# test_biCode.R # context("biCode() utility function tests") # A set of tests for some # functionality test_that("expected input is processed correctly", { # Related expectations expect_equal(biCode("homo sapiens"), "HOMSA") expect_equal(biCode("[homo sapiens neanderthaliensis]"), "HOMSA") expect_equal(biCode(c("Phascolarctos cinereus", "Macropus rufus")), c("PHACI", "MACRU")) }) test_that("unexpected input is managed", { expect_equal(biCode(""), ".....") expect_equal(biCode(" "), ".....") expect_equal(biCode("123 12"), ".....") expect_equal(biCode("h sapiens"), "H..SA") }) test_that("NA values are preserved", { expect_true(is.na((biCode(NA)))) expect_equal(biCode(c("first", NA, "last")), c("FIRST", NA, "LAST.")) }) test_that("Missing argument throws an error", { expect_error(biCode(), "argument \"s\" is missing, with no default") }) # [END]