# tocID <- "scripts/ABC-makeMYSPElist.R" # # Purpose: Create a list of genome sequenced fungi with protein annotations and # Mbp1 homologues. # # Version: 1.3 # # Date: 2016 09 - 2020 09 # Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca) # # Versions # 1.3 Rewrite to change datasource. NCBI has not been updated # since 2012. Use ensembl fungi as initial source. # 1.2 Change from require() to requireNamespace() # 1.1.2 Moved BLAST.R to ./scripts directory # 1.1 Update 2017 # 1.0 First code 2016 # # TODO: # # type out workflow # # ============================================================================== # # DO NOT source() THIS FILE! # # This file is code I provide for your deeper understanding of a process and # to provide you with useful sample code. It is not actually necessary for # you to run this code, but I encourage you to read it carefully and discuss # if there are parts you don't understand. # # Run the commands that interact with the NCBI servers only if you want to # experiment specifically with the code and/or parameters. I have commented out # those parts. If you only want to study the general workflow, just load() # the respective intermediate results. # #TOC> ========================================================================== #TOC> #TOC> Section Title Line #TOC> -------------------------------------------------------- #TOC> 1 The strategy 56 #TOC> 2 PACKAGES AND INITIALIZATIONS 68 #TOC> 3 ENSEMBL FUNGI 76 #TOC> 3.1 Import 79 #TOC> 4 BLAST SEARCH 156 #TOC> 4.1 find homologous proteins 162 #TOC> 4.2 Identify species in "hits" 193 #TOC> 5 MERGE ENSEMBL AND BLAST RESULTS 283 #TOC> 6 STUDENT NUMBERS 366 #TOC> #TOC> ========================================================================== # = 1 The strategy ======================================================== # This script will create a list of "MYSPE" species and save it in an R object # MYSPEspecies that is stored in the data subdirectory of this project from # where it can be loaded. The strategy is as follows: we download a list of # annotated fungal genomes from ensembl.fungi. All these are genome-sequenced # species that have been annotated. # Next we perform a BLAST search, to identify fungal species that have # genes that are homologous to yeast MBP1. # # ... # = 2 PACKAGES AND INITIALIZATIONS ======================================== # httr provides interfaces to Webservers on the Internet if (! requireNamespace("httr", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("httr") } # = 3 ENSEMBL FUNGI ======================================================= # == 3.1 Import ============================================================ # Navigate to https://fungi.ensembl.org and click on the link to the full # list of all species: https://fungi.ensembl.org/species.html # On the page, click on the spreadsheet symbol top right and choose # "download whole table". The file will be named "Species.csv", in your # usual downloads folder. Move it to the data folder, and read it. sDat <- read.csv("./data/Species.csv") str(sDat) # The most obvious way to partition these is according to Classification ... # (poking around a bit in the UniProt taxonomy database shows that the # classification used here is the taxonomic rank of "order"). # how many classifications do we have? length(unique(sDat$Classification)) # 66 # To have a good set for the class, we should have about 100. # Let's see for which of these we can find Mbp1 homologues. # First, we'll keep only the colums for name, classification, and taxID, and # drop the rest ... sDat <- sDat[ , c("Name", "Classification", "Taxon.ID")] colnames(sDat) <- c("name", "order", "taxID") # Next, we make an extra column: genus - the first part of the binomial name. # We'll use the gsub() function, and for that we need a "regular expression" # that matches to all characters from the first blank to the end of the string: myPatt <- "\\s.*$" # one whitespace (\\s) ... # followed by any character (.) 0..n times (*) ... # until the end of the string # using gsub() we substitue all matching characters with the empty string "" - # this deletes the matching characters # Test this: gsub(myPatt, "", "Genus") # one word: unchanged gsub(myPatt, "", "gEnus species") # two words: return only first gsub(myPatt, "", "geNus species strain 123") # many words: return only first # apply this to the "name" column and add the result as a separate column # called "genus" sDat$genus <- gsub(myPatt, "", sDat$name) # what do we get? c(head(unique(sDat$genus)), tail(unique(sDat$genus))) # inspect the first and last few. Note that there # is a problem that we have to keep in mind. # (Always inspect your results!) # Drop all rows for which the genus contains special chracters - # like "[Candida]" sDat <- sDat[ ! grepl("[^a-zA-Z]", sDat$genus) , ] length(table(sDat$genus)) # how many genus? hist(table(sDat$genus), col = "#E9F4FF") # Distribution ... # most genus have very few, but # some have very many species. sort(table(sDat$genus), decreasing = TRUE)[1:10] # Top ten... # We should have at least one species from each taxonomic order, but we can # add a few genus until we have about 100 validated species. # Let's add a column for species, by changing our regular expression a bit, # using ^ (start of string), \\S (NOT a whitespace), # and + (one or more matches), capturing the match (...), and returning # it as the substitution (\\1) ... myPatt <- "^(\\S+\\s\\S+)\\s.