2020-09-25 21:51:04 +10:00

385 lines
13 KiB

# Purpose: Send off one BLAST search and return parsed list of results
# This script uses the BLAST URL-API
# (Application Programming Interface) at the NCBI.
# Read about the constraints here:
# https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Web&PAGE_TYPE=BlastDocs&DOC_TYPE=DeveloperInfo
# Version: 3.2
# Date: 2016 09 - 2020 09
# Author: Boris Steipe
# Versions:
# 3.2 2020 updates
# 3.1 Change from require() to requireNamespace(),
# use <package>::<function>() idiom throughout
# 3.0 parsing logic had not been fully implemented; Fixed.
# 2.1 bugfix in BLAST(), bug was blanking non-split deflines;
# refactored parseBLASTalignment() to handle lists with multiple hits.
# 2.0 Completely rewritten because the interface completely changed.
# Code adpated in part from NCBI Perl sample code:
# $Id: web_blast.pl,v 1.10 2016/07/13 14:32:50 merezhuk Exp $
# 1.0 first version posted for BCH441 2016, based on BLAST - API
# ToDo: Return the organism/strain name in the output, and propagate
# into MYSPE selection script.
# Notes: This is somewhat pedestrian, but apparently there are currently
# no R packages that contain such code.
# ==============================================================================
if (! requireNamespace("httr", quietly = TRUE)) {
BLAST <- function(Q,
db = "refseq_protein",
nHits = 30,
E = 0.1,
limits = "",
rid = "",
query = "",
quietly = FALSE,
myTimeout = 120) {
# Purpose:
# Basic BLAST search
# Parameters:
# Q: query - either a valid ID or a sequence
# db: "refseq_protein" by default,
# other legal values include: "nr", "pdb", "swissprot" ...
# nHits: number of hits to maximally return
# E: E-value cutoff. Do not return hits whose score would be expected
# to occur E or more times in a database of random sequence.
# limits: a valid ENTREZ filter
# rid: a request ID - to retrieve earlier search results
# query: the actual query string (needed when retrieving results
# with an rid)
# quietly: controls printing of wait-time progress bar
# timeout: how much longer _after_ rtoe to wait for a result
# before giving up (seconds)
# Value:
# result: list of process status or resulting hits, and some metadata
EXTRAWAIT <- 10 # duration of extra wait cycles if BLAST search is not done
results <- list()
results$query = query
results$rid <- rid
results$rtoe <- 0
if (rid == "") { # If no rid is available, spawn a search.
# Else, proceed directly to retrieval.
# prepare query, GET(), and parse rid and rtoe from BLAST server response
results$query <- paste0("https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi",
"&PROGRAM=", "blastp",
"&QUERY=", URLencode(Q),
"&DATABASE=", db,
"&EXPECT=", as.character(E),
"&HITLIST_SIZE=", as.character(nHits),
"&ALIGNMENTS=", as.character(nHits),
if (limits != "") {
results$query <- paste0(
"&ENTREZ_QUERY=", limits)
# send it off ...
response <- httr::GET(results$query)
if (httr::http_status(response)$category != "Success" ) {
stop(sprintf("PANIC: Can't send query. BLAST server status error: %s",
txt <- httr::content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
patt <- "RID = (\\w+)" # match the request id
results$rid <- regmatches(txt, regexec(patt, txt))[[1]][2]
patt <- "RTOE = (\\d+)" # match the expected completion time
results$rtoe <- as.numeric(regmatches(txt, regexec(patt, txt))[[1]][2])
# Now we wait ...
if (quietly) {
} else {
cat(sprintf("BLAST is processing %s:\n", results$rid))
} # done sending query and retrieving rid, rtoe
# Enter an infinite loop to check for result availability
checkStatus <- paste("https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi",
"&RID=", results$rid,
sep = "")
while (TRUE) {
# Check whether the result is ready
response <- httr::GET(checkStatus)
if (httr::http_status(response)$category != "Success" ) {
stop(sprintf("PANIC: Can't check status. BLAST server status error: %s",
txt <- httr::content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
if (length(grep("Status=WAITING", txt)) > 0) {
myTimeout <- myTimeout - EXTRAWAIT
if (myTimeout <= 0) { # abort
cat("BLAST search not concluded before timeout. Aborting.\n")
cat(sprintf("%s BLASThits <- BLAST(rid=\"%s\")\n",
"Trying checking back later with >",
if (quietly) {
} else {
cat(sprintf("Status: Waiting. Wait %d more seconds (max. %d more)",
} else if (length(grep("Status=FAILED", txt)) > 0) {
cat("BLAST search returned status \"FAILED\". Aborting.\n")
} else if (length(grep("Status=UNKNOWN", txt)) > 0) {
cat("BLAST search returned status \"UNKNOWN\".\n")
cat("This probably means the rid has expired. Aborting.\n")
} else if (length(grep("Status=READY", txt)) > 0) { # Done
if (length(grep("ThereAreHits=yes", txt)) == 0) { # No hits
cat("BLAST search ready but no hits found. Aborting.\n")
} else {
break # done ... retrieve search result
} # end result-check loop
# retrieve results from BLAST server
retrieve <- paste("https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi",
"&RID=", results$rid,
sep = "")
response <- httr::GET(retrieve)
if (httr::http_status(response)$category != "Success" ) {
stop(sprintf("PANIC: Can't retrieve. BLAST server status error: %s",
txt <- httr::content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
# txt contains the whole set of results. Process:
# First, we strsplit() on linebreaks:
txt <- unlist(strsplit(txt, "\n"))
# The alignments range from the first line that begins with ">" ...
iFirst <- grep("^>", txt)[1]
# ... to the last line that begins with "Sbjct"
x <- grep("^Sbjct", txt)
iLast <- x[length(x)]
# Get the alignments block
txt <- txt[iFirst:iLast]
# Drop empty lines
txt <- txt[!(nchar(txt) == 0)]
