using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Pipes; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using GameServiceWarden.InteractionAPI; using GameServiceWarden.InteractionAPI.Communicable.Requests; using GameServiceWarden.InteractionAPI.Communicable.Responses; namespace GameServiceWarden.Core.UI { public class IPCMediator { private const int TIMEOUT = 1000; public string PipeName {get { return name + ".pipe"; } } private readonly string name; private readonly ConcurrentDictionary pipes; public BlockingCollection<(string, CommunicableType, byte[])> RequestQueue { get; private set; } private volatile bool active; public bool IsRunning { get => active; } private Task connectionTask; private CancellationTokenSource stopAcceptingToken; private volatile NamedPipeServerStream connectingPipe; public IPCMediator(string name) { = name; pipes = new ConcurrentDictionary(); RequestQueue = new BlockingCollection<(string, CommunicableType, byte[])>(new ConcurrentQueue<(string, CommunicableType, byte[])>()); } public void Open() { if (active) throw new InvalidOperationException("IPC already opened."); Logger.Log($"IPCMediator with name \"{name}\" opened."); active = true; stopAcceptingToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); connectionTask = AcceptConnections(); Logger.Log($"IPCMediator \"{name}\" has begun asynchronously accepting interfaces.", LogLevel.Debug); } public void Close() { if (!active) throw new InvalidOperationException("IPC not open."); Logger.Log("Closing IPC mediator."); active = false; stopAcceptingToken.Cancel(); connectingPipe.Dispose(); InitiateDisconnectAll("Closing GameServiceWarden.").Wait(); try { if (!connectionTask.Wait(TIMEOUT)) throw new TimeoutException($"IPCMediator \"{name}\" was unable to stop accepting task within {TIMEOUT}ms."); } catch (AggregateException e) { e.Handle((exception) => exception is TaskCanceledException || (exception is SocketException && exception.Message.Equals("Operation canceled"))); } RequestQueue.CompleteAdding(); stopAcceptingToken.Dispose(); } public async Task ReplyAll(CommunicableType type, byte[] data) { IEnumerable identifiers = pipes.Keys; Stack replyTasks = new Stack(); foreach (string identifier in identifiers) { replyTasks.Push(Reply(identifier, type, data)); } Task replyTask; while (replyTasks.TryPop(out replyTask)) { await replyTask; } } public async Task Reply(string identifier, CommunicableType type, byte[] data) { CancellationTokenSource cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(1000); byte[] header = ResponseHeader.Encode(type, (uint)data.Length); await pipes[identifier].Item1.WriteAsync(header, 0, header.Length, cancel.Token); await pipes[identifier].Item1.WriteAsync(data, cancel.Token); cancel.Dispose(); } public async Task InitiateDisconnect(string identifier, string reason) { Logger.Log($"Disconnecting \"{identifier}\". Reason: \"{reason}\""); DisconnectResponse response; response.reason = reason; await Reply(identifier, CommunicableType.Disconnect, JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(response)); (NamedPipeServerStream, Task) pipeAndTask = pipes[identifier]; pipeAndTask.Item1.Close(); await pipeAndTask.Item2; Logger.Log($"Successfully disconnected \"{identifier}\"."); } public async Task InitiateDisconnectAll(string reason) { Logger.Log($"Disconnecting all of {pipes.Count} interfaces."); foreach (string id in pipes.Keys) { await InitiateDisconnect(id, reason); } } private async Task AcceptConnections() { List connectionTasks = new List(); Logger.Log("Accepting Interface connections."); while (active) { connectingPipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(PipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, NamedPipeServerStream.MaxAllowedServerInstances, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous); Logger.Log("Waiting for connection.", LogLevel.Debug); await connectingPipe.WaitForConnectionAsync(stopAcceptingToken.Token); connectionTasks.Add(OnConnection(connectingPipe)); for (int i = 0; i < connectionTasks.Count; i++) { if (connectionTasks[i].IsCompleted) { Task connectionTask = connectionTasks[i]; connectionTasks.RemoveAt(i); connectionTask.Wait(); } } } Logger.Log("Waiting for connection tasks.", LogLevel.Debug); foreach (Task task in connectionTasks) { task.Wait(); } Logger.Log("Stopped accepting pipe connections."); } private async Task