using System.IO; using System; using System.CommandLine; namespace DotNetResxUtils { internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { RootCommand rootCmd = new RootCommand(".Net Resx Utils provides tools for generating, and editing .resx files."); Command genCmd = new Command("gen", "Generate a .resx file."); rootCmd.AddCommand(genCmd); // See: Collection organizers - Option convertOpt = new Option("--convert", "Generates a .resx file from the given file. Currently only supports .json files."); genCmd.AddOption(convertOpt); Argument destArg = new Argument("destination", "The destination path to store this file. If no extension is given, .resx will automatically be concatenated."); genCmd.AddArgument(destArg); genCmd.SetHandler(async (string dst, FileInfo? from)) } } }