*$" sDat$species <- gsub(myPatt, "\\1", sDat$name) # And we reorder the columns, just for aesthetics: sDat <- sDat[ , c("name", "species", "genus", "order", "taxID")] # Final check: any(grepl("[^a-zA-Z -]", sDat$species)) # FALSE means no special characters # # Now we check which of these have Mbp1 homologues ... # = 4 BLAST SEARCH ======================================================== # We run a BLAST search to find all proteins related to yeast Mbp1 in any # fungus. With the results, we'll annotate our sDat table. # == 4.1 find homologous proteins ========================================== # # Use BLAST to fetch proteins related to Mbp1 and identify the species that # contain them. # Scripting against NCBI APIs is not exactly enjoyable - there is usually a fair # amount of error handling involved that is not supported by the API in a # principled way but requires rather ad hoc solutions. The code I threw together # to make a BLAST interface (demo-quality, not research-quality) is in the file # ./scripts/BLAST.R Feel encouraged to study how this works. It's a pretty # standard task of communicating with servers and parsing responses - everyday # fare in the bioinformatics lab. Surprisingly, there seems to be no good BLAST # parser in currently available packages. # # DON'T use this for BLAST searches unless you have read the NCBI policy # for automated tasks. If you indicriminately pound on the NCBI's BLAST # server, they will blacklist your IP-address. See: # https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Web&PAGE_TYPE=BlastDocs&DOC_TYPE=DeveloperInfo # # Use BLAST() to find yeast Mbp1 homologues in other fungi in refseq # BLASThits <- BLAST("NP_010227", # Yeast Mbp1 RefSeq ID # db = "refseq_protein", # database to search in # nHits = 3000, # 945 hits in 2020 # E = 0.01, # # limits = "txid4751[ORGN]") # = fungi # saveRDS(BLASThits, file="data/BLASThits.rds") # # NO NEED TO ACTUALLY RUN THIS:you can load the results from the data directory # BLASThits <- readRDS(file = "data/BLASThits.rds") # == 4.2 Identify species in "hits" ======================================== # This is a very big list that can't be usefully analyzed manually. Here # we are only interested in the species names that it contains. # How many hits in the list? length(BLASThits$hits) # Let's look at a hit somewhere down the list str(BLASThits$hit[[277]]) # A fair amount of parsing has gone into the BLAST.R code to prepare the results # in a useful way. The species information is in the $species element of every # hit. # Run a loop to extract all the species names into a vector. We subset ... # Blasthits$hits ... the list of hits, from which we choose ... # Blasthits$hits[[i]] ... the i-th hit, and get ... # Blasthits$hits[[i]]$species ... the species element from that. # Subsetting FTW. BLASTspecies <- character() for (i in seq_along(BLASThits$hits)) { BLASTspecies[i] <- BLASThits$hits[[i]]$species } # You can confirm that BLASTspecies has the expected size. length(BLASTspecies) # if we delete some of these later on, we still want to remember which hit # they came from. Thus we name() the elements with their index, which is the # same as the index of the hit in BLASThits names(BLASTspecies) <- 1:length(BLASTspecies) # let's plot the distribution of E-values eVals <- numeric() for (i in seq_along(BLASThits$hits)) { eVals[i] <- BLASThits$hits[[i]]$E } range(eVals) sum(eVals == 0) # let's plot the log of all values > 0 to see how they are distributed # plotting only one vectyor of numbers plots their index as x, and # their value as y ... plot(log(eVals[eVals > 0]), col = "#CC0000") # This is very informative: I would suspect that the first ten or so are # virtually identical to the yeast protein, then we have about 700 hits with # decreasing similarity, and then about 200 more that may actually be false # positives. Also - we plotted them by index, that means the table is SORTED: # Lower E-values strictly come before higher E-values. # Again, some species appear more than once, e.g. ... sum(BLASTspecies == "Saccharomyces cerevisiae") # ... corresponding to the five homologous gene sequences (paralogues) of yeast. # Therefore we remove duplicates. Removing duplicates will leave the FIRST # in a list alone, and only remove the SUBSEQUENT ones. Which means, from