OnConnection(NamedPipeServerStream pipe) { Logger.Log("Interface attempting to connect.", LogLevel.Debug); byte[] headerBuffer = new byte[sizeof(uint) * 2]; int headerFill = 0; CancellationTokenSource headerCancel = new CancellationTokenSource(TIMEOUT); try { int readLength; do { readLength = await pipe.ReadAsync(headerBuffer, headerFill, headerBuffer.Length - headerFill, headerCancel.Token); headerFill += readLength; } while (readLength != 0 && headerFill != headerBuffer.Length); } catch (AggregateException e) { e.Handle((exception) => exception is TaskCanceledException); Logger.Log($"Interface did not send header data within {TIMEOUT}ms.", LogLevel.Debug); } finally { await pipe.DisposeAsync(); headerCancel.Dispose(); } if (headerFill != headerBuffer.Length) { Logger.Log($"Interface failed to send header data.", LogLevel.Debug); return; } CommunicableType comType; uint bodyLength; RequestHeader.Decode(headerBuffer, out comType, out bodyLength); //TODO do exception check. byte[] bodyBuffer = new byte[bodyLength]; int bodyFill = 0; CancellationTokenSource bodyCancel = new CancellationTokenSource(TIMEOUT); try { int readLength = 0; do { readLength = await pipe.ReadAsync(bodyBuffer, bodyFill, bodyBuffer.Length - bodyFill, bodyCancel.Token); bodyFill += readLength; } while (readLength != 0 && bodyFill != headerBuffer.Length); } catch (AggregateException e) { e.Handle((exception) => exception is TaskCanceledException); Logger.Log($"Interface failed to send body data within {TIMEOUT}.", LogLevel.Debug); } finally { await pipe.DisposeAsync(); bodyCancel.Dispose(); } if (bodyFill != bodyBuffer.Length) { Logger.Log($"Interface failed to send body data.", LogLevel.Debug); return; } ConnectRequest request = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(bodyBuffer); ConnectResponse response = new ConnectResponse(); bool requestAccepted = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.requestedIdentifier)) { response.invalidName = true; response.errorMsg = $"The requested identifier \"{request.requestedIdentifier}\" is null or whitespace."; Logger.Log(response.errorMsg, LogLevel.Debug); } else if (pipes.ContainsKey(request.requestedIdentifier)) { response.invalidName = true; response.nameTaken = true; response.errorMsg = $"Interface requested identifier \"{request.requestedIdentifier}\" is taken."; Logger.Log(response.errorMsg, LogLevel.Debug); } else { requestAccepted = true; response.identifier = request.requestedIdentifier; } CancellationTokenSource cancelResponse = new CancellationTokenSource(TIMEOUT); try { await pipe.WriteAsync(JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(response), cancelResponse.Token); } catch (AggregateException e) { e.Handle((exception) => exception is TaskCanceledException); Logger.Log($"Interface did not receive response within {TIMEOUT}ms.", LogLevel.Debug); } if (!requestAccepted) { cancelResponse.Dispose(); await pipe.DisposeAsync(); Logger.Log($"Interface failed to connect."); return; } Logger.Log($"Interface \"{response.identifier}\" connected."); pipes[request.requestedIdentifier] = (pipe, Listen(response.identifier, pipe)); } private async Task Listen(string identifier, NamedPipeServerStream pipe) { Logger.Log($"Started listening to interface \"{identifier}\".", LogLevel.Debug); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; byte[] headerBuffer = new byte[sizeof(uint) * 2]; byte[] bodyBuffer = null; int bodyFill = 0; int headerFill = 0; int readLength = 0; CommunicableType? comType = null; while ((readLength = await pipe.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < readLength; i++) { if (bodyBuffer == null) { headerBuffer[headerFill] = buffer[i]; headerFill++; if (headerFill == headerBuffer.Length) { uint length; CommunicableType type; RequestHeader.Decode(headerBuffer, out type, out length); bodyBuffer = new byte[length]; headerFill = 0; comType = type; } } else { bodyBuffer[bodyFill] = buffer[i]; bodyFill++; if (bodyFill == bodyBuffer.Length) { RequestQueue.Add((identifier, comType.Value, bodyBuffer)); bodyFill = 0; bodyBuffer = null; } } } } Logger.Log($"Pipe for interface \"{identifier}\" has closed.", LogLevel.Debug); (NamedPipeServerStream, Task) removedPipe; pipes.TryRemove(identifier, out removedPipe); await removedPipe.Item1.DisposeAsync(); Logger.Log($"Stopped listening to interface \"{identifier}\".", LogLevel.Debug); } } }