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# BIN-Sequence.R
# Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course:
# R code accompanying the BIN-Sequence unit.
# Version: 0.1
# Date: 2017 08 28
# Author: Boris Steipe (
# Versions:
# 0.1 First code copied from 2016 material.
# == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! =======================================
# If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an
# answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's
# going on. That's not how it works ...
# ==============================================================================
#TOC> ==========================================================================
#TOC> Section Title Line
#TOC> ----------------------------------------------
#TOC> 1 Prepare 47
#TOC> 2 Storing Sequence 61
#TOC> 3 String properties 90
#TOC> 4 Substrings 97
#TOC> 5 Creating strings: sprintf() 103
#TOC> 6 Changing strings 134
#TOC> 6.1 stringi and stringr 162
#TOC> 6.2 dbSanitizeSequence() 172
#TOC> 7 Permuting and sampling 184
#TOC> 7.1 Permutations 191
#TOC> 7.2 Sampling 234
#TOC> 7.2.1 Equiprobable characters 236
#TOC> 7.2.2 Defined probability vector 271
#TOC> 8 Tasks 299
#TOC> ==========================================================================
# = 1 Prepare =============================================================
# Much basic sequence handling is supported by the Bioconductor package
# Biostrings.
if (! require(Biostrings)) {
if (! exists("biocLite")) {
# = 2 Storing Sequence ====================================================
# Sequences can be represented and stored as vectors of single characters ...
(v <- c("D", "I", "V", "M", "T", "Q"))
# ... as strings ...
(s <- "DIVMTQ")
# ... or as more complex objects with rich metadata e.g. as a Biostrings
# DNAstring, RNAstring, AAString, etc.
(a <- AAString("DIVMTQ"))
# ... and all of these representations can be interconverted:
# string to vector ...
unlist(strsplit(s, ""))
# vector to string ...
paste(v, sep = "", collapse = "")
# ... and AAstring to plain string.
# Since operations with character vectors trivially follow all other vector
# conventions and syntax, and we will look at Biostrings methods in more
# detail in a later unit, we will focus on basic strings in the following.
# = 3 String properties ===================================================
length(s) # why ???
nchar(s) # aha
# = 4 Substrings ==========================================================
# Use the substr() function
substr(s, 2, 4)
# = 5 Creating strings: sprintf() =========================================
# Sprintf is a _very smart, very powerful function and has cognates in all
# other programming languages. It has a small learning curve, but it's
# totally worth it:
# the function takes a format string, and a list of other arguments. It returns
# a formatted string. Here are some examples - watch carefully for sprintf()
# calls in other code.
sprintf("Just a string.")
sprintf("A string and the number %d.", 5)
sprintf("More numbers: %d ate %d.", 7, 9) # Sorry
sprintf("Pi is ~ %1.2f ...", pi)
sprintf("or more accurately ~ %1.11f.", pi)
x <- "bottles of beer"
n <- 99
sprintf("%d %s on the wall, %d %s - \ntake %s: %d %s on the wall.",
n, x, n, x, "one down, and pass it around", n-1, x)
# Note that in the last example, the value of the string was displayed with
# R's usual print-formatting function and therefore the line-break "\n" did
# not actually break the line. To have line breaks, tabs etc, you need to use
# cat() to display the string:
for (i in 99:95) {
cat(sprintf("%d %s on the wall, %d %s - \ntake %s: %d %s on the wall.\n\n",
i, x, i, x, "one down, and pass it around", i-1, x))
# = 6 Changing strings ====================================================
# Changing case
# substituing characters
(s <- gsub("IV", "i-v", s)) # gsub can change length, first argument is
# a "regular expression"!
# I use it often to delete characters I don't want ...
(s <- gsub("-", "", s))
# For example: clean up a sequence
# copy/paste from UniProt
(s <- " 10 20 30 40 50
# remove numbers
(s <- gsub("[0-9]", "", s))
# remove "whitespace" (spaces, tabs, line breaks)...
(s <- gsub("\\s", "", s))
