The latest version of the file is based on Genome Version R64-2-1. The file is updated weekly (Saturday). NOTE: On 4 September 2004, the file replaced the previously used file. File contents: 1. Information on current chromosomal features in SGD, including Dubious ORFs. Also contains coordinates of intron, exons, and other subfeatures that are located within a chromosomal feature. 2. The relationship between subfeatures and the feature in which they are located is identified by the feature name in column #7 (parent feature). For example, the parent feature of the intron found in ACT1/YFL039C will be YFL039C. The parent feature of YFL039C is chromosome 6. 3. The coordinates of all features are in chromosomal coordinates. Columns within 1. Primary SGDID (mandatory) 2. Feature type (mandatory) 3. Feature qualifier (optional) 4. Feature name (optional) 5. Standard gene name (optional) 6. Alias (optional, multiples separated by |) 7. Parent feature name (optional) 8. Secondary SGDID (optional, multiples separated by |) 9. Chromosome (optional) 10. Start_coordinate (optional) 11. Stop_coordinate (optional) 12. Strand (optional) 13. Genetic position (optional) 14. Coordinate version (optional) 15. Sequence version (optional) 16. Description (optional) Note that "chromosome 17" is the mitochondrial chromosome. The file is complemented by GFF3 file saccharomyces_cerevisiae.gff