# BIN-ALI-Dotplot.R # # Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course: # R code accompanying the BIN-ALI-Dotplot unit. # # Version: 0.1 # # Date: 2017 08 28 # Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca) # # Versions: # 0.1 First code copied from 2016 material. # # TODO: # # # == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! ======================================= # If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an # answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's # going on. That's not how it works ... # ============================================================================== # = 1 ___Section___ # First, we install and load the Biostrings package. if (!require(Biostrings, quietly=TRUE)) { source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("Biostrings") library(Biostrings) } # Let's load BLOSUM62 data(BLOSUM62) # Now let's craft code for a dotplot. That's surprisingly simple. We build a # matrix that has as many rows as one sequence, as many columns as another. Then # we go through every cell of the matrix and enter the pairscore we encounter # for the amino acid pair whose position corresponds to the row and column # index. Finally we visualize the matrix in a plot. # # First we fetch our sequences and split them into single characters. sel <- myDB$protein$name == "MBP1_SACCE" MBP1_SACCE <- s2c(myDB$protein$sequence[sel]) sel <- myDB$protein$name == paste("MBP1_", biCode(MYSPE), sep = "") MBP1_MYSPE <- s2c(myDB$protein$sequence[sel]) # Check that we have two character vectors of the expected length. str(MBP1_SACCE) str(MBP1_MYSPE) # How do we get the pairscore values? Consider: a single pair of amino acids can # be obtained from sequence SACCE and MYSPE eg. from position 13 and 21 ... MBP1_SACCE[13] MBP1_MYSPE[21] # ... using these as subsetting expressions, we can pull the pairscore # from the MDM BLOSUM62[MBP1_SACCE[13], MBP1_MYSPE[21]] # First we build an empty matrix that will hold all pairscores ... dotMat <- matrix(numeric(length(MBP1_SACCE) * length(MBP1_MYSPE)), nrow = length(MBP1_SACCE), ncol = length(MBP1_MYSPE)) # ... then we loop over the sequences and store the scores in the matrix. # for (i in 1:length(MBP1_SACCE)) { for (j in 1:length(MBP1_MYSPE)) { dotMat[i, j] <- BLOSUM62[MBP1_SACCE[i], MBP1_MYSPE[j]] } } # Even though this is a large matrix, this does not take much time ... # Let's have a look at a small block of the values: dotMat[1:10, 1:10] # Rows in this matrix correspond to an amino acid from MBP1_SACCE, columns in # the matrix correspond to an amino acid from MBP1_MYSPE. # To plot this, we use the image() function. Here, with default parameters. image(dotMat) # Be patient, this takes a few moments to render: more than 500,000 values. # Nice. # What do you expect? # What would similar sequences look like? # What do you see? #You migh notice a thin line of yellow along the diagonal, moving approximately # from bottom left to top right, fading in and out of existence. This is the # signature of extended sequence similarity. # Let's magnify this a bit by looking at only the first 200 amino acids ... image(dotMat[1:200, 1:200]) # ... and, according to our normal writing convention, we would like the # diagonal to run from top-left to bottom-right since we write from left to # right and from top to bottom... image(dotMat[1:200, 1:200], ylim = 1.0:0.0) # ... and we would like the range of the x- and y- axis to correspond to the # sequence position ... image(x = 1:200, y = 1:200, dotMat[1:200, 1:200], ylim=c(200,1)) # ... and labels! Axis labels would be nice ... image(x = 1:200, y = 1:200, dotMat[1:200, 1:200], ylim=c(200,1), xlab = "MBP1_MYSPE", ylab = "MBP1_SACCE" ) # ... and why don't we have axis-numbers on all four sides? Go, make that right # too ... len <- 200 image(x = 1:len, y = 1:len, dotMat[1:len, 1:len], ylim=c(len,1), xlab = "MBP1_MYSPE", ylab = "MBP1_SACCE", axes = FALSE) box() axis(1, at = c(1, seq(10, len, by=10))) axis(2, at = c(1, seq(10, len, by=10))) axis(3, at = c(1, seq(10, len, by=10))) axis(4, at = c(1, seq(10, len, by=10))) # ... you get the idea, we can infinitely customize our plot. However a good way # to do this is to develop a particular view for, say, a report or publication # in a script and then put it into a function. I have put a function into the # utilities file and called it dotPlot2(). Why not dotPlot() ... that's because # there already is a dotplot function in the seqinr package: dotPlot(MBP1_SACCE, MBP1_MYSPE) # seqinr dotPlot2(MBP1_SACCE, MBP1_MYSPE, xlab = "SACCE", ylab = "MYSPE") # Our's # Which one do you prefer? You can probably see the block patterns that arise # from segments of repetitive, low complexity sequence. But you probably have to # look very closely to discern the faint diagonals that correspond to similar # sequence. # Let's see if we can enhance the contrast between distributed noise and the # actual alignment of conserved residues. We can filter the dot matrix with a # pattern that enhances diagonally repeated values. Every value in the matrix # will be replaced by a weighted average of its neighborhood. Here is a # diagonal-filter: myFilter <- matrix(numeric(25), nrow = 5) myFilter[1, ] <- c( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) myFilter[2, ] <- c( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) myFilter[3, ] <- c( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) myFilter[4, ] <- c( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) myFilter[5, ] <- c( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) # I have added the option to read such filters (or others that you could define on your own) as a parameter of the function. dotPlot2(MBP1_SACCE, MBP1_MYSPE, xlab = "SACCE", ylab = "MYSPE", f = myFilter) # I think the result shows quite nicely how the two sequences are globally # related and where the regions of sequence similarity are. Play with this a bit # ... Can you come up with a better filter? If so, eMail us. # = 1 Tasks # [END]