Removed unused code

This commit is contained in:
Harrison Deng 2025-01-08 15:15:21 +00:00
parent 02985d5e37
commit e9ffab5526

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
import asyncio
from import Set
from typing import Any, Generator, List, Sequence
from Bio.Align import PairwiseAligner
from Bio import Entrez
from Bio import SeqIO
import numpy as np
from import AnnotatedString, StringAnnotation
from automlst.engine.remote.databases.ncbi.genbank import fetch_ncbi_genbank
async def annotate_from_genbank(genbank_id: str, query_name: str, query_string: str, max_annotation_length:int = 512, gene_targets:Set = set()):
# TODO implement asynchronous alignment algorithm
reference_annotations = await fetch_ncbi_genbank(genbank_id=genbank_id)
query_annotations = list()
aligner = PairwiseAligner("blastn")
aligner.mode = "local"
for annotation in reference_annotations.annotations:
if annotation.type != "gene" or "gene" not in annotation.feature_properties:
if len(gene_targets) > 0 and "gene" in annotation.feature_properties:
if not annotation.feature_properties["gene"].intersection(gene_targets):
if max_annotation_length > 0 and annotation.end - annotation.start > max_annotation_length:
# TODO implement a failsafe
feature_string_sequence = get_feature_coding(annotated_string=reference_annotations, string_annotation=annotation)
alignments = aligner.align(query_string, feature_string_sequence)
if len(alignments) < 1:
# TODO implement a failsafe
top_alignment = sorted(alignments)[0]
# TODO Check if alternatives are better
type=annotation.type, # same as original
start=np.min(top_alignment.aligned[0]), # We only care about the start of first chunk
end=np.max(top_alignment.aligned[0]), # and the end of the last chunk
feature_properties=dict(annotation.feature_properties) # same as original
return AnnotatedString(name=query_name, sequence=query_string, annotations=query_annotations)
def get_feature_coding(annotated_string: AnnotatedString, string_annotation: StringAnnotation) -> str:
return annotated_string.sequence[string_annotation.start:string_annotation.end]