# BIN-Data_integration.R # # Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course: # R code accompanying the BIN-Data_integration unit. # # Version: 1.0 # # Date: 2017 10 08 # Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca) # # Versions: # 1.0 First live version # # # TODO: # Develop a fungi-specific BioMart example. # (cf. # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/biomartr/vignettes/Functional_Annotation.html ) # # == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! ======================================= # # If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an # answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's # going on. That's not how it works ... # # ============================================================================== #TOC> ========================================================================== #TOC> #TOC> Section Title Line #TOC> ------------------------------------------- #TOC> 1 Identifier mapping 41 #TOC> 2 Cross-referencing tables 142 #TOC> #TOC> ========================================================================== # = 1 Identifier mapping ================================================== # UniProt provides a well-designed ID mapping tool that can be accessed # online at http://www.uniprot.org/mapping/ # # Here we will use the UniProt Web API for this tool to map identifiers. The # UniProt ID mapping service supports a "RESTful API": responses can be obtained # simply via a Web- browsers request. Such requests are commonly sent via the # GET or POST verbs that a Webserver responds to, when a client asks for data. # GET requests are visible in the URL of the request; POST requests are not # directly visible, they are commonly used to send the contents of forms, or # when transmitting larger, complex data items. The UniProt ID mapping sevice # can accept long lists of IDs, thus using the POST mechanism makes sense. GET() # and POST() functions are part of the httr package. # To begin, we load httr, which supports sending and receiving data via the # http protocol, just like a Web browser. if (!require(httr, quietly=TRUE)) { install.packages("httr") library(httr) } # We will walk through the process with the refSeqID # of yeast Mbp1 and Swi4, and we will also enter a dummy ID to check what # happens if the ID can't be mapped: myQueryIDs <- "NP_010227 NP_00000 NP_011036" # The UniProt ID mapping service API is very straightforward to use: just define # the URL of the server and send a list of items labelled as "query" in the body # of the request. URL <- "http://www.uniprot.org/mapping/" response <- POST(URL, body = list(from = "P_REFSEQ_AC", # Refseq Protein to = "ACC", # UniProt ID format = "tab", query = myQueryIDs)) response # We need to check the status code - if it is not 200, an error ocurred and we # can't process the result: status_code(response) # If the query is successful, tabbed text is returned. We can assign that to a # data frame. Note that we use textConnection() to read data directly from a char object, which can go in the spot where read.delim() expects a file-name argument. myMappedIDs <- read.delim(file = textConnection(content(response)), sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) myMappedIDs # If the query can't be fulfilled because of a problem with the server, a # WebPage is returned. But the server status is also returned and we can check # the status code. I have lately gotten many "503" status codes: Server Not # Available... # We wrap this into a function: myIDmap <- function (s, mapFrom = "P_REFSEQ_AC", mapTo = "ACC") { # Use UniProt ID mapping service to map one or more IDs # Parameters: # s char A string of separated IDs # mapFrom char the database in which the IDs in s are valid. Default # is RefSeq protein # mapTo char the database in which the target IDs are valid. Default # is UniProtKB # Value # a data frame of mapped IDs, with column names From and To, or an # empty data frame if the mapping was unsuccessful. No rows are returned # for IDs that are not mapped. URL <- "http://www.uniprot.org/mapping/" response <- POST(URL, body = list(from = mapFrom, to = mapTo, format = "tab", query = s)) if (status_code(response) == 200) { # 200: oK myMap <- read.delim(file = textConnection(content(response)), sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) } else { myMap <- data.frame() warning(paste("No uniProt ID mapping returned:", "server sent status", status_code(response))) } return(myMap) } # Try it out ... myIDmap("NP_010227 NP_011036 NP_012881 NP_013729 NP_012165") # A function UniProtIDmap() is in the ABC-dbUtilities.R script and it is loaded # into your workspace on startup. # = 2 Cross-referencing tables ============================================ # Sometimes we get the IDs we need to map in a large table, e.g. from a list of # genes in a model organism database such as SGD, or from the Human Genen # Nomenclature commission. How do we map one set of identifiers to another one? # The function to use is match(). # Here is a tiny set of identifiers taken from a much larger table to illustrate the principle: # myIDs <- data.frame(uID = c("P38903", "P31383", "P47177", "P47096", "Q07747", "Q08641", "P47129", "P52910", "P00330", "P81450"), name = c("2A5D", "2AAA", "2NDP", "3HAO", "AAD4", "AB140", "ACF4", "ACS2", "ADH1", "ATP18"), refID = c("NP_014657", "NP_009386", "NP_012683", "NP_012559", "NP_010038", "NP_014882", "NP_012616", "NP_013254", "NP_014555", "NP_013629"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) myIDs # Say we want to map "NP_010038", "NP_012559", and "NP_013629", in that order to # their gene names. myQuery <- c("NP_010038", "NP_999999", "NP_013629") # %in% will only tell us if these IDs are present in the table: myQuery %in% myIDs$refID # ... but not where they are located. But match() does what we need here: match(myQuery, myIDs$refID) # ... and we can use the result to subset the column that we want to map to: myIDs$name[match(myQuery, myIDs$refID)] # Note that the output preserves the NA - i.e. the length of the mapped # values is exactly the same as the length of the query. # task: map the three genes to their UniProt Identifier. # # Note: if you want to do very many queries in large tables, use the # fmatch() function in the "fastmatch" package for a considerable # speedup. # [END]