112 lines
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112 lines
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<tool id="autobigs-cli" name="AutoBIGS.CLI" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" profile="21.05">
<description>Automated MLST typing from PubMLST and InstitutPasteur.</description>
<token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">0.4.3</token>
<token name="@VERSION_SUFFIX@">0</token>
<expand macro="bio_tools"/>
<requirement type="package" version="@TOOL_VERSION@">autobigs-cli</requirement>
<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
#if $operation == "info":
#if $retrieved == "schema":
autoBIGS info $selected_schema
#else if $retrieved == "databases":
autoBIGS info --retrieve-bigsdbs
#end if
#else if $operation == "st":
autoBIGS st $fastas $seqdefdb $schema $mlst_profiles_output
#end if
<conditional name="mode">
<param name="operation" label="Operation" type="select">
<option value="info"/>
<option value="st"/>
<when value="info">
<conditional name="select-info">
<param name="retrieved" label="Schema or Database List" type="select">
<option value="schema"/>
<option value="databases"/>
<when value="schema">
<repeat name="schemas" title="Schemas">
<param name="selected_schema" argument="--retrieve-bigsdb-schemas" label="Retrieve schemas for" type="integer" min="0"/>
<when value="databases">
<!-- No need to do anything -->
<when value="st">
<param name="fastas" label="FASTA files" type="data" format="fasta,fas,fa,fna,ffn,faa,mpfa,frn"/>
<param name="seqdefdb" label="BIGSdb SeqDef Name" type="text"/>
<param name="schema" label="BIGSdb SeqDef Schema ID" type="integer" min="0"/>
<data name="mlst_profiles_output" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}" format="csv">
<filter>mode == "st"</filter>
<param name="operation" value="st" />
<param name="fastas" value="tohama_I_bpertussis.fasta" />
<param name="seqdefdb" value="pubmlst_bordetella_seqdef" />
<param name="schema" value="3" />
<output name="mlst_profiles_output" file="results.csv" ftype="csv" />
usage: autoBIGS info [-h] [--retrieve-bigsdbs] [--retrieve-bigsdb-schemas LIST_BIGSDB_SCHEMAS [LIST_BIGSDB_SCHEMAS ...]]
Fetches the latest BIGSdb MLST database definitions.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--retrieve-bigsdbs Lists all known BIGSdb MLST databases (fetched from known APIs and cached).
--retrieve-bigsdb-schemas SCHEMA_IDS
Lists the known schema IDs for a given BIGSdb sequence definition database name. The name, and then the ID of the schema is given.
usage: autoBIGS st [-h] [--exact] [--stop-on-fail] fastas [fastas ...] seqdefdb schema out
Returns MLST exact profile matches.
positional arguments:
fastas The FASTA files to process. Multiple can be listed.
seqdefdb The BIGSdb seqdef database to use for typing.
schema The BIGSdb seqdef database schema ID (integer) to use for typing.
out The output CSV name (.csv will be appended).
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--exact, -ex Should run exact matching rather than returning all similar ones
--stop-on-fail, -sof Should the algorithm stop in the case there are no matches (or partial matches when
expecting exact matches).
<citation type="bibtex">
title = {RealYHD/autoBIGS.cli},
url = {https://github.com/RealYHD/autoBIGS.cli},
author = {Deng, Harrison},
date = {2025-01-24},
year = {2025},
month = {1},
day = {24},