import csv import os from skbio.alignment import StripedSmithWaterman import argparse from Bio import SeqIO from Datatypes import Annotation def read_annotations_from_csv( csv_path: str, id_header: str, name_header: str, desc_header: str, start_header: str, end_header: str, sequence_header: str, ): annotations = {} with open(csv_path, "r") as csv_fd: reader = csv.reader(csv_fd) id_ind = None name_ind = None desc_ind = None start_ind = None end_ind = None sequence_ind = None headers_parsed = False for row in reader: if not headers_parsed: id_ind = row.index(id_header) name_ind = row.index(name_header) if name_header else None desc_ind = row.index(desc_header) if desc_header else None start_ind = row.index(start_header) if start_header else None end_ind = row.index(end_header) if end_header else None sequence_ind = row.index(sequence_header) headers_parsed = True continue id = row[id_ind] name = row[name_ind] if name_header else None desc = row[desc_ind] if desc_header else None start = row[start_ind] if start_header else None end = row[end_ind] if end_header else None sequence = row[sequence_ind] annotations[id] = Annotation( id, sequence, name, desc, int(start) if start else None, int(end) if end else None, ) return annotations def generate_annotated_positions(sequence: str, annotations: dict[str, Annotation]): annotation_pairs = {} align = StripedSmithWaterman(sequence) for id, annot in annotations.items(): alignment = align(annot.sequence) score, aligned_start, aligned_end = ( alignment.optimal_alignment_score, alignment.query_begin, alignment.query_end, ) annotation_pairs[id] = Annotation( id, annot.sequence,, annot.description, annot.start, annot.end, annot.score, ), Annotation( id, alignment.aligned_target_sequence,, annot.description, aligned_start, aligned_end, score, ) return annotation_pairs def save_alignments_to_csv( aligned_pairs: dict[str, tuple[Annotation, Annotation]], output_path: str ): with open(output_path, "w") as output_fd: writer = csv.writer(output_fd) header_wrote = False header_order = None for id, annotations in aligned_pairs.items(): original, aligned = annotations original_vars = vars(original) aligned_vars = vars(aligned) if not header_wrote: header_order = list(original_vars.keys()) header = ["original" + key for key in header_order] header.extend(["aligned" + key for key in header_order]) writer.writerow(header) header_wrote = True row_data = [original_vars[header] for header in header_order] row_data.extend([aligned_vars[header] for header in header_order]) writer.writerow(row_data) def main(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser("protannot") argparser.add_argument( "annotations", type=str, help=( "Path to CSV containing the sequences to align as well as the " "annotations for the respective sequences" ), metavar="a", ) argparser.add_argument( "sequence", type=str, help=( "Path to the sequence to annotate in FASTA format. " "If multiple sequences are present, annotations will be run on each" ), metavar="s", ) argparser.add_argument( "output", type=str, help="Path to output location", metavar="o" ) argparser.add_argument( "-I", "--id-header", type=str, help="The header for the ID of the annotation" ) argparser.add_argument( "-N", "--name-header", type=str, help="The header for the name of the annotation", required=False, ) argparser.add_argument( "-D", "--desc-header", type=str, help="The header for the description of the annotation", required=False, ) argparser.add_argument( "-T", "--start-header", type=str, help="The header for the start of the annotation", required=False, ) argparser.add_argument( "-E", "--end-header", type=str, help="The header for the end of the annotation", required=False, ) argparser.add_argument( "-S", "--seq-header", type=str, help="The header for the sequence of the annotation", ) args = argparser.parse_args() given_annotations = read_annotations_from_csv( args.annotations, args.id_header, args.name_header, args.desc_header, args.start_header, args.end_header, args.seq_header, ) with open(args.sequence, "r") as sequence_fd: for sequence in SeqIO.parse(sequence_fd, "fasta"): aligned_annotations = generate_annotated_positions( str(sequence.seq), given_annotations ) save_alignments_to_csv( aligned_annotations, os.path.join( args.output,"|", "+").replace(".", "_") + ".csv", ), ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()