# tocID <- "RPR-ChimeraX_remote.R" # # Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course: # R code demonstrating remote scripting of ChimeraX. # # Version: 1.0.1 # # Date: 2020-09 # Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca) # # Versions: # 1.0.1 2021 Minimal updates # 1.0 First ABC units version # # # TODO: # %-encode and escape quotes, or just pass-through? # # # == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! ======================================= # # If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an # answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's # going on. That's not how it works ... # # ============================================================================== #TOC> ========================================================================== #TOC> #TOC> Section Title Line #TOC> ------------------------------------------------------ #TOC> 1 ChimeraX REMOTE SCRIPTING 41 #TOC> 1.1 Defining a Port 59 #TOC> 1.2 Open ChimeraX 81 #TOC> 2 WORKED EXAMPLE: SUPERPOSITION 113 #TOC> #TOC> ========================================================================== # = 1 ChimeraX REMOTE SCRIPTING =========================================== # One of the cool features of ChimeraX is that it can be driven by Python code, # both within a running session and through Python scripts. What I find even # cooler though is that ChimeraX can be driven from any programming language via # its remote control function that can listen to commands sent from any other # application. The interface that is used here is the standard REST (method) - # the GET and POST verbs that ubiquitously underly the communication of clients # and servers on the Web. # In order to establish the communication between this script and ChimeraX, all # we need to do is: # - open ChimeraX; # - tell it to listen on a specific "port"; # - send commands to that port via httr:: # == 1.1 Defining a Port =================================================== # The httr:: package needs to be available if (! requireNamespace("httr", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("httr") } # Package information: # library(help = httr) # basic information # browseVignettes("httr") # available vignettes # data(package = "httr") # available datasets # We need to think od a port. Any available port number between 49152-65535 is # fine. We'll choose 61803 because that's the fractional part of the golden # ratio. But one could choose another. CXPORT <- 61803 # Check that our current version of R supports sockets (default since V 3.3) capabilities("sockets") # MUST be TRUE. If not, don't continue. # == 1.2 Open ChimeraX ===================================================== # - Open a fresh, new session of recently updated version of ChimeraX # - type: # # remotecontrol rest start port 61803 # # ... or whatever the value of CXPORT is. # Now watch what happens in ChimeraX when you execute the following line: ( x <- httr::GET("") ) # The .utilities.R script includes the function CX(), based on this principle, # through which you can send commands to ChimeraX CX("camera sbs") CX("lighting soft") CX("color sequential #1 & protein target abc palette powderblue:orchid:white") # The command echos Chimera's response if the parameter "quietly" is # FALSE (default), and we can silence output with quietly = TRUE : CX("info models #1 attribute num_residues") CX("info models #1 attribute num_residues", quietly = TRUE) # Either way, the command also returns Chimera's responses "invisibly"; # i.e. we can use the results by assigning the output to a variable: hBonds <- CX("hbonds #1 & protein makePseudobonds false log true", quietly=TRUE) x <- read.table(file = textConnection(hBonds), skip = 9, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, fill = TRUE) hist(x[,13], main="H-bonds", xlab="D···A (Å)", ylab="counts", col="#c9dcff") # = 2 WORKED EXAMPLE: SUPERPOSITION ======================================= # We superimpose the 1BM8 structure with the 1DUX crystal structure to be able # to explore possible DNA binding regions in 1BM8 # The model for 1BM8 is already open as model 1 (#1) CX("hide #1 cartoons") # hide model 1 cartoon representation CX("open 1DUX") # assume this is opened as model #2 CX("hide #2") # hide everything ... CX("select #2/C") # chain c (protein) CX("show sel cartoons") # ... and show cartoons of chain c (protein) CX("color sequential sel target c palette steelblue:darkmagenta") CX("view #2/C") # re-center the display CX("cofr #2/C:62@CA") # set pivot to an interface residue CX("select #2/A,B & nucleic-acid") # chains A, B are the cognate DNA CX("style sel stick") CX("show sel target ab") # show atoms/bonds CX("color sequential #2/A & nucleic-acid target ab palette teal:lightcyan") CX("color sequential #2/B & nucleic-acid target ab palette teal:lightcyan") CX("surface sel enclose sel") # compute joint accessible surface of both chains CX("transparency 50") CX("select clear") # Now superimpose the 1BM8 chain onto 1DUX chain C CX("show #1 cartoons") CX("matchmaker #1/A to #2/C pairing ss") # the actual superposition # study the general layout, and the position of the 1mb8 secondary structure # elements relative to 1DUX # Let's examine side chain orientations in more detail CX("hide #2/C cartoons") # hide the 1DUX protein # select all residues in 1BM8 that are within 3.5 A of the DNA chains (a, b) CX("select zone #2/A,B 3.5 #1 & protein residues true") CX("~select sel & H") # de-select H atoms CX("show sel target ab") CX("size stickRadius 0.4") CX("select clear") # The overall architecture of the Mbp1 APSES domain is a good match for the Elk # transcription factor binding mode; the detailed conformations of side chains # would need to change only to a minor degree. There is a very significant # degree of structural similarity; remarkable, given that the DNA is not the # target sequence of the Mbp1 transcription factor, AND the 1MB8 structure was # determined without a DNA ligand. CX("remotecontrol rest stop") # release the socket # Done. # [END]