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# FND-STA-Significance.R
# Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course:
# R code accompanying the FND-STA-Significance unit.
# Version: 1.2
# Date: 2017 09 - 2019 01
# Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca)
# Versions:
# 1.2 Update set.seed() usage
# 1.1 Corrected treatment of empirical p-value
# 1.0 First contents
# == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! =======================================
# If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an
# answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's
# going on. That's not how it works ...
# ==============================================================================
#TOC> ==========================================================================
#TOC> Section Title Line
#TOC> ------------------------------------------------------------------
#TOC> 1 Significance and p-value 43
#TOC> 1.1 Significance levels 54
#TOC> 1.2 probability and p-value 71
#TOC> 1.2.1 p-value illustrated 103
#TOC> 2 One- or two-sided 158
#TOC> 3 Significance by integration 198
#TOC> 4 Significance by simulation or permutation 204
#TOC> 5 Final tasks 312
#TOC> ==========================================================================
# = 1 Significance and p-value ============================================
# The idea of the probability of an event has a precise mathematical
# interpretation, but how is it useful to know the probability? Usually we are
# interested in whether we should accept or reject a hypothesis based on the
# observations we have. A rational way to do this is to say: if the probability
# of observing the data is very small under the null-hypothesis, then we will
# assume the observation is due to something other than the null-hypothesis. But
# what do we mean by the "probability of our observation"? And what is "very
# small"?
# == 1.1 Significance levels ===============================================
# A "very small" probability is purely a matter of convention - a cultural
# convention. In the biomedical field we usually call probabilities of less then
# 0.05 (5%) small enough to reject the null-hypothesis. Thus we call
# observations with a probability of less than 0.05 "significant" and if we want
# to highlight this in text or in a graph, we often mark them with an asterisk
# (*). Also we often call observations with a probability of less than 0.01
# "highly significant" and mark them with two asterisks (**). But there is no
# special significance in these numbers, the cutoff point for significance could
# also be 0.0498631, or 0.03, or 1/(pi^3). 0.05 is just the value that the
# British statistician Ronald Fisher happened to propose for this purpose in
# 1925. Incidentally, Fisher later recommended to use different cutoffs for
# different purposes (cf.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance).
# == 1.2 probability and p-value ===========================================
# But what do we even mean by the probability of an observation?
# Assume I am drawing samples from a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a
# standard deviation of 1. The sample I get is ...
x <- rnorm(1)
print(x, digits = 22)
# [1] -0.8969145466249813791748
# So what's the probability of that number? Obviously, the probability of
# getting exactly this number is very, very, very small. But also obviously,
# this does not mean that observing this number is in any way significant - we
# always observe some number. That's not what we mean in this case. There are
# several implicit assumptions when we speak of the probability of an
# observation:
# 1: the observation can be compared to a probability distribution;
# 2: that distribution can be integrated between any specific value
# and its upper and lower bounds (or +- infinity).
# Then what we really mean by the probability of an observation in the context
# of that distribution is: the probability of observing that value, or a value
# more extreme than the one we have. We call this the p-value. Note that we are
# not talking about an individual number anymore, we are talking about the area
# under the curve between our observation and the upper (or lower) bound of the
# curve, as a fraction of the whole.
# === 1.2.1 p-value illustrated
# Let's illustrate. First we draw a million random values from our
# standard, normal distribution:
N <- 1e6 # one million
set.seed(112358) # set RNG seed for repeatable randomness
r <- rnorm(N) # N values from a normal distribution
set.seed(NULL) # reset the RNG
# Let's see what the distribution looks like:
(h <- hist(r))
# The histogram details are now available in the list h - e.g. h$counts
# Where is the value we have drawn previously?
abline(v = x, col = "#EE0000")
# How many values are smaller?
sum(r < x)
# Let's color the bars:
# first, make a vector of red and green colors for the bars with breaks
# smaller and larger then x, white for the bar that contains x ...
hCol <- rep("#EE000044", sum(h$breaks < x) - 1)
hCol <- c(hCol, "#FFFFFFFF")
hCol <- c(hCol, rep("#00EE0044", sum(h$breaks > x) - 1))
# ... then plot the histogram, with colored bars ...
hist(r, col = hCol)
# ... add two colored rectangles into the white bar ...
idx <- sum(h$breaks < x)
xMin <- h$breaks[idx]
xMax <- h$breaks[idx + 1]
y <- h$counts[idx]
rect(xMin, 0, x, y, col = "#EE000044", border = TRUE)
rect(x, 0, xMax, y, col = "#00EE0044", border = TRUE)
# ... and a red line for our observation.
abline(v = x, col = "#EE0000", lwd = 2)
