# BIN-PHYLO-Tree_analysis.R # # Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course: # R code accompanying the BIN-PHYLO-Tree_analysis unit. # # Version: 1.0.2 # # Date: 2017 10 31 # Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca) # # Versions: # 1.0.2 Typo in variable name, style changes # 1.0.1 Wrong section heading # 1.0 First 2017 version # 0.1 First code copied from 2016 material. # # # TODO: # # # == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! ======================================= # # If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an # answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's # going on. That's not how it works ... # # ============================================================================== #TOC> ========================================================================== #TOC> #TOC> Section Title Line #TOC> -------------------------------------------------- #TOC> 1 Preparation and Tree Plot 43 #TOC> 2 Tree Analysis 82 #TOC> 2.1 Rooting Trees 141 #TOC> 2.2 Rotating Clades 187 #TOC> 2.3 Computing tree distances 234 #TOC> #TOC> ========================================================================== # = 1 Preparation and Tree Plot =========================================== if (!require(Rphylip, quietly=TRUE)) { install.packages("Rphylip") library(Rphylip) } # Package information: # library(help = Rphylip) # basic information # browseVignettes("Rphylip") # available vignettes # data(package = "Rphylip") # available datasets # Read the species tree that you have created at the phyloT Website: fungiTree <- read.tree("fungiTree.txt") plot(fungiTree) # The tree produced by phyloT contains full length species names, but it would # be more convenient if it had bicodes instead. str(fungiTree) # The species names are in a vector $tip.label of this list. We can use bicode() # to shorten them - but note that they have underscores as word separators. Thus # we will use gsub("-", " ", ...) to replace the underscores with spaces. for (i in seq_along(fungiTree$tip.label)) { fungiTree$tip.label[i] <- biCode(gsub("_", " ", fungiTree$tip.label[i])) } # Plot the tree plot(fungiTree, cex = 1.0, root.edge = TRUE, no.margin = TRUE) nodelabels(text = fungiTree$node.label, cex = 0.6, adj = 0.2, bg = "#D4F2DA") # Note that you can use the arrow buttons in the menu above the plot to scroll # back to plots you have created earlier - so you can reference back to the # species tree. # = 2 Tree Analysis ======================================================= # 1.1 Visualizing your tree # The trees that are produced by Rphylip are stored as an object of class # "phylo". This is a class for phylogenetic trees that is widely used in the # community, practically all R phylogenetics packages will options to read and # manipulate such trees. Outside of R, a popular interchange format is the # Newick_format that you have seen above. It's easy to output your calculated # trees in Newick format and visualize them elsewhere. # The "phylo" class object is one of R's "S3" objects and methods to plot and # print it have been defined with the Rphylip package, and the package ape that # Rphylip has loaded. You can simply call plot() and R knows what to # do with and how to plot it. The underlying function is # plot.phylo(), and documentation for its many options can by found by typing: ?plot.phylo # We load the APSES sequence tree that you produced in the # BIN-PHYLO-Tree_building unit: load(file = "APSEStreeRproml.RData") plot(apsTree) # default type is "phylogram" plot(apsTree, type = "unrooted") plot(apsTree, type = "fan", no.margin = TRUE) # rescale to show all of the labels: # record the current plot parameters by assigning them to a variable ... (tmp <- plot(apsTree, type="fan", no.margin = TRUE, plot=FALSE)) # ... and adjust the plot limits for a new plot: plot(apsTree, type = "fan", x.lim = tmp$x.lim * 1.8, y.lim = tmp$y.lim * 1.8, cex = 0.8, no.margin = TRUE) # Inspect the tree object str(apsTree) apsTree$tip.label apsTree$edge apsTree$edge.length # show the node / edge and tip labels on a plot plot(apsTree) nodelabels() edgelabels() tiplabels() # show the number of nodes, edges and tips Nnode(apsTree) Nedge(apsTree) Ntip(apsTree) # Finally, write the tree to console in Newick format write.tree(apsTree) # == 2.1 Rooting Trees ===================================================== # In order to analyse the tree, it is helpful to root it first and reorder its # clades. Contrary to documentation, Rproml() returns an unrooted tree. is.rooted(apsTree) # You can root the tree with the command root() from the "ape" package. ape is # automatically installed and loaded with Rphylip. plot(apsTree) # add labels for internal nodes and tips nodelabels(cex = 0.5, frame = "circle") tiplabels(cex = 0.5, frame = "rect") # The outgroup of the tree is tip "11" in my sample tree, it may be a different # number in yours. Substitute the correct node number below for "outgroup". apsTree <- root(apsTree, outgroup = 11, resolve.root = TRUE) plot(apsTree) is.rooted(apsTree) # This tree _looks_ unchanged, beacuse when the root trifurcation was resolved, # an edge of length zero was added to connect the MRCA (Most Recent Common # Ancestor) of the ingroup. # The edge lengths are stored in the phylo object: apsTree$edge.length # ... and you can assign a small arbitrary value to the edge # to show how it connects to the tree without having an # overlap. apsTree$edge.length[1] <- 0.1 plot(apsTree, cex = 0.7) nodelabels(text = "MRCA", node = 12, cex = 0.5, adj = 0.1, bg = "#ff8866") # This procedure does however not assign an actual length to a root edge, and # therefore no root edge is visible on the plot. Why? , you might ask. I ask # myself that too. We'll