Log($"Unable to get listing price from: \n {str}", LogLevel.WARNING);
string prodUrl = GetQuoteSet(str, str.IndexOf(PRODUCT_URL_SEQ) + PRODUCT_URL_SEQ.Length).Substring(2);
if (prodUrl != null) {
Logger.Log($"Found URL: {prodUrl}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
listing.URL = prodUrl;
} else {
Logger.Log($"Unable to get item URL from: \n {str}", LogLevel.WARNING);
string imageUrl = GetQuoteSet(str, str.IndexOf(IMAGE_URL_SEQ) + IMAGE_URL_SEQ.Length).Substring(2);
if (imageUrl != null) {
Logger.Log($"Found image URL: {imageUrl}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
listing.ImageURL = imageUrl;
Match shippingMatch = shippingPriceRegex.Match(str);
if (shippingMatch.Success) {
Logger.Log($"Found shipping price: {shippingMatch.Groups[1].Value}", LogLevel.DEBUG);
listing.Shipping = float.Parse(shippingMatch.Groups[1].Value);
} else if (str.Contains(freeShippingStr)) {
listing.Shipping = 0;
} else {
listing.Shipping = null;
return listing;
private string GetQuoteSet(string str, int start) {
char[] cs = str.ToCharArray();
int quoteCount = 0;
int a = -1;
if (start < 0) return null;
for (int b = start; b < cs.Length; b++)
if (cs[b] == '"' && !(b >= 1 && cs[b - 1] == '\\')) {
if (a == -1) {
a = b + 1;
quoteCount += 1;
if (quoteCount >= 2) {
return str.Substring(a, b - a);
return null;
private string GetBracketSet(string str, int start, char open = '{', char close = '}') {
if (start < 0) return null;
char[] cs = str.ToCharArray();
int bracketDepth = 0;
int a = -1;
for (int i = start; i < cs.Length; i++)
char c = cs[i];
if (c == open) {
if (a < 0) {
a = i;
bracketDepth += 1;
} else if (c == close) {
bracketDepth -= 1;
if (bracketDepth == 0) {
if (i + 1 >= cs.Length) {
return str.Substring(a);
return str.Substring(a, i - a + 1);
} else if (bracketDepth < 0) {
return null;
return null;
private IEnumerable<string> GetItemsFromString(string str) {
int startPos = 0;
string itemString = null;
while ((itemString = GetBracketSet(str, startPos)) != null)
startPos += itemString.Length + 1;
yield return itemString;
private string CurrencyToDisplayStr(Currency currency) {
switch (currency)
case Currency.CAD:
return "C";
case Currency.USD:
return "US";
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Currency \"{currency}\" is not supported.");
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposedValue)
if (disposing)
disposedValue = true;
public void Dispose()
Dispose(disposing: true);