# The p-value of our observation is the area colored red as a fraction of the
# whole histogram (red + green).
# Task:
# Explain how the expression sum(r < x) works to give us a count of values
# with the property we are looking for.
# Task:
# Write an expression to estimate the probability that a value
# drawn from the vector r is less-or-equal to x. The result you get
# will depend on the exact values that went into the vector r but it should
# be close to 0.185 That expression is the p-value associated with x.
# = 2 One- or two-sided ===================================================
# The shape of our histogram confirms that the rnorm() function has returned
# values that appear distributed according to a normal distribution. In a normal
# distribution, readily available tables tell us that 5% of the values (i.e. our
# significance level) lie 1.96 (or approximately 2) standard deviations away
# from the mean. Is this the case here? How many values in our vector r are
# larger than 1.96?
sum(r > 1.96)
# [1] 24589
# Wait - that's about 2.5% , not 5% as expected. Why?
# The answer is: we have to be careful with two-sided distributions. 2 standard
# deviations away from the mean means either larger or smaller than 1.96 . This
# can give rise to errors. If we are simply are interested in outliers, no
# matter larger or smaller, then the 1.96 SD cutoff for significance is correct.
# But if we are specifically interested in, say, larger values, because a
# smaller value is not meaningful, then the significance cutoff, expressed as
# standard deviations, is relaxed. We can use the quantile function to see what
# the cutoff values are:
quantile(r, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)) # for the symmetric 2.5% boundaries
# close to ± 1.96, as expected
quantile(r, probs = 0.95) # for the single 5% boundary
# close to 1.64 . Check counts to confirm:
sum(r > quantile(r, probs = 0.95))
# [1] 50000
# which is 5%, as expected.
# To summarize: when we evaluate the significance of an event, we divide a
# probability distribution into two parts at the point where the event was
# observed. We then ask whether the integral over the more extreme part is less
# or more than 5% of the whole. If it is less, we deem the event to be
# significant.
# = 3 Significance by integration =========================================
# If the underlying probability distribution can be analytically or numerically
# integrated, the siginificance of an observation can be directly computed.
# = 4 Significance by simulation or permutation ===========================
# But whether the integration is correct, or relies on assumptions that may not
# be warranted for biological data, can be a highly technical question.
# Fortunately, we can often simply run a simulation, a random resampling, or a
# permutation and then count the number of outcomes, just as we did with our
# rnorm() samples. We call this an empirical p-value. (Actually, the "empirical
# p-value" is defined as (Nobs + 1) / (N + 1). )
# Here is an example. Assume you have a protein sequence and
# you speculate that positively charged residues are close to negatively charged
# residues to balance charge locally. A statistic that would capture this is the
# mean minimum distance between all D,E residues and the closest R,K,H
# residue. Let's compute this for the sequence of yeast Mbp1.
# first we split this string into individual characters:
v <- unlist(strsplit(MBP1, ""))
# and find the positions of our charged residues
ED <- grep("[ED]", v)
RKH <- grep("[RKH]", v)
sep <- numeric(length(ED)) # this vector will hold the distances
for (i in seq_along(ED)) {
sep[i] <- min(abs(RKH - ED[i]))
# Task: read and explain this bit of code
# Now that sep is computed, what does it look like?
table(sep) # these are the minimum distances
# 24 of D,E residues are adjacent to R,K,H;
# the longest separation is 28 residues.
# What is the mean separation?
# The value is 4.1 . Is this significant? Honestly, I would be hard pressed
# to solve this analytically. But by permutation it's soooo easy.
# First, we combine what we have done above into a function:
chSep <- function(v) {
# computes the mean minimum separation of oppositely charged residues
# Parameter: v (char) a vector of amino acids in the one-letter code
# Value: msep (numeric) mean minimum separation
ED <- grep("[EDed]", v)
RKH <- grep("[RKHrkh]", v)
sep <- numeric(length(ED))
for (i in seq_along(ED)) {
sep[i] <- min(abs(RKH - ED[i]))
# Execute the function to define it.
# Confirm that the function gives the same result as the number we
# calculated above:
# Now we can produce a random permutation of v, and recalculate
set.seed(pi) # set RNG seed for repeatable randomness
w <- sample(v, length(v)) # This shuffles the vector v. Memorize this
# code paradigm. It is very useful.
set.seed(NULL) # reset the RNG
# 3.273 ... that's actually less than what we had before.
# Let's do this 10000 times and record the results (takes a few seconds):
N <- 10000
chs <- numeric(N)
for (i in 1:N) {
chs[i] <- chSep(sample(v, length(v))) # charge
abline(v = chSep(v), col = "#EE0000")
# Contrary to our expectations, the actual observed mean minimum charge
# separation seems to be larger than what we observe in randomly permuted
# sequences. But is this significant? Your task to find out.
# = 5 Final tasks =========================================================
# From chs, compute the empirical p-value of a mean minimum charge separation to
# be larger or equal to the value observed for the yeast MBP1 sequence. Note
# the result in your journal. Is it significant? Also note the result of
# the following expression for validation:
writeBin(sum(chs), raw(8))
# [END]