# BIN-PPI-Analysis.R # # Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course: # R code accompanying the BIN-PPI-Analysis unit. # # Version: 1.0 # # Date: 2017 08 - 2017 11 # Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca) # # Versions: # 1.0 First live version # 0.1 First code copied from 2016 material. # # # TODO: # # # == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! ======================================= # # If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an # answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's # going on. That's not how it works ... # # ============================================================================== #TOC> ========================================================================== #TOC> #TOC> Section Title Line #TOC> --------------------------------------------------------- #TOC> 1 Setup and data 43 #TOC> 2 Functional Edges in the Human Proteome 80 #TOC> 2.1 Cliques 123 #TOC> 2.2 Communities 164 #TOC> 2.3 Betweenness Centrality 176 #TOC> 3 biomaRt 220 #TOC> 4 Task for submission 291 #TOC> #TOC> ========================================================================== # = 1 Setup and data ====================================================== # Not surprisingly, the analysis of PPI networks needs iGraph: if (!require(igraph, quietly=TRUE)) { install.packages("igraph") library(igraph) } # Package information: # library(help = igraph) # basic information # browseVignettes("igraph") # available vignettes # data(package = "igraph") # available datasets # In order for you to explore some real, biological networks, I give you a # dataframe of functional relationships of human proteins that I have downloaded # from the STRING database. The full table has 8.5 million records, here is a # subset of records with combined confidence scores > 980 # The selected set of edges with a confidence of > 980 is a dataframe with about # 50,000 edges and 6,500 unique proteins. Incidentaly, that's about the size of # a fungal proteome. You can load the saved dataframe here (To read more about # what the numbers mean, see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15608232 ). load("./data/STRINGedges.RData") head(STRINGedges) # Note that STRING has appended the tax-ID for Homo sapiens - 9606 - to the # Ensemble transcript identifiers that start with ENSP. We'll remove them: STRINGedges$protein1 <- gsub("^9606\\.", "", STRINGedges$protein1) STRINGedges$protein2 <- gsub("^9606\\.", "", STRINGedges$protein2) head(STRINGedges) # = 2 Functional Edges in the Human Proteome ============================== # There are many possibilities to explore interesting aspects of biological # networks, we will keep with some very simple procedures here but you have # to be aware that this is barely scratching the surface of possibilites. # However, once the network exists in your computer, it is comparatively # easy to find information nline about the many, many options to analyze. # Make a graph from this dataframe ?graph_from_data_frame gSTR <- graph_from_data_frame(STRINGedges, directed = FALSE) # CAUTION you DON'T want to plot a graph with 6,500 nodes and 50,000 edges - # layout of such large graphs is possible, but requires specialized code. Google # for if you are curious. Also, consider what one can # really learn from plotting such a graph ... # Of course simple computations on this graph are reasonably fast: compSTR <- components(gSTR) summary(compSTR) # our graph is fully connected! hist(log(degree(gSTR)), col="#FEE0AF") # this actually does look rather scale-free (freqRank <- table(degree(gSTR))) plot(log10(as.numeric(names(freqRank)) + 1), log10(as.numeric(freqRank)), type = "b", pch = 21, bg = "#FEE0AF", xlab = "log(Rank)", ylab = "log(frequency)", main = "6,500 nodes from the human functional interaction network") # This looks very scale-free indeed. (regressionLine <- lm(log10(as.numeric(freqRank)) ~ log10(as.numeric(names(freqRank)) + 1))) abline(regressionLine, col = "firebrick") # Now explore some more: # == 2.1 Cliques =========================================================== # Let's find the largest cliques. Remember: a clique is a fully connected # subgraph, i.e. a subgraph in which every node is connected to every other. # Biological complexes often appear as cliques in interaction graphs. clique_num(gSTR) # The largest clique has 63 members. (C <- largest_cliques(gSTR)[[1]]) # Pick one of the proteins and find out what this fully connected cluster of 63 # proteins is (you can simply Google for any of the IDs). Is this expected? # Plot this ... R <- induced_subgraph(gSTR, C) # makes a graph from a selected set of vertices # color the vertices along a color spectrum vCol <- rainbow(gorder(R)) # gorder(): order of a graph = number of nodes # color the edges to have the same color as the originating node eCol <- character() for (i in seq_along(vCol)) { eCol <- c(eCol, rep(vCol[i], gorder(R))) } oPar <- par(mar= rep(0,4)) # Turn