# tocID <- "RPR-Pipe.R" # # Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course: # Discussing pipe operators. # # Version: 1.0 # # Date: 2021 10 # Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca) # # Versions: # 1.0 New code # # # TODO: # - find more interesting examples # # == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! ======================================= # # If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an # answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's # going on. That's not how it works ... # # ============================================================================== #TOC> ========================================================================== #TOC> #TOC> Section Title Line #TOC> ------------------------------------------------ #TOC> 1 Pipe Concept 41 #TOC> 2 Nested Expression 73 #TOC> 3 magrittr:: Pipe 78 #TOC> 4 Base R Pipe 93 #TOC> 5 Intermediate Assignment 108 #TOC> 6 Postscript 127 #TOC> #TOC> ========================================================================== # = 1 Pipe Concept ======================================================= # Pipes are actually an awesome idea for any code that implements a workflow - # a sequence of operations, each of which transforms data in a specialized way. # # This principle is familiar from maths: chained functions. If have a function # y = f(x) and want to use those results as in z = g(y), I can just write # z = g(f(x)) # # On the unix command line, pipes were used from the very beginning, implemented # with the "|" pipe character. # # In R, the magrittr package provided the %>% operator, and recently the %|>% # operator has been introduced into base R. # # However there are alternatives: intermediate assignment, and nested functions # that have always existed in bas R anyway. # # Let us look at an example. In writing this, I found out that virtually # ALL non-trivial examples I cvame up with don't translate well into this idiom # at all. It is actually quite limited to simple filtering operations on # data. A more intersting example might be added in the future, let me know if # you have a good idea. # # A somwhat contrived example is to soart a list of files by the # length of the file names: myFiles <- list.files(pattern = "\\.R$") # nchar() gives the number of characters in a string, order() produces indices # that map an array to its sorted form. # # = 2 Nested Expression =================================================== myFiles[order(nchar(myFiles))] # = 3 magrittr:: Pipe ===================================================== if (! requireNamespace("magrittr", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("magrittr") } # Package information: # library(help = magrittr) # basic information # browseVignettes("magrittr") # available vignettes # data(package = "magrittr") # available datasets library(magrittr) nchar(myFiles) %>% order %>% myFiles[.] # = 4 Base R Pipe ========================================================= # Since version 4.1, base R now supports a pipe operator without the need # to load a special package. Such an introductions of external functionality # into the language is very rare. # # Unfortunately it won't (yet) work with the '[' function, so we need to write # an intermediate fucntion for this example extract <- function(x, v) { return(v[x]) } nchar(myFiles) |> order() |> extract(myFiles) # = 5 Intermediate Assignment ============================================= # So what's the problem? As you can see, the piped code may be concise and # expressive. But there is also a large amount of implicit assignment and # processing going on and that is usually a bad idea because it makes code hard # to maintain. I am NOT a big fan of the nested syntax, but I don't think that # replacing it with the pipe makes things much better. My preferred idiom is # to use intermediate assignments. Only then is it convenient to examine # the code step by step and validate every single step. And that is the most # important objective at all: no code is good if it doe not compute # correctly. x <- nchar(myFiles) x <- order(x) myFiles[x] # = 6 Postscript ========================================================== # I tried to write an example that strips all comments from a list of files, and # another example that finds all files that were not yet updated this year # (according to the "# Date: in the header). Neither examples can be well # written without intermediate assignments, or at least sapply() functions # that are not simpler at all than the intermediate assignment. # [END]