[![Build Status](https://ci.reslate.systems/job/ydeng/job/bmlsa/job/master/badge/icon)](https://ci.reslate.systems/job/ydeng/job/bmlsa/job/master/) # BMLSA A Basic multi local sequence alignment tool using the Biopython implementation of the Smith-Waterman alignment algorithm. ## Features - Aligns a CSV of short sequences locally to a given reference sequence - Outputs in a CSV with old and new positions - Selectable parameters for alignment - Compatible with broad-range of input CSV formats - Automatically align with all sequences in reference FASTA - All produced output is human readable! ## More Information For all live downloadable artifacts, build statuses, unit test results, and documentation, check out the continuous integration page for the [master branch](https://ci.reslate.systems/job/ydeng/job/bmlsa/job/master/) ([development branch](https://ci.reslate.systems/job/ydeng/job/bmlsa/job/develop/)).