import hashlib import os import shutil import sys from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency, fisher_exact import pandas as pd import itertools from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool import logging def accession_to_genbank_filename(accession): return accession.replace(".", "_") + ".gb" def genbank_file_accession(gb_name): return gb_name.replace("_", ".").replace(".gb", "") def row_pairwise_dependency_test(table: pd.DataFrame, allow_fishers=True): pairs = [] indices = table.index results = {} for i in range(len(indices) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(indices)): pairs.append((indices[i], indices[j])) for a, b in pairs: row_pair_unmodified = table.loc[[a, b]] row_pair = row_pair_unmodified.loc[ :, (row_pair_unmodified != 0).any(axis=0) ] # Magic to drop columns that are empty... row_pair = row_pair.loc[(row_pair != 0).any(axis=1)] if row_pair.shape[0] == 2 and row_pair.shape[1] == 2 and allow_fishers: odds_ratio, p = fisher_exact(row_pair) results[f"{a} - {b}"] = { "type": "exact", } elif row_pair.shape[1] > 2 and row_pair.shape[0] >= 2: chi2, p, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(row_pair) results[f"{a} - {b}"] = { "type": "chi2", } elif row_pair.shape[1] == 0 and row_pair.shape[0] == 0: continue else: results[f"{a} - {b}"] = { "type": "chi2", "original_table": row_pair_unmodified, } p = "Error" results[f"{a} - {b}"]["p"] = p results[f"{a} - {b}"]["table"] = row_pair return results # TODO Clean this up... def publish_results(results: dict, results_list=None): results_list = results_list or [] for result_info in results.values(): results_list.append(result_info) return results_list class Tester: def __init__( self, test_funcs, viral_strands, regions, synonymity, fishers, categorized_mutations, categorized_variants, max_threads=16, ): self.tests = test_funcs self.viral_strands = viral_strands self.regions = regions self.synonymity = synonymity self.fishers = fishers self.categorized_mutations = categorized_mutations self.categorized_variants = categorized_variants self._max_threads = max_threads self._results = {} def run_all_async(self): self._thread_pool = ThreadPool(processes=self._max_threads) param_product = itertools.product( self.tests, self.viral_strands, self.regions, self.synonymity, self.fishers ) total = len(self.tests) * \ len(self.viral_strands) * \ len(self.regions) * \ len(self.synonymity) * \ len(self.fishers) runs = self._thread_pool.imap_unordered( self.run_test, param_product, chunksize=self._max_threads # TODO Perhaps add more sophisticated param... ) for running_test in runs: identifier, res = running_test self._results[identifier] = res"Test progress: {(len(self._results))/total:.1%}") def run_test(self, params): test_tuple, viral_strand, regions, synonymity, fishers = params test_alias, test_func = test_tuple logging.debug( "Running {0} with parameters: {1} {2} {3} {4}".format( test_alias, viral_strand, regions, synonymity, fishers ) ) res = test_func( self.categorized_mutations, self.categorized_variants, viral_strand, regions, synonymity, fishers ) logging.debug("Completed running {0} with parameters: {1} {2} {3} {4}".format( test_alias, viral_strand, regions, synonymity, fishers )) return (test_alias, viral_strand, regions, synonymity, fishers), res def get_result_list(self, test_alias: str, viral_strand: str, regions, synonymity: bool, fishers: bool): return self._results[test_alias, viral_strand, regions, synonymity, fishers] def get_all_results(self): return self._results def write_markdown_results(result_groups: dict[str, list[dict]], md_results_path=None): if md_results_path: large_dir = md_results_path + ".large" if os.path.exists(large_dir): shutil.rmtree(large_dir) writer_p = sys.stdout if md_results_path: writer_p = open(md_results_path, "w") for test_id, result_list in result_groups.items(): result_group_title, result_group_desc, results = result_list writer_p.write(f"# {result_group_title}\n\n") writer_p.write(f"{result_group_desc}\n\n") writer_p.write("Run with the following parameters:\n") writer_p.write( """ Test name: {0}; \ Lineage: {1}; \ Region: {2}; \ Allow synonymous: {3}; \ Allow Exact (Fishers): {4};\ \n\n""".format(*test_id) ) for result in results: writer_p.write(f"P-value: {result['p']:.5%}; \ Test Type: {result['type']}\n\n") if result["table"].shape[0] < 10 and result["table"].shape[1] < 10: writer_p.write(f"{result['table'].to_markdown()}\n---\n\n") else: writer_p.write( f"Table was too large {result['table'].shape} to display.\n" ) if md_results_path: large_table_dir = os.path.join( md_results_path + ".large", os.path.sep.join(map(str, test_id)). replace(" ", ""). replace("\t", ""). replace("'", ""). replace("\"", ""). replace("(", ""). replace(")", ""). replace(",", "_") ) filename = str( hashlib.shake_128( result["table"].to_markdown().encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest(8) ) filepath = os.path.join( large_table_dir, filename ) same_num = 0 while os.path.exists(filepath + str(same_num) + ".csv"): same_num += 1 large_table_path = filepath + str(same_num) + ".csv" relative_table_path = large_table_path.replace( os.path.abspath(md_results_path), "." + os.path.sep + os.path.basename(md_results_path) ) os.makedirs(large_table_dir, exist_ok=True) result["table"].to_csv(path_or_buf=large_table_path) writer_p.write( "Table stored as CSV file. See at:\n" f"[{relative_table_path}]({relative_table_path})" ) writer_p.write("\n") if md_results_path: writer_p.close()