each # species, we will retain only the protein that has the highest similarity # to yeast Mbp1, not any of its more distant paralogues. sel <- ! duplicated(BLASTspecies) BLASTspecies <- BLASTspecies[sel] length(BLASTspecies) # i.e. we got rid of about two thirds of the hits. tail(BLASTspecies) # see how the names are useful! # again - there are some special characters ... # what are they? BLASTspecies[grep("[^a-zA-Z ]", BLASTspecies)] # remove the brackets ... BLASTspecies <- gsub("\\[|\\]", "", BLASTspecies) # drop any new duplicates ... BLASTspecies <- BLASTspecies[ ! duplicated(BLASTspecies)] # check the number again: length(BLASTspecies) # Think a bit about this: what may be the biological reason to find that # on average, in 300 fungi across the entire phylogenetic tree, we have # three sequences that are homologous to yeast Mbp1? # Let's look at the distribution of E-values in this selection (Subsetting FTW): # we plot all values that are TRUE in the vector "sel" that we created above, # AND greater than 0 plot(log(eVals[sel & eVals > 0]), col = "#00CC00") # = 5 MERGE ENSEMBL AND BLAST RESULTS ===================================== # Next we add the blast result to our sDat dataframe. We'll store the index, # the E-value, and the Query-bounds from which we can estimate which domains # of Mbp1 are actually covered by the hit. (True orthologues MUST align with # Mbp1's N-terminal APSES domain.) # # First we pull the hits we wanted from the BLASTspecies: iHits <- as.numeric(names(BLASTspecies)) length(iHits) # one index for each TRUE in sel # add columns to sDat l <- nrow(sDat) sDat$iHit <- numeric(l) # index of the hit in the BLAST results sDat$eVal <- numeric(l) # E-value of the hit sDat$lAli <- numeric(l) # length of the aligned region # extract and merge for (iHit in iHits) { thisSp <- BLASThits$hits[[iHit]]$species sel <- sDat$species == thisSp sDat$iHit[sel] <- iHit sDat$eVal[sel] <- BLASThits$hits[[iHit]]$E sDat$lAli[sel] <- BLASThits$hits[[iHit]]$lengthAli } # Are all reference species accounted for? selA <- sDat$iHit != 0 # all rows which matched to a BLAST hit REFspecies %in% sDat$species[selA] # yes, all there selB <- sDat$species %in% REFspecies # all rows which have one of REF species sum(selA & selB) # How many rows? # sDat of course includes all duplicates. Some may be multiply sequenced, some # may be different strains. We'll use the same strategy as before and keep # only the best hit: order the rows by E-value, then drop all rows which # are duplicated. # drop all rows without BLAST hits ... sDat <- sDat[ ! (sDat$iHit == 0) , ] # order sDat by E-value ... sDat <- sDat[order(sDat$eVal, decreasing = FALSE) , ] # drop all rows with duplicated species ... sDat <- sDat[ ! duplicated(sDat$species) , ] # Lets look at the E-values ... plot(log(sDat$eVal[sDat$eVal > 0]), col = "#00CC00") # and alignment lengths ... plot(sDat$lAli, col = "#00DDAA") # How many ... length(unique(sDat$name)) length(unique(sDat$species)) length(unique(sDat$genus)) length(unique(sDat$order)) # To get the final dataset, we remove the reference species with their # entire orders ... REForders <- unique(sDat$order[sDat$species %in% REFspecies]) sel <- sDat$order %in% REForders REFdat <- sDat[sel , ] sDat <- sDat[ ! sel , ] # REFdat should now contain only the REFspecies ... ( REFdat <- REFdat[REFdat$species %in% REFspecies , ] ) # ... but all of them sum(REFspecies %in% REFdat$species) # ... and we have enough left in sDat to prune sDat to unique genus ... sDat <- sDat[ ! duplicated(sDat$genus) , ] # saveRDS(sDat, file = "data/sDat.rds") # saveRDS(REFdat, file = "data/REFdat.rds") # = 6 STUDENT NUMBERS ===================================================== # # An asymmetric function to retrieve a MYSPE species students <- read.csv("../BCH441-2020-students.csv") sN <- students$Student.Number range(sN) any(duplicated(gsub(".+(.......)$", "\\1", sN))) N <- 7 x <- numeric(N) for (i in 1:N) { x[i] <- H(substr(gsub(".+(.......)$", "\\1", sN), i, i)) } plot(x, col = "#BB0000", type = "b") keys <- as.numeric(gsub(".+(....).$", "\\1", sN)) any(duplicated(keys)) # ===== set.seed(112358) names(sN) <- sample(1:nrow(sDat), length(sN)) MYSPEmap <- data.frame(keys = sprintf("%04d", 0:9999), iMYSPE = sample(1:nrow(sDat), 10000, replace = TRUE)) rownames(MYSPEmap) <- MYSPEmap$keys for (i in 1:length(sN)) { rMap <- gsub(".+(....).$", "\\1", sN[i]) MYSPEmap[rMap, "iMYSPE"] <- as.integer(names(sN)[i]) } # saveRDS(MYSPEmap, "./data/MYSPEmap.rds") getMYSPE <- function(x) { dat <- readRDS("./data/sDat.rds") map <- readRDS("./data/MYSPEmap.rds") key <- gsub(".+(....).$", "\\1", x) return(dat$species[map[key, "iMYSPE"]]) } # === validate l <- length(sN) sp <- character(l) for(i in 1:l) { sp[i] <- getMYSPE(sN[i]) } any(duplicated(sp)) length(unique(sp)) which(! sDat$species %in% sp) # these can be assigned to late-comers # Done. # [END]