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2017-09-28 13:19:59 +00:00
# FND-Genetic_code.R
# Purpose: A Bioinformatics Course:
# R code accompanying the FND-Genetic_code unit.
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 2017 09 28
# Author: Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca)
# Versions:
# 1.0 First live version
# == DO NOT SIMPLY source() THIS FILE! =======================================
# If there are portions you don't understand, use R's help system, Google for an
# answer, or ask your instructor. Don't continue if you don't understand what's
# going on. That's not how it works ...
# ==============================================================================
#TOC> ==========================================================================
#TOC> Section Title Line
#TOC> ----------------------------------------------------------
#TOC> 1 Storing the genetic code 41
#TOC> 1.1 Genetic code in Biostrings 59
#TOC> 2 Working with the genetic code 86
#TOC> 2.1 Translate a sequence. 115
#TOC> 3 An alternative representation: 3D array 176
#TOC> 3.1 Print a Genetic code table 209
#TOC> 4 Tasks 235
#TOC> ==========================================================================
# = 1 Storing the genetic code ============================================
# The genetic code maps trinucleotide codons to amino acids. To store it, we
# need some mechanism to associate these two informattion items. The most
# convenient way to do that is a "named vector" which holds the maino acid
# code and assigns the codons as names to its elements.
x <- c("M", "*")
names(x) <- c("ATG", "TAA")
# Then we can access the vector by the codon as name, and retrieve the
# amino acid.
# == 1.1 Genetic code in Biostrings ========================================
# Coveniently, the standard genetic code as well as its alternatives are
# available in the Bioconductor "Biostrings" package:
if (! require(Biostrings)) {
if (! exists("biocLite")) {
# The standard genetic code vector
# The table of genetic codes. This information corresponds to this page
# at the NCBI:
# https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/taxonomyhome.html/index.cgi?chapter=tgencodes
# Most of the alternative codes are mitochondrial codes. The id of the
# Alternative Yeast Nuclear code is "12"
getGeneticCode("12") # Alternative Yeast Nuclear
# = 2 Working with the genetic code =======================================
# GENETIC_CODE is a "named vector"
# ... which also stores the alternative initiation codons TTG and CTG in
# an attribute of the vector. (Alternative initiation codons sometimes are
# used instead of ATG to intiate translation, if if not ATG they are translated
# with fMet.)
attr(GENETIC_CODE, "alt_init_codons")
# But the key to use this vector is in the "names" which we use for subsetting
# the list of amino acids in whatever way we need.
# The translation of "TGG" ...
# All stop codons
# All start codons
names(GENETIC_CODE)[GENETIC_CODE == "M"] # ... or
attr(GENETIC_CODE, "alt_init_codons"))
# == 2.1 Translate a sequence. =============================================
# I have provided a gene sequence in the data directory:
# S288C_YDL056W_MBP1_coding.fsa is the yeast Mbp1 FASTA sequence.
# read it
mbp1 <- readLines("./data/S288C_YDL056W_MBP1_coding.fsa")
# drop the first line (header)
mbp1 <- mbp1[-1]
# concatenate it all to a single string
mbp1 <- paste(mbp1, sep = "", collapse = "")
# how long ist it?
# how many codons?
# That looks correct for the 833 aa sequence plus 1 stop codon.
# Extract the codons. There are many ways to split a long string into chunks
# of three characters. Here we use Biostrings codons() function. codons()
# requires an object of type DNAstring - a special kind of string with
# attributes that are useful for Biostrings. Thus we convert the sequence first
# with DNAstring(), then split it up, then convert it into a plain
# character vector.
mbp1Codons <- as.character(codons(DNAString(mbp1)))
# now translate each codon
mbp1AA <- character(834)
for (i in seq_along(mbp1Codons)) {
mbp1AA[i] <- GENETIC_CODE[mbp1Codons[i]]
tail(mbp1AA) # Note the stop!