just add a length by hand. apsTree$root.edge <- mean(apsTree$edge.length) * 1.5 plot(apsTree, cex = 0.7, root.edge = TRUE) nodelabels(text = "MRCA", node = 12, cex = 0.5, adj = 0.8, bg = "#ff8866") # == 2.2 Rotating Clades =================================================== # To interpret the tree, it is useful to rotate the clades so that they appear # in the order expected from the cladogram of species. # We can either rotate around individual internal nodes ... layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2)) plot(apsTree, no.margin = TRUE, root.edge = TRUE) nodelabels(node = 17, cex = 0.7, bg = "#ff8866") plot(rotate(apsTree, node = 17), no.margin = TRUE, root.edge = TRUE) nodelabels(node = 17, cex = 0.7, bg = "#88ff66") # Note that the species at the bottom of the clade descending from node # 17 is now plotted at the top. layout(matrix(1), widths = 1.0, heights = 1.0) # ... or we can plot the tree so it corresponds as well as possible to a # predefined tip ordering. Here we use the ordering that phyloT has returned # for the species tree. # (Nb. we need to reverse the ordering for the plot. This is why we use the # expression [nOrg:1] below instead of using the vector directly.) nOrg <- length(apsTree$tip.label) layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2)) plot(fungiTree, no.margin = TRUE, root.edge = TRUE) nodelabels(text = fungiTree$node.label, cex = 0.5, adj = 0.2, bg = "#D4F2DA") plot(rotateConstr(apsTree, apsTree$tip.label[nOrg:1]), no.margin = TRUE, root.edge = TRUE) add.scale.bar(length = 0.5) layout(matrix(1), widths = 1.0, heights = 1.0) # Task: Study the two trees and consider their similarities and differences. # What do you expect? What do you find? Note that this is not a "mixed" # gene tree yet, since it contains only a single gene for the species # we considered. All of the branch points in this tree are speciation # events. Thus the gene tree should have the same topology as the # species tree. Does it? Are the differences important? How many # branches would you need to remove and reinsert elsewhere to get the # same topology as the species tree? # In order to quantiofy how different these tow trees are, we need to compute # tree distances. # == 2.3 Computing tree distances ========================================== # Many superb phylogeny tools are contributed by the phangorn package. if (!require(phangorn, quietly=TRUE)) { install.packages("phangorn") library(phangorn) } # Package information: # library(help = phangorn) # basic information # browseVignettes("phangorn") # available vignettes # data(package = "phangorn") # available datasets # To compare two trees, they must have the same tip labels. We delete "MBP1_" or # "KILA_" from the existing tip labels in a copy of our APSES domain tree. apsTree2 <- apsTree apsTree2$tip.label <- gsub("(MBP1_)|(KILA_)", "", apsTree2$tip.label) # phangorn provides several functions to compute tree-differences (and there # is a _whole_ lot of theory on how to compare trees). treedist() returns the # "symmetric difference" treedist(fungiTree, apsTree2, check.labels = TRUE) # Numbers. What do they mean? How much more similar is our apsTree to the # (presumably) ground truth of fungiTree than a random tree would be? # The ape package (which was loaded with RPhylip) provides the function rtree() # to compute random trees. rtree(n = length(apsTree2$tip.label), # number of tips rooted = TRUE, # we rooted the tree above, # and fungiTree is rooted anyway tip.label = apsTree2$tip.label, # use the apsTree2 labels br = NULL) # don't generate branch lengths since # fungiTree has none, so we can't # compare them anyway. # Let's compute some random trees this way, calculate the distances to # fungiTree, and then compare the values we get for apsTree2. The random # trees are provided by ape::rtree(). N <- 10000 # takes about 15 seconds myTreeDistances <- matrix(numeric(N * 2), ncol = 2) colnames(myTreeDistances) <- c("symm", "path") set.seed(112358) for (i in 1:N) { xTree <- rtree(n = length(apsTree2$tip.label), rooted = TRUE, tip.label = apsTree2$tip.label, br = NULL) myTreeDistances[i, ] <- treedist(fungiTree, xTree) } set.seed(NULL) # reset the random number generator table(myTreeDistances[, "symm"]) (symmObs <- treedist(fungiTree, apsTree2)[1]) # Random events less-or-equal to observation, divided by total number of # events gives us the empirical p-value. cat(sprintf("\nEmpirical p-value for symmetric diff. of observed tree is %1.4f\n", (sum(myTreeDistances[ , "symm"] <= symmObs) + 1) / (N + 1))) hist(myTreeDistances[, "path"], col = "aliceblue", main = "Distances of random Trees to fungiTree") (pathObs <- treedist(fungiTree, apsTree2)[2]) abline(v = pathObs, col = "chartreuse") # Random events less-or-equal to observation, divided by total number of # events gives us the empirical p-value. cat(sprintf("\nEmpirical p-value for path diff. of observed tree is %1.4f\n", (sum(myTreeDistances[ , "path"] <= symmObs) + 1) / (N + 1))) # Indeed, our apsTree is _very_ much more similar to the species tree than # we would expect by random chance. # What do we gain from that analysis? Analyzing the tree we get from a single # gene of orthologous sequences is a positive control in our computational # experiment. If these genes are indeed orthologues, a correct tree-building # program ought to give us a tree that exactly matches the species tree. # Evaluating how far off we are from the known correct result gives us a way to # validate our workflow and our algorithm. If we can't get that right, we can't # expect to get "real" data right either. Employing such positive controls in # every computational experiment is essential for research. Not doing so is # Cargo Cult Bioinformatics. # [END]