2017-08-18 22:04:01 +02:00

85 lines
2.3 KiB

# ABC-units.R
# Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course: R code for learning units
# Version: 0.
# Date: 2017 08 18
# Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca)
# V 0.1 First code
# == HOW TO WORK WITH THIS FILE ================================================
# Go through this script line by line to read and understand the
# code. Execute code by typing <cmd><enter>. When nothing is
# selected, that will execute the current line and move the cursor to
# the next line. You can also select more than one line, e.g. to
# execute a block of code, or less than one line, e.g. to execute
# only the core of a nested expression.
# Edit code, as required, experiment with options, or just play.
# Especially play.
# DO NOT simply source() this whole file!
# If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system,
# Google for an answer, or ask me. Don't continue if you don't
# understand what's going on. That's not how it works ...
# Once you have typed and executed the function init(), you will find a file
# called myScript.R in the project directory.
# Open it, you can place all of your code-experiments and notes into that
# file. This will be your "Lab Journal" for this session.
# ==============================================================================
" Introduction:
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# == SECTION ===================================================================
# == Subsection
# Continue ...
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"There are many more functions for ... that this tutorial did not cover. You should know about the following. Look up the function and write a short bit of example code that uses it:"
?with # ... and within()
"Then you should know about the following packages. Open the vignette and browse through it. You should know be able to come up with least one use-case where the package functions would be useful:
# [END]