# We can work with this vector, for example if we want to tabulate the amino
# acid frequencies:
sort(table(mbp1AA), decreasing = TRUE)
# Or we can paste all elements together into a single string. But let's remove
# the stop, it's not actually a part of the sequence. To remove the last element
# of a vector, re-assign it with a vector minus the index of the last element:
mbp1AA <- mbp1AA[-(length(mbp1AA))]
tail(mbp1AA) # Note the stop is gone!
# paste it together, collapsing the elements without separation-character
(Mbp1 <- paste(mbp1AA, sep = "", collapse = ""))
# = 3 An alternative representation: 3D array =============================
# We don't use 3D arrays often - usually just 2D tables and data frames, so
# here is a good opportunity to review the syntax with a genetic code cube:
# Initialize, using A C G T as the names of the elements in each dimension
cCube <- array(data = character(64),
dim = c(4, 4, 4),
dimnames = list(c("A", "C", "G", "T"),
c("A", "C", "G", "T"),
c("A", "C", "G", "T")))
# fill it with amino acid codes using three nested loops
for (i in 1:4) {
for (j in 1:4) {
for (k in 1:4) {
myCodon <- paste(dimnames(cCube)[[1]][i],
sep = "",
collapse = "")
cCube[i, j, k] <- GENETIC_CODE[myCodon]
# confirm
cCube["A", "T", "G"] # methionine
cCube["T", "T", "T"] # phenylalanine
cCube["T", "A", "G"] # stop (amber)
# == 3.1 Print a Genetic code table ========================================
# The data structure of our cCube is well suited to print a table. In the
# "standard" way to print the genetic code, we write codons with the same
# second nucleotide in columns, and arrange rows in blocks of same
# first nucleotide, varying the third nucleotide fastest. This maximizes the
# similarity of adjacent amino acids in the table if we print the
# nucleotides in the order T C A G. It's immidiately obvious that the code
# is not random: the universal genetic code is exceptionally error tolerant in
# the sense that mutations (or single-nucleotide translation errors) are likely
# to result in an amino acid with similar biophysical properties as the
# original.
nuc <- c("T", "C", "A", "G")
for (i in nuc) {
for (k in nuc) {
for (j in nuc) {
cat(sprintf("%s%s%s: %s ", i, j, k, cCube[i, j, k]))
# = 4 Tasks ===============================================================
# Task: What do you need to change to print the table with U instead
# of T? Try it.
# Task: Point mutations are more often transitions (purine -> purine;
# pyrimidine -> pyrimidine) than transversions (purine -> pyrimidine;
# pyrimidine -> purine), even though twice as many transversions
# are possible in the code. This is most likely due a deamination /
# tautomerization process that favours C -> T changes. If the code
# indeed minimizes the effect of mutations, you would expect that
# codons that differ by a transition code for more similar amino acids
# than codons that differ by a transversion. Is that true? List the set
# of all amino acid pairs that are encoded by codons with a C -> T
# transition. Then list the set of amino acid pairs with a C -> A
# transversion. Which set of pairs is more similar?
# Task: How many stop codons do the two mbp1-gene derived amino acid sequences
# have if you translate them in the 2. or the 3. frame?
# Task: How does the amino acid composition change if you translate the mbp1
# gene with the Alternative Yeast Nuclear code that is used by the
# "GTC clade" of fungi?
# (cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_yeast_nuclear_code )
# Solution:
# Fetch the code
altYcode <- getGeneticCode("12")
# what's the difference?
(delta <- which(GENETIC_CODE != altYcode))
# translate
altYAA <- character(834)
for (i in seq_along(mbp1Codons)) {
altYAA[i] <- altYcode[mbp1Codons[i]]
# Task: The genetic code has significant redundacy, i.e. there are up to six
# codons that code for the same amino acid. Write code that lists how
# many amino acids are present how often i.e. it should tell you that
# two amino acids are encoded only with a single codon, three amino
# acids have six codons, etc. Solution below, but don't peek. There
# are many possible ways to do this.
# Solution:
# [END]