# == 6.1 stringi and stringr ===============================================
# But there are also specialized functions eg. to remove leading/trailing
# whitespace which may be important to sanitize user input etc. Have a look at
# the function descriptions for the stringr and the stringi package. stringr is
# part of the tidyverse, and for the most part a wrapper for stringi functions.
# == 6.2 dbSanitizeSequence() ==============================================
# In our learning units, we use a function dbSanitizeSequence() to clean up
# sequences that may be copy/pasted from Web-sources
s <- ">FASTA header will be removed
10 20 30 40 50
# = 7 Permuting and sampling ==============================================
# An important aspect of working with strings is generating random strings
# with given statistical properties: reference items to evaluate significance.
# == 7.1 Permutations ======================================================
# One way to produce such reference items is to permute a string. A permuted
# string has the same composition as the original, but all positional
# information is lost. The sample() function can be used to permute:
# This is the sequence of the ompA secretion signal
(s <- unlist(strsplit("MKKTAIAVALAGFATVAQA", "")))
(x <- sample(s, length(s))) # permuted
# Here's a small example how such permuted strings may be useful. As you look
# at the ompA sequence, you suspect that the two lysines near the +-charged
# N-terminus may not be accidental, but selected for a positively charged
# N-terminus. What is the chance that such a sequence has two lysines close to
# the N-terminus simply by chance? Or put differently: what is the average
# distance of two lysines in such a sequence to the N-terminus. First, we
# need an expression that measures the distance. A simple use of the which()
# function will do just fine.
which(s == "K") # shows they are in position 2 and 3, so ...
mean(which(s == "K")) # ... gives us the average, and ...
mean(which(x == "K")) # ... gives us the average of the permuted sequence.
# So what does the distribution look like? Lets do 10,000 trials.
(s <- unlist(strsplit("MKKTAIAVALAGFATVAQA", "")))
N <- 10000
d <- numeric(N)
for (i in 1:N) {
d[i] <- mean(which(sample(s, length(s)) == "K"))
hist(d, breaks = 20)
abline(v = 2.5, lwd = 2, col = "firebrick")
sum(d <= 2.5) # 276. 276 of our 10000 samples are just as bunched near the
# N-terminus or more. That's just below the signifcance
# threshold of 5 %. It's a trend, but to be sure we are looking
# at a biological effect we would need to see more
# sequences.
# == 7.2 Sampling ==========================================================
# === 7.2.1 Equiprobable characters
# Assume you need a large random-nucleotide string for some statistical model.
# How to create such a string? sample() can easily create it:
nuc <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
N <- 100
v <- sample(nuc, N, replace = TRUE)
(mySeq <- paste(v, collapse = ""))
# What's the GC content?
sum(table(v)[c("G", "C")]) # 51 is close to expected
# What's the number of CpG motifs? Easy to check with the stringi
# stri_match_all() function
if (! require(stringi)) {
(x <- stri_match_all(mySeq, regex = "CG"))
# Now you could compare that number with yeast DNA sequences, and determine
# whether there are more or less CpG motifs than expected by chance.
# (cf.
# But hold on: is that a fair comparison? sample() gives us all four nucleotides
# with the same probability. But the yeast genomic DNA GC content is only
# 38%. So you would expect fewer CpG motifs based on the statistical properties
# of the smaller number of Cs and Gs - before biology even comes into play. How
# do we account for that?
# === 7.2.2 Defined probability vector
# This is where we need to know how to create samples with specific probability
# distributions. A crude hack would be to create a sampling source vector with
# 19 C, 19 G, 31 A and 31 T
c(rep("C", 19), rep("G", 19), rep(c("A"), 31), rep(c("T"), 31))
# ... but that doesn't scale if the numeric accuracy needs to be higher.
# However sample() has an argument that takes care of that: you can explicitly
# specify the probabilities with which each element of the the sampling vector
# should be chosen:
nuc <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
N <- 100
myProb <- c(0.31, 0.19, 0.19, 0.31) # sampling probabilities
v <- sample(nuc, N, prob = myProb, replace = TRUE)
(mySeq <- paste(v, collapse = ""))
# What's the GC content?
sum(table(v)[c("G", "C")]) # Close to expected
# What's the number of CpG motifs?
(x <- stri_match_all(mySeq, regex = "CG"))
# ... not a single one in this case.
# = 8 Tasks ===============================================================
# Task: Phone numbers that are entered into Web forms can come in many
# different formats. Write a function sanitizePhone() that accepts
# a single object as input and returns a single string of only numbers.
if (! require(testthat)) {
sanitizePhone <- function(s) {
# ... your function code here
# All tests must pass!
s <- "1-858 651-5050"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "18586515050")
s <- "1 858 651 5050"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "18586515050")
s <- "+1 (858) 651-5050"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "18586515050")
s <- "18586515050"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "18586515050")
s <- "1 858 6515050"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "18586515050")
s <- "1.858.651.5050"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "18586515050")
s <- "1\t8 5 8\t6 5 1-5 0 5 0"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "18586515050")
s <- "1n8e5v8e6r5 1g5o0n5n0a"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "18586515050")
s <- "IDK"
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "")
s <- ""
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "")
s <- pi
expect_equal(sanitizePhone(s), "314159265358979")
# [END]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user