margins off plot(R, layout = layout_in_circle(R), vertex.size = 3, vertex.color = vCol, edge.color = eCol, edge.width = 0.1, vertex.label = NA) par(oPar) # ... well: remember: a clique means every node is connected to every other # node. We have 63 * 63 = 3,969 edges. This is what a matrix model of PPI # networks looks like for large complexes. # == 2.2 Communities ======================================================= set.seed(112358) gSTRclusters <- cluster_infomap(gSTR) modularity(gSTRclusters) # ... measures how separated the different membership # types are from each other tMem <- table(membership(gSTRclusters)) length(tMem) # More than 2000 communities identified hist(tMem, breaks = 50) # most clusters are small ... range(tMem) # ... but one has > 100 members # == 2.3 Betweenness Centrality ============================================ # Let's find the nodes with the 10 - highest betweenness centralities. # BC <- centr_betw(gSTR) # remember: BC$res contains the results head(BC$res) BC$res[1] # betweeness centrality of node 1 in the graph ... # ... which one is node 1? V(gSTR)[1] # to get the ten-highest nodes, we simply label the elements of BC with their # index ... names(BC$res) <- as.character(1:length(BC$res)) # ... and then we sort: sBC <- sort(BC$res, decreasing = TRUE) head(sBC) # This ordered vector means: node 3,862 has the highest betweeness centrality, # node 1,720 has the second highest.. etc. (BCsel <- as.numeric(names(sBC)[1:10])) # We can use the first ten labels to subset the nodes in gSTR and fetch the # IDs... (ENSPsel <- names(V(gSTR)[BCsel])) # We are going to use these IDs to produce some output for a submitted task: # so I need you to personalize ENSPsel with the following # two lines of code: set.seed() # enter your student number here (ENSPsel <- sample(ENSPsel)) # Next, to find what these proteins are... # We could now Google for all of these IDs to learn more about them. But really, # googling for IDs one after the other, that would be lame. Let's instead use # the very, very useful biomaRt package to translate these Ensemble IDs into # gene symbols. # = 3 biomaRt ============================================================= # IDs are just labels, but for _bio_informatics we need to learn more about the # biological function of the genes or proteins that we retrieve via graph data # mining. biomaRt is the tool of choice. It's a package distributed by the # bioconductor project. This here is not a biomaRt tutorial (that's for another # day), simply a few lines of sample code to get you started on the specific use # case of retrieving descriptions for ensembl protein IDs. if (!require(biomaRt, quietly=TRUE)) { if (! exists("biocLite")) { source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") } biocLite("biomaRt") library(biomaRt) } # Package information: # library(help = biomaRt) # basic information # browseVignettes("biomaRt") # available vignettes # data(package = "biomaRt") # available datasets # define which dataset to use ... myMart <- useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") # what filters are defined? (filters <- listFilters(myMart)) # and what attributes can we filter for? (attributes <- listAttributes(myMart)) # Soooo many options - let's look for the correct name of filters that are # useful for ENSP IDs ... filters[grep("ENSP", filters$description), ] # ... and the correct attribute names for gene symbols and descriptions ... attributes[grep("symbol", attributes$description, ignore.case=TRUE), ] attributes[grep("description", attributes$description, ignore.case=TRUE), ] # ... so we can put this together: here is a syntax example: getBM(filters = "ensembl_peptide_id", attributes = c("hgnc_symbol", "wikigene_description", "interpro_description", "phenotype_description"), values = "ENSP00000000442", mart = myMart) # A simple loop will now get us the information for our 10 most central genes # from the human subset of STRING. CPdefs <- list() # Since we don't know how many matches one of our queries # will return, we'll put the result dataframes into a list. for (ID in ENSPsel) { CPdefs[[ID]] <- getBM(filters = "ensembl_peptide_id", attributes = c("hgnc_symbol", "wikigene_description", "interpro_description", "phenotype_description"), values = ID, mart = myMart) } # So what are the proteins with the ten highest betweenness centralities? # ... are you surprised? (I am! Really.) # = 4 Task for submission ================================================= # Write a loop that will go through your personalized list of Ensemble IDs and # for each ID: # -- print the ID, # -- print the first row's HGNC symbol, # -- print the first row's wikigene description. # -- print the first row's phenotype. # # (Hint, you can structure your loop in the same way as the loop that # created CPdefs. ) # Place the R code for this loop and its output into your report if you are # submitting a report for this unit. Please read the requirements carefully. # [END]