# A line that ends "]" but does not begin ">" seems to be a split
# defline ... eg.
# [1] ">XP_013349208.1 AUEXF2481DRAFT_695809 [Aureobasidium subglaciale "
# [2] "EXF-2481]"
# Merge these lines to the preceding lines and delete them.
x <- which(grepl("]$", txt) & !(grepl("^>", txt)))
if (length(x) > 0) {
txt[x-1] <- paste0(txt[x-1], txt[x])
txt <- txt[-x]
# Special case: there may be multiple deflines when the BLAST hit is to
# redundant, identical sequences. Keep only the first instance.
iKeep <- ! grepl("^>", txt)
x <- rle(iKeep)
x$positions <- cumsum(x$lengths)
i <- which(x$lengths > 1 & x$values == FALSE)
if (length(i) > 0) {
firsts <- x$positions[i] - x$lengths[i] + 1
iKeep[firsts] <- TRUE
txt <- txt[iKeep]
# After this preprocessing the following should be true:
# - Every alignment block begins with a defline in which the
# first character is ">"
# - There is only one defline in each block.
# - Lines are not split.
# Make a dataframe of first and last indices of alignment blocks
x <- grep("^>", txt)
blocks <- data.frame(iFirst = x,
iLast = c((x[-1] - 1), length(txt)))
# Build the hits list by parsing the blocks
results$hits <- list()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(blocks))) {
thisBlock <- txt[blocks$iFirst[i]:blocks$iLast[i]]
results$hits[[i]] <- parseBLASTalignment(thisBlock)
parseBLASTalignment <- function(hit) {
# Parse data from a character vector containing a BLAST hit
# Parameters:
# hit char one BLAST hit as char vector
# Value:
# list $def chr defline
# $accession chr accession number
# $organism chr complete organism definition
# $species chr binomial species
# $E num E value
# $lengthAli num length of the alignment
# $nIdentitites num number of identities
# $nGaps num number of gaps
# $Qbounds num 2-element vector of query start-end
# $Sbounds num 2-element vector of subject start-end
# $Qseq chr query sequence
# $midSeq chr midline string
# $Sseq chr subject sequence
getToken <- function(patt, v) {
# get the first token identified by pattern patt in character vector v
v <- v[grep(patt, v)]
if (length(v) > 1) { v <- v[1] }
if (length(v) == 0) { token <- NA
} else {
token <- regmatches(v, regexec(patt, v))[[1]][2] }
h <- list()
# FASTA defline
h$def <- hit[1]
# accesion number (ID), use the first if there are several, separated by "|"
patt <- "^>(.+?)(\\s|\\|)" # from ">" to space or "|"
h$accession <- regmatches(h$def, regexec(patt, h$def))[[1]][2]
# organism
patt <- "\\[(.+)]"
h$organism <- regmatches(h$def, regexec(patt, h$def))[[1]][2]
# species
x <- unlist(strsplit(h$organism, "\\s+"))
if (length(x) >= 2) {
h$species <- paste(x[1], x[2])
} else if (length(x) == 1) {
h$species <- paste(x[1], "sp.")
} else {
h$species <- NA
# E-value
h$E <- as.numeric(getToken("Expect\\s*=(.+?), Method", hit))
# length of alignment
h$lengthAli <- as.numeric(getToken("^\\s*Length\\s*=(.+)$", hit))
# number of identities
h$nIdentities <- as.numeric(getToken("^\\s*Identities\\s*=(.+?)/", hit))
# number of gaps
h$nGaps <- as.numeric(getToken("\\s*Gaps\\s*=(.+?)/", hit))
# split up alignment section
idx <- grep("^Query ", hit)
Que <- hit[idx]
Mid <- hit[idx + 1]
Sbj <- hit[idx + 2]
# first and last positions
h$Qbounds <- c(start = 0, end = 0)
h$Qbounds[1] <- as.numeric(getToken("^Query\\s*(\\d+)", Que[1]))
h$Qbounds[2] <- as.numeric(getToken("\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$", Que[length(Que)]))
h$Sbounds <- c(start = 0, end = 0)
h$Sbounds[1] <- as.numeric(getToken("^Sbjct\\s*(\\d+)", Sbj[1]))
h$Sbounds[2] <- as.numeric(getToken("\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$", Sbj[length(Sbj)]))
# aligned sequences
for (i in seq_along(Que)) {
patt <- ("^\\s*Query\\s*\\d+\\s*([A-Za-z-]+)") # capture aligned string
m <- regexec(patt, Que[i])
iFirst <- m[[1]][2]
iLast <- iFirst + attr(m[[1]], which = "match.length")[2] - 1
Que[i] <- substring(Que[i], iFirst, iLast)
Mid[i] <- substring(Mid[i], iFirst, iLast)
Sbj[i] <- substring(Sbj[i], iFirst, iLast)
h$Qseq <- paste0(Que, collapse = "")
h$midSeq <- paste0(Mid, collapse = "")
h$Sseq <- paste0(Sbj, collapse = "")
# ==== TESTS ===================================================================
if (FALSE) {
# define query:
# or ...
q <- "NP_010227" # refseq ID
test <- BLAST(q,
nHits = 100,
E = 0.001,
rid = "",
limits = "txid4751[ORGN]") # Fungi
# [END]